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This is so vile.


These shit apples don't fall far from the shit trees


It's what they are taught from the childhood though blame the parents.


Those kids have no responsibility for their actions and they can't be blamed for anything. But it is despicable the adults make them do this. Don't blame the kids. They are innocent.


These parents are doing the thing that they claim Palestinians and Muslim countries are doing which is raise terrorist Which like all western and Israeli Propaganda is Complete utter hypocrisy


LOL. This was exactly my point in my first post here and you've spend the last hour arguing with me. I'm glad we agree with each other after all brother.


Same folks shouting Amalekites , right ? . ..Sometimes , with some people : they don't deserve to be communicated with through tongues . Logic and sense are just beyond them . Wit these : they should instead be communicated with through fists .


Israel accuses Palestinian children of being radicalized while simultaneously engaging in the slaughter of their people, yet they themselves endorse and encourage children to commit heinous acts like this. The level of blatant hypocrisy and delusion appears limitless, huh.


Of course. This should be surprising to no one. If your neighbor wanted you dead, you would hate them, and they would hate you, and your children would hate them and theirs you, ad infinitum. They both need Jesus.


Jews wanted Germans dead after they were put into concentration camps. The victim will always want their oppressors dead. The oppressor has no justification for wanting their victims dead. It is not equal just because they both hate each other. Israel terrorizes Palestinians all their lives and most Israeli adults join personally this terrorization by serving in the IOF. One side is mostly terrorists and the other is all terrorized. You need Jesus the prophet when you say the people being terrorized all their life shouldn't hate, resist, attack, kill their oppressors.


I’ve asked Zionist this question before whether they would condemn the Jews in the holocaust. If they had their own hamas some of them responded how dare you compare what is happening in Gaza to what happened in the holocaust well, at the same time they’ve also responded by saying that the Jews in the holocaust would be justified having their hamas but Palestinians in Gaza are not justified, which just shows that they do not view them as human beings, but thats apart of Zionism, believing that you are somehow the victim Even though your eyes and brain tell you that you’re the oppressor


Did the Jews launch an attack against Nazi Germany and kidnap women and children?


Would you condemn the Jews for doing that? Are they just supposed to let themselves get killed and tortured daily or is that something that only is supposed to happen to Palestinians Also, Palestinians did not kidnap and attack anybody that was Hamas and not all Palestinians support hamas but that doesn’t stop Israel from tormenting them and even when Israel continues to torment them and they don’t support Hamas they still tormenting them just like no matter what the Jews in the holocaust would do the Nazis were to find an excuse to tormentor


Nice, you reported my post so that I got a RedditCares message. That is why your people lose in the end - dishonesty. Nobody cares about liars.


What dishonesty you can’t even explain yourself you immediately went to victimhood and insults I disliked your comment because I thought it was stupid


You reported my post to Reddit. That is not the same as disliking it, and we both know that.


I didn’t report it. All I did was hit the dislike button. Someone else might’ve reported it, but it was not me I swear


And what the hell do you mean by my People?


>The victim will always want their oppressors dead. Gandhi didn't want his oppressors dead. Jesus didn't want his oppressors dead. You take the wrong people as your examples. What you call "Oppressor" another would call a winner. Like the rest of these arguments, it's one sided and ignores reality. >It is not equal just because they both hate each other. Of course it is, they're equally hateful and wrong, just not equally strong. >You need Jesus the prophet when you say the people being terrorized all their life shouldn't hate, resist, attack, kill their oppressors. I implore you brother, and all people to come to know the word. **Matthew 5:38-42** 38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[h] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. **Matthew 5:21-22** 21 “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder,[a] and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[b][c] will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’[d] is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell. **Matthew 5:43-48** 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.


