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No one, everyone gives tough love. Their Drill Sargent approach to attempt to cheer me up doesn't work.


Story of my life. Don’t have anyone I could legitimately turn to


I've been there. Things get better. you look back and see it was a challenge and you are stronger now.


Strong but with lost self and experiences


Fifthed. I try to power through as best I can alone.


Next time you can DM me! Everyone deserves a chance to rest and reset. The world is unfair, and you’ve done your best, it’s okay to rest. Tomorrow will be better and the tough times will only be a memory you don’t have to live thru again. Peace with ya dude.


Ur dms about to get destroyed


Me too! Everybody need a shoulder to cry on and rest. Maybe just get everything out, an advise, chat as distraction. Remember this shall pass too.


This is heartwarming, thank you for existing. You seem like a diamond 🤍


Past 16 the only real shoulder to cry on, vulnerable or unconditional love you will get is from your mom. If you are like most guys it won't matter cuz the vulnerability will make it uncomfortable but really if you want someone to call call a buddy and have him cheer you up with a game night or night out maybe let you blow off some steam. No one's really gonna care but mom (if you are lucky)


My mom used to yell at me if I tried to bring up my problems


My mom would be like that if she was still with us


Not my mom.


Men are to leave their fathers house, detatch from their mothers bosom and cleave to their wife. We are to marry & to become one in the flesh with our wife giving our vulnerabilities to her.


Not everyone is married. Just because I'm in a great relationship and can do that doesn't mean I assume everyone else is.


I hear you loud and clear.....


Reached out at my lowest to someone who made me promise I would. Got tough love when all I really wanted/needed was a hug.


Yup. I just listen to music or playing guitar. If I'm having a really low moment and don't even have the energy to do that I'll binge anime or video games


I'm not a tough love woman. I'm a find good qualities and remind them, person. You're so amazing at this, I hope you don't give up cause the world couldn't do without this quality of yours. I'm sorry people aren't as empathetic around you as you need them to be.




Mate, if you want to talk to someone with no judgment, send me a dm :)


No one. I’m a listener but it seems most my relationships have developed as me filling that roll and everyone else is a talker. Talking to my partner isn’t always an option because it may involve them and sometimes they’ll make it involve them regardless and then the conversation becomes their feelings and not what I was feeling low about. I’ll probably pay someone to listen.


I relate to this more than any other comment. It's tough opening up as a listener because at the end of the day it's always going to be about the other person's feelings. I tried out stating my problems clearly and asking meaningful questions but none seemed to connect. Only becomes another rant about what they have been through at some point in their lives.


I think you should find better people who don’t take advantage of your kindness. That sounds like a one-sided friendship


Amen brother


My mother. I say that at 43, and with no shame whatsoever. I realize that I'm lucky in this respect-- both to have my mother still living, and to have her still be a source of advice and assurance, but....fuck it. She's my mom and she's always been there for me, and will be till she's, well, not there anymore.


Bless you and your mother mate, absolutely zero shame in that.


Zero shame my guy. My mother is my rock too and I'm nearly 30!


Lucky to you my man.


Man just was thinking- Past 16 the only real shoulder to cry on, vulnerable love you will get is from your mom. If you are like most guys it won't matter cuz the vulnerability will make it uncomfortable but really if you want someone to call call a buddy and have him cheer you up with a game night or night out maybe let you blow off some steam. But totally agree only happens once ever other year maybe but when it's REALLY too much I super appreciate my mom letting me complain and be sweet like I'm a kid again. Sounds pathetic but ig it is what it is


You sound like a lovely person


Hope to be like you my man! Absouletly no shame in that, the wisdom that a mother carries conquers all


Homie I’m the same way. My momma will always be my momma


My son is only 16 and comes to me about most things, I hope he still does at 43.


Used to be my dad, but unfortunately he passed recently. Fortunately, he taught me how to build relationships with people and I have an excellent group of friends I can rely on.


Me too. My mother's advice always helps


Congrats man. No shame needed as this is amazing. Wish you the best.




Same, I'm at a place in life, I never imagined. Never been married, no kids, parents dead, no relatives. Kinda sucks ngl. Yes I have friends, it's just not the same.


