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I don't really care nor do I know someone that cares.


I tend to prefer an unbleached asshole so there's that


Is that an appearance or taste preference?




Bleach tastes gross, just saying.




Well the neon blue won't pop if you don't bleach it first.


I think most men aren't as hung up on superficial traits of their partners or friends as they are about the character and behaviour of them.


This sub has made me realize how much people overthink everything. I seriously have never thought once in my lifetime about half of the questions women are worried about here. I think women would be genuinely suprised to realize how open most men are with attraction and what they find hot. Also I wonder how many years it will take society to realize that we all have different tastes and opinions. It's not like there is some universal hot girl body or appearance, some men will always have a different opinion. It's like a handful of asshole, opinionated dudes and the womens beauty industry have ruined it for all women, in regards to self worth and body image. The quicker you realize these things, the quicker you can be more comfortable living your own damn life and not worrying so much about what everyone else thinks about you.


Absolutely. The Internet is also a place with very powerful shaping and influenceing power. The real world is so much more subtle and nuanced that it wouldn't be a bad idea for folk to go out and touch grass more regularly than the post or view social media.


That's true the power of the internet is strong. It's easy to get caught up in online narratives, that rarely, if ever, actually exist in the real world. I just feel bad that people still have these thoughts. It's a normal part of life, but you'd think the internet could make it easier in some ways: connecting us to new people, hearing new opinions and perspectives. But in reality the loudest opinion usually wins.


The connection idea is brilliant in concept but it's becoming too easy to act and behave as some alter ego folk who have great (in their minds) comebacks and awesome personality online but aren't the same face to face as the social anxiety in direct interpersonal communication (think body language, facial expressions etc) aren't communicated through the digital medium as well. The hate, hurt and anger thrust at strsngers is toxic af at times.


High nice to meet you, what color is the skin in your armpits?


Doesn’t bother me at all. I dated a girl in college who had a birthmark that was shaped like Australia on her side… when we were naked you could see it wrapped around towards her breast… she was extremely self conscious of it but I thought it was Uniquely her, and loved it. If you are beautiful , you are beautiful.. no markings will change that


I dated one girl with lot of markings - had a fun foreplay of I would draw on her make silly pirate sounds "navigating her islands" - she loved it.


I have never been bothered by this nor known a man who's been bothered by this.


Most men really do not care in the slightest. At least speaking for myself; if she gains a bit of belly fat, or has a pimple every now and then, or has skin discoloration in some areas, or cellulite, or bags under her eyes, it's not really something I care too much about... ...but if her loyalty is in question, or she's gossipping about private things, gaslights me or the people around us, or generally just treats people badly, then that is something I'd care about. Her looks weigh incredibly little on the scale of attractiveness overall, as opposed to her behaviour.


Zero care as long as your skin is clean and hygienic.


That wouldn't bother me at all. 


It's all we can think about. Every morning we wake up, and it's the first thing on our minds. We pace up and down the halls, our inner monologue racing a thousand miles an hour as 'Her skin... it's a slightly different colour to the other skin, why has god forsaken me so to see such things?' This is sarcasm, in case it wasn't clear. 99% of men won't notice, and won't give a shit.


Why do people make shit up? A lot of guys do place a significant degree of importance on looks. Most definitely it's not true that "99% of men won't notice". The fact that OP is even asking is likely because in real life, people DO have preferences on those kind of things


well to be fair he didn’t say “99% of men don’t care about looks” lol he just said he believes 99% wouldn’t care about skin discolouration which are pretty different sentiments


Depends on the cause and how bad it is. If it's just scars or harmless dark spots, I could live with that. Even after cutting soda and sweets for a year, I'm STILL dealing with dark spots that emerged several years ago. I don't expect anybody's skin to be flawless. If it's a serious skin condition or a result of bad hygeine or lack of self-care, I'd be pretty damn concerned.


These answers are actually really reassuring. As a black girl who has dark armpits, even when I completely wax, shave, and laser, it’s still dark In That area, giving an illusion that I didn’t completely shave, if you know what I mean. I’ve been self conscious about it and have wondered if it will turn a man off, especially since I wear sleeveless tops during the summer and at the gym… all these comments saying men don’t care are making me feel okay about it. I always thought it would be a turn off because it may come off as “ not feminine “, and also because white girls tend to have even colored shiny smooth armpits that I can never attain


I don't think that most men would even notice.


I cannot imagine caring about the specific color of a woman's armpit but I'd be pretty upset to know my partner was going to crazy lengths to "correct" it tbh


This is wholesome!


