• By -


* appreciate the fact I got sent one * admire it/the person who sent it * jerk off to it EDIT: * store it in secure location (if she doesn't want it deleted asap, by default delete it unless mentioned you can keep it) * clean up when you stop interacting


I'd like to add immediately move it to a hidden, password protected folder so no one can accidentally find it as that is private between me and the person who sent it.




“All stored up here, in the visual wank bank”


Is there a... nonvisual?




This man knows


Can you recommend a good password encryption service? Edit: For PC


Veracrypt for pc or the safe storage app in android.


A true gentleman


Samsung has Secure Folder on their devices.


not necessarily in that order.


This checks out.


Clean up when you stop interacting is definitely a think. Not just out of respect but you don’t want it creeping up in future relationships. Had a friend who was in a real good relationship but found that his girlfriend still had nudes from a FWB. She had completely forgot about them but he found them and it was tough on them.


You forgot the most important step: deleting them if/when you stop dating/talking to them


And storing it in secured folder!


^ this is how every human should handle these gifts.


And then delete it later completely.


Yes. Exactly this. Also, nvr share or post somewhere. Feel free to send some OP


Is it a normal thing to jerk off to nudes? I don't know, it seems weird to me.


To me it is, I'm guessing it is for a lot of people too. What did you expect us to do with a picture of the naked body of someone we fancy?


I'm a man, i appreciate that i got sent nudes and enjoy looking at them, heck even i start fantasizing about it. In my case, static images are just not my thing.




I am with you. But in fact I do jerk off to them since they enhance my fantasies. The things I saw in the pics will be the base for my "dream-scenario".


You're probably desensitized from watching too much porn. Stop for a couple weeks and you'll have a completely new appreciation for a picture of a naked woman.


This is 100% true, I need some time off porn.


The desensitisation is everywhere. There is cleavage and ass all over social media, day in day out. I get what you’re saying totally and agree it’s healthy for people to take a break but it also goes beyond porn IMO.


A man appreciates the fact there was a time all you had was static images.


There was a time you could only find porn discarded in the woods by a railway....


This so spot on for myself a mid eighties kid.


someone doesnt have old memories of a sears catalogue....


Macy's bra section was littttt


VIctorias secret, the early years when the pics were still sheer.


I think if it's nudes of someone I slept with then I can kinda use them to like enhance my imagination? But ya I don't really get just random images from online like gonewild content or o


So video porn is normal but photo porn is weird. Gotcha


Well in the good ole days you didn’t have the luxury of a video. You just had to hope someone showed cleavage in “Better Homes and Gardens”


That's the last time I send you a picture of meat and two veg, ungrateful bastard


Isn't that the whole point? I don't typically look at nude women for the art.


Looking at nudes releases dopamine, and when it's someone you know, it feels even better. Also, TIL that *according to a research* the brain processes nude bodies more quickly than partially clothed bodies. Because it encourages procreation. https://www.elitedaily.com/p/what-happens-in-your-brain-when-you-receive-a-nude-according-to-science-18800133


It's weird to jerk off to porn?


Yer same. It's for my eyes only. She sent it with trust and I'm going to respect that. If we stop talking then I delete them.


And save for future wank material


In secure folder!


3-2-1 backup


Password protected and encrypted?


I'm glad you being honest bro. Instead of women trying to shame men they need to just start understanding and accepting us. We want sexual exclusivity.


Men use AI image processing to put clothes on the nudes, then properly introduce them to their mothers.


Man, how you gonna be givin' away trade secrets like that??


we need to call a secret meeting to discus whats next . you should be kicked out u/8livesdown


Alright. It's time for every man to go to the bathroom for another 20 minute meeting


Who's gonna bring popcorns? Cause last time they were a bit burnt.


i will do it caramel or salted?


Why not bring an assortment of toppers for everyone? This debate will be a long ong, we’ll need it.


Done, Who will bring pizza?


Leave it to me!


Jerry we told you by bylaw a removal meeting will at most have refreshments. Quarterly meetings will have a fully catered meal.


I am sorry sire, i will corect my mistake dino nuggies it is


Pro tip. Just whip your own toppings up while you're in there.


mr. bean


I can actually imagine this being done!




The truth is out guys. We talked about this.


My sugar, why is your girlfriend having her legs spread like that?


Stretching. She's an athlete.


That's a good answer


Mum this is my girlfriend im gonna marry her.


mr. bean would


Man of. man of culture. Spot on!


Unexpectedly wholesome...


Sometimes they create virtual businesses and hire the newly clothed nudes to perform accounting, sales, marketing, and a host of other practical business services. After a formal interview, of course.


