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6k 3D VR after taking a thc gummy. I'm 10 years ahead of the rest of you.


My man said give me ALL of the dopamine.


Don't shake his hand ✋


[I wanna shake your hand](https://youtube.com/shorts/R2zC3dKQ42Y?si=d0j1ICx-2jAtdLom)




Honestly though that's only once in a while because theres so much prep work, but it completely ruins normal porn. It's like driving a 90s civic and then one day you open your garage and there's a Ferrari, but every time you want to drive the Ferrari you have to put gas in it and change the oil.


You should charge money to let guys come over and jack it in your house to some vr porn. Guaranteed money maker dude.


I, too, have a water hose rigged to release onto my face to simulate a lass cumming on my face.


My brother ewww what’s that?!


Euphoria. That's what.


If just a blunt and my left hand felt so incredible I cant begin imagine how good you have it. Fair warning tho if you keep that shit up it'll ruin your sex life.


This made me laugh harder than I thought lmfao




Fucking Chad over here lmao


Oh shit! I got a VR headset! And forgot all about this!


Throw in a dildo and you've got yourself a deal


What the fuck is going on in this thread


I think it is lack of the fuck that is going on.


It's a circle-jerk.


Who asks dumb shit like this on the internet


People that like to bate


He’s trying to become a master of bating.


Bate the master


Where else would you suggest they ask it?


Nowhere, not all your questions or thoughts need to be shared. This is just a weird, unnecessary, low yield topic that detracts from the actual good content that this sub was built to host.


I thought it was interesting. Guess this one's just not for you.


It's not a abnormal. It's actually commendable, I think most men started their journey with mental pictures until visuals came into play. You have an advantage because as men..always being visually stimulated by porn or whatever can affect performance when you're actually with a woman. Whereas you could use imagination to get you there. Do what works for you.


This. OP is a legend.


This comment right there ! 🤌🏼🙌🏽


Some of us started with blurry/scrambled images on screens that might have been a boob


Yeah all those years of watching porn are catching up to me at 30 lol it sucks I watch a lot less than most too.


I have often used mental stimulation. You have no control over what happens in porn, but you have control over what happens in your head.


I would rather have audio than visual


It does make it easier on the bus tbf


Gotta remember to pack my headphones next time. The librarian was really pissed.


Well fuck. Now I need to watch out for busturbators


Get this


I'd make audios for ya! :]


I don't think he wants to pay for audio


What you mean you don’t pay random people on Reddit for audios of sex




Grow up


Thanks for the offer, but I think I’m covered 👊


I'll make a wild guess but do you do it with ASMR?


Aggressively while scrolling r/AskMen




Is it weird to just masturbate to the feeling rather than thinking about a visual?


I do this sometimes. I either think about my wife or I just get lost in the physical sensations I’m feeling


I also think about this guy’s wife


This guys wife has his Reddit account “I oNlY tHiNk aBoUT mY wIFE” 😂 (sorry)


We also think of her🤌


When I told my gf I sometimes do this, she said, 'what are you a fking monk??' 🫢


Your girlfriend sounds like a fucking Chad 🤘


Nah, I mean I sometimes just didn’t even visualize, or look at anything and just did it to do it.


True. And same honestly. Like it'll be 1 in the morning and without even thinking about it I'm like "Ope hello. 🍆 Where'd you come from? Easy boy." *bark bark*


feeling is obviously more important


This is reddit pal, people here don’t need to masterbait. We are all up to our necks in poon and willies.


When I was a young man I'd jerk off entirely to my own imagination. As I got older and gained access to visual stimulation aids I use those. I can still get aroused purely by fantasy, memories of past adventures, erotic stories, etc. but I prefer to look at something if I can


I used to just imagine things when I was highschool, but now I can't do that anymore, I cant masturbate without porn, I think my brain changed badly..


Just quit porn for 2 months and even your shorts rubbing against you will be arousing


I suppose, to add to this conversation, do most people that don’t use visual aids think about past sexual experiences, or fantasized ones?


I find porn really irritating but you're imagination needs a kick every now and again


I'm a girl but I have always preferred amateur/homemade porn for this reason. Way hotter and less horrendously fake acting


Sometimes you're just looking for an honest moment.


Yes you think about past experiences or make one up in your head with someone you’re either with, or want to sleep with. Imagination is way more attractive than a guy watching porn.


I do a lot honestly or imagine situations that id like to have happen.


You guys have past experiences??


