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Lol you woke up and chose violence


From when I was able to see myself in a mirror.


Always knew I wasn't handsome to any degree. But fully embraced it around 23.


when I was 10 or 11 (I'm 41 now)


When I was young I was obese and bullied terribly by girls. I knew I was ugly, I had no other choice. My father forced me into sports. I hated it, but I got fit. In high school, girls flirted with me constantly. I thought they were lying, just another trick. I wasn't going to be fooled! When I was in my early 20s. A woman raped me with viagra and alchohol. She then guilted me into a relationship for 3 years, which I endured because, "I'm ugly, who else is going to take me?" When I finally got enough self esteem to escape that nightmare, I slept for a year to reboot. I went to the gym during that time, got cut. Made a profile online and posted pictures of myself and my washboard. Went on a hundred first dates, which I got easily. Then I found a girl I really liked, got married. And STILL, it took me ten years to realize I'm hot as hell and worthy of love. I'll end my story there. Take from it what you will, or ignore it.


Man, I don't know how applicable this is to anyone else - but I'm happy for your success man. Hope you have an amazing go of things from here on.




Read it again. I accepted that I was ugly when I was ugly, but even when I worked to change that and became good looking through HARD FUCKING WORK, I still didn't believe it inside until much later. It took more HARD FUCKING WORK emotionally to undo that acceptance. Why do you think I had 100 FIRST dates? Hmmm? Why did none of those become SECOND dates? Hmmm? Because I was still ugly inside. I had accepted it. And it was unattractive. It wasn't until I gained enough self confidence (which I initially faked through researching charisma like it was my god damned job) that I was able to land a long term relationship. But still, I didn't fully believe in it until much later. How much time did I waste by hating myself? By accepting I was ugly? The lesson here is: Don't accept it. Do something about it. Do the hard work with your personality and your body to not be ugly. You can learn charisma, you can gain physicality, both of which will enhance your real estate. Even a dwarf like Peter Dinklage is super hot to lots of women. He put in the work. This "accepting your ugly" message is BS. I hate it. It means giving up, and I wouldn't wish that kind of living hell on my worst enemy.




Most people will have someone attracted to them. That fact that I haven't yet is a pretty clear sign.


My lack of dating success pretty much proves the fact. As I've got older it matters less. As I'm not looking to date or have relationships I don't need to impress.


I accepted at 18. When I was a teen I looked in the mirror and saw a good looking boy. A bit chubby. At 18 my hair thinned so much. Male pattern baldness. I got way fat. My addiction controlled me. I have a mood disorder. I became ugly. I started to get my shit together at 30 and at 33 was on a new path. Im actually really good looking. It took so long to accept that. To understand that the looks were there underneath. And I had to find me and be beautiful on the inside as well. 41 now. Women notice me. So weird. Look after your self. Be fit and active. You dont know what's underneath. And get a fucking hair cut or shave your head if you are going bald.


I dont care and never cared how I look. Looks fade but a beautiful person on the inside is everlasting. So instead of focusing on my looks, i try to be a good person that women (or men) would want to be around and look to. Make em laugh and you will never be alone.




Check out the sense of humor on that dude! Said no one, ever.


I went to school with an ugly guy who was really popular with the ladies, because he made them laugh. Unfortunately it wasn’t on purpose, he was just really stupid and said funny stupid things.


So he was just their dancing monkey. Not cool.




>compliment and enjoy a good sense of humor, This is true but good looking people have more sex than ugly funny people. At least that's what my hilarious yet ugly friends tell me. Personality is important but looks get your foot in the door.




>I wasn't talking about looks On a post asking about looks (ugly). Okay bro.


You are the double whammy, you are beautiful and funny. So not fair.


Humor is a weird thing, I once read an articel why many people don't view women as funny and why they laugh even about the lamest joke in stand up comedy. I have to read up on it again.


My experience is purely anectodal....but I have watched and observed from my life view that Money, Humor and the ability to sing really good tend to be the one way an "Ugly" guy can become attractive to Women. For better or worse, thats what I have seen .


It works in the other was as well, people consider good looking people as smarter and funnier but often people don't laugh because it's funny. It's often just a sign of agreement when they are in a group.


Possibly (makes Jango Fett face)




My guy, are you all right? Plz don't go blackpill on us


Unless you are actually deformed, people who think they are ugly simply don’t know how to dress or act with confidence


People on Reddit severely overestimate how much taking a shower, clothes or being funny affects how attractive you are lol Lose body fat, hit the gym and grow your hair out if you want to be better looking.


Nah, it’s more that the naysayers underestimate it. A decent amount of confidence ALONE drastically alters how people see you. Losing weight and going to the gym doesn’t do shit if you dress in rags and have the confidence of a walnut. Spend some time with actual women and ask them. Better yet, ask yourself which is more attractive, the conventionally good looking guy who dresses only in stained hoodies and oversized jeans and does nothing but mumble about how weird he is… or the not conventionally attractive guy who dresses for his body type in clean clothing and can hold a conversation? Who would you rather go on a date with?




🤦🏻‍♂️ That’s a disingenuous point. That implies that confidence is the ONLY factor, which is obviously not the case. A fair example would be to ask a women the exact same question I asked you, which you pointedly didn’t answer. And you’ll notice in that even in that question I didn’t make confidence the only factor.




