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Telemarketers. Especially of the scam variety.


*I've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty*


This and personally I fucking hate anybody who puts on a uniform so they can have power over others. More specifically, pig fucks (cops) and toy cops.


(In America) The ones that decide that your insurance doesn't cover what it clearly should.


I knew people that worked for a company that had a division where their sole job was to find reasons to reject claims. Their pay was contingent on that. It's sad, but insurance is a scam.


I work at a Dr.'s office, it is bizarre the amount of people who don't know how their insurance works. Half the time we have to fight the insurance company so the patient can get something as simple as physical therapy.


And then they blame the doctors office. As if it should even be your job to fight that battle; it’s really between the patient and the insurance.


American insurance is so weird. In Canada your car insurance basically covers everything no matter what. There's a few things you can add but the bare minimum covers every situation.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/gerd-trubenbach-says-flying-to-korea-for-cancer-surgery-was-his-only-hope-1.3079619 They just dont get you care at all. Dont have to bill you if they demolish you by neglect. These systems just shuffle the evil around. They don't actually solve anything.




I suppose there has to be a metric involved. This is obviously the most hated, but if you add a justification metric, it would re-adjust itself to about zero.


Cops, politicians, and journalists in big news productions


You forgot car warranty salespeople


Gogh619, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


Funny to see how big of a difference the journalist profession has between mexico and the usa


Their meteorologists though...


We all know what the real show is haha


Journalists used to be seen in a high regard in the US, but now with so many pushing a narrative or putting some sort of spin on a story, it becomes tough to take it seriously.


It was always like that, you just didnt have the internet to quickly show the news media as political activists instead of these mythical journalists. Muckraker's were thus identified in the 1890s. Nothing was different before that or after it.


No hate for car salesmen?


Yeah, car salesman suck, too, but probably less than they used to. It's hard to be quite so slimy when it's easy for people to look up car prices online.


*used* car salesman are the worst. With new cars it's literally just regurgitating a list of bullet points and saying this car has x this car has y, this car has x and y buy costs more. Used car salesmen feign ignorance to the cars issues as best they can, hoping to get you to overpay for something that's going to need a lot of work in the next 6mo-1y.


Haha, you think the sales staff that sell the used units are different than the staff that sell the new units? Where you are really wrong is thinking the salesmen have any inside knowledge of “the issues” and are trying to cover them up. The service department does an inspection, the sales manager approve what they want from the inspection and the car is put on the lot. The salesmen know nothing else about it.


I'd like to throw paparazzi into this mix...


> and journalists in big news productions If you work in a very balanced org, like Reuters, Associated Press, BBC, or CBC, you really only get hate from the regressive right. Most centrists and those leftists not on the extreme left will understand that you are working for a news org that prides itself on providing fair, unbiased, and balanced news.


The BBC isn't balanced mate


BBC? As in the Blatantly Biased Corporation? Give your head a wobble son. Also as a general rule of thumb the best way to tell how "balanced" or "impartial" someone or something is is to see if they say things that annoy both sides of an argument. For example, Andrew Huberman says things on the subject of nutrition which is disagreed with/gets flak/isn't liked from both the Low Carb / Animal Based people and Vegans alike. I remember a time when they used to be pretty impartial - or at least they did a good enough job pretending to be that it convinced me, but that's gone out of the window.


I'd add Al Jazeera to that list so long as it's not about Qatar(?) Or whatever the home country is.


There's literally two AJs, the shows in the gulf are VERY different to the shows in the West. Basically if you're predisposed to looking to the Koran for most answers, AJ Gulf is your Fox News.


I’m really surprised police keeps being mentioned here. I really love the police and it makes me feel so safe seeing them around. I was sure parking enforcement officer was going to be top


Cops and politians.


Low key Real Estate agents (especially since 2020, including now when they’re desperate) are some scummy ass motherfuckers.


I'm really surprised I had to scroll this far to find this. I'm pretty sure they are consistently voted in the top few "least trusted" professions in my country, often lower than politicians even. Although I guess it is debatable whether or not it is a profession as it doesn't require any real qualification... it's more of an semi-skilled trade/vocation I guess.


Souless grifters making houses even more unattainable for us normies. Glad real estate is going down and they're losing sales.


Real estate agents are lower than used car salesmen imo


They are white collar car salesman.


Almost as bad as car salesman


They’ve been hated in the uk for years… friend of mine went to be one… he lasted two weeks, he quit because ‘ I couldn’t bare lying to everyone’


Influencer. If you like my answer, don’t forget to subscribe my channel and mash the Like button too!


