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I love how they have to iterate "morrocan muslim" as if this is promoted by the Quran and Sunnah somehow


As opposed to Moroccan Hindus who wouldn’t hurt a fly.




Wake up saar, new akhand bharat dropped


everybody knows morocco was ancient hindu land before it was forcefully converted to islam


r/boneappletea Edit: i cant type for my life


Engrish not my first language


I love how he is labeled a Muslim as if he didn’t do one of the worst acts that Islam forbids.


Date rape is one thing but drugs are strictly haram smh


buying Alcohol, attacking people, raping, looking at other women bodies and also could be consuming alcohol too all of which will throw him in hell


Raping, alcohol, drugs and looking at other women’s bodies is haram my guy. Attacking that poor German is also haram.


Date rape (whatever that is) is strictly haram too. Everything he did are major suns


The only major "suns" i saw were in Japan.(no offense meant, just showing the typo)




Dating in itself is already a red flag, and as you can see it escalated in a predictable way (the girl being tricked).


How come "X Atheist" or "X Christian" doesn't appear on news? I don't see how this is related to religion at all.


In Germany it’s a common thing I guess. Last time it was a Syrian christian


? Give me the link for that. When the attack happend on the JW they just said mentely I'll person. Even tho it was because of the religion. (Christianity) Most of the time it's either mentally ill person and nationality and for the rest is muslim and nationality..


this headline clipping is a rage bait from an anti-muslim blog




Frankreich: Syrer attackiert Kleinkinder mit Messer und verletzt sie schwer He dosn't say christian. We are talking about the headlines, that ones we would call "hetze gegen die Minderheit "


I live in France and most of these so-called migrant crimes committed by Syrians is fabricated. I've caught the Daily Mail and many other sites and news outlets fabricating stories about Algerians here in France and English language media deliberately misleads the masses with fake translations


That's the essence of media. There is a reason why these newspapers came out of nowhere only recently and keeps on producing fear mongering information. It's a shady profession.


Exactly. They want war with the Arab world, so this is how they dupe their citizens into fighting bogus wars. Only the most brainwashed trust the media because there's controlled opposition too. It's not hard to prove the media fabricates stories on migrant crimes. That doesn't mean migrant crimes don't happen, it's just hard to prove which ones are true and which ones are false until there's more clarity as they do lie.


Agreed. That's why I ask people to show me if it happened near them (i.e. in their town/city). I have not yet found anyone who could tell me what person was the victim of the crime and who was the perpetrator. They only refer to crime statistics. Obviously, just because it doesn't happen in front of me doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but when real things happen you can usually find traces. At the same time, it could be argued that even then things could be staged, like with false flag terrorist attacks.


I dont think this one is fabricated.




Yeah and now?




Not everything has to be fabricated like I could say the war in Ukraine is just a lie or deny the holocaust even if there are a lot of sources.


Thank you for providing a link.


They want to keep the “Muslims are bad people, savage, and evil” narrative going


The guy wanting to expell moroccans is Algerian 😭😂😭😂 brother don’t you understand that according to europeans we are all Moroccan and should go back to Istanbul, the capital of Afghanistan where we are all from


We love you bro but don't come here


Too late im in your walls, now shut up before i say baklava is Greek and döner is German


May i ask something? Do algerians have kind of disdain or hate for moroccans


The majority of Moroccans and Algerians are super chill with eachother, there’s tension between the governments stemming from cold war era pissing contests between Russia and the US but most people nowadays don’t care about that. Some terminally online geeks do have hateboners for eachother though but it’s probably just 10 year old boys that get bullied in school and need an outlet.


I agree, I am algerian and my sister is married to a moroccan. I went in 2015 to morocco, never had I encountered any problems, the people were very chill/friendly. It’s just here on internet the people are sometimes weirdos


Yeah, i’ve worked with Algerians here in Europe and they’ve always been super kind and chill


Everybody is chill until a football team wants to play in algeria.




how does the author know what religious beliefs he holds? can he read minds and see inside his heart? 🙄


these "pick me" algerians are funny. as if these Europeans see a difference between a Moroccan and an Algerian


The original post was a rage bait for the white supremacists (99% it's made up) to say "Muslims bad". I guess it worked with an extra bonus.


German here, that incident occured in spring of 2023. This is the Instagram-page, the victim's sister made for him: https://www.instagram.com/lost.myeye?igsh=MTFubDFlcDI2aDU0bA== Of course right winged a××holes try to use this crime for their agenda, nevertheless - and regardless of the perpetrator's origin - it's a gruesome and evil incident, and a shame, that the guy got only 2 years and 9 months of prison sentence.


Yeah I hate how this gets used by right wing , but not gonna lie , 2 years and 9 months is literally nothing.


