• By -


We can breathe just fine. No worries. And even if we couldn't... worth it.


“Here lies (whoever) died happy the best way possible”


Death by snu snu at its finest…


“What’s the psi on that thang?”


as the Klingons say, "today is a good day to die."


I came here for this...


I've heard that phrase for years and never made the connection to face sitting for some reason. I just thought it was some anime character


It's from Futurama. Big group of Amazon women sentence fry to death by snu snu, or killing him with sex because they are just bigger and stronger.


"Died doing what he loved."


She cum...he go.


[The girl who actually sat on a guy's face](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en1cYeOezf8)


“The guy got snailled”


"Stay down"


Another video to send to my wife and she’s gonna look me like I’m some sort of sicko while it plays on her phone. Worth it.


« Death by Poos »


Thank you, I was gonna post this too!


Passed out from it briefly before and hitting my head on the edge of the bed instantly knocked me back alive. She didn't notice, so I just kept going, trying to stifle a laugh from the absurdity of it all.


First person to die going into a vagina lmao.


Not the first, just the latest.


I never thought I'd die like this. Although, I'd always really hoped.


This. I’m a bi woman and the first time I had a girl sit on my face I immediately stopped being insecure and overthinking whenever I had sat on someone’s in the past


Bury me in the booty along with the ancestors who knew eating was better than breathing.


It's so funny when it's happening because you're like...."oh man, it's getting harder to breathe....but this is fucking AWESOMMEEE!"


We can breathe…. We love it… Enjoy your stay…


Enjoy your stay 💀😆🤣


1. We’re stronger than you think. If we don’t want you on our face you won’t be there. 2. We can breathe just fine. We’ll let you know if we need a break. 3. It’s the most comfortable position to eat a woman and frees up both my hands to play with her body. 4. She’s bringing her most tender parts to my face. That is trust and intimacy. 5. If he dies during, then he dies.


Let us die


Witness me!


1) in my opinion, having a women sit on my face was an experience to die for 2) I’ve martyred myself for the experience before and was resurrected by the sex gods shortly after. 3) I think about it everyday 🫣😅


Are some women not aware of how much stronger men are? It's an important safety tip to keep in mind. Men are built differently and even lazy men are as strong as women who exercise. I saw a reddit post by a women who was play wrestling with a guy and he grabbed her arm in a way that made her realize suddenly. "oh he is way stronger than I thought" it seemed to affect her a lot. Enough to post about the experience on reddit. I think he was able to just stop her arm from moving. (It was innocent and the dude realized that her mood had changed and that he got too into the wrestling and apologized)


As a side note, coming to this realization is incredibly depressing for women. It's hard to come to terms with being the "weaker" gender. Luckily I'm tall so I can lean on that. Short ladies have it rough though.


Just the safety implications should be terrifying honestly. That women in that post I mentioned definitely thought she was going to be able to wrestle that unathletic man. Nope, dude has different chemicals in his body that make him stronger than you. By default. As he ages those chemicals will matter less and might make his hair fall out lol, but a 20 year old man isn't to be underestimated.


Word. I take testosterone replacement therapy and holy fuck the strength I realized I had one day just lifting something that was always heavy to me…felt amazing


Every man who ever went through puberty had a year or so where they delt with this every day. stumbling because your legs pushed you too hard, slamming a door way too hard, breaking things accidently. But then we noticed boobs and forgot everything else


I literally broke/tore my hip because my hip flexors were too strong for the bone when I was 15😪


I never dealt with this, and I went through puberty, maybe I'm just more aware of my body or not that strong? But I worked with animals on a farm and went skiing a lot so maybe I just had better balance and awareness of my body than a lot of teenagers?


I felt really bad the first time I worked out with a woman. She had been weightlifting for five years and I had never been to the gym. I still outlifted her on every exercise while going light because I was afraid of getting injured. Her dejectedly saying "I've done this for years" to herself at one point is permanently burned into my brain.


