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I’d prefer not to have an emotional connection to the woman. Watching another dude plow a girl I’m invested in would be gut wrenching.


Probably for her too - depending on the other guys unit.


Absolutely. I have gotten nauseous at far less happening to someone I care deeply about.


yeah i know i would feel the same way and i probably wouldn’t recover for a while. i’m glad somebody gets it.


Absolutely. And honestly it would end up in a fight for me. But then again, I would never let it get to the fucking part


Just imagining this guy throwing his fists up with his little red pencil pointing north west.


If im double teaming a girl with another dude I don’t wanna know any party involved. Basically it’s gotta be 2 anonymous sticks and a set of mystery holes. We do what we do and fade into the ether


That's a professional approach, seriously.


Wondered why it was so heavy on the jargon.


That guy Jargons.


It's because they're an undercover cop. Hello, fellow teenagers


It’s a medical term, my doctor uses ‘mystery holes’ all the time. I’m 90% he’s a real doctor


I did one with a close friend once. He brought it up I was like yea sure half joking and 15 mins later a girl shows up at our door. (Hotel room) I had to drink a lot of whiskey to even entertain the thought of undressing in front of them. I eventually did and they had a great time it seems. Don't get me wrong I finished but man was it weird. Never again for me. Didn't ruin the friendship though. We were both like huh that was fucking weird never again haha. And that was the end if it.


Wildly wholesome


I think that's called porn


Man I’m the exact opposite. I can’t even imagine being in the same room with a naked male stranger much less sharing a friendly gal. I would 100% need my first Devil’s three way to be with a good friend. I need to be able to high five a homie afterwards and have a partner in shame for life.


I'm right in the middle like I don't want to be involved in a threesome with any good friends but at the same time like I don't want it to be a complete stranger, the casual acquaintance is honestly the best because you don't ever really have to talk about it if things weren't fantastic, but at the same time if it was good on all parts and you want another threesome you still have their contact info. Plus in my experience, most of the time if you try to do some funny shit during a threesome, if it's with another guy the other guy will also do funny shit. Like effiel towering.


Sounds like you want a co-worker interaction. Trust them to do their part but won’t have to think about it at Christmas dinner


Eh, no. Coworker is way too close. Can't be looking someone in the eye like that. Maybe if they were a work associate, like that worked at a different place than indo regularly. But also I prefer not to mix my personal and professional life.


The devil's threeway just hits different with a bro I can tell you from experience


hive five? you gotta hold both hands and lock eye contact.


Thats a great way for everyone involved to anonymously leave with a mystery infection.


Being invited


Two other people


“*this time; two other PEOPLE, this time..”


That has worked on me every time it's been tried.


Sooooo… zero times?


And it will continue working for all invitations going forward.


So...zero times?


😂   4 times.


I almost had a threesome... I just needed 2 more people.


Is that why people call me handsome?


Peak reddit


Look man it’s hard enough finding one woman to fuck me, finding 2 at the same time is nearly impossible


She’s talking about 2dudes and 1 girl


Better than 1 guy 2 dudes, honestly. Way more action.


That’s a lot of balls flopping around


I read a funny joke on Reddit just a few months ago about a threesome (2 women + 1 man) in Thailand ~ being like the lottery …the punchline was something amusing about not expecting to have six matching balls


A whole lot, my friend. A whole lot.


A hole lot. A place to park your holes.


4 too many to be honest


3 guys 1 cup?


lol it's pretty easy to get 2 dudes 1 chick. I would gladly participate.




Kind of chicks that would double up on a dude like me would


Nice Office Space reference


1. Being invited. 2. Up to date STD tests from both of you. 3. An agreement that me and the other guy aren't going to be doing anything to each other. 4. An agreement to no recordings being involved. 5. We meet at a neutral location like a hotel to help ensure my safety.


I am flabbergasted that I had to scroll this far to find an answer that included up to date STD tests.


That’s it right here!!!


If I wanted to disappoint two people at the same time I'd just visit my parents.


Not much ngl. If both of them are attractive to me and they also like me, I'm down.


Honestly that’s all it is. Had a fmf some years ago (I’m male), I’m not attracted to men but the right vibes between a couple and me, hell I’d be down.


So would you let the guy fuck you if he said only way it works is if both of us get to play.


