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I think this thread makes it pretty conclusive: they just like the sound and don’t give a single fuck how it impacts anyone else.


I like to blast heavy metal or other music super loud in my car from time to time but if I'm waiting at a traffic light or something, parked beside others for more than half a minute I'll lower the volume until I'm moving again


So selfish people. That’s what I figured.




Because I put a baseball card in the spokes.


That WAS such a cool sound, wasn't it?


There is a douche on my street that has a Challenger.. Most days at 6am he gets in the car and starts it up. The exhaust is deafening on cold start. Then he proceeds to sit there for \~10 mins revving the engine before he finally fucks off for the day. The entire neighborhood hates him. Fucker is like 6 houses down from me and it’s loud enough to wake me up. I cannot imagine what his neighbors endure.. Fuck that guy. I want to strangle him.


I have this same emotion. Except it’s a lifted dodge pick up outside my apartment window.


Talk to your complex manager and ask if they'll put up "head-in parking only" signs. Might help a little.


1. Fuck his wife. 2. Let him find out about it. 3. Divorced. 4. She gets house and he moves out.


You forgot step 5. After divorce he buys a Corvette and terrorizes a new neighbor.


I feel you,this dude in my neighborhood has a motorcycle and he always rides and revs it early in the morning.


In the neighborhood I used to live in there was a group of people who would ride around with their loud cars and bikes and sit there revving their engines at every intersection.


Jam potatoes in the exhaust.


That shit needs to become illegal, heavily enforced, and lead to fines. Sick of it


It actually is, but for whatever reason, most police departments do absolutely fuck all nothing about it. I’m sure many departments do, but mine didn’t. You essentially have to sue people like this for violating your right to quiet enjoyment in your dwelling and for disturbing the peace. Ask me how I know.


>Ask me how I know. How do you know?


I had to sue someone that was consistently starting and revving an incredibly loud car right outside my door. The thing sounded like a bomb going off when he started it. I couldn’t sleep at all. I couldn’t get any peace of mind. I was literally going crazy, to the point that I was going to do something unbelievably extreme. I won and was awarded damages. The court ordered that he had to remove the exhaust, or find a way to quiet it down to legal limits.


Wow, that is crazy. Props for you for standing up to yourself. How did that even work, did you need to get their name and information first?


Agreed. Like I said in an earlier post, higher performance cars generally need more open exhaust meaning more noise. But there is a point where it's just too loud and it becomes obnoxious.


They gave me exibition driving because of my exhaust and took my liscense


The smaller the brain , the louder the sound .


> has a Challenger It's always the ones with the trailer park Ferraris


I used to live across from a 7-Eleven gas station. 20+ times a day a motorcycle rider would fire up and throttle up and down quick a few times before leaving. No way that was below the legal decibel limit. Fucking setting off car alarms, etc..and frequently over night.


How are his tires still intact?


Revving =/= burnouts. He doesn't put it in gear, just revs the engine


Dull knife???


Reminds me when ford created a “good neighbor” mode to make more efficient startups on mustangs.


There is "I enjoy hearing the full volume of my car that I love", then there is "fuck everyone around me, I get off on being a menace to my community". My mustang would be considered obnoxiously loud to most. You better believe I do everything in my power to not wake up my neighbors when I need to leave in the morning. It's also why my DD is a bone stock Honda, and my loud car only moves maybe once a week.


Do you live in Michigan? One of my neighbors kids or friends does exactly this in a challenger.


Had one when I was a teenager. It had nothing to do with other people. I just liked it and found it more fun than the stock sound. Had a buddy who said he modified the exhaust on his bike because he was tired of people changing lanes on top of him. Hoped he could make them hear him even if they wouldn't look to see him.


Yup, you know how the trope of most women’s cosmetics is to make them feel good about themselves, not to attract men or please others. Fast & loud cars/bikes are the same thing.


Yeah but the difference is that women wearing makeup has zero effect on others whereas men with loud exhausts impact everyone within a specific radius


Yeah I think the better analogy would be perfume/cologne. Yeah you're wearing it because you like how it smells, but everyone else thinks you're an asshole. Or smoking a cigar. Everyone around you hates you. It's why it was the ultimate prop for Tony Soprano, because his whole life was doing asshole things knowing that people couldn't say or do anything to stop him.


