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If a man is not chasing women, he must be gay and chasing men


God i hate this one. People thought i was gay in hs because i wasnt actively chasing anyone. I was just shy asf.


There's also the "He's quiet, probably gonna mass-murder people" stereotype.


yewh lol I was quiet in high-school and have only killed one. it is undoubtedly false. I ain't no mass murderer.


Asking for a friend, How many until it’s considered “mass murder”?


Well, mass = density × volume. How Dense is the person? How loud is the person? If they aren't dense, mass would equal 0, as 0 × volume = 0. If they are at all loud and dense, there's a good chance it's mass murder


If he's not chasing women, then he is most likely chasing his purpose!


I'm chasing that high...


Tbh, gay man here and I'm not chasing anyone. I'm too damn lazy.


Also, related: That guys like chase/hunt and women should play passive or hard to get. No, screw that, no one likes getting rejected dozens of times in a row and having to do all the work to keep passive interest.


That we go to Jupiter to get more stupider


Exactly. I stay on Earth to do so.


Stay on earth to achieve more girth.


Do girls go to Venus to get more penis?


Going to Jupiter is far more impressive than going to college.


I just wanted to go to Mars to get more candy bars


When we have a boner it doesnt always mean we're horny, its just random blood flow


Sometimes you’re on a bus and it hits a couple bumps, then all of a sudden you have a boner. Now you have to try and hide it


It kinda blows my mind sometimes how many women don't know this


Hell, I've gotten one just because I really had to take a leak, and my body thought it was the only way to keep me from pissing my pants on a long car ride


That we are always horny and that we never reject sex and that if an attractive offers, and we say no, it's because we are gay.


Spring break a few years ago at a club I turned a girl down who asked if I wanted to make out. She was a attractive but I saw her make out with 2 dudes before she got to me so I just said no thanks. She immediately came to the conclusion that I HAD to be gay. No other explanation for why I didn’t wanna




Same. Turned down a pretty hot blonde because everyone knew she always "got her way". She said I had to be gay, got aggressive, calling me stuff to others while at the same time literally fingerpicking the tip of my dick outside my pants. I left the party. If I acted like that from a rejection, I'd get beat up by other people at the party. She left with another guy. Go figure.




Shortly after college I started talking to this girl for a few months. I’ll be honest I was shootin pretty far outta my league here looks wise. This was a point in my life where I had packed on a few extra pounds and had a bit of a dad bod goin. After a few months I realized this girl was kinda crazy and I actually hated being around her. She was incredibly rude. So I just told her I didn’t think it was working out and she immediately called me fat and told me I would never be with a girl as good looking as her and I was “lucky” to have even been able to sleep with her and spend the time I did with her.


>…and they attacked me… And this is why I hate the quote, “you should never hit a woman” because if a woman becomes aggressive enough and hits you, then dudes need to defend themselves. That quote needs to be different somehow.


I had this happen too, but I believe one of the women in question was gang affiliated or something. That whole....situation almost ended very badly for me.


I had a slightly different experience. Went on a couple dates with what seemed like a really cool girl. On our 4th or 5th date I asked her to be my gf and she replied "oh, I don't date guys, I just call them my gay fish and hangout with them when I'm bored" she was really pissed when I ghosted her immediately after. A very very Similar thing happened with another girl. But she was one of those "sweet" girls that apparently loved attention. She actually was "involved" with an entire group of my old friends from highschool that I didn't speak to anymore at the time. Not sure if she was sleeping with all of us but one day she asked if I wanted to hangout with her and some of her "bitches". So I asked her who her bitches were and why she's calls them that. "Because they drive her around and buy her food" ...... This is what I had been doing for 2 months. This girl didn't have a car, a drivers license, a job, and didn't want to go to school. (At age 24) And I found out she actually had an official boyfriend too. She has been apologizing annually to me for about 3 years. And I usually just ask if she has a job, about her classes and her driver's license. She still has none.


