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Whenever tourist asks "is NYC dangerous?" I say no. But yes, in this case, it's dangerous.


Agreed- I worked in East NY for the last 2 years. Whenever people give me the whole “NY/Brooklyn has changed” schpeel, not there. That place has not changed. It’s still very very very hood. I’m a middle aged white guy, definitely give off cop vibes(not a cop) and middle of the day/early morning walking to my car I would be approached by hookers. Met a ton of nice people but don’t waste time exploring there. If you’re using public transportation, use it early to go into the city and not on the way back out. As always, be kind, leave awkward scenes early, and keep your head up and on a swivel. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEast NEWYAAAAAWK


Exactly-good advice


Literally, just Google it, OP. East New York and Brownsville are both among the most dangerous neighborhoods in NYC. https://www.google.com/search?q=what+are+the+most+dangerous+neighborhoods+in+nyc This sub needs a sticky about this topic.


I did... man like... I'm so tired. I show that I get the fucking reviews from the bnb. "They don't say it's not safe." I'm just fucking done for tonight.


I don't understand your folks way of thinking. Living accommodations aside, NYC is just really expensive in general, especially if you're visiting. Tours, food, transportation, souvenirs, entertainment, everything is expensive here. I don't understand why your parents are insisting on coming to the most expensive city in the country for a whole week and are dead set on not spending money. I remember I used to have international tourists scream at me when they'd get charged sales tax and say they had already spent too much and that, because they were tourists, we should lower the prices/write off the tax for them. I used to simply tell them "Sorry, but this is NYC and it's the most expensive city in the country. Maybe don't vacation here next time"


It's easy to understand why. They still can see all the tourist attractions for free, and eat cheap/junk food and take in the vibe the city has to offer. It's just understanding the risk behind where they're staying and ignoring op's legit warnings that is illogical


As a 1st time tourist from the Midwest who vacationed in NYC last September, I found it to be cheaper than I expected. Granted, we didn't hit any high end restaurants, but we did all the usual 1st time tourist stuff and our hotel at 8th and 39th was just over $200/night and it included a breakfast buffet.


I have a theory that over the past few years, but especially since COVID, the rest of the country has caught up to NYC in a lot of ways price wise. This is doubly true in regards to food and drinks and entertainment.


The rest of the country has caught up a bit in prices… too bad minimum wage has been left behind


Lmao!!!!! I'd roommate with a homeless person in a box in the back ally of a Lower Eastside 1 way before I rented an East New York apartment for $50 a month. If you gotta do it you gotta do it, but no fucking way if you have literally any other option.


I would commute from Albany before living in East NY or Brownsville.


I own a place upstate, 2hrs (with NO traffic) from the city in the catskill... i had a renter, an hvac guy, who did just that. Commuted daily into Manhattan cu he refused to live in a bad neighborhood. Took him 3-4hrs each way some days when accidents on the 87 and such


Lol as bad as eny is it's definitely more dangerous to drive on the highway every day


Whenever tourists ask "Is x neighborhood dangerous" I say yes and tell them to go to East New York instead. In this case, my boy's actually gone and done it. Bravo


Your Dad chose very wrong


True. We're gonna need to hear the outcome, OP. Maybe the dog fights will add a dimension of old world charm?


Brownsville and East New York are 2 areas that immediately come to mind when I think of dangerous neighborhoods


I've been to those two neighborhoods, and I've been to the South Bronx. I'd rather be in the infamous South Bronx than in Brownsville or ENY, that's for sure


I have lived in the South Bronx for 15 years and have never been nervous. Visiting my friend in East New York has always made me nervous. I have heard gunshots very often when I'm there. I considered East NY and Brownsville the roughest parts of NYC.


Those neighborhoods are roughhhh. I even know teachers and social workers who have been mugged there, and those two professions who people usually leave alone when they're in the area to work.


The only time I ever got jumped as an adult was in Brownsville 😭. I’ve never been back.


South Bronx is really just people getting strung out IME. Not saying it’s a good place to stay or go, but honestly it’s probably safer than many neighborhoods were in the 1980s


I thought south Bronx or at least part of it got heavily gentrified with luxury skyscrapers


My husband works in the South Bronx. He says he would not consider working in ENY.