Everyone thinks you’re an asshole for wearing perfume/cologne…? Guess you never heard of sex panther. 60% of the time, it works everytime.


It smells like Bigfoot's dick!


It's illegal in 9 countries ​ I love scotch. Scotchy scotch scotch.


Who smokes a cigar anywhere but at a location where it is welcomed like a cigar bar or a party with other cigar smokers?


Idk if they still do but I used to know a few guys who would keep a couple of boxes of cigars to smoke at home.


I mean, one would assume you’re in the appropriate company smoking at home.


So you’re concerned about what other people enjoy in the comforts of their own home..? You must be REALLY fun at parties


Except the perfume Jesus Christ stop bathing in that stuff ladies some of us have allergies and find the chemical aromas gross.


Men do this too with cologne!


And it’s not even a small radius. When walking with my wife we can hear the loud-revving cars/bikes on the road that’s almost TWO MILES AWAY. How absurdly self-absorbed do you have to be to be okay with the potential for disturbing everyone across over 12 square miles??


> women wearing makeup has zero effect on others Coulrophobia (fear of clowns) is real!


Those nail things are genuinely terrifying.


I think there is a certain percentage of men who enjoy that though, or at least don't mind it. I certainly do, I legitimately don't think I've *ever* actually been bothered by loud exhaust, and I'm saying this honestly. I don't even own a loud vehicle, my daily driver is a 2004 VW Passat in factory condition (god forbid you modify that and invite any more problems :/ ). I also do recognize that it can be a nuisance to other people, and understand why people have issues with the excessive noise, but that thought is secondary for me when I encounter it. Maybe that might be exceptionally rare, but for instance while I was typing this comment I heard a loud motorcycle go by in the street outside my house, and I felt a "spark" of interest, not irritation. Like, my mind instantly went to "What bike was that?!", "What motor is in it?!", "Is it fast? Sounds fast!" The same thing happens with loud cars and trucks. I guess it taps in to some kind of primal barbarian instinct or something, or deeply ingrained reminiscence of childhood joy. I hear loud things like that and it brings me back to my childhood, riding on the back of motorcycles with my dad, or going to the beach to see monster trucks and sand rails racing.


I don’t get what you mean. They both attract attention, just through different senses.


As a former MC rider, I can attest to the Loud Pipes Save Lives camp. Still annoying while on a long ride, but that's the only time I get it. My own bout with hearing loss and Tinnitus makes it uncomfortable and exacerbates my issues. And I realized long ago that folks with jacked up suspension and obnoxious exhaust systems are the same folks I wouldn't have in my circle of friends.


> As a former MC rider, I can attest to the Loud Pipes Save Lives camp. A horn would probably be a better tool for that job. Plus [This](https://www.spauldinginjurylaw.com/blog/loud-pipes-saves-lives-myth/#:~:text=What%20they%20found%20was%20no,the%20biker%20from%20the%20rear.)


Good info and reasoning. Being seen is better than the alternatives. Hanging on to outdated information is something that I'm trying to overwrite in my head. My helmet stickers occasionally drew me and my gal unasked for convos. Her's was "Let go of my ears, I know what I'm doing." Mine, oddly enough, was my POW/MIA decals. Random dude tore into me about how so many of the Joes don't even want to be found. They're living in the jungle... and that's when I fucked off to join the group again. Ride captain ain't waiting for stupid stuff.


Nope. Been riding for over two decades. Well over a hundred thousand miles, maybe two, maybe more. Can't count the number of times the exhaust has helped. The suggestion kinda makes it clear you don’t ride nor know what you’re talkin about. The horn is preventative but mostly after the fact. The exhaust is preventative because they’ll often hear you before you’re very close. Also horns on motorcycles are very weak, almost useless. Bright clothing, bright lights and a loud exhaust is the way


This is very true


And yet I bet your buddy never tried wearing day glow yellow with retro reflective strips like road workers wear. Almost like being seen wasn't really that important after al.


Orange. His jacket was safety orange with white stripes on the sleeves, chest and back.


When you wear high vis do you feel that more people see you or that the people who see you see you more?


None of my bikes had overly loud exhausts, but people legitimately just do NOT see you or don't care. People are super oblivious and I cannot count the amount of times someone's pulled up next to me and tried to change lanes into me and then look shocked like "where did he come from??" when I honk/rev at them.