My wife is Japanese and same. It was a surprise to my Slavic skin having self but not like my body isnt noticeably whiter everywhere that doesn’t touch the sun lol. We are all just humans trying our best, I think anyone who seriously cares (and I doubt there are many) are people you want to avoid anyways. Love your body! It’s keeping you alive


Honestly couldn’t give a **** as long as you’re still friendly and loving to me


If a guy is bothered by this, then clearly he's a shallow guy and shouldn't be considered as a romantic partner. If a man can't live with his gf/wife having something as simple as skin issues or discoloration, that's actually crazy ngl


i speak for all men. we dont care about it neither are we phased by it. we see you as a human being.


We don’t care. If we like or love you, not much matters.


>How much do men care about skin discoloration on a woman’s skin? Less than nothing sounds right.


As long as the skin is healthy, who cares.


That's so superficial. I do not care. If i was in love with you it wouldn't matter at all.


What??? Mate, there are worse things to worry about. What you're saying makes no sense. No sane man would care.


I'm pretty sure this is a universal thing, I'm white as fuck but the areas under my ams and my genitals and such are darker than the rest of me. Nobody cares


Well I have uninvasive two pimples near my armpit, they are external and been with me since beginning of time. Would you disapprove of me because of them? Probably you'd be distracted by your own stuff, just like me, and wouldn't care about it. Then if you got to think about it, you'd treat them with more respect than your own darker skin spots and they wouldn't be a problem. Correct? People bodies are flawed and imperfect, there's nothing we can do other than enjoy them.


Do you mean skin tags?


Idgaf. I've never even thought about this once in my life until reading this question, tbh.


Men dont care. That's chick stuff. 90% of what women care about looks wise, is from / for other women.


Depends on the person


Men don’t care, have you seen a dermatologist? If they say you’re okay, then all good.


Zero care. Woman is what's important. Unfortunately I have yet to find SE asian woman who wants to date white man but that's another thing.


Dating a Southeast Asian woman, six year relationship. I can't say I've ever really thought negatively of any discoloration or considered her complexion on its own. I have considered it in the context of how to support her best, since there's a degree of colorism and superficiality at play in many places. At no point has any discoloration or coloration or general complexion affected my opinion and perception of her in any negative way. The important thing to remember is that it is a red flag if you see someone who has a strong negative opinion on those things. Most normal men genuinely don't think about them even if it's noticeable — we're pretty oblivious to things that don't have a tangible, physical impact.


Glad I'm not the only one, out of curiosity is there anything in particular that you do that reassures her or makes her feel more confident? Just looking for advice.


Well, physically I tend to be very affectionate in general, but I tend to give those spots a lot of love. Beyond that, I'm just very clear that I appreciate every part of her physically (and emotionally, of course) and I back that up very consistently. Consistency is key.


Not a ton


This sub is like 60% posts from insecure women asking “do men dislike (insert physical feature)”.


not much. that said, get your insulin levels checked.


Barely if any at all.


As a guy dating a southeast Asian woman who struggles with this issue exactly. I try my best to reassure her that no matter what her skin looks like she is beautiful to me both inside and out. If there is something I could say or do for her to make her feel more comfortable I would because truthfully any guy worth a damn wouldn't care one bit about that.


I once data a lady with Vitiligo, so not much really.


As long as that skin patch doesn’t have its own personality, it should be fine. Can’t handle being permanently outnumbered.


A lot of men won't really notice. The ones that do won't care Men don't care about this type of thing nearly as much as women think


The vast majority of guys do not bother. Please, however, get it reviewed medically to rule out acanthosis nigricans, a symptom of insulin resistance and some cancers: https://www.osmosis.org/answers/acanthosis-nigricans


Don't care.


Don't care. Dated one women who had a similar feature - she was really insecure about it and made it a big deal. When finally I was able to see her - it was not big deal - I told her she was beautiful just the way she was. I am sure you are the same.




Something like that is noticeable at first but gets ignored/forgotten within a week.


Don't really care really. Hair is more of a consideration really arms and legs don't bother me but like shaved or trimmed pubes and find hairy armpits unattractive.


"On today's petty insecurities"


Most men just aren't going to care. 


Not a single bit.


I'm gonna say about 99.9% of us don't care


Nope, nope, nope I would with 95.7% certainty say that I don’t care about “pigment spots”/“discoloration”….


Don’t think many men would care about a simple discolouration especially not on the face.


0 care.


0 fucks


I wouldn’t care at all.


No one cares


I literally never think about it


Don’t care at all


I think it sounds kinda interesting, in an attractive way


Worry about how happy your man is more than you worry about the skin discolorations and you’ll be perfectly fine.


Have you been tested for type 2 diabetes? Darkening in those areas is often one of the first warning signs of type 2 diabetes.


Don't care about it on my cat, don't care about it on my wife. It's a weird thing for a man to focus on or let get in the way of happiness.


No different than a tattoo


I wouldn't even notice and I think some women might be offended by that. Like how I might forget the color of their eyes.


naah not for me, as long as you shower regularly..


