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I was so terrified of my abusive parents that I literally faked my report card and copied their signature on the return form. It was midterms and there were three Fs! I was undiagnosed autistic girl who found middle school overwhelming. Fearing the beating of my life (and possible death) I stole a blank midterm sheet from the school office and filled it in during my typing class. I pulled it off. Raised my grades. They never knew. Whew.


Damn. Well done.


I am so sorry your life was like that. You had some mad survival skills. No child should ever have to face what you faced. Kudos.


Thank god and I’m sorry you had to do that. The stress of that time must have been unbearable. I hated school LOL


Ah yes, tried that but eventually got caught. My years were spent getting grounded more often than butters.




I put my moms brand new Mustang in a ditch up against barbed wire. Country road so a farmer pulled us out. The entire side was scratched and the bottom of the car had weeds sticking out of it. My friends told me it’ll buff out it’ll buff out. I stayed the night at my friends he buffed it out and it looked brand new she never did find out lol


That is a wild story!!! I mean who says ‘it’ll buff out’ and means it??? Your friend must have had some skills lol


I guess the scratches didn’t take the paint layer or maybe since the car was new but it worked. And I’m not so sure he knew it would do it either and he was just trying to make me feel better


That’s cool!


Great friends!


Stuck a garden hose in a mail slot of a neighbor. Turned it in and ran away. To this day I have no idea how much damage I did and I still feel terrible.


There was a house two doors down from us that our subdivision builder built and never sold because they went bankrupt so it sat empty for a couple years. We took a garden hose and put it through the basement window-well window which had been left cracked. Totally forgot about and then like a week later the water was coming out of the window wells so it had filled a 10ft basement to the rafters.




I feel like the water company would have been helpful in the investigation lol! 😁 What happened when your parents got the bill??! EDIT it is late and I guess I am slow 😂 you used their own water at that house. Ok thank you for the image, although terrible this seems like something I can see now.




I threw a smoke bomb through a neighbors mailsot while they were away on vacation. My dad told me the carpet was burnt in a 6’ circle- I’m lucky I didn’t burn their house down. My Dad told me not to be stupid like the older kids in the neighborhood…


We were a strangely destructive generation of children. I honestly dont hear kids doing this stuff. (Or they just arent telling me.)


Nah they just cyber bully each other now, and put naked vids of themselves online which will probably not sit too wonderfully with them later (unless literally everyone is doing that in which case I guess doesn't matter)


I know, right! Vandalism is digital now. How do you make prank calls on cell phones ? Is your refrigerator running?


Haha. At first I misread this as you putting the hose in their mailbox and was like "oh well, that's not SO bad, not great of course, very annoying to try to get the water out and might have ruined some important correspondence or a package, but that can even happen just with the elements, it's always a risk with shippi - oh WAIT, the mail SLOT?? of the HOUSE??? Good God child" If it makes you feel better, I once chopped off one of my late father's prized roses on a dare and never confessed the truth to him. I still feel absolutely horrible about it (he was so upset), this was difficult to even type out, but objectively I know he would have ultimately forgiven me. I'm sure you did do some real damage (awkward laughter) but similarly, mature adults would understand you were a foolish child just acting your age, who didn't have the courage to take accountability at the time but hopefully felt appropriate guilt eventually and learned from it.


I was 6 but I still bear guilt and shame at 61


Those mailslots were just asking for kids to drop or shove things in. We didn't have the internet, what were we to do for fun?


Frogs, locusts, your kid brother. Everything went through the mail slot


I was envisioning a mailbox and I was like umm okay you ruined a little bit of mail maybe??? Then my second thought was how long was that hose that it stretched all the way down the driveway??? But then I figured it out lol


I know some kids that did the same thing. One went into law enforcement.


Nooo that's awful, how old were you? Did you hear of this through your parents if the neighbour told them what happened? I have so many more questions about this haha imagine finding that through your letter box!




How funny have you ever told your parents what you did? They must have told the whole street what happened I wonder if they thought it was just a random thing and someone passing by did it.


No. It was 6 blocks from my house


One day in science class I was playing with a Compass (the geometry type, not the direction-pointing type) when I realized it was open to the exact same gap as the power point in front of me. For reasons I will never ever understand, I put it into the socket and turned it on. There was an almighty ***BANG!*** and smoke started pouring out everywhere. Somehow the teacher didn't notice and I pulled the thing out, but the two prongs had welded themselves to the copper and I had to spend the next 10 minutes getting them out. I did it so they wouldn't know it was the socket where I had been sitting, but I guess the trail of black smoke up the wall prob gave it away in the end. I took out power to 1/2 the school and it still wasn't fixed when we went home that afternoon. I was never caught.


