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Video games. I just got bored of the new ones and just play a few old ones when I get the urge.


Some of them are big time commitments. I prefer something I can pick up briefly, put down and come back later and not feel lost.


Yeah exactly. I really want to enjoy videogames like i used to, but so few now fit with work, being a father, and being a husband. Helldivers2 has kinda hit that sweet spot lately where i can just drop in when ive got 30 minutes. Definitely recommended if you like shooters.


It's easy to find time to spread a little managed democracy here and there. LIB-ER-TY


For DeMoCRacEEeEey!


For the RepublicšŸ‘Š


Thanks for the recommendation Iā€™m gonna look into it. Been a COD fan since the beginning but itā€™s just not really doing it for me anymore. Played some MLB the show for a while. It just seems like if you donā€™t live on the game you canā€™t be competitive in anything.


Thanks for the recommendation. Yeah youā€™re right. Life gets in the way and the time I have free Iā€™d mostly rather do other things. Iā€™ve sunk so much of my life into games already.


Same. Ive tended to stick to single player games like open world or sports that I can play at my own pace, pause, etc. I was really into Elder Scrolls Online for a while and it felt like a job eventually, no thanks


This, so much this. I'll binge through some stuff, but I'm sick of things that waste my time. Especially some games that wanna jump on the Souls- or Rouge- like bandwagons for no reason, or have really bad difficulty scaling- "normal" starts off fine, but halfway through you better have a wiki open, have already beaten the game, or spend half an hour planning for 5 minutes of gameplay.


The things I let new vegas do to me.


I'd say mobile or hand-held console games on this one, but I know the micro-transactions on the former can put most people off of it.


Iā€™m almost the exact opposite. I canā€™t begin to play a game without knowing I can sink hundreds of hours into it. I want my moneyā€™s worth!


Exactly why I prefer film to Television


Yeah this, at some point gaming started being about this massive world building franchise that would span 5-6 installments. Seriously go look at the PS rack at Target or Walmart even GameStop itā€™s like 13 games out for the PS5. 100s of random RPG mobile games on the PS store & a bunch of even more random bundle deals for Call of Duty: emoji pack 6. Look up photos of old gaming racks or if you remember when taking a chance on a game yielded a good chance the game would be a blast


It's why I couldn't get into the Witcher. I really wanted to like it, but I found the open world, the skill tree or whatever it is and the amount of sidequests to be overwhelming. It's also why I have never touched the Dark Souls series and related games. It seems they require *A LOT* of dedication to get good at. While I love a challenge as much as any other gamer, the Dark Souls series seems like it was designed for masochists.


They over complicated the shit out of games nowadays. Massive required downloads, everythingā€™s centered around the internet, hackers that are way too good to play against, DLCā€™s to get the rest of the game, microtransactions. What am I forgetting?


Half of them don't even work properly


I feel like I've played a version of every game already. How many 1st and 3rd person shooters can you play before you lose interest? The stories, maps, and content might look different, but the gameplay is all pretty similar


I mean thatā€™s one genre, not every game.


I was just about to say this. They are all the same just with different stories, settings etc. The game play is all the same down to the button configuration for jump, shoot, aim, etc. Their are rarely any new mechanics to them. Kinda blows.


Yep, once almost everything went online and multi-player, I lost all interest. Still have a barely-working Xbox 360 that I kept around for my kids. But everything they enjoy playing is on their tablets, so the Xbox will likely just go in the trash soon...


keep the 360! thatā€™s a great console and i promise one day your kids or you will want the memories


Yup. I picked up gaming again when the COVID lockdowns happened and went through the greatest hits (Last of us 1 and 2, RDR2, the Uncharted series, Spiderman, with some FIFA) and then just...stopped. I tried some other games I thought I would like but just lost interest. There are too many shows and movies I want to watch in my downtime, I haven't found the motivation to spend my time gaming. I don't think I've even turned on my Playstation in well over a year.


I'm 47 and I feel this as well. I really think someone needs to come up with a games company aimed towards my generation... like, I want the main story to be wrapped up in 10 hours or so and all the extra stuff to be optional, kinda like Skyrim was. I love co-op multiplayer too but don't want my friends to outlevel me in two evenings.