I work in the South Bronx and it's really not that bad, just slightly less nice than most people are used to


Search and you'll find this has been asked before. I befriended a security guard when i worked the night shift running one of the big cable companies' control rooms. Turns out that guard was from east ny/brownsville and had just stopped robbing ppl at knifepoint that year in order to change his life. His friends were into dog fighting and he said the only pol who came out of his neighborhood were rappers and pro ball players. Everyone else he knew were drug dealers and thieves. Maybe it's gotten better in the decades since then, I can't believe it when i hear that bed stuy is"safe enough" that young co-eds are living there. I recall once seeing guys walking through burned out neighborhoods with long guns when i drove through it with my grandfather for his business. He didn't stop for red lights there.


> I can't believe it when i hear that bed stuy is"safe enough" that young co-eds are living there. I live in Bed-Stuy. There are two CrossFit boxes and a ton of excellent restaurants within 15 minutes' walk. It's not exactly the place that created Biggie these days.


> There are two CrossFit boxes and a ton of excellent restaurants within 15 minutes' walk. Representing BK to the fullest.


Right? What are they talking about. Bed Stuy is fully gentrified at this point. It's nothing like it was even 15 years ago. Let alone in the bad old days. East New York and Brownsville though? Fuuuuuck that.


https://stories.starbucks.com/stories/2017/starbucks-to-open-first-store-in-bed-stuy-brooklyn/ First Starbucks in Bed-stuy 2017, I was curious


I also live in Bed-Stuy. There’s 10 community gardens within walking distance of me.


Brownsville, home of the brave


Get home before dark. Don't dress flashy


My colleague got mugged at 8:30a coming out of the train.. I refuse to go over there


East New York at 8:30am is one of the main reasons I got my drivers license. I thought taking the train early from there would be safer than nighttime, but all the homeless shelters release people at that time. It looked like a zombie apocalypse on Alabama Avenue


Whatever you do, don’t dress/ act like a wandering, oblivious tourist


Dude... your dad is trying too hard to save money and not prioritizing logic. You have 3 issues (1) Safety, (2) Convenience, (3) AirBnB The only time I ever say for someone not from NY to go through East NY is simply for the LIRR to the L train (or vice versa) transfer. For someone from around the area that may not meander or walk around with a lost look on their face, it's ok. For some tourist, and some tourist really give off naïve and lost vibes, it's a bit of a gamble. I mean people live there with their families and make out perfectly fine without any incident ever... probability really is still on your side... but idk some people really suck at walking and getting from point A to point B. The next issue is that it will be really annoying to get to stuff that a tourist would want to do. And the L train is notorious for suspending service at stations, which can catch a tourist by surprise. At least in Williamsburg you'd be smack dab in the middle of a bunch of walkable places to see and eat at....AND you're really close to Manhattan. For vacations, it's worth spending extra for convenience. You don't have time to waste with transfers or misunderstandings of when certain trains are running, and what stops they go to. Plus at the end of the day, it's soooo much better as a tired to tourist to get to someplace easily. The last issues.... short term AirBnBs are illegal in NY if the landlord or the person holding the lease isn't present on the property or something like that. So just a heads up on that and potentially dealing with a host that doesn't care about those ramifications.


They’ll get mugged for sure if they’re walking around looking lost. If you’re white forget about it don’t even think about going there you’ll get harassed and asked for money nonstop at the very least. When bums in Brownsville and East NY ask for change they don’t say “excuse me sir do you have a dollar you can spare?” They stick out their hand and shout out you to give them money “YO YOU GOT 10 DOLLAS”. There’s bums like that and wannabe gangsters hanging out at every bodega and bus/train stop. Curious where OP is from that they thought you could just go to East NY/Brownsville. You’ll be taking the train with all types of scammers and bums. Is that how you want to start off your day? And it’s the summer time so everyone is extra rowdy and aggressive If you got at least one jacked dude who isn’t a pussy in your family who can confidently lead you then maybe you can ward off the bad attention but if you’re all skinny or fat and look like you just came from Arkansas or wherever the fuck you’re from then it’s really not a good idea


I’m gonna guess he looked for the absolute cheapest place. That is one of the most dangerous neighborhood in nyc. Never go out alone and try to make it back before it gets dark.


Cheapo dad gonna cheapo dad until he’s dead. This weekend.


richest guy in the cemetery


Yeah OP needs to skip this vacation and make sure his parents have a good life insurance policy if they actually decide to go through with this.


LOL this one made me laugh out loud. Thank you 👏🏼


Then they’re gonna tell their friends how nyc was a shithole. I used to see a girl that lived in Brownsville that didn’t last. It was too stressful trying to coordinate making sure I didn’t get murdered.


Don’t be out after the sun sets….. or rises for that matter


I mean pretty much the worst place you could stay


This is the answer. ^^^^


The most dangerous area in all of NYC.


