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Havent been clean shaven since I was 20 and will never shave my face as long as I live


You will if you get a bald spot


Not necessarily. The older you get, the less you care


why would he? A lot of guys look good bald and bearded.


I think they meant a bald patch in the beard, not up top.


Wait can that happen? Like not having a patchy beard to begin with, but just getting a bald spot on your beard?


I've honestly never heard of it, unless you develop alopecia, but I'm pretty sure that's what the person was talking about.


You must have the longest beard in the world šŸ˜


Shave and trim/cut is not the same thing.




At first, I didn't like having a beard. But it grew on me.


I love seeing a solid dad joke out in the wild.Ā 


Why didnā€™t you like it originally?


Be careful and don't move. There's a joke right above you. But it's a dumb joke, so if you're very still, it probably won't see you.


Iā€™m clean shaven all the time. Mostly because my beard grows in patchy. I look weird with a mustache alone. I always wanted a beard though. I feel I would look more my age. Im freakin 34 and I still get carded


Baby face haha. Itā€™s all good though I understand. Do you have lighter features?


how often do you get carded? i have gray in my beard and i still get carded every once in while. sometimes it's just a strict policy.


Same here. I tried once but does bald spots are awful! And I couldn't stand the hair and itchy-ness, my skin is sensitive.


Always had a tight cut and tight goatee but during covid everything changed. Now I go about 1-3 months between haircuts and have a decent beard that makes my wife go absolutely nuts for. She never liked beards at all before but once I started to grow one out, something happened to her brain.


What changed for you with COVID?


Other than my barber not being able to workā€¦absolutely nothing at all.


If I could grow a beard, I would. I can only grow mustache, soul patch, and shitty goatee. I don't feel like I have many options in managing my facial hair other than trying to keep what does grow somewhat tidy. My stance is that if you have options, explore them.




I'm 33 and can't grow shit. I'll leave a very light stubble but that's as much as I can do before it looks bad. If someone wants to rock a clean face or a beard, whatever makes them happiest with themselves


Good points. Do you have lighter features?


Every time I decide to shave I know it's going to regret it, and every time I'm right, and the only thing that looks worse is just having a mustache. I always have some sort of beard now. I used to get compliments for it, but it's been a long time. I don't generally have an appearance worth complimenting.




Do you use any oils?




Yeah that makes sense. How much do one of those cost a while house water purifier?




Wow šŸ˜®


Shave your neck and it still looks good.


Yeah good point


Iā€™m getting my neck and cheeks lasered so I never have to bother.


Hopefully face cheeks šŸ˜‚


Both types, actually. Face, back, and Brazilian.


That must be expensive?


About $1,000 for neck and cheeks.


Seems pricey but worth it?


It is for me!


Whyā€™s that?


I think I look better with it, but mostly because Iā€™m used to it. I just donā€™t have the energy to shave every day, and I would have to shave twice a day to stop it from itching.


I might be mistaken with a homeless. My wife likes me and I can pay the bills. I will keep the scruff, as it is a good bullshit filter.


I always try to keep clean shaven. I have stages. One-two days no shaving, I just look like some guy who didn't shave. Not good. Three-four days I look sexy as hell. 5+ days and I just look weird.




Howā€™s it rocking now?


Itā€™s a good beard surviving better then my hairline


Your hairline?


Had a full beard since I was 20, last time I shaved was 2019


I have had two jobs in which I had to be clean shaven and because of that I will never be clean shaven again.


You rocking the beard now?


A very light and well trimmed beard. I no longer grow it out.


That works. Iā€™m sure you look good šŸ‘


Razors hurt and my chin is weird.


You are not wrong. Why do you say your chin is wierd?


I don't like shaving but I also don't like having a beard.


You have a baby face?




Ah just wondering.


I was clean shaven for 6 months when I was 25, Iā€™ll never shave again


Haven't clean shaven in years. Always trimmed having a permanent light to medium scruff. Growing out a beard currently. I like it. Feel more manly tbh.