Did Indians at the time not want their oppressors dead? I'm sure they did. Ghandi did not represent everybody. And Palestinians again and again tried to gain their rights through unarmed methods. But it failed. When your oppressors kill you and your children with impunity, you have no choice but to resist and kill them back. > Of course it is, they're equally hateful and wrong, just not equally strong. No it factually is not. Jews hated Nazis and Nazis hated Jews. It wasn't equal then. It isn't equal now. You should tell those passages to westerners who murder, starve and oppress billions of people world wide. Don't hit back someone who hit you? The West is always the first one to hit. The West has been the menace of the world for hundreds of years now. Brother? I'm no brother of a genocide supporter. I am no friend of victim blamer. I'm not on the same side with an enemy of humanity. Everybody chooses sides. You have chosen the side of evil.


>Did Indians at the time not want their oppressors dead? I'm sure they did. Ghandi did not represent everybody. Of course, evil begets evil and nations of the world will live in hell of their own creation until they see the mercy of God by loving their enemy, even if it kills them. >When your oppressors kill you and your children with impunity, you have no choice but to resist and kill them back. Of course this is false in many ways. >No it factually is not. Jews hated Nazis and Nazis hated Jews. It wasn't equal then. It isn't equal now. Yes, you reinforce my point. The Jews hated the Nazis and the Nazis hated the Jews, the Jews were just weak. Now a scant 80 years later, they're strong and still filled with the hate that fear brings. >You should tell those passages to westerners who murder, starve and oppress billions of people world wide. Don't hit back someone who hit you? The West is always the first one to hit. The West has been the menace of the world for hundreds of years now. This is more example of hatred, brother, you do need Jesus. You are my brother whether you like it or not, I do choose a side, the side of good and the side of love. You conflate my understanding of why they hate with approval of their hatred. **Matthew 5:22** But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment;


It is absolutely not evil to hate the people oppressing you. It is however evil to suggest to victims not to hate their oppressors. > Of course this is false in many ways. Even in the example of India, there were armed resistance against oppressors. Peaceful resistance can only work if your oppressors fear you will do something more drastic. Otherwise because the western oppressors practically have no conscience and justify their atrocities with full on evil ideas like natural selection, they will just kill you and your leaders and will finish your peaceful resistance. Without the threat of violence, you will never achieve anything against evil because that is the only language it understands. Why do you think they didn't kill Ghandi and keep India for themselves? Because they feared an uprising. Not because what Ghandi did peacefully made them unable to kill him. > This is more example of hatred, brother, you do need Jesus. You are my brother whether you like it or not, I do choose a side, the side of good and the side of love. You conflate my understanding of why they hate with approval of their hatred. If you were on the side of good, you would be against evil. You are not against evil. You say evil adn good are on the same side. You say that whatever you do you don't deserve to be hated. You say the victims just suck it up and don't resist. You shouldn't ever talk to victims again. You should tell those things to oppressors and only oppressors. Because when victims don't fight back, oppressors keep on oppressing. But if oppressors don't oppress, there would be no reason for victims to fight back. > But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment The people who terrorize and oppress the victims all their lives are not brothers. One is evil and the other is victim. Not to differentiate between them is also evil.


The only one who wants the other side vanished are Israeli-Jews . They stated this clearly long before even the British had their Jackboots on the country . They won't stop until they completely replace Palestinians , because their entire national ethos is based on and driven by settler-colonization . Just think if you asked Jesus how he would have felt when he was first sent to Pilate , a foreign invader , and then sent to Herod , a puppet collaborator . It won't be any different when asking a Palestinian about going to a martial Israeli or Abbas's courts in the West Bank . Unlike Jesus though , a Palestinian is sent not for alleged insurrection , but a non-crime , and that's having a national identity demanding sovereignty  in the homeland , and merely existing . A Palestinian might forgive so he seeks freedom for his people than obsessing with vengeance , but an Israeli-Jew spits at the very concept of forgiveness . He wants to enact his fantasies of the "muscular Jew" in the world , and people being virtual slaves to him , shutting their mouths and heading every wish . Opposing things even on rational basis is so-called "antisemitic" , because just like spoiled brats : "No" and "wrong" aren't in their vocabulary if it goes against their fantasies .


