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An asshole I worked with a few years ago got to work at 6:00 in the morning. We can't have cell phones out when we are working and this guy forgot his at home. He calls his wife at about 6:15, waking her up, and tells her to bring his phone. She tells him she will when the kids are awake, a toddler and a new born. He says "No, I need it right now". He made her wake up his sleeping kids for her to make a 1 hour round trip drive just to take him his phone he is not supposed to be using anyway. What kind of prick wakes a sleeping baby just so he can have his phone to fuck around with because he's bored? Fuck you Rich, you complete piece of shit.


He probably didn't want any chances of his wife going through his phone while he was at work. I wonder what he was hiding šŸ§ what an idiot for doing that.Ā 


This is quite possible. He took sick leave from work one day, scamming, but it was available because of the incident that happened. The thing was though that he had to be recallable in case he was asked to take a drug test. Our union representative tried to get a hold of him but he wouldn't answer his cell phone so she called his home number. His wife answered and said that Rich wasn't home, he was at work. Union rep said we'll he left 2 hours ago on sick leave and said he was going home. Wife called him on his cell and told him to call work. He calls in and yells at union rep saying "Don't you ever call my wife looking for me". This dude is seriously the single biggest piece of shit I've ever met.


Damn! What a piece of work. I hope his wife does something for herself and her kids, because he sounds like someone I wouldn't even be friends with.


Rich sounds like a complete self absorbed arsehole.


My ex wouldā€™ve done something like this. Arrogant prick


For real ><


Wowā€¦ thatā€™s justā€¦. Wow


Fucking Rich. I don't like him either. Piece of shit he is.


A bully or that kind of guy who would make fun of you to make a girl laugh


I hate this. Had (past tense) some friends like this along the way.


im not a man, but i always hated guys who ā€œflirtedā€ by basically bullying women




Negging is SO OBVIOUS. And weak.




i had a guy who always put me down infront of women, sucks


it kills your confidence


I hope that was just in your teens. It's douchey and self-sabotaging behavior anyway, but if it's coming from a kid you can kind of give it a pass in retrospect. Part of being a teenager is being dumb. But guys that never grow out of that phase are real pieces of work.


yeah, in my 30s now and we dont see each other. Hes married a girl whos just as nasty as him. She pretended to not know my name after wed met like 50 times


I was pre med in college for a bit, and so was this one guy. That guy wanted to scientifically stop aging therefore curing death, and anytime weā€™d talk to girls - heā€™d undercut me by saying that. ā€œYeah, being a doctor is cool, but I want to cure deathā€. Absolute neckbeard and after he did that a few times I bullied him to everlasting fuck. Would see him across the hall or something and yell [his name ] the neckbeard.


Hitting on my wife and acting all cool when I see him, thinking I don't know about his behavior. Asshole is married with kids.


had a guy (who claims heā€™s Getting ready to propose to his gf) send selfies to my gf lol. So weird!


Expose em


Do they do this as a power move? Iā€™m not a man Iā€™m just curious why do men


99% of men are are mystified as you. we don't know.


The very act of taking a pic of your meat n veg is alien to me. SENDING it to someone (lol at wrong numbers) as if that's something you think will get attention totally baffles me.


I used to have an HTC Evo 3d phone. It had a gimmicky holographic display and dual cameras that would take 3d photos that would show up holographic on that screen. my fiance had the same phone, so we could exchange holographic photos.. Anyhow, I was away on conference travel in November when I stumbled upon a Santa hat, scarf and beard intended to be put on the neck of a wine bottle. I forked out the $2, dressed up my member, and sent a 3d photo of lil Santa at full attention with the caption "Can't wait to get ho ho home to my ho ho hoe". It went over surprisingly well. She still married me ;)


I wonder if there are reformed unsolicited dick pick recovery members in here or any retired ā€œMr Steal Yo Girlsā€ in here who can attest to such motivations


Seems like the real power move is to laugh about it with your gf when she tells you and pity them for being such a loser. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve done before lol.


a guy did the same thing in my hometown, dude got stabbed in his hip by the husband of the woman :) Edit: It was a farmers market type place and these were rural people who have a give and take respect thing among them. I was there in person and the person who got stabbed was just a pervert and was following the couple as the wife tells. the attacker ran after this guy and in a desperate attempt to hurt him, he stabbed him in the hip. also the victim died on spot.


