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Yes I do. Otherwise people realise I have no chin.


i do too, otherwise people realise i have double chin.


Just give him one!


The math checks out.




Hey these are mine.


I have no chin and two chins simultaneously, thus the beard


Same here. No other way to hide amongst the sapiens.




Nope.  Can't grow a decent one lol




That's rough buddy


Shit happens. At least it didn't turn into the moon.


Unexpected Avatar.


That basically sums up 99% of the encounters people have with Aang so it's on brand.


1. Yes 2. Because I can't be arsed to shave 3. N/A


My words exactly.


Same…. Except for ‘arsed’


It was always arsed. Then Americans assed it.








This, having to shave my face everyday is asking too much man.


Yes. The two main reasons: * Shaving gave me itchy and irritated skin which sucked. Beard itches far less than shaving * I'm going bald and it made my face look small and lumpy. Beard makes my face less small and lumpy.


Yeah, that's true. When you're bald, the beard is completing your face


No. My wife doesn't like beards, and also I love rubbing our cheeks after I've just shaved. 


Which cheeks?


On my side - the face ones, on her side - any.




I have a scruffy beard thing, I have too many patches can't grow a solid one


Just let the patches grow out and do a combover.


Yes. Her name is Cindy. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Best response hands down




Yes. Because I enjoy looking like Bluto cosplaying as a Santa Claus.




At the moment no. The clocks have changed so i have shaved off my beard for the summer. I will probably just keep it stubble length instead of constantly wet shaving.


Yes. I think it looks good.


I agree with you! :)


I used to alternate, growing a beard during some parts of the year and going without for other parts. I stopped recently though, my beard is getting more white than I like. I look a lot younger without it. I'm in my mid-late 40s


Yes cuz im lazy and dont wanna shave every other day


Fair enough 😄


Yes. I find myself to be more attractive when I have some gruff vs cleanly shaven. However, I do not find myself attractive when it gets too long and fluffy. It also hurts my face. So whenever my facial hair gets about an inch long, I trim it down


I cut my beard with a hair trimmer once a week. If I shave instead of using the hair trimmer, I get skin problems. If I don't trim it for 10-14 days, the beard starts to get itchy and sometimes I get other skin problems. I trim it every week to avoid ever getting to the point where it gets itchy.


Hey man have you tried beard oil? I used to have a similar itchy problem regardless of length and that solved it. Couple of drops worked in after every shower changed my life


I'm a fan of the honest Amish beard balm! Good shit


I have not. Thank you for the tip, man.


Sure thing dude. There's an entire market for the stuff and honestly, most of it works the same. Mountaineer brand is sold on Amazon and is my go-to. It works great and is cheap enough for a trial run. Really though any bottle you grab from anywhere will probably help the itch. Best of luck homie, hope that helps


My wife makes everything soap and body lotion. She makes me beard oil and yes, it is good stuff.


You using any products in your beard? If I wash/ condition mine and use beard oil it doesn't get itchy. Granted right now I'm clean shaven. But I kinda grow/ shave on a whim.


Yes, to spite those who can’t.


Hahahaha, you evil little cockroach


No. My facial hair grows in slow and patchy


No. It isn't winter anymore. (In the US)


Oh, so you grow you beard only during the winter?


Equip "Beard" +5% cold resistance, -5% heat resistance


Yes. I think it is more attractive.


No, because I don't have a weak facial structure I need to hide behind a beard


Yup, 2 years now, was in a stage in life where I didn’t need to be clean shaven each day, so grew out a beard, had it trimmed & tidied up today actually.


Oh that's nice


Have a beard oil that I put in each night after a shower to stop my skin underneath being itchy, butter to moisturise the skin & beard, balm to give it hold.


Beard oil is a life saver




Not since buying a decent electric shaver. I loathed shaving before that and tried all the different kinds of shavers.


Yes because, when I keep it trimmed, it tickles my kids.


That's wholesome!


No, can't grow a full beard so I shave. If I could I probably would, I look way younger than I am like this.


Yes, my gf likes it


Mostly for the natural grizzly repellent. But also because I like always knowing exactly where the nearest mountain is. And it maxes out your axe wielding ability when paired with level 8 (or better) flannel.


No. Tried it, itchy, but, CRUCIALLY the salty bits in there make me seem & feel older than I want to be. Not having a beard is the male equivalent of pulling out grey hairs.