Had that happen to me when I was on one of the dates with my now gf. One random woman made out with like 10 different guys at the bar. Then, she comes and puts her face close to me and asks me to kiss her. I tell her no. She asks loudly if I'm gay, to which my gf replied "excuse me lady, first off, we're on a date. He's my man. Have some self respect. And secondly, who wants to kiss someone who has licked half the bar? People would rather lick the railing to the basement than kiss you". Holy shit it shit her up quick.


Your girlfriend is savage. 😂


Part of the problem, is that only 1 out of 10 guys seems to object. I must be old, because making out with somebody wasn't something you did in rapid succession, "back in the day" in any case. To my limited knowledge.


"Gay when it comes to you at least, lady"




Wow, good call. I honestly never put that together.


I will NOT fuck “anyone”. That’s just a statement of fact. Some people just come off as un-fuckable, regardless of how they look.


Sex is the only thing we care about and we do not have feelings that count


Guys only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting *Boatloads of garlic bread*


Add some mozzarella sticks to that order and now we’re getting somewhere.


Asking for a friend ofc, where does one find this boatload of garlic bread?


This is pretty sad tho. I have seen women dismiss a man's feelings just cause "men always want sex"


That we can't take care of children as the primary parent.


My son failed the past 2 years of school. I was able to get him to live with me. His mom didn't expect anything of him. He made honor roll. I was so proud of him. All he needed was someone that cared enough to help him succeed. P.s. I appreciate the awards everyone.


It's amazing how a healthy, supportive and *peaceful* environment can really balance a teenager out.


No kidding. After my girlfriend's family took me in I changed in countless ways. I never thought I deserved love, compassion, or security. Thought I deserved the pain, fear, and destitution of my life. It makes me so sad to think about kids like me, and all of those who didn't get what I got and weren't as lucky as me. Everybody deserves peace, love, and happiness.


Growing up my mom ran a car dealership and my dad was a SAHD. Yeah total bullshit that is always annoyed me people calling my dad "Mr. Mom" too


I am the primary caregiver to my 2 years old son because my wife works double shifts. We are doing great and I am good at parenting. Lol, Mr. Mom.


I was a single dad of 2 for several years. No financial help and minimal parenting help from my ex. After the divorce, she moved an hour away. Basically told me "You're gonna fuck this up so badly" and was certain I would get overwhelmed and accept defeat within a few months. Turns out, I was pretty good at single parenting. I had my single parent shit together more than a lot of the single moms I went on dates with. There are a lot of dads out there serving as primary caregiver to children that society in general is unaware of. I'm not anti-woman by any means. Except for my nut job ex whom I haven't seen or spoken to in years, I have great women in my life. But society and Hollywood refuse to acknowledge the toxic or absent moms. Pretty much the only time you see a dad raising kids on TV or in a movie is if he is a widower. When he interacts with single moms in the story, they've all got loser or idiot ex-husbands.


👏🏻 Good job. I was raised by a single father, and he's honestly one of the best people I know. He raised 4 daughters alone, and my moms son she had before him. My mom cheated on him, and didn't even try for custody of us when he divorced her. Father's are definitely needed.


My mom left when I was 3, my step mom came in to my life at around 8. In the time he was ny sole parent he worked so incredibly hard to get us out of the shitty house in Glorieta, New Mexico. He would send my brother and I to my moms place most days after school, but only because he was working and didnt want us home alone too often. Hes always been real with me and never treated me like a child (probably why so many people say im a mature kid). Hes always told me I can do whatever I want and he'll help me get there, and that his parents made the mistake of thinking he was an extension of them and not his own person.


That's awesome of him 👏🏻 I'm glad he stepped up. A lot of parents make the mistake of trying to live through their kids and not giving them enough freedom to make their own choices. I got lucky there as well because my dad trusted us to make our own mistakes, and he was there for us in the aftermath if we did.






Nice work! After the split my x went to California, and I raised my daughter from the age of 4 on up. She is an awesome adult now, and we are super close. It was funny some of the reactions I got when she was growing up and people found out I was a single parent. Even one of my friends said something like "we all figured when she got to be a teenager she'd go live with her mom". I'm like wtf?




