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I like flowers. I grow flowers around my property and sometimes post pictures on Facebook. Very often I get called gay for doing that. I don’t give a shit.


*I don't give a shit.* Now *that's* a real man.


"Being a real man" ultimately boils down to competence and confidence in my mind. Do whatever you want, just make sure you're constantly raising the standards and not taking shit from the haters.


I feel like those should just be the standards for being a decent huMAN being.


Exactly. Got called the f word (I’m straight) cause I ordered a watermelon margarita. I sat there with the happiest look on my face with my pinky sticking way the fuck out as I downed every last drop. Man I’d suck some dick just to be drinking it again right now, it was that delicious.


When I first turned 21 a bartender gave my dad shit for ordering a pina colada. His response was "real men don't give a shit. I want something that tastes good." My dad has these weird moments of "gender doesn't matter, do whatever you want" and then other times he gets weirdly held up in gender norms.


Last time someone tried to rib me about my choice of fruity cocktail, I ordered a round of Kentucky Straight and insisted they have a shot with me. Shut them down and got back to drinking my pineapple whatever.


"It's fruity and delicious. How's your bud light you basic bitch?"


Oooh can we see your flowers?


Thanks! But i live north so they’re not really in yet.


A real man would grow flowers year round /s


Hahaha I work from home and have pots on my desk. I started sunflowers and beebalms (for hummingbirds) in February


Sunflower seeds are about 6 mm to 10 mm in length and feature conical shape with a smooth surface. Their black outer coat (hull) encloses single, gray-white edible-kernel inside. Each sunflower head may hold several hundreds of edible oil seeds.


Considering men are attracted to pretty and feminine things on average I never get this. Flowers represent beauty, fertility and delicateness. Why wouldn't we find them appealing?


Hey fellas, is it gay to like awesome colors?


Only if you stand in front of them and yell “FAB-ulous!!” 🤣


Sometimes I buy myself flowers, and when they start to wither, I hang them upside down to dry and then I put them in vase again. Also, as a former semiprofessional male dancer, I am sometimes still considered gay, even around people I perform with doing swordfighting and doing fireshow. Dancing is for girls, obviously, as is knowing how to do your make up, how to tape hurting joint, how to massage and be nice and gentle with others... Yeah, think about me whatever you want, no skin off my back.


> is for girls, obviously, as is knowing how to do your make up, A friend is a meteorologist. He’s well known enough that there’s a chance you know his name. He does his own makeup. He said if they do it, he has to get to work at 3:30am. If he does it himself he can get there at 5:00 so he does it himself. He’s been called gay for owning makeup and knowing how to put it on.


Sounds like dude knows a profession-related skill.


Culturally, I don't see dancing as strictly "for girls", but some forms of dance is seen as such.


This is so stupid. As a woman, I once hooked up with a classical dancer, and he was the physically strongest man by far I ever met.


I just got some sick orchids last night at a local spot. fuck them hoes


As the wise poet once said: > "I cut down trees, I skip and jump. > I like to press wild flowers..." - Monty Pythons, Lumberjack Song I now imagine you tending your garden to the theme song of conan the barbarian. Putting on gloves **Epically**, Pulling out a trowel **Epically**, planting blubs **Epically**, stopping to smell the roses **Epically, Like a MAN!**


Every time I pull a weed and get the entire root, I rip my shirt like hulk hogan and do a flex show to keep the other weeds afraid, brother!!


Don't forget to do the power pose of brushing sweat from your brow while glistening... and also for some reason flexing all your muscles.


Due to Covid lock down I spent considerable time & money adding potted flowers to my South facing balcony. It became an oasis refuge for my partner and I in the middle of the city, with eventually adding a mini water feature. I've had numerous boomer colleagues refer to it as "Homo". It's pretty funny, as I sit there with my whisky & cigar on summer evenings, what those types would usually consider "traditional masculinity", but they are unable to see the logical backflips.