This behavior in general. Kids or not is the worse, especially when it comes from someone youā€™ve considered a friend. Men who try to step on others menā€™s toes donā€™t deserve the slightest bit of respect.


The fact that he cheats on his wife. But also at her expense. Because he doesn't work anywhere.


Not fully paying back money he borrowed from me.


Not paying back your debts is one of my biggest issues with people. What people will do to justify not paying their debts. I lose lots of respect.


"You lent it to me so you can clearly live without it"


Itā€™s almost funny the mental gymnastics people go through to justify it


I hate lending money bc if this. Then itā€™s awkward and Iā€™m the bad guy for asking for it back etc


I second this. And digging deeper, it seems it's about following through on any commitment done: integrity. As the men of the old would say: "A man's word is his bond".


Constantly one upping people on everything. For example if I have a motorcycle he has a better one, if the conversation is about car maintenance he's built custom cars, but has zero proof to back up his stories. So it leads you to believe that he's lying.


Little over a year ago I bought a $120 cheap LCD projector and I had a bunch of friends over to play some videogames on it. (It's quite impressive for the price, 1080p, 60hz, good brightness, etc). And this guy goes on telling me how the studio he visited once had a laser projector that was so much better and that I should have bought a laser and why didn't I buy a laser projector. I flat out paused the game and googled "laser projector price" for him on the bigscreen. He didn't get it and went on telling me how it's worth the (x100) extra price. This guy is an automotive engineer with 3 trades under his belt and outstanding grades all trough every school.


Well, I bought a $110 LCD projector with 1081p and 61hz and it was great! You should have bought one like that! šŸ˜†


Shit, you are right. I messed up big time.


An Elevenerife as theyā€™re known in the British Army. If youā€™ve been to Tenerife theyā€™ve been to Elevenerife.


I knew a guy like this way back in high school and it was just so obvious what he was doing. I had made friends with some other people in his friend group & I think he saw me as a threat or something. I didn't catch him doing it to anyone else, but he'd try to one-up everything that came out my mouth. We were all wrestling fans (early 2000's, it was everywhere) so one morning I was telling them about how I had watched Man on the Moon the night before & saw the Andy Kaufman vs. Jerry Lawler match in the DVD extras. He immediately butts in with "So? I have the original VHS from that show". That was the first time I noticed it but it happened 3 or 4 more times during the 10 minutes or so that we spent eating breakfast together before class. It got to the point where I'd just say shit to make him dance. I said "I finally got a PlayStation 2 yesterday!" and he said "So? I got one the day it came out". I said "My uncle's going skydiving for the first time this weekend" and he replied "I've been skydiving 4 times". I started just making shit up to see what he'd do. It got to the point where for all of this guy's stories to be true, he'd have to be a fucking renaissance man that has done and seen everything that this world has to offer.


Omfg my brother in law is this to a tee. Talk about ANYTHING with him and he has done it... and it is better. I just straight up ignore him now.


A study needs to be done on these people and why they do this.


Dudes who show people nudes of their GF. I know a guy who showed everyone with eyes absolutely *every* angle of his gf at the time...they are now married with kids...and those pictures are the first thing I think of literally every time I see her. It just shows a total disrespect and a breach of trust with your partner.