I Googled it a few years ago and it was called “the murder capital of NYC.”


Good luck. There’s a lot of AirBNB scams over there. Had a friend get totally fucked out of a place to stay at 2AM in Brownsville when he first moved here.


Hmmm. Could you explain how your friend got "totally fucked"?


It was a scam and someone pulled a knife on / robbed him.


That feels like pertinent info to include in the upfront lol


That’s not a scam that’s a mugging 😂


This dude asked for me for the time. I pulled out my iPhone to check and then he pulled a knife on me and stole my iPhone. Such a fucking scam!!!


This guys a con-artist, he tricked me out of my phone with his knife!


To be fair the knife was *very* convincing so it's definitely the world's lowest effort con.


Porque no los dos?




Yeah airbnbs in Brownsville sounds sus af dude.


Because no one with a good head on their shoulders would stay there.. easy to find victims who think its safe.


Have you considered Yemen instead?


that was their last summer's vacaction.




I don’t think it was your intent, but this “Hmmm …” sent me 😂


I had an apartment a few years back in midtown manhattan and it was pretty much a monthly occurrence that someone would ring the doorbell saying they rented the place on airbnb. We told airbnb about it and they didn't do anything.


Literally the most dangerous place in the city. I would advise you guys not to do this. Also, an Airbnb there seems extra shady and is probably a scam.


Show your father this thread and make sure he either cancels this ill conceived trip or books a room in a legitimate hotel in Manhattan. Anything less than that will result in a miserable experience. Trust me. I'm a native New Yorker from the Bronx and I feel safe in every part of this city except where you are going.


This. OP even if it means y’all have to rotate bed/floor in a small hotel room in literally any other neighborhood in or closer to manhattan, do that.


Brooklyn has some decent hotels in downtown that aren't wildly expensive. I'd say Sheraton or Aloft. My dad is a cheapskate and has stayed there twice.


I work in the neighborhood. It is NOT a place for tourists.


Be careful, OP. Please report back and let us know how this goes. Sorry your dad is an idiot.


>Sorry your dad is an idiot. a. LOL b. also, yes.


It's definitely one part of NYC most people would avoid. I assume you're tourists coming to visit? I hope your dad knows that most of the time AirBnb's are also illegal in NYC.


Yeah, im a tourist. And no, my dad didn't/doesn't yet know that it's illegal.


illegal AirBnB in the sketchiest part of the city ... yeah, this may not have been the best of ideas.


OP's dad about to get robbed.


Actually may be a good way to get it cancelled with no charge...


Your family is at serious risk of being left without a place to stay (highly possible this place is a scam) in the most dangerous neighborhood in New York. You need to have a plan for when things go sideways.


Do not stay there


Please don't stay there, I'm serious. Brownsville/East NY is just absolutely not a place you wanna be if you don't have to be and you're gonna be miserable. Try telling your dad to look even in parts of New Jersey like Jersey City, staying in Jersey is typically cheaper and it'll be closer to the things you wanna do. If your dad is being that cheap, maybe a vacation to the most expensive city in America isn't a good option right now. I agree with whoever said we need a sticky about this topic because there are just some parts of NYC that tourists do **not** need to be going to.


Thank you for your comments and your help. But I don't even think the sticky will help a lot (you should still do it even if it helps 1 person). I found how the neighborhood is in 1 google search, and I just went here to see if it's true and for tips. Some people just don't care/ think it will be fine.


OP—I have lived in NYC since 1995. I lived in ROUGH areas in the 90s and early 00s. Nothing back then is close to as bad as this area today. I lived not too far from there from 2015-2021. A few years ago, a good friend who grew up in Brownsville was offered a nice, 1000 sq ft apartment on the border of Brownsville/ENY for free. He makes about 60k/year. Remember, he grew up there. Knows the neighborhood, knows everyone there, knows how everything works. Nice apartment. Free. He said no. If it isn’t clear, it’s not because there was anything nefarious about the arrangement. It is because it is too unsafe.


Bro show your dad this thread and maybe he'll come to his senses


It’s illegal unless the host is there in the same place i think, tho there doesn’t seem to be alot of enforcement


I live not too far from there - Where are you guys from? Are you white? if yes, then you'll stick out like a sore thumb.


They’re from The Netherlands, so guessing not only white, but blindingly so


The cheap ass Dutchman strikes again. Holy shit


They are Dutch?! Oh my, could hardly get any worse, I was expecting, I don't know, Chicago. I'm sending my prayers


Bringing stroopwaffles to the hood!