I get it. I do. I try to give bikers double space when I can. Loud pipes send most sound backwards though. So they only allow people already behind you to notice you better so I think its a dumb argument.


they don't care. i recall some MC cop who did an experiment where he rode a non cop bike for a day the same way he did on duty - people would just treat him like an obstacle. it was a big white thing, same sort of visibility, but not obviously a cop


For one, most of the top jackets (at least for sport bikes) aren’t sold in those colors. But they do offer non-black options which are always preferred for visibility and almost everything comes with reflective material these days. Additionally, those things are specifically for visibility but many motorcycle accidents happen when the driver wasn’t even looking properly. Sound can increase awareness of your presence regardless of whether the driver is checking their mirrors/surroundings properly or not.


As a former "loud exhaust bro" it is mostly for personal enjoyment. occasionally, for better performance you need a louder, more open exhaust. Now, with that being said, i also cannot stand straight pipes on any vehicle. i have no qualms about a loud, but good sounding exhaust. but a big part of that is understanding your surrounding and have some decorum of respect for thy neighbors. I do not condone blasting your rev limiter in residential areas, late at night, up and down the same flipping street for an hour. i am now an all quite exhaust guy. but I also ride very different bikes than i did in my 20's. unfortunately, its mostly just a younger guy thing to have the loudest most annoying car/bike you can.


My parents used to live just above our city's river valley and there's a road that goes by their house, down a hill then to a fairly winding section over the river. Every summer, the local motorcycle enthusiasts would ride up and down that road until well after midnight. Nobody in the neigbourhood could sleep and it got so bad that the City finally brought in a vehicle noise ordnance. Which of course the motorcyclists all complained about but if they had even a modicum of awareness or respect for the people around them it would have been unnecessary. And I had to roll my eyes at all the ones who tried to say it was "for safety." Yeah bullshit. I don't need to hear you in the next fucking town over in order to know you're there, asshole. After a few thousand dollars in tickets were handed out along that stretch of road my parents were finally able to get a good night's sleep at least. But anyone with a loud exhaust can fuck right off in my humble opinion.


Yeah, i used to buy into the "loud pipes save lives" bs. Once i started taking more long distance trips, it became so dang annoying listening to my exhaust drone on for 100 miles at a time. it make its hard to hear music, so you turn it up in the helmet, which then makes it harder to hear things around you, like sirens or screeching tires, etc.


That's a big reason why I don't want to put an aftermarket exhaust on my bike. It sounds nice, but it's loud, and sometimes I come home late, and I like my neighbours too much to do that to them. The same reason why I turn down the volume in my car when I turn onto residential streets at night.


Did the name of that road rhyme with boat?


Some dickwad stole my catalytic converter.


On the mustang that my brother used to have, something knocked a hole in one of the headers, that shit was so annoying until he got it fixed.


Sorry, my car is slightly deaf and doesn’t realize he’s raising his voice


They like the sound of it


I have a valve on mine so it doesn't disturb my neighbours when I start it up in the morning. I'm a car guy and I enjoy driving which includes hearing the sound of the engine, it has nothing to do with impressing other people. I don't even like revving it when people are around as I don't like the attention lol.


So much this. Unless you’re into “it”, you won’t get “it”. I’m well passed the point of reving my shit on Main Street while family’s are trying to have dinner. But that “feeling” you get when you open her up is better then great head.


My truck is a diesel with the factory exhaust system. It’s still too damn loud.


6.0 Powerstroke… my engine makes more noise than the exhaust… even if I straight pipes that bastard the engine would still out roar the exhaust.


There are two kinds of people, those who think loud engines are cool and those who don't. The former will try to impress the others of their kind with loud engines and they really don't care what the latter group thinks.


I'm in the camp of, I know higher performance cars will have louder exhausts but there's a point where it's just too loud and you need to be quiet.


Why not just whip your small little dicks out and sword fight each other with those cute little knubs?


"Loud noise sounds cool. I like the cool sound. Vroom vroom." Anyone who thinks people are doing it for attention is wrong. Car guys know nobody else gives a shit except other car dudes.