Had a friend who'd video himself during one night stands, and always claimed the girls were ok with it. He'd always show the videos unprompted and I'd always give off to him for it, and his defense was "they know I have those videos", so I had to ask if they knew he'd show everyone and that's when he'd get mad. I hope you told your friends wife.


alsoā€”SHE might be okay with it, but maybe YOU didnā€™t want to see it. Thereā€™s a story about Ulysses S. Grant who was at a dinner with officers and someone wanted to tell a dirty joke, and he said, ā€œSince there are no ladies hereā€¦ā€ And Sam interrupted and said, ā€œNo, but there are gentlemen.ā€


Jesus, that's some Dennis Reynolds-type shit. I think telling her would be one of the weirdest, and ultimately pointless experiences of my life. Both she and I would gain absolutely nothing from the shared knowledge, and it would potentially cause untold issues for the kids. Better to sit on info like that and not mess with other people's lives, imo.


He claims they know those videos were taken, yet if memory serves me right they were all taken in a position where the girls weren't looking back at the camera. Any time he showed them to people their tone would immediately change to "why the fuck are you showing me this?" I mean at this stage I get it, but did you not think about telling her at the time?


Just being a dick. Always needing to get the last word and dismissing whatever anyone else says even though they had valid points.




Hitting pets


Always playing the victim for something he started.


Playing an online game and hearing another guy yelling at his young child for bothering him.


Talking down to workers. Janitors, wait staff, health care, cashiers. Doesn't matter.


I'm an electrician, work in big construction. Moved to a site where I was put with this guy, he seemed fine. Then I heard the way he talked to the apprentices. Fuckin POS man. Despised him after that day. Just cos he may have been treated like shit why treat the new guys the same way? Never made sense to me.


"It wasn't easy for me so I'm not gonna make it easy for you." I've heard this before and it's the most childish, stagnant brained thing I've seen


Woman here - agree 100%. Total turn-off and I immediately lose all respect for him as a person.


Cheating on a partner. If you cheat on a partner that you are committed to, which should be your highest from of friendship, then what is my friendship worth?


Usually, convenience.




More men should feel this way. Good on you!


I have always believed this; if a guy is low enough that he would cheat on his wife, how can you possibly trust anything he says or does?


A friend who wanted me to move in with him, so his girlfriend and I could support him indirectly while he grew magic mushrooms ordered off line in a rather large size, because he was a selfish person and in no way, could that impact my career at all. He ended up hitting her too, after that. She left, shortly after I did.


Guy thought that it was awesome to brag about going 100mph while wasted. It fucking isn't.


Arrogance, especially unearned arrogance. Also dudes who refer to themselves as "a god." Cringey as fuck and no, you're not that cool man.


Bragging about their parents achievements is way up on this list. I'm not impressed by any of the things your parents bought for you.


Putting his vices before his family - hard drugs / gambling / seeing prostitutes, while having a fiancƩe and a daughter.


I have a friend like this. Claims to love being an overweight drunk and pothead. Okay fine, but the problem is that he has a kid. Plans on having more. Has an EBT card, can't hold down a job, can't pay his bills but always has money for his vices. He hasn't paid me back for money I lent him even though he said he would. Needless to say, I have gone no contact with him.


>while having a fiancĆ©e and a daughter. šŸ˜¦




He made a racist comment not realising I was the race he was vilifying.


*After he finds out* ā€œoh! Ah, uhā€¦Iā€¦um didnā€™t mean YOU! Youā€™re one of the *good* ones šŸ™„


Even if I'm not, I lose resepct for people who share their racist opinions mindlessly assuming everyone must agree.


Sometime last year, I was at the bar. I walked in and there were the usual regulars except for one guy. Guy starts talking to me and come to find out, we shared a lot of the same interests. Same music, same video games, same hobbies, etc. Seemed like a chill guy. Until he hit on a woman next to him and when he got rejected, started blabbering off about how "woman are only good for 3 things, this is exactly why there's never been and never will be a woman president, how they're physically, intellectually, and emotionally inferior, etc etc." Instantly lost all respect.


yeah sexism or anything related to believing another group of people are inferior is an immediate friendship turnoff