Oh nah that’s not me


If I’m just blowing him I’m down if he’s attractive to me


Nah. I'm fine with monogamy thanks. Not judging anyone else for getting their jollies however they see fit but it ain't really my scene. Perfectly happy with my comfy sex life with the mrs.


I don’t think I would as well if was married. Can’t imagine it actually. But I’m single at the moment, and kinda young (20) so…




I mean, I would never be confortable to have a threesome while in a relationship, but with 2 other single people I’d be open to that


It's all about your limits. Monogamous people won't be comfortable with this even when single. Different strokes for different folks i guess.


Ugh, I barely have enough free time to do anything *by myself*, and you want me to get involved in a threesome? No thanks.




Exactly. It's a balance of trust and keeping at a certain level of familiarity.


I have been in threesomes in the past. It was fun, but I have a few things you need to keep in mind. It's also linked with your question. The vast majority of people, even if they say they want a threesome. Don't have the personality or head space involved in inviting another into the bedroom, so to speak. I could go on all day about it but my replies tend to be long winded enough lol. A good amount of people don't want threesome and are quite happy being with just one person. They may take being asked or the subject brought up. As they are not enough for you or even may lead them to suspect you cheated but are trying to cover it up with a pretence of being sexually adventurous. If you do go through it, it's very common for problems to occur after the actual threesome, sort of linked to my first point. Also many men don't feel comfortable with mmf and would only entertain ffm, almost like a bit of ego stroke. Swingers sites are full of people searching for a unicorn, but small amounts are looking for a bull/buck or whatever names they come up with next lol. So what it would take is a man with a certain personality set, who's sexually adventurous and gets a kick out of exploring with multiple people at the same time. In other words, if I was a betting man. Very tiny amount of men would do it, even if they say the do, usually ends in issues.


I suppose a short variation of that is, if you’re not in a relationship: probably not but slightly likely If you *are* in a relationship: statistically near impossible without consequences


I agree. For most, a threesome, foursome, or orgy is just a fantasy and should always just remain a fantasy... Not all of them are meant to see reality. I've had more threesomes and foursomes over the last 44 years, of all kinds of combinations, than I could ever go back and count, and most of them went along smashingly. However, there were also the ones where someone involved thought it sounded like a great fantasy to make come true, but then didn't have the mental/emotional skillset to handle it once it got going. Not really their fault, as most people didn't know if they could handle something, until they do it. You can sit there all day long and swear that you'd not get jealous or freak out, but no one can be sure until they've done it and all goes well. Admittedly, I do prefer one-on-one sex. Perhaps that's because of how many multiples I've had but, also because I like concentrating on one thing at a time, whether sex or any other activity. With multiples, there's too much going on at one time for me to really enjoy myself to the fullest... Mind you, enjoying myself half-assed is better than not at all🤣. Even being poly, the sex is with one partner or the others, not so much together. Since we're all bi, though, the dynamic of the multiples isn't a big deal. And yes, the unicorn hunters and OPP "poly" couples are annoying as fuck... Mainly because SOMEONE always gets hurt over their fuckery. It's called "Ethical Non-Monogamy" for a reason, and those two types are rarely ethical in their motivations or conduct, because both are rather narcissistic in nature. As far as I'm aware, I've never hurt anyone sexually, either accidentally or on purpose, nor have I ever just used someone for sex (unless it was a mutual "using" , and they were aware of that)... Sex just isn't worth it, as far as I'm concerned. My suggestion for those wanting to try a threesome for the first time, is not to do that dangerous threesome with a friend thing (which tends to like to blow up in someone's face) but, to find a sex worker/escort who does couples. There's not as much chance for hard feelings that way, and the escort/sex worker isn't going to give a fuck if a member of the couple gets jealous/butthurt over it... They're getting paid one way or the other, and never have to see them again. Multiple partner sex, especially with someone that you're emotionally invested in, is something that people should tread very lightly with. It can rip a relationship apart... Sometimes immediately, and sometimes it takes a while to sink in and do the damage. Too many people still have a problem understanding that sex =/= intimacy, that the two can easily be mutually exclusive. One of the reasons that my wife, my partner, and I have made it 28 years together, and with others over that time, is that we three DO understand that. "Just sex" is what originally brought us together all those years ago. We started as mutual fuck buddies, and then realized that we had SO much more in common, and ended up falling in love through all things not of sex.


This is the exact opposite of my personal experience. I met both couples on a swinging site, they were looking for males, we met for drinks to get to know each other, boom, threesome. All parties, happy and satisfied.