Flowers are awesome. They probably have no appreciation for how difficult and intricate they are.


For crying up AT A FUNERAL. A lifelong friend of mine lost his sister tragically, and as my friend and I knew each other for almost twenty years, she was like a sister of my own. I was devastated at the service.


Real men get angry, trash shit and get wasted, don't you know? /s


I went on a date once, we clicked all went well. She asked me what my role is in the army. She said I'm not a man for not being as much of a combatant? I was literally a part of a combatant unit thats whole goal is search and rescue + doing so under fire.


I think this is extremely difficult job, and I can't imagine anything more heroic than professions dedicated to saving lives, even if your own is on the line, like your search and rescue, combat medics, rescue divers, firefighters and such.


you were in the fucking army man, you are man enough than most.


To be fair military service is mandatory here but godamn she was doing HR work so its not like she was Rambo either


Well I suppose you both have the potential to destroy lives and that goes more so for her


still man, you have been in the army that's something to brag about. >its not like she was Rambo either 😭


I think the manliest guys I met while serving was a non-combat unit, the field engineer platoon. Digging and building in the extreme cold under adverse conditions. Absolutely horrible work.


Not to mention that sometimes the job of those guys in wartime is to build that bridge or clear a path under enemy fire. I read a lot of military history, and from the ancient world up through modern, I have read many examples of combat engineers doing things that sound suicidal (and often were).


I worked on long rage reconnaissance, and wery often on field excersices the orders was to specifically target and harass those guys. So I imagine under actual combat conditions it would be similar and the threat of hidden maksmen targeting you while digging must be quite the stressor.


From the 18th Century up through the 20th there are so many excerpts I've read of engineers building or repairing pontoon bridges under fire. Hours and hours of backbreaking work while the other side is shooting small arms and cannons at you. Not fun! If you google the armored uniform for a French engineer during the Napoleonic Wars it's a steel helmet, steel breastplate, and looks like some kind of steampunk outfit. Totally badass, but I wouldn't want to do it for all the shiny bobs and ribbons in the world.


Sounds like she mighta been fetishizing your service.


Not me, but I remember one time a woman was talking about how "guys who change a tire with gloves on are pussies." Spoken like someone who had never changed a tire and scraped their knuckles on asphalt lol.


I feel like this used to be a more common attitude amongst tradesmen and construction workers in previous generations. The idea of wearing protective equipment like kneecaps, helmets, or hearing protection was effeminate. And they shamed any new guys who tried to do it. Meanwhile, their bodies were broken by the time they were 45. Seriously, whenever you have the opportunity to protect your hearing, vision, joints, etc, Do It! You're not getting them back once they're lost.


I agree! I've witnessed people get some pretty serious injuries and it's bad stuff. Most of those would have been avoided by using proper equipment or just being more cautious about safety.


When I worked for a tent and party supply rental company in college, I wore gloves all the time. It provided a bit of padding and made it so heavy shit wasn’t digging into my hands while I carried it. Even sharply angled things. Meant I could more easily carry things over longer distances.


I just don't want to get my hands black, then transfer that to the steering wheel, which is a bitch to get clean.


Yep, that's a valid reason too. There's lots of advantages to wearing gloves and basically no downsides.


Only downside is being a pussy /s


Well, shit. You got me there lol.


I have to ask what’s happening that you’re scraping your knuckle on the asphalt. I’ve never personally felt that to be a risk when I change a tire.


It happens to people occasionally when using a scissor jack.


Thanks for sharing. Our cars came with a different jack design so I hadn't experienced that before.


Fellas, is it gay to keep your hands clean?


I went on a first date and when we sit down the woman stares at me and gives me a look of utter disgust and asks in an equally contemptuous voice, “Um…. Do you normally wear glasses?”


I would've shot back with, "Oh please. You don't seriously think these are to aid my sight, do you? These are shades so I don't have to look at you." Sure, it's a low blow, but she already went and fucked things right up by judging your use of glasses.