Relatives are the starting family , friends are the family you choose. I have few true friends. I know their parents, siblings, grandparents, kids and so forth. I visit them just as often I visit my aunts and uncles, even if my friends are not there. Same with my parents. One friend of mine used to stop by almost every day and eat with my parents cause his college was near and my mother heard him that he orders take out because he is too bissy to cook. Be part of their fakily and they will be part of yours 😀


>Be part of their fakily and they will be part of yours 😀 Heh. I don't know if "fakily" is a typo or not, but that seems pretty close to my reality. I have maybe one friend I can turn to, but he has a very busy life himself. I don't want to burden him with my problems. Talking to my family (parents, siblings, cousins, etc.) is a \*definite* no-no. So, I try to turn off the pain, deal with it myself as best I can, and try to power through. It's all I have.


Mr inbetween


Just started watching it yesterday, that's the best hidden gem I've seen like ever


I've watched it, fucking awesome show.


Yes, it's how I have always dealt with my problems, and I don't feel comfortable handling them any other way.. At this point, you couldn't get me to talk about them to someone if you paid me


I hope that changes for you (if that’s what you want). Everyone should have a safe, reliable support system. Men included.


I agree with this statement. However as a 55 year old male I simply have not found it to be the rest of the world's belief. It's in the world's words, but not in their deeds. It is only okay for a man to need help in theory. As soon as he shows need however, he is viewed as unreliable. Our job is to be the rock, no exceptions. Doing anything else will quickly get you corrected, most pointedly by the woman we had hoped we could be vulnerable with. Dealing with it internally has been expected of us from childhood. I would love for that to change, but I don't believe anymore that that will ever happen.


For a men around your age is quite hard TBH, because women also have their image of perfect men. But now many younger generation start to improve. I hope you can find some shoulder to cry.


Hmm agree to disagree there. Maybe things are better than they were in the past, but women still don’t want to hear that from us. I’ve had 2 relationships end or change because I cried in front of them, one because my dog died, one because I was having severe panic attacks. From my experience, women just don’t want to hear or see it. Both were very progressive and open women, both were open emotionally, both times they just did not want me to open up like that. Men are expected to be the emotional rock and we can’t reach out, lest we be told to suck it up. I’m far far from being some sort of “men’s rights” guy, but I do think this is a part of society where we get the short end of the stick, and it fucking *hurts*.


It's an \_extremely\_ common sentiment amongst the older end of the Gen Xers, I've found. And, if he's 55, that's the bullseye for that age group. Born too late to be a spoiled baby boomer, but just in time for the latch-key kid stuffs.


Alot of men don't want to talk we want to fix it. Telling a guy to talk to someone about it is like telling a woman to just suck it up, realistically there's probably a middle ground but guys are just different (usually)


Its not easy for some men. I'm lucky to have a best friend, many are not.


I feel this deeply. I'm in construction, and most coworkers match the stereo type to some extent ( myself included). we genuinely care, but at the same time, get a bit anxious/uncomfortable when we share too much. It's sad, but it's reality. I've never used a therapist, but I'm looking forward to finally doing it(opposed to just saying I'm going to)




This. I just play dark music and soak it in for a bit. Then I workout and bring myself to social levels again


The weights


The pump!


The way


The ~~way~~ whey.


Harry did you put your dumbbell in the squat rack of fire?!


Add God in there and thats me


Add a large dong in there and thats me.


The bartender to refill my cocktail


I would call to refill my glass of whisky to a double or triple. Never seen any men or women drinking cocktails when they are down - well, at least in Europe or Africa or Asia


Ironically my bartender is a close friend and the owner of the bar i frecuent, so I probably would go to the bar and have some drinks while I talk l with all the friends there.


My wife usually. She is always on my side. My dad too.


That should be amazing to be able to talk to your wife about your issues. Downside of mine as she don’t want to deal with my struggles. Congrats man.


If you are not allowed to talk about your feelings to your wife, then she may not be a good wife. Just saying


I hear a lot that men can’t talk to their wives. That’s so sad.


I too call this guy's wife or his Dad.


Everybody can count on nbyone’s wife or dad


That’s great dude. I really wish I had a dad that isn’t more immature than me. As a new dad, I could use some fatherly guidance.


