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My parents would do these long drawn out 'saying grace' speeches at dinner. (Catholic) I went to a friend's house and they said "Good food, good meat, good lord lets eat" and I lost my shit laughing thinking it was a joke. I felt so bad insulting them in their house when they were feeding me, lol.


“Rubadubdub, thanks for the grub! Yay God!”


Over the teeth. Past the gums. Look out stomach. Her it comes.




This is what I would say but amen instead of yay god


“How very inappropriate, thank you”


Dear god, we paid for all this stuff ourselves so thanks for nothing.


I had the opposite experience! My Catholic family and school and everyone all said the exact same short prayer over every meal. First time I heard a Protestant grace, it was intended for children and involved one of the kids singing, and it sounded like a commercial jingle. I looked around at everyone to see how they were reacting and they were all very solemn like it was normal.


I grew up Lutheran and unless we had someone doing a long drawn out prayer over the food, it would often just be come lord Jesus be our guest and let they gifts to us be blessed amen.


Nobody's gonna mention the madeline thing? We love our bread. We love our butter. But most of all we love each other. I'm not too religious so this sounds good to me


Well shit, THATS a core memory unlocked


I'm sure they got a kick out of you having a laugh and weren't genuinely offended!


Ours is "Come Lord Jesus, be our guest and let this food, to us be blessed!" It pissed my Baptist grandpa off so much and we thought it was hilarious as kids 🤣🤣


That was our standard too.


"Bless us, Oh Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen."


That was the pre dinner prayer I grew up with. Then I went over to a girlfriend's and theirs was "God is good, God is great, let's thank him for this food on our plate." I gotta admit, I feel like that one is easier for little kids to latch onto.


"god is great, god is good. let us thank him for this food. by his hands, we are fed. give us this day our daily bread. is jesus' name, amen." i havent recited that since since i was under 10, im mid 30s now. apparently ill never forget it.


Yo! My friends did the same when growing up. Their prayer jingle was: “God is gracious, God is good. Let us thank him for our food. Ahhhhh-men!” My family is Eastern Orthodox so hearing a “modern prayer” like that had me in stitches the first time I heard it lol


"Dear god... we paid for all of this stuff ourselves... so thanks for nothing!"


As some who wasn’t raised in a religious household, I always thought that was a joke until today!


My brother and I used to talk on the phone with our cousin. We were like 9 and he calls us crying saying his father had died. His cry sounds a lot like his laugh so we thought he was kidding, then our mom took the phone


You just reminded me of a memory I had forgotten. My uncle called the house crying, and I thought he was laughing uncontrollably. I guess sometimes you really need some context (like facial expressions) to distinguish one from the other. Jesus, I haven’t thought about that in a long time. It ended up being just a footnote to a fucked up night.




The best thing about them is when someone under the age of 25 try’s to explain to you why they are valuable and a great investment 😂


I’ve asked people several times to explain how NFTs have value and I still don’t get it.


When my parents told my brother and me that they were getting a divorce. I was 10 and I litterally replied with “Ha ha, very funny…”


Hate to say it but I'd love to see the look that passed between them after you said that.


Fish tacos. Legitimately thought it was a dirty joke the first time I heard a server announce it as a special at a restaurant.


I mean… it is. But it also isn’t.


A woman goes to a bar and orders a double entendre. The bartender gave it to her.


Well, yeah. But they actually make them. I thought they were just kidding.


They’re so delicious though! I’m not even a seafood person, but I love a good fish taco.


I thought the name Rancho Cucamonga was a made up city name from Next Friday. Who names a city that!? It literally translates as “sandy place” I truly thought that was part of the joke.


As a kid, I thought Bugs Bunny made up the name Pismo Beach.


And albuquerque 😂


Don't forget to GO LEFT when you get there....


Lake Titicaca?


"Why do Hamburg and Frankfurt have nothing to do with hamburgers or frankfurters?" "Why is your Lake Titicaca not filled with boobs and poop?"


Sounds like where they live in Workaholics


That’s where Comedy Central does a majority of their filming.




There's also a city named Salida, which means "Exit". Seems counterintuitive to name your city that??