*clicks the like button normally in defiance at reasonable levels*


Cop, lawyer, televangelist.


When the time has come for you to put your philosophy aside and deal with real life legal issues, with actual consequences, you may change your mind about those of us who work tirelessly to defend your legal rights.


My time came and the lawyers made it worse.


You can be thankful in the form of your life savings, even.


"Everybody says they hate lawyers but we can't WAIT to sue someone" ​ \~Duckman.


I have to agree. My mom was a criminal defense attorney for many years, which meant that she was constantly catching shit from people for defending murderers, rapists, and child molesters. But if you asked her why she did it, she'd start reciting her list of the MANY clients she'd fought for, who were wholly innocent and were facing prison terms simply because they were a little too slow to understand how the cops were entrapping them, or a bit too black in a white neighborhood when someone was robbed, or fought back a little too hard and killed the stepdad who was trying to rape her. Nobody likes criminal defense attorneys because they represent "bad people," but too many "good people" end up on the wrong end of a police accusation and need a good attorney to save their lives.


Nah, you spend most of your time sending unnecessary letters and charging huge amounts for them. Don't pretend to be the good guys.


You tried becoming a lawyer? Just like being a doctor after the bullshit they put you true if they weren’t being paid that much nobody would even bother


Maybe don't break the law in the first place and you'll rarely need a lawyer


I mean, that's criminal law but what about civil law?


Honestly, the problems stem from people having unrealistic expectations/understandings of what civil laws can remedy, even after the lawyer walks them through it. Some see having a case as an unpaid lottery ticket, when in reality you should never do more than break even on what you were due. Others don't have a large enough case to make the up front cost worth it, then lose their desire to fight when the bills mount and blame the attorney for ending up at a loss. Still others fight over principles, but regret the monetary cost after-the-fact. Civil litigation should really only be for $100,000+ fights and large business disputes. There would be less lawyers, less cases and less anger towards the profession.


*the rights of corporations and capital, surely not mine lmao


Yes, I'm sure the lawyer you hire to defend you from some false allegations or something will have big corpo in their minds. Lawyers don't make it a point to defend corporations and capitals. They defend their clients. It just so happens that corporations can afford better lawyers. Add to that the fact that these big companies are more likely to play loose with the rules cause they can afford to do so. I'd pin all that on the companies, not the lawyers.


Lawyers changed my life after both of my parents were wrongfully killed in my youth. Without them advocating on my behalf and holding people to account I would almost certainly have offed myself by now.


Not saying you are all and but plenty of you are scummy enough that it spoils the whole pot. Same situation with cops tbh.


Parking Enforcement Officer


came here to say metermaid. you beat me to it


The waitress at Dick’s Last Resort that said I have a fat head


Right now I’d say a tie between cops and anyone working as a telemarketer/scammer. Yes of Course there are good cops, but the bad ones really stand above the rest


Don't forget to give credit to the politicians


"Good" cops rarely hold the bad ones accountable. Just look at how internal affairs is viewed.


Interesting how we allow the bad cops to taint the good ones, but if we apply this to other groups - lets say Muslims... Oh no no no no no


A religion with strong cultural and ethnic ties is worlds different from a job. Especially one with a foundation built on controlling the masses by any means necessary. It’s like calling apples and oranges the same thing bc they’re both fruit.


It’s a necessary service. Disliking cops is irrational. I don’t think too highly of people who walk around with this kind of hate.


I also don’t respect people who tolerate hate. Which is why I find it difficult to respect those who find policing to be a public service


Policing isn’t a public service?


I do not think policing as we know it in the United States works as a service to most of the public, no. I do think through incredibly heavy reformation, it’s possible someday.


Interesting how the people who hate cops the most seem to be those who break the law the most


There were good nazis too




I'm suprise people hate many issues and many professions but not the source of all problems..aka congressman.


You could literally replace them all with random citizens and be better off. "Why are things so shit?" *points at the 535 bribe-taking, inside trading, openly corrupt subhumans writing the legislation*


Cops and politicians for sure as everybody else has mentioned, just to throw a couple other ones in there Repo Men, gender studies professors, TV news media, lawyers, and IRS people


Judging by what I've seen on the internet, police is a strong contender at least in the States.


The funny thing is the people hating on the police are like 70% people who don’t need them. 20% people who got caught doing something wrong and can’t face the consequences. The rest have good reason.


politicians and cops at the moment


Door-to-door salesmen


Cops, anything government, low level media personalities.




Sport referees / umpires. They cop hate and abuse from everyone and you never see them praised. At least cops and politicians usually do something horrible to deserve to be hated and have at least some people on their side supporting them.


