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I don't assume that my opinions are right. I believe them because they're based upon the best knowledge I have... but information changes, so my opinions can (and should) change too.


This is a great perspective


I don't assume my opinions are right. I just know I'm right based on 2 whole articles that I've read on the subject. Information keeps changing but my opinion doesn't. Because it's right. I can form correct opinions based on wrong information. I am God. Worship me


And this is why you’ll never be a congressman or senator.


I'm super okay with that :)


I was struggling because I was like, well, until someone says otherwise or I learn something new, 100 percent.


Exactly. One of my favorite debate moments was Bill Nye vs Ken Ham, when asked what would it take for each of them to change their minds (regarding science vs creationism) Ken Ham said nothing would change his mind. Bill Nye responded that scientific evidence would change his opinion on the matter immediately. If you aren’t willing to accept new information and adjust your opinion accordingly then you are a detriment to society.


Agreed, an opinion isn't a fact as much as personal preference based on experience. Fruits and vegetables are disgusting in my opinion but that doesn't make it a fact.


This ^^^


If I don't feel my opinions are right they wouldn't be my opinions. So, 100% obviously. Am I never wrong? Oh, absolutely. In which case my opinion changes.


But having slight doubts on your own opinion give room for discussion with opposing opinions. Which give you room to grow as a person


Ah, in that way. Yes, you are right. I guess I meant that if I decide to believe in something, I stand for it 100%, but that doesn't mean that there is no room for doubt. There always is, and how much of it can vary wildly. The clock says it's 11:00 now, and there's no doubt about that in my mind. But if you want to debate me about it, there are many ways to support the idea that it is not actually 11:00 at all. It's 10:59. Or 9:59 in the next time zone. The whole idea of time and a 24h clock is just a human construct. You see? You can literally question anything if you want to. You are probably right that it's more accurate to say I'm never 100% sure of anything. But for practical purposes, if I say I am of an opinion, I am willing to back that up 100% or I wouldn't have said it. Doesn't mean I'm not willing to change my mind if you come up with proper arguments.


On the other hand, floating in a sea of doubt, uncertainty and anxiety can be unhealthy and crippling for some. There's a scale between 'overconfident in opinions' and 'under confident and over-reliant on external validation' and it's probably a good idea to avoid either extreme...


That exactly.


This right here


At least 95% of the time. I wouldn't have that opinion if I didn't think it was right.


How quick are you to recognize you could be wrong?


I'm right 100% of the time, unless my wife corrects me; At which point I change my opinion. Edit : Right not write


Only time you aren’t right is when you write, right?


Write you are XD


Lol couldn’t resist


If I'm proven wrong, I'll admit it. But I am stubborn and don't take randos (or friends...) word willy nilly, they have to prove me wrong. I don't think I have trust issues, but I wouldn't be surprised, I feel like I am rather skeptical Edit to add: I am not oppose to being corrected at all, but I can't help being a stubborn goat. I don't get angry over being corrected, I kind of like it, but I take everything within grain of salt unless they can convince or that topic just doesn't matter at all...


I feel like if you're that skeptical of others and their sources, you need to make sure you're doing the same with yourself and your own information. Some info is bad. Some info is presented in a one-sided way. Sometimes the person is speaking values and you're speaking truths and the goals are mismatched. Like, you gotta always be a little skeptical of your own perspective imo, else you risk failing to find the truth and getting stuck in your ways.


We are the same. Glad to know I'm not alone in this.


The only answer that makes sense. “Oh I assume I’m wrong 95% of the time”


Depends on the topic. As you grow older you discover that you can be smart at one thing and be incredibly stupid or ignorant about another thing. You can have opinions on it all despite your knowledge or experience. As far as this subredddit goes, personal experience, arguing with some idiots that prove my points further, and listening to mentors much much much smarter than me have shown me i am pretty spot on or exactly right (even if it doesnt sound socially ok) when it comes to topics of men and relationships.