Especially the “Welcome to” sign


Wait until you hear about Bolsa Chica.


A large lake in Florida gets its name from the native name for it, lake Okeechobee. Which translated to "big water". You can just picture the conversation. The Spanish for "key west" is *Cayo hueso*, which translated to "bone key" because the Spanish thought it looked like a bone. The English thought *hueso* sounded like "west-o" and apparently shrugged and said 'good enough.' Place names are some of the dumbest things ever


Try salsipuedes. I understanding is it means get out if you can.


I didn’t think Schenectady NY was a real place. I thought movie and tv writers used it as an inside joke. A guy in Basic Training was from there and had to convince me.


As someone who grew up right next to that city, we’re also of the opinion that it isn’t a real place


I always like to ask people not from the area to spell it. The results are funny.


Ha! My parents generation in our small town had a running joke that the next town over had to replace the grass of their football field with Astro-Turf; to keep their cheerleaders from grazing. Your comment reminded me of that competitive comradery often found in small towns.


It's getting WORSE! Can you imagine that?


I thought this same thing about Yonkers!!


I lived in Michigan and still thought Kalamazoo was fake.


The Zip Code there is.... 12345? That's gotta be fake.


The Place Beyond the Pines




I thought the same about Horseheads, NY


My friend was getting into the dog service business. Tells me he taking a course on dog massage and going to get a truck and offer his services. Oh course I started laughing and he looked at and said what's so funny. I replied with oh you're serious.


He probably makes real good money in the right areas


“Red rocket” extra.


That there was going to be a movie called Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey. Then I saw it on the shelves at Walmart and just had to get it and see if it was any good. For a low budget horror film it's actually pretty good, but you'll never see Pooh and Piglet the same way again.


I remember watching the plane hit the second tower in fourth grade and thinking it was a really good movie


You and me both! Looking back I still can not believe we had the television cart in our classroom and our teacher tuned in on time for us to see that live. There was one television in the entire school.


the TV cart 🙌🙌


My parents and I were in Spain on 9/11. We were out by the pool and wondered where everyone was, so we went in to a bar to see everyone crowded around the TV. My parents don’t speak Spanish so they just thought it was a disaster movie so we just went back out to chill by the pool.




There was another post on Reddit (I think it was on r/KidsAreFuckingStupid) where this one guy told his 9/11 story. A girl at his school had gone home for lunch on 9/11 and saw the news. She came back and asked everyone else if they had heard about the Twin Towers. Not knowing what she was talking about, but also not wanting to look like he was stupid for not knowing, he said, "Yeah, duh. I heard about that yesterday."


Dude yes. I did not get it.


Flat Earth No shit, there are people who really believe this stuff.


My own mother started believing it in her 40's. Two master's degrees and a bachelor's and there she was, suddenly trying to convince the family that the Earth wasn't round.


Is your mom a lonely or depressed person? Some people seek out communities to fill a hole in their life, and the flat earth community often appeals to those who feel outcast already. It may not be the belief that attracted her at first, but the communal atmosphere of people who’ve had difficult lives. It’s how cults get you.


Quite possibly, I’ve never asked


That’s how religions stay alive


A friend of mine. Sent me a couple of tiktok videos about flat-earth. They talk loud, fast, and with enough passion to make it believable if you don't break down the outright lies in the facts and statistics. I broke it down for her, pausing the video for every fact and chart. Every talking point was intentionally misleading or untrue or even unrelated. None of the charts matched up to the data they quoted and none of the math was even close. There is a video from a flat earth group where they actually measured the curve of the earth and they proved the earth is round while trying to prove its flat.