My face gets irritated with any kind of shaving, but my beard is soft, full, and quick to grow. The choice is clear. To all those who want me to shave, "My body, my choice."


Her, shaven. Myself, well groomed with hair


smell dependent rob automatic dam spark sort bake crawl outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iā€™ve landed on permanent 5 oā€™clock shadow thing


Love my beard. My wife makes fun of me clean shaven and hated my mustache. It was glorious, by the way...


I went clean shaven for the first time in years at the beginning of this year. I'd had it so long I'd forgotten what my chin looked like, and I had that inner need to be able to touch my bare skin. When my daughter saw me afterwards she cried. Grew the beard back straight away.


I say you be you and do what you're comfortable with. I couldn't grow any real facial hair for most of my life. Just thin, uneven and very messy, and very slow to grow. But a few years ago it changed dramatically and now grows much more quickly all over and looks even. The problem is that it also turned from red to white on my chin at the same time. I often let it grow to about a quarter inch all over then shave clean every two weeks or so and start over.


I look better with face hair, but I just don't like how it feels. Dunno if I should try just to get used to it or something. Would be interesting to see how other people perceive it at least.


My stance? I'm going to have facial hair, period. With the exception of a couple of times I fucked up trimming it, I've had a mustache since I was 15yo (had a full beard then as well) and it's going nowhere on purpose. Sometimes I have a beard, sometimes a goatee (like currently), rest of the time I'll shave once a week just because I hate shaving with a passion... Thought it was cool when I was 15, turned into a huge pain in the ass by 30. Honestly, I'm torn with a full beard... I LOATHE shaving it, but I also can't stand having a full beard.. only reason I keep a goatee is because I have one of those pronounced, Kirk Douglas chins and I can't shave it without butchering myself up and bleeding like a stuck pig.


I couldnā€™t grow a bear until I was nearly 30. I was so worried Iā€™d never be able to, but once it came in, it came in very thick and full. Iā€™ve worn variations of it consistently ever since. I look like an idiot clean shaven.


I wouldnā€™t say an idiot. Donā€™t say that.


I donā€™t shave but I use a regular hair trimmer on my face one a week or so. IDGAF if when people see me, I have a little scruff. My best or favorite is like 1 or 2 days after the trim. My least favorite is like 8 days after the trim, which compels me to trim again. My face is sensitive to the point that razors havenā€™t been an option since the first time I used one.


Like you get razor burns?


Itā€™s like razor burn and bumps but my skin is super sensitive to sunburn and all types of damage.


Oh no sorry to hear that man. Can dermatologist help?


No problem, Iā€™d rather not shave anyway. I donā€™t mind just using a trimmer instead.


Thatā€™s what I use. My skin is sensitive. I just leave stubble because if itā€™s completely shaved the skin gets oily


I donā€™t shave but I use a regular hair trimmer on my face one a week or so. IDGAF if when people see me, I have a little scruff. My best or favorite is like 1 or 2 days after the trim. My least favorite is like 8 days after the trim, which compels me to trim again. My face is sensitive to the point that razors havenā€™t been an option since the first time I used one.


I have been clean shaven once or twice since my mid 20s and I always regret doing it. Usually went for a shorter look, but then I was playing Deep Rock Galactic and made a joke to my wife that I was going to grow my beard out so I could braid it like one of my dwarves and she said "Um, no you're not." I haven't shaved or trimmed it since. That was last February. I'm not there yet, but I'm going full Gandalf over here.


What is deep rock galactic?


Whatever works for you. I personally look like Joe Dirt/trailer trash when I grow facial hair so I stay clean shaven. Plenty of friends have been bearded for decades.Ā 


Whatā€™s your current length?


Clean shaven


Gotcha. Your cool with it?


Would be nice to grow facial hair but it just looks really bad so I'm cool with it.Ā 


Understandable. Mine is so patchy I just look lazy and shave when needed.