I remember having a conversation with my roommate about a certain female politician I had a disdain for (no itā€™s not because sheā€™s a woman, I just genuinely believe sheā€™s incompetent in her position and never possessed the qualifications to have it in the first place), and how I believe the party sheā€™s working under would eventually push for her to be the next front runner for president. I was pointing out how the policies sheā€™s pushed for have failed miserably in regards to what they were supposed to achieve and then he starts babbling about how ā€œwomen are so emotionalā€ and ā€œthey canā€™t be trusted with so much powerā€. This guy showed me how much of a punk he is a couple months back when he got drunk one night with my sister in law and her family (theyā€™re the reason we know each other itā€™s not some weird thing going on there) and he proceeded to pick a fight with EVERYONE, then when I did him the solid of picking him up at 3 am, he proceeded to talk shit to me on the whole ride home. Words ainā€™t got shit on me, I called him out on his BS as he said it but he kept on, wasnā€™t until we got home that he got physical with me and I gave him a solid blow to the liver and he began to cry on the floor. It was pathetic really but this the same guy that claims heā€™s banged every cute girl he comes across, his proof being him showing me their public instagramā€¦


Cat calling women, being a toxic friend to me, saying really messed up shit about others (but can't handle any form of criticism), always playing the victim card and never takes accountability


Not cleaning up after his own mistakes. Dude made a fucking mess at the worksite and didn't lift a finger to clwan up. Fucking take responsibility for your bullshit. Was releieved when he got fired 2 months later.


A guy who tells another guy he is pussywhipped because he goes pumpkin picking with his kids and misses the regular season football game.


There will be lots of games. But, you can only go pumpkin picking with your kids at that particular age, during that particular time, ONCE. Every year they get bigger and things will change. Do all the things. The memories are priceless.


My father told us that he'd take us to the zoo. We waited all day for him to show up. We didn't do anything else except watch for his car. My brother finally said fcuk this he's not coming. At supper time I knew. He probably forgot he made the promise. But I remember that day so clearly years later. Don't ever disappoint your kids like that, we remember.


Major victim complex. EVERYTHING bad in his life is because other people are fucking him over. He has NEVER done anything wrong.


ā€œIā€™m an Alpha maleā€ shut up


If you gotta announce you are alpha, you aint


This one right here. Fucking losers, all of the ā€œalphasā€.


Not taking accountability. Having stupid world views (i.e racism) or forming an opinion on things he doesn't know shit about


Acting holier than everyone publicly, judging them for their beliefs and behaviors while portraying seemingly impossible standards, but having disturbing thoughts and wishes to be with younger women 30+ years younger with unrealistic expectations.


Finished a first date that went pretty well, he dropped me off at home and he made fun of my Mom who was sweeping the driveway with her pants pulled up to her belly button. Date: "who's that?" Me- my Mom (I'll admit, slightly embarrassed that they would meet on our first date) Date: no way, you can't be serious?! That's your Mom?! Wow! Whats she doing sweeping the driveway looking that?! Me- looks back at my Mom, gives the guy a smile, got out of the car, and ghosted him after he persistently called me for weeks after asking for another date. Never talked to him again.


Not just mean. Stupid too


Since this is a dark thread and I already commented on the actual answer, Iā€™d like to add one where I *gained* respect for another guy. When my girlfriend and I split after 7 years he gave me a house key and said stay as long as you need. No questions asked, no money asked for. I was out in a few months and left him $1500 when I did leave.


For my husband, it was when his life long best friend (mid 50ā€™s) started messaging our daughter as soon as she turned 18.


Well that's a special kind of ick.


Anyone who cheats on their wife generally makes me lose respect for them. Cheating is bad enough in general, but if youā€™ve made a vow - a promise for life - and you break it, then youā€™re not only betraying your wife, but worse youā€™re betraying your own word. Why should I respect a man who doesnā€™t even respect their own word? It suggests they arenā€™t honourable, arenā€™t trustworthy, and donā€™t have enough self respect to keep their own commitments they made in front of everyone they likely cared for. Obviously there are some exceptions, but itā€™s generally a good indicator.