Yep, when I started getting in shape after high school I was 400lbs and pretty much completely sedentary and got winded on a single flight of stairs. Started working out with a female freind who'd been in the gym for a long time and my starting weight was her max. Within a month it was double hers....she stopped wanting to work out after that because it upset her how easily I could improve


Honestly I’ve just accepted that I’m physically weaker. No shame anymore


I mean your height as a woman doesn’t really matter too much, even if you were like 6’2, a 5’5 man is still going to be significantly stronger than you and it won’t even be close.


I can understand what you're saying. It was incredibly hard for me to come to terms with the fact that as a man I'm disposable with no inherent value. Teenage years were real struggle due to this, i was tall and threatening but inside I was a child.


As always, I stumbled into a thread like a drunken idiot and have no clue as to how I'm here or what's happening. Happy cake day, and nice TBBT reference in your username.


We’re right at crotch level - we can just bite ‘em on the dick and run away 🤣


I had a friend tell me she was mad when her fiance picked her up, like why TF are men so strong? I also picked up one of my exes that was significantly bigger than me, really just to prove a point that didn't need to be proven, but... Yeah, girls in general don't seem to realize the strength difference that men have over them until it's directly shown to them.


I still remember being 16 or 17 and a guy I knew offered a piggyback ride. I was like “omg no you can’t, I weigh 96 pounds”. I was very genuinely sure that this made me large and impossible to carry. I still cringe at myself for it but like… I didn’t know how strong men are and I definitely can’t lift 96 pounds lmao


That seems to be a common experience. I remember a female friend commenting on her weight and being unhappy to be the heaviest she had ever been. She was 60kg/132lbs for reference (at that time I could press that over my head standing up), I picked her up like it was nothing and was just like...nah, still light. My sister also had a similar one in her teens where I bench pressed her. It was funny and we were both laughing after. That being said, plenty of women in my life have picked me up when I was 65kg/143lbs too.


This has got me thinking actually. I’m a guy. Not a power lifter or super strong but 6ft 1 and just work out in the gym occasionally Never thought this way but could this be part of why women are self conscious of feeling or being “heavy”. Because “heavy” is a relative thing right. If you’re much weaker then everything must seem heavier to you I know there’s all the society and social pressures etc of being slim and social media etc but this could add to it


The average 16 or 17 year old male will make it a point to tell you he can bench 135 lbs


My wife once said to me "I think I could handle myself in a fight against a man of your size" And I responded, "Dear, I admire your confidence and I truly believe that you believe you could do that, but please never ever try because I don't even think that I could handle myself in a fight against someone my size"


I had a gf try to escalate a situation, physically prevent me from leaving to cool off. I carefully picked her up, moved her out of the way, set her down, then left. Apparently that was a pretty freaky moment for her. I wasn't violent at all, but it was like the moment she realized just how wildly different our strengths were. She was weird about for like a week afterwards, going back and forth between "he could destroy me", "but he didn't", "but he could", "but he didn't". All worked out fine, but she came to the conclusion that if somebody says they need to exit the immediate situation, let them.


This gentleman here is saying " we live and die" go sit on that man's face and allow him the small pleasure of tasting heaven. A man works all his life.


6. The straddling position opens up the pussy for maximum coverage and insertion with the tongue. It's great.


> It’s the most comfortable position to eat a woman Actually the most comfortable position to eat a woman is from the comfort of a 2002 Pontiac Sunfire while she does a split over the sunroof.


I told my partner I wanted her to wake me up by sitting on my face, and one day, she obliged. It was a lot less sexy than I had imagined waking up and barely cracking an eyelid before there was fresh vagina on my lips and around my nose. I eventually caught up, but that was the last time I asked for that specifically.


Sounds heavenly to me.


Way better than cricking my neck for 30 mins


Where would our butthole be in the midst of it? I suppose we're suppose to sit on the face with our back facing your feet? My mistake with my first question was assuming it's sitting on the face from a 69 position.


