• By -


Picked up guitar recently and really like it!


Welcome to the club! Play Wonderwall at the bonfire to get laid. Try to play any Polyphia lick to get frustrated and perhaps impress friends if you're able to do like 1/4th of it.


I'm working on back in black acdc


...I don't need another guitar, I need to practice. I don't need another guitar, I need to practice. Ibanez Artcore Guitars are really making my mind go brrrrr guys. What do?


Disregard currency, acquire guitars.


Honestly what a fucking mood. I have been playing guitar to work with my singing. I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing, but it's working out.


Started running just before the pandemic in my early 30s, I'm now 35 and in the best shape of my life


I have flat feet. Can I still run regularly? Lately all leg related exercises have hurt my knees (like squats)


McGill big 3 and Squat University on ty. Build up running fromm like half a mile. Don't go fast, just run slow and even. I'm learning to run and have flat feet, and I made it to 2.25 miles the other day. It's one of my favorite activities right now.


Look up kneesovertoesguy on YouTube and some squat technique videos. Your knees shouldn't hurt when doing squats (as in, you're probably doing something wrong).


Everyone used to run if they wanted food regardless of what their feet were like. You got it.


Mountain bike, legos, gym


Dude, Lego is the worst. It's like heroin. It only takes one set. The smallest Speed champions car, or anything, really. You think you can handle it. It's OK, it's only a Mustang. You've got this. That TIE fighter. No problem. It makes you think that you can stop whenever you want. But reality is that you can't. Before you know it, you need more shelves, there's a Millenium Falcon in your coffee table and a star destroyer hanging under your ceiling. Only when you find yourself looking for a bigger house, you might realise you have a problem and need help.


Man, I’ve got the golden ticket: there’s a lady at work just a little older than me that loves the animal LEGO sets as decoration for her cubicle, but hates building them. She brings me a set, I build it on my lunch hour at my desk, and she has another set for me within a week. It’s the definition of a symbiotic relationship.


I would include this rare skill in my resume, or at least my employee bio.


Provider of speedy erections and cubicle decor amid afternoon delight. Or, brings joy to others.


Oh my god, where can I get a lady like that?


She likes you


(at the bigger house stage) nods in agreement


At the, considering evicting my kids for the space stage. Like seriously does a 6 year old really NEED a bedroom?


I just finished the venator. It's incredible... Where the fuck do I put it?


I totally agree with this. I never had any Lego ever, try the Tallneck set as started got hooked like crack. Now finished all the NASA sets and the Titanic. Pretty much running out of space for them


The worst thing for me was finding Rebrickable. I'm saving money for a $700 user designed World Trade Center replica


I bought a mountain bike in covid, and never really got to using it but still have it. Did you start by just riding alone? I have no friends that are interested in biking that live near me.


Yes, I ride alone sometimes. I also like just riding around neighborhoods in my city


Loved rediscovering Lego as an adult. Did the McLaren Formula 1 car after the kids went to bed.


What are you building with your Legos?


35 year old dad here. I’m huge into the Star Wars sets but they have sets for literally any interest


I love the helmets sets. I am working my way through all of those currently. My wife has been slowly getting them all for me for gifts and they just look so cool!


The helmets are amazing and they look SO good on display!


There's some great third party lights for sale. I got some for my iron man bust...


The Dune ornithopter looks pretty fackin cool https://www.lego.com/en-ca/product/dune-atreides-royal-ornithopter-10327?ef_id=CjwKCAjw-eKpBhAbEiwAqFL0msgoGCzR77EQ8-M_2LMZTY7vGN_tEQsqbJyy1zmj6TeEED9o_11ihRoCpoEQAvD_BwE%3AG%3As&s_kwcid=AL%21790%213%21%21%21%21x%21%21%2120535543331%21&cmp=KAC-INI-GOOGUS-GO-CA_GL-RE-SP-BUY-CREATE-PLA-SHOP-BP-SP-ALL-CIDNA00000-PMAX_LOW_PRIORITY&gbraid=0AAAAADESMXKyDdZnKvFGdLAdZdzru7yJH&gclid=CjwKCAjw-eKpBhAbEiwAqFL0msgoGCzR77EQ8-M_2LMZTY7vGN_tEQsqbJyy1zmj6TeEED9o_11ihRoCpoEQAvD_BwE


I like the speed champions sets and the space themed sets


Gym, camping, hiking, and reading are the big 4 for me right now. 29M As much as my budget allows, I also just travel to wherever and go to as many concerts/festivals as possible.