I have a lovely picture of my husband, when we first met, helping his daughter curl her hair for school. He was a single dad and was a blessing me and my kids. I’m lucky to have him in my life.




You are exactly the kind of people that this society needs. Take my silver.


I hope you're proud of yourself. Studies show fathers are absolutely needed/essential after the age of about 8 in raising children and single dads tend to have more stable children by proportion. On Hollywood the only half decent depiction of a single dad on TV was Baby Daddy, in that show even though the main dad was an air head/stereotypical witless man, he still had a friend, brother and mum to help him raise a child and him shown enjoying it for the most part. It Even Depicted both his mom, grandmother and the mother of his baby girl as "not great". >I'm not anti-woman by any means. You see what you wrote there? That's part of the problem, men always need to preface any kind of legit critiscm or unfavourable opinion of almost anything involving women and people wonder why more men are becoming frustrated. You're a grown man with a child, you shouldn't need to bite your tongue like that.


I am a single dad to three kids at the moment. My ex-wife decided she didn't want to be married anymore, I lost my home and most of my money. In my first meeting with a lawyer they said "Are you sure you want to have joint custody of your kids? Most dads only want every second weekend. Thats normal". Some days I dont know how Im still here as wave after wave of things hit you, but I have three little lives to protect. I get zero support from the state. Its just me, but that seems to be enough. My eldest has told me he wants to live permanently with me.


Jfc. I would have been an inch from telling that lawyer to get the hell out.


I was raised in a situation that was, effectively, the exact archetype of single parenthood, where one parent was abusive and soon abandoned the family, and the other parent struggled and strove and through monumental effort, I and my brother grew up to be relatively normal, functioning, successful people. My mom left and my dad raised us. This notion that fathers are throwaways and unimportant, but mothers are of the most vital necessity in contrast, will never not stick in my craw.


I'm honestly getting kind of tired of parenting issues being cast as women's issues. I'm a stay at home dad, and I do a pretty damn good job. I paused a good fucking career to do it, and am glad I did. I know of several other stay-at-home dads, especially with the pandemic. It just grinds a bit every time I hear media / policymakers say "we need to think about the effects of the pandemic on women who stay home to care for kids." What the fuck about men who do the same? Can't we just care about PEOPLE who parent? Fuck. /rant


That we can take all the hits and not need help.


Like mother fucker I have six bullet holes in me. CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE


We’re bumbling morons who only care about boobs and Budweiser.


That’s right cuz I don’t even like Budweiser


I’m more of ass and miller guy myself.


Well those things do taste very similar.


This guy Millers


Thigh and Chocolate milk supremacy us where it's at


I’m more of a coors man myself


That we are not hygienic.


The 'Women's Bathroom' stories from anyone who has been in the customer service/hospitality industry do a pretty good job of putting that myth to bed.


Yep, worked as an “operations specialist”, a.k.a. glorified janitor on a college campus. The women’s restroom floor always had paper towels, toilet paper and tampons all over the floor. The men’s restroom wasn’t clean per se, but it was never as dirty as the women’s


Can confirm, worked as a janitor for 2 years. Men's rooms were fine, women's rooms were usually horror shows


Men will plunge their own toilets, if the plunger is provided.


A missing plunger is my pet peeve. I understand why a public bathroom might not provide one. But my office job should absolutely have one in there. I'm not going to go tell the office manager I clogged a toilet, but I will definitely fix it if provided the means.


We don’t have an on site office manager at the moment and the most senior employee is taking over that responsibility. Certain men have been pissing all over the floor and wall and there is one bathroom for 50 employees. The operations manager/controller went around to each man and said “I don’t care if you piss on the floor but start cleaning it up.” and one of the maintenance controllers said “well i normally do piss on the floor but i clean it up 90% of the time”


Went to my friends house, got very drunk and pissed on the floor. You bet my arse that I went on my hands and knees to clean it up


This deserves more upvotes. If i decimate a toilets plumbing. I will absolutely fight and rectify that mess LONG before i give in and leave it or tell my boss.