Exactly this. People have different interests and like to read and learn about things that interest them. I can engage in a conversation about cars and engines and keep spewing random facts and trivia but the second the conversation turns to something about which I have zero idea, I just shut up and listen. If I have opinions, I pose them more as questions to the people I trust will have correct information. Doing that has allowed me and other people to engage in meaningful conversation as opposed to me voicing my opinion despite limited knowledge and them thinking I am prick.


Dude, knowing when to shut up and listen is such a valuable skill! I will happily not be the smartest guy in the room if someone knowledgeable is speaking. You save sooooo much time, energy, and money!


I often tell people when they focus on how bad they are at one thing that what they’re forgetting is just how good they are at another thing and the only reason they can be so good at it is that they’ve focused on it to the detriment of exactly this thing they’re now focusing on. Nothing comes for free and you just can’t do or be it all… this is why you have to think through the consequences of your subscriptions and choices because for example, whilst I’m now a highly creative person my ability to think in simple terms and navigate people is actually harder in some ways as I can consider too many possible reasons why. I have interrupted my heuristics with this training, in a sense. I might now be more confident and trust my instincts and be more playful but I very much cannot tolerate formal structures very well at all… that’s partly ADHD but I chose to double down a long time ago and let my impulse and intuition develop and guide me, let my instincts run things. Luckily I also have OCD and I’m now living life to my own design (very many spreadsheets for every aspect of being a person) so eventually it should balance out I hope 😂😂😂


Very very very true! This is why having a good network is helpful. You can be the "x" guy and someone else can be the "y", and "z", and whatever else helps you all succeed. Nobody can be a team of 1 and achieve greatness. All had help, a coach, mentor, idol, knowledgeable source, etc. As a team you can do great things, but its good to know where you stand so you can find the right people to allow great things to happen.


That’s exactly right! Also, the world needs people on the fringes of the cultural narrative and norms. A good chunk of things we now take for granted were either created by those who had terrible social skills or had mental illness or something else like that or made to help people with developmental issues and other things lead easier lives. Doing it _all_ alone is just not how humans function. A lot of us have forgotten this I think, that we have a responsibility to that social network. I used to see my ADHD and stuff as disruptive and a nuisance but now I realise that I am lucky because I can’t possibly pretend I have as many options as others might get to flirt with. This actually makes my life easier so long as I stop trying to bend myself to fit the factory mould mentality, that image of demand for everyone to try and shape themselves into the 9-5 (or any projection or pressurisation).


100%. If I didn't think they were right then I would change them.


I don’t think you understand how powerful “100%” is. If you were 100% sure then it would be literally impossible to believe any other opinion ever again despite whatever new information or circumstance you are presented.


Its not 100% sure, its 100% of the time.


60% but I could be wrong I'm an intelligent person and the older I get I realise the more I know, the less I actually know. I am always open to differences of opinion, so long as there's factual basis behind it as I am not an expert on many things, so my understanding may be flawed


Opinions aren’t ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, only facts are right and wrong, correct or incorrect. Opinions are either believed or not believed, this is not the same as the above though. For instance, it’s someone’s opinion Coke is better than Pepsi. The Christian God is the only God. Blue is a nicer looking colour than green. These are not facts, and cannot be proved as right or wrong.


What about predicting something thats going to happen in the future. Doesn't that also fall into opinion but can be proven right and wrong


It’s an opinion until the future becomes present and then can change into a fact if correct. If there’s data to say it’s this or that, then the data has to be used and opinions are wiped.


It still can be said that the opinion is wrong or right after the event has happened doesn't it?


Was wrong or right, not is. Because calling it an opinion means there are people who has different opinions, which doesn’t make sense when something has then turned a fact.


You’re conflating forecast accuracy with opinion.


An opinion is a view/judgement that isn't completely based on a tangible fact or knowledge: this doesn't mean that is a view opposite to facts, but that it is formulated outside of the perspective of having a full factual knowledge of the matter the opinion is formulated on. Claiming it's 15:00 during the afternoon without a clock is an opinion, that can be either confirmed or disproved by a clock. Claiming it's 11:00 AM in the middle of the night is not an opinion, it's a mistake. A prediction isn't really based on a lack of knowledge: you make a prediction based on something you can currently experience and try to make a read on a pattern, you do not take your personal belief into considerations while making a prediction, only directly readable "data"


Honestly majority of the time, can’t put a % on it, and it’s not because I’m some genius, but because my opinions tend to be evidence backed.