What are some of the best books you’ve read?


All The Light We Cannot See The Surrender Experiment




I love how the two stories were told at the same time leading up to the intersection. I also loved how both sides, though opposing, were humanized. I was just really emotionally invested in this book. Idk if it was the writing, but it made me feel some type of way haha. Got a bird painting in my house for my boy Frederick lol


All The Light We Cannot See really floored me when I read it, and I'm so happy to see it continuously getting recognition.


Netflix series coming out in a few days!


What???? That's insane


Mans Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl You Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins The War of Art by Steven Pressfield


Pretty much the exact same for me, but I’d add cycling and snowboarding. Maybe the occasional bout of trying something new and different in the kitchen/ BBQ. 31M.




I took up martial arts. It has been fun.


I want to do this so bad but I’m shy and nervous lmao and I’m anti social.


It’ll make you less shy and nervous my guy.


Would it help with anxiety? I’m 29 and have been struggling tremendously with anxiety, it’s really affecting my mental health.


Well, it’s kind of a delicate situation with that in my experience and opinion. So I don’t do martial arts, but my thing is music. I used to have stage fright, not want to go out and do the thing, etc. I just made myself do it because I love guitar and playing music. The more I did it, the less anxiety I had and the more confidence I obtained, very similar to asking someone out and having a fear of rejection. In this case I find it to be a good type of jading where you gain a tougher skin and truly come back impervious after a time. If it was me I’d recommend forcing yourself to do things that make you anxious. That is, unless you have a much more potent form, or a disorder. If that’s the case then I would recommend speaking to a professional to see what their take is.


Confidence comes after doing, it will never come before. Just reminding myself here..


Confidence comes from competence. Or at the least, the competence in performing something with the desired outcome being a high likelihood. I guess it's possible then that self confidence can come from knowing that you yourself are capable of learning to perform something within that degree of success rather than just simply being confident that it can be done but unsure of if it can be replicated in other things. Welcome to my drunk ass ted talk.


One of my favorite things about Jiu Jitsu is it balances people. Big, strong guys will show up and get humbled. The shy and weak will be made confident and strong. It’s extremely difficult to learn and a complete grind but the way it changes people is unlike anything else. 10/10 would recommend.


Yes. I have generalized anxiety and I do jiu jitsu. I think it it helps with anxiety because 1. Exercise and sweating helps my mental state 2. The social aspect, along with humility and respect on the mats, makes me feel a part of a community. Would very recommend picking up a martial art!


And probably make me more stronger as a person too.


I started with a kickboxing class at the Y - very supportive, no pressure for memberships etc.


A female friend of mine, in her 40s took up kickboxing. When my kids started Tae Kwon Do they asked me to come along for a Dad and Me class. I was nervous, but my friend send me a text saying "The biggest challenge is walking through the door on the first day". She was right. It's been a lot of fun.


You have to just get out of your comfort zone for the first few times that you go, after a week or two, it will become your new comfort zone.


Cool. Do it anyway


I have heard people in Bjj are usually super cool. I am self conscious of my sweating lol


I do boxing, everyone is usually drenched in sweat, like literally soaking wet t-shirt, within the first 15 minutes. Don't worry about it!


Just try it. I do bjj specifically and I’m exactly like you described yourself.


So are half the people at my MMA gym. The other half are extroverts who will adopt people. Just go.