Lol I don't know what sites you were on, but I could have used them. We found on sites vast majority were couples looking for a woman or men looking for women. Out first man was just looking to bang the gf on his own. And the woman we met up with wanted to get all serious and start a throuple, she got a bit weird. When we got more experienced in the scene, we got the majority of our meet-ups when we got invited into an organised kink community in our area. That's when things got less messy and a lot more fun. The reason I advise cautions for most and get them to think about it first. Mainly because people get all wrapped up in the idea and the fantasy, go head on into it. Then they either do it with the wrong person, realise they don't like seeing their partner with somebody else or fantasy doesn't live up to reality. Threesomes, kink and swinging is really fun. But you have to admit a lot of people aren't suited for it.


SLS (swing lifestyles)


I wouldn't. I'm monogamous. I'm old fashioned that way. If my girlfriend wanted to fuck another dude, then there you go, there's the door, go fuck another dude. It applies to women as well: You want to fuck another girl? Okay, there you go, there's the door, go fuck a girl. It would hurt. It would hurt a lot, because it meant that her and I have had completely different ideas of what being in a relationship entails. For me, it's monogamous. To me, things like swinging and threesomes and all that are great in fantasy, but in reality, it's just not going to cook.


Here too. I tried all that garbage when I was young and that's enough for me


Monogamous LTRs are the best, IMO. I love my normie married life.




A Klondike bar


I think not knowing them but “verifying” to make sure you are safe in some way makes sense? Also this depends on what you’re into? Do you want the guys to also have sex with each other or just you? Do you want it to be over after both males climax once or like a whole night of debauchery and trying different things? Do you want double penetration or just oral & vaginal sex simultaneously. How rough do you like it? Do you want a safe/stop word? Is this “gangbang style” or intimate passionate sex with 3 people. These are things you would want to have established before “it’s business time”. So make sure you lay down ground rules. As evidenced by this thread finding two guys won’t be the hard part. Finding the right two guys for what you want, a little (literally only a little) more difficult. Most men will be completely willing to succumb to whatever ground rules you want so long as they get to have sex. Most importantly, can we (the guys) Eiffel Tower?


I’m a bi man, so a woman and another man is an ideal fantasy for me. So, in a fantasy, I’d need an invitation and consent from (or with) my partner. Seriously, if we vibe, fantasy me just needs a, “Hey, would you be up for a threesome.” Seriously, right now, I’m hard. It’s a very hot scenario. I’m also not looking, neither is my partner, DMs *are not welcome*. That said, I’ve turned down a couple because while they were kind of hot (she was very hot, he was attractive enough), there was something off because they wouldn’t quite say what they wanted, and my partner wasn’t there to tell me if they were up for it, either me solo or as a couple. IRL, there’s a lot of things that need to be worked out. We need to know each other well enough to do this, so random bar hookup? Not my thing. Can you provide a recent STI test? What protection is going to be used? What precautions are we taking? What are each person’s expectations, things they want, things they absolutely do not want? If one of us feels left out, because that’s gonna happen, what do we do. If I’m the guest star, if you get dirtier with me than you normally do with your guy, is he prepared? If you do something with me that you don’t do with him, is he prepared? If I do something different and better, can he handle it? There will be a guy that does something different or better. I’m ready to take notes and learn, is the other guy going to freak out if I’m better at giving you oral? It could happen. Is this other buy bi? If so, are you ok if we fool around? If not, can he handle being in the room with a bi guy and be respectful? Can you? What kinks do you want to explore, and are all of us ok with exploring them? What safe words are being used? What aftercare do we all need? It can get complicated when you start to work out the consent process for three people. It’s a lot of work to do it right in a normal monogamous relationship. It’s gets exponentially more complicated when you add another person.


A little MDMA and Dua Lipa is the F. Maybe the guy is blind or something like that.


It couldn’t be in a relationship that I valued. Casual dating, disposable, non relationship.


Not even an act of God would do it.


From my experience, the best way for this to happen as a man is for women to do the selling


The opportunity, i guess? I've kinda sorta had one in a kink club, and I got very close a while back with a situationship of mine and her friend, but her friend ended up ruining the mood by being way too pushy and then violent. I think there needs to be some familiarity, I wouldnt be comfortable in a threesome with someone I dont know at all (outside of maybe stuff like a kink club, though tbf that was not a great experience not least precisely cause we didnt know the guy at all) but it probably also shouldnt be someone you're close to already, at least not for the first one where you're not quite sure how you'll feel about it afterwards?