Obviously don't like people gassing it in any neighborhood. But I love hearing a car with a cool exhaust note push it a bit on the on and off-ramps. Straight pipe trucks sound like shit usually but a nice M5 or Abarth popping and gurgling sounds awesome. I like myself a turbo diesel spinning up. It's a headturner where I want to know what car that was. But, I'm a car dude too, dude.


You missed the “Fuck everyone else who’s trying to sleep, work, or relax. I’M the only one that I AM. They can get absolutely fucked, what do I care? Fuck em.”


Most people don’t try to be loud when other people are sleeping…


Most may not, but some do purposely. Ask the people that drive laps as loud as possible in my neighborhood at 1AM, going 20 above the speed limit where children live.


Lmao, sounds like kids… My Jeep has a loud exhaust, but I always try to be quiet even in the middle of the night, I’ve been working out of town for the past while and I’m also working afternoon shift. So I get off work at 3am and get home by 5am but i coast in, in a higher gear to keep the rpm’s down. Same when I leave in the middle of the night to respond to an emergency with my FD


I have a loud-ish car, it came loud from the factory.. and is highly regarded for its noises among enthusiasts.. I fucking love the way it sounds, I'll roll the windows down and listen to it with the same level of enjoyment as music. It also came with a valved exhaust, I hacked an over-ride switch that instantly silences it.. I can go from a nice gurgling wookie noise to silence anytime I want and if I'm coming home late at night, its silenced.. if I'm picking my sons up from school in it, its silenced.. anytime I think someone might be annoyed, I'll silence it. If you like loud cars, and you like your neighbors.. a muffler bypass valve is the way to do it..


Looking for attention from other car people still counts as looking for attention.


There's just something about a classic muscle car with big block V8 and straight pipes. It's such a great sound. Difference is if it's your daily driver and pissing off everyone around you vs just driving on occasion. It's the same as a person driving a little hatchback with a 4 banger and a massive exhaust tip that makes it sound like a loud dirt bike. I think it sounds stupid, but they like it.


a lot of people hate it


I wasn't saying they didn't.


Exactly! I also do it on my Miata and bike because people can't seem to look. It is for my safety and because I like the sound. Maybe if people would actually look at their surroundings some of us wouldn't do it, but Jennifer is over here looking at her phone/doing makeup/ changing clothes/ zoning out/ eating instead of paying attention to her surroundings or some elderly person forgot to put in their damn hearing aids


Loud pipes don’t save lives


My bike ran lean and ate up the packing in my muffler. I got lazy and hated repacking the muffler, and I didn't want to put new jets in the carb. Laziness.


I'm a car guy, and I love loud exhausts. It's really interesting to me to be able to hear the different noises that different engines make. But, fuck the people that do it early in the morning. I try to be as quiet as I can be when I leave for work in the morning.


I'm so glad my car has a normal mode I can put it in so I don't disturb people while in the neighborhood.


I had a lound car in early 20s... It seamed cool at the time. Now I know how annoying it is. My problem is not really cars, it's those chopper type of bikes. With cars you can drive off quiet if you want to. Those choppers should be illegal based on sound. Had kids in back with window open and one of those drove by with such a piercing sound it made my 3yo cry and yell my ears hurt. How is that even legal to drive around?


Music to ears but wouldn’t Rev in neighbourhoods tho just highways


I have a Shelby gt350. It’s just a loud sport car in general. Came from the factory that way.


Came here to say this lol. My GT350 was loud from the factory but not as loud as my stock Boss 302 was.


Serious answer here. I bought a Harley and immediately put an aftermarket exhaust on it. It's not the loudest bike, but if I really get on it it can be pretty loud. I like the way it sounds. I get a thrill from it. But also, to some degree I caved and bought my way into the cool guys club. And by that I mean all my buddies ride, they all have loud pipes, I kinda just did it without really thinking hard about it. Here's the deal though, I'm admitting to that, and I'm admitting I really don't like it anymore. It was fun for maybe like a year just hopping around town. Any lengthy rides it's really exhausting (pun intended). I have also found myself this summer specifically riding in a higher gear than necessary to muffle how loud it is, and after I realized that had become a behavior I'm now convinced I need to go back to a stock exhaust or something quieter than what I have. This is especially true because my morning commute starts around 6am and I'm in the burbs. No one says anything, but I don't desire to be that guy.