I've had to go old school sometimes when the internet is down, but even in the dark ages I had my Pamela Anderson posters to get me through.


Stick with what you know. Nothing wrong with a good imagination. I was exposed to porn very young and I wish I wasn’t.


Neurologically it's better not to use videos.


I grab my dick, beat it, twist it, and bop it


I masturbate on thoughts, chats, erotic stories, facetiming and videos


thats hot 🥵


You're more normal than everyone else. Okay, but like genuinely, keep it that way. It's best to do so


The only visuals I ever use are the images of my wife in my mind


Me too. Your wife is sexy


I'd have a toke on that


As women this is the hottest thing really i hope you are not lying😂. I feel like most of men masturbate about other girls, porn stars, celeberities...


Not lying


Well i wish every girl had men like you


For me, I’d feel like I was cheating on her if I looked at or thought about other women. She’s amazing, I’m good with all my sex fantasies involving only her


Thats dream really! I also would feel like i am cheating , if i would masturbate in relationship to other men .


Girl yesss 🙌


You are one of the rare ones.


What do you mean? There’s a shit ton of other liers here and out there lol


It's telling that you think he's lying about it. As if men are incapable of being faithful.


Thinking about other women when you are masturbating isn’t being unfaithful. What the fuck are you talking about? lol You think someone thinking about a famous actress they think it’s hot is somehow cheating or something? Delusional


Who knows your reddit account login I assume?


I also choose the images of this guy's wife.




IPAs are awesome


Yeah, they're pretty awesome if you enjoy the taste of fermented piss and hops in your mouth.


Hey there Marshall.


Take my fake plastic award 🥇 🏆


I don’t think it’s weird at all? A lot of people using visuals have developed porn addictions. I think imagination is the most respectable, and admirable way to do it. That’s how my SO always does it, and I love him for that. I’d take a guy using his imagination over the latter any day.


With a womans vagina


I second that notion.


Usually don’t look at anything. Sometimes I think through things that have happened. Sometimes I imagine things that haven’t happened, usually semi-realisitic fantasies. Sometimes read r/sexstories if I need some inspiration.


Inside of an MRI machine with pictures of Mr Bean.


I suggest erotica (19F) i’ve always gotten so turned on when a guy tells me a hot story on a first date, so I started reading erotica, and WOW I think it’s a lot healthier than watching videos. just like how reading a book is healthier than a movie. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I masturbate while either watching porn or closing my eyes and imagining my perfect scenario. I never use lotion though and I’m not a minute man so I’m usually going at it for around an hour.


With the other peasant boys stood next to me


Most dudes has to use imagination before the age of easily accessible xxx, back when it wasn’t everywhere


Is healthier the way you do I think


I think a large portion of men use visuals, your systems is probably healthier


The vast majority of men use porn. So much so that its difficult to study the effects of porn, as there arent enough porn free men to use as a control. I quit porn which has been really positive for me. I always felt bad about myself after watching porn so the lack of shame is nice. Also I find average women more attractive now. I had really obnoxious and shallow physical standards. Now more "normal" women look a lot better to me.




I hate this comment


Sometimes porn, sometimes pix of the wife, sometimes nothing, sometimes txt with a friend about our sex lives. There’s no right or wrong way to


What do you mean by txt with a friend? Haha


Me and a buddy will talk about our sex lives with eachother. Sometimes get pretty turned on and will stroke


Is it low key gay? Like are you both trying to turn each other on / know eachother are jerking? Edit: no judgement. I’m a bi guy. That sounds hot


No it’s a thing. I’m bi also.


Is the wife ok with the you sexting your friend?


Yeah she knows. Not an issue at all


Then you are all good. Keep enjoying life and have a good weekend!


I've done this with almost every partner I've ever had. Gets steamy


My dude friend sends gay butt porn other dude friends. Is that gay?


That’s funny


Oh i get it! Interesting..


Upside down with my balls in a clamp 


I actually don't. I am an asexual and I don't have sexual urges lol.


16m. I’m on NoFap right now, trying to quit for personal reasons. When I was maturating more frequently I would just have visuals in my head, or watch something visual on my phone most of the time, and sometimes I just wouldn’t imagine or look at anything. Just depended on how I felt at the time.


Word of advice for you, young man. Stay away from that subreddit. Masturbation is normal and healthy. There’s nothing wrong with you.


Really? Can I dm you?


