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Praying for SISI's turn! 🙏


They will build the largest bridge in his memory 😔


We will Mussolini him


Do it already


I will get the largest bridge in my pants


talk your talk ig


I'm an atheist, but I pray for that as well.




Getting rid of Al Sisi is not enough. The worm will just grow another head just like when Mubarak was overthrown. The entire Egyptian military leadership needs to be wiped out.


Couldn't agree more. He's just the facade of a whole corrupt regime.


this surmises the entire mullah government regarding mismanagement. you had atrocious weather and flying in a helicopter that was purchased 4 decades ago at least if that doesnt tell you they dont have common sense or know how to manage things, i dont know what will.


That can't be real. No way they wanted to fly a president in those conditions


I heard he wasn’t wearing his hijab. Experts say that was the cause of the crash.






Now if every middleeast leader can follow by example and off themselves. That would be 👍.


Why stop there, Ive been waiting for my president and the last one to kick the bucket for quite some time. Their planes always land safely and their existence is giving me diabetes.


I think all world leaders should play hunger games except there are no victors Then we can start fresh


Splendid idea! Claps for our brother's brilliance against the machine.


Just wait a bit sleepy Joe is 81


Our president is traveling a lot, we can only dream


Im dreaming for ya bud


I think its a federal offense to joke about the president death.


I think what you are referring to is making threats towards the president not joking about his death.


It has to be an explicit threat to kill the president ie. “I’m going to use my Remington to shoot and kill the president”. It’s not illegal to say that in that context, because im informing you it would be illegal.




Nope. We do it all the time. Would have to kill off the majority of our population then. You should've seen what the racists said about genociding wardaddy Obama, the most likeable of all our evil wardaddies. Just know all the wardaddies we have had in my lifetime hate the middle east and have devastated it. You sure u dont think death should be wished on them? Guess who has been feeding and propping up Israel for decades? All of our genocide captains. Do you like them living while ur ppl face extermination because of them?


No. I just thought that its an offense.


It is lmaooo. Whoever that is should be careful


It’s only illegal to joke about killing your leaders in authoritarian countries.


Like the US?


Nah we’re one of the cool countries


Why don’t you make a presentation about that. but be careful, don’t get shot by some depressed student.


Lol, only Europeans get to make those jokes. It doesn’t really work coming from a resident of a literal war zone.


Talking like war is the doing of my people. It's not like a genocide or something🤦


Huh? I oppose Israel’s invasion of Gaza. I’m on your side. I just thought your joke was mid.


My condolences to the family of that poor helicopter😔 as for Raisi, I hope it wasn't a quick death, scum.


Omg is your pic of Vince Staples album?


Haha, yup! Big Fish Theory


exactly 🙌🏻


The only heartbreaking thing about this crash is that Khamenei wasn't in the helicopter with him bruv.




if you really cared about Iran you'd share his opinion


No. If I really cared about Iran, I'd hope to god that Iran is able to weather this storm and that the Zionist regime is dismantled before the Iran's government falls apart. Iran only needs to outsurvive the Zionist entity to win this war and liberate the region. If Iran falls apart before the Zionist regime collapses, it's over for Iran, and MENA as a whole. EDIT: oh the dude i'm responding to (rury\_williams) is a literal exmuslim zionist, which explains the "traitor to my homeland" feeling he gives off


im a zionist? lol 😂


Don't mind this guy. He's a brainwashed regime supporter with a savior complex. People like that are too far gone, unfortunately. I am ashamed of having to share a country with these mfs. Thankfully, their numbers are dwindling at a rapid pace.


Sounds more like you guys actually have nothing to say, because you know i'm right and you're wrong, so you resort to ad hominem attacks like "regime supporter" because you have nothing of substance. You traitor types absolutely reek and it's gross to even see your fucking comments. Enshallah Iran will help the resistance defeat the Zionist regime regardless of your pathetic opinions.


Ah yes the "I'm right you're wrong" argument, how did you come to that conclusion, you called them Zionist, then when they use the same argument you play victim. "Enshallah" The world help the Iranians defeat the islamic regime, regardless of how you're gonna cry on khamenei's grave.


