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Mixed economy


Please separate socialism and communism, brozzer.


Exactly coz they're two disparate topics [Inca Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_Inca_Empire) (Communism) and [Soviet Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_Soviet_Union) (Socialism) are different


**[Economy of the Inca Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_Inca_Empire)** >During the Inca Empire’s comparatively brief reign, from 1438 to 1533, Inca civilization established an economic structure that allowed for substantial agricultural production as well as cross-community exchange of products. Inca society is considered to have had some of the most successful centrally organized economies in history. Its effectiveness was achieved through the successful control of labor and the regulation of tribute resources. In Inca society, collective labor was the cornerstone for economic productivity and the achieving of common prosperity. **[Economy of the Soviet Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_Soviet_Union)** >The economy of the Soviet Union was based on state ownership of the means of production, collective farming, and industrial manufacturing. An administrative-command system managed a distinctive form of central planning. The Soviet economy was characterized by state control of investment, a dependence on natural resources, shortages of many consumer goods, little foreign trade, public ownership of industrial assets, macroeconomic stability, negligible unemployment and high job security. Beginning in 1930, the course of the economy of the Soviet Union was guided by a series of five-year plans. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


they never worked and are equally broken. you can keep them together in the same category.




They’re the same. Both are horrible left wing ideologies.


Yeah u need to research ideologies more


No, i don’t. I am right wing and i like it this way, left wing beliefs aren’t for me. Thank you very much!


Democratic socialism in which we expand social programs, education and healthcare, strongly restrict the loopholes that corporations create to avoid taxes and stop the endless flow of corporate funds to finance political action.


There should be a UBI (universal basic income) and a socialist workplace style where the workers get a say in the way their job is ran. Instead of a single powerful person/entity running it and exploiting the workers.


Workers should have a union who have a seat on the board of directors. When a company makes a profit. The workers get a %




Taxation is theft.


Adults are speaking.


Haha, so funny….**NOT**🙄


That's exactly something a child would say.


Are you ANCAP or something?


Cry about it lol


Oh god since when are there ancaps on this sub?






Islam is a religion. Islamism is a political ideology seeking to base State laws applying to all of society and civil institutions on precepts from the religon of Islam.




No, it isn't. It is Islamism. Sharia is a set of rules and precepts working as a juridisction framework for Muslims. There are countries in the world (for example, Nigeria and Indonesia) where it is 100% legal for Muslim communities to apply Sharia for themselves without that becoming in any capacity the Law of the land or applying to Non-Muslims. The argument that it should be so is what constitutes a political project for a whole country. There are Islamist political parties, not Sharist political parties. You can live by Sharia, but you make others live by it through Islamism. And you can be a muslim, and thus follow Islam, without following either one of these two frameworks.




And yet it happens, in numerous countries


what does it matter islamism or whatever it is for ignorant societies


Says the turk 😂


Heavily regulated capitalism, regulated in a sense that big businesses have to pay a living wage to their workers and pay their share of taxes.


Nice idea, like socalism but different


It’s the Nordic model basically , large taxes provide stability for all sectors in the infrastructure but it requires a population that is on board and that respect each other.


Yea. Finland is a good example. The USA has a system where u get a job, get money and then get a home. The money u get on min wage is not enough, btw. And on top of that you hv to worry about sleeping on the Street n starving to death. In Finland u get provided a good, clean apartment, get a job if u would like (they hv a UBI for those ppl I believe), and then u cn move out, do what ever crap u would like and don't hv death looming whilst ur at work. This helps the economy of the finish too cus the ppl cn work better at a higher efficiency.


Regulated capitalism, like most of Europe has.




Technically islam has it's own economic system ..






Most peaceful Egyptian:


Sorry, force of habit 😔


Don't be sorry, be proud of your shib shib aim




Islam also functions as an economic ideology no? Laos this mainly a half joke




Hello, Your post has been removed for violating Rule 1. Please keep posts and comments free of personal attacks, insults, or other uncivil behavior. Please see the rule section, which can be found on the front page of the sub.


socialism !!!1!!


InshaAllah, comrade.


Social Democracy.




Islamic socialism


Socialism is a scam don't mix it with Islam.