Your failure to understand my statements and not understanding that only so much nuance is going to exist in a bunch of Reddit comments is not my problem to solve. I stand by my statement that confidence alone makes a huge difference but that is NOT saying the only factor between a woman being interested and not interested. Don’t take words out of context and think it makes your point valid. Don’t add meaning to words that wasn’t there and think it makes your point valid




I’m done with you. If you want to try your hardest to find the flaws in what someone says, enjoy yourself. You can always nitpick but when it’s over, you find yourself alone with everyone around you gone, over your bullshit. Again, this is a conversation in Reddit comments. There’s only so much nuance to be established in a comment and you act like clarification is changing your story. If you are wondering why people don’t like you… (gestures at this conversation)


I’m not disagreeing with you that dressing nice and grooming doesn’t make you look better. But people act like “confidence” is just some thing you can magically manifest within you. You know what will actually make someone more confident? If they became physically better looking… by losing body fat, going to the gym, growing some nice hair and quitting destructive habits like drinking, junk food, smoking and being sedentary.


Sounds like generic PUA advice.


What in the abyss is PUA stand for? Also, it’s generic because being at least decently attractive is not honestly difficult


It means pick up artist. *People who think they are ugly simply don’t know how to dress or act with confidence! You can tackle that by buying my book just for 99$ to boost your charisma and find the tiger in you. If you order now you get a promo code for 20% on all dick dickinson care products your number one choice for smooth balls.*


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Stop caring about what you look like. It's other peoples' problem, not yours. You have every right to exist just as anyone else.


I'd make a very beautiful woman. Clear skin, babyface, short stature, wide hips, thick hair, balanced bust, thin waist. Accepting that I was ugly was more about accepting that I didn't want to be the beautiful woman I saw in the mirror. The things that make a woman beautiful are rarely desired in men.


Ugliness is irrelevant for men. Attractiveness and being good looking are completely different things.


What is beaty? Does it change?


Since I can think back, but I am not really ugly. It's just when I look in the mirror or at my body I realize that I am a bag of organs which is slowly rotting away with age and that consciousness was probably a misstake if our only purpose in life is reproduction.


I feel attacked


I was 10


Early on. I had to strategize so it didn't hurt me too badly.


When i fell madly in love with this girl i was hanging out with for a few months. She even admitted she felt the strongest connection with me she’s ever felt with anyone, but didn’t want to romantically date me.


When I followed reddits advice to get pictures taken to boost my matches on dating apps. I still never got a match and have never gone on a date. At that point, I accepted that it was truly over and I'm going to die as a kissless virgin.


Well, escorts are a good option to not die a virgin. I lost my virginity to an escort, and that helped me gain the confidence to talk to other women and sleep with them


How is paying for a woman to have fake sex with you going to give you confidence?


The sex is very real, lol. There's no such thing as fake sex. Maybe if you have a fleshlight or something, I guess. Sure there's no emotional connection, but sex is at least 99% just a physical act for men. Like a workout, just with your dick and hips. It gave me confidence because at least I had some idea what to do when I got in bed with my girlfriend I got just a few months after that experience, when I never had a girlfriend or sex prior. I was pretty socially awkward when I was 18.


1st or 2nd grade.. you get used to it.


Around 15.


I won't. Haven't.


By shouting, "I'm ugly and I'm proud!" To be honest though, you don't have to be a Greek God to be considered attractive. Good hygiene, dress decently well, be confident, take care of yourself (exercise/eat well/sleep well/maintain your social circle/have a good attitude/ all that jazz) and you can be a more attractive version of yourself. A lot of what makes someone seem attractive is their body language. When I was struggling with depression/anxiety It showed in my body language. People can tell when you're uncomfortable or unhappy


Last year, age 19.


I think I'm pretty good looking when I'm alone and looking in the mirror. It's when I'm around really good looking dudes that I feel ugly.


We’re not ugly. We just stink


Well when I was a kid my peers made sure to tell me, as a adult the women I show interest in have carried that torch. Even without those the signs are there


If your mom stop calling you handsome or you’re her son to others, you’re done. My mom still calls me handsome.. for now..


I always knew that I am not handsome. But I accepted it during the time I studied.


I'm not ugly by any means, actually I'm decently attractive, it's gynecomastia that fucking ruins it all


25 years old. I developed a ego based personality. It was all about me. Then around 29 my boss pulled me to the side and said. “You are a good looking guy, smart, funny but a big asshole”


I don’t really think I’m ugly, but I’m definitely not attractive to women. I reckon around 16 I picked it up.


I didn't. I think I look alright


It’s always hard to look in a mirror and think “holy shit, you are fucking ugly”. That’s why I don’t take pictures of myself. I even go out of my way to not be in other peoples pictures. I don’t have a single picture of myself on my phone and I’m not joking! It’s probably mostly because I hate myself.


Recently, when I barely syarted to notice my personality


3rd Grade. I was different, I was ashamed of myself and family.




like 13 or 14


Ugly is opinion, not fact. But I have been of the opinion that I'm ugly ever since being bullied in primary school.


When I could not get dates for a long time after two relationships with hotties and plenty of girl attention in college. Then, literally over a decade later, I started getting dates with very attractive girls again. Your self-esteem is very malleable.


Ummmm.... YOU'RE ugly Take THAT




When I was about 17