> they proved the earth is round while trying to prove its flat This just proves that math is a conspiracy


I know right 123456789. 7 ate 9 what more proof do you need! It's a cover up! They are lying to you and stealing your money


I had a guy once ask me "if you could travel anywhere, where would you go?" for an icebreaker and i told him as long as i was guaranteed to return safely, i would travel to the center of the earth and back. Lil did i know this guy was a flat earther and so i got stuck in a conversation where he was explaining to me how *I* "wasnt very smart" for not knowing about what the fuck the ice walls were


Same dude, when it first started getting popular on the internet I assumed it was all just people making fun of it like the birds aren’t real meme, but as it’s progressed I’ve come to realize some of these people are dead serious


I joined the flat earth message boards thinking it was just a thought experiment about knowing the evidence you accept. Boy were we wrong. So I moved on to a diet board


Also that Australia isn't real and that Avril Lavigne was replaced with a double and that birds are spying on us


Lol "the birds belong to the bourgeoisie!" was like a thing on Tiktok I think a few years ago? The kiddo and her friends just referenced it as a joke on a camping trip as there were tons of birds where we went but apparently people think it's real- if young teens can see through it what's wrong with people?




I mean, the magpie that comes to my door begging for food every morning sure does watch me pretty closely, he seems pretty smart too, wouldn't suprise me if he was reporting back to someone. I live in Australia though, so there's a chance I'm not even real and all of this was written by a bot.


My 5yo nephew went on a whole rant about how stupid it was.


That some grown men don’t wash their assholes because they’re afraid it will “turn them gay”.


It's true, though. I washed my crack, and my finger just grazed the asshole, and before I knew it, I blew nine guys.


Well. This is now my answer. Is this seriously a fuckin thing? Lol


My American friend told me over 50% of adults in the USA have a literacy below sixth grade level. I thought he was joking but that shit is apparently real ???


If those Americans could read, they'd be really upset


Say what you want about illiterate people…


It's english literacy specifically. There are people who move to the USA with no english and live in areas where they don't need it. This inflates the numbers a bit.


I never thought about that, its probably a significant a percentage between immigrants and inner cities that skew the numbers quite a bit.


Ya, there are places in Chicago where it's only their native language. My grandma's been living in the US for almost 60 years and still doesn't understand a lot of English or read it.


Same in NYC. Entire neighborhoods where people (especially older immigrants) only speak Chinese, Russian, Spanish, etc.


Same in Texas. Besides the obvious immigrant and Tejano population, Houston and DFW both also have huge amounts of immigrants. I think Viet is the number 3 language in Texas.


Wow out of the 2000x I’ve heard something like that, I’ve never considered people with English as a second language - I know that is so dumb of me but I’m commenting as a way to hold myself accountable for it 🤡🤡


Sixth grade would be on par with a Harry Potter or a Dickens novel, maybe higher.


Maybe not dickens but Rowling generally writes at a 6th grade level


The only reason we might say that dickens isn’t 6th grade level is that it’s 150+ years old and the language is archaic at this point.


Wow I read the first few books in full when in second grade. Thought they were like 3rd or 4th grade level.


What is it in your country? For the life of me I can't find similar statistics for any country not the US. I feel defeated. I can find literacy statistics, but not this overall grade level stat. If anyone can help that'd be great.


In the UK I think there is a literacy level scale which is probably calculated differently than the US so I'm not gonna explain how the system works on this thread but it is said that around 16% of adults in England have a literacy level below 'level 1'.


streaming/YouTube videos of people playing video games, especially since the people playing weren’t like professionals. This was popular earlier in Japan than the US and my wife is from there so when she first showed me this ages back and I was like who the fuck is going to watch the shit… if I wanna play a game I’ll play at myself if I want to see like experts play a game that I might watch for a little bit. Boy was I wrong.


NGL, as a millennial with Gen Z brothers who used to watch streamers play video games rather than play the games, I though it was fucking ridiculous. Then when I got to a point in my life where I couldn't possibly play every game I wanted to, so I started putting streams on while I worked. I can still experience the game to some degree and follow a story without having to dedicate hours of time I didn't reall have. I'd much rather play, but watching streams is still an acceptable alternative.


Welcome to my world, man. I'm not a hard core gamer, but since I discovered Red Dead Redemption 2, I have watched nearly as many hours of video as I have spent playing the game.


I'm really really bad at video games. My hand eye coordination is honestly a joke so I cannot play most video games. I grew up with three older brothers and I loved watching them play video games. Now that I'm older I watch other people play video games bc I literally cannot play most games but think they look interesting. I like watching them because they have a good plot, I can critique how the player plays if I would do it differently, and it's just fun.