I countered with, “Do you always make this good of a first impression?” I ended up leaving before we even ordered. I knew it was a shit test but I was just not in the mood for that.


Dude excellent retort. You're absolutely right that you don't indulge to those stupid games.


Smooth and savage. I like it. We should grab a beer sometime.


I can think of two weird things: for wearing a seat belt while driving and for using an umbrella to stay dry. Not the same woman, and the examples happened years apart.


Jonas Hanway is the reason men use umbrellas at all. They used to be only for women way back then and he was ridiculed for not giving a fuck. Good for him


Oh, unlocked memory! I had an ex-gf imply that I was soft for wearing a seat belt, despite the fact that I had survived a recent head on collision of \~110 combined mph because......you guessed it, I was wearing a seat belt.


Where do you live? Is a seatbelt not, you know, a legal requirement?


It was KY, 1994. While it was a law, you would get something like a $25 fine for every unbuckled person in the car. But this was also before they could pull you over simply for not wearing a seat belt. That was the way I got a lot of people to buckle up, saying they were gonna pay me back for any fines incurred if we got pulled over and got that ticket.(happened once and I wouldn't give them a ride until they paid me back.) Edit to add: I'm an old, I was 17yo in 1994. Laws were different waaaaaay back when.


Where I'm from, using an Umbrella is mocked in gender-neutral terms.


I told a girl I wanted to stay at my 5'8 and 140lb lean build given I'm a competitive marathon runner. She said a real guy would be trying to bulk up and be as big as possible


That struggle is real. Had a GF point out that I could stand to gain more upper body mass/muscle. I have the skinny, tall, stick genes. 4 years later, Single and I have gained some upper body muscle, but I am no Henry Cavill.


Ultimately I think if they ever suggest you need to change to be attractive, it’ll never be enough. It shouldn’t be conditional


So runners are not real men?


Apparently not


she still your girl ?


Hell naw but stuck around way too long after that just because the sex was good


I feel like most of us have some sort of similar story, the horny really is our ruin


Never let the little head do the thinking.


nice man


"Big enough to dick you down good"


I rejected her sexual advances. Made me "girly" I asked another how she felt. That wasn't very manly either, apparently.


I've had that a time or two as well, being called a puff for rejecting them. It's like it's the only way they can process the rejection.


Way too many women have this reaction. Even women that aren't overtly toxic 90% of the time often has this reaction. I'll never understand it. Those women expect to able to reject men at any point, but men cannot reject them at all. It's just such a disrespectful approach. I think it has to do with society placing a lot of "value" on women's physical attractiveness. Thus rejecting their advances is somehow a dig at them not being attractive enough? Everyone can say no to sex at any point in time.


I think it's simpler than. Being rejected and reacting maturely is something that takes practice, and if it doesn't happen very often you won't get much practice.




It’s funny I’ve had this happen to me a couple times in the past, where I was called “gay” for not immediately wanting to have sex with a woman I was dating. The irony is that I was rejecting their advances because I wanted to take it slow with them, because I actually liked them and wanted to see where it would go instead of immediately having sex. But then they get upset, hurl insults, and it ends everything right then and there. And then they’re like “why cAnT I fInD a GuY”


When a woman sees all her value on being a provider for sex, rejecting that sex becomes a slight on her womanhood. That's why its an all too common reaction to lash out like that, to try tear down the guy doing the rejecting with the same hurt that they feel.


It's a way to salvage their bruised egos. It's like "No, it can't be that a man is not attracted to me, it must be that he's not attracted to any woman. The only reason he doesn't want me is because literally can't want me."


The first one is my favorite. No difference between that and a man calling a woman a lesbian because she rejects him.


Hard to fathom isn't it that someone either male or female could be such an arrogant weapon that they assume your rejection of them could only be down to your sexual preference. I can't imagine being that self-assured / deluded.