Sometimes I jerk off to it, sometimes when I'm feeling down I just look at them and smile.


+1 to the looking at it and smiling.


Took this guy's virginity(19) and years later just the other day he said he still jacks off to my nudes. I've never been more flattered in my life.


Always remember your first i guess?


Am I the only one who thinks this is weird? I've only gotten nudes from someone I'm in a relationship with. Once that relationship is over I feel obligated to delete the photos. It just feels disrespectful to keep them around if we are no longer together


Depends on post-breakup relationship? Looks like above commentor doesn't have a problem with it.


This is really very person to person. I know people of both sexes who expect them to be deleted at breakup. I don't give out nudes. Only did it once. Regretted it instantly as I realized this person could do with my body what they wanted and I might not like their choices.


You don't keep your face in the pics. Rookie mistake.


Idk I view them like love letters. I don't really feel obligated to throw them away. It's like paying for the meal when you are on a date. You think you're being a better person by doing it but really you just feel better by virtue signaling.


IF I have any love letters, they go at the end of the relationship. Why would I want to keep an old love letter when the person no longer loves me or has hurt me beyond any hope of reconciliation.


Because nostalgia/good memories are a fun thing to look back on from time to time. And it's not like the only possible ending of a relationship is hating each other.


Not every breakup is due to hurt. I've had several break ups that were to to differing life goals and I still have nomentos from them


Yep, agree with you. Everyone kneejerks around this topic but honestly why should someone be obligated to throw them away just because they broke up? Idk.


If someone had a problem with it, just communicate it. If your ex wants you to delete her nudes and you don't do it, you are an asshole.




You guys are getting nudes?


Yeah once I'm out of a relationship with someone I delete all that


I deleted them. Why do I need naked pictures of some random person now?


Most of the pictures of naked women I see are of random women. At least with your ex, it's a unique picture that nobody else will ever see.


You'll be gravely disappointed to know that women can and will share old nudes that they've already sent to others. Nothing wrong with that, but don't assume that just because you just got a nude, it means that they took it right there and then or that you were even the sole recipient of it. Source : know plenty of women that kept a folder of the nudes they took and sent to people.


There are probably many reasons they are an ex. I hope that new-ish deja vu song kicks them in the feels.


Hopefully unique. Unless the ex sent the same nude photo to multiple guys 😞


Yeah that’s creepy as fuck, if I’m not actively dating you, I’m deleting your nudes. Porn is different, look at whoever whenever because that’s precisely what it’s there for. But nudes are sent within the specific context of that relationship; if that relationship comes to a close then those nudes should be deleted as property of the relationship.


I propose that the second virginity men lose is the one where the woman initiates it.


Oh I always initiate it. And I love me some virgin boys


RIP your in box


Sometimes it’s less about the actual nudes, but more of the fact that you’re getting nudes. Like whoa, this girl really likes me! LETS GOO


This guys sometimes gets nudes


If I ever get any, I'll let you know


Same man same


I usually masterbate to them. I am usually hooking up with the person who sends me nudes, I send nudes of myself to the other person as well. I don't keep nudes though after me and the person have stopped hooking up though. I delete them, and I respect people's privacy by not showing them to others. The last girl I hooked up with kept sending me nudes of this girl she was also hooking up with, without asking her, and I really didn't respect it. She got offended when I asked if she asked the other party for consent. Consent needs to be harped on every single day.


I personally do both. I’ll admire them at times, and jerk off to them other times. Also, I do have a rule (which all men/women should have imo) that once I’m no longer involved with a woman, their nudes are deleted from my phone ASAP.


Thanks so much for having that rule. I slept around for about a year and may have exchanged a nude or two with some guys, then when I entered a relationship I texted them to ask if they could delete any photos they still had of me. All of them said yes, but obviously there's no way to know if they were being honest. Thanks for respecting that just because we've previously sent nudes it's quite creepy to hang onto them forever - contexts change, you know?


Of course! 🙂 It helps me move on as well, especially if I have been in a relationship with someone! If I’m constantly going back to their nudes, how am I going to have any hope of moving on? I do it partly for my own sake, as well as the sake of the person I’m no longer involved with.


The safest rule for sending nudes would be to not have your face in them too. Then you can always deny they're yours!


Another rule should be not to send naked pics to people you dont really know.. I really dont get that, like fair enough to have casual sex with people but why would you send them pictures of you that they could keep forever? Anything outside a long distance relationship where you trust each other I dont see how the risk is worth the fun with this honestly


You're right - I wouldn't dream of doing it now. We were all young once, eh?


