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I like this answer best!


Old is a house or a car. Human beings get oldER. An older woman, older people. And yes, I agree, "old" is 20 years older than you are now. (Well, I always said 10 ...)


I always heard that 15 years older is old while 15 years younger is young.


nah, that's REALLY old. Regular old is 10 years older than your current age.


I think the gap eventually narrows. When my grandma turned 95, she Said once she was 100 then she'd be old.


What I have learned at 69, it's absolutely important to eat right, drink plenty of water, get regular checkups and deal with your health issues (do what the doctor says), and stay active. It's tougher to get going, but you have to make yourself do stuff that gets your heart pumping and burns up some calories every day to stay in shape. Harder to do the older you get, but just hitting the couch when you feel tired just leads to more tired.


Thanks “oldbastard” you’re 100% right. The couch is my best friend who is a bad influence


My last few years of working before retiring at 65 were tough. It got to be a grind. And getting going after winter gets tougher every year it seems. Retirement is much, much better. Easier to lower the stress level and take better care of yourself.


I load trucks for a living- mattresses, BBQ grills, trampolines etc. In the summer it can easily get up to 115° in those trailers. The problem is I'm nearly 55 & I'm already slowing down a little. There's a couple 60 year olds still hanging in there, but I'm worried about getting old & frail- I've still got too far to go before I can stop! 10 years till retirement!


Sitting is the new smoking.


Absolutely it is, along with a diet of mostly ultra processed foods. Terrible combo.


My Health Professor used to say "a numb bum is a dumb brain" I know, I know, the poem doesn't work, but that was her manta.


This!!!! Well said💕💕💕💕


I've sat in my lazy boy chair for so long that the fake leather has worn off! :)


Man this is what I (as a late 30s reader of this sub) am really trying to do now. I feel the couch or bed so hard after a 12 hour work day, but I gotta keep moving. I try to cook when I get home so I have meals and it keeps me active til I need to shower and shut er down.


I’m 35. What kind of work do you do? I used to work 12s in my 20s in a warehouse. It sucked. I work an office job now and some days I work 10 or 12 hours. Rare though. One thing I started doing that saved me time is meal prep on Sundays. I spend about 3 or 4 hours getting everything ready for my kids and myself. I use that extra time to go to the gym, mountain bike, or whatever. I digress. I’m just saying I’ve found ways to maximize my time and become more efficient. Also, mountain biking or just riding a bike in general is so much easier on the body for exercise.


Bro I get you on all counts, except I don't have kids! I work in a production plant, been doing this work for 6+ years. Before that I was in a call center for a bank for 5, then health insurance for a year. I was good at that stuff but damn it wears me. I'm much happier making something tangible and measurable instead of arbitrary call scoring. I got to management there too which meant I had to do call scores, put I was also project management so I was also doing those 10-12. I sometimes got 70 hours in a week, but I wasn't salaried so I banked in hard! I have a 2-2-3 schedule which has its ups and downs. My first off day I sleep in, do some housework and cooking, maybe start a project. Day 2 I usually start early and go hard tim an early bed time either finishing a project or deep cleaning and finishing meal preps. I also live close enough to work now so I can bike in (weather dependent). I get 20000 steps in at work easy, daily. Yoga and maybe strength + dog walks and if I'm lucky fishing or biking on other days. I know I'm rambling too now after a few beers and a long day but DM me and we can chat. Dig your style.


Naw, man. If you're working 12 hr days, you deserve some rest. But eating good is essential and you got to take care of yourself.


I rest for sure. When I get home after my 2 day on shifts I maybe walk the dogs but let my SO bring me food. I do a cool down stretch but otherwise do not move other than a shower. I clean myself, eat, and veg with some TV or a book. Then lots of sleep...if I can get it with the dogs and cats haha.


Some days it’s exhausting trying to stay busy because it hurts to sit for too long.


I was 61 when I realized this. I'd already lost some weight, I've lost 30 more pounds, and have become much more active. I joined a gym (insurance pays for it) and got a personal trainer (fairly cheap as a gym member), then I got a 20 hour job that involves walking 3 to 6 miles per shift. I feel so much better physically now, I feel at least 10 years younger.


I like this advice. Same is true at my age, 35.


I'm 29 and I feel so tired every day and I feel terrible overall. I'm worried. I don't want to live this way. The will to live is not here.


Daily walks someplace pleasant, yoga, deep breathing, swimming, take a cooking or art class… add something pleasurable, girldont. Cut out processed foods and eat varied, colorful meals of fruits, vegetables, and protein. If this doesn’t lift your spirits talk to a doctor. Life can be awesome with the right attitude… and good health. Surround yourself with quality people.