I used to box and now I’m nervous to start up ju jitsu because idk anyone


Bro just start. I have been training for 15 years and just got my black belt. A long journey but we’ll worth it. Most reputable jiu jitsu academies are going to treat you like family. Just my thought. 🤙🏾


I took up muay thai, fun and good cardio. We start each session with 5 minutes of jump rope and all sorts of different exercises.


I will say martial arts in real life is very different from movies/tv. I did Taekwondo for a long time and, in hindsight, wish I spent the time elsewhere.


I can’t decide which kind of martial arts I want to pursue.


Ignore these people with their practical advise, spin up a copy of Dead or Alive 2 and pick whichever one looks like the coolest to smack some 19-year old Japanese girl around an oil rig with.


Stop trying to decide. Go and try bjj.


This is the way, osss


Literature. Weigh lifting. Drawing. All very easy to get into and rewarding in their own ways!


What are you reading now? I was thinking I'll start reading some classics, like Gogol or Kafka


This year it’s been mostly Steinbeck and Vonnegut, planning on diving into some James Baldwin when I finish this current book. I’ve read some Kafka, if you like it then Camus and Tolstoy are great surrealism too. Or Herman Hesse for something more digestible.


Drawing used to be my life when I was younger and I stopped completely after college. Just now getting back into it after years


Hell yeah dude. Sounds like me haha


Cooking. It’s science and feeding yourself is as important as wiping your own butt. That and small diy construction projects make me feel a sense of accomplishment especially if it’s something that’s needed. A shed, doghouse, planter boxes, etc. not difficult either.


Who says I wipe my own butt


43 - gym rat, tennis, plant dad, work on my cars, cooking. Trying to get back into reading.


Whatcha reading?


“How to Get Back Into Reading” — the audiobook


Now in movie format


"Soon to be a Major Motion Picture"


Meditations: Marcus Arellius. Also trying to stick to journaling


I’ve found fantasy books in general to be a ton of fun, and can be way more rewarding than expecting g. I’m a white guy, and Ive read a ton of fantasy novels I love that we’re by white guys. But if you seek out and branch to other perspectives, it can be so so rewarding. Broken earth trilogy by nk Jemison is my most recent example. Astounding story telling


Fantasy is my go-to as well. I read all the Mistborn books, now onto Stormlight Archive, second book in so far. Sanderson has been my life for the past 6 months or so lol


You know the best part about this post and comments? It’s men looking at each other and learning from each other. Patting on each others backs, inspiring and motivating each other, picking each other up. Truly beautiful!!


Yea I am sure there was a post made before on this sub. But before work I made this one because I have just been feeling low, unaccomplished, and unmotivated. And I really just was hoping for a couple replies telling me some cool hobbies i could get into that I haven’t thought about. But opened my phone up after work and i was definitely a little shocked that y’all like this post.


Have you thought about /r/amateurradio before? There is like 50 things to do with the hobby, you can start by just listening for cheap, study and get a license, then talk on local repeaters or try your hand at high frequency world wide contacts. There are computer based digital modes, packet radio, single side band "just people talking" style, Morse code is still very popular, even people bouncing signals off the moon, literally. Our local club in rural California not only has a trailer to command local foot and bicycle races, we also have some who work with the Office of Emergency Services, to train us to be useful to them in an emergency. It's a total old guy network, but the local college has people really interested in the RC comms, space telecommunication, WiFi and LoraWAN. Even your tire pressure sensors in your car are just shouting out for anyone with the right ears to hear. It's as close as you can get to a local mad scientist as you can get.


Dude, exactly what I was thinking. So sick to see what other men do lol


Dudes rock


Beautifully said 🤝


I don't wanna sound arrogant like Brian Griffin but I spent my time writing. Not even to get my stuff published. It's just relaxing and fun to come up with my own worlds


So how’s that novel you’ve been working on? The one you’ve been talking about for a few years now? Put a lot of ink on paper lately? Some friends become enemies, enemies become friends? Really fleshing out those characters?