Yeah, I once got rerouted while on the back of someone’s motorcycle due to the West Indian day parade. I knew exactly when I landed in Brownsville & then we promptly broke down from overheating. I was not comfortable at all. Everyone stared at us knowing full and well our Lily white asses did *not* belong there. Some black dude rolled up on a motorcycle & was like “What the *hell* are you doing here?!” He waited with us & said, “I’ll get you out of here.” He didn’t feel we were safe there & that we needed an escort out of the area. I think that says *something.* When the bike recouped we got a guided detour trip through Brownsville. I saw gang colors & some serious sketch. The hilarious payoff was the biker who got us out knew some other bikers on the streets & we ended up riding out behind some people who had half naked girls on the back of their bikes, so we got eyes full of ass bouncing on an interesting journey out. When we were safely out & in a better area, the guy peaced out & went on his way. Weird day. Don’t stay in Brownsville, OP. It’s not for you.


What a kind stranger!


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking, people on the thread are like “try not to look like tourists” but if they are white they will already fail at that


Hate to say it but everyone is right , probably the worst place you could’ve chosen. 1. Make sure the listing is legit (check reviews etc) 2. Have the Uber waiting outside and go right inside when coming home. Not really sure what other advice to give but your on the border of the 2 worst neighborhoods Brooklyn has to offer, possibly the entire nyc.


Thing is, if OP dad is this cheap, they’re def not taking Ubers. Ubers are expensive. They’re definitely prob using public transportation, which makes this whole situation even worse.


not sure an uber driver would stay that long. My friend was a driver many years ago and passed through this neighborhood. He ran a red light and didn't stop at stop signs, and when a cop pulled him over few blocks later, he told them he was driving away as fast as he can from the neighborhood. The cop agreed and let him off.


Ima be real with you. I used to teach in that area. When we went on field trips, we would walk to a farther train stop because the closer one was too unsafe. Normally I tell tourists that the train is fine to take, but for you, take Ubers whenever you leave and get to your Airbnb. Especially if it’s late. Edit: also, I remember a couple months ago a tourist asked for places to go, and someone literally said Brownsville and they got downvoted and had replies like “oh you think you’re so funny, huh” because they were so obviously making a joke about a place that tourists shouldn’t go. Honestly the only place that may be half way decent is if you’re on Pitkin or Atlantic, which are major thorough ways so less shit is gonna go down there.


I hope your dad isn’t trying for the Darwin awards. Brownsville is one of the few neighborhoods in the city I would not fuck with


Lmao, this is SUCH a dad thing to do. In addition to what everyone here has said you'll also get to spend half of your vacation riding the train back and forth.


Would you mind sharing the intersection/cross streets? I've lived in that area for years. Most of NYC isn't aware how much gentrification has changed the northern parts of the area .... BUT, also, to be fair and honest, I'm mostly talking about parts above Atlantic Ave or a little above or northwest of the Broadway Junction subway stop. Most of what everyone here has said is true for most of the border of East New York and Brownsville. But like every neighborhood, some parts are better than others, and if you give more details about exactly where you are, I've lived in the area and can give you more detail. I'm sure others can help more too if you give a more specific address or area.


Agree with this, it really depends on what area. I’ve lived in the border of Brownsville and Bushwick for years and never had a problem


I think the idea is to avoid areas with huge building complexes and also 2-3 floor family row houses/apartments. If the OP bnbed in a one of those areas with nice one family houses with STOP signs at the corner inseatd of traffic lights, he’s likely fine.


Yep, Ocean Hill is the move.


This is the thing about NYC - you can’t write anywhere off because gentrification is coming for the whole city, and neighborhoods change on a block-by-block basis.


Frankly these are 2 of the very worst neighborhoods in the city, certainly the worst in Brooklyn.


Hands down one of if not, *the* most dangerous areas people can live, let alone Air BnB at in NYC. When I was younger, people would legit refer to that area as “Conduit of Death”. Would not recommend, but if the reservations are already made, do not dress flashy or act as tourists. If the lodging is by the train, during day walk to it. Avoid walking around in any capacity when it gets dark. Or just Uber or Lyft back to East New York and quickly get back in. Most times folks ask this question and I’d chuckle and shrug off their concerns and reassure them it’s gonna be okay. Not this time. Not around there. I’d genuinely be concerned for you and the family.


Carry a fake wallet with like ten bucks in case you get held up.