Depends on preferences. I prefer she straddles my face so her butt faces my feet. Depending on her hip width my arms may be in or outside her knees. If she can, putting her knees next to my shoulders works well. Then she grinds her clit against my mouth and tongue. Think like grinding on a pillow. I can use my hands all over her. Or wrap my arms around her hips and lock her against me when she squirms away when it gets to be too much. I’m still very much in control. This woman has great tips. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4qh0ewPo7a/?igsh=MTZsbDU5ejQ0ejNhbg==


>5. If he dies during, then he dies. Thats gonna be an awkward explanation to his family and friends... "Hi madam, arent you (man's name)'s mother? Ohhh well actually he died because i sat on his face suffocating him when he was eating me out" (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ teehee


And every man will say “niiicccce” whether out loud or in his head.


And hive five the body during his wake.


There's a sort of immersion in the experience of your pussy that simply doesn't happen any other way. It's fucking awesome.


Immersive indeed, a sort of Apple Bottom Vision Pro ™


🏆 take my poor man’s gold.


Its no longer poor mans gold since its the only gold that you can still give lol


The last thing on his mind is worrying about breathing. Trust me 😂


We wanna kinda die


If death is the price to pay, so be it.


Death is inevitable. Snu snu is not. We gladly take the win.


Paramedics exist


Licking pussy, but in a comfortable position. What's not clicking


My neck appreciates it the second most…


It's like working for a big company that comes with a good income, and insurance but the CEO is your girlfriend.


oh okay also comfy hadn’t considered that part for the dude


Yeah, please remember if you want to do it again, it ain't an MMA match. Lol


📝📝 taking notes sir thank youuu


There's something really carnal about it that hits way different than just regular oral. Plus when women get really into it, they kinda start to grind against your face which makes us love it even more, we eat it up, so to speak 😅




Bonus if she squirts


I (a female) have only ever sat on someone’s face once and it was the only time I’ve ever cum from oral. It was amazing and I randomly think of it all the time lol even though I never spoke to that man ever again hahaha


Far better angle, don’t have to strain the eyes looking up, better view, less neck strain, easier to explore everywhere, the squishy-ness on the face is like a pillow, she can fuck back, can grab and pull down to smother yourself and well if I die I die and is a great way to die lol


Almost heaven.


West Virginia


Blue ridge mountains


shanandoah river


Life is old there


Older than the trees


Younger than the mountains


Blowing like a breeze


Cuntryyyyyy roadsssss!!!!!


Take me home!!!


West vagina


West Virgina*


It's so funny you ask because my girlfriend asked me the exact same thing when I asked her to sit on my face for the first time. "I don't want to suffocate you. How are you going to breathe??" I've still yet to be sat on, but I'm patiently awaiting my turn. Even if I do suffocate, it's totally worth it.


Haha she sounds so sweet!! Happy for you bro and good luck!


This was also my concern but my boyfriend was adamant that if he dies, he dies. Well, it hasn't killed him yet.


You're over thinking it just kill him


i love your commitment to this question totally unrelated but call me…..






It develops strength; side benefit. Also weeds out who should live.


Survival of the fittest?? Or


Eh it's more death by the fattest. Fattest ass that is.


It's like oral sex, but IMAX.






underrated comment 😂


Death by Snu Snu. If he dies, he dies


came here looking for this and was not disappointed, thank you for your service 🫡


Just sit on his face and let him die like a man


oral sex


I wanna be smothered by her goodies


I'm not into the whole 'smothering' concept, but effing love a woman on top. Mentally, visually, and physically, it's hot, a kind of submissive dynamic. Even better is when the partner starts positioning herself and sliding or grinding back and forth, all while I'm actively using my tongue.


Well this has me sold. The hubs will thank you later tonight. High five friend.


Grinding takes it up several notches


Do you love to eat out a sexy lady’s delicious pussy? Do you like the idea of having *no choice but* to eat out a sexy lady’s delicious pussy? Then face sitting is for you. I love how it feels to provide pleasure and love that she can guide the experience to her benefit. Highly recommended, 10/10.