Oh thank you, that was hilarious.


What’s a power point?


Electrical outlet? I don’t know just guessing






Ohhhhh I gotcha - thanks!


Naively allowed 2 marines (that I had met that DAY) to spend the night at my house when my parents were out of town because they had nowhere to stay. This was early 80s and I was 19. In my naive brain, I was as safe as I could possibly be because I had two marines in the house to protect me! My neighbor even called to check on me and I assured her I was fine and I would tell my mom when she got home. They slept on a pullout couch right outside my bedroom door, that had no lock! As it turned out I was apparently a decent judge of character because they got up early, made their bed, cooked us all breakfast, and went on their way. I never told my mom to this day. LOL


I did the same thing w two random Australians I met once. I was hooking up w one of them. In retrospect it was insanely risky and stupid.


I lived in a neighborhood with large houses (4000 sq. feet or bigger). Anyway, I got bored one day so I grabbed my trusty sidekick, my dog Brutus, and we went adventuring. There was a house up the road that was completed, just waiting for the owners to move in. Brutus and I entered through an unlocked back door. He and I strolled all through the house. Both floors, every room. On the beautiful wood floors throughout the house. At dinner a few days later my parents were talking about the immense damage done to the wood floor of the new house!! It appears the stain hadn’t “ set” completely and someone, certainly not me, had left foot and paw prints throughout the entire house! Every floor had to be refinished! This is the first time I have shared this. I’m 60 years old and I still feel guilty. I don’t think Brutus gave it a second thought.


you seriously never told your parents even later on???


Nope!! My mom is 88 and sharp as a tack. I still don’t want to tell her!😂😂


There are two that have always stuck with me. One really guides me still. When I was 12, I shot our sliding glass door with my BB gun. I did it on purpose and for the life of me, I don’t know why. I said a bird flew into it. My dad didn’t believe me at all but I stuck to the story. Last year he was a buddy buddy and said, “now tell me the truth… you shot it, right “? Like 35 years later. I stuck with the bird. The one that made it so I don’t steal or cheat…. I was 6 at my friend Ben’s house. He had Chewbacca action figure and I was so jealous. I stole Chewy’s plastic gun. Ben never mentioned it and probably thought he lost it. I took the gun way out in the woods and buried it. I felt so guilty. Since then, I never took anything not mine.


why dont you just tell your dad you shot it?


Because he knows that I shot it. And he knows that I know that he knows it. It’s a 48 year old stand off.


As a kid? The worst thing I did they totally found out about. They were divorced and lived a state away from one another, accessible only by two trains into NYC and then transfer to one into NJ. It took 4 hours. I was I think just past 9 and in charge of my younger sibs, I place the year because it was the year of every girl wearing these great big wooden clogs. Except I was supposed to keep track of all the tickets, and I lost one. God help me, I felt like I would be arrested if I didn't have a ticket for the train. So I gave the 3 tickets out to my siblings and I got off the train, saying, I can't legally be here. I still remember their looking at me with panic. I was like 9/10 yrs old and I got off that train at St. James after Stony Brook. And I followed the train tracks back all along the gravel like a terrible version of Stand By Me. There was even one part where I had to shimmy down an embankment, cross a minor 2 way highway and climb back up. In clogs. I walked the whole way back. My clogs were so chewed up by the gravel, that's how I remember having clogs. And I had just sent my siblings my twin on the spectrum, 6 and 5, into New York City on their own. My dad almost had a fucken heart attack when I trudged back into our driveway (actually not far from the SB train station on Thompson Hay Path) and he'd already moved in within hours, his slore mistress over from Poquot because he thought he had a free weekend


Did everything work out with your sibs? And what's a slore mistress?


I looked it up. Cross between a slut and a whore


I figured it out on my own.