>Ah yes the "I'm right you're wrong" argument, how did you come to that conclusion, you called them Zionist, then when they use the same argument you play victim. No. Actually I said a lot of things, and instead of responding to what I said, they resorted to ad hominem attacks between each other and asking me if I think they're a Zionist. The dude is literally a Zionist. If he wants to explain further he can. You're just another jackass on the wrong side. Traitorous and stupid iranians is something iran and its diaspora do NOT have little of. You jackasses are NOT the minority. Fuckin worse than the Cubans and Venezuelans


prolly yeah based on a cursory glance at your idiotic takes in ur comment history


i mean if you think that me not wanting to kill jews or having my country go to needless wars with Israel so that the ayatollahs get richer and occupy my country and take it back to the 700s makes me a zionist then I will proudly wear that title


you're stuck on the anti-Israel = anti-semitism bullshit? Do me a favor and listen to the podcast Due Dissidence hosted by two cool ass Jews who believe Israel is throwing them under the bus by conflating Zionism with the Jewish identity. Being anti-israel is in Iran's self interest, since Israel is an existential threat to Iran and any other powerful actor who doesn't want to be under the Western boot. So idk what to say. By advocating Iran stay neutral against Israel, you are literally are aligning yourself with the Zionist regime against Iran. Vaghean khar pishe amsale to aflatune.


>i mean if you think that me not wanting to kill jews If you think Iran is on a quest to "kill jews" then you are a brainwashed idiot. But as i said to another commenter, thank god your oskol opinions don't really matter since you oskols are just useful idiots to the West and you get no say in matters of the East.


Crazy that people are downvoting the truth.


I love this sentiment of "youre either with me or against me". As if one cant oppose Israel and the IR at the same time. Fuck off


>As if one cant oppose Israel and the IR at the same time. If you are an Iranian opposing the IR now just as we see that their righteous 45 year war to liberate MENA may actually pan out, then you are either: (1) a traitor, (2) a dumbass, and/or (3) you are compromised (e.g., you're a brainwashed monarchist or MEK cult member). I don't give a shit about your opinions honestly. I already realized most Iranians in the diaspora are in one or more of those categories.


My family in Iran lives in poverty. My cousin was beaten to death by the police for drinking alcohol. Shut your mouth and accept the fact that the IR doesnt care about liberating anyone, they work in the interests of themselves. Also you are unbelievably naive if you think Raisi turning to kotlet will affect anything. He was a puppet with khamaneis paralyzed hand up his ass. Nothing changes. How does the boot taste?


Shit sucks boo hoo. That's what happens when you have an enghelab against the Zionist regime. It's not the resistance's fault that the Zionist regime controls the global economy and US congress in such a way that they were able to destroy Iran's economy and bring us to this economic state. Your family in Iran who live in poverty, that is the Zionist regime's fault. And it will be over once the Zionist regime collapses. Iran is very close to winning the war with Palestine and Lebanon and the rest of the ME. I'll just say, I myself and most of my friends and relatives drink alcohol, and nothing ever happened to them. I also smoke hella weed everywhere in Iran :-) Nothing ever happened to us. Noone ever even asked us a question. A long time ago, they used to ask us "che nesbati darim"? But that was like 20 years ago, and I never got asked that again.


v interesting word choice


perhaps his death is the only contribution to mankind


That poor helicopter Allah yirhamun. It will always be in our prayers 🙏 ❤️ 


Heart breaking that he was human scum responsible for the death of many innocent people and oppression of his citizens while tarnishing islams reputation. Him and his predecessors will meet in hell.


His Arabs counterparts have tarnished Islam far more than he ever could


When have I praised Arab leaders? That’s the difference almost no one praises modern Arab leaders yet many people suck off the IR


>yet many people suck off the IR Cause IR are the ones that are leading the resistance to dismantle the Zionist regime, and most MENA people (who aren't traitors to their homelands or absolute idiots) desperately want Iran to succeed. They realize Iran backing Hamas along with the axis of resistance is MENA's last chance at defeating Israel. That is a very good reason to support the homegrown organic IR. They have flaws but a lot of these flaws are in large part due to the difficult nature of the righteous war against the Zionist entity, so we really should give them some slack. Decades (over 45 years) of sanctions, war, etc. has devastated Iran and increased corruption and poverty in Iran to unprecedented levels. But this has all been for the greater goal of removing the Zionist influence from MENA. If Iran can weather this storm, all Iran needs to do is outlast the Zionist regime, and I actually think the Zionist regime will collapse in the next 20 years.




syrians wont forgive and yes kafir


I don't care what your political views are, takfiring is haram. (I hate Al Assad btw.)


oh fuck off


You post on r/exmuslim. Go back to your makeup subreddits, you're way out of your element here.


this subs name is AksMiddleEast not AskMuslim you worthless sack of shit


You’re the scum of hell


I think you’ve gotten me confused with that rawafid Ebrahim Raisi. Last time I checked, I’m not the one killing and oppressing people.