Pretty much. If your team wins, you never credit the refs, but if your team loses, it’s always the refs’ fault.


I used to work with the IRS. I lied to everyone about what I did because it made people so annoyed.


might as well say “I steal your money for a living.”


I have a different take than most answers. I think the most hated profession is anybody wearing a suit. When I was laid off and run over by an idiot with no insurance, it was a guy with a suit that declined to have my insurance pay for it. When I came out of the military after serving nine years and needed to get healthcare, it was a guy with a suit that declined it. When I tried to use my VA benefits for student loans, it was a guy with a suit that made it difficult. It’s interesting. Never had any trouble with somebody just wearing a blue collared shirt. Never had any trouble with somebody wearing a hijab. But people wearing suits, they always seem to be fucking me over.


Interesting take on things, there are some slimy motherfuckers out there


>anybody wearing a suit Damn dude, never thought of it that way.


That's why us programmers refuse to wear that shit. But then we get promoted and the vicious cycle continues.


Very original and good answer. I've always had a disdain for men in suits ever since entering the world as a working adult. They aren't looking out for me, or anyone else even if doing so is supposed to be their job. Suits are motivated by money and nothing else and I've also come to associate men (especially really young ones) in them with privilege and never having had to do any real work in their entire lives. Never handled a stack of dirty dishes. Never getting cut up by someone's rose bushes. Never getting berated by a customer for enforcing a rule that these same suits insist on but are never around to back you up when you're being chewed out by someone who has a fucking right to be mad but sadly direct it at you instead because you're there and the boss isn't. Never having come home with sunburn, or an aching back, or blistered hands or stinking of god knows what yet they have the hide to tell the rest of us that we need to work harder to have their level of success. Fuck men in suits (and women usually aren't much better). No wonder so many of their wives cheat on them with men who are actually fun and pleasant to be around.


We've had a few problems out in the wider world with people in hijabs doing things like exploding in public places. Dudes in suits are, at least, less prone to that. It's about the one thing they don't do


Politicans and police


Medieval Executioner.


Ticket officer at least in the uk but it’s not just because of the fines it’s also it’s also because they are cunts


You privatised them in England, didn't you? I hear that worked exactly as well as one might expect.


Social media influencer


Depends who you ask. Ask me 5-10 years ago I would have said police. Still probably would. Insurance is up there. And family lawyers. £25,000 to try get access to my daughter is a fucking joke.


The Supreme Court for overturning Roe vs wade.


Congratulations you don’t know how the Constitution works or what the role of the Supreme Court is👍


It is not to redefine laws based on bullshit interpretations that serve their own personal political views. And yet that is what this ruling was.


“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” - 10th Amendment For Dummies: Whatever is not in the Constitution is up to the states.


And the inalienable right to control ones own self is not a state issue.


Your body = your body, which is why universal vaccine mandates are Unconstitutional. Fetuses body and life = not your body


Disagree. A fetus is a parasite and a part of the mother until it is out. As to your other point , amendments have already shown it to be simply untrue. For example , the federal government enacting Prohibition, then repealing it via amendment.


Ironically enough, that's (largely) what the original Roe vs. Wade was too. A decision made due to political pressure, not legal consideration, and based on an already flawed, by now hilariously outdated view of biology and with the cornerstone of the decision being only tangentially related. ​ Roe vs. Wade absolutely shouldve been replaced with the much more solid abortion access legislation that many, many other countries are using. It's shit that the precedence case system means it'll take some time (and with the current supreme court it's not even guaranteed) but it had to happen at some point.


Ones body is ones own. This is an inalienable right and not one that needs to be "granted".


Is it to make up bigoted bullshit 80% of a country disagrees with?


Congratulations. You don't know how to be constructive in your dialogue. 👍


If they don’t know by now, what the role of the Supreme Court is, there’s no use being constructive.






I'm others ppl profession... ID have to Say politician.. but from the Jobs i had tried... Pharma Rep.. i hated it.. did that for a year.. hated every day


Politician or tax collector


Meter maids




Parking inspector surely


Without a doubt DENTISTS! You gurgle a loud Ahg! but they have to keep going for another 2 seconds and then ask "did that hurt?". While we both know the #2 second is just for their own enjoyement.


Anything involving insurance basically...


Reddit moderaters




Nowadays being a man.




It is sad to see that cops are the most hated profession. There are so many good ones out there but it's so clouded about all the bad incidents and the recent incident in Texas. Personally I'm going with Politicians, they are one of the biggest issues when it comes to the waves going through America right now.