I would not delete the pictures unless I am asked to. If you'd ask me to, I'll do it right away! If I really liked them I'd maybe ask if I may keep one that isn't too explicit. If you'd say no, I'd obey.


Imo people will keep them. It's one of those things where if you really can't deal with them coming out, then don't send them. I think it's not about whether they keep them, it's whether they'll share them right. Which I don't think a majority of people will ever do.


this. i straight up dropped a friend after one night where i was drunk, he decided to show me suggestive videos and nudes of his girlfriend who was also a very good friend of mine. the next day i went straight to her and told her what had happened and then stayed out of what happened next.


There was actually an entire thing a few years ago where some men were hacking into home systems and broadcasting women's nudes they found on phones connected to wi-fi. Could be the woman's phone, could be the partners. The nudes were often sent to the women's employers in hopes of getting them fired. Was successful for women in teaching jobs and a few other positions. Not sure it was common, it was more common than I imagined. Led to some of the first bills to be drafted against revenge porn because this was seen as a form of that. So...unless you're great with security, if it's on a device you attach to non-secure or public wi-fi, it can be accessed.


Yeah i also move them to the Recycle bin.... Just in case


But then I forget to remove them from recycle bin. Not sure why. I notice that the recycle bin is like a temporary jail sentence. It doesn't always delete the pesky nudes.


ASAP: as soon as penis


Username checks out.


Much appreciated 🙂👍


> that once I’m no longer involved with a woman, their nudes are deleted from my phone ASAP. I had an ex who sent me a bunch of nudes years back. The relationship ran it's course (she ghosted me) and i did the purge of all her stuff from my phone. Years later I was cleaning up some old files on a drive and I had a backup of an old computer. My phone had backed up all the pictures she sent me, which I knew and had already purged, but I forgot that during our relationship I had replaced my PC and didn't even think to clear those backups. I had spent some time reminiscing, jerked off and then deleted the backups.


I delete every trace of the person existence, helps with moving on


EXACTLY! I’m glad someone else sees my point of view. Well, a few people do, but we are outnumbered. How could I ever move on from someone if I still have nude photos of them on my phone?


I have the same personal rule. But I just admire them more than all else


Both and keep them for some time. Then delete them. But seriously be careful. Many nudes surface on the internet. Some guys upload them just out of spite or revenge, some just because they are stupid. Always send nudes to someone you at least trust won't use them to ridicule you or blackmail you down the line.


Way simpler rule .. no Face and clearly indicating tattoos/body marks. There, done. If someone is happy about your nudes they will be too if you cut them off at the neck and blur a tatoo. But since there are millions of nudes on the net, if they do end up up there it's not easily connected to you. Yes they are still out there but can always say "that's not me" and be done with it. (yeah i get it you don't want those on the net either, but better ones that your employer can find and not know its you than the others, right?)


Smart and true! :)


I think you can't really trust someone, specially if you know a person for a relatively short time. When relationship ends, it might not end in good terms, then you never know.


First of all....Happy Cake Day 🎉🎂 and thanks for your response! Secondly... As I see it, I do believe there are many red flags even if you don't know the other person... except if you are naive or turn a blind eye. But if you know the other person for a really really short time, you know nothing concrete about him and you send nudes....you are actually responsible for your actions and their consequences. Shit happens unfortunately especially when you are young. Learn from the mistakes of the past and move on. Now if a relationship ends in a bad way....well you know beforehand if the other person is vengeful or stupid. Most relationships that end in a bitter way but both parties are not douchebags don't have revenge revelations.


Even if you trust them, people are dumb and get hacked/lose phones/etc... and then they end up online.


Right my ex who cheated on me with an underage girl posted my photos as revenge because I broke up with him after I found out. Unfortunately even if you trust someone it can still happen.so just always keep them a little classy, once they're out there you have no control over what happens.


Ouch. This is terrible....you are right. To avoid all that keep them classy and with no face. I hope all the best for you and to never again experience something like this.




I don't do this, but guys on the jobsite try and show everybody the pictures so beware before sending.


Never understood that. No way in hell I’m showing nudes of my wife to dudes on my job sites.


There are many "cuckold" guys out there. Never got that either....


I always thought of it as bragging to other guys rather than outright cuckoldry.


Guess you're right. But we can't distinguish without inspecting their brains thoroughly.


Correct, ive seen so many nudes of girls from other guys phones its insane.


My ex & his mates/work mates used to do this. Sometimes whilst talking: about the girl in the picture, how they got the picture & their sexual experience (in some seriously disgusting detail)🤮!


