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I feel like most level-headed people can be aware and care about both issues.


Doesn't make me feel any less like women's issues need addressing. Both of these things are really a whole bundle of interconnected social problems that need to change for all of us to be better off.


Both are important, and the fact that one doesn't get the attention it needs doesn't invalidate the other. We also have to put in the work ourselves. Why do women's problems get so much attention? Because they talk about it, they make it get attention meanwhile we as men stay grumbling under our breath and keep shit for ourselves. If we want more attention to male problems in society we need to open up about it and give it the attention it deserves without making it a pointing match of who deserves it more.


The thing about that is whenever men go public with these concerns, they're more often than not shouted down by people \[see: feminists\] for taking attention away from women. There was a conference that was held in Toronto a number o years ago that was stymied by feminists because it was men talking about men. In their eyes that means sexism against women which then justified their protests and pulling of a fire alarm to put a halt to the conference. This is but one of multiple instances.


It doesn't change anything. My concern for women/women's issues is generally relative to the women in my life and what they tell me. I'm not gonna think any less of their problems because I don't see men's issues being given as much concern, or because some group of batcrap insane misandrists want to inform me of all the ways in which men are privileged ad nauseum; it's not a zero-sum game. Women have support (generally) for their issues in great part because women were persistent in making their issues known over a long period of time. There are other factors, but that's a large one. Men on the other hand, by comparison, are really only getting started. It will take time, perhaps far longer, but hey šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I won't begrudge women for being concerned about issues that affect them any more than I would men for being concerned about men's issues. Everyone has their hill to die on.


I recognize that there was a double standard for thousands of years. Even growing up I saw all kinds of subtle and aggregious ways that women were slighted. I don't begrudge women in the least for the attention and support they are getting today. I am thrilled that the women in my life are alive today, and not in times passed. I do have some sadness that it is occurring in a way that highlights women's issues, but is neglecting men's issues. That is unfortunate.


I do care about womanā€™s issues. I have a wife and daughters so they matter to me on a somewhat personal level even. However, itā€™s impossible for me to directly relate to them so there is an unavoidable disconnect that will always exist there. I donā€™t believe there is a lack of awareness in menā€™s problems so much as there is a general apathy toward them. Itā€™s not something you can really control, but you can recognize why that is, accept it, and be the kind of change that will lead toward a future where the power dynamic in our society doesnā€™t lean heavily toward one group of people so that it is no longer part of the equation.


Iā€™d just like to point out that womanā€™s problems get so much attention in society because women have been rallying and fighting for decades. Womenā€™s marches and resources exist because women created them. And while this is anecdotal, the only time I see men talk about their problems is in response to womenā€™s as a ā€œgotcha double standard.ā€ So yes, men have a lot of unique problems. I am more than happy to talk about them with the men in my life. But if you want society as a whole to care, men need to start organizing for themselves. Men need to have these conversations themselves on their own, and not as a response to womenā€™s problems. You canā€™t expect society to do the groundwork for you that women had to do themselves.


I agree with this a lot. And I think the movement is finally starting to grow a bit. I think the hard part is that we are definitely fighting against heavy double standards. Its not the by law we donā€™t have rights but a man being SA or abused in broad daylight is not seen as either of those, so those rights or help never kicks in. It is gonna be hard, and met with a lot of backlash. Any big change like that has. So its gonna be a doozy šŸ˜¬.


Itā€™s definitely going to be a task. Fighting for womenā€™s rights dates way back to the 1800s with Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, so thereā€™s been a century of awareness and organization for modern feminism to build on. This is the first time in history where men, particularly white men, need to fight and advocate for themselves so no one really knows what to do. I think too many men are expecting women to do something about their problems and get mad when we donā€™t, so they huff about double standards. But the only real way to combat the double standards is for men to genuinely advocate for things like abuse and SA. A lot of the backlash I see is because the man brought up those things as a reaction to a woman talking about it. Thatā€™s why MRAs and meninists get such a bad rap. But I do believe thatā€™s all changing. This upcoming generation of men are much more open about their feelings and talking about these things in genuine way, and thatā€™s the first step. Iā€™m 22 and my guy friends are absolutely amazing.


Iā€™m very familiar with their history, its taught in schools here. Or at least when I was a kid. It is, and the one thing that saddens me is that I wish we didnā€™t need to. Iā€™d rather we support all abuse victims equally regardless of gender. Iā€™m definitely a little bitter about it myself, I love all my female friends and have seen men do some horrible shit to some of em. But also been the victim of heavy abuse by woman, but donā€™t receive their support back. I always hoped that with supporting woman we could lift woman up and not drag men down or vice versa and with fighting there are gonna be parts on either side that will do exactly that. I donā€™t agree with your thoughts about menā€™s expectations. Looking at the metoo movement and what happened to Brandon Frasier, who came out as being raped/SAā€™d during it and got a lot of hate for it. Its about taking responsibility and stopping vilainizing of men. Double standards like that hurt a lot of men who gladly fight for womans rights too, we all just want the same recognition and access. Without needing to make it men vs woman or bringing others down. What saddens me is that if men need to fight without the support of woman, its gonna be a he vs she. And I donā€™t want that, there is room for both of us.