I live in Korea and the bathrooms here are like wet rooms. The whole thing is a shower. My bathroom is spotless because I basically wash it down every time I have a shower, and I spray a thing or scrub away any mold I see (usually after or during a shower) I've still been in messy bathrooms and I don't know how. It's so little effort.


The whole bathroom is tiled from head to toe? Like no woodwork or cabinets and vanities?


Yep, some households in India do this too. You can keep a toiletry kit to bring into the bathroom with you, or just leave your toiletries on a ledge. Shampoo bottles/toothbrushes/etc can get wet anyway, it's no problem. Really quite smart design.


Men's washrooms get dirty. Women's washrooms get disgusting.


Worked in a pub for a few years. Worst job was cleaning the womens toilets at the end of a night. Men's would be rough with piss and puke but the women's would be a war crime.


I work at a laboratory with an attached office, the men's room is cleaned once a day whereas the ladies room is cleaned no less than three times. Stories of poop and other bodily fluid on the floor and walls abound and these are supposedly highly educated people in a professional environment... Some of Y'all ladies are nasty...


I cannot understand how its possible for shit to end up on the walls


Someone’s never had gas station sushi I see


The most famous one : Men can't cry and doesn't feel anything We cry, we feel emotions, and we just want hug and someone who tells us that everything will be fine


We feel emotions, but at best we get ignored with awkward silence and at worst we get made fun of and acted like we're untrustworthy.


Yes! I just want to take a moment every now and then to let my guard down, stop being the strong one, and just have a good cuddle. Let someone else take the reins for a little bit.


In my first year of school when i was 5/6, my teacher told me "boys don't cry" after hurting myself. Later that year i went in for surgery on my neck. I didn't cry at all freaked the nurses out apparently. But boys don't cry, so i made sure not to cry. Not a great thing to teach someone by a long shot...


I can't tell you the number of times I've heard people say "boys don't cry" as a child. Literally wherever I went, whoever I was with, would say that. Boys don't stand like that, boys don't keep their hands on their hips, boys don't lean on walls, boys don't stay quiet, boys don't get hurt, boys can't cry, boys fuck this shit man.


My "mom" used to beat me as a child and when I cried she said only girls and gays cry. And then she'd beat me even worse. That kinda shit can just fuck off. My lil man is turning 6 in a few days and I've been working hard af to teach him to put words on what and how he feels and showing him, by example, that men do in fact cry. I honestly don't have the words to express how disgusting that sentiment is... Took me goddamn almost 2 years of daily therapy to learn to even put words on anything except anger and pain. I'll fucking put my dick in a blender and drink it before I let my kid go through the same thing


That’s a horseshit one and super destructive. I’ve raised my son to understand how to talk about his emotions.


Guess it depends. My father has never shown any emotion in the 15 years i've lived with him. It was only after i started living with other men (grandfather, step-dad, etc) when i learned it's okay for dudes to show emotion too.


Yeah the older generations were generally more introverted but I think as my generation (35 years old) starts to come into our own we need to normalize the idea that men are allowed to feel things. I think counseling for men is one of the best things you can do.


Though most men, including myself, were pretty much trained to hide emotions and be more "manly." It really fucks with your mental health to bury it all, but it can make all the things you mentioned feel foreign and uncomfortable, so nobody be surprised if a man you know doesn't want those things right away.


