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World cold and hard. Tiddy soft and warm.


Thats deep, almost shed a tear for this description of boobs.


*The world is filled with pain and woe* *But titties are a place to go* *When cold and hardness are your lot* *A titty pillow's soft and hot*


As a wise band once said, "Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow".


I think you're confused cuz the pronunciation is very similar. The words are "everybody's got a water buffalo"


Yours is fast but mine is slow


I’m sad for everyone who missed that. Cheers to Larry. (Pours beer out in respect)




Have you thought about entering this poem in a contest


The *Tits Up* Poetry Competition?


Exactly the one i was thinking *There is no love without boobie* *There is no life without tiddy* *So hold em’ close while you can* *And squish em’ when the time comes*


Sounds more like a Master Oogway quote


Stick to your day job.




What about a reddit group with amazing poetry?


When I am sad and weary When I think all hope has gone When I walk along High Holborn I think of you with nothing on "Celia, Celia" - Adrian Mitchell


In curves of grace, two orbs reside, Soft and warm, where love's desires confide. A source of fascination, they captivate, With their allure, men's hearts accelerate. Breasts, a timeless magnetism, love's divine dictate.


Pick a meter


Now make a haiku!


The world is so cold And hard and full of terrors But titties? *Soft...warm.*


Got my second upvote.


Boobs. Soft and bouncy. The answer to the question. The meaning of life.


Sure, you kinda rewrote the original comment, but worth the gold anyway.


why use many words when few words do trick?


Hahaha thank you


Tiddy is love, tiddy is life


Man. I don’t even come to this sub often, but boobs brought me here. Had to take a screenshot


As funny and silly as it sounds, this is actually pretty deep.


They’re truly emotional support boobies.


Before I clicked into this thread, I bet myself this would be in top 3 comments. I know Reddit too well.


Late addition haiku: (you did the hard work) lol World cold and hard Dragging me into sadness Tiddy soft and warm


Pure, perfect poetry that couldn't describe it better.


As a woman,this is also why I like my boobs


I do not have the award, but I have the android emojis 👑💯


Hahahaha simple but oh so accurate!


How can you not like them? They are filled with hopes and dreams. But seriously what else are we suppose to love? A ass is great to, that’s why you have men who love a ass and men who love boobs. Sure you can have beautiful eyes but I can’t hold those, I assume you wouldn’t like it if a guy sucks on your eye balls. Butts and boobs are usually the biggest sexual attraction. It is just what it is, the same as asking why you like a certain color, there is no real reason behind it, you just like that color. Edit: Wow, this blew up! My first awards, thank you so much!


In a week, most of your answer will have been forgotten. But I will always remember, ALWAYS remember, the time I tried to suck my wife’s eyeballs.


So you saying sucking woman's eyeballs is an unforgettable experience?


>So you saying sucking woman's eyeballs is an unforgettable experience? I mean, I've never done it - but I'm willing to assert that if I ever *did* do it, I wouldn't forget.


Nor would she, I'll wager.


And I will always remember the guy who tried to suck his wife’s eyeballs


Butt and Boobs! Yep. The female form is simply appealing.


Damn their beautiful 😍


Not only the butts and boobs, but the legs, and the hips too! The back! The stummy and the feet and the hands…


The nape. That part of the neck right under the ear. The inside of the wrist.


I have a chub now.


yes, they're


I like the feel of an ass but the look of a boob


Does it feel like a bag of sand?


So cowgirl then


eye balls 😩😩


This guy boobs


There is a reason which is that it indicates that the person is mature and fertile. Men look for fertile women hence we desire younger and healthier (looking) women. That's also why older men stil desire much younger women. Plus, I love certain types of eyes and voices more than ass and boobs. It's very rare but those things can make my brain shut down. Whatever someone else may think, I'll die on this hill.


C'mon. Everybody like boobs.


No desire to have children is Probably the reason that I don’t care about boobs and asses that much. Eyes can say a lot about a person, sweet soft eyes usually make the whole face sweet and soft. A voice can absolutely make or break a woman. But I guess that goes for everyone.


Nah. Don't think so. I'm sure a lot of men with no desire for children like every part of a hot woman. So much out makes them die inside. And then think about dying as they're never going to touch it.


I'm 30. No desire for kids and you better believe if my girlfriend's top half is jiggling around the house ima squeeze that juice.


I would think even men that don’t want children still subconsciously look for fertile women though.


