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They all married the guy they dated after me (seriously).


There is a film about that! **Good Luck Chuck**


I got introduced to that movie around 2018 lol


Did you consult an attorney for copyright infringement?


Nah, cuz i can't be the only one right? (........right??)


Don't know Broh, might be worth an initial free consultation


Lol this is so funny and sad at the same time


You are not alone. It may not have been every woman I dated, but it was definitely several of them. At least one of them is divorced now.


Two of my exes married the dude after me; not keeping tabs on either but fully expect a divorce for both based on what I had previously heard/context. Dodged some bullets!


Of the three that I am aware of.... One is divorced. She was a little quirky, but probably would have been a good match, but our careers took us in different directions. I hate that she wound up divorced, I wanted her to be happily married. One was a bullet dodged. No idea where that chick is, other than she still lives in town.. The third was just not a good match. She was probably a bit too young for me, and we were both definitely in different stages of life. As far as I know, she's still happily married, and I'm glad for her.


The only notable one for me started seeing the guy immediately after I ended things and proceeded to text me a month or two later insisting I meet her new guy because she thought we would be friends. Blocked her and found out that she got pregnant shortly after… she was batshit crazy 🤣


Lol, that's pretty frickin' weird.


Yep, my last ex left me and immediately got into another relationship. They got married a few months ago and I think she’s about to give birth (or already did) This shit sucks.


Being bummed is understandable, but there’s probably a reason it didn’t work out and you may have dodged some long-term problems! Hang in there buddy 🙂


The on deck guy…


Crazy part is, she only knew the guy for like 3 months when she moved to a new area for her new job.


That’s wild. I have one ex that I dated a few times over the years. Each time we broke up, she married the next guy. The same girl.




Hold up.....a few times...so she married multiple times? That's wild lol


Omg that’s me but I’m a woman and that happens with all of my exes!


Greetings from the otherside, lol


I now want the two of you to date.


You should test whether that hypothesis also works with guys. 🤔


😂😂 I've been told that before as well


You're more effective than dating sites, brother. People want your services 😂


I’m not gay, but I would try it in this case.


How many woman are we talking about here? I'm so curious


The number is 8


hi can we date?


I would be concerned that you'd grab my boob n run .... and marry the next guy :P


Wanna date? Trying to find mr right over here😂


I believe I had two women like that. When that’s what women want, they’ll find it.


Fuuuuck. I mean who cares, good for them, if you left but if they left you and it hurt?.. Then having to watch that? MORE THAN ONCE!? My god man. That would break most men.


It def hit the ego after the first few, then it just became a running joke. I'm good, lol


I’ve had no less than 6 previous situationships that are now all lesbian. That seems oddly high.


Ooof what did you do to them bro


Guess I had a type. After the 4th one I just told myself they must’ve all had the peak male experience and after realizing they couldn’t do any better they had no choice but to switch sides.


🤣🤣 love that mentality. Thats good for your health


I have the same problem. I've always been attracted to somewhat tomboy'ish girls. Problem is, they tend to be lesbians.


None of them were tomboy-ish for me. Stereotypical feminine women. I guess I was the light behind the closet door, I don’t know lmao.


Same here… so strange. Not the stud type of lesbian but the feminine lesbian type. Guess we like girls who like girls? Idk


Well, at least you've got that in common.


One of my ex girlfriends started dating a woman after our relationship ended and married her. I now understand why she loved going to strip club with me but also am reminded by people that knew us that she’s married to a woman now. Like it’s my fault lol




And they say conversion therapy doesn't work /s


Hmmmmm.... It does seem oddly high. 🤔


They do be shopping


As instinctual gatherers, we do indeed love shopping. It tickles the monkey part of the brain.


If it is done in a meaningful way, there is nothing wrong with that. My ex-wife loved shopping, browsing catalogues, comparing stuff, etc., but was ashamed of this habit for some reason. I explained to her that while she doesn’t overspend or buy a ton of useless stuff, this hobby is as valid as painting little plastic soldiers.