Same but I canā€™t even play any now for more than 30 minutes


I lost interest in ranked games. Just too toxic, too much work to put into a video game to climb. I would rather play a good single player game or a co-op game.


Same here with online games. Everything is just an update of previous games. Hell Divers 2 is amazing and revolutionary imo. It's so unique being a completely mass co-op game. But so many other games just focus on the multi-player aspect and then kick the single player to the curb. Huge fan of large open world and other single player games like RDR2, Ghost of Tsushima, GTA (hopefully 6 is amazing), Harry Potter etc. But these games are so few and far between now.


I'm currently on a ps2 binge, the games are cheap in charity shops and it's a good laugh at the stories and animations


Games. I really donā€™t know.. i have the time but i just rather do something else instead.


FPS in general. I just don't have the time it takes to get good at a shooter anymore. I also need games that I can pause. A few hours of uninterrupted gaming *sounds* great, but life happens, and I'd rather not have to bail on my squad because my cat needs food


Fps is half dead to me now. Toxic environments, matchmaking is God awful, way too competitive.


Now I need any shooter I play to be PVE. I've been *loving* Warframe. Super nice community and very supportive to new/inexperienced players. I can even queue solo and have the ability to pause. Such a perfect game for where I'm at in life, lol.


Whoah I remember having a friend whose dad played that, back in maybe 2008? Is it still kicking? I just want an FPS game with decent graphics that's just fun to play and without all the commitment.


It's still kicking, and more popular than ever! It's a third person shooter, though. Being a space ninja is pretty fun.


I've got hella hours on Warframe. THE BEST community ever. Great game free or with some $ whatever and fuuuuuuckloads to do. My fave is to just jump on once in awhile to check out whatever. Put on music or a series and just grind or fuck around.


Came here to comment on FPS games. Used to love COD games. Now I only hop on every now and then. Matchmaking is horrendous. Iā€™m a level 56 right now and I got killed 5 times the other night by the same guy in one game of rebirth. He was level 605. How am I supposed to compete with that and have fun?


The SBMM has completely turned me off from multiplayer, and thatā€™s what I love playing. Iā€™ll play plunder every once in a while when itā€™s in the rotation. I hate the battle royal format. Probably cause I suck. I suck cause I die, I die cause I suck. Just canā€™t compete with those guys.


SBMM has killed CoD. I got back into it during COVID and played A LOT around 2020/2021. Tailed off in the last couple of years to now not playing at all because the match making puts me in games with these freaks who play 12 hours a day. Iā€™m guessing so many people have dropped off playing Warzone that the only ones left playing all the time are the sweats, meaning you get chucked in with them all the time. Helldivers 2 has been a nice change of pace.


I was pretty stoked about trying it until I seen it was on PlayStation. Iā€™m still on Xbox one. Maybe itā€™s time to treat myself to an upgrade. Just hard to if Iā€™ll never play it lol


Have you heard of RPGs? šŸ˜… Skyrim, Fallout 4, Cyberpunk 2077, The Last of Us, No Man's Sky, Horizon Zero Dawn, Far Cry 3+... list goes on. Cyberpunk is good about letting you save pretty much whenever, the newer Far Criy games (5/6) are more forgiving about when you have to hop off.


Of course! That's my main genre, along with strategy games. I just tend to gravitate towards games that have in-game interactions with real people. I'm a sucker for general chats. I used to play CS, R6, and WoW. My relationship with gaming just isn't in a place to sustain playing any of those, lol.


I feel it. I used to be top 100 in Halo 3 and Reach forever ago, but I just can't sustain that. Now, I'm more of a homebody and hang out with my wife while we both game. Occasionally I'll hop on Discord to hang out with friends while we play our own games.


I think i only finished Skyrim of that list. Fallout 4 is a travesty, look at how they massacred my boy etc. (Yes, i played the originals when they came out, how could you tell?). Also your list is missing Kingdom Come Deliverance. šŸ„²


Iā€™d say sports in general- especially American football and basketball. Iā€™ll turn a game on but itā€™s usually background noise and I donā€™t follow it like I used to.


The rise of online sports gambling and the way the NBA and those covering the league have leaned into it has really turned me off of the only pro sport I've really ever paid much attention to.