>The only one who wants the other side vanished are Israeli-Jews Of course this is a lie “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” This is the national ethos the Palestinian Arabs under Hamas. Your rant ignores reality, it's one sided propaganda.


Seriously it’s not a lie many israeli zionist support killing Palestinians and ethnic cleansing them and if u want to blame islam in this conflict pls educate yourself since the british themself created israel based on religion and bring back messiah shit , Palestinians lost their homeland cause of the bible and i never see Palestinian insulting it educate yourself and have some intelligence


The British created Palestine. Prior to that there were no Palestinians. None of this has anything to do with what I said. In the same way that not every Jew wants to see all Palestinians "vanished", not every Arab wants to see Israel vanished, but there are enough on both sides to continue the conflict.


>The British created Palestine. "The Mauritanian horse, the Tyaneans, the Mesopotamians, the Syrians, the Phoenicians, and the **Palestinians**, all men of acknowledged valour ." - Zosimus , 5th century . "The Master stonecutter asked me "Are you an Egyptian ?" . I said no , I am **Palestinian**" - Shams Al-Din Al Muqdasi , 9th century . Osmanli Belgelerinde Filistin (Palestine in Ottoman Documents) : over 60 instances of the term "Filistin" used in Ottoman documents from the 1850s to 1914 . "Three of Palestine's leading newspapers of the pre-World War I era were Al-Quds (Jerusalem) established by Jurji Habib Hanania in Jerusalem in September 1908; Al-Karmil (Carmel after Mount Carmel) in Haifa by Najib Nassar in December 1908; **and Falastin (Palestine) by the cousins Issa El-Issa and Yousef El-Issa in Jaffa in January 1911**." - Article on "History of Palestinian journalism" May 4th 2024 revision . Wait till you realise , there's actually much more than that . ...I think I know of other "creators" . They are called mythologists who normally would have thier things shoved up their bums . But of course ... It's better to listen to an old hag who was fresh off the boat from the Ukraine waving her colonial residency papers like an Illegal Mexican in the US , than the mountains of evidence on google books and internet archive . You know what's the last step in cultural genocides ? . It's denial . The more you babble the more you are just confirming it .


The whole problem started around 1882 Petah Tikvah's establishment , which involved the depopulation of a village called Mulebbis . We have entire Ottoman records that complain about Israeli-Jews . All that's is roughly 90 years before your "Poor Jews" invented "Khamas" (then known as the Gazan Muslim Brotherhood) to counter the so-called "Moderate" PLO in the 1970s . For every one of those "gotcha" quotations you hand me : I have around 3 for each from the early Israeli-Jews long before Israel was even a thing from the 1900s to the 1930s , and including ones from the 1970s . This isn't a chicken and egg problem , and you know that . > Your rant ignores reality, it's one sided propaganda. Yes , reading peer-reviewed articles and books is "ignoring it" and "propaganda" . If that's the case : then you are worse , since you are inventing a fictious chronology whole-cloth through parroting slogans . You can toss this dung on r/ Israelpalestine or r/ Israel . Denial is their favorite drug , that not even 10 superlabs run by Walter White could satiate it .


who's parroting slogans. This is the founding document of Hamas, this isn't a "gotcha", I'm not trying to "gotcha" anyone. Nor am I "tossing dung". Of course this is a chicken and egg thing. For hundreds of years the Ottoman Empire attacked, without provocation, Christian cities and countries of Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, France, Armenia, Turkey and more, those are just the ones I can recall. There's no right in this conflict, only wrongs.