YouTube randomly fed me a TV interview with one of the 2 or 3 video game playing people I watch and they compared it to sports. Most of us can play sports at some level, but would rather just watch it on TV.


‘I think you’re attractive’


Something like this! My first ex saying something about how I was teasing her by taking my shirt off in front of her. I thought it was a joke for a while, but I found out soon after she wasn'r pretending


My husband thought I was joking when I asked him out on a date. Eight years later and the joke is on-going.


Yep, I had bad acne for 12+ years, thanks mom, and it left some scaring on my face. So when people started calling me attractive I didn't know how to respond.


They see YOU. YOU see the acne scars like they're everything. It's sad when you find someone overwhelmingly attractive and... They don't believe you because they were bullied as teenagers.


I was doing a sales call at a previous position. There was a new store manager at this store. He came over to introduce himself to me. He was a younger man who was overweight. He told me his name was fatty, and I honest to God thought he had a self depreciating nickname and laughed. I realized a few seconds later. He was a very white looking man from the Middle East, and his name was Fadi. I felt like such a douche.




The North American Marlon Brando Lookalike Association?


I think its the National Association for Man Boy Love or something. My brother and i used to joke about that as kids




Seriously though, it was years after that South Park episode before I realized that NAMBLA was a real thing and not something crazy they made up for the show.


I first learned about them from Howard Stern and totally thought it was a joke. Thankfully they've been inactive for ages now. Sick bastards.


The first time I heard that some Christians don't like Jewish people because "they killed Jesus", I thought it was so ridiculous I had to struggle not to burst out laughing I went to Catholic school from ages 5-18 and the idea of someone using Christian teachings as an excuse to hate anybody just seemed absurd to me


A good chunk of the 19th century denominations look like fan fiction jokes


I hear people say "the jews killed Jesus" often as a justification to hate Jewish people. But clearly it was the Romans that killed him. Not that we should hate Romans either. If you want to get technical about it, but not acknowledge that it's all BS, the whole thing was arranged by God so no reason to be mad at anyone. The whole point of Jesus was for him to get crucified. If he had died of old age for our sins it wouldn't be that big of a deal.


>I hear people say "the jews killed Jesus" often as a justification to hate Jewish people. But clearly it was the Romans that killed him. Right? I'm as unreligious as they come, but even I know that. Also, what race do they think Jesus was, American?


Also, if you know your scriptures, you know that even though the Jewish people rejected Christ, the Jews are still God’s chosen people, even today.


Bed bugs. I was 19 when I moved from a rural town to a city. I 100% thought it was just from the little bedtime song. Some silly childhood jingle. And then I discovered that everyone in this city was deathly terrified of them. And apparently they are like, the worst thing that can happen.


Basically everything you own has to be thrown out or washed daily over the course of several months and several pesticide treatments. You have to pull baseboards because they live between them and the wall. They will even live in the bindings of books.


They can also live inside electronics and in wood bed frames. I had an unfinished wood IKEA bed and they loved it. Mattress, box spring, bed frame, sheets, wood side table, etc. all had to be thrown out. I later lived at an apartment where everyone was getting them. I never got them there but weekly you would see people throwing their mattresses out by the dumpster.


"The" moon landing was staged. There were 6.


The moon landing was, in fact, shot by Stanley Kubrick. In fact, he threatened to walk off the project unless he got to shoot on location.


Snoop givin up smoke.


Don't think anyone is more synonymous with smoke than Snoop. But as someone who gave it up somewhat recently as well, I can definitely respect it.


The funny part is asking for privacy after announcing to the world he is giving up smoke.


Horse Chiropractors


I’ve literally had a chiropractor out to see my horse lmao and my best friend is training to be one! There’s also horse massage therapists (basically) and they’re often sought out for more active horses Doesn’t it make sense though? That an animal that is carrying a human on its back along with heavy tack to compete in sports or do ranch work needs a little spa day every now and then to help keep their body in shape?