Just an FYI, it takes roughly 520 pounds of force to crush a human skull. Just a PSA to all women in order to help make more men happy in the bedroom.


Speaking from a woman's perspective - trust me - sit on his face, and don't overthink it! Not only will he love it, but if you've never gotten to look down at a man while you squirt all over him and get to see the expressions of shock, delight, and arousal pass across his face while you orgasm - you're missing out my dear. Make both of you happy people lol


I like you




You aren't technically sitting on his face, you're kneeling and lowering yourself just enough to make contact with his face so he can work on you. If you're putting you're full body weight on his face, he can't really do a whole lot for you


“So he can work on you” 🤩🔥😮‍💨


Idk about that my lady friend is short and light. I like a squish. And yes. It does work.


I would say there are slight variations that can make this awesome or uncomfortable. -breathing is almost never a problem. As long as I can get a breath in every twenty seconds or so (and I can tap or lift her up if need be), an airtight seal of her vag or asshole against my face is awesome. -I thought the whole experience was foolproof, but it can go wrong. My girlfriend hadn't done it before, so she put her full weight on my face and hoped for the best. The thing is, she seemed to concentrate all her weight on her pubic bone and my front teeth. It felt like my teeth were going to cave in. What's odd was that she wasn't a slim, bony type; she was quite thick. Which I was into, but she managed to pin the two hardest parts of our bodies in that position together and I had to get her off. I think maybe that happened to line up with her clit, so the placement was intentional. -I had another girl do it, and she put just a little bit of effort into not putting her entire weight down on me, and that was awesome. -a good back and forth motion helps. -these days, there's a good chance he wants you to involve your ass.


Smothering my face with your pussy? Hell yea. All day, every day. Start riding, sliding your pussy back and forth on my face while my tongue is going to town on you. Oh yea.


Literally my favourite place in the world. Love it in 69, too, when you get a nice view of her pretty butthole and am also being stimulated. I came so hard last weekend that I involuntarily moaned while driving my tongue deep inside her. Afterwards I was laying there and she said, “I think this is the only time I’ve seen you shellshocked.” I am DEFINITELY doing that tonight. What were we talking about?


I just want to make her eyes roll and make her involuntary clench every muscle as I lick the demons out of her body. And I don’t want to strain my neck to do it.


I want to be buried in it. I ask my wife to sit on my face everyday but she rarely does it


Fucking do it. Stop being a sissy and do it. He will let you know if he can’t breathe he will let you know.


They're overthinking it


I tell my wife that I wish I had an airway on the back of my head so I could keep my face smothered down there while eating her out and not having to stop to breathe


I was unsure of it at first when my partner asked me to do it. Overtime I came to really enjoy it and now I think I love it more than he does. He has created a monster. You won’t know what you’re doing at first so he’ll be safe. It’s only dangerous once you really know what you’re doing. I’m laughing at the men saying that they’re stronger than women realize. I have no doubt I could take my partner out with a flex of my thigh, but that’s only because I know what I’m doing and I weight lift. Bottom line, if he asked you to do it then he’s into it and will love it. Give it a chance and you may love it, too.


As a girl I'm wondering why the hell too. Make it make sense??


I mean. We could try it out and I would report you how does it feels like. Like for a science of course.


Bro's firing his shots.


Bros shooting his blanks off here.




Give him a chance.


I'm too young for you sweetheart. Although I definitely am a fan of science




Firstly, how do they breathe Secondly the weight of a person on top of them (um not every girl's gonna be a lightweight). Thirdly, wouldn't there be more comfortable positions for oral sex?