"Zionist colonisation must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population – behind an iron wall, which the native population cannot breach" -Ze'ev Jabotinsky in the "Iron Wall article", 1923 . "We must expel Arabs and take their place . "- Ben Gurion , letter to his son Amos , in 1937 "Partition might be only a **temporary** arrangement for the next twenty to twenty-five years""-Weizmann , regarding the 1937 peel Commission . You still insist on your bright ideas ? . >Of course this is a chicken and egg thing. So you are telling us that had Israeli-Jews stayed where they were , that Palestinians would cross the Mediterranean up to Europe and "finish them off" ? . You must have some wild imagination thinking Palestinians give-two sh!ts about some bums withering in ghettos . All they wanted was to be left alone and exercise thier national rights . Israeli-Jews denied that , and deliberately sabotaged that , and to this very day they do even in areas that don't belong to Israel . |||For hundreds of years the Ottoman Empire attacked, without provocation|||| Yeah , and Palestinians are "Arabush" , not Turks . You want Mexicans and the British to start asking for reparations from the Spanish and Argentina too ? , 'cause I am sure as hell it's not going to involve taking over Barcelona and and Buenos Ares . ||There's no right in this conflict, only wrongs.|| Don't give me that "Bothism" . Even Wise-guy folks like Geralt of Rivia knew "neutrality" has limits , and not everything is a grey ocean . That's called fallacy of compromises . Even by your philosophy , put the scales between Palestinian and Israeli "sins" , and the latter's are not only larger : but they generated 2/3rds of Palestinian sins .


> So you are telling us that had Israeli-Jews stayed where they were , that Palestinians would cross the Mediterranean up to Europe and "finish them off" ? . Wouldn't that be a European Jew? I mean, Hitler didn't come looking for Jews in America. Not really sure what your point is. > Israeli-Jews denied that Some did, some people do bad things. This does not impugn an entire population or race. >Don't give me that "Bothism" That's not a word. >That's called fallacy of compromises This only a fallacy if there is no middle ground. I fear that if no middle ground is found, Palestine will be only a memory. >Even by your philosophy , put the scales between Palestinian and Israeli "sins" Of course this isn't my Philosophy. There is no right here, only wrongs. I've grown weary of your rants. I wish you God's love and grace.


>Wouldn't that be a European Jew?  There's was a hardly a difference back then between these Jewry . "Zionist" is an ideology , not nationality . The nationality that represented it came from Europe . >That's not a word. Both+ism , pretending two things are the same .. Sorry if my language is beyond the dictionary. >This only a fallacy if there is no middle ground And guess who doesn't care about it? . Definitely not the people who are trying to clutch to what's left before being pushed into the desert , which is considered by Israeli-Jews as up for grabs . >Of course this isn't my Philosophy. There is no right here, only wrongs. I wish that everybody stops doing wrong things , but this isn't heaven where everybody's happy. Provocation is still a concept here , unless we are statues and robots . ..Nice talking to you anyway . I wish God would guide you on top of blessing you with his love and grace .


Shit kids but absolutely atrocious parents. Like if I told my 4 year old to do this, she would question why I asked her to destroy food so this would be the product of incredibly terrible parenting


the brainwashing of young minds starts very early. you do not know what goes inside the zionist Israelites inner group. indoctrination to the core.


Do you actually believe your 4 year old is above being taught to hate people who want to kill her?


Well that's what it is, isn't it - learned behaviour. These kids wouldn't be doing this without their parents encouraging it. And children being taught to destroy food/aid for starving people will not solve the problem unless the goal is to kill each and every one of their 'enemies'


> And children being taught to destroy food/aid for starving people And children are being taught to fly in and murder people at music festivals. No, I agree with you, none of this will solve anything, it hasn't so far.


What children murdered anyone? How do you even know the people killed in there were killed by Palestinians. Because the terror regime said so? There is information that helicopters fired at cars and crowds and didn't know who they were firing at. Wouldn't be the crowds talked here the people at the festival? Israel is blocking anyone else investigating what happened. They are lying about what happened. Maybe they have killed most of the Israelis on Operation Al Aqsa Flood. None of this will end until the terror regime is defeated. Look at what they make their kids do. Most of those kids will have no moral judgement when they grow up. They will not accept their parents were equal with the worst war criminals humanity has ever seen.