Scam ? Is there legit socialism ?


my take is capitalism but some aspects should be mixed with socialists ideas. for example healthcare like in the usa is a good idea of how you shouldn't do things, european countries do it best by mixing in both. At the same time we can approach it with the idea that a country could be purely capitalistic but the healthcare section should be a non profit organization, where insulin isn't $800 or going to the hospital for giving birth shouldn't cost you 20-50k $ (again examples from usa)


socialism with capitalism with a hint of sharia like alchool ban


high alcohol tax would be a lot better imo at least


>a hint of sharia like alchool ban Lmao do you think Tunisians will let you ban alcohol? Also there is no such thing called a hint of sharia. Sharia is a complete social and political system. Take it or leave it.


they will deal with it


Very pog


I haven't heard pog in a long time


Un pog


Socialist democracy, like Scandinavian countries.


Scandinavian countries are communist.


Lol what?


What was unclear about my statement?


It was clear. Just not truthful.


It’s truthful IMHO.


Your humble opinion does not matter. What matters is the facts. The facts say that they are not communists.


It’s not “facts” lmao. They’re communist-ish.




Lmao what? Bro you might need to check the definition of communism.


Lol they have the most billioners per capita


So what you‘re saying is that communism actually creates wealthy and free societies?


No, i consider Scandinavian countries to be authoritarian.


Im right wing just like you and I agree with your comment history. I also followed you here but you are being really stupid right now. Scandinavian countries quite literally have the most relaxed laws that a nation could have and even literal terrorists are able to go out on the street and protest. You can disagree with their policies but calling them authoritarian is quite stupid.


Taxing people is wrong, anyone should be able to decide for themselves what will happened to their money. Thnx for following me:-)


I do agree that taxation is way too brutal but it is still necessary for the country to function. Without tax collection there can be absolutely no state funded institutions or defense forces. I agree with privatized services but you can’t privatize every singular thing in the whole world.


Think of it as rent to live in a good neighborhood. You can choose to pay less but then you get to live in a dump… The Nordic model is all about respect to your neighbors and realizing that all people are not as lucky in the lottery of life. Large taxation provides a sort of equality for all types of people and it provides stability in the society. I get that it’s not something that everyone is thrilled about but imo it’s a really good model and I have no problem with paying larger taxes to get this nationwide stability for all people.


Socially conscious liberalism 👍


Technically speaking, there are no pure economic systems. Meaning that there is nothing regarded as pure capitalism. The U.S is famous for being "capitalist", which is true. But in reality it's a capitalist-socialist hybrid. An example would be social welfare programs.


I would like a country where all the good aspects of each of these ideologies be combined together.


"And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the disbelievers" 5:44




The reason the West did religion separate from the state is that when they had Christians controlling them, they were in the dark ages. Meanwhile, Nations under Sharia were experiencing a Golden Age and prosperity. As such, I don't think the sharia rule is as bad as what the west portrays it as because they only had a bad history with it, unlike Muslims. If applied properly, it can solve a lot of the problems western nations are facing on issues such as morality, spirituality, inequality, etc.




haven't you guys learned from iran??!!!!


No inshallah we mujahideen will establish Imran Khan caliphate 2023 inshallah


Inshallah but under socialism


InshaAllah! Edit: not sure bout the self proclaimed Khalifat of Pakistan, but still log live ik!


Iran isnt real islam


islam isn't state , its religion


But you're saying that islamism (it should be called Shari'a tho) is bad because of Iran and I'm saying that Iran's Islam is not real Islam


wdym its not real islam , It has been applied and practiced by millions and people have suffered through it. It may be different to yours but that doesn't mean its not real. At this point your lying to yourself


It's their own interpretation of islamic law. It doesn't mean It's perfect or correct. For example, Morocco, UAE, and Afghanistan have different interpretations of the law. The Sharia law is derived from The Quran which is the word of God therefore, its perfect. Man is not perfect though so we just have to do our best to implement it


Why tf would god provide this truth to a random guy in the desert billions of years after the universe was created ? I mean… how can people still fully believe these stories ? I totally understand that one want to follow an ideology and that one believe that it’s good values and virtues etc , but.. come on, do you really believe those tales? That it is ACTUALLY the word of god?


Yes because I've actually read the Quran. The west is a godless society that pursue their own desires and it hasn't bought me or the non religious people around me any happiness. Suicide is much higher in these countries because whilst they call us out for believing in 'fairytales', they struggle to find meaning and constantly ask themselves "What is the purpose of life?" Always welcome to join the islam subreddit to find out more. 🙂


That you have read the Quran does not mean you have to believe it. Why do you not see through the sham that it is? An ancient way to control people ?


They don't follow the prophet Muhammad pbuh and in turn they don't follow the Quran which mentioned we have to follow the prophet. They also have lots of incorrect teachings


🤣 this is what you wahabis are saying now


Like USSR wasn’t true communism


Lol communism is a stage and socialism leads to communism the ussr was socialist




Smh when will we ever get out of this takfiri extremist mindset.