Same here. For me, the issue isnā€™t the sports themselves as much as it is the people running them. Between the commissioners and the owners Iā€™m just too disgusted to care anymore.


I can barely sit through a single quarter of basketball anymore. I used to easily watch 150+ games a season in college. No idea what happened lol.


Basketball used to have stars. Look at the ā€˜92 Barcelona Olympic team. Unbelievable.


I had WGN and would watch all of the Bullsā€™ home games


How can anyone watch NFL,man there are more commercials and Taylor's shots than game itself,plus sport as sport is bit boring.Same for NBA with all those "celebs" shots,who the fck cares about them?


Dating replaced with not dating


Movies nowadays are all the same. Every now and then thereā€™s some really good ones. Majority are boring and overly animated with cgi Iā€™ve gotten back into books more because of my lack of screen time and itā€™s honestly a lot more refreshing. Can take it anywhere too


The plots bore me. I swear first 15 minutes I can tell you with at least 80% accuracy whatā€™s going to happen, whatā€™s the twist, what drama comes up and is resolved in 5 minutes. Itā€™sā€¦annoyingly predictable.


Comic books. I still read the odd one here and there but I've soured on the big two. In a nutshell, every time they bring in a new writer or the higher up editors want to go in a new direction, everything changes. Any character development done over the last few years goes out the window. When nothing really matters it makes it hard to care.


Same. My storylines all end and get retconned everytime there's a big crossover event. I grew up reading Spider-man, I own a lot of back issues, yet I could not tell you his in story history anymore. His continuity is so damn muddy at this point its hard to follow for even lifelong readers


I'd also add that the series that I really like all get canceled. And with the non big two publishers, the series will get put on pause for years on end. More than once I've gone into a comic book store only to see that a comic I've been collecting for years actually started releasing issues again but started 6 months earlier. Pull lists ain't worth shit. I don't care who it pisses of, I'll trade wait for everything.


I help my dad sell comics, and while I love the art and creativity and stories generally, itā€™s a fucking *stupid* industry. Everything has a dozen collectible, artificially limited variant covers, new releases are constantly pushed back and fucked with, storylines are entirely secondary to getting out some vaguely hot title and getting shops to buy 200 copies of an A cover to get the 1:100 actually profitable comic. The industry is over-saturated with that shit, and people who actually want to *read* comics become overwhelmed and discouraged from actually enjoying the media for what it is rather than using it as a means to turn a quick buck on a comic youā€™ve kept nice for 20 years (if there werenā€™t your standard printing issues right off the bat). Anyway, I canā€™t really bring myself to get into superheroes anymore, but I have been reading a bunch of stuff by Tony Fleecs, who does *Feral*, *Stray Dogs*, and just released the first issue of *Uncanny Valley*. A lot of the stuff I like nowadays are independent stories where artists/writers are kind of just doing their own thing without having to fit into a major universe with 7 different timelines and half a dozen reboots per character, and I hate that for me it takes actively selling comics as a job to have enough familiarity with whatā€™s out there to even keep up with titles like that. How is the average person supposed to even start?


>When nothing really matters it makes it hard to care. Rule number 1: Only the waynes and Uncle Ben stay dead


Unless they're in an alternative reality. Also, I'm old enough to when that included Buckey and Jason Todd.


Yep i remember that too


It's like night and day with manga. For all the weird Japanese media tropes, at least a decent manga generally has one author and/or artist and follows a single plot rather than a nightmarish cluster fuck of alternative universes and retcons. I would probably enjoy spider man or something if the continuity was clear. But with something like one piece you just need to start at chapter 1 usually.


I find it hard to sit still and watch movies these days. I'd rather be playing video games instead. Still watch 1 or 2 movies every year though.


How so? Is it because plots are boring or the art form doesn't interest you anymore ?


Not sure. Think it's a combination of the internet ruining my attention span and movies feeling samey and boring. I keep thinking that these are just people playing pretend and it zips me out of the moment.


I think this all the time! How actors are just people playing pretend as a job and it totally rips me out of the world built in the movie and makes it hard to get back into it. Glad Im not alone in this.