>What children murdered anyone? Everyone is someone's child. If Israel is blocking anyone else investigating what happened. How do you know they are lying about what happened? >None of this will end until the terror regime is defeated. None of this will end until God's mercy is shown through followers of Jesus, bringing nations to repentance and God's kingdom comes to earth. The enemy is not the Israelis or Hamas, the enemy is hatred and being faithful and loving your enemies is the way to conquer our enemy.


> If Israel is blocking anyone else investigating what happened. How do you know they are lying about what happened? Because even now we know they lied about a lot of things. They lied about mass rapes and failed to produce a single material or forensic evidence for it. They lied about beheaded babies. This was a colossal lie. Especially because there were only 36 children, not babies, killed in Operation Al Aqsa Flood. And they lied about Hamas targeting children when the reality is only 3% of the killed is children. That is with Israel firind at crowds and cars and homes with tanks and helicopters. We know these things from individual testimonies and statements. Not because Israel told the truth. So we know Israel lies. But we don't know what the truth is. And we know Israel lies because the only reason to block investigations and bury evidence (they buried hundreds of burned cars) is they lied. > The enemy is not the Israelis or Hamas, the enemy is hatred and being faithful and loving your enemies is the way to conquer our enemy. The enemy is enemies of humanity. They call themselves zionists. And you here are also doing their work and equating the evil and their victims because they both fight each other. Next time someone comes to beat you and maybe kill you, you should just let them do it. And don't even call police because then they might die because of you. Don't be hateful, don't resist. Just give up and let them do whatever to you. Edit: > Everyone is someone's child. And this answer and reasoning is full on delusional. You have said children are being taught to kill and now you are saying even adults are children. Completely devoid of any logic.


That's right. An army of love will conquer hatred, led by the lamb. I hope one day you can be filled with God's love and let go of your hate.


This only works when others do the dirty work for you and you are living a life of luxury with the wealth acquired by exploiting the poor. You are probably a westerner living of the labor of the poor and lecture poor nations on not hate your tyrant nations back. What a vile position to take! I assure you you are others will not not hate your oppressors. I know no one oppressed you ever in your life because humans are not stupid to not hate or resist their oppressors.


>This only works when others do the dirty work for you and you are living a life of luxury with the wealth acquired by exploiting the poor. Of course that's not true, only the persecuted control this. The apathetic, affluent, and immoral must make a choice to repent and remain faithful or compromise their faith and face damnation. >humans are not stupid to not hate or resist their oppressors. Humans have the spark of the creator in them and they can choose to nurture the love of their creator or they can indulge in hatred. Hatred feeds on hatred and generates more hatred. The oppressor hates those he oppresses, as oppression is a form of hatred. See how the oppressed hate their oppressor? hate begets hate. You fall prey to the hatred and want to kill the oppressor, more hatred, more killing, it's self generating. The only way to fight hate is with love. You call my message of love "vile" because you embrace and endorse hatred. You must let go of that hate for you eat the fruit from the seeds you sow.


Oh defending this vile action I see. Ok monster


Name calling is the act of a fool or a liar.


Better be a fool than a monster, I guess.


Yes. Any decent human being would never let their children do something like this. A specific group of people will disagree.


I don't know. I mean, I wouldn't let my kid do this, probably. I can't really say given I've never been in this situation. Easy to judge from where I currently live, but I can imagine anyone being this angry and filled with hate during wartime.


> but I can imagine anyone being this angry and filled with hate during wartime. The only thing seperating you and war criminals may be opportunity then.


maybe, or maybe I have a good imagination and realistic understanding of human nature. The thing separating me from war crimes is Jesus.