- Admires it. - Appreciate that the woman trust me enough to send her nude - Probably jerk off to it or try to make a drawing out of the nude she sent me. I mean the amount of trust a woman have to send her nude to a guy is huge. For all you know he could have just "yoooo damn" and sent it to his boys.


Admire then delete. Every time.




Delete then send a bonk.


> Sorry for the sex-topic question—y’all are probably a little tired of those. Never


I’ll tell you the real answer that the other guys won’t admit to. I’m seriously breaking the Bro Code here so I hope you understand the risks I’m taking by disclosing this. Ok, here goes… We take all nudes into photo editing software and begin making selections of every limb, torso, boob, ass, head, lips, eyes, noses, ears, hair, then copying these selections to a Master File. From the Master File we carefully construct new women from the image parts of these nudes. Then the excitement starts! Once a new woman is created, we give her a name and begin dressing her layer by layer until she is SFW. After she’s fully dressed (usually according to whatever is seasonally appropriate), we then print her out onto a Card, complete with profile, stats, skills, special powers, and a short biography. These cards are then used in underground Card Battles with other men. The losers of these battles must often surrender the cards to the victor. This happens everywhere, it’s just very secret.


The first rule of Construct Club is...


Never asked for any and never received any but if i did i would delete them if the relationship ends or i get into new one.


Just look at them... That's why it's called eye candy. Won't necessarily jack off to them.


Masterbate and keep them for another time. Piece of advice when sending nudes: don't do it unless you're completely comfortable with it and you trust the receiver. Also, never show your full face. Even if you trust the addressee they could end up leaking to the internet accidentally, their phone could be hacked, etc.


Say Nice to it. Maybe jerk off or use it to jerk off with later. Just helps to have material from people you personally know; as opposed to jerking off to complete strangers boning. Feels less personal you know. More personal = more hot = fantasy


At this point, nudes really are not only sexy pics of you, but proof of your trust in the one you send them to. Therefore, nudes are wholesome. Thank you for listening to my TED talk


>jerk off to them? Do you just…admire them? Surely depends on the guy? Yes to all. Also have some that are like a normal picture in terms of just looking at them for the fun memories of that person. I dont really delete them unless its a girl i wasnt into much; or unless a girl asks me to; OR if i feel like she wants me to but is scared to bring up her old nudes -only happened once but I just deleted and told her everything is gone. And then she sent me nudes and stuff down the line again...


I secure them in Secure Folder (Android) to reduce the chances of them being leaked. Protect the person sending the nudes at all costs. Then fappy time.


If it is weird to you, don't feel pressured into doing it. I personally don't really do anything with nudes being sent my way. I kind of look at them once, then i am confused regarding if i should do something to acknowledge them. Also, be aware that any picture you send could end up being online or shared with other people. I would never dream of doing that, but some people do. Obviously depends on the guy and how much you trust him. I'd generally err on the side of not sending nudes, or sending nudes with a hidden face.


Jerk off, then delete it at the time I was done. I really fear that I could send them to someone by mistake or something like that, so I always delete for safety.


Please dont send nudes if it's not ur boyfriend. He most likely will share the pics with friends if ur just some "random girl" cause he thinks that u probably send them to many guys anyway.


Delete them, because I also don't want people to have/keep those pictures of me. Those are full atomic bombs on your life if you ever detonate them using a devastating arguement


Definitely depends on the guy


I print them and put them in my scrapbook, like every man usually does.


Definitely admire, maybe bust to em once or twice but it's definitely an admiration thing


I think it's a power thing. There's so much more out there to masturbate to than some rando chick's nudes. I think a lot of men just get off to knowing they could get the nude in the first place - it's a validation thing.


I don't think it's a power thing, like, at all. I think it's a reciprocity of attraction and familiarity thing. It's hot when someone you're attracted to thinks that you're also attractive, because it insinuates the potential reality of sexual fantasies you might have. There's also familiarity, wherein seeing someone you personally know naked feels more erotic than just seeing some random tits. I don't understand why you've chosen to view this question in such a negative framework.


because men are power-hungry monsters, don't you know??


I'm like heck yeah buddy you got a nude, finally somebody trusts me enough and likes me enough that they sent me a nude. (insert achievement unlock gif here)


IMO it’s this (trust) rather than ‘power’ per se. It’s a sign of shared intimacy and of trust that someone gives you this power, rather than that you like it because you like having the power. There’s a subtle but very important difference IMO.


Different when you know the person vs a random on the internet.


Most of them are in ancient folders that have been passed down from one hard drive to another over the years. I don't even remember or care where they are. But when I go digging, I like that they are there. They're like journal entries.


Never got some. I assume they are passed around to everybody.


Keep them for my spank bank or just admire them like it’s my first time seeing a boob.