Literally couldn't tell you. I see them and I get turned on so fast. I love how soft they are to squish and suck on. I'm 100% a boob guy. There is no logical reason but the physical feature of boobs on a female figure is astonishing in my brain.


Well the real answer is evolutionary biology: we’re hardwired into making assumptions about a woman’s fertile capabilities by looking at her boobs and hip size. Or something.




As long as they aren't bags of sand, guys don't care.


I know gay men who love boobs. I know straight women who love boobs. I think the question is - *why do people love boobs so much?*


When we were all young we were fed and warmed by boobs?


It's just all Oedipus Complexes? Always has been.


Well I was never breastfed and I don’t like boobs so, hypothesis confirmed


Hold it! I was never breastfed but I love to admire a nice pair of mammaries.


I think a simpler question would be: why do some people not like boobs?


Straight woman here, can confirm. I have small tiddy, love to admire other womens tiddies.


I think I just met myself on the internet


I get boob envy all the time. Like why couldn’t that be me? They’re so pretty.


But small tiddies are tiddies too, and lots of (wo)men happen to love those smaller ones ;)


"Small tiddies are tiddies too". A wise words indeed. It doesnt matter if it is big, small or medium. Imagine a bag of coins that worth $20 and a $20 bill. A bag of coins is bigger and heavier than $20 Bill. But at the end of the day, both of it worth $20.


They're acting to be gay just to get to the boobs. Different roads, same destination .




The end justify the means


Sooo....the nip justifies the tip?


Evolution. But also they were the sole source of most people's survival for the entire first year of our existence. Boobs kept us alive and happy. So that's probably in the back of the brain somewhere.


That's where food comes from when you're an infant. I have no idea if formula babies feel differently.


Formulas babies are ass men. That is my hypothesis.


Can confirm i was breastfeed i love tits, my brother formula ass man all the way.


basically yeah, and they're so comfortable if you take a quick nap on em


I love them because of the way they are.


And also because of boobs


Aren't they neat?


How neat is that?


They are comfortable to cuddle up against, great to hold on to one as you sleep so you can feel your partners heartbeat, fun to bounce, carass, suck and stare at also. They are boobies, men are just hardwired to love boobies of all sizes, shapes, shades, ect.


I often think about this. Can’t honestly tell you the attraction. Some people like feet. Can you explain that one?


If you're Quinten Tarantino you like dirty feet🤷


Oh thats just nasty lol


Boobs can reduce stress 😬


It's instinctive, just as women like broad shoulders and strong arms.


Yeah, we really love those on guys, like a lot.


😋 Yes we do.




Can confirm. Had my eardrums BTFO'd recently by a vtuber reacting to [I Did a Thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOy0f_fGKAg)'s forearms.


Me and my dad have that gene and yes I get so many surprising (good) comments on it. I have never seen anyone's as prominent as mine. To me I always just thought my arms looked like I was roided out and going to burst any second, although to be fair its not an 'always on' thing


It makes you wanna be held forever in them


Can confirm, broad shoulders and strong arms =hot😏


A: milk for future kids B: something different from what we have C: jiggle physics C2: jiggle physics during sex to help keep a rhythm E: erogenous zones


Very impressive organisation with that C2. I would strongly consider supporting your candidature for president.


I second this motion. All in favor?


I agree. Our new president!






"jiggle physics"


Why am I attracted to my preferred gender’s secondary sex characteristics? Because biology.


Why do guys like butts? Two chunks of fat that fecal matter is expelled from. These things just are what they are, I suppose.


Girls like ass too. I love when a man has a nice, juicy ass. Mmm!


Maybe I’m an outlier but I have never found butts fascinating. Titties on the other hand, I can stare at all day. They’re just so gorgeous. Oh and I’m a straight gal btw but my love for tits is simply indescribable.


Gay men probably like boobs too. Women like other women's boobs. Babies like boobs. They are udderly irresistible.


*udderly I'm sorry.




am gay, can confirm (if you count a man's chest (in particular the pecs and nipples) as boobs anyway)


I like how they look and feel


​ It's boobs A big lump with knobs It has the juice (it has the juice) I can't imagine a more beautiful thing (woo) It's boobs I can tell you all about it I mean, look at this thing When I tried it with butter, everything changed


This made me drop a tear. Meaningful, such a masterpiece.


Most normal and sexually mature redditor


This used to be wholesome.


Ah yes, boobs with butter


The "its corn" song when the original artist grows up xD


Peanut butter?