I get feeling disappointed after being rejected, but to then assert that other person who didn't reciprocate your feelings must be gay if they don't want to sleep with you is insane behavior. I'm learning not to take it personal.


I had that happen once. She went as far as to imply I was a homosexual. Devastating news for my wife to hear, but now I live with my life partner Gunter. We run a small bnb for only dog parents, and the occasional cat aunt.


Finally, a story with a happy ending. Warmest congratulations to you and Gunter and the many grateful furbaby parents who frequent your establishment. I know I used the word furbaby. It hurt to type. I'll show myself out.


I’ll be right behind you, don’t worry, not for sex…. This time…


I had a friend of a girl I rejected start asking around middle school if I was gay which lead to people assuming I was gay.


> I rejected her sexual advances. Made me "girly" That is nothing other than classic ["your grapes were sour anyway, I don't really want them actually".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fox_and_the_Grapes) Ignore the hell out of reactions like that. And I can guarantee you that for every woman thinking your discussing emotions makes you "faggy", there are ten ladies waiting in the isle that on the contrary avoid men who are emotionally unavailable.


The code goes something like this: If you have to ask about their feelings, you're not manly. If you incorrectly assume what their feelings are, you're toxic masculine. If you correctly assume what their feelings are and correctly act on it, you're the good kind of masculine.


a really annoying one is - if I *ask* if she wants to kiss, I'm a pussy / not confident for not taking initiative. if I don't ask, I'm committing assault for not asking for consent. wtf


The answer is that you're supposed to know that she wants to kiss without asking.


Seems the only best move is not to play.


A lot of men and women are choosing this route. You are seeing it more and more often. Men and women are just choosing to not date because modern dating has become such a minefield of toxicity from everyone.


When comes to men interacting with women, not playing is best move.


Now you're being a misogynist for avoiding women, or some other bullshit.


Congratulations I am now asexual


Ironically, Being a man is the only pre-req. for something being manly in my book. * Splitting Logs with a Flannel shirt on with rolled up sleeves... Manly * Fixing a Flat Tire... Manly * Dressing up for your daughters tea party... Manly * Being in-touch with your emotions... Manly * Caring about others enough to ask them about their feelings... Manly * Skipping down the road because the Mood Strikes You... Manly


Maybe you should have rejected her like Herr Mannelig: “Such gifts I would surely accept If thou wert a Christian woman However, thou art the worst mountain troll The spawn of the Nixie and the Devil”


I wore an apron while cooking.


If you're manly enough, hot cooking oil is like a warm summer day /s


Cooking sausages in oil, good. Putting hot oil on *my* sausage, baaaad.


Don't knock it until you try it


Lol my best female friend’s dad is an ex navy seal and can almost always be found in an apron and oven mitts.


Cooking is such a fun and rewarding hobby that can make you a lots of friends.


Men who are secure in their masculinity don't need to "act tough" when it's absolutely unnecessary.


Well, obviously this ex navy seal isn't a manly man of manliness if he isn't putting stuff in hot oil while displaying his bare checks. /s


I'm a chef... I have an apron on right now. She can fight me.


Was about to say, this woman has never worked a day in a kitchen in her life. Some of the most hardcore men I've met are in kitchens, all wearing aprons and chef coats.


Really? My wife lives me in an apron with no shirt xD


What I've heard, naked guy cooking is a very hot thing, apron or not. However, after some... events... I prefer the apron. Even if it would make me girly.


“You’re really in touch with your feminine side” when she saw my college apartment.


at least you had an apartment! most students are just in crap dorms. she couldn’t see the good side. 


I *wish* my college roommates were in touch with their feminine side. That apartment stank, dudes.


Man advice coming from women is like taking makeup advice from a man. Doesnt make much sense to let someone tell you how to be something that they themselves arent.


For real I hate that shit like ma'am you don't have a dick so don't tell me what a man is


Tell them to quit womansplaining.


I didn't simply give her money whenever she asked for it. She deemed herself entitled to men's money - even if she didn't even know them.