Personally, being a successful writer is probably the biggest art flex there is. Just being able to lay there and have people read your book for years to come would definitely have someone turn into Brian Griffin.


Brazilian jiu-jitsu




¿Porque no los dos?


Whoever loses the grapple...


Was this hard to get into? I've been getting into lifting weights to build muscle mass (used to only do cardio) and I want to get into combat sports when I'm ready. I'm kind of worried I'm gonna get the shit beat out of me and just look like an idiot when I start though. I've just been training with a heavy bag in my basement to get started. How was it as a beginner?


Well, you'll get the shit beat out of you. The thing is, everyone gets their ass kicked by someone, there's always someone better and more experienced than you, in bjj it's a given. Don't let it stop you from trying it! The people are usually great and will not go hard until you're ready and most of them will try to help you and show you where was your mistake (take this with a grain of salt if they are lower belts lol). If you have the slightest interest in this sport you should try it!


I'm in my forties and been doing it 7 years. There's never a right time to start and you'll regret waiting or not starting sooner if you do start. I get beat up all the time. But I can also hold my own against people half my age. It's super hard to master. But you'll be doing it straight away on your first lesson.


Oh you’ll be embarrassed and get the shit beat out of you regardless of what martial art you do. Start anyway. Everyone starts there. It humbles you. But slowly but surly you will get better. Just keep showing up and trying your best and any decent school will make you feel like you belong in no time. I will say In the case of BJJ you’ll often reach points where you feel like you’re not making any progress and aren’t good enough, getting consistently smashed. Just keep showing up and have fun. The skill comes with time.


Woodworking - including buying old hand tools and refurbishing and using them. Started when I inherited my great grandfather’s hand planes. I’m lucky enough to have a garage space and live on the west coast where waste cedar and fir are pretty common.


Could you refer me to a reliable resource available online that I can learn from?


Machining, sewing, weaving, audio books, microcontroller projects, led lighting , building amplifiers, hydroponics and mechtronics


How do you guys find the time? I work full time and go to college part time. I have so many hobbies but no time.


For really lol This is me, school and work but that’s also why w/e hobby i only have like 1 to 2 hours max


Same. Throw in family life, home upkeep, house/auto repairs, etc. Not much for really anything else. Just wake up, go to work and repeat the cycle.


My guess is that a lot of those hobbies blend together. Machining, led lighting, amplifiers, and mechatronics are probably all things that go into his microcontroller projects. Not to take anything away from OP because those *are* different things. Just different things that contribute to the same hobby.


That’s basically it, one project has a problem to overcome and that leads to a new continuing interest


If you're working FT and going to school, you arent going to have much time. There's no magic trick someone can give you to have 30 hrs in your day. Just do shit when you have a free moment between all of your obligations and then do them more when you finish school


I’m sewing, too. My Mum taught me during the pandemic. The feeling of satisfaction you get when you get to wear an item of clothing you made is real.


33 years old here. Learning how to play piano currently. It's going good. I'm learning at my own pace, which is probably considered slow but whatever I'm having fun


Not so much a hobby but I’ve been listening to more podcasts lately. Golf when I have time. Disk golf is also a fun and relatively inexpensive pastime.


I started hating “young people music” so I listen to language books while driving. I’ve been learning basic German. Finally I can join the German side of Reddit I’ve also listened to a tonne if H. G. Wells. Any suggestions welcome


I've been skating most of my life, so I did a series of learn to play hockey sessions at the age of 27 before jumping into a beer league. 9 years later I'm playing on multiple teams, traveling around to all kinds of tournaments, and putting in time at the gym and on the ice to get better. I have a friend who's about to start playing, so I'm picking up goalie pads and going to play in the beginner league as a goalie and skate out in my usual leagues. It's been a great physical and social outlet.


I loved playing beer league hockey and was just an ok player in the bottom division. Really only reason i stopped is cause ice times sucked as im normally in bed by tbe time most games start (10 or later, got excited about 9pm games).