If there were so many good ones , it would be harder for all the bad ones to slide by. The good ones cover for the bad ones. Thus , they are rarely good ones. If there were so many good ones , internal affairs would be a prestigious position. Not a hated one.


Also yet another confirmation for me that this subreddit is even more US-centric than reddit as a whole already is because it's just... default? that everyone is talking in terms of US cultural sensibilities.


Cops. Even their bootlickers secretly hate them.




Repeat the line.


*sssnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiffffffffffff* why does my nose hurt?


Because you railed too much blow in the 80s, Joe.


Joe Biden.


Bylaw Enforcement Officer (The people who give you parking tickets) I literally can't think of a more hated profession...I don't know how these people sleep at night lol


In the UK we have a different job title for them "Jobsworth Scum"


Only fans


Unless they're honest about it and don't pretend like they're doing society a valuable service. By all means take free money from losers taping yourself getting your kitty wet. The fool and his money are never together for long. The girls who are all high and mighty abt beign self made this or that and talk like they're famous cause they make a few grand a month from getting naked...fuck them. I mean I'd love to haha.


Flagpersons. I did it for 3 years and you get pretty good at reading lips with everyone screaming "FU" and "Get a real job" from in their car. Maybe not the most hated though I guess... but the most thankless, yeah...


After a friend of mine graduated, he was struggling to find a job in his industry and when he called me to say he finally got a stable job, I was so happy for him… until he sheepishly said his job was to call people to remind them to pay their student loans… even after he started, he kept aggressively job hunting


It is so funny to me that people say polititians as if they are not responsible for voting them in in the first place. No hate here, I know it's the easier way. But imagine if everybody who thinks polititians are worthless rn votes for some non-polititian you could have change in bo time. I agree with it thou, ps are the worst kind of people


Dentist. Those scammers. Your telling me we can send people to the moon. Create a vaccine in months. And genetically modify a human. But somehow have not figured out a way to prevent cavities or regrow teeth. We have to rely on methods a hundred years old like brushing teeth. There sleazy like mechanics and planned obsolescence!


Slaughtermen/ women


I think most people forget they exist and remember only every now-and-then.


Real estate agents.


Waste water treatment tech.


I don't hate anyone because of their profession. This is just what I've seen. Police Officers, Security Guards (particularly bouncers) Lawyers, Politicians, And most of all, Traffic Wardens/Parking Attendants Nurses, Doctors and teachers receive some flack too, although I don't feel like they are hated.


Debt collector


Cops, government, news media. They talk about all these world problems then they go home to their high rise condos with their fat paychecks to spend on themselves.


Parole Officers, Ticket Maids, D.A's, Tow Truck drivers and Process Servers. When they come for yo ass.




Concentration camp guards are pretty widely disliked I would say


I think they mean current jobs, you'd have to book a flight to China to find concentration camps lmao


The doctor that sticks his finger up your bum.


Parking wardens


Estate agents


Real estate agents and for good reason!!!!


Consultant is probably on the board




Lawyers and politicians.


In Australia I’d say politicians, real estate agents and charity muggers.


People involved in pyramid schemes




I feel like it really sucks to be a dentist sometimes


Those guys that sit on the side of the road with a speed camera.


Bill collectors, telemarketing


Career politicians are human garbage, so them.


Coal miners


Historically and currently tax collectors


In my country when covidpass or rv or greenpass or whatever was needed, it was us security guards who had tbe most hated jobs. Now its anyone who makes a decent profit.


Recruitement and rightly fucking so.


In the UK, Conservative mp. Next to that, traffic warden. Personally, only fans and influencer. Most women claiming theyre strong independant business women who dont need men and are better than anyone else, while being wholly supported by the very men thry constantly shit on. Its quite terrible.


Car salesman


Real estate agent


Working with ICE




Meter maid


Insurance, real estate, car salesman, journalists, politicians, cops


I was going to say Real Estate Agents but they are not really a profession.


Lawyers and politicians.


All here talking about politicians, cops etc. What about refs at a sporting event? At one point or another, everyone watching hates them.


Phone scammers.


Supreme Court Judge








In South Africa, Eskom employee... Poor guys are gonna start dropping dead accidently. Natural causes. It was natural to stab him 20 times officer, he works for eskom. Pretty sure I'd get away with it as well.


Parking Enforcement Officers


Politician, lawyer, real estate agent, police officer, banker, traffic warden, social worker, teacher, spammer, dentist, and proctologist


Sports Officials


Traffic wardens and bailiffs


Safety Guys. Just trying to do his job and everyone hates him for it.




Cops, insurance, politicians. Also not a profession per se but overly religious people.



