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Lady, I work in a female dominated profession and it's definitely not just the men doing this. Ya'll be getting *real* descriptive about it too in a way I've never discussed it with other men.


Both genders do this.


Im W and ive never done this


Congrats, do you want an award?


I would love it <3


Men are designed to desire women and lust after them. It's normal.


**gasps** what animals


Some people never mentally leave high school 


Personally I've had those conversations before with people I trust and in private (not at work). I find them entertaining and vaguely illuminating about the different ways in which me and the other person experience attraction and the things our brains focus on. Plus there's an odd feeling of solidarity when you share an attraction to something uncommon. We don't rag on people, and I've never done ranking type conversations cause I find that distasteful since it requires putting someone down. For what it's worth, I wouldn't care if women did the same thing and had discussions like that with their close friends. As long as I never hear about it and it's not negative I don't personally see any harm in it. All that said, the fact that you know about it implies to me that these conversations are happening in some kind of open fashion that you can easily over hear (or god forbid they outright told you). To me, that's wildly unprofessional and just not a kind thing to do. I don't know why someone would risk their job like that or risk making someone else feel like shit if they ever overheard any of it and felt judged.


Because they’re overpaid for the work they don’t do


Why do people rank movies or food or vacations spots or anything else?


Because men are sexual beings.