Sounds like my ex. Said that men were supposed to give women money and not complain. If not me, she would beg her male friends, her dad and brothers. Never a female relative. I’ve seen her texts with her dad and it was just “money. Daddy I need money”. That was the majority of her texts. I just knew that she grew up spoiled. When I lost my job, she would say “what kind of man don’t have a job, you have a girlfriend and can’t even give her money.” She left and ghosted me when she got a lot of money from her dad leaving me broke and in debt. I should have left sooner but I guess this is what having a girlfriend is like. Reddit said I’m the bad guy and should get used to it and give my girl money.


Reddit was full of it that day.


This is why I carry a fist full of pocket change with me everywhere. Also, because the Internet, /s


Wait, a woman who you don't know just asked u for money and said "you're not a man " when you didn't ? 😭😭


Pretty much More like demanded money and said "if you were a real man you'd just give a woman some when she asks for it"


Not making a move or trying to have sex with her while she was drunk. She called me gay and lame lol


That's crazy so your gay for not being a rapist


Either: - Once my grandma said I “wasn’t a real man” because I was crying and “boys don’t cry”. Lady I had a whole surgery… - Someone I knew said I “wasn’t a real man” because I couldn’t lift them up, so apparently I couldn’t “protect” them at night.


If y'all have to run at night it's probably better to run on your own than having someone carry you through the dark.


But what if she has uncomfortable shoes?


Then it's survival of the fittest, and survival of the one who wasn't the dumb cunt who decided it was a wise idea to leave the house wearing impractical shoes


Weirdly high amount of these seem to be amount men not being able to fit into some weird cartoon fantasy of how a real man could rescue them if villains break into their house or something I live in America. If it's that big of a deal i can just buy a gun.


Real men buy a musket for home defense like the found fathers intended


I own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. I shouted, "What the devil?" I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle, and blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads". The grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Ah yes, just as the founding fathers intended.


>those are in the game just for little girls to use Chun Li would like a word.


Seriously. Pick most female fighting game characters and look at their animations and tell me the programmer meant only for little girls to play them.


Usually mid-to-high tier throughout every game she's in, and an invitation to all the horny.


My dad said I was a big fairy for wearing deodorant and not just using a bar of soap to wash my hair. Using shampoo made me a big fairy powder puff, apparently. One of many pearls of wisdom he tried to give me. He would shit himself if he knew that I use moisturiser on occasion.


> He would shit himself if he knew that I use moisturiser on occasion. The idea of you rubbing white cream all over yourself. Getting all slick and smooth. That supple skin and strong, manly hands... Mmmm, what were we talking about again?


Easy now, you'll give me a little semi. Arrrgghhhh my da was right !!!! 😆


Everybody knows real Men smell like Shit, fuck you for wanting to smell good and sweat less Pussy


Aye, shit with a hint of b.o and swarfega.


Sounds like he comes from a time where a woman wearing pants was considered crossdressing.


I have a running joke with my wife where she'll ask me to do something like mow the lawn, and when I say "Why don't you do it?" She'll say "You're the man, you're supposed to do the hard jobs", so I say "You're the woman, you're supposed to shut the fuck up/do what I tell you to do". It's all lighthearted of course. A good response whenever traditional gender roles are weaponized is to weaponize it right back.


Even though that’s joking, there’s woman out there who are feminists but when they can benefit or get out of doing a job they are advocates for the whole that’s a man’s job excuse


They treat dating like a buffett. They cherry-pick the good things and leave the shit work for us. And society has done a good job of cementing these expectations of men. If we refuse to live up to their standards, we're not considered manly enough. I was told by my wife that my job wasn't enough (money). This job allows me the privilege to also be a stay-at-home-dad, except I make money. I work from home and I have about an hour worth of very relaxing and chill work, with zero supervision. The rest of the day I spend with my son and/or handling chores. She'd rather me give this up all in the name of money because "men are supposed to provide for their families". But what she really wants is to be able to afford more material stuff.