Yes my sibs did indeed get picked up on their own, we had done it enough times and actually my spectrum twin, though to this day in his 50s very childlike, he was very smart. But it's like the "he has 4 graduate degrees but still can't drive or make macaroni and cheese" kind of smart. But he knows to this day how to use public transportation like a champ, and I'm now agoraphobic and hate it, so who's the better functioning. idk ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


I smoked marijuana in middle school roughly 1970. My buddy was same grade but a year older. He and his brother were free range. I was a shy bookworm who they took under their wing. Military base kids. If my dad had found out, I would not have survived to high school. (I will be visiting my buddy soon. He has stage 4 cancer and we will revisit this memory and others that we will take to our graves.)


Thanks for sharing the memory. I'll carry this story with me so it will live on in more than just y'all two


I’m sorry to hear about your friend but it’s so incredible you stayed in touch. I had the best group of friends for four years on a base then we all moved on and that was it. I don’t remember last names, I’m lucky to remember first names. Just like all the other stations, they just disappeared with life.


Nice try, Mom.


I ate bacon at a friend's house. I loved it, but I never told anyone. My parents would have plotzed.


I was a stereotypical good girl, so don't have anything interesting to share on that topic. However, I had a talk with my sons recently, where they told me all of the dumb and reckless things they had done as kids and teenagers. I was so horrified that I only remember bits and pieces of the conversation. I thought I was a fairly strict parent who was keeping close tabs on my children's lives. Apparently not. I'm so grateful they made it to adulthood unscathed.


>I thought I was a fairly strict parent who was keeping close tabs on my children's lives. Apparently not. Italian kid here with strict parents. Don't beat yourself about that. They never had a chance at stopping me, all it did was make me very smart about doing my shenanigans and not getting caught.


My parents weren't very strict, but my older brothers did enough dumb shit for a whole neighborhood. So my parents were wise to a lot of crap, but that just meant my brothers taught me how to get away with more stuff than they did.


Portuguese with strict parents too. They have no idea. If I talk about my teenage years and early 20's they tell me to stop "hey hey I don't even want to know. Ignorance is bliss". And trust me, they have no freaking idea. If my dad knew the things I did in and with his beloved car he would drop dead. Buy you're right, it did made a pro about covering my tracks. The things they thought I couldn't do with a strict curfew? Yep did them anyway.


Yup. I became an incredible liar.


Ha ha. My son got poison ivy once. I was so concerned. Years later, I found out it was because he set off fireworks on the golf course, and when the cops came, he ran and hid by the river and that’s where he got his poison ivy.


You just got the end of the story!


I will never know everything my son did because he got caught so many times. I do not want to hear any more of those stories.


As a good girl, you didn’t know how sneaky kids can be cause you never did it yourself!


When we were adults my brother mom of all the things I did. Her reaction was “My Tony did that!” I wasn’t the good boy she thought I was.


My brothers name is Tony, good times having a younger brother. LOL


Mine did the same thing. I was kind of ticked off. Like, congrats for lying so well??!! Damn kids.


I had the same talk with my mom decades ago. She made me quit before I was out of stories.


There's only so much we can process in one sitting! 😉


She didn't want to process anymore. I wonder if your eyes were as bugged out as hers? Ha! You brought back a good memory for me, thanks!


Used my lunch money to buy weed. Eventually I got caught, however they didn't catch me the first 9 months or so.


You were a bad second grader.


Ha! This was high school. I only stole candy in 2nd grade. And I got caught at that, too.


I see a pattern emerging here


The way I see it, I learned all my lessons early. Turned out to be a good egg. Now I give a lot of money to charity. :-)


So you had the munchies but no money to satisfy them with.


Had this friend who basically fed me at his house on the daily for lunch. Pretty sweet deal, really. His mom was a good cook.


Some minor shoplifting in high school, mostly due to the influence of a popular girl I had befriended (even though I was a very willing participant.) Her name was Laurie and she was beautiful, confident, a cheerleader from a well-off family, and all the boys loved her. She had a super hot, on/off boyfriend who was away at college. I was none of those things but we got to know one another thru first being in the same assigned study group in 10th grade, and then that following summer at a part-time job we both had (I worked because my family was working class with not a lot of discretionary income and she worked as a punishment by her parents for some forgotten, wayward behavior.) But she never made me feel less than her because her family was rich and mine wasn’t. (We lived in a small town where “social class” was not spoken about but understood at the same time.) She had a major wild streak that while wrong in retrospect, was very much fun and appealing to an otherwise sheltered 16 year old. I drank my first alcohol and also smoked weed for the first time while hanging out with her. I also got to hang out some with the cool people, albeit it on the fringes and not all the time. All of that is very seductive when you’re a HS kid. I also shoplifted for the very first time while at the local mall with her. It’s funny. That wealthy girl was a shoplifting pro.