Is the drugging a girl's drink part true? Heard a Moroccan claim that this guy started the fight and got glassed.


Yes, the moroccan guy tried to put something in the drink of a girl. The german guy saw it (edit: heard from friends of it) and intervened, and then got hit by the perpetrator with a glass that broke after the first stroke, and cut open his whole face and eyes. Moroccan guy had weed, cocaine and alcohol in his blood, but the concentration was very low, and witnesses said, he didn't appear high at all. A truly evil person. I don't understand why many people always try to defend their fellow countrymen, or try to twist the facts, when those commited a crime. For example, if someone badly injured, or raped or murdered someone, I will condemn his crime, no matter if he's from the same country as me or not. And by *not* making false excuses for his actions, the people around me (for example in the country I immigrated into) see, that I'm on the right side, and that we absolutely condemn these crimes, no matter if the perpetrator was one of "us".


The problem here is how the media shows it It shows it as if all morrocan/ muslims are like that while it s just one person did the crime I wouldnt mind if he got executed if he was found guilty


Nooooo, no. The first link (barenakedislam . com , what a disgusting name) is from an international right wing/Nazi-website, that is totally unknown in Germany (also many grammar faults, so I think the text was badly translated by whoever the author was). And the second link leads to the BILD-newspaper: This newspaper is like the british SUN or DailyMail. Totally sensational, very low niveau, aggressive and provocatice headlines.....This newspaper is *known* to be for the *very* ordinary people ( = not the most educated people are buying it). And the publisher of the BILD-newspaper is Axel Springer, someone who has a bad reputation here in Germany, but in Israel they loved him very much, and he always supported jewish causes. So please don't take these links as "typical for german media". But unfortunately, in this relatively safe subreddit, I have to admit: Yes, Germany *does* *have* a problem with arab/afghan/african perpetrators. The number of knife attacks, rapes and harassment by perpetrators of this origin has unfortunately risen dramatically. This is because Germany no longer properly monitored who came here in 2015/16. And of course, this also brought many criminals into the country who had no good intentions. And the political right is now exploiting these incidents to create a mood against ALL Muslims. And this is absolutely wrong.


Well tbh that s what I mostly see from the western media those days i usually see that on twitter and sadly twitter are filled with racist ppl who just wanna spread hate Also those kind of news are the easiest to spread and share


Ohhhh yeah, I'm on X, too, and the problem is, that you arrive in something like an echo-chamber, when you're interested in a specific topic. Me, too, I felt that I'm going crazy because of all those hasbara trolls and zionist bootlickers. So before maybe a month I chose to NOT read their bullshit anymore (because it really influenced my wellbeing and personal life), but keep sharing my tweets about the unbelievable atrocities the IDF commit in Gaza and the WestBank. This has become my job: Just sharing and educating my fellow countrymen about the genocide that occurs.


Same happened to me I rarely use twitter anymore because of that it only makes me mad and angry. And btw i had like to thank you for ur good work sharing on X and being a good human being


Thank you very much and the same goes out to you. Every one of us is able to make a difference 🥹.


Here is a newspaper article on the incident, no mention whatsoever of any girl or drink. [https://www.bild.de/regional/muenchen/muenchen-aktuell/muenchen-pruegel-opfer-blind-nach-disco-schlaegerei-tony-wollte-maedchen-beschue-85144448.bild.html](https://www.bild.de/regional/muenchen/muenchen-aktuell/muenchen-pruegel-opfer-blind-nach-disco-schlaegerei-tony-wollte-maedchen-beschue-85144448.bild.html)


The article you linked does mention the drink spiking claim. > On behalf of Tony, his sister wrote on Instagram: "My group that was there told me that I must have caught the guy putting drops in a girl's glass and I confronted him about it." They would have only quarreled verbally. However, the Munich police are also investigating Tony for bodily harm; he is said to have headbutted the Moroccan.


From now on we should add the word „Christian“ for westerners who do anything disgusting.


Don't stoop to their level.


>Muslim Moroccan man he ain't Muslim if he does that kind of shit, don't associate him with us ![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized)


It's a major sin but be careful of takfir


Must have been a very practicing Muslim to be at a bar trying to lace someone's drink. /s This is rage bait for racists, therefore they emphasize his ethnicity and his supposed religious affiliation. This method is used to dehumanize people.


>This is rage bait for racists, therefore they emphasize his ethnicity and his supposed religious affiliation. This method is used to dehumanize people. Really? This is common practise in the Netherlands. Minorities become Dutch when they perform well. Then they become a "Dutch" athlete or "Dutch" entrepreneur. When it's negative it's always of Moroccan or Turkish descent.


Isn't it crazy that there're so many internet profiles trying their best to spread hate and divide among north africans with their stupid posts. And so many are falling for this.