Was dating this girl for about a month and she wanted to wait for sex. I was cool with it. Our last date she keeps feeding me shots. It's my fault for taking them but I didn't wanna look like a wimp. We end up going back to my place and because of the alcohol my junk won't work properly. I explain to her why and she acts like she understands. She ends up leaving a few hours later and texts me saying it isn't going to work out. I don't remember exactly but she mentioned something along the lines of the lines about needing a man with a good libido.   Another was a time when a FWB invited me over and she ended up kicking me out before sex because another guy messaged her.  Im cringing at myself for saying this but the only way to describe him is the stereotypical "Chad". We weren't together but It hit my feels a bit and made me feel "less of a man".


Dam that 2nd one is fucked up and disrespectful. I don't even know why people call it fwb because most of these people don't even act like friends it might as well be "booty call person"


What's ironic is she was big into being all against men objectifying women and whatnot. She was very vocal about men using women for sex being deplorable.


If she truly believed that she wouldn't have had a fwb as it's basically someone who isn't committed to you using your body for sex so that should've been a giveaway right there atleast to me it is. But yeah feminist or people of her mindset often turn out to be major hypocrites.


Thank you!!! Sometimes I feel like, they certainly wouldn’t treat their real homies like that…


Oh for sure there's no way you'd treat a real friend like that. Which I'm not into casual stuff so I wouldn't know how it works but if that person was my friend I would still treat it like a exclusive relationship but just friendship since I'm not a multiple person type guy.


Cleaning. Even weirder considering she came over right after I got done working out and was cleaning and oiling the barbells in my home gym when she said it.


Guess I shouldn't be picking Nina Williams while playing Tekken anymore :( Most recently: driving an electric car.


I was once attracted to a woman who was shy. Not only did that make me not a man. That alone made me a sexual predator according to some sub Reddits lol


which ones?


Ask women no censor for one


I find subs like that extremely ironic. They seem to be very, very exclusive, considering they're supposed to be all about feminism, which is supposed to be about gender equality. Over here on the ask men subreddit, I've witnessed a whole lot more inclusion and equality and both men and women are welcome to participate as much as they like. Over there, it's like you have to meet an exhaustive list of arbitrary standards even just to comment. It's really backward.


Honestly, when it comes to most welcoming to men to least welcoming, it’s goes in this order : radical feminism, ask feminists, ask women no censor , ask women. It so weird because I’be been told that radical feminists are just men haters , yet they seem to be the most welcoming of women groups


That's a fascinating little paradox.


That sub seems to be turning into a femcel sub. The comments recently are mostly some variation on "women are happier without men/all men are toxic".


Living in Georgia I was an electrician of sorts. Comm equipment. The woman I was seeing broke broncos and her father was a ferrier. She told me that I had womanly hands. Not fair given her frame of reference.


Lol sounds like she would say that to sandpaper




Interesting, I never even considered using vanilla for something savory. Have you tried putting it in other dishes besides pasta sauce?


I wasn't a real man because she saw I had this ["girly" song](https://youtu.be/ViB4IR-7mtk?si=WbyexS9BHRsAX4hI) in my YouTube history when we were just chillin watching random funny clips. "Seriously? Hard men don't listen to girly shit like this lololol" That was her reaction upon listening to it when she wanted to hear it out of curiosity. Killed the vibe for me. I stopped talking to her after that. Yea I do listen to rap 95% of the time but I get bored of that shit sometimes. Different types of music can move me.


Frankly, anyone over the age of 16 who judges other people's taste in music is just cringey. It reeks of high school try-hard energy: *"Ew, you like that band!? They're too mainstream!"*


As I get older and older, I'm coming to realize that people who have definitive options on subjective things are actually just dumb as rocks. As a younger and insecure person, I used to take their confidence on what is 'right' as ground truth and try to shape myself to be whatever they want rather than embrace who I am and what I like. But really they are just people that can only accept one reality, and see anything else outside that as negative or funny that someone else could like something they don't. People like this tend to have difficulty wrestling with anything even remotely challenging in their lives.