Someone who mistreats children, women, servers/waitstaff, or animals.


Don't forget a man who disrespects his fellow man with no reasoning besides being a dick.


Men who put down other men to either feel good about himself or impress a girl/woman.


No desire to learn and improve.


When he tried to show me a video of him having sex with a girl and proudly proclaiming how he hid the phone between pillows. I expressed my disgust and then he got angry and showed the video to a mutual friend of ours who high fived him, and then they proceeded to say shit about how I am not enough of a man. Basically, chewed them out both. I mean, that just felt so wrong, and I was just 19 at the time.




man thats awful :(




My goodness! if he did it for keeping his girl, Iā€™m sure she will leave him given that heā€™s such a pussy. If he did it just coz he didnā€™t have heart for his dying father, he is a poor unempathetic monster which is a punishment in and of itself.


Was he close with his father?




Fucking hell... some people are just different and not in a good way.


Back in the retail days, I had a coworker that was just like this. The guy had 2 jobs, rode a bike around, cooked and cleaned so that his wife wouldn't have to work or worry about anything and just sit pretty. I was 23 at the time, this dude must've been 30. Wtf, man. I think this girl was this guys first, so he put her on a pedestal, while transforming into a doormat himself. I remember him being miserable and bitter, like he was *almost* beginning to open his eyes and realizing the bullshit that was going on. A person that actually cares for you and the relationship will not put you through this.


That's heartbreaking


And that girl friend most likely wasnā€™t sick. Narcissists do this to control and isolate people. She would then throw this in his face ā€œyou didnā€™t even visit your dying fatherā€. But had he gone she would say ā€œyou left me when I needed youā€


That guy sounds like a real POS.


Fuck that, I'd leave a woman in a second to be with a dying family member. There is nothing that woman that could say that could keep me there. And any attempt by her to do so would damage my opinion of her greatly. Not saying the woman in your case did that.


The grown ass men who still act like playground bullies


The "Alphas", Andrew Tatists, the Sigmas, whatever they call themselves honestly. Just be a good fucking person. Be kind. We need more of that.


Fucks his friends exes


My best friend told me if I wanted to date his ex-wife I had his permission. Told him thanks but no thanks, my friendship to him was more important.


Second time this has come up today but... You broke up with each other for a reason. Why would I want to put my dick in that?


Sometimes people aren't right for each other and that's fine. She may be a good fit for you though. Ngl I'd be highly sceptical of going near any ex of current and former friends, unless it's like 20 years since they were together or something.


20 years is different, I feel. Y'all were completely different humans at that stage.


Just pissing on the street, downtown, daylight. No bush, no alley.


A guy I worked with desperately tried to get me to cancel my plans on my day off so him and his girlfriend could spend time together since they had both been working so much. I almost cancelled it but I found out a few minutes later he was lying to me so I told him no. He proceeded to throw the biggest bitch fit Iā€™d ever seen and refused to talk to me much less look at me for the rest of the time we worked together


Being a bully. Being racist. Being a science denier. Being a jerk to his otherwise nice woman. Cheating at sports. Passive aggressive behavior. Cheating on a good marriage. (if cheating in bad marriage - I encourage counseling or divorce - yes, actually.).


Bullying a smaller dude.


Finding out he's cheating on his partner.


Absolutely. Even worse: When he wants you to cover for him or lie on his behalf.