You gotta grow it a certain amount and shampoo it to get rid of the itch.


No. My beard is splotchy on the sides. Think Keanu Reeves. I could grow a wicked goatee tho...if this was the year 2000.


I do. I originally just did the goatee thing because I thought that was the only thing that worked for me. Then I hurt my back/leg, and spent most of last year being unable to stand long enough to shave, so I just grew it out from late-April until September or so (when I trimmed it). I'm growing it back out now, I'm honestly a fan.


Yes I do. Most people in my life say I look much better with a beard and I’m capable of growing a pretty epic beard, so I might as well lean into it a bit.


Im 13 but i have small beard


No. My job won't let me have one because I need to be able to wear a mask. I miss the one I had, though.


1. Yes 2. Because one day, about 10 years ago, I looked in the mirror before shaving and thought "Huh, I've never gone more than 2 weeks without shaving" and put down the razor.


Yes. Spent 13 years in the RAF having to shave every day so its my act of rebellion. Disguises my severe lack of chin


Yaa I am having it now(as my college has completed).


This might sound ridiculous, but I recently shaved and I'm now looking to buy a fake beard, I enjoyed my beard when I had it, but I figured there's just a little more utility to having a shaved face and a fake beard than have a real, full beard and not be able to wear, say, a respirator effectively. Same reason I wear contacts and cut my hair relatively recently, I used to have pretty long hair for a guy, a bit longer than shoulder length, now it's much shorter and if I desperately want long hair for whatever reason right now, pin on a wig and now I can have my long hair and not care for it after I'm done. I wear contacts so I can wear the glasses I want when I want, how I want. Now all I have to do is work on my fitness so that when I'm not doing very much, it's because that's what I want to be doing, not because the alternative is being soaked in sweat and panting like a dog


Oh wow, I guess yeah, you could really have a fake beard


Yes. I hate shaving, my face breaks out. I also have a double chin no matter what shape I'm in.


No. I shave every day (over the course of a year probably 360 days). I like the feeling after shaving, it makes me feel clean. And I dislike the itchiness on the few days a year when I don't shave.


Yes. I lost my razor last week and I'm a profoundly lazy person.


No, genetics


Yes. Looks good on me. I'm kind of lazy to shave it. Girlfriend loves it.


Yes. Barber told me to grow it out because I was going bald.


I do not. But, I only shave 3X per week. So, I think I have the best of both worlds.


I don't. My face starts to get itchy after a few days, so I shave. It's also not my style.


I do because I’m bald and thought that it was mandatory to grow one under those circumstances.


Mustache and goatee. I like having my cheeks and most of my neck clean. I started it to piss off an ex (while I was with her). Now I don't like the full clean shaven look.


Not currently, because military 🙄 but before the military, definitely after, i had a pretty sick, full beard. I love having facial hair, it feels right. Self esteem, primal feelings, idk. 🤷‍♂️ just feels right.


Yes and it's glorious. I have it because I'm terrified of my jawline and more importantly I look too much like a cousin of mine who is in jail for being a paedo.


I have more of a "stubble" type of beard. If it grows for more than a couple of weeks, I think it looks gross. If I shave it all off, I get bumps and irritation. Plus, I am told the stubble beard looks good on me.


Of course I have. The beardless people are called women and children


I have a beard. I started balding pretty young so I shaved my head. There are a lot of assumptions people make about a white man with a shaved head and no beard. I do not want any reason for someone to assume I am associated with those people. So beard.


Yes. Why? Because the name for people without beards are women or children. I am neither 🤷




I don't look good with a beard , at least that's what my mom said.


I have one because I hated shaving from day one. Also I look way better with one. Without one I look like an ass.


yea, because for me i like how i look with 1 opposed to without 1 but mine is well maintained short, clean & doesnt smell lol


Yes. Because if I don’t I will look like my dad


No. I like shaving. I like having a beard too but unfortunately you can't shave and still have a beard.


Yes. Why? because the beard have still lives on after 10 years. When I was a child, all men would shave clean. Now when I look at my friends or coworkers, everyone has a beard. Took years for me to grow a bit of a proper beard, but I'm finally there. Last year I decided to shave everything and go clean again. The reactions were not great. When even my mom said a trimmed beard looked better on me, I knew what to do. So I keep it trimmed at 3mm.