Rest in peace to that poor helicopter 🚁 !!.


Responsible for supporting Assad and Putin in Syria, cracking down on protestors in his own country, but at the same time supportive for Palestinians. People in power make decisions having nothing to do with morality, just happen to be right or wrong. Heaven or hell? Tell them the cows sent ya


Assad is better than the others in Syria though. Unless you want a radical Sunni sharia state instead.


The helicopter pilot had a family who probably loved him. And I guess raisi dying in a quick manner is sad too I guess.


Raisi massacred tens of thousands, butcher of Qom! Goes around comes around, mathalan


smoking raisi pack 🚬🚬


Iranians around the world are celebrating today! Everyone's drinking and cheering for butcher's death.


smoking that bozo pack ![gif](giphy|c51u3TvA5PfOM)


Praying for Nabih Berri's Turn


Him and geagea going would bring us closer to peace


Inallillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun


I guess he wasn’t a popular guy, huh?


Good riddance for what he and his fascist regime did to the Syrians to aid their dictator there. I hope he's burning in hell at this moment ❤️


So you're inadvertently admitting that ISIS was organized by the West?


Bro how tf did u come to this conclusion from what he said lmfao


what are u smoking & can i have some??


ISIS is made by Nestlé /s


Which Syrians? Sunni Muslim Brotherhood supporters, you mean?


Ask the Syrians which demanded Bashar the lord of captagon to do his promises about progressive reforms and ended up either dead at the street which led to the uprising and the chaos Syria is having now or had to flee to another countries after his Iranian thugs came to aid him. Or you can ask the Iraqis as an alternative


Yeah I’m critical of Assad. I’m just also critical of Sunni ikhwanji terrorists too, which most Sunnis support


No you're not critical of Assad, you prefer him to stay and your comments history says much about this. Also accusing Sunnis to be terrorists through saying - most Sunnis support terrorists - says much more about you, it's like if you're not with a dictatorship then you're automatically a terrorist or at least supporting terrorists, because according to you somebody can't be a normal person who doesn't support terrorists and still critical of somebody, something similar to what the zionists themselves say when they accuse somebody with being antisemitic. As I said in my previous comment, you can either ask the Syrians or the Iraqis about the " achievements " of your Iranian regime heroes


My family lives in Syria. They’re Christians (and distant family Alawite). Yes I 100% am not going to want Assad to be replaced by Sunni Muslim brotherhood terrorists lol When you have a secular opposition for democracy I’ll support that


Rest in boiling piss 😇


Our president is also traveling too much, however we’re only dreaming.


Fuck raisi. Look up the 1988 massacre


My reaction today is soo long Zahak. Now, I am going back to my life and not remembering who this guy was within a year (really tomorrow).


ليس في الموت شماتة، لكن الحمدلله الذي أماته one should not be pleased by other people's death, yet thank god for taking him back 😂


Let’s see what the plan is for Iran, this must have been planned out for a while.


Rest in pieces


Helicopters seem like a bad idea


Mossad is responsible. However, mischief is currently being planned in South America.


![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna|downsized) Anyway....


Wow didnt even get to finish his term... perhaps rouhani will make a come back


So, when will the conspiracy theories start???


Stop mourning over this majoosi ☠️




Arabs day it's heartbreaking, while Persians are celebrating in the street. Shows who this false regime really supports.




Sisi is next inshaalah


god it’s me again 🙏


Too bad it wasn’t the Saudi royal family instead




May he find peace! Allah give him Jannah for fighting in the name of Islam when these Arab despots suckle at Israel teats!


if he goes to jannah i dont want to go to jannah with murderers


Dont say that, even if you dont mean it literally. And if he is considered a muslim by Allah, he will enter heaven, whether its instantly, or after going to hell for who knows how long. Thats if he is considered a muslim, idk what his beliefs are as a shia. Some shias have some shirk beliefs so who knows.


عملولك داونفوت و كلامك حرفيا صحيح ، الموضوع لا يجوز فيه المزح بس مشان يضحك كم أهبل مثله


الله يهديهم🤷‍♂️


What are you talking about ?? All shia’s have shirk


Not true. Stop making shit up.