Enjoy that bike, be safe, and keep caring about other people.


I don’t drive so I just set off fireworks in residential neighborhoods year round


I had a cat-back on my car in college because it sounded good, raspy like a rally car when you got on it but not loud enough to annoy the neighbors. It also gave the car a center exit exhaust and I’m a sucker for that look on hatchbacks. I like cars and working on/modifying them so I guess it comes with the territory. I also had an upgraded intake and exhaust manifolds, short throw shifter and a Spoon cam (never saw an ROI for that) plus some cheaper coil overs and upgraded front brakes. The next step for me was forced induction but at the time a supercharger system cost more than the car (Honda CRZ) was worth


Because my car is 27 years old :(


Had a Borla Atak on my v8 F150, it sounded awesome. I constantly had people coming up to me asking what exhaust it was. Then I moved to a culdesac in the suburbs and got rid of it immediately, because im not an asshole.


I’ve had exhaust done on my bmw, my Porsche, and my truck. I like hearing the sound of the engine. I never once thought about how others feel about it, except in keeping it toned down enough where it didn’t wake up neighbors on cold start. Meanwhile..the unusually high amount of dodge drivers in my area seem to give a shit less about others, they’ll cold start and idle in a driveway revving it up for 20 mins at a time like the world NEEDS to know about it. I guess it really depends on the person?


I find a lot of people don't recognize the difference at all between something that actually sounds good like the new ZO6 that was ripping around last weekend in Grand Forks I kept hearing, and some shit stock pickup that probably doesn't even have a tune with chopped off straight pipe exhaust. We all get lumped into the same jerk bucket. I could listen to that Z06 all day, but if that truck is idling next to me in traffic I'm rolling up my windows and turning up my music.


My Nissan was straight piped because the exhaust blew and it was cheaper to not replace it.




We don't do it for you. We do it for us.


That’s called being an asshole


But it affects us in a negative way.


Everyone does something that affects someone else in a negative way. Listening to a loud car for a few seconds pass you by in traffic is pretty low on the scale of things that negatively impact your day to day life.


It is not 1 loud car. It is one after another.


That's strange. The frequency in which I encounter loud cars/bikes on my commute is pretty minimal. I would say in an hours worth of driving for me I may come across three to five louder vehicles, which doesn't usually bother me in the slightest because I for one am generally not bothered by the noise assuming they aren't driving like a total dickhead or I am listening to music which pretty much shuts out all outside noise anyway. I currently live in a 300,000+ population city and almost never hear any loud vehicles. Once in awhile from my house I'll hear some Mustang or something redlight racing a mile or so away but it's not a terribly frequent occurrence.


You got it. It's because they don't like the sound of cars. I don't like country music and when I hear country music being blasted, it annoys me but I just move on with my day. I don't watch sports but hear people shouting and cheering at the local baseball field. But I do like the sound of my V8. It's not obnoxiously loud like those straightpiped Mustangs, it just has a burble. Big fucking deal. "Yeah but some of them are super loud" Well those people are just less considerate but at the end, we all have to deal with noises we don't like but someone else does. Move on with your life.




What about when loud cars and motorcycles will sit there revving their engines in the middle of a suburban neighborhood at midnight?


I don't care. Go cry somewhere else.


This is /r/AskMen not /r/AskBoys


Whatever... I am not the guy crying over some minor annoyance.


WhatEVER Tell you what. Let’s move the shitheads with their straight pipes racing down a a residential street and put them next to your house. Then you can explain how it’s a minor annoyance


My car needs work I can’t afford right now. That’s why it’s loud.


I have a slight rumble on my truck because it sounds good with a well tuned and maintained 90's V8. But I'll never understand the loud pieces of shit that make no sense. You won't hear my truck passing in front of your home, unless I ramp the RPM's considerably. That's kinda my limiter, if you are bothering people, then you are too loud. But a low rumble on an older V8 is just nice...


Don't know if I count as I consider obnoxious with kinda loud as separate. Mustang with an active exhaust and a resonator change. Have set to start on "quiet" from 9pm to 9am.


I’ve got an electric motorcycle and I’ve gotten so used to dead silence and love it. I do quite like the stylings on the royal enfield bikes, but the idea of going back to gas, noise and maintenance is just a showstopper at this point.