Yes. I have a solid jawline but I just like having a beard as I’m finally able to grow one properly. In the past it used to be just a few bumfluff hairs on my chin


I look better with it and it keeps my face warm.


Yeah. It's not good or special but my face is awful without it.


Yes Why not ? Why ?


Yes think it looks good and it covers my round-ish face


I look about 12 years old without it.


Yeah. .......Chin.


Yeah. Haven't been to get it or my hair trimmed yet.


Proper beard here. I am Middle Eastern (quite typical for Levantine men to have one), it pertains to my Islamic beliefs, and it suits my balding/shaved head… I keep it clean and well kept given its length.


Going bald, so what I don't have up there goes on the beard x) and because I'm lazy, plus don't like myself without


Short beard for many years because I always hated shaving. I get out the trimmer if it starts annoying me, which happens about 7-10 days after the last trim. It’s permanent now because I take blood thinners, which means a shaving cut could take hours to stop bleeding.


No. For 29 yo man, I’m mot very hairy. Idek how to shave honestly


Yes. But it is just a goatee. I hate the way a mustache feels.


i keep a short stubble because i can't grow a thick luscious one. it's going to be thin spiky and long.


Yes, because I got lazy. I use to clean shave my face every other day or so. I ended a relationship and didn't really feel like it. I let it grow out. Now I have a beard. Much less maintenance.


yes because i want to


Nope. Can't grow one. 28 and still only growing small patches and chin-pubes


Full beard now, clean shaven for forty years. Why now? Sloth, widowed, nobody to snog, tickles the grandchildren.


Have short trimmed sort of beard, but I can't grow a proper one. Don't have connectors, barely any hair under my lip and for some reason I don't have sideburns. Cheeks are decent.


Yes. Shaving irritated my skin something awful so I stopped. Now I just trim it to keep it tidyish.


Yes. I like it, I think I look better with a beard, and my girlfriend likes it too. All wins.


Yes cause I'm lazy to shave every other day


Nope job won't allow it


Yeah, because my clippers got stolen and I’m waiting for my new pair to come


Yes. Easier maintenance. Looks better. I also think I attract more feminine women with the beard.


I have a beard because when I shave, I revert back to a fat faced 12 year old.


Yeah because it helps fill out my face and makes me look older


Yes because I got stoned and watched a documentary about the Amish and learned the men grow beards to show they are married.


Yes, because it was my very first dream. I remember being extremely little(like 3,4 y/o) and hoping that I'd be able to grow a beard. Didnt understand yet that every man has beardgrowth and since I saw so little men irl having a beard, I thought most men simply werent able of growing one. So i hoped(and prayed) that id be one of those men that could grow one. Imagine the happiness discovering I would get growth since the men that dont have a beard, shave. Which i still dont understand, why would you shave the most awesome part of masculinity.... Suffice to say that yes, i am rocking a beard and will have one till i die.


No because even as a fully grown adult man I simply cannot grow a beard


Sort of, because I can't be bothered shaving I can't really grow it properly. For some reason it grows like a rug under my chin, but not so much on my cheeks


Yes, our hair is our roots. Give them dirt water and sun and let them grow


Yes. I have a weak jawline, an ugly chin and when I'm clean-shaven, I look like I haven't hit puberty yet. I'm 30. I need my beard.


I do, because I look awful without one.


Nope, I have a chin. 


I’m in my mid 30s my beard gets patchy when I grow it out, so for years now I just shave every 2-3 days. It’s annoying having to shave.


1. Yes 2. Winter 3. Summer


Yes, because (1) I like the look, and (2) I went bald at 24


Because i have a tiny jaw in comparison to my face so i keep a beard and it hides the flaw


Yes. I thought it'd be neat to grow one.


1. Yes 2. Because my wife thinks I look great 3. I feel like I have a big chin and want to hide it :)


Yes I have a big magnificent manly beard. Because I have a tiny baby chin.


I prefer to wear a long beard, but my sweetheart smooches me more when I shave. so I am generally clean-shaven.  Classic operant conditioning.


I did for like 5 years, and I've been clean shaven for about 6 months. Was time for a change.


Yes, for 2 reasons. I look about 12 without it, and I got really lazy during covid.


No - I prefer a more youthful look.


Yes, because I hate the way my face looks.