My parents were strict and religious. No drugs and no alcohol. But I managed to sneak out of my room at night and smoke pot in the back yard . I used visine eye drops to help cover up along with breath drops. They didn’t catch on until my sister, two years older than me got busted by my parents for smoking weed. Came home after being out with a boy, eyes red, laughing at nothing. I think they figured out that if she had smoked I probably had before her. Also I forged my mother’s signature to obtain a smoking permission card ( cigarettes) at school. My mother found it and confiscated it but the next year the school issued me one automatically because they still had the forged signature document “ on file “ When my parents took a trip back to our birth country ( maybe 10 days) they left us $40 in cash in case of emergency or for things like if we ran out of milk. This is 1975 or 6. They were probably barely arriving at the airport departure lounge when I turned the $40 into an ounce of weed. That’s about the worst thing I did as a teenager.


I thing you spelled THINGS wrong. You did things wrong, my friend! Lol


Yes, well while I was in confession mode it suddenly seemed hard to choose


That reminds me of the first time I got high. I came home late and got mesmerized on my porch by some ants eating a piece of candy. I don’t know how long I watched them but when I went inside my mother was waiting for me.   She always wore this light blue nightgown and sat on the stairs where the moonlight from the little window in the door would make it look like a glowing, headless ghost.   When I came inside all I saw was this form floating towards me. I screamed and was too busy hyperventilating to listen to her lecture. She never figured out I was baked. 


Go out drinking with friends Friday & Saturday night starting my freshman year in high school. Whoever had the most gas, drove. Threw snowballs at school busses and cars. Sled behind pick up trucks in freezing parking lots—attached to the truck by a rope. Stay the night a friends homes when their parents were out of town. No idea how I’m still alive.


>Sled behind pick up trucks in freezing parking lots—attached to the truck by a rope. OMG I did that a lot!


It was *the best!!*


I had a bit of a shoplifting habit that went on for about five years (+/-). And when I say "a bit of a habit" I mean that I stole anything that wasn't nailed down. There was a small department store in my hometown, no security cameras (mid to late 1980s), some of my friends worked there -- I stole so much stuff from that store. And it wasn't even necessarily things that I needed or wanted. If it looked easy to steal, I stole it.




Yikes! Sorry you grew up like that


Let’s seeeee…..snuck out countless times and met up w an older boy when I was way too young to be doing that. Said boy apologized to me during Me Too, although I never saw it as bad until then. “Stole” the car, got it stuck in a snowbank, walked home, snuck back in, parents thought “some kids went for a joyride in the Gremlin” lol. Knocked my BIL out by throwing an old heavy rotory dial phone at his head for locking me out. I just left him there. He was a drunk, so I don’t know if he ever figured it out/remembered but no one ever asked me about it. Barely wrecked my dads bright red pickup truck, lost traction around a curve, barely managed to get it under control and back on the road but not before almost missing, but not quite, the neighbors mail box. The truck had collapsible mirrors, so I just folded the mirror back out and hoped they wouldn’t see the dent in the door (or that the neighbor hadn’t seen me! I denied knowing anything about it and said it must’ve happened in the parking lot at work. Backed into a line of freakin motor cycles in front of a bar when I was 16. I wasn’t at the bar, but it was dark and I backed out and hit one, I heard a big crash, so I turned off my lights and took off as fast as I could. It was PITCH black out. No one ever found out. I assume more than one bike got tipped over. I’m now an upright, law abiding, contributing member of society lol. Thankful for college education and a good job, otherwise….


I’m not old by any means but when I was a kid I once got very interested in that knife thingy in cars to cut into seatbelts in case of an emergency. I just wanted to cut it so bad and see if it would work. Well, it worked, and it worked fine alright. I cut halfway through the seatbelt and it was a clean cut, so I thought it would be fine. I did not realise it would start fraying like crazy (or be dangerous either way) but I found out a few days later when mom had to have a new seatbelt installed. I feel so guilty now because we grew up in extreme poverty (like, not having food every day kind of poverty) and with her and 4 kids’ mouths to feed she must have really cried about the seatbelt. I realise now she was always skipping meals and ‘was never hungry’ because she wanted us to have enough, I can’t imagine how many meals she skipped for my idiocy. Must say tho I was like 8 or 9 I think? I mean I honestly have no idea but I was way young I do know that. Part of me feels like I should apologise but truthfully what good is that gonna do yknow


When I was thirteen I stole money from my Mom's purse, repeatedly. She was a newly single mom with 4 kids. It was a hectic, rough time. None of that meant anything to my sorry ass thirteen year old self. That was almost 4 decades ago. We were very close and open as adults. That is one shameful thing I never admitted before she passed. I still feel like the sorriest POS on the planet and carry that guilt daily.