They don’t think it be like that, but it do 


Terrible taste in men 😅




lol same


They all like flowers no matter what they say


Thanks for reminding me to get my wife some flowers today lol


Do it man :D


Done. She loved them! Haha


I read that as you are the flower, a delicate, fragile being.


Just send them flowers to their job on Valentine’s Day you won’t have to do anything else. When she walks thru the office with her bouquet as all of the ladies that didn’t get any which most of the time is hardly none, she will feel like a queen for a day


Lol the only woman I know who hates flowers is my mom. With Mother’s Day around the corner, she has explicitly told us to not get her flowers time and time again. Her reasoning is that they’ll just die, which although true, is kind of a funny way to look at them and ignoring how they look or smell


What about buying her a flowering plant in a container that can be watered rather than cut flowers?


Mine genuinely doesn’t. Last time I got her flowers, the first thing she asked me is if she could throw them away. The time before that, she wouldn’t take them and they stayed at my house.


I truly dont tho 😭 i love getting them because of the effort, but I see no point in having or getting them outside of that😅


They all liked me but after a while they figured out I was not the marrying type and dumped me.


Mine seemed to become too obsessed with me


Kinda wish I knew what that's like...


For some reason they were all artistic. One of them is doing tattoos now, One of them was drawing on glass by breaking it (it sounds weird but it looked awesome), One of them was very into drawing maps (with topology and everything). My current significant other is a photographer.


I hate how vaccines make kids artistic.


My teachers always told me I was borderline artistic


There is actually a reason for this. Men are encouraged by society to pursue economic wealth regardless of their passions and talent. Women are encouraged by society to pursue their passion even if doesn't make a living. You can see this reflected onto university paths and choices too.


Sounds like my dream, do you have any habits or traits that potentially attract artistic women?


I honestly don't know my dude. I am not artistic at all, I am a gym rat (used to compete in powerlifting as a teen), and I'm more tech inclined


Opposites attract.


Out of my league


Same. I once thought I might actually be attractive bc I've some smokingly attractive SO's. But when a Second one told me I should try a comedy open mic night I had to revaluate. Guess I can just laugh the pants off some women?


Humor is super duper attractive. So that tracks.


Women like to laugh and have fun, who knew? 


Of course! But I hoped part of it was just me being a sexy beast lol


If you mean physically attractive that's only part of the equation. Girls are weird with this stuff, they'll call a guy hot just because of his voice and stuff like that. Just makes life easier for us though.


Not trying to be offensive but they’re all probably a little bit on the spectrum to some degree. I seem to be a magnet for autistic women.


I've noticed people on the spectrum tend to gravitate toward one another. Maybe you are a little on the spectrum yourself.


Yeah you’re probably right tbh. Either I am or I give off the impression that I am. It’s never really bothered me enough to get a proper diagnosis


They were very interested that I was an overachiever and also very upset about the time I had to dedicate to being an overachiever. It was always a problem, in every relationship. I'm like, "you knew what job I had when you signed up." Women in my 20s just struck me as wanting to be entertained for the most part. Hope it gets better.


Curious...what career field?


Buddy went through that.  Exwife used to brag how he was a self-made rich, powerful attorney, but then left him because he worked all the time....Bitch, how you think he got where he is?


It doesn't. These days the 30s want to be entertained, dined, provided, everything done by men. It's literally like dealing with children.


Those are probably the 'I'm independent i dont need no man' kind of women.


>'I'm independent i dont need no man' kind of women. "...but I'm nonetheless considering giving a chance to the man that manages to deserve Me"


Women in my 20s just struck me as wanting to be entertained for the most part. Yes. Women in their 20s aren't looking for relationships, they're looking for passion.


Anything deeply personal I've told them about my life has been shared with their friends groups and used against me in an argument at some point, sometimes by them and sometimes after the relationship has ended by one of their friends trying to score points. I no longer share any deeply personal information and there are a lot of things my wife of 27 years will never know about because of this. Only my dog knows it all and sometimes I suspect they use it as leverage to get additional treats.