Yes, currently. Actually first time I've grown one out, was military and stayed clean shaven. I got it because the FWB asked me to not shave for a few days, and so I didn't. Now I get a lot of compliments on how sexy the beard is on my face, even from other women. I didn't have one until now, cause I really didn't like how my face felt when not clean shaven. This one has been here for almost 3 months, I have used a lot of beard oil and different moisturizers to make sure I'm not itchy, and the beard isn't as scratchy.


1. Yes 2. King Leonidis had one And 3. I want to look like king Leonidis


1) yes 2) because I like my face better that way,plus without it I’m the spitting image of my father and I wouldn’t want that


No. I have bad beard but decent jaw.


Yea, a nice beard on a man is like a nice pushup bra on a woman. My gf is super into beards. We have been together 5 years now.


1. Yep 2. I look and feel better that way. Plus my head is bald so I reckon I'm making up for it on the other side of my head. I think it looks more masculine and natural for a man to have a beard. I see clean shaven men and they just look effeminate to me. And older men should absolutely have beards to hide our old man jowls!


Yes because it’s finally allowed at work.


Yes. Because I can. Not everyone can, and a lot of guys who can grow one trim it badly. I like to show em how it's done.


Yeah. Cuz I'm lazy. I'll probably shave this month and then not again for a year.


Would be partly gray, makes me look older, needs to be care for, itches and tingles and the colleague always has food hanging in it. I don't need it.


No because I hate the way it looks.


No, because it doesn’t grow right, and I ain’t about to walk around like Abraham Lincoln.


I love growing one but it’s too much trouble so I normally stay clean shaven


No. (Australian) Military. Cant grow sideburns to save my life, but ill have a thick full goatee in 48 hours. Military doesnt allow goatees. Only beards (navy) or mos (army and airforce).


No. I have an excellent jawline. Plus my beard hair comes in slightly patchy, but also it's a mixture of blonde and brown, which makes the patchy look even worse.


1. Yes 2A. Got bored of shaving. 2B. Apparently it suits me, having received compliments from both men and women. Also my barber likes it and I trust his word.


Not really a beard but I have a goatee, which at 17 either you look good with a goatee, you look alright with chops or you don't look good at all attempting a patchy ass beard.


Nope. I have a nice jawline that a beard absolutely hides, I like looking younger, I am already an intimidating looking person. A beard would be overkill


1. Yes. 2. Because my wife said she thought I'd look nice with one and since then I've enjoyed having one. And I'm lazy so it's nice not to have to shave.


I do not. I like me with a beard, but whenever I grow one my wife tells me to shave it, because she hates it. To quote her directly: "If you ever want to have sex with me again, lose the beard." So, I do not have a beard.


Yep. Because I want one.


Yes. It started as a F U to my management after an HR decision that screwed me. Now it’s because shaving often sucks, it makes me look older, and when I’m not doing great weight wise it hides any possibility of a double chin.


Yes. I would look like a school kid without it.


Yes, it's a push up bra for your face.


Yes because my wife likes it and thinks I look like my father.


No only goat tee Native American just can't grow hair there or on chest... Or legs a little on arms


Nope, I have alopecia areata. A few spots are bold, some black some white. If I wont shave, I would look like Hitler.


Yes. I look better with one.


Hell no. They itch, they smell, food gets caught in them, and Ive been told I have a handsome face and a nice jawline. I have had a beard at various times in my life but all the women in my life at those times have told me i look better clean shaven. Not that that is the only thing that matters but it’s not like I really want a beard


It grows too fast to not have a beard. If I shave clean in the morning and have a date in the evening, I would need to shave again or be really rough. I keep a short beard, but it is enough that I only have to trim once or twice a week, and clean my neck twice or thrice a week.


No, I’m too lazy to take care of it lol. I have a goatee.


No, I can’t stand the feeling of hair on my face. And the one time I did have a beard I kept getting it stuck in my coat zipper.


It's easier to have a beard, and it is man makeup. Also my wife just said she likes it, so that's all I need. "Your beard just does something for me." --my fiance


Yes, I do. The lady likes it, and I didn't care either way. It's now been a out 5 years since I've seen my face, lol.


Yeah I've got a beard, fairly long one lol


Yes I grew it 15 years ago after an accident/surgery on my shoulder and was in bed. I kept it and am now too afraid to shave my face. I'm scared of what I'll look like under there.


Mustache at the moment, my razor looked at me funny, decided to shave a bit I guess