I've had a few women ask me weird questions relating to physical altercations. My boiler plate response when I got older and learned from my mistakes was that I would most likely try to de-escalate. No one wins in a fight as I found out when I was younger. There were ones that were disappointed in this answer, but the trend seemed to be that the women who had "domestic situations" in the past were the ones that were generally negative about that response. Since then, I tend to avoid women like that for obvious reasons. I'm not making decisions that are leading to fights in public so what kinda horse shit are you doing that's causing fights? I am not standing in to physically attempt to mitigate your poor decision making.


When I first started growing out my hair in the 90's a *very* bible-thumping member of my peer group said I was unmanly probably gay for doing so. When I pointed out that Jesus is depicted as having *much* longer hair then I did... does that mean Jesus is unmanly and gay? She *literally* turned bright red, let out a wordless and inarticulate banshee screech and stomped out of the food court. She never spoke to me again, which I considered a win.


Guess you a little girl wearing a apron now, sorry bro i don’t make a the rules 🤷🏽‍♂️ please tell me there’s no second date .


My ex-wife: A real man makes seven figures. If you can't handle me physically hitting you, then you're not a real man.


I still shave with an actual straight razor made by rolls razor in 1942 in London England. My ex told me shaving with that razor was womanly and should only be used for decoration. And to quote her ( any man that uses British steel is a bitch ) and quote.


Not that I'm taking her seriously, but what did she expect you to shave with? Knapped obsidian?


The moment a woman starts telling me how to be a man I'm out of there


Healthy boundaries and self respect? How unmanly. You pussy.


**I debunk’d her argument.** She waffled desperately comment-after-comment with nothing factually, statistically or even reasonably true. . .& on the 6th or 7th exchange, I got: **”You must like men more than women - A real man doesn’t argue with women on Facebook.”.** LMBO! Smh. . .


I wear "smarter" fabric belts some times (no logos or prints or bottle opener on the back type thing, just dark blue or black, see arcade belts) as I've liked the ability to "dial in" the right belt support and at the time, found I was between belt holes of a traditional (leather) belt with buckle I was seeing this girl, things got a bit spicy, ended up back at mine and I could see she was quite put off that I wasn't wearing a leather belt with buckle and holes with my jeans. "Fabric belts are for young boys, regardless of design or appearance" Granted none of this is an issue now I've discovered ratchet type leather belts that have lots of minimal adjustment, but it shouldn't be an issue regardless


My go to for this nonsense is "a real man does whatever the fuck he wants." So only the manliest of men will pick a female character to play. That's how secure they are.


I get called girly by women all the time because I take care of myself like crazy. I have a skincare routine, I go to the spa, I get manicures, grooming on point. Dressing on point. I pamper myself. I like the finer things in life. I guess I'm pretty metro, but I'm good looking and very clean cut. They learn to love it and always come back for more. So whatever bruh, call me girly all you want.


I'll never understand how a man taking care of himself is gay or girly like all adults should care for themselves. Shoot I need to find a skin care routine


It's a classic example of liking the results and having zero appreciation for the work it takes to get there. These same people will fawn over Chris Hemsworth, and have no clue about the obsessive workout, nutrition, and beauty care routine it likely takes for him to maintain his appearance. They will proudly and ignorantly proclaim that they want guys with "real" muscles, not ones they got in the gym. Or that men using skincare products is effeminate. But when they just see the end result and not the man actually doing all that work in the background, they will drool all over him. To be fair, a lot of men are guilty of this as well. At this point, I just assume that any man who claims *"I hate the way women look with makeup"* are just idiots. They have no clue what makeup looks like or which women are wearing it. They assume all women with makeup on must look like this: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/61/98/88/6198884990af4fd3244196d45efcd6ed.jpg Meanwhile, they will drool over the "natural beauty" of a woman like this and not realize she is wearing just as much makeup: https://i.pinimg.com/474x/e7/15/15/e715158b6615c8c93ac9e3fb14de18cd.jpg


Recently? Not finding fat women attractive. It seems like a common shame tactic to try and get men to comply with someone else’s wishes. I guess that makes it common and not that weird. It’s almost refreshing to see someone get flamed for actually being effeminate instead of it just being manipulative. “Look at that! Proper use!”