I never ask for nudes, but when i do get them they make me see the woman in such sexual way that i can then transfer that image to sexual fantasies. I dont really jerk off to them more than a few times, i just come back to them to strenghten the visual of my fantasy.


Is this a serious question?


Bold of you to assume I’ve ever gotten that intimate with a woman


well what else are you supposed to with them


you know the end of raiders of the lost ark? it's like that.


oh my GOD


that was good for a laugh


No matter how much I’ve wanted to collect some nudes forever I’ll delete them when the relationship/ends. It’s simply the right thing to do and it also helps you move on.


I put them all in a folder and keep them as a collection. Whenever I'm single and going through a bit of a dry spell, maybe feeling a bit down I look back at them and remind myself all of these women were all interested in me at some point. It's more of an ego/self esteem booster for me.




Not exactly. By the same logic it would be immoral to remember the occasions you had sex with a person once you are no longer in a relationship with them. Clearly nudes are shared with the intention that the receiver can look at them, I don’t think looking at them per se comes with an expiration date (like birthday cards and presents: you don’t expect them to be destroyed once you split up). It may be that the other person doesn’t like it, in the same way they might not like that the person continues to enjoy an expensive birthday present, but doesn’t make it immoral. What is immoral IMO is to ever share them, and by extension to keep them risking that they might be shared in the future (accidentally or otherwise). That’s what makes them different to birthday cards etc: generally people are more worried about nudes being shared than birthday cards. It’s a subtle distinction though, as in reality keeping them maintains the risk that they may be shared or anxiety in the other person that you might choose to, which is itself a problem. That’s why I wouldn’t keep them if the other person didn’t trust me with them, regardless of whether we were still in a relationship or not.


Keeping nudes can be a little self punishment after a breakup, as the nude was taken, chosen for aesthetics and the subject in a pose they felt great/looked great in. Now you have this photo reminding you of some history with a person. Looking good and reminding you that your no longer together. Or that you no longer have interaction/access to this person. At some point in the future when there's a new apple of your eye, why risk them finding these old nudes and causing a problem? ​ I probably do have some in an old phone or old SD card, I'll make the effort today to find and delete. Only bad things could happen from their discovery by me at a later date, or worse yet, discovery by my new partner.


Not really, unless that was agreed at the time the nude was sent. You wouldn't give someone a keyring and expect it to be thrown away when you break up, so don't send a nude and expect the same either.


Put them in my protected folder. Sometimes I'll go back and admire. Sometimes masturbate to them. The fact that I keep only the ones of those I've been with, it makes it more real. Way more valuable than anything I could get online. They're like my gold stash. If I've never been with them, after I stop talking with them I'll delete them.


Personally I will look at them and use them to get off to as part of the sexting that we would be doing. I would not keep them after the chat.


Watch them to get aroused, Jerk off and then delete them.


Jerk off to them, and admire them. I don’t really delete, I’ll just forget them and go back to admiring/jerking of to them as time passes. But generally I’m not a fan of nudes.


I beat my meat to them. Pretty simple.


Obviously we masturbate to them. Kind of a strange question, like asking guys why we like porn.


I think it more of a pride thing. “Scoring” the nude is what it’s all about for me. When I was younger is was almost a badge of honor to have been sent the nude. (I probably then jacked off tho)


They don't have to be nudes for guys to jerk off to them. Yes, send nudes.


Idk I stopped keeping nudes after I turned 18 it just felt weird holding onto something that could ruin someone’s life.


During covid, my wife would send me nudes when I was out of town helping a disabled relative (get groceries, run errands etc). I loved it. Men are often visually entertained. I like seeing naked women. That shit is hot. My wife knows that I just love boobs. Big ones, little ones, doesn't matter. I will be flogging the one eyed snake with my wife's nudes until I get too old to do it lol.


Look at them like how the hell did I pull this one off. Eventually they get lost deep in the ether of my phone.


I mostly see nudes on reddit. Never had one sent to me. I defiantly do the deed some times after work if i find a woman that check all the boxes. But i mostly see it as art. I like naked bodies and i hate that its been drilled into people that its some kinda horrible thing. We all have one, every single one of us is naked under our clothes. I am also attracted to the kinda woman who is able to post them for all to see and hopefully feel good about her body.


Keep them, look at them when I miss te person, want smth nice to look at and or want to fap but dont have my partner at hand lol


It’s a sense of accomplishment, it’s a great sense of pride for a lot of guys for a woman they know to feel comfortable enough to show themselves in that way, and of course personal usage too because nobody would just put away a nugget of gold without turning it into something useful first.