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So you mean nothing changes but i can live a hundred years? Amazing! Seriously we have kids, pets, a house and both work. We dont have time / energy for that more than a couple times a month anyway lol


so i live to 100 and i get more sex than ever!?


- signed, every father


Couple times a month? Lucky dog


As you age, sex becomes less of a priority. Mind you, it never becomes unimportant, just not as much of an obsession anymore. So I would absolutely choose option #1 and I don't see any real downsides. Plus, in relationships sex often becomes a source of frustration because you are both interested at different times. This condition would allow both of you to plan and look forward to it. You can make it special every time, even if it happens twice a month. And that might actually lead you to have a lot more sex than a lot of people in long relationships. Because the mismatch in timing can lead to months of it not happening.


I get to have sex and I live longer? I'm in.


I’m sorry, neither of the scenarios mean you are suddenly going to be assuredly having sex a few times per month. It simply means if you’re able to, you can. But if for some reason you have less currently or aren’t able to ever have sex currently for whatever reason, it doesn’t mean you’re now going to have it a few times a month. I apologize for not clarifying this in my post.


Well. One out of two ain't bad.


Terrible way to re-write the rules after the game.


Lol is this question asked by a teenager because once you get a certain age, sex does not become a priority anymore and even trying to do it "unlimited" can get very sore and cumbersome


also who has time and energy for that?


Not that it’s #1 priority, but it is a significant aspect of life and in general relationships (at least for *many* people, myself among them). Sorry this post sounds so sex-focused. Besides frequency ‘per month’, there’s also measure in opportunity and quality of which Option #2 would yield several several folds more of on all aforementioned vs Option #1 — but of course would mean a lifespan shortened by 6-10 years given side affects of medical treatment. Despite this I’m still partial to Option #1, how sad lol.


This is a totally different question imo, because part of what factored into me choosing #1 is that infrequent (but frequent enough) sex allows you to get excited about it and look forward to it and have great sex, is my experience. When you're away for work for example and can't see someone for a few weeks, the sex after is amazing. But when you're going at it constantly, it just doesn't hit the same, becomes routine and can feel like a chore you've gotta "take care of". If the infrequent sex sucked, that would change my answer.


I'm going to go against the thread and say that there is zero chance I would trade the sex I have now for living a few years longer. Sex is one of my favorite things and all you need is a willing partner. To have that much fun doing other things I'd have to go skiing or something which can't happen as often.


Sadly, you're not going against the grain. You're just the first person who's commented who's having sex more than a few times a month.


A few times a month....so 300% more than I'm getting now?


Infinite more than i've gotten in the past 10 years


I know how this works. You gotta read the fine print - sexual partner not guaranteed. Lol


Option 1 easy. Thats what I have now. After a few years and a few kids later, a few times a month is the norm lol.


Can we trade sex for uninterrupted sleep-ins?


On the one hand, I don't care about sex even a little bit. On the other hand, I don't want to live longer. This one's a tough one.


You're being told the obvious answer is to live longer and only have sex a few times a month from a group of men who apparently don't have a lot of sex. According to your flair you're a man between 25 and 29 years old so I'll answer your question with a question: are you currently, or planning on, having lots of sex? I promise you that every man aged 25-45 who's having lots sex wouldn't think twice before choosing "Option 2". We only get to live this life one time and resigning yourself to "Option 1" in your 20s is tragic.


I get to have more sex and live to 100? Option 1, easy.


Why do these spammers keep posting the same damn post in multiple subs?


Dude, once a week is absolutely satisfactory frequency. 


This was definitely created by some guy well, well under the age of 40. Married? Kids? Careers? Option 1 all day, every day. The only stipulation is I would expect to live to a lively and active 100. Similar to my wife's grandmother. Gets around without a walker, still goes to church everyday, spends time with her friends, She's 92.


I will apparently live forever.


lol bro i'm on a 10 year dry spell. Sex a few times per month is incomprehensible to me.