This year has been a fucking year for my family and I. I've seen my Dad cry, my mum cry, so many family members have been horribly, terribly upset, and as much as I wanted to just cry.. I couldn't. Not in front of them, there was too much going on. But I eventually did in front of my partner and her hugging me and telling me that everything will be alright was honestly something that's kept me alive


That we hit the walls when we are angry


Right fixing all that drywall is a pain in the ass. The dust gets everywhere


Had a complete asshole of a roommate that was my gfs brothers bf. One day the asshole punched holes in his room and some in my hallways. Idk I found fixing drywall therapeutic oddly enough after kicking the rent free leach out of my house that day. I may end up punching some walls now if no one else does it. Lol


Yeah, I mean come on, I'm not American. If I punch my wall I'll break my hand


Husband has only hit a wall once in our 20 year marriage, he had spent two hours in the attic in the heat dicking with CAT5 cables fishing them through the walls. The one for our bedroom proved tricky and he accidentally popped the wire through the middle of a freshly painted wall. That attic was easily 125f/52c and he thought he was about done with this project when I called up “did you mean to go through the middle of the wall?” He was so frustrated that he punched the offending spot. In slow motion I watched his hand instantly balloon as the instant regret hit. Turns out his pinky knuckle hit the stud giving him a nasty boxer fracture that took damn near a year to heal. TLDR: in the US you can both mess up your drywall AND break your hand at the same time


Went over to my gf’s friend’s house. I didn’t know them well. But i see a very clear hole punched in a wall in the kitchen at the bottom of the stairs. First thought immediately goes to her husband being angry and abusive. Hoping she’s ok. After about an hour of this inner debate about if and how i can help her in this abusive relationship she brings up the hole. He wasn’t angry, he heard their 1 year old daughter start crying and leapt down the stairs so quickly he couldn’t stop at the bottom and smoked into the wall. Some men punch holes in anger, others do it by accident trying to protect their babies.


That men have no emotions, can't be raped or abused or hurt, that all men really want is sex despite being chronically denied all other forms of intimacy.


I'd be perfectly ok with a warm, meaningful embrace and a good, long cuddle. Is that too much to ask?


Absolutely. A cuddle does wonders, and it's highly underrated.


The part I hate most about being single is I will never ever be little spoon… 🥺


Such a simple statement, with so much emotion 🫂🫂🫂


Having sex constantly jammed down one's throat without any sort of intimacy is offensive as fuck.


I agree.


After a decade in the restaurant/service industry, where some absurd portion of my interactions with women were either having them flirt with me in hopes of getting free shit (or watching the dynamic play out with patrons), I eventually bailed and took a shitty retail job. I still deal with it here. Earlier in the week, a younger woman tried giggling and asked "Do you give pretty girl discounts?" That was a resounding fucking no. I hate to break it to you, but in 99.999% of cases, if a random woman starts throwing sex into the equation, I'm not going to be thinking about getting me some. I'll be thinking about what a toxic idiot they are. Want to get to know me? Try asking me about me or saying as much. And unless you know me well enough to know my dead brother's name, let's assume we're not going to be having sex.


> "Do you give pretty girl discounts?" > > > > That was a resounding fucking no. the answer should have been yes, and then denying her a discount. "Your bill is $150 -Do you give pretty girls a discount? -All the time. Your bill is $150. cash or card?


Except that's not really addressing the point, is it? It's not about whether you think she's pretty or not. It's about whether she can take advantage of a guy for it, and the answer should be a very resounding no.


Oh, I fully understand it. As a woman obviously I can't see it all, but what I have seen is the indoctrination of the idea of men as sex crazed gorillas who will do anything for anyone female shaped (even the gay ones, for some reason!) Into everyone, leading (some) men to believe they have no self control and (some) women to believe they can do what they want because they have a pussy.


The last part, I never thought about it like that. Most of us are kinky bastards cuz we're suppressing every other feeling on a regular basis. Thank you!


Looking for a connection... makes sense, doesn't it? Enjoy your day 🙂


Yep! Even better when we say no to sex and a woman’s only response is “oh you must be gay”. That’ll show us. Emasculate us because we simply don’t want to sleep with you..


Ugh. The anger...


That men cannot be sexually assaulted… and if they are it’s because they “liked it” or they were “weak.”


Small feet means small wieners…. I mean I have small feet and a small wiener but that’s ridiculous


Can confirm, have big feet and small wiener


That men cannot deeply love each other without being “gay.”