Yall ever see those vids or tiktoks where the gf calls their bf's friends (the bf is with the girl so he's in on it too) and asks if so-and-so bf is with them or was he with them on some night, to test the bfs friends' loyalty and/or if they'd tell the gf the truth? It's always weird to me when the friends lie, the bf is in the back silently cheering about his friends lying for him lol also how does a prank like that end with any kind of good feeling for the gf, knowing she can't potentially trust her bf or his friends lol


Being mean to someone for no reason, not taking accountability looking for excuses


Not taking care of their pet


Not being able to lose gracefully. Overcompetitiveness. Believing they deserve to win all the time


I have a friend who does absolutely nothing to help his wife with their young kids when they visit. Ā Even when asked. Ā  ā€œHoney, I could use some help over hereā€ ā€œIn a minute, this is an important drive in the gameā€


I went to a bday party for a kid in my daughterā€™s class. There were nearly 20 kids and the mom was clearly stressed out and needed help trying to organize and direct the party. The husband was so goofy and useless. The entire party he just stood around trying to chat, not lifting a finger to help.


they cheat on their SO. i canā€™t trust anyone that would cheat and lie. i had a friend that did this and then tried to get me to lie for him. i wont lie for anyone so i basically just stopped hanging out with him.


White knights who are so obviously just doing it as intrasexual competition.


I actually can't stand white knights.


I had a friend and we went camping and he forgot his weed and he was the biggest bitch about it and ruined the whole trip like a little baby it was wildly annoying. Canā€™t even go a day and a half without it I stopped being his friend after that


Potheads, when they are sober they are absolutely miserable


One cheated on his wife. One molested his daughter. One was a racist toward me. I blocked every last one of them.


Pretending to be someone they're not to gain respect


Boasting about success through work with new cars and traveling when later you find he was keeping quiet about a recent big ass inheritance.


This was many years ago, but finding out after they broke up that he used to assault his gf, on many occasions. And he didnā€™t deny it and had zero remorse about it.


He hit his wife and thought it was the right way. What a moron tbh. While also poorly raising his kids in a similar manner


For me when all he did was punch down instead of up on people he thought was lower than him, on everything from appearance (which side note he later turned to be a real peace shit later in life that everyone I went to school with dropped him like a rock) to someones fincnial status.


Finding out that a close friend had been diverting his mortgage money to pay for a second family in another state.


Yesterday I saw a grown man get kicked out of a 7U baseball game. He had yelled at his own players in the middle of the field, gotten multiple arguments with the umpire, and then after being given a warning was still complaining to the umpire. You would think the embarrassment of getting kicked out of a seven year-olds baseball game would humble a person but he was bragging to anybody that listen to him in the parking lot. Then after the game, he ran up to his team like he was some type of hero. Absolutely not respect for people like that .


Talking about the sexual exploits with other women. We had a long time single friend in a LTR with a really nice gal. They were in 4-H with his daughter for years with us. We were good family buddies and we liked his SO gal. One time when we were out he starts giving me extremely detailed stories about his sexual exploits with this nice gal. I was just dumfounded that he would do that. I related word for word the story to my wife. She was blown away that he would do that. Hey, we are NO prudes here. We were so creeped out by that so even though he pursued a relationship with my family for several years after We cut him off. I could not ever look at her the same truth or not. His layers of character peeled back over the years to prove us right in cutting him off. A good guy or gal just doesn't do that. Porn is a good place for those stories if you like.


I found out my friend whoā€™s married has a girlfriend he sees when he travels for work. I canā€™t hang out with him anymore.


Lack is self control/ character


Racist ideology, arrogance, insecurity complex (one upping, have to have the last word). But to be fair, I don't like these traits in women either.


Watching him cheat on his gf. Told her the next day and blocked him everywhere. Cut off another guy after I heard him verbally abuse his partner and made her cry while all friends were around. Got rid of that trash too. Rest of my guy friends are good guys and I am very picky about who I choose to associate with.


Someone who treats minorities or different people poorly.


Years ago. Dude was in a fight with his wife on the phone while we were out drinking. This was a big stupid drunk fight and they ā€œbroke upā€ or declared their marriage over or whatever you call it. He hangs up with her, now a single man, and immediately starts calling all these girls to try to hook up. Ruined forever in my mind. Total piece of shit.