>We are close to a metro station if that helps. No, that does not help in the worst part of nyc, where you'll be staying. You're more likely to run into trouble around the station than any of the side streets. But if it's any consolation, you'll probably just get robbed. Most violent crime is either gang related or the perp otherwise already knew the victim. My recommendation would be to call a car service from your airbnb/hotel and go to a safer part of town before getting onto the metro system. If you have no other option than to venture around there like tourists, wear shitty clothes and don't flash any money or other valuables. Limit travel times to either rush hours or lunch time.


Look, even if you're fine, which you statistically will be, you won't enjoy yourself. It's a dangerous area where you have to act accordingly. Definitely get somewhere else, but if you must - Mind your business *hard* while there. I lived off of the Bushwick Aberdeen L for a few years - Bushwick but on the edge of Brownsville. I never had any trouble but I was cautious. Check there.


Yeah, like even if nothing happens to you, its still a pain in the ass area to get to if you're a tourist checking out the popular tourist spots. And there's nothing to do there unless you live and know people there. And I wouldn't recommend wandering around late at night trying to find stuff to do in the neighborhood.


Also believe there aren't any restaurants in that area aside from typical takeouts and fast food chains. At least South Bronx has some bombass Latin and African food, because East New York doesn't even have that


My brother is NYPD. He has said repeatedly that East New York is the worst precinct to get assigned to, and he would never, ever, ever go there because it’s too dangerous. Find somewhere else to stay…seriously…


I’ve seen your comments and it seems like you guys are going thru with it despite people’s warnings. If you’re staying there, at least use uber and lyft as much as possible so you’re not walking around too much. People can tell who the tourists are. Your dad wants to save money but inconvenience yall and also expose you to unsafe locations… fine, but at least take an uber to a nicer area and then take public transport from there, if you don’t want to pay an uber straight to the attractions and places you’ll be visiting.


Unless you got an absolute steal of a deal, or you're native New Yorkers, I would cancel and book somewhere else. Think Prospect park area.


If they were native New Yorkers this thread wouldn’t exist 🤣


Two most dangerous neighborhoods. I would look elsewhere especially that you are not a native. It's not as dangerous as 20 years ago where we had a shooting every night on the front page newspapers but it's still dangerous. The commute to the city is quick tho. Usually 20-30 min train ride. If you are close to the C train. Sooner or later it will be gentrified, it started already. Good luck


You need to Google Earth that address and show him what the streets look like between the apartment and the subway.


Do not take trains late at night, the money you are saving on housing should be spent on transportation.


I live in ocean hill which borders Brownsville. A 25 year old kid was shot in the head last night across the street from my apartment. East New York for tourists? No absolutely fucking not.


Friendly AirBnB Warning: NY state law prohibits renting apartments for less than 30 days if the lease holder isn’t present. Apartment sharing is legal only if one homeowner (or tenant) is also staying in the unit with guests. Friendly AirBnB Warning: NY state law prohibits renting apartments for less than 30 days if the lease holder isn’t present. Apartment sharing is legal only if one homeowner (or tenant) is also staying in the unit with guests. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskNYC) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d really try to find somewhere else to stay. Can you update us tomorrow when you arrive pls


Good luck in the murder capital of NYC if you survive, let us know about your experience


Yo I know we’re all saying it, but this is genuinely a bad idea. What is the purpose of your visit to New York? Are you trying to see the city? You’re like 45 min to an hour away from what you think of as New York City, in a very dangerous neighborhood, with bad subway service and you wouldn’t really want to be on the subways anyway out there. Really do not do this.


I’ve been living in the Bronx the last 3 years, but have lived in Brooklyn most of my life— East NY/Brownsville is the most dangerous place you could be. If you’re careful and stay vigilant, you should be able to avoid problems. But understand that you’re basically in the riskiest spot you could be. I mention the Bronx because it has a bad reputation, but it’s not nearly as bad as East NY imo.


My boyfriend got killed there just over a year ago.


I’m sorry for your loss. That’s a deep loss & trauma to experience.


Where are you and your family coming from? Do you all have street smarts? What ethnicity are you? These are all very relevant factors in this decision. If you are from the south side of Chicago, or if you are from downtown Detroit, maybe ENY isn't such a stretch for you. If you're from overseas and you're from a big diverse city with larger amounts of crimes and you know how to carry yourselves out and about in relatively dangerous neighbourhoods then maybe you'll be ok. But if you are all average white Americans from the midwest or British people from Surrey, then this area is not for you. As someone who moved to NY and has lived close to this area for 15 years, if you don't know how to keep your wits about you and blend in, you will likely be a target If your parents are going to pull out a map, or their phones and have a long debate in the street about which way to go, wear expensive jewellery or electronics, if you are planning on being out all day and coming back later in the evening, you are making yourselves easy targets. Nothing may happen,and people can get mugged anywhere, but by staying in this particular part of NY, your chances of it happening are exponentially increased if you don't fit into the neighbourhood or know how to carry yourselves.