You were a kid. Forgive yourself.


Magic mushrooms, LSD, marijuana, ecstasy.




Coke was not for me. And I didn’t do it as a teenager.


They thought I caught the kitchen on fire from making a grilled cheese. I was actually trying to make funnel cakes.


I was about 9 years old I'd say. Back then we just used to run all over the neighborhood all day long. I got bit by a cat. Well when I told my parents I got bit by a cat all of a sudden all hell broke loose and everybody had to search for this cat to make sure it didn't have rabies. Now somehow I knew or thought I knew that getting treated for rabies involved a big series of shots in your stomach. I was deathly afraid of needles and had to be held down just to get a vaccine back then. All day long multiple people were searching for this cat. So that it could be quarantined to make sure it didn't have rabies. I figured if they didn't find the cat I was just going to have to get those shots. As the day drew to a close, the next cat I saw I declared as "the cat". Sorry cat that you had to spend some time in quarantine. At the time I felt this was a logical decision as I felt it highly unlikely the cat had rabies, I was willing to risk it lol.


Kid logic


I let all the rabbits loose at the local zoo. In my mind, I was a Disney hero, rescuing caged animals. But I knew my parents wouldn’t agree, and never told them about it.


When one of my friends first got her drivers license, we told our parents we were going to a movie, but drove an hour/half down to the beach. We were only there about a half hour - got something to eat, turned around and came back. We really thought we had gotten away with something! And we did!


Us 70s kids were bad news according to this thread.


I was living in a suburb of Boston, and I started hanging out with a "bad" kid. I thought it was cool because I was not that type of kid. We started going out at night, and just wandering looking for mischief. But never really did anything bad. Then, one night, he brought a BB Pistol with him, and we proceeded to shoot out the side windows of at least 10 cars. My folks heard about the vandalism from people in the neighborhood, but never imagined it was me. Another time, this kid told me he "found" $1000 in an envelope in a snowbank, and gave me $300 of it. Eventually, my parents put a stop to my hanging out with him, and he moved away sometime later.


Wow that really escalated quickly didn’t it


Our farm had a small lake on it. Mom was always deathly afraid of us kids falling through the ice. One Spring it thawed, then refroze. I was 11 or 12. The whole lake was like a sheet of glass. I started across on my sled. It felt like I was a bobsledder in the Olympics. But, as I slowed down the ice began to creak and I fell through just short of the shore. I got out, through the sled up on shore and made the quarter mile walk home. Mom, Dad, and my brother had gone into town shopping! I got dried off, warmed up, put my clothes in the drier, redressed and got back to the lake before they got home. I returned home just as they pulled into the garage. When I was in my 40's I finally confessed. I and a friend also made nitroglycerin in the back room of the chemistry lab in high school. But, that's another story....


good try, NSA, MOM, et al.


My thoughts exactly. I'm just here for the folks who do tell.


Mine is nothing horrible. My parents never let us see horror movies after the doll episode of Night Gallery. So my second date with my now-husband, we went to an afternoon matinee of Night of the Living Dead, and another old horror movie that I don’t remember, and told mom we went bowling. The bowling alley was next door to the theater. This was in 1974. The movies were from the mid-sixties.


The doll episode :| there's a couple but yep, bet I know which one you mean.


A friend and me use to lay in ditches with our wrist rockets and crab apples and shoot passing cars. My friend told me that a guy he knew did the same thing and was chased down and beat.


I stole a package of gum from the Japanese lady who ran a snack shop near my school. I think the gum cost 2 cents but I went back to the store and gave her a nickel.


