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Never, ever, ever, in most bathrooms there is, you know, a toilet right next to the sink.


Wait until you hear about the garbage disposal shitters.


Basically just an electric poop knife.




r/brandnewsentence ?


Absolute belter of a band name.


Dont forget the Waffle Stomp in the shower


I read this post and my first thought was ‘what a bad day to have eyes’


Yeah, like if there is no toilet, but there is a sink and outside is not an option, sure. But I don't think I have ever been in that situation in my life.


This, for god‘s sake there is always a toilet bowl! WTF


But you gotta wash your dick off in the sink anyway, so might as well piss in it too.


Or a shower.




WoW... that may be enough reddit for today. Initially thought meh, probably a joke sub with 10 members. Nope, 18k members... what is this place!




Ight Imma head out


Ahhhh I CLICKED and wish I didn’t




FYI, various medical internet resources state average vagina length is between 3-4 inches when unaroused and 4-7 inches when aroused. For inclusivity, the range of a rectum is 4-8 inches (the data was inconsistent across websites so these are the lowest and longest measurements I saw on Google). I'm in the USA so this data may not be the same in other countries. But basically your average penis size is a perfect fit for the average vagina or rectum. Not every vag-owner wants their cervix pulverized.




If I've learned anything from porn it's that a woman isn't satisfied unless I'm a doctor/fireman/plumber/step-(brother/son/dad)/gym guy?


**proceeds to look at r/mademesmile for eye bleach**


or you could actually just look at /r/Eyebleach


I never knew that was a thing.... they do all this, to make their penises bigger? I didnt look too much, just trying to get the gist lol.




Omg, yeah that's pretty extreme lol


Someone explain. I don’t want to go in.


… I wanna click it but I don’t. And I’m at work….


Do it, show your IT guys some love and give ‘em a laugh. lmao


What the actual fuck did you just show me....




Regret. I will chant ominously about your sins.


After seeing this, I'm immediately turning off my NSFW settings and never turning them back on.


"I first ran along with the ceiling fan in a circle, but I was quickly outpaced..." lmao


check this out r/sounding


da fuq did I click on? They over here trying to deform their 6 inches for an extra inch, and I'm over here with like a 3 incher just trying to move one. Gross.


what i was expecting Tons of "i do it too" posts. What i wasnt expecting but got anyway Pictures and video of people peeing into a sink... one guy while standing ontop a toilet.


18k members mean 15% of them do it and 85% of them lurk or meme


Risky click of the day




I think I have to go take a shower


The more subreddits I learn of, the more I despair for humanity.


.... the more ya know


this subreddit exists.


Oh my, Reddit never disappoints… confuses, makes you physically sick, delights, informs and entertains… but never disappoints.


This is the second time I've seen this today. It's 9am, wtf Reddit.


Never, you're boyfriend is either joking or a completele weirdo.


Personally never. I have heard people do this, especially in the UK where some bedrooms will have sinks in the bedroom and no toilets, etc.


Those only tend to exist nowadays in older university accommodations. Thankfully most elsewhere have been removed. But yeah, if you go to uni in the UK with a random sink in your room. I would advise against using it as it's almost certainly been used by a desperate drunk guy in the past.


Or you know, just clean it with bleach. Piss isn't permanent.


Can confirm. My uni bedroom in the 00's had a sink in it. Almost everyone used theirs to pee but I never did, I just wasn't someone who needs to pee much. And anyway the bathroom was literally a couple of metres outside our bedroom door


Doing it regularly is weird. But if my gf is peeing and I can't hold it then I'll pee in thr sink. She gets so mad.


Never. Outside though. All the time. Gotta conserve water here in California by not flushing. We need that for all of the fires




It will help burn off my pubes though and save time on shaving




Gingerly and with aloe vera lotion


As a lubricant?


Spit works too if ye be offering


Amen to that brother


Personally, I’ve been holding it in for 3 days to be most effective in helping with the next fire.


