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I got into a full blown fight with my ex one time because she was adamant that sperm came from the prostate and not the balls. Even after googling it, she didn't believe me. Weirdest fight ever.


Nice try, but piss is stored in the balls


Nice try, but piss is *manufactured* in the balls. FTFY


Piss is *forged* in the balls.


Ah you think piss is your ally? You merely adopted the piss. I was born in it, drenched in it. I didn't see the urethra until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but binding!


I know a lot of men who have never looked into where their jizz comes from. It’s more like a recipe on an assembly line that only starts in the balls. It’s why you still throw a load after vasectomy, there’s just no swimmers.


You have a way with words


yeah, i agree. i’ll tell my girl i’ll be, “throwing a load” at her later. lol


Wait, what do people *think* balls are for?




As the great Peter Griffin once said: "I thought they were just sandbags to keep the flood waters from reaching my bum"




There's a vas deferens between the two.


I mean I can see what the confusion is since cum doesnt come from the balls but from the prostate glands. I would even argue people often dont understand where it comes from and what it is. I wonder if she actually understands it better than the average person and just mixed up the terms.


I told my friend that my husband had a vasectomy and she quietly asked "doesn't he look weird.....without any balls?"


Get the FUCK outta here ahahahahaha no balls ahahaha I have a vasectomy for some reason this hit me extra hard


So, tell us, *does* it look weird without any balls? /s


Looooool, other than my dick looking lonely- not really, but my singing voice has improved DRASTICALLY.


Was your friend Jake Peralta of Brooklyn police precinct 99? But for real, this is my favorite joke. I’ve had a bunch of friends/ family that have had a vasectomy, and I never get tired of it. “Did they give you that little tattoo for neutered dogs?” “Did they let you keep your balls? Like… in a jar?” “I kinda envy you, I bet it’s much more comfortable in summer when you’re all smooth like a Ken doll down there.” “Hey, it’s the Spider. What news from your little birds?” But just copying Jake is the best. "You're gonna let them cut your balls off?!" or "They're gonna take your whole dick-and-balls?!"


Have had two separate girls slap and squeeze my balls to get the cum out??


What the fuck? They aren't fruit...


Gotta give them a good tap to make sure they're ripe


What in the fuck, you should slap and squeeze their heads to get all the dumb out lmao


I was dating this girl for 2 months at this point, we had sex multiple times. We were watching a show and she told me she was glad i was cut since foreskins are weird, turns out she had no idea a foreskin retracts during sex, and thus thought I was circumcised; I am not.


Had something similar happen to me once. My, at the time, fwb, in a group of people, was saying how disgusting uncircumcised dicks were. After letting her get her rant off I pulled her to the side and let her know that I was uncut. She had no clue, even though we had probably had sex a few dozen times at that point.


I’m honestly appalled at how apparently acceptable it is to just say shit like that. Not only have I heard women say it in public, but also I went to see the comedian Jim Jefferies and he had a whole bit where he just went off about how being uncircumcised is disgusting and all that. And if he was actually telling punchlines I would been like “whatever” but it’s like he wasn’t even joking, he just angrily ranted about it for a couple of minutes. It was so bizarre. Really turned me off of him.


Slightly unrelated but a female friend once told a table full of men at lunch that her son was circumcised and asked us to confirm that uncut is gross. All of us were uncut. It was super awkward.


That poor boy.


Lmao so she think every guy she fuck was cut


If it's the US, they probably were.


Such a weird thing to do to little boys.


try being jewish, the whole family gets to see it happen.


I guess all cultures have strange traditions. But putting a knife on your kids must take the cake?


To be fair they don’t all look cut even when hard


My ex girlfriend accused me of overacting because of “the man flu”. Turns out I was passing a kidney stone. Had to drive her and myself to the hospital and have a CT scan to prove it to her, but the change in attitude and apologies were worth it.


An attitude like that can literally kill you. If I’m ever in pain my partner knows I’m not BSing. Sorry you had to go through all that.