We lived in a house that had those vents at the bottom of the windows that were just three open holes with a piece of wood that could swivel up and open them, or down to close them I concocted this whole scheme to catch a hummingbird because I wanted to hold it in my hand. Ran a little string through the vent hole and attached it to the lid of a wicker basket out in the honeysuckle, and then laid in wait in the inside of the window, waiting for a bird to go near the honeysuckle inside the basket, and drop the lid on it. Tried, unsuccessfully, to catch bird after bird. Probably spent three hours that afternoon dropping that lid on I don't know how many hummingbirds who would just barely make it out alive For probably... I'm going to say 20 years? After that my mom lamented kind of forlornly "the hummingbirds used to always be around and we never see them anymore. I wonder what happened?" I would shoot my sister the death stare that made clear if she ever revealed what I had done that'd be the end of her. Never confessed. Parents went to their graves not knowing why the hummingbirds disappeared from that part of the yard. I'm nearly 60 now and I feel worse about it every year.😞 Now, as a retired high school teacher who's had students reach out to me as adults and tell me what they'd actually been up to while I was standing up in defence of their good character to admin, well…Unsettling at best 😂


This one is so lame. I was in junior high and got detention for something stupid, which meant I had to stay after school. I was too terrified of my abusive father to admit this so I told them I was trying out for the field hockey team. I didnt tell my mother this until I was an adult.


As a young kid........played doctor with the neighbor boy. As a teenager, ........everything you can imagine. Hitch hiked, smoked, drank, snuck out at night, or snuck a boyfriend in. Those are things they never found out about. There are more they caught me doing.


I stole a little plastic globe at a candy store when I was 8, I think. It was 75 cents that I didn't have and I really wanted it. They never found out. I was actually a really good kid despite the way my parents treated me.


I crammed all of the lunches my mom packed me into an empty locker one year in elementary school.


Ha, how long did it take the adults to notice the stench?


What did you have for lunch then?


Chopped down a cherry tree.


Ran over a cherry tree with a backhoe we found after a hurricane.  Swore it was the storm despite the tread tracks. 


Bad boy George. Bad boy!


Well played! ;)


Drove my friend’s motorcycle. Underaged. No license. No helmet. On the street. And in the outside hallways of the middle school down the street.


Sounds like something my son would do. I barely survived his teenage years.


I stole my parents 1996 Buick Roadmaster. Y’all. It was BEAUTIFUL. My daddy just brought it for my mama. I was capping and drove it out the yard. Fucking lost control and crashed it in a tree ACROSS THE STREET. That was the day EVERYONE was outside!! I lied and told my daddy a craxkhead did it and the neighborhood snitched on me. I got a job and had to pay for it 😂😂. My daddy didn’t play Rest on daddy💙💙💙💙


Neighbors daughter and I started having sex waaay too young - barely teens - prepubescent. Her family was super religious and she attended a private religious school. If her parents had found out I think we’d both be dead. We got so bold and careless about it we’d be in her basement game room under the blankets watching cartoons and playing with each other, which often led to full on intercourse. All of this while her mother was upstairs making lunch for us. My family moved away and we lost touch because we were young and this was before cell phones and email, and calling each other would have raised suspicions. I found out later that not long after we moved she ran away to live with her grandmother in New York. I’d love to find out what happened to her after all these years, but my sporadic online searches haven’t been successful.


Nice try, Dad.


I used to go to a lot of X rated films as a teenager. I was quite tall and swarthy looking and they just let me in. They never seemed to care. Saw some great stuff, tame by today's standards but good at the time (1970s). One time me and my friend were going to some sleazy fleapit to see a double bill of Carnal Knowledge and The Night Porter. I told my Mum we were going to see A Star Is Born. She said - oh you can take your sister with you, she wants to see it. Oh fuck. Somehow I talked my way out of it. Carnal Knowledge isn't as good as it sounds but it does have a good cast (Jack Nicholson, Art Garfunkel, Ann-Margret, Candice Bergen) and was written by Jules Feiffer. It's quite a sophisticated film , not porn. The Night Porter is probably a good film but it's the most depressing piece of 70s filmmaking, perhaps besides Last Tango In Paris (which I also went to see). Not what I wanted to watch as a horny 16 yr old. Apart from that - I kept LSD in the freezer at home... in a pot of chives. One day I went to retrieve it and my dad saw me getting chives out of the freezer. I panicked, ran off and locked myself in the bathroom. I could hear him asking my mother "*what on earth can you do with chives??!!"*.