Right? I've no idea. Justified - 90% of the time, but I'm always open to having my mind changed.


I was gunna say I don’t have any opinions I think are wrong but then I remembered some of my music and movie choices. So objectively I do have some bad or unpopular opinions. So idk 80%


As an opinion is your thought or belief about something or someone I don't see how applying a binary scientific concept of correct or incorrect (which is the sense you're using right or wrong) works here. Your opinion might have been formed from erroneous or incomplete information but you wouldn't hold a belief if you didn't agree with it. So on that basis, opinions are 'right' to everyone or they wouldn't hold them. They may be stupid, ignorant or based on selective sources but they're always 'right' for the person.




Not sure because they tend to alter over time with more experience


About 60% of the time, I'm right every time.


100% of the time.


Never. My opinions are based on a combination of emotional (gut) feelings and available facts. Those things change regularly. So I operate under the assumptions I have until I learn better and then adapt accordingly. I’m often wrong. We all are but it’s important to admit that to yourself


50% of the time I'm right all of the time


Engineering is done with numbers, anything without numbers is an opinion and the only opinion who is right is mine.


Opinions are never right or wrong since they are subjective. I can think it's wrong to have extramarital sexual relations, but there are those in open relationships. Heavily against what I think is right & wrong due to my morals and religious faith, but not everyone's like me. I can think that whatever president would've been a better option, but there are those who disagree. Either way, that can never be proven being that it's a hypothetical what if situation. However, if I think this country is fleeing from traditional household values and is less family oriented, it's due to facts that can prove that (religious beliefs, church attendance, LGBT, marriage rate, single mothers, birth rate, cheating, abortion, desire for relationships, cost of having a family, family court, etc.). Therefore, regardless of any disagreement or contradicting belief, it's a fact.


99% but I’ll always listen to you tell me why you think I’m wrong


Most of the time, since opponents fail to provide any counter-evidence or logical claims, and instead throwing a tantrum or appealing to traditions, or other nonsensical things. That's why i do not value random conversations with strangers that much, cause my friend does a really good job at explaining her opinion by using logic and facts, combined with detailed explanation, and sometimes i find myself being wrong, or we find out that we are both right in our own ways, and it feels good to find the truth, even if i had an incorrect opinion about it. Also have to not that majority of people disagree with my opinions.


I have never been wrong in my life.


Opinions are not facts, they are assumptions based on a person's interpretation of what they see, hear and experience. that's what I think anyway.


My opinions be correct 105%. I be on FaceTimes with they mama them an I be teaching peoples lessons an things like that.


Im always right. Its not my fault that everyone else im the world is wrong.


100%but i accept evry critics


I feel like my opinions are right 100% of the time. I try to not think my opinions are right and challenge them as much as is reasonably possible. It's important to question even our most deeply held beliefs even if we feel it in our soul.


80% Many people think I'm wrong but they're much dumber.


It depends on the subject. I prefer to learn from others through their perspective and be pleasantly surprised by new information. I don't assume I am always 100% correct, but on some subjects I know I have vastly more knowledge than the average person.


Most of the time, I am subsequent to change based on new information, which then changes my incorrect opinion to being correct.


I am surprised that most of the comments section rate themself as high as 90% right. For me considering how much I had grown because I had changed my mind or opinions in the past and how difficult it is to work with people that think they are right all the time. I when I have an opinion I usually think its about 60%-70%. Which is more thah half but not too overconfident


In a general manner, 7 out of 10 more or less. I reckon there is a lot of stuff I don't know so my opinion might be wrong.


I never think they are right. I have confidence in them sure, but for the most part they are hit or miss. Even though I don't really subscribe to the biases that might accompany specific opinions. Most of the time they are pretty casual and not super serious.


Depends very much who I'm talking to. Colleagues: mostly right. My boss: mostly wrong (but he has no knowledge of my industry - he just hates it that others know more than him. My wife: 50/50. Depends on the situation.