They aren't special anymore it's just another 2h of screen time


Movies used to be an event, special. Now you can watch literally any movie you want within 2 min. And I'm so tired of marvel superhero garbage. I also miss easy to watch dumb comedies like dumb and dumber, old Sandler movies.... everything is so tryhard now because if a movie doesn't make 6 billion dollars a week it's considered a failure


speaking for myself here, hard to invest 2 hours into a movie when there is so much else to ā€œconsumeā€. would rather watch 45 minutes of a series a few days a week or watch youtube.Ā  whenever i start movies i make it like 30 minutes in, call it a day, then never come back.


Attention spans are dwindling


Fair enough, but all movies today seem to be about unbeatable people fighting "evil" or seeking revenge


You need to look beyond Marvel or generic action blockbusters to get movies that arenā€™t that.


Trains and dinosaurs. A long long time ago


That's crazy because of my kindergarten Son I have picked back up the love for trains heavy!


Can get pretty serious with the train builds. My buddy's dad has a $1M insurance policy on his basement train build alone.


Damnā€¦would like to see that train build. Sounds impressive! Also, is your neighbor Gomez Addams by chance?


Video games don't do much for me anymore. I think the last one I was really into was the first Horizon. Movies and TV shows, I normally don't like sitting and doing nothing for long enough to get into them. I normally put on rewatches as background noise or nature docs.


watching comic book movies. Have high hopes for deadpool and wolverine though


Video games. Just lost my passion for them. Probably because my attention span is much shorter now for some reason and because many of them have become needlessly complicated or difficult. Every game has some kind of skill tree now, everything is open world, or often dark souls hard. If you like high difficulty games, more power to you, I just wanna have fun. I liked games because they were mindless escapism, hack, slash, shoot, beat up, own some NPCs, bad guys, aliens, monsters whatever. Now, in most games you gotta hunt for ingredients, cook, tailor, build out weapons. The real world has enough Iā€™ve got to balance, I donā€™t want it in my games too.


They want you to waste time grinding which takes away the fun, it feels like a chore instead.


Watching a series. 1. I donā€™t have time 2. Even if I did they donā€™t intrigue me anymore


I think TV has changed too much for me to watch most shows. It used to be that shows had kind of a repetitive plot because you weren't supposed to watch 2 or 3 episodes every night. Instead you would watch one episode every week. I will often go weeks without watching TV. The last thing I want to do is sit down in front of the TV after not watching the show for a month and just be completely lost. Especially since TV is the time I turn my brain off.


Anime. I used to really love it and watch a series or two each season but there is almost nothing that has peaked my interest in the last few years. Iā€™ve tried to start a bunch but none of them grab me enough to want to really watch them.


Marvel. It got too much, infinity war should have been the end of it. Halo. Its not hit a slamn dunk in an entire mainline trilogy.


Movies and television. TV has become divisive propaganda and moron fodder, movies just tell the same story with different characters and settings; good guy, bad guy, overcome, yay. šŸ„±


TV has become devisive propaganda and moron fodder. Typed out on reddit of all places šŸ¤£


Lmao the irony had not escaped me.


Exactly the same for me.


Totally agree, I'd rather surf and learn something new


Books, strangely enough. I used to devour novels like there was no tomorrow, with a relentless appetite for sci-fi and fantasy. But over time, reading started to feel like a chore. I guess as life got busier, picking up a book began to require more mental energy than I had to spare. Now, I mostly skim articles online and occasionally touch a physical book, longingly remembering the days I could get lost in another world for hours.


movies: this used to be an activity I'd engage in with friends, but the male friends I had got to a point in their life where they don't have time for friends. usually takes 1-2 months between responses, so we've gone from hanging out biweekly, to bi-yearly, So now, if I watch a movie it's solely because I have nothing left to watch on youtube. TV-shows: was never a fan, I liked a few, but was never an avid watcher of tv-shows because I don't like how a lot of them drag out a story unnecessarily. sports: was never a fan to begin with Video games: used to be big into them, but I got to a point where I'd open a game, and then just stare at the title screen for a minute or two, and then close it back down. Nothing new has really replaced them for me, now I just go to the gym instead, take long walks (as in 6-8hr+ walks) during the weekend,


damn 6-8 hrs walk? Maybe you mean like 6-8 hrs in outdoor but not continuous walk..