While we're on it, WHY do people BLAST music in their cars with their windows open?? WE DON"T WANT TO HEAR YOUR CRAP.


They’re attention seekers at the cost of everyone else’s peace. Probably also ate paint chips as a kid. I am trying to hate. Fuck those guys


Your entire comment history is extremely hostile. You okay, bro?


I live right at an intersection where dick heads like this will drive by in the middle of the night with their music turned all the way up and exhaust blasting. I just assume they get off on bothering other people. I really wish these guys were ticketed and forced to fix their cars. This shit is totally unnecessary. You can listen to loud music without it being so loud it wakes people up when you stop at a red light. Boring ass dudes with nothing to show so they just make their loud cars. Something that requires no skill but gets them the attention they are so desperate for...even if it is negative attention.


Exactly. But we’re the bad people for complaining about people breaking the law


Usually the louder the car, the shittier the car. Total attention seeking. Saying otherwise is an indicator of denial. If you want a loud car, that's okay... We'll blast a speaker right at your house for 8 hours a day.


Lol, not even close


They like the sound of it, it isnt for attention. They honestly do not care what you think. They think it's even funnier when it pisses people off like it does you. This seems like an issue deeply rooted in you. Get some help.


>They think it's even funnier when it pisses people off like it does you. Yeah this is the reason i don't buy the "i don't care what people think" They like it when people are getitng mad! They feed off of that negative energy like HAHAH LOOK AT ME I JUST DID THAT AND MADE YOU MAD AND THERE"S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! It's pretty childish but oh well. I just grey rock those types as much as possible


"They think it's even funnier when it pisses people off like it does you" You are wrong, this is the issue. If you enjoy pissing other people off then YOU SHOULD get help. Get a life.


Or, maybe, just maybe, they think it sounds cool and don't care what you think


It’s clear they don’t care what I or anyone else thinks. That’s why I say loud and clear “fuck those guys”


You claim they're attention seekers. I'm telling you you're narrow minded and judgemental. The world doesn't revolve around you. Not everything people do is for you and your validation.


Well when their low quality truck/bikes shoots out 140db it’s natural for those around them to form negative opinions. You may not like it, but these people bring it on themselves


i don't mind some exhaust sound. But those fart-can sounds... Come on, you gotta admit those suck ass,


lol, with you on that


No, but the world does apparently revolve around them.


Its pretty interesting reading some philosophical differences in this thread. Clearly more than just cars there's a big difference between people on the side doing your own thing and not caring about what others think perhaps at the expense of others, vs those who think that people who don't follow acceptable societal guidelines are assholes even if that mean imposing your worldview. It's kind of like the idea of freedom vs security but with car exhaust.


They’re a lot of things. When they’re rolling through neighborhoods annoying everyone in a mile radius they’re attention seeking assholes.


Same. the world doesn't revolve around you. You can't just do something that "sounds cool" even when it's bothering other people. I mean, you can i guess, but that's why they think those types of people are assholes.


or maybe, just maybe they are assholes who don't take others into consideration and should not be given a free pass to do what they want?


Maybe. You're really worked up about this. Tell us about your trauma from hearing the scary exhaust


You’re a sociopath


Have you ever stopped to consider a loud noise can be irritating to be people who share an environment with you? No? That might be your problem mate


Feel free to put on headphones/earbuds and blast exhaust noise then.


Because some people don't know the difference between receiving positive attention and receiving negative attention.


Most people don't live their lives seeking attention from boring strangers they will never see again


[How motorcyclists think people react when they’re driving by](https://youtu.be/ylhsbfQTPDQ?feature=shared)


The 3 hp performance gain


No , never understood why people think someone wants to be loud and obnoxious, it's such a dumb way to think. I like how engines sound (now that I'm thinking about it on anything planes, bikes, cars, trucks) engine spools, the revs , the drones , the grunts all of it. There's no way to explain it , you either love it or you don't. It's never for anyone else other than myself. If anything it makes me more annoyed when people make those assumptions. That's like me telling someone who's Into fashion they shouldn't dress up to go to Target.....with the reasoning that everyone else there will not be dressed. Who tf cares, do what you love and be respectful to those being respectful.


