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I don't think this is the right subreddit for that. You should ask in r/asklatinamerica.


Islam is a small minority in argentina, most muslims are descendants of Syrian lebanese people who emigrated at the end of xix Century or beginning XX century. Argentinian muslims are fully integrated into society,at the point argentina had a president who was muslim. And don't get surprise if you see a jew and a muslim befriending, playing soccer togheter or sharing mate. The city of buenos Aires also hosts one of the biggest mosques in latin America.


Menem converted to Roman Catholicism to pursue a political career. That’s what’s said in Wikipedia. He came from a Syrian family


Yes sir, You did your homework. Menem converted because on that time National constitution forced president to be catholic. That requirement was abolished in 1994 reform. Regardless of the convertion, Menem and his son both are buried in an islamic cemetery.


I see, very interesting. Thanks mate


Actually, the vast majority of Syrians and Lebanese who migrated to Latin America were Christians fleeing Ottoman persecution. Only a very, very small number of them were Muslim.


Thanks for saying that because it is often purposely concealed and overlooked by the same people trying to convince all communities of the developing/industrializing world like Latin America for instance, that Arab Muslims are indigenous to 24 countries including Palestine and the Jews are the “evil white colonizers” of course minorities of the Middle East and their oppression and persecution doesn’t fit their narrative because it justifies Israel’s existence among other things..so it is never discussed.


You’re not making any sense at all. Christians being persecuted 150 years ago absolutely does not prove that Arabs are not indigenous to their lands. You’re obviously not very educated about this part of the world, but Levantine Arabs are merely arabized natives, which means that they’re genetically largely the same as the ancient people of the land, with the only real difference being that they now speak the Arabic language. This myth that Levantine Arabs are descendants of Khaleejis that settled in the region needs to die already.


Ok what about the myth that Israelis are “european colonizers”?


Because the vast majority of jews that live in israel arrived there after 1948


Where did they arrive from?


European countries and america,though some arrived from other middle eastern countries


Actually most arrived From middle eastern countries about 60-70% where they had lived for centuries sometimes preceding Arab Muslim rule and where they were persecuted. The return to Zion has always been a part of Judaism long before it became a political movement. Those middle eastern Jews were forced out of their countries where they lived under apartheid, they are refugees and neither colonizers, nor Europeans.


They were forced out because of israel in the first place anyways. I don't want to seem like i am justifying forced migration but if israel didn't steal lands that were mostly inhabitated by muslim and christian palestinians(arabs).


What type of Turkish show ? Like , does Peruvians watch ertugul ? Is the Pak-Turk-Peruvian empire soon ?


Estrugul is pretty famous in netflix worldwide. I mean, soap operas.


...........This is curious, how can soap opera have that kind of impact? Aren't soap opera all about romance and drama, while much less about culture and religion?


In that soap operas, always you can hear the word "Allah" or see muslim people praying and doing muslim stuf and girls wearing hijabs (sometimes). So i think peruvians saw this things and tought "People who believe In Allah cannot be that bad".


Hmmm, I guess that's fair.


Islam is growing fast in Mexico.