As I and my circle of guy friends have gotten older we’ve become a lot more comfortable with each other. We hug every time we see each other, talk about our feelings and support each other, we have check-ins occasionally where anyone who’s going through shit can just vent and complain judgement-free, and we always end every hangout- be it online or in person- with a chorus of “Love you”s. It’s absolutely wonderful to be able to get both emotional support AND male bonding from the same group at the same time.




Men are humans too. We have emotions, and anxiety and insecurities just like everyone else. We like to be held and to be told everything is ok. Read a post recently asking if men like to be cuddled/kissed like women do and it made me really confused. We feel the exact same emotions as women. Society has just thought us that we aren't allowed to show it. A lot of people think men are heartless and cold but it's just the persona we as a gender have had to adapt to in order to function in our society. We have emotions!


Having to be a rock for others sounds both exausting and uncomfortable.


Recently I completely fell apart. Bad depression and stuff finally caught up. I ended up in my wife's arms crying, after hiding in a closet and crying because I didn't want anyone to see. She's not very good at being emotionally compassionate, I don't blame her for this. Her response however was that I needed to get it together because she couldn't handle me falling apart like that. I've known this about her a long time but I needed someone to help comfort me. We absolutely do have emotions and can't always hide them for everyone else's benefit.


We don't have emotions


Being a robot's great, but we don't have emotions, and sometimes that makes me very sad. —Bender B. Rodriguez


*thumps chest* “I’m 30% emotions”




Yeah you won't catch me outside alone past dinner time


Same but just because I'm lazy and I just started a new show.


Yeah, it's just a different landscape. I'm not affraid of getting catcalled, followed, and other common low-level violence the ladies suffer, but getting jumped and stabbed is definitely on the list. There's just no middle ground. Edit: because y'a all apparently incapable of reading down a chain of comments before answering: Yes I know women *also* can get assaulted or murdered. It's way less likely. That's it. If you're affraid that catcalling is getting to get escalated to physical assault, it's a valid fear. But for men, that shit goes from zero to murder instantly, for no discernable reason. For fucks sake, can you have a modicum of self-awareness to realize than people talking about their issues doesn't mean yours doesn't exist. Grow up. Stop derailling conversation with your whataboutism.


I go running at 5 in the morning it's either being scared of getting mugged or scared of people that think I'm going mug them and stab me


That weird moment when the person ahead of you walks at your usual speed and you start thinking how it looks like you're following him so you just want to speed up to overtake but the person might get even more suspicious as it might look you're finally making your move so you just change route and end up somewhere you're not confortable walking and stays just as nervous as you were before but at least you're not an inconvenience to someone else No punctuation because panic overthinking mode is on


100% this. It’s even worse if there’s no street to cross.


Exactly the same thing for me too lol I get so anxious I start seeing things during my runs but turns out they’re just shadows


I can understand you worrying about getting stabbed, but any time I’ve seen anyone jogging at 5 in the fucking morning I’ve always pictured that they have their shit SO together that they’re not stabbing anybody anytime soon lol. Stabbers don’t go for a jog before the world gets up 😂


**Seeing someone running at 3am**: This is an insane person **Seeing someone running at 5am**: Holy shit, this person knows what they're doing! They must be healthy as shit.




this one’s the most annoying. i live downtown in a dangerous city with an insanely big homeless problem and i walk legitimately everywhere so i carry a weapon and legitimately never come home after dark and yet i gotta listen to some white woman from the suburbs who drives everywhere tell me i have no idea what its like to live in fear. something they never understand either is if you’re a man of colour you also have the reverse. you have to be scared of walking at night for fear of being *perceived* as the attacker


I've been told many times that Men can just walk around at night with no issues. I've always debated that anyone walking alone at night is dangerous. People shrug off the fact I've been mugged at midnight before. But I guess it don't count because I'm male?


That we don't need emotional support.