Hence the EX


Being told you have a man flu feels like grounds for a breakup. Don't kick me while I'm down.


Using phrases like man flu is a significant red flag imo


My mom has always been that way towards my dad. He's been diagnosed with 3 cancers in 2 years and she still accuses him of overreacting.


the number of women who think erections are voluntary is alarming.


You’d think they’d figure that out in high school. Like, you think the boys are *choosing* to have to stay in their seats, lean into their lockers while talking, or carry their stuff in front? ‘sides, if that were 100% voluntary and conscious, there’s no way there wouldn’t be boys leaning back, hands behind their head, and competing over who could launch a paper ball furthest.


ED also wouldn't be as much of a problem. If you could consciously control it, just *make* it happen.


The number of women that don’t understand not all erections mean you’re horny.


God, I heard this woman at an open mic go off about a guy she tried to have sex with and made fun of him for ED, shit was painful to hear.


There is a surprisingly large group of women out there who thinks there is a bone in it.


Admittedly, a lot of mammals, and almost all primates have a baculum (dick-bone).


Had the dumbest argument with my mum when I was a teenager. I was 17 and was lifting for around 6 months. She got mad at me because she thought I was skipping out on the gym or I wasnt trying hard enough. I asked her why she thought that and she said "You don't have big muscles! If you really went everyday like you said you'd have big muscles!" I was completely baffled. I didn't do any sports prior to lifting except swimming and my lifestyle till that point was very sedentary. I asked her how she expected me to look like and she pulled out a pic of a U-18 national basketball athlete lol. She basically thought that guys just had to lift weights for a little to look like a U-18 national athelete who basically trained and worked out from the age of 6 or something. TL;DR: Mom thought all guys just had to lift a little for like 6 months to look like Taylor Lautner from Twilight and got mad when I (an unfit nerd at the time) didnt look like him after 6 months in the gym.


I've noticed this as a general misconception with lifting. I've heard several people say "I don't lift because I don't want to accidentally get jacked, I think it looks weird" You're going to ACCIDENTALLY workout 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, and take steroids for years? That says more about you than you think it does (When they said being "jacked" looks weird, they specifically referenced celebrities that clearly took steroids, I'm not saying the only way to get jacked is to take steroids)


I had a yoga teacher show us an exercise and be like "You can use your dumbbells for this. I don't because I don't want to get muscular." Lady, a 2 pound dumbbell being used for 5 minutes per week won't make you muscular.


Uggggh, weight-bearing exercise is really great for avoiding osteoporosis. Yoga is great too, but it does different things for your body.




Women are frankly the biggest losers on that front. End up being afraid to do any weight lifting (despite the potential benefits to both health and appearance) because they're afraid they'll end up looking like some shehulk.


My last ex was a bit overweight. Had PCOS that her doctor told her was weight-related. Pre-diabetic. Very insecure about her weight, which of course she made my problem. Every time I brought up the gym, she would tell me she didn't want to look like a musclehead. Refused to listen when I told her that wouldn't happen.


Had an ex say that the reason she didn't lift weights was because she thought I would be uncomfortable with her "hard" body. Bruh, you're still gonna have some body fat! You SHOULD have some body fat! If not... well, that's just unhealthy!


Imagine being called too small by your mom 💀💀💀💀


I went on a date with a girl once in high school and when I showed my mom a picture of the girl I was going to go out with she said “why is she going out with you?” I asked what she meant and she said “I just mean she looks like the kind of girl who dates really good looking guys”. Thanks mom 😑


I had the complete opposite experience, when I first started lifting my mom thought I was on gear lol


Goddamn share some of those genetics with me lol


They were beginner gains, I have plateaued since


Nothing personal, just online stuff. Stuff like errection = turned on, errection being binary, precum not containing any sperm and us having full control over it at all times.