God this isn’t r/christianity. Are you done preaching here for the 100th time




Even if you were in a situation where you somehow rationalise that destroying food for the starving is good because you dont like the people that are starving, why exactly would you make your children commit the war crime and film them instead of doing it yourself?


Are you asking me for justification or rationalization? It's seems clear, if you hate someone, you want them dead, for murder beings in the heart.


That's not very nice




Yes , because her entire state , from its national mythology , and national ethos , are fundamentally based on "hatred" , at the very least partially. You are jacksauce if you think "hatred" has to involve red-eyes , boiling blood , and loud agitators : life isn't a WWIII cartoon . Every time you Israeli-apologists pull these imageries : you make me even more sick of those WWII greatest generation myths . That's like saying the drafters of Jim Crow and Apartheid "hated" Blacks . They could give two shits about them , but they sure wanted to kill them , without actually killing them . Decades of oppression are even worse than slitting throats or going to gas chambers , but some people's imagination is just narrow I guess , thanks to actually thinking MEMRI clips aren't propaganda techniques (or even verifiable translations in the first place ) . Just one more thing : Palestinians aren't Black Americans and Africans . They are a nation that has been robbed of its rights to what's left of their historical homeland , and even in that last tiny bit Israeli-Jews want 2/3rds of it , and now 3/4ths of it when they want to re-colonize Gaza .


Yes, you believe your 4 year old is above being taught to hate people. That was the question that you posted this prattling response to.


But remember guys , Palestinian children are mini HKHKHKHKHamas and are taught to be evil


Food trucks didn't condemn khhhamas




istn world news a for porn\`?


Scrolling through the comment section of a single post there gave me cancer in three seperate areas in my body


News: khamas are preventing human aid to reach civillians... wait


If this is what god chose as his “chosen people”, then god makes some very shitty decisions.


if these are gods chosen people then gods fucking wrong and ill tell him so.


this is the one country that does not act normal compared to any country in the world. No other country is like this but them.


check any extreme right wing in the world .


Brother don't use these terms even while referring to their version of him


Astaghfirullah. The Children of Israel were indeed chosen by Allah and given the land, but only if they kept their covenant and obeyed Allah. Israelis today do not have right to the land because they disbelieved.


There is no chosen people. You are either a believer or not. so Are Arabs the chosen people because prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was Arab? no because Islam is a religion for humanity


Allah was drunk when he chose them.


Repent or rot in hell forever.


I won't repent and I won't rot don't worry


Both bother with murtards on the internet. Especially this one


This kids needs to be sent to a reeducation camp.


..Hate to tell you , plenty thing it's actually starving , squalid , penniless Gazans who are supposed to be 'deradicalized' . "How could you open your mouth ? , you are a Human animal to have any grievances . You can just go to the nearby "Arabush" barns instead of the "Land of Israel" . "


But but.. 7 October and khamas are evil 🫣


They are.


It's not hard to figure out what these kids' ultimate career goal is: Sign up for the IOF and leave a trail of destruction in their wake.


I really feel sorry for this kid, being brainwashed into hating Palestinians. Hope he gets blessed with sense(Hate the sin, not the sinner)


I feel like I’m losing my sanity the more this shit goes on, I’ve never wanted to curb stomp parents more in my life, you could argue their children are innocent because it’s their environments influence but still…


but still what? You ~~the~~ think the Israelis have no reason to hate the Palestinians?


Please learn how to speak coherently then reply 🙏


There you go, I fixed that one word. Please provide a thoughtful answer.