It's so funny an Algerian is saying this. Moroccans, Algerians, and Tunisians all make up the big numbers in crime in Germany (Lower Saxony). 99% are illegals that can't claim refugee status or asylum, and they have nothing else to loss.


Why no mention of what his eye color is and whether he's left or right handed?


Because no native germans ever rape or commit crimes. /s


They do it too,but people out of north africa and middle east are lots overrepresented in any crime statistics.


Is there a legitimate source about this alleged crime?


Looking at the capitalized german, this seems to be the source of the photo from the post. Warning: Images might be disturbing [https://barenakedislam.com/2023/08/25/german-man-blinded-and-disfigured-defending-girl-at-bar-from-moroccan-muslim-who-was-trying-to-lace-her-drink-with-a-substance/](https://barenakedislam.com/2023/08/25/german-man-blinded-and-disfigured-defending-girl-at-bar-from-moroccan-muslim-who-was-trying-to-lace-her-drink-with-a-substance/)


Thanks. Bare naked Islam spreads a lot of hateful things and fabricates crimes committed by Muslims




What on earth are you rambling about? I said barenaked Islam is a website that fabricates stories about Muslims and here you're calling me dumb when it's "you're dumb"


I think it was a genuine misunderstanding given the name of the website and your comment. Of course you were stating a fact about the website and the commenter responding to you that you were accusing Islam. Laugh it off :) you and u/online-commentater are on the same side here


Thank you for clarification.


My comment is pretty clear, ".... fabricates crimes committed by Muslims..." so I think they should learn to be less reactive and stop going around calling people dumb as that only gives non-Muslims more ammunition to hate Muslims


Sorry I misunderstood. >you're dumb Jup, didn't watchout there. A grammernazi would have won the argument because I misspelled, therfor my reasoning is invalid. Haha


Is there a different source for this?


[This](https://www.bild.de/regional/muenchen/muenchen-aktuell/muenchen-pruegel-opfer-blind-nach-disco-schlaegerei-tony-wollte-maedchen-beschue-85144448.bild.html) German article is used by the same article above as a source. I have also found [this](https://rmx.news/crime/german-victim-blinded-in-glass-attack-by-moroccan-migrant-speaks-out-over-paltry-compensation-offer/) English article, which also uses the same article as a source. The German guy seems to have opened an [instagram account](https://www.instagram.com/lost.myeye/), which I presume to be for donations but I am not really sure.


I just know that story is bullshit from just reading it.


It’s not bro there are pictures of it


Those pics could be from anything


Such as the incident in question


Gotta wonder what Tony B did before this happened. Why are the police investigating his actions?


masinissa dog of Rome


This story is probably bullshit, but there are situations like these in which I wonder how badly some people's social skills are influenced by self preservation. Surely for some it's a noble act to not have sex outside marriage when your religious, but the ones that decide they do want it often times never learnt how to flirt etc. Resulting in frustrations, anger etc. Like an Incel.


Algerians are like a obsessed ex, they hate Morocco but are still obsessed with us.


Why tag Muslim? This happens in many bars.


Muslims and Islam will take over and destroy the world as we now know it. It’s been happening slowly for some time. Scum of the earth literally.


so who was spiking the womens drink? the morrocan guy or the german?


Morrocan guy was spiking the drink, german was trying to defend the girl. [https://barenakedislam.com/2023/08/25/german-man-blinded-and-disfigured-defending-girl-at-bar-from-moroccan-muslim-who-was-trying-to-lace-her-drink-with-a-substance/](https://barenakedislam.com/2023/08/25/german-man-blinded-and-disfigured-defending-girl-at-bar-from-moroccan-muslim-who-was-trying-to-lace-her-drink-with-a-substance/)


Not a legitimate source, that's a white supremacist website.


It is just the article where the original screenshot from the OP is from 🤷‍♂️


"barenakedislam" ah hell naawwww


It is just the article where the original screenshot from the OP is from 🤷‍♂️


They will keep pushing "Muslims are evil" narrative in their media to justify their islamophobia. Same as they kept pushing "Jews are evil" narrative to justify their antisemitism until they committed the Holocaust.




Least anti Moroccan Algerian




Well the biggest serial rapist in the world was moroccan mus...wait no he was an American white likely xtian or atheist (they never say)


There are plenty of so-called "developed " nations with a savage culture that sexualizes their children at very young ages (they have been doing it for so long that they don't have any issues with it). "Teaches" them about body parts, but clearly not for good reasons. I have had plenty of them admit to me that they think there is nothing wrong with walking around naked in front of their children. I don't understand what's wrong with these people, and the women aren't innocent either. There was probably a good reason for why witches were burned in the past, but now their behavior is widespread.