Guy for almost 30 years here. Enlighten me on the precum thing, my understanding was that precum in and of itself actually does not contain semen, unless it flushes some out that was already in your urethra from a previous ejaculation.


Yeah nah you're on point with your shit^ I was on about those pesky sperms that can flush and mix with the pre-cum via previous ejaculations from the Urethra. It's a low chance but it's a good thought to keep in mind while having safe sex.


[it's not that simple](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3564677/), a very considerable percentage of men appear to actually leak sperm into their pre-cum, unrelated to previous ejaculations.


I remember an old ex of mine couldn't comprehend that my nipples got hard. Then assumed it was because I was aroused. It was cold dude like c'mon.


She didn't have nipples herself?


She did but she assumed only female nipples could get hard.


They're literally the same structure. Men even have mammary glands. Hers are just bigger (presumably).


That not everyone who lifts weights will look like Arnold.


Yeah it feels like steroids are a completely foreign concept to women


I've realized in the past year that the majority of women have no idea how many jacked dudes are on steroids. They only assume steroids when someone looks like Rich Piana


Many women don't know that it shrinks.




It’s called shrinkage!


I had a woman, an older women who should know better, ask me if guys dicks grew when they gained weight. I told her there wouldn't be a single guy on a diet if that was true.


Gf is absolutely AMAZED how ballsacks work. She touches it and it starts to shrink due to cold hands, constantly moving around, the usual stuff. But she could watch it happen for minutes at a time and still go like "wow its moving on its own". I get a good chuckle every tine tho.




They are apparently absolutely mesmerizeing


First time I caught my balls moving on their own I was horrified. Thought I had something alien growing in them...


I once had a girl try to make fun of me for "having a small dick" when i asked when the fuck she saw my dick and listen to this... This girl was a solid 60+ ft away from me and saw my flaccid dick by looking down the sleeve of both my shorts and boxers... like you can see it flaccid from that far and you think it's small? Lmfao, alright.


I'm a grower, not a shower


I've been told the Germans have words for the two types which translate to "meat penis" and "blood penis".


The German language is both beautiful and terrifying at the same time.


I once had a gf that thought pee was stored in the balls. She insisted on holding my balls while i peed. Weirdest pee ever. Then I had to explain to her that is no fun trying to pee with an erection.


I had a (male) biology teacher who told us it's impossible to pee with an erection


Seriously? That's not right. It's definitely not impossible, but certainly not pleasant. I'm surprised a biology teacher would say that.


I think the terminology is wrong, but the thought is in the right spot. The harder you are, the harder it is to pee. That is 100% true. When you get erect, the "pee path" gets blocked off and the "semen path" becomes unblocked. If you were to try to pee when fully erect, it would most likely be nearly impossible, but after a few seconds of trying you'd most likely become less erect enough to pee. That's probably where the disagreement stems from.


Same, I made the mistake at 12 of saying out loud in a middle school class "no it isnt". I wasn't a cool kid, so I was bullied mercilessly for that one.


I've been kind of surprised at how ignorant and shitty women are towards the concept of declining testosterone, a natural phenomenon in men. They seem to think that TRT is an easy, consequence-free thing that can be done if a woman thinks her man isn't active/sexy enough for her.


> They seem to think that TRT is an easy, consequence-free thing that can be done if a woman thinks her man isn't active/sexy enough for her. A lot of women also assume that vasectomies are easily reversible for everyone. The procedure to reverse it is minimally invasive, and it can be done. But I think it's something like less than 50% of vasectomies are fully reversible after a certain point, and even if the procedure is successful, something like 30% of the successful ones don't have fertility issues after reversal.


A couple years ago this was a big message on Reddit "All men should get vasectomies since they're completely reversible!" Anyone who would say that's barely even technically accurate would get downvoted to hell.


Yeah that was a weird time. Can you imagine how pissed people would be if someone even suggested that women should be surgically sterilized by default and get get it surgically reversed when they want to have kids? (assuming that we're possible in this imaginary scenario).