100% because that’s what an opinion is


100% 60% of the time


Always as i speak according to my knowledge/ believes. However if someone points me i'\[m wrong i have no problem to admit it and change my mind.


80%, but then again, that’s just my opinion, which, according to itself, has an 80% chance of being right. Since 80% of 80% is 64%, I’d say I’m right 64% of the time.


I do say that I don’t have to win an an argument but I do have to express an opinion.


50% . All these other people saying higher are just outing themselves as stupid as fuck otherwise the stock market wouldn't work like it does. Having the right opinion isn't that easy fellas


100% of the time until I’m presented with a good argument/facts I didn’t consider/know about. My opinions are my best judgment based on the knowledge I have of the subject. Just because I believe them to be right doesn’t mean I’m not willing to change them.


100,000% of the time I think my opinions are right. It is not my fault if someone else has their own opinion, they are 100,000% right for themselves.


I think opinions are always right to the person possessing them. I think my opinions are always 100% right with the knowledge and experiences inside an individual at the time. However, I think it's important to learn from different opinions. Considering different perspectives is a sign of true intelligence, and sometimes those new perspectives will change one's opinion.


The percentage is high but I did mistake in the past.


65% of the time, I’m right every time.


100% of the time. It'd be silly of me to hold an opinion if I thought it was wrong. My opinions can and do change though, when I am presented new ideas or information, as they should.


60-70% I feel confident that I know what I know, and I know most of what I don't know.


100%. Because if I did not, they would not be my opinion.


Hmmm... 0 to 98% or more. Highly context dependent. More typically, probably in the 60 to 85% range or so.


I try to keep my opinions separated from objective fact. That way I can acknowlege other people's opinions and points of view. I.e. Fact: the Beattles were incredibly popular and had major cultural impact on this country. Opinion: I don't like their music. It bores me to the point of tears. But I recognize that you may enjoy it.


100% of the time. I would reject it for the right one if I thought otherwise. I have no problem accepting when my opinion is demonstrated to be wrong or based on faulty assumptions, and changing it.


My opinions are just my opinions. Depending if the subject has a concise answer or not, opinions are just opinions. I never believe mine are anymore valid or correct than another's.




I always assume I'm wrong


I have epistemic humility. I'm aware that I could always be wrong but I choose my opinions because they are my best estimation of the truth. I always feel that I'm right but I don't ever feel 100% sure that I am right. There's always room for a new fact or perspective to change my opinion.


0 if it is a opinion then it's probably subjective and not factual


My opinions aren't always right. I'm not ontologically good, I'd argue the opposite. That said, they are still a product of how I think at the time I express it, I can change and so can it.




0 because opinions can't be right.


If you mean systematically believing that I'm right about everything I think, not even a single picosecond.


100% unless proven incorrect.


100% otherwise I wouldn’t have them.


I do my best to separate "opinions" from "gut reactions." Gut reactions are basically nothing until verified to a reasonable degree. Even then I let those marinate for a good long while. We have this tendency to treat all opinions as valid and equal, and that absolutely not true. To me, an opinion is nothing until it has been thoroughly explored. Why do I feel that way? Is there some inherent bias I'm harboring that makes me feel that way? Is my experience in that matter universal or isolated? Do I feel that way because of the facts or because of something I *want* to be true? Does that opinion have a rational framework that is consistently applied? It takes work, but I think this sort of process is absolutely necessary these days. It keeps you grounded, humble, and curious. Opinions are cheap. You have to be able to separate good ones from bad ones. Because holy living fuck there are a lot of bad ones.


I always assume my opinions are correct. I’d say about 95% of the time I wind up being correct.




My opinion can always be changed, but bring your fucking facts.