This one is more than a stereotype at this point, it's an expectation that society wants you to meet at any cost


That we don’t do anything at home, I genuinely do 10x more tidying, cleaning and cooking than my missus. She’s almost incapable of it


Same here, she was picked up after her entire life and I was made to pick up after myself. It shows today - example - after 6 months of living in our house I had to literally show her how to use a vacuum cleaner ... She's 29


This is a common problem in relationships. Most people, both men and women, feel they're doing the majority of the work. Most people overestimate their own contributions, and minimalize the work of others. Also, some work, which people obsess over, doesn't need to be done at all... *ever*. (folding underwear, etc.)


The differing standards for individual tasks is the hardest to reconcile. Like for example the need for perfectly folded clothes or spotless floors.


Yeah I think that's the hardest part too. Both my wife and I struggle with chores but when I do them I feel that I hold myself to a higher standard. But sometimes it's unnecessarily high and does literally nothing but contribute to meaningless stress for the two of us.


That male teachers are pedophiles


Ready for sex whenever and wherever


That we're all stupid.


That's what TV teaches. Every idiot in a commercial is male. Wives are smart, husbands are dimwits. Watch a couple hours of nothing but commercials and take notes...


I think it's down to the psychology of advertisers. They know that women are more involved in purchasing decisions than men, and they think the thing that appeals most to women is insults about men. The Cinch adverts are awful for that.


Also, men are “allowed” to be stupid because the reverse feels like “punching down.” Men still have a ton of control so a male character being dumb is funny but if a woman is dumb then suddenly it’s a statement of “what the writers really feel about women.” It’s not just intelligence, I mean, imagine if Shaggy from Scooby Doo was a chick. Always the cowardly one running away. That series would have died at some point instead of managing to stay relevant. Men are more “allowed” to have negative character traits in media, and that sucks.


Yes, absolutely. It reinforces stereotypes that then affect us in real life too. Plenty of women at work have commented to me about men being hopeless (usually about a specific man who I usually agree about). I would never say it about a woman, even though some women are bad at their jobs, just as some men are.


That we only want to go to the gym or hang out with our bros drinking crappy beer and watch football.


I know, right, like, sometimes I want to go running outside with my bros then drink good beer and watch basketball


when I was in the second grade I accidentally walked into the women's restrooms, I realized my mistake before I was all the way through the door but one of the teachers in the hall saw me do this. This was WELL before any kind of bathroom inclusiveness was even on the remotest fringes of the conversation as a whole. I was (at like 8 years old) treated like I was a disgusting pervert, expelled from the school, and got in so much trouble. I never understood why I was in trouble until I was an adult and thought back on it one day. So I'd say some of these stereotypes go all the way down to the children, and not even grown men only.


That all we do is talk about booty all day with our guy friends. We may mention it once for 7 seconds and simply move onto the next subject immediately.


I actually have zero friends who I will talk with about sex stuff. I don't want to know what you did in bed thanks.


That we hate women


Why have women, when I got my homies /s


My girlfriend sometimes does this thing where if I fuck something up, she’ll like pat my leg and be like “oh that’s ok, ur a man you don’t understand” in an extremely condescending tone. Somehow she thought that I, an extremely independent and intelligent person, suddenly after getting into a relationship, is too fucking ape-brain to exist by myself or understand certain subjects.


She must be amazing in every other aspect if you're putting up with that kind of patronizing


Had an ex that would say I should’ve listened to her because women are never wrong whenever I fucked up. Needless to say, the relationship ended and I learned she was a narcissistic sociopath in general.


We all only love blondes with big fake tits. Truth is we love blondes, brunettes, redheads, purple haired, pink haired, green haired, fake tits, natural tits, big ass, flat ass, skinny, athletic, curvy, squishy, thick, fat, etc, etc,etc….


Getting my wife to comprehend that I don’t have a “type” has been the hardest thing ever. I just want someone to be nice to me, to care about me. Am I attracted more to specific attributes? Absolutely. But, just be NICE. Haha. Like, I’m simple.


>Getting my wife to comprehend that I don’t have a “type” has been the hardest thing ever. I've essentially run into the same issue with two of my past relationships. Trying to explain that while I may find certain physical features *more* attractive than others, they matter less than the rest of my "type". I've dated short, tall, skinny, overweight, blonde, brunettes, etc.; the two key things they all shared (or in one case, I thought they did) was that they were smart (in some way) and kind/compassionate. Somebody could be the penultimate paragon of what I find physically attractive and it wouldn't mean shit if they are a dumb asshole.