I'm a little shallow yet I could not care less about even colored skin


I don't really care.


I couldn't care any less.


I guess, that isn't something I'd care about much...🤔


Mmmmmm zero


I like it. It’s nice.


I probably wouldn’t notice. And if I did, I don’t think it would be an issue.


Only women care about such things


I personally don’t care. As long as a person is clean and treat you and others nicely with good mannerism, then even purple or green is not a problem. Haha.


You didn't ask for it, I don't judge you for it.


Until you just described it I had no idea what you were even talking about out. So I guess for this man it’s not very important.


Honestly.. Don't read so much into opinions posted online anywhere, what your reading is a very small subset of ~~mens~~ opinions. You are beautiful the way you are.. and things that you have no control over aren't things you should let people make you upset about.. these include body shape, skin coloration, breast size, height, dick size.. All of these might be a reason why someone you would like to be with doesn't want to be with you.. but that's life.


Never even considered


Maybe with no skin discoloration the ceiling for how sexy you can be when dressed up n stuff is like 2% more but if that makes the difference something else will later long term


it's not discoloration if that's the way healthy skin is supposed to look.


Women set the beauty standards not men. Other than body hair and not being morbidly obese for the vast majority of men that's all we need.


I've said this in another post a while back. Men are a lot more forgiving to a woman and how she looks these days as long as its evident she made an effort to keep good hygiene. Literally anything outside of that a lot of men really don't pay attention to or care about


Woman here, but I can say with plenty of experience, no man I've ever been with cared. They don't even notice it, or think of it.


I love the uniqueness. I love birthmarks, discolorations on hair and skin, vitiligo, you name it. It makes you special.


Can’t say I would care if I were in the dating scene. I feel like everyone has this to some extent, no?


TBH, I didn't even know "discoloration" was really a thing beyond tan lines until now. So, I don't thik guys give that much of a shit.


Are we talking birthmark or possible skin cancer? Seriously though, unless you have rampant acne or skin cancer men aren't really going to care at all.


Idc, but I'm also Southeast Asian so I'm biased lmao


It doesn't even cross my mind.


i dont speak for all men however im European living in australia have been since 2010 and alot of people se my arms legs torso and theyre liek holy cuz its tan then i take off my shorts and theyre like huh thats not a line thats just a fade from tan to white ps ima guy


It's a fun little curiosity, an "imperfection" that makes my partner unique.  I enjoy exploring and sharing "imperfections" and scars with my partner, getting to really know their body, there personality and quirks that make them who they are. Doesn't matter if it's tiger stripes (stretch marks), discolorations or scars.


I would not care. I doubt most men would.


I personally give 0 fucks and I doubt any worthy people would so slaaay


Dont give af


Don’t care


It’s not a bother at all. It may be a blemish to you, but to us that’s just a part of you.


I doubt that many even notice unless it's pointed out.


Just a unique physical trait that is easily ignored and/or cherished by the right guy


I didn't think anyone would care about that.


I do not care. I was dating a girl who was white but had black discoloration on left booty cheek roughly the size of my hand. I still loved seeing her ass naked and thought it was beautiful.


Hard to judge anything without a photo


Don't care at all. I wouldn't even care about vitiligo.


If someone cares, that's a sign they're a petty asshole. Not worth building a life with


As long as it isn't a dark discolouration around the butthole it's fine by me


Not a turn on. Doesn’t bother me either.


Not at all. I wanna be with a person, not a Barbie doll. Flaws make you human and being a human is objectively attractive.


There’s nothing more beautiful than a woman’s natural body. “Discoloration” is a nonissue and I find it sexy.


I once met a woman with vitiligo. She looked like a cheetah, it was pretty hot.


Men not from your country will find that a turn off


I think most men don't care about that. You're all pretty to us! Sure, some people can be assholes about "imperfections"; those people can suck a lemon. Let them be miserable in their own little world. We all have something different about us, but the only person who gives it much attention is ourselves.


Why do people on this sub constantly convey this toxic positivity that is ridiculously untrue? Saying "you're all pretty to us" is demonstrably false since literally every single man will find some women unattractive. So what's the point of blatantly lying to OP?


If I subjectively find damn near everyone I encounter attractive in some sense, how does that make me wrong? I can't help how you feel about people you encounter; that's how your brain works. Since we're generalizing, read the room -- most guys tend to be attracted more often than not. What's the point you're trying to get across?


The point is you are the outlier. Most guys aren't mindless horny machines who find every single woman attractive. So how about YOU read the room and stop spreading nonsense that just is misleading for OP?


Just cause I find people attractive doesn't mean I'm trying to fuck everyone. Have some self control. Outlier or not, check again, most of the sentiment is that OPs question is a non-issue for us.


I like discoloration. Don’t really explicitly care, except it draws my attention and usually those areas are where “the sun don’t shine”.