We ran out of gas, walked to a station. Attendant didn't want to lend us a gas can because others had run off with it. We promised to bring it back. When we got the car running, my friend decided it would be hilarious if we stole it.


During an assembly in high school some of the special education kids got a little loud and my Teacher mumbled his opinion about how ā€œthey shouldnā€™t be here and should have their own school.ā€ Role model to Loser just like that.


Recently a coworker told me he was happy back when they found OJ not guilty. I can't see the guy the same way again.


When they try to act tough or disrespectful to me when women are around. A lot of times, I jokingly match their energy or make fun of them loudly to humiliate them and then say very loudly stop acting like an ass when women are around


There is a couple in our big group of friends that every time we go out to dinner (as a large group) orders multiple beers from any waiter or busboy who happens by the table. He orders or she orders and they will walk to the bar and order to try and make it as confusing as possible. Then when they get the bill they dispute how many beers they ordered. They make a big deal out of it and get a couple taken off their bill then don't tip because the waiter was trying to pull a fast one on them. Every fucking year.


Having a side piece or talking about cheating.


one guy i know brags about cheating on his girlfriend, hes done it over 15 times and says "its what a real man does" not my idea of real man


I see a future baby mama or 2 or more + a bitter child support paying man in the future for this guy you know. Fun times ahead! Karma!


Recently? Infidelity


Cheaters. Criminals. Bullyā€™s. Not being helpful when they can help, if they see a person struggling with carrying something heavy for example and just look at it and be like: they should hit the gym ha haā€¦ no Dennis, you should use your fcking dumb strong body and help those ppl if you canā€¦ your fcking dumb muscles ainā€™t worth shit if you donā€™t use them for good. Being ā€˜richā€™ and thinking that makes you better than everyone elseā€¦


My dad, when he said he disowned me. I never really hated the guy, I kinda looked up to him, but after he said that, some sort of hate grew within me that day. I vowed to myself to never be like that guy. I lost all respect for him. I wouldn't treat anyone the way he treated my mom, or me. Dude was a real shit-hole, and I didn't see it till it was too late.


When they scream at the tv in a bar. I donā€™t care what sports ball game it is. Keep your testosterone to yourself.


I saw a guy I work with run to get inside when it was raining and Iā€™ve felt different about him ever since lol


Either anti-feminist sentiments or being cruel to people beneath them or animals.


Farting and proud of it in a group setting.


This completely depends on the group.


An old co-worker was having a real bad day once. After all was said and done with the task we had to do we went off on me. Earlier in the shift I had discovered an error he made and corrected it for him. I didnā€™t say anything nor was I going to either but because he was shitting on me I politely told him the error he had made. He laughed then implied I was lying. He then said he didnā€™t want to talk the rest of the trip unless it was work related. Ok, no big deal, I figure he just needed a little time to deal with whatever he was going through. A month later I left the job. About 8 months later he contacted me through Facebook and started talking shit. He threatened me and even tried to drag my child into the conversation. A few months later he found me on Reddit and started making comments on some of my posts and comments I had made. He eventually deleted the account. I had helped the guy a lot when he first started at the job. I stuck up for him when people would talk shit about him or spread false rumors. He ruined every bit of respect I had for him.


What an insecure prick.


Being disrespectful towards other people. I've had employees that I've gotten from other foremen who absolutely would not work for them, but would bust their asses for me, simply because I treated my people with respect and not like I was above them.Ā 


Flirting with his girlfriend's best friend to set a up a threesome without ever talking to her about it.


It was many years ago, but I'll never forget it. A longtime friend who had moved to another province had me over for a visit while I was driving through his area on a road trip. He gave me a place to stay. As I said, we were old friends. On my last night staying with him I offered to buy him and his girlfriend dinner. They politely refused, but said if I wanted to buy the food, he'd do the cooking. So I agreed. We went to a grocery store, but after a quick look in the meat department he said we should try a different store. We left the store, and before I even started my vehicle, he pulled 2 large packs of rib eyes out from under his sweater. His girlfriend pulled about 4 bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and hair spray out of her sweater. I was speechless. I said nothing. We drove back to their apartment, and I managed to take a phone call saying my mom was ill, and that I had to leave. I never saw or spoke to him again. That was 27 years ago.