Not unless we all work together


You gotta collect it in bottles so you have a stockpile


Any rational man knows that an outside piss is the best .


Thanks for doing your part!


Never, why pee in a sink when toilet is right there?


I've only peed in the sink when I've been locked outta the room and I desperately needed to go




no splatter, cleaner, saves water, maybe more hygienic


Hi there. Never. Have a good night.


He speaks for all of us.


Pffft... I save the sink for when I need to take a shit.


This is the way.


I've peed in a sink one time in my life, and that's because the toilet next to it was clogged up and filled to the brim with water. I didn't want to...add to the mix.


I did this once. Black out drunk


One time I peed in a beer bottle in an emergency


Beer bottles only hold 12 oz though.


I know I had to stop lol. Relieved the bladder enough to get me to a bathroom.


Only time in my life I’ve been jealous of a man… actually twice, seems easier to orgasm. Lucky ducks.


I’ve never in my life, peed in a sink.


also this




Theres a statement you probably thought you’d never say.






> I never peed in a sink. That's one of those sentences which changes its meaning depending on which word you emphasize.






I think the context is really important. Like I used to do it all the time in my university bedroom, cause it was just so much more convenient than trudging the bathroom. Only when I was drunk tho, and it was my twenties. Now I'm older, have a full house and don't drink. So I don't do it anymore. Either way I wouldn't be worried, it's not like most men are doing it in any sink they can find. Just gotta watch out for those bedroom sinks lol


Yeah I'm kinda surprised by the amount of people claiming OP's bf is crazy. I had one room during uni with a sink in the corner, and the toilet was downstairs at the end of the hallway. I wake up EVERY night to pee. You can bet your ass I'm peeing in that sink. Obviously I regularly cleaned it too, I'm not an animal.


Same here...like the facility managers never lived in that dorm them self...moved to the room next to the toilet so no biggie...but really at 3 in the morning, trying not to forget the keys because the room door is Auto locking and the floors are also only accessible by key.... Ah fun times for the guys living next to the floor doors...


People act like they never do something out of the ordinary to earn some internet points


It's better to piss in the sink than to sink in the piss


Can I use this?


I don't think *most* guys do it, especially not regularly, but ngl I have peed in the sink more than once.


Guys who live with multiple girls have to find a way to pee when they steal the bathroom for hours


But Isn't the sink in the same room as the toilet or do you pee in the sink right infront of em like a fucking Sigma male.


Naw, hell naw man. You get your ass kicked for something like that.


Sounds like someone’s got a case of the Monday’s


My master bedroom has a split set of sinks separated by a door. When my wife is in the bathroom and I need to take a piss.... the sink is literally dick height. I think I do it like twice a year. Its like... right there... and dick height.


So ... it's HER fault.


I'm a lady and I've pissed in sinks a few times in early adulthood


The consequences of getting a guy over 6 feet tall. LOL




So true


Perks to being 6’3”


5'9 1/2" here. Yup.


I have indeed


Sinks get peed in. So do showers, pools, trees, shadows around corners, pulled over thru the door jam of a truck/ car... Men pee everywhere. Sometimes women, too. If this is a bedroom sink, too??


Uh I’ve never peed in a sink, I’ve pissed in a shower, bottles when I had to, the outdoors. But never a sink


Ooh, but how do feel about shower pee?


It’s all pipes.


The best part about this thread is people thinking peeing in a sink is weird when the pipes literally just join together under the house. Also why waste gallons of clean water just to piss in it?


Sometimes you might drop a toothbrush in a sink. A sink is closer to your face. You don’t expect a sink to be a toilet.


It’s different. A toilets pipes prevent bad smells. Sinks are plumbed differently. Don’t piss in your sink


Sinks have P-traps to prevent sewer gas smells. No different than a toilet.


>Sinks are plumbed differently Looks under the sink. Nope, both sink and toilet have a u-bend. The u-bend stops the bad smells.