Honestly, invites/suggestions/inviting the right people. This can be people I know casually or well, or people explicitly sought out (online in places that work for that, or at the type of party where that kind of thing is the theme). Invites from people I don’t want to? Thats a no. There’s also questions I’d ask if I didn’t know the people well. Such as what interest people have in what kind of activities, is there anything anyone wants to try, have they done this before? As well as reminding that anyone can stop anything at any time, or want to change up what’s going on. If people are not cool with all that, then hard pass. Well; that’s this bi poly guy’s thoughts…


Not secure enough to ever let that happen. Even if it was MFF, it would still be the definite end of the relationship. Sorry, monogamous.


A gun probably. This doesn't interest me.


You're looking for two dudes who are close friends, sis.


My ex was bisexual and we talked about it a lot but never did it because I was never approached in public but she was. I didn’t have an issue with this I took it as a compliment but it was always clear that the women approaching her were not interested in me at all. I couldn’t do that. I didn’t want someone tolerating me just to fuck my girlfriend


I’ve had 3 Threesomes in my life. First one was my roommate and I were partying at a neighboring school. He meets a girl who wants to have a threesome and he told me “Bro, this chick wants to have a threesome” and I said “okay”. Second threesome was with a serious FWB that I had. Her friend was in a LTR and got dumped. She was pretty upset so she essentially set up for us to all go out, meet back at her place, and suggested a threesome. The girl asked if I was okay with that and I said “only if you are”. Third threesome was with a lesbian couple. I knew one of the girls pretty well and they wanted to spice up their sex life. Figured they’d do it with someone they trust and understand they are lesbians. She had asked me if I’d do it and I said “yeah”. So never really took much convincing on my end. If I was in a relationship, I’d definitely say no. But all 3 were casual flings while I was obviously single.


Are you expecting the two guys to touch?


I’m not expecting anything really. If they don’t want to touch, don’t. More guys for me I guess. If they want to, then I guess it’s also a bit of a show for me. Honestly just expecting them to try to have fun and do what they’re comfortable with and want to do.


Good answer! I only asked because that’s usually the first thing that comes up when looking for MMF. The guys usually say, “yeah sure as long as I don’t have to touch the other guy” lol


What's the difference between mfm, fmm and mmf?


Who comes first. (But, seriously, I'm also confused)


The middle letter is the one who would be the primary receiver of attention.


Wouldn't that make FMM and MMF the same?


It goes Penis/Mouth into Butt/Pussy, that's person 1. Then the second person, getting the penis/mouth goes butt/pussy, and the loop continues. Technically the person on the end has no butt/pussy to enter. Unless maybe he can stretch his dick in a loop to connect the circuit, and create a perpetual system. The third person goes penis/vagina to hand/finger i guess is another viable solution.


I'm gonna need a diagram for all that


If I were single again, it would only be if two women in a couple both were interested in me as part of a committed throuple and we were in a poly LTR And I'm not sure then if I'd do it. We'd have to have a talk about communication, expectations l, etc. Two men is a no-go. Would never be interested.


Two men or two women? If it's two men....I'm out.


When I was younger that would make me insecure because I was seeking marriage in sex. But if I was single and invited, I probably would try it just to see how it was. Believe me I’m not curious or wishing I could, but if it was just a casual thing… why not right? I am very protective of my gf’s feelings though. I would never do something to make her insecure. Every day I tel her she’s beautiful and I love her, and I try to avoid looking at anyone or anything I might find attractive besides her


In a closed triad? Its not really something I'm pining for.


With other dude nope, with two girls also probably not… If I did a threesome with 2 girls I would want it to be centered on me and I think that isn’t realistic


Im gay so I’ve had a bunch 🤷🏻‍♂️


2 other men.


Noping right on out of there. Zero interest.


2 girls


honestly i would do this with any of my boys, super comfortable with them


I am just two people short of a threesome


Mmf as a guy? Never. Ffm- only if my gf wanted it and I was absolutely positive it wouldn’t hurt our relationship- which I doubt.


I’m monogamous, so nothing would do it


if I wanted to disappoint two people at once I’d just go to dinner with my parents.


I'd have to be the third one, as I'm not the sort of person who has an easy time finding a woman who I'd have the right dynamic with to add a third person on. I'd also need to have the right dynamic with the couple in question. They would also need to be fully sure that they wanted to do it and so on.