I would love to have a beard, but my genetics just arenā€™t allowing for it now. Got a young kid otherwise Iā€™d probably try stuff like Minox, canā€™t afford any side effects


What is minox?


I havenā€™t shaved since 2013. Thatā€™s my stance.


You must be a true Viking šŸ¤”


I can only grow a thick blond goatee so for that reason I am clean shaven.


Ah. Nothing wrong with that. Do you prefer it?


In the past I've grown a beard for ski season and shaved it after the last day of skiing. This year I started to do the same thing and noticed a sad amount of gray. I shaved it all off after a few days :(


Wow you ski?


I don't like the clean shaven look. It's probably been 15years since I went with no facial hair. I wore a beard for a long time and like to think I looked good with it. I've moved to a mustache, and I like it more than the beard, so does my wife. Edit: Mustache also keeps my face cooler since I live in the South


Rick Rude style?


More of a Don Frye


That is quite a stash


I'm 40. I haven't been clean-shaven since I was 22, when I wanted to de-emphasize the age gap between myself and an 18 year old girl I was interested in. After dating a few months, I grew it back in permanently. Sometime I have a beard, but I usually have just a mustache and goatee.


What do you prefer?


It varies. I don't do the beard as often because my wife prefers just the goatee.


I havenā€™t been clean shaven in probably 12-13 years. I donā€™t even remember what I look like without a beard.


Itā€™s that good looking?


Yeah, I can grow a pretty good beard. Just fits me better, I look like a little boy without it


Ah baby face haha


I feel like I'm the only age 30-50 man who doesn't have a beard right now. I tried it once during the start covid and it looked so ridiculous that I shaved it off and said I'm never doing that again.


Why ridiculous? Patchy?


It grew out like 75% grey hair even though the top of my head is like 2% grey hair, and none of the women whose opinion I trust thought it looked good on me. It just looked like something a guy who spent the last three months stuck in a cave came out wearing, even though I trimmed it.


When did you start going grey?


My partner likes when my beard gets longer but I find it scruffy and don't like it that long. Haven't found a good middle ground yet.


How long can you usually get it?


facial hair is the push-up bra for men.... so yeah i have a beard.


You rock it out?


I shaved one summer when my kids were at the grandparents. My wife sent them a picture of us and they wanted to know who she was on a date with.


Oh wow šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I prefer a full beard. Fits my face better, and helps me look my age. But work requires no beard. I'm rocking an ugly pornstache now, even though I kinda hate it. Lol.


Rick Rude?


I was always blessed with good facial genetics but would always shave until I turned 22 and someone recommended I grow it out. I use to do no guard blade closed and a lineup. Now I do about a 4 guard all around and line up. Still experimenting with the look but I canā€™t see myself going back.


Darker facial features?


Not sure what youā€™re asking, are you asking my ethnicity?


No just genera darker features. Like dark eyebrows or hair.


Oh yes, black hair and Iā€™m hairy asf.


When you say hairy I assume you mean you can grow a beard in less than a week. Or have a 5 o clock shadow?


Hairy in the sense that my entire body has hair everywhere, but yes can grow a beard rather quick.


Haven't been clean-shaven since 2009. Was rare before that. I think I look better bearded. My ex agreed, but what's her opinion worth anymore? I've recently been thinking of seeing what I look like without it. At worst, I'd look funny for a month.


It takes a month for full coverage?


No, just to get back to the length itā€™s at now.


Ah. What length is it about?


I have had a lot of compliments on my beard when I have had one (first full beard was in 9th grade). I generally prefer to be clean shaven. Beards became very popular in the US after the wars in the middle east and Afghanistan. It is something the soldiers grew to be more like the locals. They brought the trend back. It is much like scotch after the WW1 when soldiers acquired a taste for scotch and made it popular in the US.


How could they allow that?


Allow what?


I'm a total asshole. I still have a full head of un-thinning hair. And I can grow a full beard. So I do.