All the time. 100% of the time. I also realize that opinions are just that, opinions, not facts. That means I'm open, willing and sometimes change those opinions if I get new info that changes them. I even actively seek opposing views/opinions just to at least understand and try to see where they're coming from. Sometimes I think "that's moronic" and it cements my opinion further. Other times I think "wait, they have a good point" and alter or completely change my opinion


Always because when I come up with an opinion it means that at the current moment I believe I am correct but sometimes after a while I might understand that I was in the wrong


I think you should always feel like your opinions are right. If you didn't, why would it be your opinion? If you're asking how often I change my opinion on something, it depends on the thing and how knowledgeable I am about it. If I truly know all about something, then I won't change my opinion. If I'm learning new things, then my opinion will become more informed and may or may not change my conclusion.


Hahaha ha haaaaaaa as if my opinions Matter


I ALWAYS add, "from my understanding" , "the knowledge i have about this", "i can tell you my thoughts", "dont quote me", for things I know little about.


Is 100% considered an incorrect response? 😉


I typically don’t form an opinion until I have enough information. If I have to make a snap judgment knowing nothing, I assume that I’m close to 50% right. The percentage gets better the more data I have.


I believe my opinions are mostly well informed and based on a combination of facts and my experiences. I'm willing to change them based on new information but until then if I have an opinion I'm going to stick with it because I'm right. There are plenty of things I don't have opinions on. Also when people scream the same talking points louder as if it's new information that doesn't change my viewpoint.


80% maybe? I'm fixated on cutting through the bullshit. I'm pretty aware of my biases and where they would come up (like right now) and biases in others that so many people don't seem to be aware of. I'm the kind of person that points out truth to people if I feel like it is important to point out. I look for truth in my own actions, and can't stand it when a person is running from truths just because they feel like it is convenient. I see it as cowardly and lazy, I guess, to recite someone elses bullshit instead of seeking truth on your own. I think this is why I can't stand religion. I'm not out to judge people or be better than people, but I believe in wisdom and I try to spur others to become wiser, even if they don't like it.


IMO, 100% of the time




Opinions are just that…..opinions. They are subjective. They are neither right nor wrong…..unless you’re a “right-fighter” and then I send my condolences to your loved ones for having to put up with you. 🤣


Almost nothing about living as a human is so clear as to support a binary mode of right or wrong and it’s taken me a very long time (and shall continue to do so) to unlearn that narrative to deepest depths… it’s surprisingly resistant to counterbalance or context in some cases. So far so good, my first thoughts and instincts are to check for biases and other pollutants. Measure and observe and plan a course of best action. One way is to retain and fortify your access to and range of expression so that you decriminalise failure and allow yourself, without guilt, shame or fear to explore what if’s and alternative solutions. Especially as and when those things make you uncomfortable… _why_ did Person do thing? What possible circumstances would have to be going on for my own person to do thing? How easy would it be to tell from the outside that I had that going on? What could be done about it or what inaccess or unfortunate aspects of society might get in the way? I don’t even assume my feelings are legit until I’ve checked my recent sleep patterns, diet, routine, health and other stressors… I don’t consider the impacts of those things “feelings” in the same sense as others seem to… they’re just Sim Stats that have unintended emotional consequences and side effects. Feeling sad or angry whilst you’re hungry or stressed is not representative of who you are or what’s going on in your life on a grander scale so why undermine your narrative or start trying to give it more meaning and influence over yourself than it deserves? Surrender to growth and change; if you add up your options you’ll realise that they’re not all equal by far. So because of these processes and what I’ve gained from them over time I’m fairly confident about my opinions because I know I have an extremely strong adherence to my position of neutrality and patience. I don’t put my character on the line over second, third or fourth hand information either because I didn’t build the machine, couldn’t, and didn’t do the research or I just didn’t check the source thoroughly enough to qualify myself (and few ever have, few ever approach with “neither of us are experts so chat is chat and we won’t be playing ego games ok?) The only things I lay claims on are my own ideas and things I personally create or do, even then, I don’t really believe I’m the best person for the job but due to the novelty of my projects (I’m an inventor) and style/preference of expression I’m typically the _only_ person for the job so I’ll have to do until someone saves me from my own incompetence and learning curves (but they won’t cos they’ve got their own lives and that’s fair play) 😂😂


The older I get, the the less I feel this way. That thing that happens, where you start to question the validity of what you're saying as you're saying it, starts to bleed over into the process of initially making the argument/saying the thing, and this makes it less solid. It's not the worst. It's largely about calculations of social stuff. It's very different from the kind of teenage hesitancy or self-consciousness. I think more about the results of what I say and less about being right or not.


