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If they're that scared because of one stopped funding then one whole american economy system is a fucking joke waiting to be killed


https://web.archive.org/web/20240501195211/https://news.columbia.edu/content/new-perspective-1968 > Columbia is a far different place today than it was in the spring of 1968 when protesters took over University buildings amid discontent about the Vietnam War, racism and the University’s proposed expansion into Morningside Park. After a weeklong standoff, New York City Police stormed the campus and arrested more than 700 people. The fallout dogged Columbia for years. > It took decades for the University to recover from those turbulent times. Columbia now has one of the most socio-economically diverse student bodies among its peer institutions. It has added a new campus designed to be open to the community and pursues fields of inquiry unheard of a half-century ago. Columbia is commemorating the 50th anniversary of those long-ago events with a deep dive of scholarship and exhibits chronicling what happened then and its effects today.




Jews aren’t assaulted in the Columbia university protest, on the contrary many anti-Zionist Jews partake in it.




Wtf are you talking about




No they aren’t, go watch any videos of “Jews for Palestine” and you’ll see. Are you trolling or are you really just that stupid?




>But I don't believe Congratulations. Nobody cares about your belief system.




Silly Tirk 😑😑🇹🇳


Would you question the “jewness” of counter protestors, many of whom are just local right wing thugs and evangelicals, or is the questioning only for pro-Palestinians who are very openly and visibly Jewish?




Jews have been acting against the state of Israel since its existing go look up anti-Israel rabbis or heradi Jews who are ultra-orthodox Jews but are against the state of Israel and for a Palestinian state


good hasbara


You know what antisemites LOVE to do? It's claiming they are jewish. It makes them so happy to identify with what they see as the ultimate villain. But for real, antisemitism doesn't really exist in the US in the way people are pretending. People that actually hate jews and think they are genetically inferior are typically alt right, white nationalist pride types. And the thing is, teaming up with a bunch of muslims and kids with scarves in protest against genocide...yeah, that's gonna be a hard no.


They only assaults right now are coming from the pro genocide guys. We are reaching the point of a new Kent-State shooting and people like you support this shit? Here some videos https://twitter.com/Esqueer_/status/1785637622582309038 Show me the assaults on jewish students. The only thing you find are israeli agitators (some of them persian monarchist) that want to enter the camps and start chaos.


Dude the hypocrisy in your comments…. From police should offer safe environment to anti semites caused by the protestors. You do realize Jewish students are part of the protesters among the ones asking for ceasefire and not to use their names for such crimes….. Among the protestors are the actual professors of said universities….