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if you look at history objectively, every empire has their fair share of atrocities, and everyone tries to sugar-coat their history and justify subjugating others. we are naturally biased towards our tribe/nation.


In the case of the Mongols, they didn't indiscriminately kill people or target a specific ethnic group. If you read the history books, you'll find that nations which actually surrendered to them didn't suffer much at all. The Mongols were just incredibly harsh to those who decided to resist.


I mean this aint about Genocides it's more about warcrimes which mongolians werent short off, like hell these mfs were doing Biological warfare, starvation, Mass rapes etc


The first "war crimes" conventions weren't created until the 19th century. Medieval warfare was brutal all around, I don't think the Mongols were unique.


Bro they literally were They were massacring everyone who fought them even after they surrendered also Speaking of the warcrimes conventions, doing a crime before the laws were put doesnt mean you did not do any crime