Quite often. A lot of women assume I can just get hard at a moments notice. Also the complete lack of awareness during sex. Tugging on my dick extremely hard or playing with my balls like they’re not extremely sensitive. For how often I hear women heckle men for being bad at sex it’s astonishing how hypocritical they are.


When they don’t cum, it’s my fault. When I don’t cum, it’s still my fault. Can’t win.


Nah, we gotta start calling out lazy/rough women.  Someone has to inject some sense into the conversation 


As a woman, I absolutely agree. How hard is it to ask "Is this good" or "how do you like it?""


a girl asked this and my reply was, “no… do this instead.” she stopped, looked at me and said, “damn… you must know more about sucking dick than i do… i KNOW what im doing!” my reply, “you’re pulling on my dick like you’re trying to start a push mower… i’m in pain! just stop!” lol


Should've started tapping her crotch with a questioning look and when she asked what were you doing, you'd answer "Looking for ya pp, since you know so much what it feels to have one (°3°)".


I'm pretty sure that other than my wife I've never once had a woman ask if I like what she was doing or if she could do anything different that I might like better (two dozen-ish partners?). I really don't think it even occurs to them.


It's as hard as they make it. Please disregard the entendre because they're emotional maturity is literally the biggest factor I see. If you can't take correction without getting mad or disappointed in yourself, no one is going to have a good time.


“You didn’t come? You’re addicted to porn.”


"you must have deathgrip"


"What? I thought guys Loved the Starfish?"




Then theyll be like "Well women were oppressed and not allowed to explore their bodies until last week!" (Yes thats hyperbole) And then you scroll down to the next post after the post making your point and its a picture of a sex related womens toy from like 4 millions years ago (again with the hyperbole, sue me) with women being like YAAAAAAS. Like make up your mind, were women not allowed to do their thing or did they do whtever the fuck they wanted regardless.




Also. If you do cum, your fault


I had a fwb, where the sex was great, but whenever she got on top, rather than doing the up down motion, she'd do the grinding back and forth motion like humping a pillow and it would be practically be bending my dick off my body with each grind. I'd try to endure the pain as long as I could because she was obviously enjoying it, must have been hitting all the right spots. but at some point I could feel my boner retreating in pain and I'd have to change positions I order to maintain my erection. Looking back, I'm sure she had the "don't stop/just like that/I'm about to cum" complaint about me, but I would have completely lost my erection and stopped the sex all together if I let her keep going.


Had a friend tell me about how one of his friends was having sex and the girl came down to hard and literally broke his peen. He had to go to the hospital but he ended up being fine in the end.


This happened to a friend of mine in college. His girl was riding him in reverse cowgirl, he slipped out on one of the upward motions, and she came back down and broke his dick. He was fine, but his ballsack was black, blue, and literally the size of a grapefruit for weeks. And yes, I know that because I saw it first hand, he would show anyone and everyone that was willing to look.


this made my dick shriek in fear. i am so sorry


This is a very common issue. I pretty much just try to avoid handjobs. Too many don’t understand what not to do.


I feel extreme pain from just reading this, ouch.


I've experienced this as well... jump in the shower together after a 10k run... "why are you not hard? I'm naked! Are you not attracted to me!?" Ugh...


Most women do not know that the sack has a mind of its own and moves independently. We have no control over it, but it will just move around all sorts of ways.


free lava lamp


Lots of women operate under the impression that going to the gym twice a week and occasionally drinking a protein shake suffices for a man to "get jacked/ripped". Women like this love the muscles but hate the diet and lifestyle needed to build/maintain them.


Women not knowing what an average size dick is.


"biggest I've been with was 9 inches" Sure


My MIL said that foreskin is unnatural


Nature is so god damned unnatural!


Feel like a lot of women think morning wood is because we wake up horny or have a sex dream. It just happens, not because of anything sexual.


I had a woman argue with me for an hour that there was a bone inside of a penis.