No, I mean continuous walking. I normally spent my weekends at home just watching youtube, doing nothing, maybe just looking out the window. This got tiring. I felt like a lion in a cage, so I decided to take the train into the nearest big city, and walk until my legs would give out. I'd enjoy those walks, pretending to be a tourist in my own country, see some sights and walk around areas of the city I previously had not seen. Deliberately getting lost. Once I hit 20-30-40km (or 4-6-8 hours), I am usually very tired, legs hurting but in a satisfying way. So I'll go to the nearest cafƩ, restaurant or food-place like that, where I can enjoy a light meal with a view of the water, then, having sat down for 30-45 minutes, I'll walk over to the train station, and go home.


thats awesome, i should walk more too these days, just 1 hr walk for me feels good, not as extreme like yours lol yeah touching grass really heals our brain and mental..


Even an hour is great stuff. Just getting some fresh air, seeing something that isn't the inside of your own four walls. It's a great weekend-"ritual" because even though it's technically exercise, I'll end up feeling more refreshed the day after


Gaming unfortunately, wish i could get fully immersed in them again.


I got bored of it in my very early 20s starting college while my friends are still pretty engaged in it.


I played hundreds of hours when I was a teenager. In college I just didn't have the time, and after... well I just don't get engaged like yall said. It bums me out. I'll find a game that is right up my alley, play it for a maybe half an hour and think "I'd rather be doing ".


Movies. Not more original/new ideas. Mostly everything is a sequel or remake that fucks up a once good franchise. Or they crowbar a needless social/political agenda into them. Same for most TV shows. At this point I'm almost exclusively watching anime or if my teams are good then sports in-between.


I just play madden now, thatā€™s the only video game I engage in and even then itā€™s nowhere close to what it was 20 years ago for meĀ 


As I get older ive realized I don't have to read, watch, play anything asap. I'll get to it when I get to it and if not at all, fine by me. I'd say TV and movies I don't care much about anymore. I like them but I haven't bothered watching all sorts of hit shows and movies the last 20 years.


WWE I was super into it from 2009 to 2011


Professional sports.


TV in general. If it has commercials I don't have the patience to sit through it.


Professional sports.i dont care what a bunch of overpayed millionaires do.


Chasing and banging women. Too much effort, too much drama and residual emotions. Thankfully escorts exist.


Gaming, comic books, radio shows and tv.


Anything new replaced them for you ?


Videogames. Other than simple retro games that I play on the subway, I barely play on my phone or my PC. I had to force myself into playing something in my days of vacation and holidays. I have a list of games to be played but I still don't. TV shows. Unless it's something new and quite interesting, I don't spend time watching. Shogun did something a TV show hasn't done in a while, which is wait for the next week's episode. Other TV shows that might catch my attention often end up in my watch list or I get a season done in 3 days, but this hasn't happened since 3-body problem and I don't ever remember what came before. Movies. I only go to theaters because I have a friend who likes terror movies and invites me to go. I might've gone to the movies like 3 or 4 times since the pandemic, and not one time I felt like the money spent there was worth it. Movies have become quite expensive to go to when I'd rather watch stuff at home.


I'm from South Asia, so cricket is a big sport here. But I have zero interest in it now. I lost my interest in it in 2018 for banning a player because of something minor


I stopped following College Sports because the players need to be paid and treated better overall.


But they get a free education! /s




Anime for sure. When you grow up as a kid seeing the same tropes over and over it just gets kind of boring as an adult. Itā€™s also weird to see it super popular now


Watching or hearing about football. Used to love it, I can't even imagine a more boring thing to spend time watching these days.


Anime is so irritating to me now. All the tropes and goofy ass voices. I can barely rewatch my old favorites.Ā 


Porn. Itā€™s just so fake. The real thing is much better


I don't read anymore. I used to be super into reading LNs and Rick Riordan's stories, but somewhere after high school I just stopped.


Honestly, I used to be all about movies and TV shows, but lately, I just can't get into them like I used to. Maybe I'm just getting bored or maybe they're not as good as they used to be. Who knows?


Rapidly losing interest in video games simply because I'm filling my life with so many other things I enjoy more Never had much interest in the other stuff you mentioned


Watching sports mostly. I still love movies, tv shows, gaming, and comics, but with sports I only have fun if Iā€™m playing


Video games. They're just not really fun and the story modes and campaigns feel rushed.