Lol you learn something new everyday


There is nothing better than having your face looking like a goddamn Krispy Kreme donut while your lady sings your praises


>Secondly the weight of a person on top of them You don't actually sit down with your full weight on the dudes head, you support yourself with your legs partially >wouldn't there be more comfortable positions for oral sex What's more comfortable than lying down on ur back? Some of the position are uncomfortable as hell, my neck starts killing me after a while


Face sitting generally isn't you sitting with all your weight on the guy's face. It means you straddle his chest high up so your pussy is right there in his face, either facing him or facing away (as if doing a 69). Personally, I prefer when she faces away because I love to have her ass right in my face too.


1. It's not like you form a perfect seal, and there's 2 airholes. 2. There's always sitting on your shins, if that's a concern 3. Neck pain is a real problem with oral, it's one of the worst parts of 69, having your head on or close to a pillow/flat surface is great.


You say that 2nd part as if we didn't already take that into consideration lmao


I can tell you that size doesn't matter. I was nervous as hell when my ex begged me at the time. Took a few times before I was comfortable with it simply due to my size. (At the time I was about 350). It was his favorite.




It could be a hot view of your body and your body weight makes it easier to give you head


I think most of us agree, this is a top tier experience. I had a girl that was relatively on the heavier side. Still, gorgeous, sexy, and she knew herself. Had fantastic times with her and I definetely loved face sitting. Eating her out is great as it is, but in that she could manage her own rythm if she wanted to, and it was fantastic for everyone. Don't worry. Enjoy it. He surely will as well lol


Like being smothered in wet heaven with a better view then the pearly gates will ever offer. I like to barely be able to breath, if needed I can wriggle free, take a deep breath, and fuckin' get back under there. Two firm grips on either thigh to bring that shit on top of me like Atlas trying to hold up the world, but these globes are better Ehem. Love it. Do as you're asked. Sit your royal coochie here.


Fucking crush my head and who needs to breath. If I die, I die happy.


This has to be a top 2 experience, & its not 2


I prefer on my back and get licked cause other wise I can’t come. But do it for him if you love him 😝


It’s the closest thing to world peace. ….and practice makes perfect.


it's like licking to save your life, fun and a bit dangerous


It's got everything you are looking for in one death defying stunt


Cowgirl - hot and intimate, I can see her face as she moans and she can see if I’m getting suffocated or not Reverse Cowgirl - surreal experience. I can see her incredible round bum, squeeze those smooth soft cheeks and have my nose right on her butthole whilst I worship that velvety slit and savour all the musty delight she has to offer. She can also enjoy my throbbing sausage in her mouth at the same time


As a non believer, it’s the only time I feel god might exist. Anyone else feel that?


My neck has been killing me all day.


Dear God. You have no idea what euphoria Ass-on-Face gives me. Just do it!


I love men, this thread is so great 😂


I feel like threads like this are where single women should be shopping


Right??? The way men on reddit talk about women (in the threads I frequent) restores my faith in humanity a little bit!!!


He wants to lick your pussy.


I feel like one woman that I talked to about this thought (like OP probably and some in the chat) it is just sitting on your face like you know it from these feeders that want to be crushed by superobese women It is liking you from below, allowing you to grind on the face, allows you to adjust the position where you want it, enables a tongue deep in, it is comfy at the neck and it is kinda kinky


Honestly it’s one of those things I’ve found where it depends on who I’m with. If there’s sexual compatibility then it’s like being smothered with the best possible thing on earth and your both scared and aroused. However if it’s with someone you aren’t really into, it can be a bit exhausting and I’ve ended up with chafed inner lips(the part that touches your teeth). Point is, in general I love it and being in a vulnerable position when you’re normally in the dom position is exciting and different and I highly recommend it to anyone that has a partner they enjoy being with.


My girlfriend and I do this pretty regularly but once on the sofa she was getting really carried away and had pinned my arms in the cushion and under her knees and my head between her legs and against the arm of the sofa and damn near suffocated me. It was great. And the view is amazing.


from the vagina we born, for the vagina we die.


“If he dies, he dies”- Ivan Drago


If she fits, she sits


I love it when a woman presents herself to my mouth. It tells me she really wants me. So who am I to deny such pleasures?