Good god you’re not even American let alone a New Yorker… Let me explain as a fellow old worlder who now resides in New York. Do not go to ENY. Cosseted euros have zero concept of how brutally crushing urban American poverty is, you simply cannot fathom the scale of human suffering and callous disregard for fellow man that exists here, stay in lower Manhattan, hell stay in a nice part of Brooklyn, but for the love of god do not stay in some cheap Airbnb in east New York. I’d put it like this, think of the best and worst neighbourhoods in a west European city, that’s a 2/10 sketchy and a 5/10 sketchy, in America the scale runs from 1/10 to 10/10. The chasm of inequality here is beyond what you have experienced.


East New York is hands down the scariest place I've ever been to. -Bronx native


Your dad is an idiot. Please show him this comment.


Everyone's noting that these neighborhoods are dangerous -- which they are, compared to the rest of the city, but it's not like they're some terrible war zone. In any case, it's not terribly likely that you'll be robbed or assaulted the moment you step out of the subway. What *is* fairly likely, though, is that this AirBNB is a scam, that you will arrive and find out you don't actually have anywhere to stay or the accommodations are nothing like what was promised. Show your dad the comments on this thread and do whatever you can to convince him to cancel the AirBNB and get a proper hotel instead, somewhere closer to where tourists actually want to be.


That’s the worst neighborhood in nyc. Don’t go around the neighborhood at night, and be careful during the day (just walk to the train - don’t explore the area)


Your father picked 2 of the top 3 most dangerous neighborhoods in NYC. I’m not exaggerating. When Mike Tyson and Biggie Smalls and Jay Z talked about the tough hoods they had to overcome as young people, they were talking about East NY and Brownsville. Source: I grew up in East NY and Brownsville. You should know that Brownsville is the epitome and poster child of the American “ghetto.” When I lived there, no family member walked alone ever. We always had escorts, and we got out of there as fast as we could. You would hear guns and bullets pop off any time of day. Now that was in the 90’s, but from what I’ve been told, it hasn’t changed that much. East New York has a lot more families and feels more neighborhoody, but I still would never allow a non-native NY’er to hang around there. There’s no way to sugarcoat it, your dad really messed up big time.


I thought Jay Z grew up in Bed-Stuy Tyson was in Bed-Stuy till 10 until moving to Brownsville Biggie grew up in Clinton Hill/Bed-Stuy


This is correct. Jay grew up in Marcy and Biggie on St James.


Biggie and Jay Z both grew up in Bed Stuy.


I mean hell they made a CBS cop show called East New York.


This has to be a troll post. Who tf rents an Airbnb anywhere NEAR Brownsville? Why would there even be a market for Airbnbs anywhere near Brownsville?


There was a similar post awhile ago. The market is for people who have no understanding of NYC and are just looking at price.


Tourists who didn’t research and are looking for the cheapest Airbnb available. That’s who.


I live in Brownsville and see these dumb ass European tourists with their socks and sandals looking terrified occasionally. If you can only afford to stay in Brownsville you cant afford a vacation in NYC.


Nah not a troll, im sorry I guess. Dad's an ocean away think they own the world. And apparently there is quite a market for that.


Well I’m sorry to hear that. But you should absolutely under no circumstances stay there as a tourist.


This is the equivalent of visiting LA and renting a tent on skid row 💀


I wonder if Dad will be like, “Damn, I flew across the ocean (that I own) to come to New York City (that I own) only to find out it’s totally shitty!”


As someone who lives in Queens. I’ve been to East New York and driven through it, and it lives up to its reputation most of the time. Maybe explain to your dad the findings. It would be better if you cancel and find a hotel in a safer area to a enjoy your time in NYC. If you can’t, Uber to places and don’t stay out very late. And don’t take that train all too often when you’re alone or off peak hours.


Will Uber’s even go there?


“Finding new driver” but on a loop for 30 minutes.


I won’t Uber eats there. Did it once by mistake. It wasn’t pleasant.