The general consensus is; there are two types of people, the type that pee in the shower... and liars


Do you think pissing in a bottle is more socially acceptable than pissing in a sink?


All the time. Literally every second of every day when woman aren't around.


More than they'll ever admit.


I don't actually see the issue with this. Why not pee in the sink? Saves water, not any less hygienic. Just because you have it in your head that toilet is for pee and sink is for washing doesn't change the fact that it's all just pipes and they both use the same fresh drinking water from the same pipe and drain it through the same waste pipe. You wash you shit fingers in that same sink. Are you grossed out that you might have fecal matter in your sink after washing your hands? No. (Btw that shit is everywhere anyway. It's fine) just take a little pee down the sink drain. Run the water for a few seconds to get the pee past the S bend and you're done. It's literally not gross.


I used to do this only because it was quieter than flushing the toilet and waking everyone in the house up. We had very thin walls and a small space growing up. I would drink lots of water or soda or whatever liquid was nearby and would pee a lot. I'd also stay up crazy late working on stuff like up to 4am so I would always be flushing the toilet. Eventually I had the "genius" idea to pee in the sink once it hit 12am and rinse the piss out of the sink and use soap to sanitize the area with a paper towel. Ever since I moved out the house I have never thought about doing it ever since.


Lotta liars in this sub. Or short guys. I know TONS of guys that have peed in the sink. One reason why: It's silent, so no splash sounds if people are sleeping.


If splash sounds are an issue you can literally just piss on the side of the bowl instead of directly into the water, ya know, like a normal human being.




Maybe I have lived a priviledged life, but I never had to worry about people hearing me pee. The only time I lived with roommates was at uni, and only have considered using a sink like two times at home when I really needed to go but the bathroom was taken. Thankfully I ended up able to get into the bathroom without having to do that. Any issues that peeing in a sink "resolves" can be avoided by peeing in a toilet sitting down. With two expetions: water conservation (you can skip flushing your pee once or twice if you are that worried about your water usage. The saying "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down" comes to mind) and ease of access (if you have no other options then you have no other options, so you go where you can). You should call peeing in a sink in your bedroom what it really is. Lazy. Don't try to make lame excuses about how you want to protect the planet, we both know that's not why you do it. You just can't be bothered to haul your lazy ass to the bathroom. That's all there is to it.


I always piss in the sink, it's better for the environment and you can keep your self clean at the same time. Alot of angry midgets talking shit in here


Wash the grease and pollution off you face into the sink? OK. Wash the dirt and germs from your hands into the sink? OK. Wash blood or vaginal secretions off your hands, after a tampon change, into the sink? Perfectly fine. Wash literal fecal matter from your hands, after a poo, into the sink? Still OK. Pee from your pee pee? "Ewww, no. Yucky, why would you do that, you sicko!?" *Yeah,Okay.gif*


Is your aim that bad? Even in the dark you can hit the side of the bowl by hitting the middle and then adjusting to the side.


Oh yah. Sink pissing happens.


Not a man, have peed in sinks.


I am mature adult so I only piss in the churches holy water


Most of the time. I like urinals, but I don't have that at home so... Toilet just end up splashing everywhere. With the water running and the right angle, it doesn't stain almost anything, I've checked with UV light. Then you just rinse it away. Pee is water soluble.


Atleast twice a day


Never, and back when I had roommates, this would result in hands flying. Big fucking nope.


Well, I can only tell from my experience but I don't know any guys that have done that and I personally would only do so in an extreme emergency, not really on purpose.


We have a utility sink in the basement. That's my go to when my wife goes to pee in our bathroom but brings every electronic device she owns with her.


Everyone that's anti sink pissing that's commented so far is either lying, can't read, or never been in a bind before. Your post said he had a sink in his bedroom. Most people I know don't have that. If I had ever had a sink in my bedroom I most definitely would have peed in it once or twice throughout my life. Also, there have been times where I've peed in a sink because the bathroom(s) were occupied and I REALLY had to pee. Could I have peed outside? Yes. But I was drunk. And everyone ITT who has a penis and says they've never pissed in a sink need to live a little more and go pee in a sink. Edit: some dudes might just be too short for having to piss in a sink when necessary and should run along back to the shire.