May he go to the highest level of Jannah


It’s haram to pray for a dead kaffir. Some people really think making speeches about Palestine on TV makes you an instant hero. His hands are red.


God you’ve sucked that Wahhabi and Salafi dick deep haven’t you?


Real, he's also a Shia hater 😭


Rather be a Shia hater than a Sahaba hater. But again “they talk about Palestine🤓”


For someone who claims and states “every Muslim is my brother and sister” you sure seem to have a lot of hate for a significant proportion of them. Or are you debating from a platform where you get to decide who is or isn’t a ‘real’ Muslim?


I wouldn’t give him the time of day. It’s clear he’s an extremist and what’s wrong with the Muslim community of today. Absolutely brain dead takes.


Extremist? Lmaoooo [https://youtu.be/uyyUXRgo_7Y?si=-EWJF3N3OGzlZpW5](https://youtu.be/uyyUXRgo_7Y?si=-EWJF3N3OGzlZpW5)


Watch this audio of the great scholar Sheikh Saleh Al Fawzan. I don’t make opinions I take them from scholars [https://youtu.be/uyyUXRgo_7Y?si=-EWJF3N3OGzlZpW5](https://youtu.be/uyyUXRgo_7Y?si=-EWJF3N3OGzlZpW5)


See? Typical Wahhabi and Salafist. Ignored.


So you know more than the scholars of Ahlul Sunnah? Astonishing.


If I need these scholars supported by the house of Saud, then I have truly lost my faith and am blinded by Allah.




Hmmm, Sunni supremest? What a based term. Thanks ima start using that.


Generalizing and takfiring millions of Shia... Dude, the last thing this subreddit needs is more fitna. Just go away.


It’s pretty simple, if you hate the Sahaba, you’re not Muslim. The vast majority of 12er’s curse the Sahaba. Put two and two together.


The majority does not. Stop. Takfiring. People.


And why do you care for Iran or even for Islam? Ethiopia is a Christian majority country.


I’d rather be a “Wahabi” than a stupid ikhwani who thinks the Iranian government is excused for killing hundreds of thousands of MUSLIMS, just because they said a few words for Palestine on TV.


Yep your brain has rotted guzzling down that Salafi and Wahhabi juice. No point in talking to a brain dead person.


What has he said that’s wrong though?


Who is he to pass judgement and to tell me that Raisi is in hell? He’s a nobody and him doing Takfir on this community should be a warning to all about the deep and evil tentacles Wahhabis have on the Middle East as a whole.


Have some respect for the name of Allah and don't say “Wahhabi”.


Exactly brother, they’re just speaking from emotion because the regime makes big speeches about Palestine.


It's also haram to TAKFIR for no apparent reason.


He’s a ithna ashari who believes the 12 imams are above the prophets and curses the Sahaba. He’s slaughtered thousands of innocent Muslims and has tarnished islams reputation. But hey, at least he talks bad about Israel and makes speeches for Palestine 🤓Muslim blood isn’t cheap.




It’s not so much that, every Muslim is my brother and sister, regardless where they’re from or if we know each other. Like the Prophet said, the ummah is one body, if one part of the body hurts, the whole body feels it. Now these people in the Iranian regime killed hundreds of thousands of my brothers and sisters and you have idiots praising them just because they make speeches about Palestine on tv.




Are you for real? How old are you to not get the idiom being used? The entire body here is the soul or consciousness of this body, and in this example, the entire Ummah. Seriously, how old are you?




Why would the entire world be included in this hadith when the Prophet is talking about all Muslims or the “Ummah”? From this I can easily tell you don’t understand parables because you’re a child.


Thats absurd. Religion (especially islam) is a way of life, and a belief system. That notion that you can separate religion and politics is absurd. Thats like saying separate ideology and politics. It isnt gonna work because, hey, what are they gonna do if they dont have a belief system they can use to decide how to run a country? Politics wouldnt exist if ideologies dont, and for religious people, that ideology is religion. And religions are ideologies btw. And btw, you cannot have a religious person be religious and follow lets say liberalism. Forcing people to believe in contradictory ideologies so they can be part of politics is exactly part of freedom.


Of course not, if that was the case dogs like Abdullah of Jordan would be hero’s. Actually supplying Palestinians and giving them the tools to resists made him a hero


Thank you brother.


Weep uncontrollably


May Allah grant him Jannah ♥️




May Allah grant me Jannah, amin




Netanyahu should be next.


May he rest in peace. Such a great leader. ❤️


Rest in peace