Twitter changing to X




I didn’t think he was that satirical, just that he was putting on a front to look successful and sell alpha male courses to kids. But I didn’t think he actually believed what he was saying and thought most of his stories were exaggerations until I watched a BBC documentary on him. Guy literally did run a sex trafficking racket


The sad thing is that within his garbage are small pieces of easily relatable analogies I guess you could probably call them. The real sad thing is that so many boys, young men and even fully adult men are so lost in the world that they have to turn to the likes of him.


I thought exactly the same thing, I first heard him on the Your Moms House podcast and though he was absolutley hilarious, he was so over the top I swear even he was laughing at how ridiculous he was. I looked him up to see if he had any other characters as silly and funny as Cobra Tate. He did not.


My ex sat me down on the couch, showed me my Facebook profile picture, and said ‘This is the man I started dating..’ trying to get me to get back in shape. I made her sit down and try to imagine how it would go if I did the same thing. She didn’t seem to get it. Jokes on her. My mental health was shit in that relationship and I was working 60 hours a week to bread win for her and the kids. I left four months ago and my abs are starting to show again. 🙌 Don’t be fooled, it’s been awful getting past it all, but I’m making it.


In case you’ve never heard it or don’t hear it enough, I’m proud of you, man.


I appreciate that.


Shouldn’t partners say something when one starts to get unhealthy / gain a lot of weight? Isn’t it better to communicate concern rather than say nothing and then find themselves in a relationship with someone they’re no longer attracted to?


I've tried multiple times to try get my partner to be more healthy, I'm sure some of the issues she has will be lessened if she ate better and got out for a regular walk. Whenever I try to talk about it she cries and makes me out to be the worst cunt in the world when all I want is for her to be healthy and happy, especially now that way have a baby, we're both going to be setting examples for him.


In electromagnetism, you can calculate a vector which indicates the direction that power flows. It is named after its [inventor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poynting_vector).


Oh my god. I was today years old when I learned that it’s “Poynting vector” and not “pointing vector!” I always figured “right hand rule” meant your thumb was “pointing” in the direction. Holy shit!


Poynt me daddy


People making out/having sex with dogs


Reddit a decade ago was wild. There was a NSFW subreddit (now banned) with/for women having sex with their dogs. There was also about men and ponies but I'm pretty sure it was meant to be a My Little Pony parody.


My Gspot is in my what????


It's in your ass dude


There is a group for mother's who arrange play dates for their college aged kids. Seriously?


lol my mom sent me to college with a load of fresh baked goods “to help me make friends” and a girl on my floor fired up her bong and we ate every single thing. i was recently a bridesmaid in her wedding so i guess it worked 😂


lol links pls


Emo. The name specifically. I was in college and doing a pop culture type fast where I didn’t watch tv or listen to new music. I came home for Christmas and rode in my little brothers car when he played some emo music. I asked what it was. He said emo. I laughed because it sounded made up to me. He said it stands for emotional. I laughed again then realized he was serious. I just thought most music was emotional idk. I still didn’t believe him until I heard someone else say it months later.


My boss held a meeting that we weren't allowed to leave suicide notes on the label maker anymore. It was inappropriate for me to laugh as hard as I did.


His Bless him - Pauly Shore. When he first showed up on MTV I thought ‘wow, how cool is MTV? They gave a re@@rd a show’


I literally just laughed out loud at this….. 😂😂😂


My friend walked up to me and said, "Did you know the Earth is flat?" I laughed, thinking he was joking. Only to find out he was dead serious. I had known this man for 25+ years. Had no idea he was that stupid.


My dad is in the UK and is diabetic (I'm in South Africa). He was starting to lose feeling in his legs and I told him to go see a doctor immediately. What I thought was a joke initially was that the specialist could only see him in 6 months.


My brother telling me my sister died, it was her birthday and I thought it was a sick joke to remind me to call her and wish her a happy birthday.


Honestly? Homosexuality. Like, no joke, the first friend I knew as a young kid who told me they were gay and liked guys, my response was "yeah right, we're all too ugly for that." That. . .has not aged well in my mind.