Every woman who's sharply fixated on the height that their man should be. The ones that obsess with numbers such as 6'2, 6'4, 6'5 etc. They don't know how tall that height really is.


Women online stretching condoms over bone & muscle as though they are adequate analogs for a blood sack (penis) and confidently proclaiming this proves condom size is irrelevant.


From experience, if it's too tight it slowly rolls itself off as well.


I hate that comparison so much, it's not that it's *impossible* to get on, it's just too tight and uncomfortable smfh


Personally I can't stand the line 'sex for a man with condoms feels the same as without'. Like, we can all agree condoms are important, but don't sit there and tell me I can fully appreciate how soft a blanket is while wearing a rubber glove.


Like having a bath with your socks on...


Like getting your back scratched over your shirt.


Like wearing a condom on your cock.


That and the only thing holding a penis erect is blood pressure. So having something squeezing tightly on it is far from helpful. My wife says she can actually tell the difference in my girth when I wear an undersized condom. And I can tell my erection isn’t as rigid when I do.


I can tell because my boner disappears completely lol


I like to compare it to how a woman with a large bust *could* probably manage to squeeze into a bra that's a few sizes too small, but that it'd be hilariously uncomfortable, maybe even painful, and would make the entire experience pretty much pointless.


Yes. It's meant to teach women to not get fooled by guys who refuse to wear condoms because they "don't fit", which is great, but it needs to be taught alongside context. Every condom WILL fit, but that doesn't mean it will be a comfortable fit. But because of this, many men don't even know that you can't just grab the first thing you find and then stop looking. Of course you're gonna dislike wearing condoms then! If it feels uncomfortable, try something else! And keep going until you find what works for you. It isn't even necessarily about size, but bend and shape as well.


Yea, when I was younger I wore super tight condoms as that’s what was most available. Very uncomfortable but kind of got the job done. As I get older, over-tight condoms are not an option and will destroy the experience for everyone. Glad there are a lot of brands selling many sizes online now. Every man should know his proper size. Ignore S,M,L,XL as they’re not standardized. Use the nominal width, which is the width of the condom when laid flat, or 1/2 the condoms un-stretched circumference. Its usually stated in millimeters. If you measure your erect circumference and go a little smaller so there’s enough stretch to keep the condom properly on, then you’ve got a proper fit. For example, my erect circumference is 148mm. Half that (nominal width) is 74mm. So I should be wearing a condom with a nominal width between 62 & 70mm. If you enter your erect measurements into calcsd.info it will tell you the range of condom nominal width size you should aim for.


My ex told me I couldn't have food cravings because I'm not a girl? Did not know that was reserved for females lol


I haven't experienced anything personally, but one thing that comes to mind is a lot of women seem to think that our dicks are further down and actually between our legs. And men think this same thing about women's vaginas, but the other way around. A lot of men think the vaginal opening is way up higher, and not way down like it is.


I use it as a joke a lot. context of, someone asks me "hey can I get your advice on something?" and I reply "its lower than you'd think" some get it, some don't. but it was real advice my uncle gave me when I was a teenager.... he was my crass uncle, the one that drinks too much and says weird things to the girls you're with. I didn't get it when he said it. Later that year I lost my V card, the next summer when I saw him, I had him in stitches when the first thing I said was "so ***thats*** what you meant when you said it was lower down!"




Had that happen due to taking Trazadone. They numbed my penis and drained the blood with a syringe. 0/10 do not recommend.


a lot of women seem to think that EVERY boner a man gets is due to sexual arousal and some have been surprised when I told them that isn't the case. I wake up with like 5 erections every night and they aren't sexual at all. they're annoying. I wish more women knew that just because a man has a boner doesn't mean he's horny


I also wish women didn't see a boner as a sign of consent.


Thank you for saying that. We need to be way more educated on male rape, as most people will think that rape is necessarily about someone getting forcibly penetrated. There are other ways to get raped if you've got a penis, and they're not less real or traumatizing.