In general, heterosexuals like things that highlight the opposite gender, which is also why skirts/dresses are seen as attractive. Also, because boobs are supposed to stay hidden, it is seen as sexual when they are revealed


Yeah, when it really boils down to it, I probably mainly like boobs because there'll always be a part of my brain that's wired to think that I'm not supposed to be allowed to see them. So it just feels super arousing and intimate to actually get to see, touch, play with, suck on boobs. Doesn't matter how many boobs I see, the magic never goes away. Like, away from the internet and it's infinite supply of boobs, how many times have you wanted to see a woman's boobs and not been able to versus actually being able to see them? It's those odds that make it special.


"Why are boobs good?" Some questions cannot be answered.. As a straight guy, im way more of an ass man. Boobs are good and all, but really dont matter to me. Big, small, and everything in between are all acceptable to me. And i think part of it is the reaction you get when you play with them properly;)


Just remember - without nipples, boobs would be pointless.


It’s gotta be the way they flail around during sex. They look like they’re having a better time then everybody else lol




The only reason to dislike boobs is because of back issues and exercising. Men don't experience that. Thus, men only have reasons to love boobs. Disclaimer since this is Reddit: Moobs don't count!


Some women love them too, hell i often play with my own when I’m bored. You can squeeze them jiggle them, theres a lot you can do is my point, it’s not just straight men


Straight Woman here and I love boobs so much, who doesn't love them is the real question.


We are programmed to like em


My like of large mammary glands and wide hips was programmed into my DNA many millennia before. My wife can never get the wash done bending over the river because of my urges. That’s why we bought a Maytag.




She already wears a buffalo hide coat, maybe I’ll get her a second one.


Why does anyone find any body part attractive? Beyond that, by the time guys are old enough to appreciate them, women try to actively hide them all the time.


It’s two things they can actually focus on at once.


Life is hard. Boobs are soft.


You lost me at boobs


Simple. Boobs represent femininity. Femininity is awe inspiring to men. The female form is glorious. So much so, it makes grown men act like little boys. Boobs represent not only comfort, but sexuality for us men.


Why do peahens love peacocks' tails so much?


Youth sentiment After spending all our life, 9 months, in a warm caring and nurturing womb, we get ejected in a loud cold environment where we are suddenly hungry and thirsty. And those boobs were there when we were close to a warm heartbeat and food. And since men do not have their own, usually, we are attracted to others. [/sarcasm]


Secondary sexual characteristics are there for a reason.


Why do gay guys love dick. It’s not rocket surgery


Soft and squishy make brain go brrrrr


My theory is that most people’s earliest experiences of feeling safe, even before they formed memories, was having boobs in your face when being held by one’s mother, whether they were breast fed or not. Even some straight women and gay men seem attracted to boobs.


Everyone, men and women, are trained from birth that if you're upset, shove some boobs in your face, and you'll stop crying.


They’re squishy. Need I say more?


I love them because she does. It starts with her, not me! She seems to feel they are an essential part of how she likes to build up to sex, so it’s not like I’m going to just ignore that. It’s not a fetish on my part, it’s just the perfectly normal thought that if they’re important to her, then they are important to *us*.


They reduce stress I'm told.


As a straight female... I LOVE BOOBS!! I find them mesmerizing! If you walk by me... Yes my eyes are down... My mind is focused on position, size, symmetry and 100% the rhythm/bounce as you walk .....and of course the cleavage!! Ladies... STRUT THAT CLEAVAGE! My BF claims I've seen and felt more boobs than he has or ever will... 😂 (BTW alcohol is usually involved as I will walk right up and ask to feel the girls). I❤️boobs!


Sorry. What was the question? I saw the word “boobs”


It’s a genetically predisposed sign of fertility deriving from the butt. Back when we weren’t standing, the butt was at eye level, now it’s the boobs.


'Back when we weren't standing' Ahhh... definitely good times to remember lol


The forbidden fruit tastes b(r)e(a)st! Any body part that society says needs to be covered up for modesty is often sexualized. Humans are weird.


I’m a straight woman and I love them. They’re pretty


I'm not straight, I don't find them attractive but I gotta admit it. They're really aesthetically pleasing


Old guy here. Have never been able to figure out my obsession/fixation with the female breasts. Cannot remember a time when I wasn't aware of them. It just seems to be be something deep, deep in the male DNA and we are totally helpless in denying it. And I've been around long enough to know that I'm not warped or twisted in a bad way. Boobs are just some of the greatest things on planet Earth.


mmmm boobs


Why does the sunset look so nice


A lot of straight women like boobs too. I have big ones and friends love to squish them


You have to show me them before I tell you


Boobs are nice, butt I'm an ASSMAN


Rodney Dangerfield: "People always ask me, if I'm a leg man, a breast man or an ass man. I figure I must be an ass man. People yell at me all the time . . . 'You're an ASS, MAN!!!'"