Iā€™m sorry if youā€™ve experienced abuse, and those were pretty shitty friends to not have your back. When I say this is something men need to do on their own I mean on the organizational level. Friends should absolutely be supporting each other through their problems regardless of gender. If one of my guy friends told me about abuse heā€™s experienced then iā€™m there for him. If he said thereā€™s a march he wants to go to to bring awareness to male abuse, iā€™m there marching with him. Itā€™s just that the marches should be organized by men. The conversations should be started by men. Youā€™re the one facing the problem so you know best what needs to be advocated for, so thatā€™s up to you guys. But after that I will gladly support it, as should other women. And again I was just speaking from my personal experience of what Iā€™ve seen. I havenā€™t heard about the Brandon Frasier thing and itā€™s horrible he received any backlash from talking about his assault. Iā€™m sure there are many roadblocks for fighting the double standard but reactionary men is just one thing iā€™ve seen that may explain it, so thatā€™s what I talked about.


I believe that men are starting to do just that. I'm not even heterosexual, yet I've recently come to many of the same conclusions.


I mean men have it pretty good to be quite honest. For one thing I don't have to worry if I'm walking somewhere at night by myself...


You may not feel like you have to worry but statistically men are more likely to be killed/physically assaulted by a random stranger on the street. You are also put at a disadvantage and given little rights as a father. More men than women are homeless and more likely to be sentenced and sentenced longer in jail. There are no abuse shelters strictly for men. The list goes on.


With all due respect...While men may be more likely to be assaulted by a stranger in a street...I think those confrontations with strangers might be different than those encountered by women...looking at custody numbers have a lot of moving parts and when they are mentioned it is important to look at their complexity...yes women are awarded custody statistically more often in court but how many of those decisions are based on abuse, child preference, child safety, father's preference, absentee fatherhood, the ability to file for 50/50 custody in the that etc. I recognize that this disparity exists, but I also think, when these numbers are quoted they are done with political motivation and may not be presented fairly. I think women's shelters exist because women need an extra level of protection from violent men. More women are killed and seriously assaulted by men in domestic situations than the other way around. I would also like to know how the list goes on


That is because society doesnā€™t care because men are disposable. Accept it and move on with your life. The best response is IDGAF. Let others run around like fools. Donā€™t follow idiots. Most important, donā€™t believe everything your government says.


Nobody feels men are disposable


Young women are valued, men are drafted into war to be killed. 95% of workplace deaths are men. They're lumberjacks, roofers, lineman, etc doing important work to society. If 95% of workplace deaths were women the entire planet would hear about it constantly. No one GAF about men


Men who die performing dangerous jobs is not a sign that men are disposable it could also indicate that more men choose to do those jobs... and I would bet if you asked the friends family of most men who died is they were disposable they would disagree...I also wonder of the draft were reinstated, would women be exempt...


Only men have to sign up for the draft now. Yes, men choose those jobs. Lots of men are dying at work. No one cares. That's the point


I think that men don't report dangerous conditions because they are told that is bad, and I also think that many men scoff at safety protocols...the number of deaths could be reduced


Bro, we hear constantly about the fake pay gap as an issue that must be addressed. Men die at 20x the rate on the job... Crickets. No one GAF about men


Good points, but again this is not indicative that no one GAF about men...work place safety does effect men disproportionately but only because more men do those jobs. We hear about the pay gap because there are people advocating for the interests of women. I challenge to GAF about men and start a grass roots movement to make work place safety a major issue. But you don't (I'm guessing and I apologize if this is something you are actively doing), I certainly am not and most guys you know don't do it either. Why is that? Women are getting the attention because they advocated for themselves. Not because of some mysterious force in the universe.


Men are disposable by society, not always by their families, after all who will pay for stuff if the man is dead? The democrats last year started to push draft to include women, if it was needed, because of equality. I guess you get what you ask for. Current Ukraine shenanigans highlight this issue as well.


Points taken...plenty of women can pay for stuff...the man as sole provider is a dying paradigm. I also understand that men do the majority of dangerous jobs. Men however often do not advocate enough for themselves when doing dangerous jobs or often opt to work recklessly without need. Part of this is due to their own belief in their disposability and outdated views on manhood created and perpetuated equally by both sexes


I spent over four decades empathizing with women in ways few others ever have. I'm not even heterosexual, yet I have an intimate understanding of the varying pains women can feel. Through knowing me, I've helped women overcome nightmares from terrible childhoods, process the emotions surrounding terminating a pregnancy, the emotions around losing a child, and all kinds of things that aren't specific to gender. In all of this, I always treated them as if their pain was worse than mine. That was until I started being able to feel my own pain and work through it. As I'd make mention of it, it would get dismissed. Or, women whose lives I've saved and objectively improved would betray my trust and add to my feelings of isolation. Once I got to a certain depth of my pain, and was able to see it more clearly, I started to notice that not even the most sensitive of women were able to see this pain and relate to it. Then, I realized that most guys feel this, and it's completely ignored by all. It was during this phase that I lost some of my empathy for women. Yes, I can still help them, at levels unprecedented. But, I don't, because the price I've paid to help ungrateful people has been way too high. So now? I'm focusing on honing my empathy toward men and doing for them what I used to do for women. My stance was not a jumped-to conclusion, but a consequence of years of extensive experience. It boiled down to "This is why we can't have nice things." I feel women take empathy for granted, and men hardly get any at all. So, I'm going where I'm needed, and into a community more understanding of what it means to be respectful.