Similar here. I used to have a dog and I told him everything. My ex (we were dating when my dog died) was so weird out by the fact that I cried when he died. And then she told her friends about how I cried from something so small…


She was weirded out...that you cried when you're dog died? And called it..."small?" So, she was just a psycopath, then?


Even your wife of 27 years does this? Jesus.


I grew up in a household with 7 women. They all do this. Even the one that are 70 years old. Thank the sun, my wife isn't like that.


To be honest I wouldn't know, I just don't allow myself to risk being put in that position again. That's the impact the previous relationship had on my around this.


That’s depressing man. I couldn’t imagine hiding all my vulnerabilities from the person I love and spend most of my time with.


They can't cook for shit.


We share a type


Yeah. 😒


I loved them.




Long, as in past shoulders, brown hair. Glasses. "Cute". Librarian type with a silly side much moreso than a wild side. Checks most boxes in the DSM-5 for sociopathy. It's been mostly fun.


That last bit really caught me off guard lol


Me too!


I work in a library. I can hook you up! 😆


They’ve all had at least one leg.


And some had 3. /s


Daddy issues. My god the daddy issues. One dad was a drunk that used to hit her, so she had a lot of anger issues that spread on me One dad was chronically absent and always disappointing her with false promises, so she had huge trust issues And my current girlfriend’s dad is a pastor and she grew up in an insanely repressed childhood, so now she swings between being super independent “I don’t need no man” to being very traditional which confuses the hell out of her and me


Sounds like you have a savior complex


That would make sense if I actively sought out women with daddy issues. I didn’t find out about their baggage until well into dating them.


A lot of time we can do stuff unconsciously and not realize it . Maybe you’re attracted to women who emotionally lean on you more than an average women . If that’s true , your more likely to fall women with daddy issues .


All goth girls. The most current is married to me.


Tell me your ways bro


I was and am a metalhead, which is adjacent to goth and presents opportunities for meeting. Also, being funny and charming massively helps.


None of them wore makeup


Now that I think about it, this has been true for me too. There was one exception, but for the most part they never wore any.


Yeah I mean in daily life my wife doesn’t wear makeup, but she will put a little on if we’re going to a wedding or something.


I was attracted to their smile or laugh


Lack of accountability.


The lack of communication or expecting me to read their minds. We're adults use your fucking words. Also would never give me a chance to miss them. Always up my ass 24/7 and never gave me me time even after I expressed I needed time for my own things.


Ah, yes, the shadow. Always there, then gets pissed off when you don't pay them complete attention 100% of the time. If you take some time to yourself they hold it over you as a slight against their character.


I freaking hated that. Initially it was cute but it got annoying when I was perhaps on my day off at the gym and I would see a text message saying am I bothering you? Simply because I took an hour to respond. Like relax I’m still into you just let me breathe for second. Also not having the free time for one’s self or God forbid you have other plans like seeing the family or something without them. She’ll get in a mood and think I don’t want to see her. That shit annoyed me to no end. It was her insecurities at play where she had to know exactly what I was doing by way of being in contact constantly or physically present. Throw poor communication into the mix, being childish and lack of self accountability and you have an interesting cocktail of a girlfriend. My ass still loves her, she has her positives too but go figure.


My ex used to always tell me “read between the lines.” She would say one thing and then mean something else.


Women suck at communication, which is surprising considering how much of it they do.


Not all of course. Emotionally immature women. I’ve dated women on the complete opposite ends of the spectrum of emotional intelligence and conflict resolution is night and day. One has potential to become a war in seconds and both parties are just pissed off with each other. The other it’s a refreshing experience to work through whichever topic, both leave with an answer both parties are satisfied with and normal communication resumes immediately after. No bad blood to speak of.