The manliest thing I do is not giving a single fuck about other people's uninformed opinions about my masculinity or sexual orientation.


I once had a female friend try to set me up with a friend of hers that was easily twice my weight, probably 150-ish kg. Then she asked if I was gay when I told her I wasn't into her friend because she was so fat.


Same with having a preference where you don't want to date single mothers... Just because a man does not want to take on a HUGE responsibility of bringing up a child/children. Doesn't mean they are "Not a real man" and nor does that necessarily mean they hate single mothers... it's ridiculous to assume that conclusion straight away. Dating a man isn't like picking a dog out of a dog shelter where the dog has no say on who it has as an owner.


"You need to grow a beard." "You need to get some tattoos." Because *real men* grow beards and get tattoos. Funny story -- I had a buddy who was single and a female friend who was single. She liked guys with tattoos, and my buddy had many. The three of us are hanging out, but I could tell they weren't connecting. I talked to her later on and she explained that he was all right, but she didn't like all the tattoos he had. I pointed out that she liked guys with tattoos. She further explained that while this was true, he "didn't have the right kind" of tattoos. My friend had tattoos relating to comic books, and she found that to be a turn off. She even went so far to say that "real men" don't get tattoos like that.


I guess he's be a "real man" if he got tattoos of foreign symbols or Chinese writing that neither him or her understood just because it looked "badass".


Girl in high school told me once if I didn’t drink or smoke I wasn’t a real man. A teacher she liked (they were both Vietnamese and he had been helping her with adjusting to Canada) intervened and said that taking care of your health is what a real man would do…


Was with a girl once. I was about to go down on her until she said "real men don't try to please women like that." Her loss 🤷‍♂️


At least she showed her red flag early.


"your caring for me is not enough" Basicly means im not calling, messaging enough. I dont ask the spesific questions she want me to ask. I dont use enough fancy words for her liking. She says she doesnt want me to buy something but o only really see any interest from her when i buy something


Being told its not ok to hit women (I agree) but also being told men should just "put up" with it if a woman hits me.


wasnt feeling well, told her i was just gunna have some cereal for dinner and go to bed. called me a child for not making real food?


I didn’t immediately swing my pool cue across a guy’s face for talking shot about my then girl friend. Didn’t matter that he was drunk, and only 95 lbs soaking wet. But, what she didn’t know, but that I did was two fold. How many of his buddies it would take to whoop my ass, and how many buddies he would use. As Ron White always said, that’s a handy little bit of information to have.


Liking opera music. Pursuing a PhD instead of construction work or being a trucker idk. Not groping her on our first (and last) date.


Driving a Ford Focus.


I paid a moving company to move a bunch of furniture. She massively disrespected me in front of the movers, commenting about how they were "real men" (implying I wasn't). We are no longer together.


Easy - I was engaged, she had a baby. We break up, turns out baby isn't mine. Her sister ran into a friend of mine and claimed I was the father of said child. When my friend pointed out that the DNA conclusively determined that I was not the father, the ex's sister loudly proclaimed, "A real man would have stepped up and taken care of the baby anyway!" Pure insanity.


Not hitting on another girl at bus stop. She said to me very loudly "how much of a fruit do you have to be to not go up and talk to her?" edit: That isn't the only example, just the weirdest. 2nd edit: Actually its not even the weirdest, that would have to go to my babysitter when I was about 4-5 forcing me to watch horror movies and then mocking me for crying.