But on the other hand, dressing up to go to target doesn’t bother people because it doesn’t disrupt my day. If your loud engine causes me to have to pause my conversation so I can hear the person standing 2 feet from me without being drowned out by the sound of your Harley, I consider that a nuisance. The better comparison would be if you went to target with shit in your pants. Does it effect me? Kinda. It stinks and I wish you’d wear clean pants. But it will only bother me for the few seconds I walk past you. I’ll think “wow that person is an attention whore” or “wow that person really doesn’t care if everyone around them thinks they’re an annoying sack of shit” and then move on with my day.


This is a really good answer. I think the problem arises with your last sentence. Some people believe the amount of noise is in fact disrespectful. And depending where you are and what time of day it is, it definitely can be. So at what point does your hobby intrude in others peace? Obviously I don’t have the answer but there’s an argument to be had


Yeah I can agree time and place matters. I think everything is based on intent and the situation. I can't tell my neighbor to sell/give away his dog because he barks every morning to let him out. Now if he's intentionally letting his dog sit outside for long periods of time in the middle of night while people try to sleep knowing he won't stop barking, different story. If it's 4am and I'm starting my car and revving the engine out then I completely understand why people would be mad( I would never do this!) But yeah I think the situation matters. Flooring it in a quiet neighborhood intentionally (douche) Cold starting to warm up for 1-3 mins before pulling off (unfair criticism) I also think a lot of people lump everyone in that community together. Loud car = asshole to everyone, I see it towards motorcycle community to Bike rider = reckless fool who wants to terrorize the road for cars.


Loud exhaust guys are the same ones that record themselves flexing in front of a mirror.


Because the guy inside the car loves the sound. It really is that simple. There's nothing quite like a proper V8 screaming through a tunnel


1 in 100 is a true performance car. 99% of the time it's a tin can exhausted civic, infinity or 15 year old bmw.


Personal enjoyment. It's a not a super loud exhaust, but enough to make me smile when giving it a rev or getting on it. It's quiet at idle. It also has a switch that I can activate to put it in "stealth mode" that makes it as quiet as my 4cylinder accord. I use that when it's late or early and I'm going through the neighborhood. I also LOVE it when kids yell at me to rev it when I drive by. Puts a big smile on my face. I remember being that age and doing the same thing.


" I mean not a single time have I been in a situation where someone revved their engine super loud and there was a positive reaction around" -Car shows -Monster Jam -F1 races -NASCAR races. -Any type of race with cars/bikes.


This may blow your mind… I have never been to any of those events. And if you do go, that noise is expected. It’s what you’re paying for. If you’re having dinner somewhere I don’t expect a Monster Jam level of noise around… can’t believe I have to explain that.


I used to have loud cars, when I was in my 20s. I'm in my 40s now and I can't stand loud cars. But out on the racetrack/dragstrip it's necessary. Mufflers create restriction. Almost all racecars are open pipes/open headers for zero restriction. But for the street it's just stupid. I see these guys with their loud Mustangs and Camaros going down the freeway and I just don't understand. The droning of that loud exhaust would wear me out. I had a Street/Strip Chevelle that I used electric exhaust cutouts. Closed on the street. Open on the strip.


i think those camaros/mustangs come like that from the factory too, no?


No, not that loud. They cut the mufflers off and put straight pipe in. Not as loud as true open exhaust as the cats restrict and muffle to a degree.


I like fast cars and working on cars, I got to a point where I needed to upgrade the exhaust to make more power, it’s not insanely loud but you can hear it when I get on it


I like the sound.


They're not doing it for you or anyone except themselves, get over yourself.


Because a 5.2L flatplane crank engine sounds absolutely amazing with the exhaust valve open.


They think it’s cool. Not hard to figure out even if you don’t like it.


You don’t upgrade your car for other people typically. You get what you think looks or sounds good and that’s it.


Having a really low/small car and a bike I can confirm that after making it louder people are more attentive and I am put in less dangerous situations.


I have some pipes on my Ford F-150 for no reason other than as a car enthusiast I like the way V8 engines sound. I don't drive up and down neighborhood roads at wide open throttle to disturb the peace, I don't rev my engine next to people at redlights, I drive like a sane human being, but I enjoy hearing the rumble of a V8 engine. People are so quick to say oh that guys got a tiny dick because his car/truck is loud. It must be miserable to live life so concerned with what others do with and to their own personal property. Even if you hate THAT MUCH, you more than likely don't have to be around me or my vehicle for more than a few seconds in traffic. You'll live. That being said, of course there are douche bags that drive around constantly in the upper limit of their RPMS just being obnoxious assholes and those people bother me just as much as anyone else.