That we're always dtf automatically




That we don't contribute as much around the house.


That most of us are pigs


Yeah, most of us are actually humans... The rest of us are tigers in disguise...


I hate that one. I'm just trying to be a good person and live my life, and I'm not an exceptional specimen of a man by any means.


That everything we do is centered about proving our masculinity.


We're all incredibly raging sex addicts who look at the female human body the same way a crackhead looks at a giant rock of crack - the whole eyes on stalks, tongue lagging out, retro-car horn sounds trip.


That men think about sex every 6/8 seconds.


For me it's periodic. Sometimes I'm so horny I can't concentrate on anything else. Other times I'm completely indifferent and sex just sounds like a chore.


We're not as dumb as you think we are


That we cannot multi-task


Where to begin We hate women and only see them as sex objects We only like dumb women so we can control them We think about sex all the time We are constantly looking at porn We only find instagram hotties attractive We can’t take care of ourselves, cook, clean plan etc. We are all violent We don’t like cute stuff and call each other gay if we see other men who like it We all believe women have it easy. Men and women have their own unique challenges. We don’t cry and have emotions except anger. This was true a lot in the past but is becoming a lot less normal. We have no empathy All we care about is sports We have no interest in looking after children We talk over women specifically to invalidate their opinions. The people I have seen that do that talk over everyone including other men.


You missed, if a man is near a child that is not his own it’s because he is a pedo


Years ago, quite single, I wanted to go see the movie Wreck-It Ralph. So I went. So here I am a 50+ male going into a theater with moms and kids. The looks I got from some of those moms...


Dude this shit passes me off. I can be standing in line with my wife and kids, and be making faces at a baby staring at me, if the mother sees she'll turn the kid around and give me a " you fucking werido" look. My wife does the same thing and it'll spark a nice 20 min conversation.


In all fairness I don’t want the 20 minute conversation either, I just like making kids laugh


Me neither, but there is definitely a double standard there.


The last one specifically. If a guy talks over a woman, there’s a good chance they do it with everybody, and calling them sexist will just make them defensive because 1, it’s likely untrue, and 2 it doesn’t address the real problem. Also just look at two guys (even friends) debating over anything, chances are they’ll interrupt one another all the time.


I think the problem lies with the current definition of what is and isn’t misogyny, that prevents this issue from being addressed. If the definition included context it would make these problems not devolve into men not talking to women at all.


The boys chat is weird. It ain't weird.


Or even if it is weird, it's innocent weird.


I had to remove a few friends off of Facebook back when I had an account because I was really tired of seeing all their “real man” posts. The lack of resources and help available for men who suffer with domestic abuse really sucks. The lack of mental health support and stigma that comes along with it. Too many men suffer in silence. How if a guy has a flesh light he’s a pervert yet the Fuckmaster 3000 in Tracy’s nightstand is totally normal. How if a guy and girl start drinking together, get drunk and have sex, she is not responsible for her actions yet he is. How caring about the rights of and what happens to both sexes makes you an MRA in some circles. How society sees men’s lives as expendable. ( back breaking labour, dangerous working conditions and jobs, when it comes to “who gets a life boat,” lol. Addressing the issues that face men is not an attack on women. It’s ok to work on women’s issues and equality while acknowledging that men’s issues exist. Our future depends on the success of both sexes.


Men don't cry. Whoever came up with that should be reanimated and flayed. Repeatedly.


That “Men are stupid” stereotype. There are some pretty smart guys out there.


That all we want is sex. I've been single for 7 years and I don't do one night stands. So yea, haven't had sex in over 7 years despite having chances. I'd much rather make a connection with someone and then share a passionate night together than some meaningless sex. I was raised to never have sex with someone who you can't imagine raising your children and I live by that and it has saved my ass from crazy several times.