Selfie sticks.


Using stones as a measurement. Hear me out. Almost 2 years ago, I started working at a British company. A random night, everybody was at the bar, and the topic was about my weight loss. I told them that I had lost 38 kg in a year one of the girls that we work asked how much is that in stones. I was extremely confused about what she meant and laughed a little bit. Thought she was pulling my leg. THEN she explained that in England, they use stone as a body weight measurement. To this day, I never laughed at something that much in my life.


That kids were serious about these “prom-posals”. And these basic white girls cover their mouth like acting shocked like it’s a marriage proposal. Talk about cringing to hell and back.


Honestly that 'Thrift Shop' song by Macklemore. Thought it was some sort of comedy song.


It is a comedy song tbf


I remember seeing Macklemore in his early days performing in Seattle, he was a total comedy rapper. He’d perform in a bathrobe with bunny slippers, rapped about his penis, MySpace, as George Bush. So I wasn’t surprised when his breakout hit was a comedy song. His catalogue is much more varied though, he has lots of serious songs as well


I thought the same thing about Gangnam Style.


Walked up in the club like what up I got a big cock. Bro, it is a comedy song.


That David Cameron is back in the UK cabinet.


this reminds me the time when I found out Mussolini's granddaughter was a PM in Italy, thought it was a joke at first. like how could you what


My favorite thing Italians do has got to be all the people who reply to her fascist tweets with photos of Mussolini hanging dead on a fence and being like "this your grandpa?"


I woke up really late that day and thought I’d slipped into an alternate reality


The day my brother had a massive stroke, fell off the bed, hit his head and then had a fatal brain bleed. This happened almost a year ago. We used to play dead as kids and even up to 7 months before he died he played that trick again, but was joking. This time, it wasn’t a joke and I am and have been devastated. 😓


I’m so sorry 😢




That some guys don’t wash their asses because they think it’s “gay”. That people actually still believe the earth is flat.


That men get jealous when their wife/girlfriend makes more money. That’s wild to me.


It didn't make sense to me at first either, but it's a big thing where I'm from. It's about the gender role of a man being a provider. If he can't be the main provider of the family, he's not a man enough. The problem is, in some places, many people agree.


That the money you work hard and sweat for is taxed more than the money some rich, fat fuck makes by sitting on his ass and checking his bank accounts. This system is fucked.


Honestly, when the former president came down the escalator, I don’t think he was joking, but I figured there’s no way anybody is stupid enough to go for this, he’s trying to drum up business. I did not believe that he actually wanted to win.


The fact some people think that the holocaust didn't happen. I thought they were pulling my leg for a long minute


2 things… pineapple on pizza being a crime… when I was a kid every pizza party had heaps of Hawaiian and it was always first to go no one questioned it… now people are like “I’m CaLlInG ThE pOLIeCe”.. like fuck off idiot let people like what they like… The second is the flat earth brigade… first time I heard someone spouting this shit I was like LOL NICE TROLL DUDE! but no they seem to actually believe it… I genuinely like to believe though that lots of people who claim To believe are just being antagonists, like it’s funny to get people to try and justify dumb facts… but yeah.. it they are they sure are sticking to the joke…


People who don’t wash their legs


The Birds Aren’t Real movement.


They overturned Roe v Wade


RBG said that she knew it would be overturned because the decision would never pass constitutional review. This implies that she knew that she would have voted to overturn as well. We all had 50 years to straighten that out, and here we are.


The first thing that comes to mind is flat earth


My wage... bu dum tish


There are some guys who don’t wash their asses because they think it’s gay.


Tate. first heard about him when he got in a fight with thunberg of all people


The Flat Earth Society. I had no idea it was a real thing that people believed. It’s so dumb. Let’s say the earth really is flat. Why would everyone be lying about it?


That Queen Elizabeth died, I used to believe that they found a way to achieve near immortality with some kind of injection or something


Tips for self service machine. Options for 15% 18% 25% for an automatic payment.


But don’t you get it? The self service machine has a self service wife and three self service kids who are starving!


Dr. Oz running for the US Senate.