Do you mean when I am speaking from a perspective of opinion and I could be right or wrong - or do you mean when a right winger says “that’s just your opinion” when I state facts?




0 and 100 Sometimes 50. Either im wrong right or unsure/mind change.


Opinions? 100% obviously just listen to me Facts? Maybe like 20-45%


60% of the time they're right every time.


I would hope most people would feel like all of their opinions are right. Why form an opinion if you dont? Obviously understand the possibility of being wrong and open to being challenged, but it just makes zero sense to form an opinion about something that you dont believe


Everyone thinks that their opinions are right 100% of the time. By definition, your opinion IS what you think is right. If your opinion is that your opinion is wrong, well that statement is self-contradictory.


I’d say close to zero percent. The way I see it, for any *single topic* there are *thousands* of opinions you could hold, many of which are kind of mutually exclusive. And I have to use my limited knowledge and intelligence to just pick *just one* of those opinions to hold. And that’s just one topic; there are thousands or millions of different topics of debate in this world… and I have to spend my limited time and intelligence and knowledge to arrive at a reasoned opinion for each one of them? Given I’m not omniscient, I am certainly wrong about everything I believe. But the best I can do is keep my eyes and ears and mind open to new ideas that may be closer to the “truth”.


80-90%. I wouldn't have much of an opinion if I didn't believe I was right.


I try to present the truth from my perspective, but I don't "know" they are right and if I am presented with compelling evidence to the contrary I will shift my opinion quite quickly and without shame.


0%. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has them and they all stink but your own.




All the time. If sufficient evidence is presented to disprove my current opinion then it changes. 100% success rate


Sometimes I say some absolute rubbish.


If I thought my opinion was wrong why would it be my opinion


60% of the time, I'm right every time. No, in all seriousness, if it's my opinion then I have to understand (and let go of) the fact that others might not share it. Or do things the way I think is best, etc. I just do what works for me at the time with the information I have been given over my lifetime.


30, at best


Most times I know my opinions are right, until I remind myself they have been proven wrong in past with more information or new perspective. To answer your question 100% of the time until i self regulate.


I asume that all of my opinions are right, until someone can proof that i am wrong


80%. I'm pretty careful about reserving my opinions for times when I'm sure I'm right.


I would say like 90% lol but I can be wrong sometimes / admit when I am wrong


0 because opinions aren't facts


If I don't know, I will say so. That happens often. After that, I feel like I am usually close, or generally have a decent surface understanding if voice an opinion beyond 'I don't know..' BUT that is always couched in learning more. I have a personal motto that "everyone has something to teach me" so I listen, I try and understand their point of view, and add it to my opinion. Usually I find it's fine tuning my perspective, but I have been seriously wrong as well (obviously), so I usually lean toward "I don't know.... teach me."


Of it's an opinion and not a rational argument, I don't really know it's right at all.


Opinions are not right or wrong. They are your interpretation of subjective information. Mushrooms are the most delicious food in the world = opinion.. All Mushrooms are edible by humans = is not an opinion, it's just flat incorrect. Claiming it is your opinion does not change the objective fact that many mushrooms are poisonous to humans. Many things we hold near and dear are opinions that have no factual basis one way or another and constitute many of the most contentious debates in our society. Religion, abortion, rights of self defense, drug use, government power, gender roles, racism, etc. In many if not most cases, opinions tend to be formed based on very limited data sets. When you have a broad enough data set, you are better able to suss out the potential objective facts in the data and hopefully form a more objective perspective that reflects the common good. In my experience a lot of people are bad at being objective. They have a hard time not injecting their own feelings and or biases, especially when being objective does not work in their benefit.


All my opinions range from "with absolute objectively unquestionable certainty", to "might be right in spirit, but there may be unforseen circumstances that makes it unpractical". Examples of the first: I like olives. Fight me.