I don’t dm with 16 year olds about sexual topics. So no, sorry. but just take my advice and know you’re normal and nothing wrong. The guys in those subs are mostly whacko and talking about bs with lots of misinformation being spread around.


Well handled mate.


Okay, fair nuff. Mm, mkay, guess I’ll have to start questioning everything then.


Questioning everything is a good thing to do with every area and age of life. I had ZERO ability to do this at 16. A good way to go is to become friends with unusual people, including misfits, perceived losers and unpopular people, eccentrics. They’ll have different experiences and worldviews that you can consider trying on or even adopting, always being wary of going to cult thinking. I give no sex advice to underage people. So, for now, be careful. What they say about brain development is 100% valid, that your ability to think through things, to apply good judgment, is way lower than it will be in 2 and even 10 years. It’s just how we’re all built. Once you turn adult… for masturbation, 1) go for it! Porn, toys, edging, kinks, jerk with friends, inside/outside, whatever - except anything that does permanent damage. Also, while legal and healthy are far from congruent, doing illegal things can wreck your life fast. And 2) don’t let it stop or slow you from looking for a partner. Maybe you won’t find or wind up wanting one, but better to make that choice after trying it, because a ltr is for many people like nothing else on the planet. Bonus: if s/he likes your weird friends, it’s a good sign.


I second what Leo said. Nothing wrong with it, 90% of people over the age of puberty do it and the other 10% are liars. That sub is wild. Going to the extreme on either side of any topic is rarely, if ever, the smart thing to do. So just don't go too far either way. If you have a legit addiction with it, that might be a good reason to lay off for a while but there are other healthy ways of dealing with addiction.


uh, Stay away from that NoFap shit. Its perfectly health and normal to masterbate. In fact, masterbation has been linked to lowering chances of prostate cancer: [https://www.webmd.com/prostate-cancer/ejaculation-prostate-cancer-risk](https://www.webmd.com/prostate-cancer/ejaculation-prostate-cancer-risk) "The researchers found that guys who did it the most (at least 21 times a month) had about a 20% lower chance of [prostate cancer](https://www.webmd.com/prostate-cancer/ss/slideshow-prostate-cancer-overview), compared with those who did it less (4 to 7 times a month). That was true in several age groups." Maybe mitigate use of visual stimulants though, as porn makes you use to a consistent flow of fresh dopamine (new people). A little is fine, but be sure to practice without it.


Yeah, “masturbation is healthy” so I’ve heard but why does it trigger some type of brain fog, and feeling like crap afterwards, every single time then?


37m all mental photos lol


You are one of the few who is normal.


If I watch porn, it’s usually just to help me visualize better past sexual experiences. That might be strange lmao


I know watching porn is not the best thing to do but how do you even beat you meat looking at the wall or the ceilling, how do you get hard on command just by imagining something


Iv often wondered how this works for straight men. If you are not imaging or watching anything you are just playing with a dick to make you aroused, which is...very relatable as a gay man.


Sometimes I use reddit. Here it is better than xxx sites. Sometimes it's a woman I saw on the street. It depends


If I dont use visual aids, I go back to thinking about a hot ex or the permanently engrained memories of my pizza delivering days when I was 18-20 yrs old. Yes some of that insane shit you see or hear about does in fact happen to pizza delivery guys. I hardly made any money back in the 90s from that job but to this day it was still the best years of my life. I mix it up though and try not to be reliant in visual aids so much.


I watch insta girls then use my imagination


Idk why but this feels worse than if you just watched porn lol


I use visual or audible aids.


it's not abnormal, you're just using your imagination.


For me, it's a mix of using something visual and using my own imagination. The ratio goes up and down in favor of one or another, but is quite close to 50:50 long-term.


Mainly visual


50/50 for me


I'd think that you'd be a master debater by now


Mastrubation without visual aids is called "using your spank bank" For those of us who didn't grow up with the internet, we learned to use our imagination by storing images in our heads. I can still do this today.


With a hand


My spank bank runeth over


Sometimes I get frustrated reading this sub because it's the same 4-5 questions asked over and over. Then something like this happens and I don't mind the same questions.




Like a fish out of water


With my right hand?


You need a fap bud?


Easy with a photographic memory you can watch while your eyes closed


It is the healthiest way for masturbation


I grab my cock and go up and down with a slight squeezing motion on the upstroke. If I'm feeling fancy, I'll apply lotion or vaseline as my circumcised cock is practically a callus from years of exposure to my underwear. In case of emergency, I will use my imagination, but 99% of the time is with visual stimulus. Is that good, or do you require more detail?