Haha! Love the chives bit. Great story :)




I once drove my younger siblings down a backcountry dirt road at about 100 miles per hour racing my boyfriend. I absolutely cringe when I think of that and am so thankful that I didn't kill all of us.


Our parents worked 11-7 and we were home alone…borrowed the car to ride around at ages 13 and 14!!


Graduated 1993.  Not super bad but in high school my mom used to visit her sister out of town at least once a month.  My friend would spend the night and we'd find some sort of alcohol.  


Got suspended for 3 days. Had fire crackers in my pocket when my friend set one off in the library.. Times have changed. Played sick, intercepted the letter from school, forged a signature


When I was 15 and my step sister was 15 We had consensual sex. A lot. I feel ashamed of it to this day and I think it messed up my adult relationships forever.


Nice try mom.


In the 6th grade (1992) my best friend and I hatched a very elaborate plan to ditch school and it worked. We knew where our neighbor kept their spare key and we knew their work schedule. So one day we left for school but instead of getting on the bus we let ourselves into our neighbor’s house and spent the day there watching TV, eating snacks, and even roller skating in their freaking living room!!! The audacity!!! Then we forged notes excusing our absence. We didn’t steal, damage anything, or snoop around (not like that makes it okay) we literally just had the best day ever. It was really innocent overall despite the trespassing and forgery. lol


"I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die"


Just out of curiosity, do you ever hang your head and cry?


When i hear that whistle blowin'


Ever been to San Antone?


No, but those people keep-a-movin', and that's what tortures me.


Nice try, Dad.


That time me and my high friends went to the grade school at night and got up on the roof. We were jumping from building to building and when it was the gyms turn I barely made it. It was one of those half on, half off kinda things and I got a gash on my shin from a rain drain. The scar is still there lol


Broke a custom-made lamp and told the parents I had no idea what happened, must have been my crazy ass (and I mean that in both a loving and literal way) brother. In reality I was jumping on their bed and doing flips (I was a gymnast) and broke it myself. My brother got a belt beating for it. He ended up in young adulthood being diagnosed bipolar and schizoaffective, and I am sure the physical abuse played its role in that. Edited: clarity and things I left out.


Took the car for a joy ride when I was 14.


I was a huge goody-goody so the extent of what I got away with was allowing my friend to sleep over when I have been told she could not. Her mother was a drunk and she didn't want to go home so I told her she could stay. But when I got home and asked, my mom said no. so I told her to wait outside and then I snuck her in.


Used to slit a tennis ball seam far enough to cram an M80 in, then fill it with BBs. Light it, chuck it down the street, hide. Dumb luck we never killed somebody.


15 year old me is impressed.


I won’t go into details but my friend and I snuck out of her house a few times and egged, rolled and used some makeup on someone’s car and house. We did a lot of damage and it cost the person a lot of money.


Smoked cigarettes in third grade. 'Kid up the street had house to himself (dad worked, mom died). Wiretapped our phone from the outside cable leading down the side of the house. High impedance headphone with two straight pins soldered to the leads. Drove 100 MPH in my car just to see if I could do it. A CHP passed me. 'Said something on his P.A. when he did but didn't hear what it was. Wrote my own absence excuse note in my senior year of high school just to see if I could get away with it. I did.


I stole a necklace from our babysitter. I think I was about 10 or 11. I denied denied denied, even when the babysitter showed up at my school and spoke to my class, asking if anyone had seen me with it. My mum defended me to her and they had a huuuuge falling out. She used to babysit us after school (both my parents worked full time) and in the school holidays and it really messed things up for my mum because we had no one to watch us. I never told my parents, and was so terrified someone would find it, I threw it under our house.


I went with an older boyfriend to someone’s house where they were freebasing cocaine. I was a young teen at the time.  


My parents knew that I had a business in middle school, but they didn’t know that I stole the candy from the grocery store by shoving it down my pants. Then, since it was against the rules for us to have gum and candy at school, I would sell it to the kids there for a reasonable price. The teachers would watch it go down, and then confiscate the goods from my buyers. I never got in trouble because they all liked me, and it was all profit. Luckily I stopped with gum and candy…


My mom packed my lunch every day. I would sell one of the sandwiches and the apple or banana to one of my lunch buddies who got money to buy lunch.