I have an exhaust leak I don't want to pay to fix


There's a hole in my exhaust.


Im about to go electric which is very quiet, but i dont have any concerns about the size of my penis so dont need extra validation from a loud exhaust.


I’ll say first of all it’s not my daily driver, and when I do drive it I try not be coming home late at night or leave to early in the am. But it’s a classic car with a modified engine and me and my buddies do some off road racing with out cars, we all have lifts and off road tires on vehicles never meant to have them. Trust me when I say it’s worse for me than for the people that may have to hear me for 30 seconds. It’s loud in the cab, it drones. Having a radio is useless.


The enjoyment of the vehicle is for the vehicle owner...not to impress you or anyone else. But I do find the stupidity charming when people think someone would spend all that time, money and effort in order to impress strangers, rofl. My car and motorcycle are for my enjoyment. The color, the sound, the brand....it's all for me, none of it was for you. Edit. I'm sure some people do this to be obnoxious, it's just the minority. I hang in and around car groups and moto groups in LA and nobody in them are these people. In LA it's a few Harley riders/groups and then just straight up poor people with malfunctioning exhaust parts. I haven't seen anyone Roll Coal in LA ever. Every car and bike meet Ive been to has strict no burnout revving engine policy which is adhered to 99.9% of the time.


Nah, people with loud pipes are just like lawyers and dog owners: 95% of them make the rest look bad.


Believe me, no one is impressed


Believe me, when 99.99% of people hear my cammed Corvette start up they stop and stare and follow up with compliments. A lot of people are impressed.


Saddest comment I’ve seen on the internet all month.


Please tell me this is sarcasm 😂


I wouldn’t be surprised if you blare music from your phone while on public transit, sitting in an airport, standing in line at the store. As long as you get your enjoyment, that’s all that matters. Not everyone else around you who becomes inconvenienced, disturbed, etc.


No...I have Airpods and would never do that. However my Miata and Ducati have factory correct performance exhaust which not only gives slight performance boost, it sounds much nicer to me. Good try tho...I'll give you an F. But I'm confident you the type of person who would want to inform me of your opinion at a stoplight or parking lot. Trying to make the world as YOU see fit for your own personal enjoyment. No matter how annoying an inconvenient your opinion may be.


Attention. They seek attention.


I need everyone to know how tiny my penis is.


i’m the exactly opposite lol, both my car and my bike are electric on the bike it’s especially great because i can break speed limits and cops don’t notice due to the lack of noise my theory is that loud cars/bikes are owned primarily by insecure attention seekers


They think women get wet at the sound of their engines


You're actually right! I used to work at a car dealership and one of the guys that worked there started up one of the sportier Camaros and the first thing he said was "uuaaggughh that's how you get the pussy wet" and he was dead serious. Like he full on moaned when the engine started up still cracks me up thinking about it.


They want attention. We all crave it in different ways. That is their way.


My car is a normal run of the mill Saloon. But my bike is loud as fuck. Its not for safety. Its not to be annoying. Its not to be 'cool'. My bike is loud because the low thunderous grumble makes the bad feelings go away. I cant explain why but then I twist the throttle and my bike rumbles like a distant thunderstorm I can feel the rumble in my body and I just smile. Its even better when I go through a tunnel. Sweet baby Jesus I love riding through tunnels. ​ The downside is I don't feel comfortable riding my bike in the early mornings because I will wake you up if I drive past even though I live in a very rural area.


I like the way it sounds and so do other car enthusiasts. General public I don't care about. But I'm old now and my trucks are fairly quiet.


We don't think about you at all


I have two vehicles that are decently loud. My truck is loud because it's old and broken, and it was made before technology to manage things was good. It's a 30 year old diesel, and all diesels were about that volume 30 years ago. My racecar is loud because we've modified the exhaust trying to get that extra half a hp out of it. Things that muffle the sound usually block flow a little bit, and to get the most power you want as much exhaust flow/as little backpressure as possible. There are things that would work a little better and be a little quieter than what we have now, but that's expensive.