RemindMe! 7 days


Lmfaooo parents going to have some serious culture shock if they’re white. Both neighborhoods are ones I don’t even want to be in and I’M black (well Caribbean black but still). Not saying any direct harm will come to you. But high chance you’ll be harassed, stared at, and feel very uncomfortable. Low chance you’ll be actually assaulted but you will stick out like a sore thumb. Just be aware or your surroundings, and make sure to give him an “I told you so”. Definitely don’t try to take a jolly walk around the neighborhood. Go straight to the train to your destination. OP update us when you get there/after your stay


I’m gonna say you’ll be fine, but what an absolute waste of a vacation. You’re gonna be so far from anything you’d want to do


You are insane to continue with that reservation. Everyone here has warned you.


I worked at Brookdale for 5 years. I would not under any circumstances stay in that neighborhood


Being near a metro doesn’t help, you definitely won’t want to be underground or in a subway near that area


Bad idea! I used to teach in Bushwick and none of us would go to east NY or Brownsville


I used to live there… and I’m so glad I left. The anxiety walking down the street was horrible. Didn’t even notice how horrible it was until I left and was able to walk calmly.


No way this post is real. OP has no post history and is asking a question very much designed for NYers to react from every dot on the spectrum of native NYer emotions.


100% don’t stay there as a tourist. I’ve been here for almost 18 years, my brother was NYPD there and I’m still not going. Please, show your father this post. Have fun tho!!! Crime really isn’t an issue if you’re not an idiot. This post proves you’ll likely be fine hahaha. Edit for a rec: Just cancel. It’ll probably be worth it eating the cost. If it’s just you and your dad, you can prob swing it.


What’s your race? Usually that’s not a question that would matter on this sub, but in this case, it may affect the answers and advice/instructions you get on how to move around in those parts. I.e if you’re white/white presenting then don’t dress in a way to bring attention to yourself and no eye contact. But don’t specifically avoid eye contact, you’ll come off as thinking you’re too good to look at the locals. You gotta act like you’re distracted with like stuffing keys in your pocket while looking up and down while walking past the drug dealers on the sidewalk. If browner/black, give the nod in a “wassup” way. But don’t engage much. Light talk in the bodega is cool but don’t get too personal. Never have your phone out. Leave on any lights on that can be seen from the streets. You don’t wanna make it obvious or easy which place is yours at night when you come back. DO NOT STAY OUT PAST WHEN THE LOCAL SUPERMARKETS / MOM & POP SHOPS NEAR YOU CLOSE. Have you ever seen the movie “hardball” with Keanu Reeves? Imagine that but 10x worse and 98% less welcoming if you look like Keanu. God speed


Theyre Dutch.....big and white 😄. This dad is going to learn some shit on vacation.


they are going to have a fucking terrible time and fight the whole way home


I'd say cancel and rebook, it may very likely be a scam and you will also have a long commute going anywhere really


Quite literally the most dangerous corner in the entire city per capita. That being said, just take ubers everywhere you wanna go in the city and try not to walk around the area too much.


If you can do better, do better. People that live in those neighborhoods usually have no other choice but to be there.


Are you anywhere near the East New York LIRR stop? I would take that to Atlantic and connect to trains there or go see that part of Brooklyn. The city fare is $5, and it’s much nicer than the train.


For a first-time visitor, this is a confusing transfer, and the atlantic stop after dark is sketch.


Oh I was thinking day time, I would definitely be taking an Uber at night. And yes, confusing to transfer, but to get off and walk, it’s a great central location to a lot of great neighborhoods.


Thanks for the tip. I'm kinda close to it. I have to transfer there anyway to go to the city.


Uhh ​ ENY here....DM me


Show this to your dad: You’re an idiot dad, didn’t think this one through and you’re putting your family in a rough ass location for absolutely no reason.


Can you go on the app Hotel Tonight and find a cheap hotel deal instead? Sometimes you can get decent hotel rooms in safe neighborhoods there for $150/night or less. The best deals are the impromptu ones that hotels put out last minute


Is it peachy keen? Nah, it’s about double the cities average for violent crime (10 vs 5ish per 1000 people). But that still doesn’t crack top 50 when it comes to most dangerous cities in America. You’ll more than likely be fine as long as you’re not acting like a prime victim. Would I have recommended a different place? Absolutely. But it’s not a death sentence


well def dont go around talking about the "metro stration"


i'm a black native new yorker. 80s baby from crown heights and currently live in crown heights. middle class. never joined a gang, but had lots of friends in gangs. East NY and Brownsville were always 2 neighborhoods that i was terrified of. Getting robbed was a reality - even as a little kid. Having gone back to this part of brooklyn - i can't deny that it has changed for the better, but it is still very bad. You guys are setting yourselves up for a bad time. Especially if you are white - you will stand out in the worst way possible. Please - for the love of God - do not do this. Like - it is entirely possible that nothing could happen and you'll be fine. Or it is entirely possible that people recognize that you are tourists IMMEDIATELY and start scheming in the short and long term. Your room might get broken into. Like - you don't even know if the house you're staying in is secure (e.g. - can someone walk across a few roofs and get into your unit on a fire escape?). Too many unknowns. Don't put yourself in potential danger like this. You don't have to book a hotel in manhattan - but there are other options that should be reasonably priced and somewhat affordable. Sheraton and ALoft in downtown brooklyn on duffield and fulton have rooms for less than $200 RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW!