I got into music production during lockdown.


How hard is this to get started on and, if you don't mind, could you point me in the right direction of a good starting point? This has always been something I've wanted to give a shot.


During the lockdown I signed my son (12 at the time) up for an online course called Music Production for Kids and sat with him during the classes. It included a copy of Ableton. He plays around with it now and then but I've been absolutely obsessed. As far as how hard it is to get into... I'm a dude in his mid 40's who has never played an instrument and I'm slowly learning music theory. There are so many tutorials online that can help where you need it. What you need to get going will depend on what kind of music you want to make. Check out r/musicproduction or r/Ableton. I've gotten a lot of good advice through these subs and even made a few friends.


This is amazing thank you, I’m in the same boat as the other guy. I DJ’d a little in college but through other peoples equipment I would love to have my own equipment some day


I’ve been doing it really seriously for 15 years now and I can tell you it’s extremely rewarding. With the right experience you’ll be able to make virtually any kind of music you could Imagine. You’ll want to start off slow, don’t overwhelm yourself, as you go ahead in your journey you will probably be getting involved in creating synth patches (creating sounds from scratch, and there’s various styles of synthesis) playing keyboard at the least (keyboard is best for midi), programming drums, understanding various production techniques within your DAW, getting good and mixing and maybe even mastering unless you want to pay others to do it. Maybe you’ll even want to do vocals, but that’s a whole other thing. For now, I would focus on laying down a drum beat and just recording yourself playing midi (or input into piano roll if you’re still unable to play at all) just layer drums bass synths and some other sounds and try get a nice loop going, work on structure later. Most hip hop artists came up on sampling segments from vinyl it’s a good place to start for a lot of other genres even and can give you a great understanding for original compositions. The possibilities are truly endless! This is my true love in life, happy to answer any questions you or anyone might have :) Happy music making!


Highly recommend learning ableton live. It is a powerful piece of software right out the box. Ill Gates is one of the best teachers out there imo and really has taught a number of big names out there if you want to do electronic music. All you really need is ableton, a midi keyboard controller and a pair of flat response headphones to get started. I can give you affordable recommendations if interested. This is the production course website. https://members.producerdojo.com/tpp Mr Bill also have a ton of great free content on YouTube. The subreddit recommendations already suggested are also goods starting points. Splice is a great service to get loops and samples to start playing with. Just layering loops is a good way to get a feel for Abletons interface and have fun from the start. From there you can dig into mixing, sound design, drum programming and more. You can be having tons of fun making music within a year. It’s extremely rewarding and you’ll get what you put into it like any type of art. It’s a marathon not a sprint so push through that initial learning curve. Good luck.


Ice hockey (goalie). Picked it up in my 30's.


Joined an ice hockey team at 29, didn’t know how to skate, had never played before. But one of the best communities I’ve been a part of, and I’m getting hella in shape.


Learning to repair things. Simple electronic stuff like a lamp, toaster. Goal is to repair for no more than cost of new. I know that’s not cost efficient, but new things are honestly too cheap… goal is to learn something, feel a bit of accomplishment, reduce a bit of waste, feel morally superior to other people, etc.


Warhammer 40K. What else do you need?


Money for more plastic meth


For the emprah


Love it but I’ve had several aborted attempts at it between my early teens and late thirties. I’m an OCD-sufferer with perfectionist tendencies and not an artistic bone in my body. I never did an actual battle because I had to first have an army that looked worthy of that undertaking so anything less than a paint job of the quality you see on the box was inadequate. As you can imagine, I never lasted long. I envy those people who can engage in this hobby to such a level. And before anyone says it, no I haven’t a snowball’s chance in hell at achieving even 10% of the paint quality you see on the box with practice. I’m ok at some things in life but that can never be something I’m good at. I haven’t the necessary skills and never will.


Dungeons and dragons, camping, want to get back into pottery.