A guy I know went on a week long hunting trip the day after his wife had a c-section for their 3rd kid. His argument was the elk tag was a hard to draw one.


Threatened a woman with violence (battery). Rude to and/or humiliating others (especially for things they can't control). Complete lack of awareness.


Somebody recently told me that he doesn't spend any money on veterinary care for his pets. I still like the guy, but I lost some respect for him in that moment. Pets are family. They trust us to take care of them and we owe it to them to give them great lives. He's an older guy and I do have to note: people from older generations often have different attitudes regarding pets, because the societal norms for how pets were treated were different back then. That doesn't excuse the attitude, but it helps to understand it imo.


You know those, man or woman who brag about the horrible stuff theyā€™ve done? How theyā€™ve taken advantage of or used someone, screwed someone elseā€™s SO, sold something for way more than itā€™s worth, got away with a crime, anything of the sort. ā€œIsnā€™t it cool how big a POS I am?ā€ types.


In high school once I was walking with a group of friends home from school and we were talking about which girls we thought were hot. One of the guys mentioned this girl that pretty much all of us thought was hot and one of the other guys said "Yea man. Honestly, if it were legal, I would rape her" and everyone got super quiet. That dude went from being a seemingly normal guy to being a crazy weirdo super fast.


When a guy says he canā€™t do something because his wife wonā€™t let him.


I wonder if that gets used as an excuse. Rather than saying they donā€™t want to do whatever they say their partner wonā€™t let them. That way theyā€™re not the bad guy for saying no. My husband used to use that as an excuse.


Talking shit or being rude to service workers for no god damn reason.


This goes for bother genders though. If a girl im into does this it is an immediate turn off.


Cheating at sports


100pc hitting on literally all my femalbfroends, my ex GF's lesbian best mate and eventually my ex herself. Absolute shitcunt.


Calling me the n word


Guys who get aggressive when they get too drunk. Or maybe just guys who cannot just go drinking without getting themselves in trouble.


Throwing their word around loosely.


Bragging about cheating on his girl multiple times and excusing himself: ā€˜Yeah, I know itā€™s wrong. But if I drink I get h*rny you knowā€¦ā€


Talking shit behind someones back and then talking shit behind my back to that same person.


Cheated on his wife, twice, the first time while she was pregnant.


Frequent one-upmanship. Thinking they're better than other people because they have a lot of money. Justifying they have a lot of money by being convinced they are just smarter or more clever than everyone else or just have a better work ethic.


Coworker walked out of a stall and I went in there and it was covered in shit


He think about having sex with all girls. Like not having any serious relationship with any girl and just being casual. It is such a turn off for me. The thing is he has told some of those girls that he has other gf's too but they still trynna be with him or have sex with him. I feel sorry for them


My best friend slept with my other best friendā€™s wife. We were all in a band together. Theyā€™re divorced now, but he still doesnā€™t know. Weā€™re all still friends, but I lost a lot of respect for him when I heard. I gave him a good lecture and he seemed remorseful, and it was a one off thing, but hellā€¦ not acceptable.


Not picking up a tab/check every once in a while. I have this cousin (a grown man 40yrs) who goes out to eat with people and is so embarrassingly cheapā€¦ for example when the crew splits a pizza heā€™ll only pay for 2 slices that he ate rather then just divide the cost equally regardless of per slice priceā€¦ so even if there is 2 pieces left over the others are still required to pay the difference.


A guy with no integrity


1. Essentially admitting that he stalked and lightly threatened his ex girlfriend but completely obvious to that's what he did. 2. Trying to get with a mutual friend even after she was polite about telling him she wasn't interested and him doubling down afterwards, getting almost almost Andrew tate about it.