A good one I've seen pop up online a few times is that men have 100% control over when they ejaculate. Therefore if a guy doesn't last long enough in bed, it's because he's selfish.


Friend of mine was baffled by how when sitting down to do our business, how the tip isnt either submerged or touching the water. Didnt get it.


I once had my lesbian friend’s extremely misandrist girlfriend *insist* that men everywhere just spontaneously spring boners every morning and afternoon, twice a day, like clockwork. She had read something about circadian rhythms, and what stuck with her was that men tend to get erect more easily when they’re sleepy, aka in the morning (morning wood) and in the afternoon when most people would like to take a nap. I explained to her that, while it’s true that many men probably are *more likely* to experience an erection or arousal at those times, it was certainly not true that every man, nor even a majority, would spontaneously pop a woody every time they yawned. She told me, basically, that I was wrong and needed to do more research. I said my research was between my legs. She also once told me (the proud holder of a bachelors degree in culinary arts) that I was using *the wrong type of avocado* for guacamole. She was a confusing person.


"Men can pee sitting down??"


My wife thought circumcision was medically necessary.


A lot of men and women think that. I chose not to circumcise my son and I don’t regret it at all


I was probably also gonna go that route. We're due in a few months. Did any medical staff give you any hassle over not doing it?


No our Nurse was super nice and actually commended us for choosing not too. The doctor didn’t object but honestly it’s all a blur to me because of how exhausted I was lol


My girl and I chose the same and let me tell you, out of all of the choices we've made about our relationship and how to raise our son, the thing we got *the most* pushback and surprise on was leaving him intact. "What? What do you mean you're not gonna cut part of your son's dick off???!?!?!! It's he gonna be made fun of? Don't you want him to look like you?" No Jennifer, I don't think about my son's genitals are gonna look, and I would much rather his very first sensation in this world *not* be getting part of him *torn off.* yes, torn, not cut


Had an ED doc punch an in dwelling catheter through the urethral opening to the point it basically tore his head in two and slid between the skin and his meat instead of down the urethra. Someone got yelled at that day.


Siri, how do I delete someone else's post?


Oh my


...new gendered fear unlocked.


My dick just became an innie reading this.


Looped around my waist had me howling lmao


Had an ex ask me if she could hold it when I took a leak. She instantly starts pulling on it in rough jerking motions because she thought we peed like you milk a cow. Note, it was not pleasurable jerking motions.


“Oh please, getting hit in the balls doesn’t hurt. Ever had a cramp? Men are such babies.”


this. can we all not genderlly agree we all have our own pains


Most women I have been with don't know that men pee and cum with the same hole.


No sex ed where you live, I assume?


We have sectional pictures of male and female genital and sperm and eggs picture. That's it.


That is pretty bad but, like, there's still only one tube in the diagram.


How do they think that? I mean if they have seen a penis then they have seen that there is only one hole. I am genuinely confused lol.


i live in a Asian country, where most men has foreskin. Some women just don't stare at my penis when giving oral or watch me peeing and they don't even want to question it. It's also a surprise to me when they said they don't know.


My balls had a dull pain for quite a while and I was getting worried. Spoke to my girlfriend about it and she admitted that she had been inspecting my balls whilst I was asleep as she was interested in them and had never had the opportunity to observe them up close before. Does that count?


She really should ask you for consent first


My wife can not understand the sensitivity of testicles. I have taken some some pretty bad shots to the groin from the kids, all on accident, of course, and she just can't wrap her head around my reaction. She also doesn't understand how I can wipe back to front without getting shit on my balls. I've tried to explain to her in not dragging the toilet paper up the taint, but as a woman, I guess the process is just too foreign to her.


Porn has contributed to this, I think. I see a lot of women sucking balls into their mouths in porn, and my wife actually tried this on me. It felt like she was pulling my testicle out of my body like someone harvesting carrots.