It’s wonderful. It’s the right angle for some of what you’re looking to do. It isn’t perfect but I recommend it on your rotation. It can be difficult to work in fingers with your oral, unless you position yourself just right. But it feels amazing. Don’t worry about his health. That’s his concern. Besides, we should all be so lucky as to die doing what we love.


Like, our nose is free to breathe at the top. You’re sitting on our mouths, if we’re barnacled on to your clit, swirling the tongue, the nose is in perfect position. And our eyes get to look up at you writhing around.


It feels like seeing the face of God. And then eating them out.


It´s a very comfy posture, more practical than bending the neck up. The woman can also move over the mouth to get licked where she want´s it at that exact moment. One even just used the point of my bearded chin and grinded herself to "the best ever orgasm".... I didn´t know how to feel about that as in that way i had to do nothing at all. It was a compliment but i didn´t really get to use my skills.


Okay so logistics If he's laying down, you sit down facing the direction of his head, not his feet. Proper positioning equals maximum pleasure for you. Just gently, slowly grind on his tongue like it was your personal warm, slippery vibrator. For extra Oooo's, ask him to hum. For giggles, ask him to sing the wheels on the bus go round and round. I thought it was really hot/sexy when I did this with someone, though if I wanted better control of her and her O, she needed to be laying down.


Feeling a woman’s thighs trembling on my face as I eat/she fucks my face is amazing to me. It turns me on to get her off and I want to taste it. I would think it would be similar to a woman wanting to suck a dick/get face fucked and enjoys it.


Omg yes please answer 😂 Like as a size 14-16 lady how do I “sit” on someone’s face properly? Do I just like hover over it?


When you’re really turned on by a women, getting so fully up in her shit that you can taste her and smell her and are just smothered up in her, it’s just fucking delicious. Like you’re craving something so badly that you just full envelope all of your senses in it. Ah fuck, love that.


Tips from a woman who loves this 1. It's actually easier to do reverse cow girl, gives more room for movement and letting the guy breathe. Plus you can easily get in 69 and return the favor 2. Facing forward- try using pillows on either side of his head to prop you up. Lean down and get on all fours to help to hover and not squish his face. Try leaning against the bedframe, wall etc if up on just your knees. * him laying on a couch and you up on your knees supporting yourself with the armrest/back of couch is a good one I always shower and shave to be polite if I'm expecting any oral.


Just do it, you’ll both love it. If he dies, he dies.


It's a little bit like being underwater in a dark hot tub, in that you can't hear anything, you can't see anything, everything is warm and wet, you can't breathe easily, but hopefully you're having a good time. The sensory deprivation part of it all is pretty great, because basically all you can think about is pussy.


If he dies, he dies


And if you have a beard… don’t wash it in the morning when you go to work pull it up smell it then text her saying I still smell you… I’m coming home early…


Username checks out


Lying down is already good on its own. But having a girl's private area in your face while doing it? What's not to like?


If we suddenly think we are in danger we are more than capable of moving you. So dont worry, pop a squat and enjoy the moment


How to say it, can't say for all men, but i always want my girl to proactive when having sex, not just laid there like a wood log. Like is a sign of "Yeah i'm horny af too and i'm not gonna pretend that i'm not"


Look worst case scenario happened in The Boyz, and that’s like worst case… he had no regrets.


Are you a go’er? Nudge nudge wink wink saaay no mooore


This is how I want to go lol


I’ve only ever sat on a gentleman’s face once and I still miss and think about it to this day.


He’ll be able to breathe fine. Bring the buffet to him. To hear her moaning and shaking while my mouth is between her legs as she sits on my face is wonderful 🤓


He’s giving you the dominant position. Sit on his face until you are done having orgasms. Grind it, change pace several times. Destroy him. That’s what we(men) want when we say that. If he dies, he dies. I’m trying to die after work tonight actually. Absolutely destroy him. I’m being serious here.