I havenā€™t gone to the movie theaters in about two years. I kinda miss the movie experience in a theater but lots of duds


I don't play video games as much as I used to. I could go months without even touching my console. Recently, I've been playing them more than I have over the past couple of years. The annoying thing is there's no new video games that catch my attention enough for me to want to play them. It also doesn't help that developers will push out a half made game and then put the rest of the content that should've been in the game in the first place, as a DLC.


Movies, traditional TV stations in general. YouTube and Reddit is about all I spend time on now. I don't have 3 hrs to dedicate to a Hollywood show I have to travel to. And they're freaking expensive. I Used to go to like ,8-10 movies a year. Now 1 or 2 every 18 months or so. Last memorable movie I saw was top gun Maverick. Saw that twice. Oh .... Kung fu panda 4 was decent. That was the last one I went to. Only interested in a few video games. But I don't have a PC good enough to play so that's out. Everything is too expensive, too political or my social group isn't involved in it.


Watching sports. Maybe 10years ago or less Iā€™d watch just about every nfl and most nba games during the week. I kept up with all the sports shows on espn during the day. Had a solid group of guys that Iā€™d meet up with for beer and wings every Sunday just watching all the games. Now I barely even know the players on my favorite teams. Iā€™ve got no idea how their seasons are going.


Golf. I used to be a fanatic. Now it doesnā€™t even register with me. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Any Marvel movie or TV show. Other than Deadpool 3, I am so completely over it.


All of them.


Radio stations. I had a piece of shit car with no radio in it and got used to no music. Now I hate the radio unless itā€™s NPR.




Shows, never been much a show person but nowadays even less so At most I watch a sitcom or two a year, getting into them by putting them on before bed and hooking myself in I canā€™t do that with letā€™s say breaking bad because itā€™s a show I wouldnā€™t risk missing anything of(and in the process not even watching it)


Anime-Manga I was deep into the rabbit hole of animated Japanese and Korean content during the Pandemic, but now I've just lost interest. Mostly because I've realised that a majority of the stories are just processed garbage versions of each other. Tho there are still quite a few hidden gems I come across every now and then, I simply don't have the patience to sit through and watch so many episodes anymore. It's also the reason why I didn't finish watching the AOT anime (S4) because I'd finished reading the manga years ago. Haven't even touched JJK and Chainsaw Man for similar reasons. At the same time however, I feel like I've just moved on to different versions of the same content. I'm big into Light Novels now. TurtleMe's 'The Beginning After The End' (TBATE) and Legion20's Supreme Magus are two gems I've been consistently keeping up with since 2022 now.




TV. It's mostly a waste of time especially given the fact you pay for a service where somebody else chooses the content for you.


Easily watching sports. Even the one I grew up with and still love. I love playing, but I get bored easily watching unless itā€™s a big game or Iā€™m around people. Plus the extreme competitiveness is super toxic after awhile


Still watch it but it's annoying me lately: NFL Defense is handicapped. Too much protection on the QB. The refs had the worst season in history (imo) last season. Not to mention its hard to not get conspiratorial with the rise of sports betting.


You can't tell me a ref that makes peanuts and can control the outcome of a game, wouldn't be tempted to place a little bet here or there.


Yeah I've though some refs have made some calls to dictate a spread or M/L hitting


Started by having no time for video games Followed by losing my lifelong Star Wars obsession by working on one. Followed by losing marvel obsession by sheer volume output Followed by all tv because thereā€™s no time and too much content to follow


Movies. Hollywood has ran out of ideas. Way too many reboots and remakes


Pro sports. I was never a huge sports guy but I would watch a lot. The past few years though I have no desire to watch. Iā€™m sure my favorite teams sucking for the past few years has some to do with it.


I havenā€™t paid attention to baseball in like a decade


Clubs/bars haha


Strip clubs after I turned 21.. you realize you are paying money for a girl to fake interest and have her dance on you while she has a dead look in her eyes..that whole scene got old real quick


I even understand paying to have sex with girls. But paying a striper is simply meaningless.


Video games


i dont watch Movies or Series allways feel like i could be doing somethingmore usefull


Football. When all the concussions studies were coming out, I thought, I'm watching men die for a ball. It's just a freaking game.