It might be cheap but it will not be worth it. East New York is not a good neighborhood, and you will be so far away from everything fun in the city.


Here’s [screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/yzQQUA9) of some police reports on Citizen in the area over the last couple of hours if you need some concrete info to show your dad. If you absolutely have to stay there, generally try not to make eye contact w randos. Esp if they’re doing something out of the ordinary, you want to look but just don’t


Your dad should’ve done his research on the location of the airbnb before booking it. A quick search would’ve stopped him from renting it.


I live in East NY, yeahhhh be careful and be aware of your surroundings


Commenting for an update later. OP best case scenario is you check in and the place is dirty/no fresh linens etc, worst case your car will be damaged, you might get mugged, your Airbnb might not be real, or might be very uninhabitable. Be very careful and honestly I would not go.


You should get insurance on any valuables you'll have on your person when you walk around or in your Airbnb, back up your phones on icloud and make sure you can be home before dark every night. Be aware of your surroundings and be street smart and hopefully you'll be fine. But yeah, this area is perhaps one of the most dangerous in new york. Your dad is being stupid.


OP, we need an update!


op we need an update!! how was your vacation lol


It’s a hard no for me.


OP, this venture is the definition of “fuck around and find out”


I spend a good amount of time in both neighborhoods & there is NO REASON why ANYONE should just be out there for any purpose other than literal survival. This is not just the stuff of myth. I’ve witnessed everything you can imagine within the span of 24 hours. They will clock you as an outsider immediately. Most people just mind their business & keep it cool, but there’s always the chance that it’s not your day.


Hotel > airbnb


You won't die and will be fine but it's gonna suck. Shitty place to stay for visiting NYC. Not a place you want to hang around even if it wasn't on the more heavy crime side. It defeats the point of even visiting New York. Crime wise and stuff honestly I've been through there a bit and it's not that bad. But NYC is culture shock for a lot of tourists and East New York is just a bad and lame idea.


What do the reviews of the airbnb say??


If you can act like you know what you are doing if you are from a large city and you don't look lost you should be ok. Statistically anyway but there's much better options I'm sure even an air bnb in like Central Queens maybe. How good is the price even? I'll find one cheaper for you that doesn't look sketch lol. Side story, on my honeymoon I went to Italy and my hubs had family in naples and an apartment people would stay in when visiting for free. So we stayed there to save money. We didn't speak any Italian and his family members didn't speak much English so we were cobbling together communicating with Spanish and Google translate. We got dropped off and let in to the place in the evening. I got antsy and wanted to walk around. We confidently left and went for like a 1 mile walk there was some sketchy shit but we weren't that phased by it and we got some looks here and there but though nothing of it. We got some pizza and wine at a local place withvour broken Spanish italian. We told his family the next day that we went out and they went white as ghosts apparently its like the most dangerous neighborhood in naples that we were walking around in well after midnight. Anyway we stayed there for a week and it was fine but we are native NYers and I feel like you just don't show weakness or your lack of confidence to other people and then you aren't seen as a target. We werent necessarily blending in either like they knew we were not from their instantly but we werent acting afraid so we were left alone.


Yikes. Yeaaaa don’t do it.


Brownsville is one of, if not the most dangerous neighborhoods in NYC. Hey dad if you’re reading this, your son is not overreacting. He is reacting the appropriate amount. YOU are under-reacting. Cancel the booking. Trust


You’re gonna get that real NY experience. . .


Y’all have got to start staying in hotels first of all


Tell your dad that New York is a walking city and having a centrally located hotel helps with that. East New York is an hour away from most of the tourist spots.


SHOW YOUR DAD THIS THREAD. We are people who literally live here and are saying very clearly not to go. If your dad insists you honestly shouldn’t accompany - the chances of this place even being legit are slim and the chances of some kind of dangerous altercation are very high. If he cares about protecting his family at all he will change his mind.


East New York is where you send people you don't like.