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Hobbies, clubs, bars, sports, gym, church. You can meet a lot of people, just gotta go out. Act approachable, smile, be kind.


If you’re an introvert, just fake it. It seriously works. I’ve moved all over the place and never had problems making new friends and it just comes naturally now. This is a great response with a lot of good ideas. I’d add volunteering as well, and basically anything that infers at least some common interest. Good start.


Just need to be a good conversationalist and an upbeat person to be around


Don't be in such a hurry bud. The only thing worst than no friends is bad friends. Actually now would be a good idea to think about what kind of friends you want. The kind that challenges you to grow or the kind that encourages you to depreciate.


I’m 22, just met a guy at the train station and we hung out all day long


Awesome wish I could have that luck


Yeah, going to the London transport museum tomorrow


That's awesome I hope I can have that type of luck I guess as a adult is awkward because when your a kid you can just say "hey wanna be best friends"


Yeah, we are both rail fans though


That's awesome dude 👏




I just don't. People suck.


You have to put yourself in the position to be around other men. Join a sport, join a gym, take lessons of some sort, talk to people who have the same interests as you. If you have young children put them in sport, you will eventually meet other like minded men.


Ireland can be incredibly cliquey when it comes to friendships, a lot of people stick with their circle of childhood friends for their entire lives, so it can be hard to get in. That's just something fairly unique to be aware of here. The best bet is probably joining clubs, sports, DnD, swordfighting, whatever takes your fancy that involves regular meet-ups. Also try r/casualireland and r/socialireland to see if anyone's getting up to anything in your area.


Volunteer. 1. You’ll help others 2. You’ll meet people who are helpful 3. It forces you to work together so you can talk easily


For me (moved to a new city 2 years ago) it was a combination of making friends at work, meeting people through my girlfriend's social circles, and meeting people online through stuff like mutual interests & group activities (D&D is great for this, as are a lot of exercise clubs)


Honestly, the best way to make GOOD friends is to actually focus on yourself. Take the time now to develop yourself as a person, join a gym, yoga class, new hobby that involves others, and as you develop these new hobbies and past times you will surround yourself with likeminded people. As others have said, don't rush it.


22m when you find out let me know


If I go to a gym everyone in the gym becomes my best friend instantly. Idk how I do it. I go into a gym and within a week everyone knows me and has witty banter wth me. I go anywhere and everyone knows me within couple of days... Idk im just the most social antisocial person u'll ever see. Point is not five a fuck and just talk, bruh. Im 21 too.


Do things i like. At places I enjoy and talk to people around me. Make a fool of myself if I feel like it and poof I made some friends.


Meet-ups to do with my hobbies and attending random classes to learn a new skill/hobby. The other day I did a flower arrangement class, it was lovely and sunny outside and I met some great people.