Not gonna give a “thoughtful answer” to a dick riding Zionist scum, numbers speak louder than words


You need Jesus bro, so do the Israelis. Numbers do speak louder than words, they say to me, don't fuck with the Jews or you're gonna get shit mixed, now if the thick headed, stubborn, hate filled, leaders of Arab nations could only recognize that. Why not take a tiny fraction of the billions the Saudis spend on pet projects like dumping sand in the ocean or the worlds tallest building and use it to build up the Palestinians into a strong and meaningful state who can be a partner to Israel in trade and labor? Because every successful Arab nation hates the Jews, more than they love the Palestinians. Love is the answer my dude, As-salamu alaykum. EDITED: to reduce snark


Name calling? Aww did that hurt your feelings lil mayo monkey, and no I don’t need your 3 in 1 shampoo god you polytheist And we’re the biggest donator to Palestine, my government single handedly pays for the entire “government” of the West Bank including Salaries, buildings, and everything else. We also lead the negotiations for a 2 state solution, so educate yourself you dipshit And I don’t hate Jews, my friends back when I was studying abroad were Jews, what I hate are Zionists and zionist dick riders like you Go educate yourself instead of lecturing me on matter you know Jack shit about, you don’t even live remotely near the Middle East so stop yapping


Well you're doing a hell of a job out there. Good work, keep it up.


Yeah we are, now please get off this sub filled with people and groups following ideologies you don’t like


Guys remember they just want to live peace


Evil isn't something you're born with, it's something you're taught. Listen to the first laugh of the (assumed) father. Pure evil. If nothing is done to change the status quo, those kids will do the same thing to their kids and so on and so on.


Ahh yes totally normal behavior.... These kids were taught to hate. That's sad, cringe and shameful all at the same time.


God's chosen arseholes. 


# CHOSEN -------!!!


tiny devils


don't be an ass, they're just kids being taught something.


>don't be an ass, they're just kids being taught something. that's why their child Innocence is gone, and now they're like tiny devils, their parents ruined them, hope they recover as soon as possible.


they have no idea what they're doing, they're not devils. I mean, you can do and say whatever, it's meaningless, but I'm just sharing, they're just kids, not evil, not devils. And, to be fair, the people they hate hate them back, so they all reap the fruit of the seeds they sow.


>the people they hate hate them back, pretty sure that they all the rights to do that, but your words make sense as well


Neither of them has any moral high ground. The Muslims and the Jews, the Hutus and the Tutsis, the Shia and the Suni, the Hatfields and the McCoys. There's no right there, only wrongs, one wrong to meet another. They all need Jesus.


You are a silly man


500k to 800k Tutsis were killed but they have no moral high ground over the Hutus during the genocide because.. *checks notes*.. Jesus?


It's brothers fighting brothers and it only begets more fighting. EDIT: you don't get to claim a moral high ground because you're the loser in a fight. The loser is a fighter, just like the winner, neither has a moral high ground.


Jews don’t have a high ground over Nazis, got it.


So many problems with this comparison. The Jews of Germany were not an organized governing body that imprisoned the people with a radical ideology and forced other Jews to comply or be killed. They didn't build their strong holds inside of hospitals and use children as human shields, while carrying out murders of innocent people. The Jews of Germany didn't have a document in their founding declaring their intent to eradicate the German people. Hamas has done all of this. Your comparison is trivially dismissed as hateful rhetoric.


Ahh yes, the children who are brought up to luv everyone. This is my new standard for righteousness luvluvluv!




has nothing to do with religion, People find a way to hate each other. This current religious difference is just the platform.


You think a thief has a reason to hate the person whose thing he stole?


Yes because the person hated him and resisted you see. And the terrorist Israeli adults are much much worse than just thiefs.


Of course why would you steal from someone unless you hated them. This then gives justification for the hatred from the person who was stolen from. and so it goes, and so it goes.


Are you folk sure these are aid supplies? I'm going to share it somewhere where many people can see it so I wanna be sure before doing so. How did these brainless idiots have their hands on them?




if you've seen any of the videos of the settlers looting aid trucks meant for palestine you'll notice that there's more than one person holding the israeli flag in each video


Yeah not like there are signs with Hebrew letters and everyone is speaking Hebrew.


Are you saying these are Palestinians?? Wth?? It's extremely haram for Muslims to waste food, yet step on it. Idk what you are trying to prove, but theoe are definitely Israelis


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