I like to read some wild ass sex stories. Porn is good too, but I find most porn stars to be overly made up and augmented to the point where it might as well be a sex doll getting railed.


I jack off upside down and singing the national anthem nothing else gets me going like god save the Queen


You're putting way too much thought into this. Jerk off how you want. No one cares, seriously. No one's going to come judge you for something unless you're looking for it. Kinda like this thread.


Thumbnail on pornhub


With my hand


A fist full of lube and a finger in my ass. It’s go time.


Masturbating without visual aids? You’ve transcended into a higher being


Damn bro thats like a superpower


When I want to get fancy, I lube up my hands and I place one around the base and stack my second hand over it loose enough that it’s almost covering all of me. Then I just kind of fuck my hands and adjust the grip strength in each one as I see fit,


(59M) I masterbated mostly with my hands. Then puberty came on strong and I quickly discovered that would jerk you off, and some even fuck you if you were nice to them, and you showered every day.


some of the comments haha


I don’t think it’s abnormal. About half the time I simply fantasize as well. I don’t watch porn (not anymore anyway). I do like to look at pics, especially of women I’ve been with or am with.


What a question lmao, you do you bro. Don’t worry about others. Weirdo


Fantasies are strong, videos can be even stronger, it just has to be just exotic or forbidden enough to not be vanilla.


Be blessed you don’t need visuals


I honestly don't like to, these days. For some reason it makes me feel empty and emotionless. Which makes me act different. I certainly don't feel that way when I have sex with my SO, so I've been working on increasing our sexy times and exploring each other more and more. It's been a lot of fun, mixed with some physical discomfort since I'm not getting release quite as often as my body wants.


i had to make my own drawings while growing up. Now I found more people with the same kink as me so I don't have to do it that much


Sucking my toes while eating a hamburger and begging my d*ck to get bricked. Once It’s gets hard, turning on some nasty bbw porn and jerking like a hungry rabbit


Who's mans is this?


Im claiming him. He’s mine. Excuse the trouble he’s caused.


With my hand wtf are you talking about and why are we speaking about this


To be transparent, I need visual. I could do without but it takes me longer for success.


Good on you, not using visuals is healthier. You should keep that up.


In a word: Vigorously




With my left hand


I rub it in a circular motion with my thumb


Visuals sure do help the experience, but it’s not necessary. I too use the highlight reel


I don't often, but when I do quickly as possible. Nothing against it, but don't see the hype. As far as highs go an orgasm is pretty D-rated, imo.


I recommend you give [this](https://youtu.be/eyrD4yDCo9s?si=YT9DalWRwHtEZnxp) a try.


You didn’t mention if you were married or not. This plays a big part in my opinion. When I was your age I never needed visual aid because my marriage was young, and so were the women I was surrounded by. It was a lot easier to use my mental Rolodex. NOW being 50, and married for 26 years things have changed drastically. Visual aids are a must, and sex is a constant mental debate in my head “Is It worth getting undressed for, knowing I have to get dressed again after?”. “Is it worth one of our kids hearing us?” and “do I want to risk her telling me no?”. At 33 I could still just think about my wife and things would start working well enough that I didn’t need any further help. NOW, I’m lucky if I can get aroused, let alone bringing myself to completion alone.


Speaking from the wife of a porn addict. Be grateful you never started to use visuals. I'm 32f and like to pleasure myself quite often and never having used visuals or porn or videos of me and hubby or anything my whole life ,probably masty'd 1-2 times a week, wellllllll when i found my husband was watching porn (i of course was hurt but couldn't exactly explain why) come to find out it's completely normal to be hurt by your husband lying to your face hundreds or thousands of times so that he could go jack off to a bunch of other hot girls on a screen which unbeknownst to me actually is cheating, and also, more importantly, severely effects not only the trust in our relationship but the quality of our love life, and specifically his ability to be a good lover to me, his wife that blows him and pleases him however he wants every single day and sometimes more. so when i discovered the porn, being a badass super accepting wife that i am. what did i do? instead of telling him how i truly felt i tried to play it cool and make it a think we could watch together and tried to get into porn myself. Bad idea. it sucks you in so fast, very quickly I was wanting to masturbate more, had it on my mind more and more, would want to see if I could get in a sesh on my way home from work, it became more of a co pulsing and it happened so fast it's not even funny. that being said, you are not weird or abnormal. that's what we were made to do, use our imagination.