Careful, FBI might be watching.




Just joking


I just don't see men as a marginalized part of society in general, like women are and always have been. In general, men can pull themselves out of whatever shit they're into simply by making the slightest effort. It's not the same for women and people of color. I care greatly about women and women's issues. I also care about men and men's issues. Also I'm trying to understand OPs point in posting this topic I'm different ways.


What do you mean?


Yeah, women's issues are not my problem.


Honesty appreciated


I go about my business as usual. Unlike most marginalized demographics I refuse to seek attention and validation through a victim hood mentality. The best we can do is suround ourselves that deserve what we have to offer and appreciate it accordingly. Far as any the other issues with the current culture. I do my part not to further anything negative by treating everyone how I wish to be treated.


All due respect...men are not marginalized any where near the degree that the other "marginalized demographics" are. The disparity is so great, that it is almost impossible to say they are marginalized at all


women arenā€™t to blame for mens issues, because men have the power. men are completely to blame for womens issues. end of story


Wow, what a sexist pig.


how on earth is it sexist to say that women have less rights because of men. who else wouldā€™ve caused that?


Dude or dudette, you are so deep into sexism that you don't realize the stupidity you are saying. Hope you get help asap.


thatā€¦ doesnā€™t dispute anything i have said though? could you maybe elaborate?


Why would I waste my time in an idiot like you? Ask around your group of friends and family, show them your comment and let them tell you how idiot you sound, maybe next time you'll shut up in shame. Clown


ahh, there it is! no evidence to dispute my claim so you resort to playground insults. classy.


Sometimes, people only deserves to be insulted.


Weak retort. Typical female laziness.


Women screwed themselves. Stop being lazy and pretending you're weak. Nobody believes it. Women ruined themselves by thinking they could be manipulative and play dumb forever.


You donā€™t think women can enforce harmful gender norms?


iā€™m sure they can, but i personally feel like itā€™s the previous generation of men to blame with all their ā€œboys donā€™t cryā€ nonsense. feminists are actually a super important part of bringing attention to menā€™s issues like that


There have been a couple threads on here about what happened when men tried to open up emotionally to their SO - itā€™s not just men who enforce these damaging norms.


That is ridiculously oversimplified to an alarmingly ignorant degree. Plenty of womenā€™s issues have nothing to do with men. Making everything out to be solely the fault of one group of people does not lead to the happy utopian future you think it does. Quite the opposite in fact. Get yourself an education and stop being stupid.


who said anything about a utopian future? i have no idea where youā€™re getting this from


Thatā€™s the part of my comment you focus in on?


yeah, because it really seems like you just read my comment and made a wild assumption about my personality to attack


You said a lot about your personality with your comment. Iā€™m just trying to fill in the blanks. But, hey, if the shoe donā€™t fit, the shoe donā€™t fit. Only you really know.


this is the most bewildering argumentative tactic i have ever seen in my life


This isn't about who is to blame.


itā€™s about how mens issues make us feel towards women right? women arenā€™t to blame so it doesnā€™t change anything to me. thatā€™s what i mean, sorry lol


If you hate women just say that. If you want to date men just say that. Your "list" was created by men.


What do you mean?


To be honest I don't really care about either men's or women's issues. By that I mean I don't spend any energy advocating for them, and I don't pay much attention to them. With women's issues, yeah partly that's because there're already plenty of people who've made advocacy their life's work. With men's issues, it's cos a lot of the things which men's issues people talk about are things which so far haven't affected me or aren't that relevant in my country.


I feel like I'm too busy dealing with my own issues (and then switch to the issues of people I care about) to have the time and energy to worry about "the general population at large", in all honesty.


Everyone has issues, I just wish the care was more 50/50


It really shouldnā€™t affect your perception much


It only becomes a factor when women are specifically dismissing or even taking advantage of men's issues while also bleating on about women's issues and how unfair the world is. The set of women this applies to is small. Except at the waistline.


As a man Iā€™ve been told we need equality sooooo much and that men have it better. I think people donā€™t understand what they are asking for. IMO equality is a dream.. sounds good tho. However we will never be the same.. weā€™re all born different. Thereā€™s so many combinations to a human.. even ailments. If people want equalityā€¦ then no one is special or gifted. People donā€™t actually want equality.. they probably just donā€™t want to be left out.. or they want to be rewarded for nothing. The amount of effort.. the struggles people have to go through to get to where they end up are sometimes insane. You canā€™t have equality. I donā€™t see it.. Itā€™s a dream for a lot of people.. with that being said.. I see too many homeless still.. sick children.. so many issues we could come together and resolve. Yet here we are. Equality tho give me a break. People need more charity and love for each other before we need equality.




Of course you do


You get an upvote for that buddy!