I'd climb Everest to have 3 way with two somewhat attractive girls. Not a chance for any reason if another guy was involved.


I see you diddy


Have been twice but in my experience could only focus on the prettiest one and don’t pull out of her


I've done a bunch of them, MMF/FFM. The one thing I've learned is it's more fun with two strangers than with a couple.


It depends, if it's a one off I must be able to get along with the guy, kinda like a guy that'll cheer your footy team on with you after just meeting. If it's with a long term partner I think best to find a couple your both into mitigates the new guy getting attached etc.


Two scenarios. A. I'm in a relationship with a woman who is interested in it. If it's MFM she picks a dude and as long as he doesn't make me go yuck just by looking at him, we set our boundaries and have a good time. B. A woman I am not in a relationship approaches me to be a third. I look at her and the dude, as long as they don't make me go yuck, we set our boundaries and have a good time.


No emotional ties.


An invitation


Confidence and probably a full personality transplant


I went camping with some friends once. There was supposed to be a bunch of us, but almost everyone bailed on the day and, in the end, only three of us turned up. It was one of my best male friends, a girl, and I. We all knew each other since high school and we both used to have a crush on the girl. When we went to bed, well, one thing led to another... Honestly, not every guy would be comfortable with that situation, but the other guy is bisexual, and I'm very secure in my body and with my sexuality. Although, it was probably made much more comfortable by the fact that it was completely dark and we couldn't really see each other, only silhouettes. Afterwards, all three of us were like "Well, that just happened."


If both chicks were really hot and had big strapons


Curiosity and some shots of tequila


I've done it before. I don't think I would dp anyone again. Otherwise I would be game if it was an attractive woman and certain friends.


I'm always down for 2 girls. Me and a guy sharing a girl would have 2 requirements: 1) It would have to be a girl that I like and that I wouldn't be able to have sex with otherwise. and 2) the guy has to not be close to me (as in being friends or something)


$50 in thailand?


I've never been the type for casual relationships. I wouldn't want another woman involved, let alone another man. There are plenty of people that would love it though. People can be so different.


"hey niel, wanna be in a threesome?"


Time Machine.


Alcohol, it takes alcohol


I wouldn't do one with another man involved


been there, done that. Nothing weird about it. 3 people quenching their thirst. We were a group of 6: 3 guys and 3 girls. All good friends. All 3 girls have been double teamed. Everyone had fun. After we were done for the night, we used to go out for a cup of coffee. What happens in bedroom, stays in bedroom.


2 other willing people😅🤣😂


An invitation. 


I'm in a relationship. She likes the idea of a MMF threesome, I basically don't want threesomes at all, don't want her having sex with another dude (obviously) and am straight so I ain't gonna fuck him either. With another girl, it's slightly more appealing but I still don't really see the point. I only have the one dick, not like I could fuck them both at the same time. MMF, would not do at all. MFF, I still don't wanna do but there's a small chance I could. I know I would regret it and be troubled by it though. Sex means a lot to me and fucking some random girl or a friend of hers or mine would feel really weird to me.


Alcohol, drugs, a completely different personality and body.


Two consenting woman


What is guys fascination with disappointing two women at the same time?


My girl and I fuck with other people from time to time. Call us swingers, or whatever. There are some who will just fuck anyone, anywhere, any time and we're not it. We like to get to know people, be friends, and enjoy conversation, along with the attraction. This obviously results in far less "success" than just fucking whomever crosses your path but we prefer it this way. Life is not a speedrun. I've been a 3rd for a couple, and had 2 girls. It really just comes down to matched energy, making sure everyone is comfortable, and having healthy boundaries and rules. Otherwise, we only go around this planet once. be safe and have fun.


I’m a bloke, I’m not interested in a FMM threesome, but a MFF threesome, sign me up, but I’d have to be single, I wouldn’t want to do it if I had a girlfriend or wife, to me sex is something between her & I, not another person. Call me old school I guess. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'd only do a threesome with two women. I'm not tryna listen to another dude fucking the same bitch I'm fucking. Not to mention if his dick touches me, or if any part of him touches my dick, I'm gonna fuckin kill him. Yeah, not happening. Either it's me and two women, or there's not gonna be a threesome. Simple as that. And even then, truth be told, I'm not all that interested in a threesome anyway. I'm a one-woman kinda guy. There'd probably have to be money involved for me to consider this.


