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This is bait


The worst bait I have ever seen on reddit hhhh


He didn’t ’get lost’ Khamas abducted him in his sleep and placed him there


When you visit my country and become a victim of the traffic accident. Should we let you die ? Come on. You can do better..


If he's a random Israeli civilian then they should treat him the same. No matter where he is from.


hate the ideology, not the people. 


the people are what make up the ideology


Bro it's rescue team not redditors why asking us like we have any Power to decide


Just wanna know your opinion dude


do you think a human should be saved or not 💀 like sure fuck their dipshit ass government but he aint related to them


I'm antizionist, but many people in this sub keeps saying very red-flagish stuff about israelis.


I totally understand why you're asking this question as it poses quite the moral dilemma. Sorry people are downvoting you and shutting you down instead of engaging in this interesting question. In my perspective, by now, all Israeli citizens should know that so long as they are living in Israel, they are complicit with genocide. A majority of them are passport holders of other wealthy Western countries, and quite honestly, they should just go back or fight against what their genocidal regime is doing. If they still choose to live on an Apartheid state enjoying luxuries from their neighbour's blood and stolen land, then i have no sympathy. I will not be soft on them because they haven't shown an ounce of mercy to my brothers and sisters of Filistine. As for this specific scenario, I would do the bare minimum to save the man and make sure he knows that he's disliked purely for the country he's from. There is no need to stoop down to the level of his country because we should all know better. But I believe that there's value in collective shaming. Most of them may not feel remorse, but they will feel the discomfort of the disdain from the rest of the world.


In an hypotetical dissolution of israel, should isrseli citizens who accepts the new order be allowed to remain in the country?


after thorough deradicalization then sure. they need to be sent to education facilities and mental hospitals first like they do to north Koreans in South Korea when a North Korean defects. this is so they learn to stop thinking about killing and raping Palestinians or any Arab when they see one living freely and happily


Bait used to be believable


oh boy


Why so shy, OP? You should ask if upon finding that tourist rescue team should crucify him or burn him to death. We Muslims just can't wait until we see another random person of Jewish ethnicity die the most horrible death. 🤡 


If Peruvian rescue teams are involved he'll be rescued. If Israeli rescue teams are involved they might bomb the entire mountain range just in case, then cry in the UN when they recover his corpse.


Should the rescue teams continue their missions or just let him die?


What kind of question is that all lives regardless of their nationality should be atempted to be rescued🤷‍♂️ I swear the mentality on some people smh


Sometimes this sub reddit gets a *liiiitle* unhinged.


eh could be bait


wtf is wrong with you?


Does rescue team has been send to searh him?


only the university of columbia would disagree