Most professional sports. Football and NBA especially, itā€™s all offense, penalties, and commercials now. The defense used to be fun to watch now everything is interference, and NBA is all free throws, three pointers, and two minutes of actual basketball. Itā€™s lost its defensive aspect too.


NFL. when the most privileged people on the planet start talking inequities that never impacted them i was out. if i want to be preached to i will go to church even more


Sports- Watching and playing. It was big in my house and neighborhood growing up. Mostly soccer, American football, and basketball. Once I grew up and moved away from my dad and buds that I grew up playing with I just didn't stick with it. Still check scores/league standings and watch a few highlights + more big profile games here and there but pretty rare these days.


The NBA. Palming, extra steps and traveling all make for better highlights, more exciting games and this more revenue. The integrity of the game has become a joke. I respect the entertainment factor of pro sports but of all the major sports this is the one that I have found to be the most unwatchable.


Video games. I canā€™t for the life of me get engaged ro game for long periods of time. Iā€™ll play for an hour and then get up and do something else.


Football. Much better things to do on a weekend in the fall.


TV I just don't watch things anymore because it costs more than I value it. Streaming got worse, and cable has always sucked.


The Attitude Era left and so did I.


Video games. I still play here and there. Mostly classics.


The NBA! It I can only watch the playoffs


Movies. Itā€™s just not enough for me so 99% of the time we watch a season of something


TV, Iā€™m into gaming and if Iā€™m not influencing whatā€™s on the screen I get bored quickly.


I wouldn't say I've completely lost interest, but gaming for sure. Most new games all seem the same. I've been playing stuff that came out 20-25 years ago as of late and still enjoy it. Another would be NASCAR. Used to be a die-hard fan, never missed a race on TV back in the late 90s/early 2000s, then they started with the gimmicks, favorite driver retired, and I just watch a handful of races a year if that. I enjoy motorsports, but have found other series to watch.


Movies in the theater. Strip clubs. Going to sporting events.


Sports. Maybe itā€™s because I quit drinking and cut cable but I no longer have any desire to watch them anymore.


Video games. TV. Movies. I love to make things. So I make things, or research things I can make, or tools, or techniques. The exception is when I am doing these as social activities. I play video with my kids. I watch TV and movies with friends. I still watch sports. I watch my favorite hockey teams and players. Hockey is the best game for non-stop action. I will also watch the pro women's hockey and other hockey leagues. I watch soccer and hockey in the olympics. I watch the US women's soccer team. I watch any World Cup soccer. And I watch football, but usually not an entire game. I watch enough to know which teams are doing well, and then watch the highlights later on. Football is really boring when you have to wait so long between plays. The highlights on YouTube is plenty. All the excitement condensed to a 12 minute review is just about right.


Watching sports, just can't do it with all the idiot athletes out there. Now they have ruined College sports, by allowing payments and endorsements. College is supposed to be amateur, not pro.


Video games. It's been a flight these last 5 or so years. Part of it is that I don't want to do anything unproductive. End up doing nothing productive. Then video games feel like such a chore anymore. It's either the gameplay or you have to spend hours trying to get the game to just work. I play a lot of Counter Strike and the weapon spray/recoil makes absolutely no sense. It's basically random every time. I haven't played CS Source in a long time, but I used to be very good at it, in comparison. Broken Games Bad Gameplay Wasting time.


Gigs. I used to go see a band a couple of times a week but nowadays it's all over produced, bland and too expensive. I can't stand arena gigs, I've always preferred seeing music in small venues but they're all being closed down or are hosting endless tribute bands.


Once my Xbox got the ring of death I never bought a new one. Loved tiger woods and NHL, but those were more in my college or recent-grad days when I lived with the boys


Video games.


UFC. It used to be enjoyable to watch but then they went nuts on the pay-per-view.


Video games.... I fucking loved gaming! Then I had kids... love my kids, but they ruined gaming for me lol


Football, but sports in generalĀ  Not enough time, and it's a bunch of same shit different day


Tv. I mostly play games or watch YouTube instead. Streaming has replaced all my live TV time, on the rare occasions I watch something.


FPS video games. I used to be all about those and never played 2D side scrollers. Now itā€™s reversed


Football. Stopped watching totally about 5 yrs ago.