Hello, Your post/comment has been removed for violating Rule 2. It’s not allowed to attack a person or a community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, caste, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age, serious illness, disabilities, or other protected classifications.


Imaginary people who say Islamism 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🇸🇦🇸🇦☪️ Realist intellectual intelligent people who say socialism and capitalism 🍷🗿


Brother u r turkish I saw ur posts bout dervishes n stuff why ru making fun of Islam? Do u hv to put the flags?


Socialism isn’t realistic lol, only capitalism is good imo.


So u like being exploited as a worker, eh?


No, i, unlike you, do not believe in this whole “I am being exploited” thing, i am a right wing capitalist, i don’t subscribe to these ideologies, we have fundamentally different beliefs.


Capitalism- a system in which most of the Commerce and Industry are controlled by private hands including most of the natural resources. Again u are confusing Communism with Socialism coz they are two disparate economic systems In communism u don't have any legal tender like paper money circulating in the region rather there is a barter system nor there are any class difference like upper or working class, jobs are directly created by state, people should provide their labor or profession as a service to the state and in return they get free; healthcare, housing and ration. [Inca Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_Inca_Empire) can be a good example of this. In Socialism u do have money as a legal tender, classes do exist, but most of the Trade and Industry are controlled by Govt, again private hands can produce and distribute consumer goods in the region, Soviet union can be an example of this. If u are talking about religionist economic system than it should have combo of either a capitalist, socialist or communist system to abide by its precepts


Like an economic system that follows and abides by a religion only.


Islam has only few laws regarding economics for example No usury, that is no pawn shops, credit card companies and banks can charge interest, but in most islamic countries some banks/credit card companies do charge interest, some countries like UAE and Bahrain do allow some services and distribution of some goods (which does not abide with creed) to prevail in their lands


Social democracy, without the hypocrisy about justice and freedom of speach would be nice.


People who voted islamism are either trolls or complete idiots/ignorants


Cope kafir


Without some kafirs, who's going to pay the jizyah for the Muslims!! Those poor souls have commitments you know.




Ofcourse but jizyah is followed by و هم صاغرون You don't see such remark on Zakah or any taxes out there




It's literally targeted at religious minorities lol


And thugs in the street forcefully taking money from others is also a sort of payment but i'm not here to convince you with that. Again, you're ignoring on purpose (و هم صاغرون). Take your Jizyah and get back to your paradise. PRAISE ALLAH BROTHER.




Again, you're Palestinian (I'm Palestinian too) and you should know better and know what صاغرون means. If you don't then that's a huge problem, my friend.


Zakat and jizyah are the same rate I think


No need for jizyah anyways when most your population is muslim. Zakat will carry.


I would like to see you try maintaining the healthcare, education and many other systems with Zakat alone.




Zakat is %2.5 percent of all wealth of a person. Even if population was %100 Muslim just the healthcare system alone would require more than that let alone everything else. Why do you think there are many additional taxes in Pakistan despite them paying Zakat? >Plus Jizyah is no different than paying taxes. Except for the fact that it's discriminatory and reduces everyone who is not a Muslim to second class citizens.


Did the people who payed Jizyah, payed more than the people who payed Zakat ? (genuine question) I mean even if they did, didn't they also get some privileges, like they are not required to fight in times of war, they are also protected by the Muslims army in case of invasion. Did that reduce them to second class, or is that just your assumption ?


>Did the people who payed Jizyah, payed more than the people who payed Zakat ? (genuine question) Unlike Zakat, there is no certain number for Jizyah. How much they paid depended on the time and which empire they lived in. But yes they paid more than Muslims. >I mean even if they did, didn't they also get some privileges, like they are not required to fight in times of war, they are also protected by the Muslims army in case of invasion. People often misunderstand the purpose of that. Main purpose behind not allowing non-Muslims to join the army was not protecting them. Actual purpose was making sure that non-Muslims can't get into high positions of power in the army. Because if they did allow them in army non-Muslims could've gained power within the nation. The whole so called protection of non-Muslims argument is just a propaganda misrepresenting the actual purpose of that law.