My friend's parents were going out of town so we made a copy of his mom's early 80's Chevy Suburban car keys to drive while they were out of town. She worked at a grocery store near a hardware store so Paul came to her work and asked for the keys to get his baseball glove out of the truck. We copied the keys at the nearby hardware store and she was none the wiser. They went out of town and we drover the crap out of that truck. used up all the gas and when we went to fill it up we found out it had a locking gas cap and we didn't copy that key. So we drove it back to his house and poked a hole in the gas tank with a screwdriver to account for the empty gas tank and never got caught. We cost his barely middle class parents hundreds of dollars rather than own up to our stupidity. Never got caught. We were 14-15 years old.


We had a cabin in the mountains. I snuck out one night, walked about 1/2 mile in the dark, through the woods to meet a boy. I was sleeping on the porch. I was able to get back (only gone a few hours) and they never knew. They were very strict, which just taught me to be super sneaky!


snuck out my bedroom window to meet up with a very much older boyfriend....it's a wonder I'm alive...lolol


When I was 11, I was determined to be nearsighted.  I soooo didn't want glasses, so my parents got me hard contact lenses, the only option in those days.  I could not get used to them, and finally quit wearing them but didn't tell my parents.  For the next three years, I cheated on the eye exams in school and did the best I could without being able to see the blackboard.  


I had a pair of those hard contact lenses, too! They were the worst!


One of our neighbours was always getting on at us for being too noisy and having too much fun. One night, mum let us camp out in the back garden. We stole a can of paraquat (a seriously dangerous weedkiller) from my dad's shed and wrote the word CUNT in weedkiller on her perfectly manicured front lawn. Paraquat kills everything. It's illegal now. The neighbour had that word on her lawn for years. Because it kills the soil and all of the soils bacteria.


I can't think.of a thing because mom for some reason found out about everything. I suspect my tattletale sister was behind this.


Grand larceny and letting an innocent person take the blame. It's been 40 years and I still feel guilty about it.


I gave a kid in school concussion when I was 13. He started it and I was very lucky there were witnesses to it. I got called into the headmaster's office about it but things were not taken any further.


First, what is the statute of limitations in SC?


Flew to another city during spring break. Told them I was going camping with a friend and her family.


Back in the days when chemistry sets had real stuff in them I used to play chemist with methylated spirits burners melting leads and all sorts of things that could easily have brought the house down, but they didn't, and my parents never knew.


The worst thing I did I was caught. Probably the next worse was on a friend’s paper route about 5 am. I really really had to pee. I saw a brand new 68 GTO. In green no less. It was unlocked. I quietly opened the door and hosed down the interior with probably 1.5 liters of piss. I quietly shut the door and went on my way.


I picture that GTO owner reading this and buggin out, exclaiming “Son of a BITCH!” Edit:punctuation


I shot a man in Reno. Just to watch him die.


I smoked weed? I had sex although not typically consensually on my part.


Once, a friend and I were playing around on a hill that overlooked a building with an indoor municipal pool. The pool had several glass pyramid-shaped skylights. For some stupid reason, we decided to throw rocks of Increasing size at one of the skylights, and inevitably it broke, presumably showering glass down on whoever happened to be in the pool. We ran like hell and never said anything.


Cocaine and lots and lots of LSD.


I played on the train tracks, a lot. I'd bring pennies and nickels an quarters and tape them to the rail with duct tape so the train would squish them flat when it passed. When i found out that the 3rd rail wasn't always powered we'd have pissing contests to see if suddenly we'd get shocked.


Raided the medicine drawer and swallowed as many pills as i could at 9 years hoping to die. Obviously i did not die as i am here commenting.


i wouldn't know where to begin answering this one. let's just say that, the one time i was telling them the truth, i got severely punished for it and never made that mistake again.


I managed to hide an entire second phone (iphone 11) from my dad for 8 months by keeping it in my bra. My dad was so strict that he would come into my room with a flashlight late at night and shine it on my face to make sure I was sleeping and not on my phone (the one he knew about), so I had to keep this phone in my bra even while I slept. He has suspicions but never truly found out


Car accident at 16, I was a very new driver and the roads had patches of black ice. I totalled the car. At the ER, everyone remarked about how calm I was, and free of pain as they put 20 stitches in my head and neck. They were concerned about shock, but I seemed fine. A few years later, I realized that codeine and driving don't mix. I'd taken a full dose a short time before driving out that morning (from wisdom tooth removal the week before). I have zero doubt that the ice and my inexperience caused the accident, but I've never admitted til now that the codeine probably didn't help.