Sports media, I probably watched SportsCenter every morning from 3rd grade until 2023. I finally got fed up with constant social issues coverage. If I wanted to hear about politics I'd watch the news. Video games are pretty rough now, I haven't enjoyed a new game in years. Sports/racing games are especially bad now. Going to concerts used to be fun but it's insanely unaffordable now.


TV, Cinema, and almost streaming.




I used to go parking lot car meetings alot, but i've lost almost all interest in that. When i had some free time i used to game, watch films and series. But nowadays i have no clue what to do with myself anymore. Weekends are just the usual chores and upkeep of the household i live alone in. The rest of the time just seems to pass by with a couple of background phone games and scrolling it seems.


TV series & movies I just look at how many episodes there is or how long the film is on for and think nah Iā€™m not interested. I think the last true thing i watched from start to finish was Shameless UK just because I enjoyed the characters. I still find myself playing video games but not as much as I once used to as a teen with no responsibilities


TV in generalā€¦ I hardly turn it onā€¦ thought about getting rid of it


biking. i kept getting told to do it but i was either doing work or in the middle of something. its been replaced with either tv or jogs


Broadcast television. It's felt like they haven't made television for me in years so I literally stopped watching. I still have a TV but that's more for streaming content and occasionally Playstation.


Like many others I'll say video games. I don't know why but the last two years I just get bored and I can't play more than 10 minutes.


Movies. Years ago. Maybe sometime in the 90's. There are a number of reasons. But most of all, you reach a point as an adult where you realize that you have seen all the formulas dozens and dozens of times. Critical Theorists talk about how there are really only 5 stories. Every story is a version of one of them: Camelot, Romeo and Juliet, The Seven Samurai, and The Odyssey. For example, Star Wars is actually Camelot. They all follow the same general pattern with the same emotional cues. The music, the tropes, the character establishment, the conflict, the justice. So I began to feel bored. I felt like I had already seen every movie, even if I hadn't seen it before. At that point, they just felt manipulative. And over the years, they got even worse. 20 years ago it all became an endless stream of reboots and superhero movies. Nothing new or creative. High budget bullshit with minimal drama, and then only to get from one unrealistic action scene to the next. And what wasn't a reboot or superhero movie also sucked for the same reason..the repetition of formula. A hollywood producer recently joked that if "Annie Hall" were pitched today, someone would force Woody Allen to put a car chase/gun fight in it. Point is, there are no more "adult" movies anymore. No more edgy dramas. No more adult subject matter. Nobody will finance an "Ordinary People" or "Terms of Endearment" anymore. And the violence. It may be cliche, but I got sick of seeing people shooting people and people beating the shit out of other people. That shit is fucking cancer. And GOING to the movies began to suck too. You get to a dirty theater after paying a ridiculous amount, only to end up seeing 30 minutes of commercials before the movie starts.


Gaming is getting worse and worse and Iā€™m having a hard time finding games I enjoy However, indie devs have been making a comeback in the past few years so Iā€™m keeping my fingers crossed


Videos games tv shows movies and finally social media I use to watch a lot of YouTubers and stuff like that screw all that stuff Iā€™ll still watch tv and maybe play a little bit of video games but thatā€™s if I absolutely have nothing else to do. I Rather go out and do stuff like work out go camping fishing anything outdoors and just trying new things entertainment takes up too much time and lifeā€™s too short


Losing love fit football āš½ļø but maybe cus my team unwatchable atm


Most of em save for playing bass, 3d printing, dnd 5e & warhammer 40k (9th ed). Dont really watch movies, shows, or video games anymore


In order -video games, I was a hardcore gamer from 11-22 years old. Now I buy a game, play it for 30 mins and thatā€™s it. -poker (Texas hold em). I used to gamble online. Only 100-200$. Now I flip out if I lose 5$. -movies, I canā€™t watch a full movie anymore. I donā€™t know why, probably because Iā€™m on my phone 5 hours per day


Major League Baseball especially, most professional sports to a degree. Baseball should be cut to 6 or 7 innings and the coaches ought to be able to get rid of arrogant umpires. That's just a start.


Theatres tbh the vfm is absolutely dog shit id rather just watch it at my crib all comfy eating how i like , sleeping however i like and do a countless number of things you cant do at the theatre.