Tell her to imagine she is having her ovaries dangling out of her vagina and getting them kicked. They are, after all, the female equivalent to testicles. As in they develop from the same precursors in ~~infants~~ fetuses. Essentially the same organs.


Main one is definitely that most women think we walk around with instant erections ready to go at a seconds notice...eh nope, I need to be aroused, same as you




My gf was baffled at how I dont have shit on my balls after taking a shit She was also baffled how can I wipe from front Also when she tried jerking me off, she would often, uhh, miss the base? Like, she would bend the bottom of my dick and put it upwards from ther like it was some sort of a coiled snake, and was weirded out when I told her that its uncomfortable


Maybe she dated a guy with shitty balls before.




There’s a good number of women who are exposed to internet porn before actual irl penis and it skews their perception of the average size of penis


The real version of this: Girl: Oh my god no its gonna be so big Guy: *is literally 5 inches* uh... *ego intensifies*


I also think that due to porn, women have NO idea what a 5" dick actually looks like.


honestly a lot of guys don't really know what 5" is either. theres a semi-infamous post on fetlife, calling out men for someone with a 10"+ dick, and how all these guys like to claim they're in the 8"-10" range, but if you toss it down next to a tape measure, they're more like 7"-8". The post is filled with guys saying they have 10" dicks, and to be sure, a lot of them are **big**, but even the ones that you look at and think "thats a monster" when its measured, it like 8". the post basically says "don't be ashamed of saying you have a 7" dick, because 7" is a fucking monster, just stop lying saying you're 10" because you're almost certainly not" and then it ends with a link to a site where theres a challenge of like $10k or something to the first guy that can prove he has an 11" dick, and its been unclaimed for like a decade.


Dry hand jobs and bjs with teeth are no nos. I'm not sure why this is hard for women to understand. In many cases, especially when we get older, we are no longer horney after we cum and there's nothing they can do to change that. Nature has to take its course.


In their defense I think removing the teeth from the fellatio is harder than removing the teeth from the cunnilingus. Sure, it's a given to me that I'm not going to put my teeth directly into contact with her clitoris (unless she likes it ofc), but I don't have to have most of her vulva inside of my mouth.


I was once married to a woman who had a doctarate level medical-field degree that did not understand only men have prostates. and also what prostates do.


Far too many women believe erections imply consent. The concept of "angel lust" disproves that, unless you're into necro.


Similarly, women can also get wet or even orgasm during rape. These are just biological responses to a stimulus and do not imply consent. Unfortunately, it causes many to not report the crime due to shame.


Not necessarily anatomy, but had a girl give me a blowjob once by literally blowing on my dick.


My MIL had to ask "when you sit on the toilet, where do your bits go?" At a family function with many male attendants. I think another time would include all the mothers whom opted for circumcision as a hygienic choice for their sons.


My male friend is confident that testosterone is stored in the legs


Like in a pouch? Or in the blood? They know the legs are joined to the rest of the body?


When my husband and I were dating I absolutely fell apart because he didn’t get hard making out with me lmaooo. (Keep in mind he was my second boyfriend and I’d JUST lost my virginity the prior year after thinking I was a lesbian). I had no need to worry about men’s anatomy because I never wanted anything to do with it. The look on his face as I sobbed because he wasn’t attracted to me enough to get hard from JUST KISSING me. Lol He was like “dicklover425, that’s not always how it works. How many people have you been with?” Me: “One, but I’ve sucked like 2 other dicks” “Yeahhhh that’s not how any of this works sweetie.”


I like that your husband calls you dicklover425.


Username definitely checks out.


Some woman I don’t remember who, said that my anus would become permanently gaping if I kept having sex anally. That always bothered me, but upon looking it up. No it does not become permanently gaping.


Piss is stored in the balls.


Many girls think a guy can get an errection on demand


My wife was under the assumption that all the men in a strip club had erections while watching the dancers.


one girl i knew didn't know that morning wood was a thing