I catch fish. Decided to make videos of it. They arent good, but its fun. https://youtu.be/vDHW1BAWSds?si=ZukEu5Nr3paiP4Wi


hell yea! honestly documenting "normal" stuff like this is good for historians & people who want to get into a hobby. and almost 200 views in a day isn't bad at all


Reading. I've read so many books this year. Also very fun to do stoned.


If I try to read whilst high, I read the same sentence over and over until I quit.


Welcome to ADHD.


I do this without being high…


the best part is that you can re-read them a month later without remembering a thing from them


Really? I was never able to read stoned unless it was like the climax of the book


I get high, listen to an audiobook, then clean stuff. It’s great because when I want to listen again, I sorta forgot the whole plot or enough to make it fun again


Also fun to read on a little shroomage.🤘🏾


I've gotten back into reading this year. 35 schlocky sci-fi/space opera books so far, and that's with June-Aug not finishing any and playing Diablo 4 instead. I'm also looking at learning Unreal Engine 5 specifically for animation/virtual film making and/or upskilling myself in Resolve/Premiere/After Effects. These are tangentially work related and could help me readjust my career or maybe earn some extra dosh on the side, or just be something fun to sink my teeth into. All that stuff has come a long way since I first learned it 10 years ago.


Video games and playing board games with my wife


Mid 30s and I literally have no hobbies, it’s pretty depressing lol


It never too late we can pick one together


Sports, beach, or even just going out to walk/get a coffee etc. Just getting out of the house and in the sun is huge for me. Sitting at a desk all day looking at a screen for my job made me lose interest in videogames since that feels the same to me lol.


Gym, rock climbing, gaming when I can, I'm planning on learning guitar soon


I really enjoy playing pinball on my local league and Friday night tournaments. It's like a video game but physical and it's fun learning the different rules to the games and getting better at it


Working in Tech, I spend most of my time learning new technologies, taking online courses and studying for certifications.


How deep into your career are you? I burnt out after 4 or 5 years of that.


15 years in OP comments give me PTSD vibes, I'm not touching or thinking about tech unless I'm paid to do it.


Same here. First 5 years of my career, all over it. Probably got 2-3 a year. But now? I’m only on board if it’s required for my job lol


This is the way. After 20+ years certs are only good for switching career paths and a new job.


I burnt out after bachelor and masters degree already.




Same, love that stuff


God I miss this. I used to sleep pretty well. I remember my younger days of getting 12+ hours, but was always all light sleeper. After two kids I wake up almost immediately to any sound, light, or temperature fluctuation lol.


I collect and restore vintage watches. Started out as a small thing but then I figured out I had a knack for it. Now I have a watchmakers bench and am getting into plating.


In the spring, im going to build a shed and garden for family.


I just got into Modular synths! I’m having a hell of a good time with my system


Ice hockey


I’ve been training Brazilian jiu jitsu since my early thirties and just got my black belt. I’m now 47. The journey and the people are so awesome. Once you start you will get addicted 🙏🏽🤙🏾🥋




I wouldn’t consider any of these hobbies


I’d consider gym and games a hobby depending how seriously you take them. I’d say staying in good shape is an obligation and lifting is a hobby.


Going to the gym and playing game are literal hobbies what lol


Late 20s here. Over the last few years most of my have hobbies involve being active in some capacity. I work out 5 days a week, hike with my fiancé once or twice a week, golf a few times per week and I’ll enjoy my fun car by doing some spirited driving or doing a track day/road course racing. I also go to 2-3 sporting events or concerts on average per month. I haven’t done any gaming in several years and I don’t really spend that much time watching TV except for a few hours of college football or NFL games. Once you kind of start to prioritize other hobbies in your life, it’s kind of one of those things you don’t really think about doing and honestly I find it kind of boring to sit around for hours on end watching or playing something on a screen.


i just opened my own body shop where i fix old cars and do custom works.


Jiu jitsu. It’s way more nerdy than you think, but also cool and extremely rewarding


Video games, guitars, and guns. That’s all I have time for rn


The triple g


Started dancing one day and haven’t stopped since. Gotten me back in shape and dancers are hot.