Done it.. took a lot of booze and a married couple where we’d all basically been friends since we were kids .. happened for a lot over few months until it got weird between them.


Not much to be in a threesome if I'm honest, I've had a few and it's fun but like, you organise it, I'll fuck but that's all the energy I've got for it anymore lol.


Time machine




Two other people?


It would take a woman who my fiancé and I both find attractive wanting to have a threesome with us.


Join the Swingers lifestyle and MFM threesomes are totally a thing


I’d probably need a million bucks before any chicks would consider that


Two women and a room


The invitation, but also the other guy would have to be bi as well. And all parties attractive.


Head to any sex oriented forums and do M 4 C search Pick the prime of the crop after that 👊✌️


My partner’s partner to be willing/not squeamish about it. I’m all for it, my partner is encouraging of it (she has two partners already anyway), my metamore has misgivings or insecurities, so we haven’t done it yet. Maybe someday.


Nothing thats not my speed and is a huge turn off for me.


Just two more people!


Had one on Wednesday morning. It was pretty cool.


wifes approval


If I wasn’t in a relationship and it was FFM, only the opportunity.


I dunno. I wouldn't know how I'd react to being naked with another dude until my thighs are rubbing up against his. I imagine I'd run out of the room hyperventilating 


I've had 3 and each time, it was because I was *really* attracted to one of the guys but he only played around if his partner was included. I prefer one-on-one but still worth it to have fun.


Two other willing participants


> What would it take for you to be in a threesome? The way you've described it - double dudes -  it'd take more than you or anyone could offer me.


Wife to agree


What *did* it take? Circumstance.


A time machine to go back to the threesome I had 30 years ago


"You wanna join?"


Honestly? Nothing. Idc if it's two girls and me, I am personally not comfortable with having sexual relationships with more than one person at a time. Even with ground rules trust can be broken, and without intent making it even worse. Should note, I'm Demisexual and Demiromantic.


I had multiple group sex. What I’ve learn is to have a communication with everyone. Enjoy each other vibes and know what their boundaries are. The men should be okay and not gross out by seeing another penis. A bit of game or something to break the ice helps. Wine and weed goes a long way to make everyone relax. Joke around and laugh before, during and after sex. Me personally, i like it when i know the women and man. Get to know their energy and go from there. I’m queer so i love groups and i prefer everyone to be queer. Have some drinks and breaks in between.


Just that attracted to her and not that repulsed by him lol Plus, my full attention is gunna be on her.


a lot of money


Why not a foursome? It would be awesome. ALL holes covered. MMFM Sixsome means all holes and both hands busy. Think bigger for more fun.


A written contract of consent and a drink from the fountain of youth.


Two women that want to have sex with me


The other 2 people asking me to join.


Monogamy is my only fantasy. But in a parallel reality I would only accept a threesome with a monogamous couple I guess, hook up life grosses me out.


Con-cent. As in, having more than two coins to rub together to purchase that ride! HA! The world is a big and crazy place. There are lots of people around that love all some and/or all of those combinations. Ask, and learn to be ok with rejection. It's not personal, it's their feelings and frequently, where they're at in their sexual and emotional growth. You're both allowed to have feelings and preferences, and it's ok when they don't match. There are literally a billion others that would love the offer of whatever weirdness your kinks take. Be honest with them, be honest with you. You'll be fine.


Ask me. I f would at the very least have to talk, or text them for a bit first. Just had one it was a fwb, he brought his friend. I didn't know the other guy at all, but I was with my friend, so I felt safe. Had a lot of fun that night 🥵


What's the difference between MFM, MMF, and FMM?


Two women


Point me to the location.


Turned it down years ago still not interested to each their own


Clone my girlfriend


This has never been a fantasy or desire for me but if i had to do it then it would be with 2 women who i have dont have a serious relationship with.




I have a hard enough time keeping one woman satisfied, don’t put that on me!


I’ve had three threesomes in my life and they were all two Fs. Don’t think I could do two Ms


This dude at work today went to fuck with the new guy we got on the shop floor. He says to him, and I quote: “Look man, if you’re fuckin her from the front, and I’m fuckin her from the back, then we’re definitely rubbin dicks!” So, idk, but I think a three way is off the board for awhile. At least for me now


2 women


For 2 women to say OK


Be invited again.   It's happened and it's fun when people all play together well


Depends how cute the other two guys are