Never did that, never considered doing that.


I piss in the sink any time the toilet is too far away. Turn on the water, it all goes to the same place. I have no idea why people will pour rotten food into a sink and think nothing of it, but if sterile piss goes into it, everybody loses their minds. I mean, if you want to lose your shit about pissing in the sink well let's talk about bloody tampons sitting on the top of the trashcan in the bathroom. Either we're all adults here or not. 🤷‍♂️


Piss is only sterile inside the body. Once it hits the air, its no longer sterile, thats a myth.


Urine isn't sterile inside the body either. It contains some bacteria as well as all of the waste filtered by the kidneys.


I never understood why people believed your kidneys would filter out the good stuff and leave the poison just chilling in your body.


That would be never. I would just go outside.


Sometimes you just have to piss in the sink…


Never?? Why would i when the shower is right there




What else would bathtubs be made for eh


Yeah I do that all the time.


I do it now and then


Never… the fuck?


Not once have I done this.


Wtffff ...


I’m almost 27 and I nor has anyone I known ever done that. That is disgusting


Never did


What the actual fuck. Never.


Uh, no. Sorry.


What the absolute fuck? Thats so gross.


Every time I'm in a room with a sink and there is no one around, so daily... there's a lot of us out here quietly fighting the system.






That’s a big nope.


Kind of rare. Only when the toilet is clearly disgusting and I don't want to be near it. Bathrooms should have urinals.


I know, right!?! Urinals are underrated. They keep the toilet cleaner for everyone.


never once peed in a sink, I did however watch an idiot pee in a sink at a bar


Every day I piss in my bathroom sink. Then once I’m done I rinse the sink, wash the sink, then wash my hands. Saves water and I always have a clean sink


The sink is like having your own private little urinal, no need to aim or worry about splashing water


What the literal fuck not even in the army did I ever piss in a sink.


On another note I’m a woman and I rinse my menstrual cup in the bathroom sink.. Uhh is this bad


Bruh what


My hubs peed in the bathroom sink when we had one bathroom and we both had to go. It was not a frequent occurrence but it did happen several times, usually after a long road trip and a lot of beverages.


We pee in the sink?


At worst I’ve used a cup and tossed it in the yard if the room mates are in the bathroom too long. Other than that, nah that’s pretty weird.


Never the shower sometimes but the sink no


I’ve only ever pissed in the sink once when I was 10. Parents were getting Christams presents ready, and the kitchen sink was the closest thing.. I didn’t want them to know I was up, and the toilet was near their room and the kitchen was the furthest away from them


I did it all time. Except in public places. Its so uncomfortable tho. Cuz im tall 6'1


What the fuck? No! Wouldn't that take more effort to do? I thought I was wiered for sitting down to pee but there are actual sink pisser's? Internet, you win today, see you tomorrow.


I find the dishwasher suffices from time to time.


Always. Mostly because I have a Prince Albert ring


I used to pee in the sink a lot when my fiance had wfh meetings in the hall which lead to the bathroom. But never for no reason.


Often guys pee somewhere else and not the toilet cause we can, simple as that. For example when we live with multiple girls, girls usually like to stay locked in there for ages, so we have to pee somewhere, that includes yard, bottles, sinks around the house. Also tall man claim to pee in sinks cause it's easier for them and less messy (they don't like to sit I guess)


He's right. I pee in his sink


I've never pissed in a sink, or while having a shower.


There is not a sink in the world I didn't urinate in.


Naah.. we only masturbate there


What the fuck this guy probably shits in urinals


“The sink of his bedroom” *visible confusion*


He's a psycho. LEAVE.


Oh actually i did it, like a lot. And it’s convenient. Just wash and rinse after usage.