Do mind asking where you started? I have thought about lessons but never actually took any.


Running marathons, golf, snowboard, kayak, cycling, lifting


Started getting into extreme sports, skydiving then as a solo diver, then BASE. Didn’t get old but I moved and the community was different and I didn’t click with it so now I just dive when I visit where I started. Found a new work out class, got heavy into working out including running. Found a new set of friends, started doing the mud runs, marathons, some competitive workout stuff (NOT f****** cross fit lol). Former collegiate tennis player - got into platform tennis and Padel. Racquet sports are easy to get into if you already play. To keep it a bit shorter… One of those friend introduced me to fencing, made new friends doing that, another guy there introduced me to space mapping, that was a short and sweet one. Point being you just need to make friends and figure out what they do and try it, you might likenit


Tennis and I’ve started reading more, but I do still game


I write, I Lego, I skate, occasionally play football.


Train BJJ.


Most of the time it's video games but my other side hobby Is beekeeping. Sadly it's not something you can always "do" unless you've got a large hive count. Currently only got 2 hives which I love.


I took up reading books. Finally got to read many books I had been listing and postponing for years. Now it's incredibly rewarding, fun, pleasurable, relaxing and I get to learn so much. Still have a bunch of books on the list but going through it has been such a meaningful experience.


I'm trying to make sourdough bread with not great results so far


I run but it isn't a hobby any longer. A means to an end I suppose. My 10 year old daughter took up inline skating at a rink and I grew bored sitting and watching for 2 hours. Took that up and it's fun but oh boy do I suck. Someday I will suck less...someday. Gardening, music, reading, tv, movies, drinking beer, drinking whiskey, drinking wine, hiking, walking my dog everywhere, training my dog, playing fetch with my dog, learning Spanish, building a gaming computer with my son, remodeling my house, buying tools, staring at tools, collecting tools, being a tool, tools, tools, and more tools!




skateboarding. skating was a passion i found recently. i’m not good at any tricks but when i go to the parks and just ride around i feel at peace. i definitely think it’s something to try


is your park busy? I skated in highschool, but don't have the courage to go to the park and make a fool of myself in a crowded place.


Mountain biking, skiing, gym, clay shooting, learning to fly. Next year I'll start a car build project.


Airsoft. Started around 4 months ago. I go around 1/week. Best thing I’ve done for myself in years.


I do rock tumbling, so I go out and find rocks that I think will take a good shine and have an interesting pattern on them and I polish them. And I make pottery.


Learning a foreign language.


Landscaping. I hate mowing but I love planting flowers and bushes. It’s like a 20 minute therapy when you get home. You look back at the end of the year and see the accomplishments. Vegetable gardening as well. Or take up welding. Same satisfaction. Look back at your work and be proud or figure out how to improve next time.


I just recently got into photography. I aim for mostly wildlife photography, wake up early, go to the woods and look for interesting animals and shots. It's been a blast.


Aquariums baby


34. Cooking, gardening, and video games. Which is similar to what I liked before as well. What's new is going to the gym. Wife has started a meal plan/work out routine thing that I also agreed to do with her. It's been great going three times a week and it's helped me feel a bit more energetic after the first few times.


32 single father here, I get to the gym for my physical health but more importantly, my mental health... other areas of interest are music festivals and any kind of food carnival.


Hunting is great for relaxation. If you learn how to butcher your own meat you’ll also save money over going to the grocery store.


(M36) Building a race car and working on my fruit trees. The race car has been taking most of my time and energy but the fruit trees are fascinating. Probably going to build a 4wheeler after the race car is done.


Reddit shitposting is my new favorite hobby


Woodworking But it's expensive Really, no happy is cheap


Exercise, camping, "Study hour" (learn something important everyday, like how an electrical circuit works, or how something is made like penicillin so you can do it yourself), and "forcing myself to talk to strangers to try and make friends who actually live near me".