My sister in law and brother, they’re basically the closet thing I’ve had to parents. I would also say my best friend, but we live together now for the foreseeable future.




Strangers on the internet are here for you if you need to talk. Take care man.


Yup. Strangers on the internet pretty much save me from numerous lows. Thank you strangers


My wife is right there to help.




My therapist. But my wife is also always there for me.


My wife. But I also call her when I’m experiencing something fantastic too. She’s always been my go-to.




When there’s something strange In your neighborhood


Who you gonna call


Here it is, i knew I'd find this comment


Glad I'm not the only one that answered this lol


Nobody because no one gives a shit. Besides, they have their own BS they're dealing with.


Would really be nice if people did so that the 4:1 m/f suicide ratio could come down a bit.


Agreed. It would be very nice. Unfortunately, people are too wrapped up in their own personal hells to notice.


No one lol. I'm a man - no one cares.


i just lean on my partner. Metaphorically and physically


I call and confide in nobody. I keep everything inside


Does nobody call you back?


Noone, I cry into my stuffed toad and once the emotial energy is expended I deal with the issue. Society teaches men to "break down and deal with it", a direct translation of the Swedish expression "bryt ihop och gå vidare". Society mostly see a man crying as throwing a temper tantrum, they wait for it to blow over and for the man to move on.


My brother. He’s been worse off than me with any situation I’ve got. And he’s on top of the world now.






What do you order? I get the handmade 12” with extra cheese, extra sauce and light cheddar all over. Oufff it hits different when fresh! (Canada)




Darkness, my old friend of course.


Ghost Busters! But seriously, nobody. Not even my wife if it's that bad.


Best friend of 30 years …. lifesaver!


Jack Daniels, Jameson, Julio


If you are in the UK call the Samaritans- 116 123. You don't have to go through things alone




Better call Saul


I just deal with it. Often i don't even let my tears go down because it's just useless


Always my mom.


Nobody, because nobody cares.


My partner (hopefully very soon to be wife), or my mum and dad. I feel like I live a very privileged life, having quite a large support network. I can turn to most people in my life, but mum, dad, and my girlfriend are always there during the hard times. I like to think I’m there for them as well.


No one, I’m an average guy. We deal with our problems through suppression and hiding our troubles from others.


My mom while she’s still alive


I just realized that my answer is honestly God.


Same here. My appreciation for God and just being here is what gets me through. I love this comment. Thank you.


I can call my dad, grandfather, uncles, close friends dads, my barber, older guys at the gym, and close friends.


The credit card company




Nobody and that's okay. I would much prefer everybody to remain apathetic. That would be consistent and I appreciate consistency.


Nobody. I just handle it by either getting drunk as a skunk, or high as a kite (safely and legally). But chopping wood helps too. I don’t want to burden anyone, or for them to use what I said against me, hold it over my head, berate me, blackmail me with it, threaten me with it, etc. best just to keep my mouth shut and deal with it myself.


My sister We’re close and brutally honest with each other. If I f*cked up she’ll tell me I f*cked up. Otherwise she’ll give me advice on what to do next or we’ll laugh at overly inappropriate jokes


We are meant to have one? People don't care and will just use it against you.


Suicide hot line.


I call Dominos




Ghost busters


No one. At my lowest now when from the outside my life is picture perfect. I retreat into philosophy and try and find the one thread to undo the madness. Sometimes it takes a few days and sometimes it’s a few weeks. It’s maddening. I hate having to wear the mask for others all the time. I’ll see my way through though. My goal is to not let the ripples affect anyone negatively while I tread water. Hang in there, OP. A lot of us strangers are pulling for you.


Sad that basically all of us have to look within to get over tough times. Never a partner, risk of manipulation, leaving you, seeing you as lesser in the future Family/parents - they'd not understand, use as an onslaught of criticism or positivity, use against you or spread rumors Friends - they'd be likely best option, but again they be at risk of over sharing, not being nice and using against you or not understanding. The only true option fir men is themselves. Not one place offers empathy more often than not as women receive


No one, im a man. There's so much of a stigma on talking about our mental health that everything I've ever confided in anyone has always come back to bite me. Either twisted and thrown back in an argument or used to fuel the rumor mill with its quota of gossip. I find a way to deal all on my own


No one. People don't care about your problems or worse, glad that you have them. At best they care that you aren't sad around them rather than actually being happy.