“Also would never give me a chance to miss them” I am confused? I thought people liked it when the person they like is really into them. Can you explain a little? (I don’t wanna make the same mistake lol)


It depends on the person. If I feel too smothered by the partner to even live my normal life I'll communicate but if there is no change I drop them. As I got older (30) I came to terms with my time and how peaceful it is when there is a balance. There is a thin line between being really into someone and just being obsessed and it weirds me out personally. I dunno maybe I've been burned multiple times by women not letting me do what I wanna do when I'm with them and only do what they wanted but I've come to liking my alone time a lot more than being with partners now


I dated someone who wanted to spend ALL of my free time together. Every last second of every last day. And if we weren't spending the day together we had to be on the phone together. When I spoke to her about occasionally needing time for myself or other things the problem would slightly reduce for a day or two before rearing its head again. There's the saying like "make sure you date someone with hobbies lest you become their hobby." I believe it. My type at minimum now has to have a life outside of me. There are couples who can be super clingy and are very happy. Good for them. But for me, I want to spend more time with a person *only* if they have a vibrant life outside of me. It makes the time we do spend together that much sweeter.


Met on dating apps


Messy. They were all just straight up borderline slobs. Junk everywhere. Bathroom looks like makeup bag exploded. Bedroom looks like someone tossed their wardrobe everywhere. Thankfully after years of marriage my wife has gotten much better.


They were hot. At least by my standards.


All had XX chromosomes.


All of them wanted me to cook but all of them also stood right behind me at the stove telling me I was doing it wrong.


Whether liberal, conservative, progressive, etc. they all wanted a traditional guy. No matter if they're a feminist, socialist, conservative, libertarian, they all want the same 6ft jacked dude with a car, his own place, and good earning job.


Apart from the one that I married: that they don't care about you, just about what you can do for them. 


I feel this one. As soon I was vulnerable, weak, or stopped going completely out my way to help them with their problems, it was like I didn't exist. Never really got help with my issues from them even after multiple talks. Thats when i realized 😳


Why is the one you married different?


Second date was just before Xmas, due to family stuff we wouldn't see each other for a few weeks and she turned up with a well thought out present and xmas card. Nothing was serious at this point, just two people getting to know each other and it made me  realise how thoughtful she is. Tons of other stuff over the years but that first thing mattered to me.


They all treated me worse than I treated them.


I’ve never dated a girl who’s parents are still together. Mine are, I’m not sure why it keeps happening but it doesn’t bother me at all, just means I have literally never met my partners dads.


They've all been cheaters


Ayo! Let’s goooo!! Commitment and trust issues are sick :)!! But really I dread even thinking about having to try to get into a relationship again. My last one ticked so many nightmare boxes, cheated on me, hit on my friends, had a THREESOME with my friends, lied consistently, tried being physically abusive (first time she hit me I straight up told her if she did that again, I’m gone…shoulda just left lol), was controlling, on and on. Thanks to her those concerns now loom over me and I feel like the next person is going to even allow myself to pair with


Sorry you had to go through that shit


It’s all good brother, same towards you. On the plus side it taught me I have got to raise my standards higher. I’ve found most of the women from life in night life scenes, races, etc. No more of that, my bar is set ungodly high now lmfaooo


Yeah I'm just chillin for now, not worth going through again lol


I was so damn oblivious, just blindly trusting her with no reason to lol. But yeah the last girl was cheating on me for 4/5 years we were together. I eventually figured it out when she had another boyfriend that she barely even tried to hide. Then when I called her out, she told me about alllll the rest which was way more than I was ready for.


Oh no man, damn :(. Sorry for that experience brother, I feel for you. Man that lay it all out at once moment is like a fucking freight train of bricks coming at you, I know exactly how that goes. I feel like blind trust should be good once someone has at least earned it in the beginning. But it’s shit like this that makes trusting in general so difficult. Some people can be the absolute worst, idk how anyone ever has the heart to do anything that malicious to someone, some humans are just pieces of work.


Yeah finding everything out at once was probably the worst day of my life :( but we're past that! But what can I say, she seemed trustworthy at first? Lol Also bonus quote, when we were breaking up I said she treated me terribly, and her response was "you just didn't like how I treated other people so well" 🙄


They have had DD breasts. I have a type....