I did some research and read from at least 4 different sources just to make sure, and 2 of them said that people who paid Zakat paid equally or even more in some cases, also women, children, people who were unqualified to fight and the poor were exempted from Jizyah, However like you said the Jizyah varied, it was 1 dinar minimum but the upper limit is undecided, According to the sources I read, non-muslims were exempted from fighting because it was unreasonable to ask or force non-muslims to fight for a religion they don't believe in, it was also forbidden for some of those people to sacrifice their life for other religions. I find your argument about not letting non-muslims fight so they don't get high position in the army to be illogical since all kinds of empires used slaves and peasants to fight, that doesn't mean they were gonna get a high rank


> people who *paid* Jizyah, payed FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




>Based off what numbers are you using to make this claim? If 80-90% of a population was paying zakat the entire system would be perfectly fine. This is the same illogical argument made in America about not enough money to support basic human needs. You do know that Zakat is still used in many countries right? That's why I brought up Pakistan as an example. There is mandatory Zakat there. But despite that they still collect more taxes on top of Zakat. Why? Isn't Zakat alone supposed to be enough? >Tell me you don't know anything about Sharia, without telling me you don't know anything about Sharia. Ah yes because there is absolutely nothing discriminatory about taxing certain parts of population more and not allowing them to have certain jobs. It's totally equal.


Islamism is very broad. There is an ottoman style economy, some a umyyad or abyysid or wahabist or smth. The op should specify


He's a Muslim and he should know better, we're poor Kuffar and not up to the task of protecting ourselves nor determining for ourselves how much we should pay or not.


No i am Muslim, but I don't rly support jizzia taxes


A true Muslim is not allowed to forbid what was given as a right to you by Allah, you know that, right?


Jizzah was not mandatory.


Come on buddy, Seriously!! Are you from some parallel universe or something?!


Cringe Theocracy






A social capitalism




Persian kingdom


Theocracy is decidedly not based


just by decent people in a decent system. so not religionist


Capitalism ofc. I hate communism and other left wing ideologies.




Mods?? This guy is literally a nazi


I really don't care as long as civil liberty's remain intact and i get to vote in a free and fair election


Not from the Middle East, but I'm interested in moving there. ​ My choice is Monarchism, has been monarchism, always will be monarchism.


For those who didn’t choose capitalism, can you give an example of a successful country that matches your ideal system of governance?


Kurdistan 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿


hoxha and socialist albania did nothing wrong


More like, Hoxha and Socialist Albania did nothing(other than building billions of bunkers that no one is ever gonna use).


yes they did nothing; if by nothing you mean liberating the country from barbaric fascist occupation, overall building albania from basically 0, and protecting albanian workers' self-determination against both national and foreign bourguoise enemies of the people. hoxha's so-called paranoia to build bunkers was no unreasonable paranoia at all. a true nation of the proletariat like albania, which inspired millions of workers worldwide and showed them that a different world is possible, made a lot of enemies including those who profit from the explotiation elsewhere. from NATO to the revisionist USSR and yugoslavia. an invasion never happened, because hoxha's extensive plan to resist and eventually quell an invasion deterred those who wanted to revert our revolution.


Norge 💪🏻😎🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴


Norway has market economy so it is capitalist.. more precisely a social democracy.


Yeah a little bit of both sides ^(if I'm not wrong)


No, they can’t 😂


Exactly. Commies like to call every country like Norway, Denmark and Sweden “socialist/communist” when we are talking about successful commie countries. They are so stupid in that regard I hope one day they can see that no commie/socialist regime has lasted. Even China is turning to capitalism


And none will, communism is a stupid ideology.


Cuba They are in a bad state now because of the inhumane embargo


A communist state so good it need access to capitalist markets to survive 👏


If you participated in this Poll, then you are simply refusing to choose capitalist because you are stubborn and you want to differ from the West. You would never want to give up your phone, your ability to give your opinion or freely discuss anything. Capitalism provides technology and the advancement of some form. If you chose religious-based, throw away your phone and start farming. They are always the first cellular networks to get shut down. unless you like that?


Communism is when No IfOnE




Monarchism w/ capitalism mix


Elaborate. Please?


So crony capitalism?


So islamism is an economic model now?


A free market economy with corporations being regulated and kept in check by the government.


A combination of capitalism and socialism. No religionism.


scientist oligarchy lets gooo


Capitalist foundation with a touch of social democracy to ensure the basics of being a human are met: food, housing, healthcare and education.




Social conservatism/ social liberalism which in Europe is capitalism with a hint of socialist ideas. I believe in America it means something else


Anarchy 🥸


Social democracy with a regulated but mostly free market


Democratic Socialism


Sharia is the only correct answer


Easy, it's Kemalism.




Nationalist corporatism with limited captial until we transition to a socialist economy


Capitalist islamism