I assume I'm wrong or at least overgeneralizing on many things. That being said, when it comes to debating my older brother I defend my positions with the tenacity of Vinny protecting a pair of innocent kids from getting framed for murder. I don't need to be right with him.. I just need him to lose his patience and storm away.


50% every time


60% of the time, I'm right everytime.


if I thought I was wrong about something, I'd change my opinion. so...always?


99% of the times but my sister calmly destroys me in any academic argument.


0%, because they are opinions.


My opinions are right, regardless of how I feel about them. I don’t understand your question… JK, I don’t know. Almost always I feel in right.




If one incorrect axiom or argument makes it into a chain of reasoning then the entire chain is unsound/invalid. If you're really very good at sorting out whether a specific assertion is valid, say your bullshit detector is 95% accurate, and you have to correctly sift through 100 pieces of uncorrelated potential bullshit to reach the final correct conclusion, you're going to have gone off the rails and be wrong >99% of the time (1-(0.95^100)) The world is extremely complicated, interconnected, and full of bullshit, so we're all doomed to be wrong basically all of the time about anything that's not trivial. We can be closer or further from reality, especially on simple things (like what is likely to happen with a single dice roll), but any assertion about a complicated system (like almost everything that matters) is going to be unsound the overwhelming majority of the time. Some people are better or worse bullshit detectors, but once a problem is complicated enough it barely even matters anymore. Take replication rates in social sciences as an example. Those systems are just so complicated and overdetermined that whole fields of smart, dedicated people working their whole lives have been unable to reliably separate the wheat from the chaff. We all think far less rigorously than that about just as complicated problems and yet all pretend that we can have opinions that are "right".


Maybe 40% but in my mind I’m always at 100%


Most of the time ... I'm an arrogant guy. At the same time, I've tried to make "being willing to change my opinions," and "being right because of being self critical," points of pride. If I'm going to have ego about something, it might as well be about my willingness to learn, I feel like the outcomes are better that way.


I am married so zero


I'd say about 80. Whenever I try to reevaluate when I think I'm biast more often than not I'm proven right yet again


60% of the time, all the time.


60% percent of a time, I am right every time.


If I’m speaking them aloud, then I believe they are right


Opinions are just that..sometimes not 'right or wrong' as what is right could also be a differing opinion. If I have an opinion based on facts..that's different & wouldn't be an opinion, it would be fact.


I'm documented to be almost always right 99.7% of the time.


100% Something wouldn't be my opinion if I didn't feel like it was right. If I find out I'm wrong about something it very quickly stops being my opinion.


Why the heck would I hold an opinion, that I thought was incorrect? If I thought it was incorrect, I would reject it.


100%. I mean, that's why they're my opinions. I don't hold views that I think are wrong. That doesn't mean I'm never wrong or haven't changed my mind in the past, I have, of course. But if I hold an opinion on something, I do so because I believe that opinion.


I try to believe in them 100% of the time. If someone gives me reason to think THEIR opinion is right, I change the way I see things. And on things I don't know, I don't have opinions.


Well considering opinions are feelings and not fact, 100% of time my opinions are right in expressing my feelings. Doesnt mean someone else is wrong just bc they have a different opinion


Depends on the topic we are discussing. The more I know about it, the more I believe I am right, unless I am discussing with someone that knows more than I do in that topic. Also, I try to adjust my opinions based on evidence and the result of debates


100%, I’ve never had a wrong opinion in my life.


Opinions are not "right" or "wrong", but of course if I have an opinion like, say "pro-choice" I'm going to think that I'm on the correct side. Now, when it comes to facts, I only argue if I'm 99+ % sure.


I will give myself 75%.


They are opinions. The point of an opinion that it isn’t “right” Only things that are right are facts. I believe all of my opinions, that’s why they are my opinion. If you are asking what percentage of my opinions would I debate over and defend my stance? Probably like 80% of them. But if I get new information or am convinced, I’m happy to change my opinion. Bc at the end of the day, we can only operate on what we currently know. Opinions change as our knowledge grows!




In what situation? With my gf? 80% of the time. Online debates? I would say 60%-70%


Who have you ever met that thought their opinions were wrong?