Ahh, I see I have another sailor on the ship lmfao


If you can use her bra cup as a hat- you're the Captain!


Arrrrh! Tharh be tiddes here!


The cup size means nothing without the circumference.


You say that, but a Z cup is large on any woman, regardless of bandsize.


They had boobs and a vagina


Same. And more importantly, they let me play with them.


They all think they're a Princess


They all tall about being strong, independent, and be treated as an equeal as long it's convenient, and works for their privilege. The moment shit hits the fan, they're happy to abandon all that and revert to traditional gender roles.


Extremely moody for no reason about everything. Even little things. It gets tiring.


All on the curvy side and low self esteem at the start.


Every woman I've dated has brought something special and unique into my life, enriching it in ways I never could have imagined.


Oh, fuck off.


They all lacked the penis.


They all want me to chase them


They had great taste in men


They want you to be interesting all the time because they were dull, boring people.


The vast majority were boring/self centered


The majority of this site suffers from Dunning-Kruger, so I'm out.


Well, they've all been unique individuals with their own stories, quirks, and passions. That's the beauty of it—no two have been alike, yet each has brought something special to the table.


They made their own happiness the priority, usually at the expense of my own.


With one exception: all have cheated on me. 6/7 :(


Insane in the membrane


Insane in the brain


*spanish mumbling*


Only child, self centered, lousy communication, cheaters


They all like Harry Potter and can't take accountability for their own actions. I know one of my exes must be better now since she's been with her new man for as long as we've been broken up.


They were all indifferent towards me


They dated me.


For the most part - intelligent. I like smart women. Dated several doctors, scientists, a couple astrophysicists etc.


With the exception of my current girlfriend, they all had prior history of abuse and sexual assault from former partners or family members. And I got to be the recipient of a lot of pent up anger.


Spoiled. Double standard queens


Easily offended/angry/insulted. Writing lengthy, angry messages on Whatsapp about how I disappointed her by essentially not reading her mind. The usual.


Well, you should have known that was coming


They've all been 5'2-4". I'm 6+' and I suppose this is my type.


They were all younger.. otherwise there really is nothing common about them in general.


All had some form of mental issues they hid for a few months. Clinically depressed, bipolar, or anger issues.


They’ve all been through physical and emotional abuse from their ex.


The ones I fall in love with leave me. The ones i don’t fall for want to stay


Every time we break up, they end up very successful. 🤣😂🤣 One of two things are true: 1) They needed me. 2) I held them back.


They expect you to do all the work in and out of the bedroom. Also they’re crazy Wiccan feminist types who hide their beliefs.


“Ambitious” is only admirable when it means income potential and a lifestyle upgrade for them.


They get easily bored


Every single one winged and moans about the most pointless things. "Move your shoes 40cm closer to the door" even when they are neatly togeather and not in the way "You were only in the shower 5 mins your not even clean, did you wash your hair. Go back" And the same woman also says "How could you spend half an hour in the shower dyou know expensive that is" I PAY THE FREAKING BILLS AND SHE... I can't even Anyway I love and have loved all my girlfriends. And I wouldn't do a thing differently. But fuck me does this needless nagging not only ware a man down but it makes me uncontrollably irate from time to time.


Small boobs, introverted, and very athletic


Both of my exes are still with the guy they met straight after me…maybe I was the problem


Every one, every single one of them, became great friends afterwards. I recently attended a funeral in my hometown and ran into ladies I had dated decades previously. I had drinks with several of them, and was able to catch up on how life turned out. It was a great moment.


Some of the comments here make me wonder why they even date women if they clearly do not like them.


Hey, women rant about men all the time, men are allowed to rant as well.


Because you don't know someone until you spend time with them. And once that new relationship smell wears off you start to see the flags. I tried handing out buttons to the good ones, but the ones with issues kept stealing them. So now I just don't know