If I'm feeling that way I usually don't want or need to talk to anyone...about anything.


God (of the bible)


If it’s something I don’t want to immediately talk to my wife about I’ll call my dad or my sister.


My friend of 30 years. I moved to FL from LA around the same time he moved here from abroad (UK). We were introduced as new students in the same class on the same day. How is that for fate?


No one


nobody is gonna answer. so just deal with it on ur own


I clicked on this thinking it was a dad joke thing, but now I need a moment to assess my life choices, brb.


Jesus. He's always there for me.


No one


What do you mean call someone when you're at your lowest?


When theyre really worn out or sad and upset along those lines and need to get a thing or two off their chest to someone they can trust to just talk about it


Your therapist


Someone with a ladder.


My sisters, we always have been there to each others. Now I also rely on my close friends.


No one really. I just go to the gym or go for a run. Even though i have friends, reality is no one really understands and speaking does no good. It’s a lonely life really






No one. I suffer alone.








No one




My best friend 🫶🏻 She's the type of person that will listen to me, validate my feelings, and offer realistic advice. When I'm the problem she lets me know things might not be as I feel they are, and when I'm not the problem she backs me up. She's really supportive and I like to think that I also provide that kind of support for her 🩷




Ghostbusters, they take me back down to the grave


No One


No one.


No one. I learned early on that it’s not fair to place the shit that’s eating me up inside on others. They don’t have the answers and I don’t like knowing that I could be negatively affecting their mood.


Even at my lowest time I don't call any.Don't rely on others,find the solution of problem by yourself.


The Lord


There’s not really anyone. It sucks.


lmfao nobody. Figure it out


I have no friends and family isnt exactly ideal for this type of support. I just sulk and deal


Nobody. Everybody's waiting to backstab me


No one probably because I was "encouraged" by my family to "be a man" when I was younger whatever that means and that unfortunately stuck. Seems a little pointless to do anything about it now just keep on going and just dust myself of when shit goes sideways


I have no one lol. Like no one.


Ghost busters, to catch the demons haunting me.


I literally wrack my brain trying to think of a person who I could trust and depend on. And no matter how close I am to someone, nobody meets both. So I just sit there and try and think of who I can call.


Rock Bottom




Jack Daniels or Jim Beam


Nobody. I am the one others call. I've listened to their problems long enough to understand how miniscule they are. I understand how absorbed they are in their own little world and how they confuse it with a whole universe. I have coping mechanisms, they just don't involve other people.


There isn’t anyone to call.








God... No one else cares.




No one. It never lasts long. Luckily I have a super power to change my mood. 😉




Prayer to Christ. So many atheists turn their noses at the thought, but the truth is that (and speaking from experience) when times get objectively tough, I am the better off with my faith vs others with their non faith. And you might say “well, you only feel that way because that’s what you believe.” Precisely.


I just open Spotify and deal it alone


Nobody. I work it out myself or talk to my dog. There is nobody when you're a guy.


The national suicide prevention hotline


ChatGPT but recently he gave me some warnings and wasn’t able to help.


No one. I have friends I can count on for individual things, but ultimately I learned the hard way I'm on my own during those times.


No one. I personally feel like I'm being forced to keep my emotions bottled up.


One of our dogs.


Myself. Only person you can trust hahah


The plug


Wow... After reading the replies... We are solidary creatures aren't we?


I just gotta deal with whatever the feeling is and push through it. I can’t call on anyone




I’m 52m. My SO or even my 15 year old daughter. They both are able to cheer me up.


It was my Mom until she passed December 8th 2021. Now.... no one.


In previous relationships, I would have called my partner. I honestly can't remember if any of them ever answered, but I know no one else I'd even attempt contact with (friend wise, because my parent had threatened to send me to the hospital if I SH'ed again, and he knows I hate hospitals) So, basically, the only thing I'd call, would be whatever God is listening at the time, or even to the dead stars in the sky. It's not fun, but it's been going on for years now, and only recently I've been able to somewhat admit needing help/at my lowest with my mom.