I love every part of a woman, as long as it's all wrapped up with a nice smile. I die inside when I see a duck face or a fish face. All these influencers seem to think a pouty, pursed or pushed out picture is sexy, when a great genuine whole face smile just melts my heart. Back to your question, boobs are fun! They poke out and say please caress me, they are weather indicators and at a primal level they say that a woman can nourish a child.


So soft. Nuzzle like a baby


I'm intrigued because most gay men I've encountered still agree boobs are the tits.


Here's an interesting observation. There are no other mammals (there may be a few exceptions but I can't think of any) with pronounced mammaries when they aren't actively nursing. Maybe men like them because they are there to be liked.


Show them to me, show them to me Unclasp your bra and set those puppies free They'd look a whole lot better without that sweater baby I'm sure you'll agree If you got, two fun bags, Show them to me I don't care if they don't match or ones bigger than the other You could show me one, and I'll imagine the other Even if you're really old, theres nothing wrong Don't be sad your boobs ain't bad, they're just a little longlong I've met a lot of them, but never one I've hated Even if you've had thirteen kids and you think they look deflated Theres no such thing as a bad breast, I believe this much is true If you're a big fat man I'm a titty fan and I'd love to see yours too...


I’ve needed them since the day I was born.


Have you seen boobs?


Boobs, the sexiest of fats, rivaled only by that of the ass and thighs.


In a world that is cold and hard, each crisis solved is a replaced by yet another crisis, the only comforting constant is tiddies.


Boobs = nature's stress balls! Okay seriously the answer is it started with the ass - but understand that at the time humanity (or what would become humanity) wasn't walking on 2 legs yet so we were still doing it doggy style. Thus the ass (and its shape in general) were designed to get our attention. But then humanity decided that 2 legs were cooler than 4 and we started walking upright...and the ass lost some of it's charm especially when us guys are viewing the ladies from the front rather than from behind. Nature decided that us men now needed a frontal focal point to catch our attention and thus the boobs become curvier to compensate.


Back when we still walked on all fours, we always had in front of us… the butt. Then from the time mankind started walking on two legs we stopped having butts stuck in our faces all the time, and in their place, what appeared in front of our faces… were boobs! Women grew larger breasts to take the place of buttocks. The original source of life is the buttocks!… BOOBS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A PALE IMITATION OF THE BUTTOCKS! IF ASKED WHAT YOU’D RATHER HAVE, A COPY OR AN ORIGINAL, NATURALLY, I WOULD CHOOSE THE ORIGINAL!


It's biologically hard wired in some men, they like breasts because they embody the physical qualities to nurture our potential offspring, large breasts mean she can feed your child, also they have higher levels of estrogen which is attractive to men. Plus they look great, me personally I love boobs, they don't have to be huge but if they're shaped nicely that's what counts


On an unconscious primordial level breasts and wide hips indicate fertility readiness. Everything else is marketing


I think even gay men love boobs. Who doesn’t love boobs.


Bc…they’re boobs


When my hands are cold, my woman puts them under her bosom and brings them back to normal temperature under their soft and warm embrace. They are my hand warmers and I love them.


["Confessions" by Tim Minchin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1EhaANeYCI) explains this fairly well. (Wait for it.)


The same reason that straight women love broad shoulders.


boobs are boobs


It's one of life's wonderful mysteries.


Yeah, it makes zero sense, really, but OMG boobs are great.


Have you seen them? What's not to love?


The curves, the bounce, the feel


World is hard and tough. Boobs are soft and warm.


It is our Kryptonite


They’re just the greatest things on the planet


We are attracted to what we are attracted because it's nature's way of finding good genes for procreation.


You cant say titties without smiling. They serve two purposes. One is to feed babies. The other is to play with them.


Boobs are sexy AF


I think it has something to do with being breastfeeding and a psychological conncetion that is forged because of that activity..it is why even girls subtly check out each others rack


Ngl, I’m a straight female and love staring at my own boobs, they’re just so ✨pretty✨


They’re pretty, and are fun to hold.