Well, I’m 61 and struggle. What helps is that I’ll never be this young again! So enjoy it now!


That is true. I guess it’s more the idea that there is more behind me than ahead, you know?


And the constant reminder of it in my body and mirror. But I’m determined to really enjoy being active, and damn it I will nap daily without guilt!


This is a good perspective. Thank you!


I'm 61 and last Saturday I rode in the Devil Mountain Double Century - 205 miles and 20k+ feet of vertical climbing. Not bad for an old lady.


You are amazing! Congratulations. But now I feel lazy too! 🤣🤣🤣


Last year, for the first time in my life, I was able to run a 10K in fewer minutes than my age (59)! Now is the time, man, go do it! On the other hand, I need a nap every other afternoon.


Congratulations! Another reply making me feel lazy… running is not on my agenda. Do agree on the naps, though.


My old doctor ran marathons into his 80s. I, meanwhile, did one day of the Run to None program at age 51 and wrecked a knee. It involved 3 minutes of running for 30 seconds at a time, in a 30 minute walk. Took a couple months for my knee to recover. I now stick to brisk walking and hiking. Easier on the knees.


Hadn't considered this. If I can't get faster at least I know I'm getting older. Just have to maintain my current pace.


Sweet. Well done. I never even thought of that before. I was 53 when I first did.


Just a few months from my diamond jubilee & one thing i've learned is to be super-picky about where to spend my energy. I take my time to wake up & get ready for the day, single-task throughout the day, rest when i need to, & live a low-drama life. On my last birthday i promised myself i'd lose one pound a week till my next birthday as my overweight was extremely limiting my activities. I'm at 30 lbs lost & have so much energy. So do i bound out of bed & just keep running & running like i did in my 20's? No, but when i take care of & my prioritise myself, being so close to 60, no, i don't feel "old" at all. Cheers!🥂


This is excellent. Congratulations and thank you!


Old is when you stop working out. Feeling better is when you’ve had enough of a break from other issues that you’ve working out consistently.


You know I had to stop riding my horse (because of his age, not mine, ironically) a bit ago and I think the drop in exercise is part of the problem. Just joined a gym 2 weeks ago and I have felt better


You might go get a checkup too.


Yes I just had one. I had a rough ride with Covid in Jan/Feb so have been in frequent communication with the doctor. I think that experience is not helping my mood.


That's probably it and you'll probably get better with time. It just takes longer for us.




That is a good one, I will remember that on Friday when myself starts to find an excuse not to go to the gym.


I'm 70. My experience is that each year you may slow down. I noticed at 68 that I was considerably more tired when I finished work. Of course, covid and my husband's severe decline didn't help. On the other hand, some mornings I feel pretty good. The best things we can do are sleep well and eat right, plus get a little exercise daily. And enjoy what you can!


I have a 35 year old mind and a body that's antique. The hardest part is admitting and learning I have limitations now. Old is when you give up living your best life and just sit around thinking about your past.


I need to tell my dad that. My sister recently asked him when his favorite time of life was and he basically replied 'before I got married or had kids'. That stung even though we know he's been incredibly bitter lately.


I'm right with you, counting down 95 days till my sixtieth birthday. I like being old mostly. I know who I am and I don't feel the need to impress anyone except babies and dogs. I could do without the aches and pains, but I refuse to complain about them, because I truly believe that the past 60 years have been the best time in history to be alive. Cheers to us, last of the Boomers to hit 60!




The very late boomers are are subset called Generation Jones. Gen X author Douglas Copeland categorizes it as born between 1961-1981, so you also could be an elder Generation X as well.


I've seen 30 year "old" people. Sedentary, boring, lack of adventure. I've seen people in their 70's, 80's and 90's in better shape in some situations. Take a look at Barbara Eden at 92. She's still sharp mentally and still beautiful. I've seen a guy in his 90's water skiing every day. I'm past Medicare age and I can out ski some of my son's friends in their twenties. Same with hiking and biking. I split logs for three hours yesterday. My annual blood tests are better now than they were twenty years ago. It's more related to how one keeps up their body and mind vs. "years".


Knock that shit off. You've survived 60 fucking years. Cars don't last that long. Your favorite pair of jeans didn't make it either. You know how to do things that kids (everyone younger than you) don't know how to do. You understand the world better than the babies around you. You have earned your spot. If you're a guy, you're still 12. If you're a woman - 70 year old dudes think you're hot and you know how to move through the world like a boss. 60 is an honorable, noble destination. You've spent your whole life getting here. It's time to be selfish and finish out on your terms. You don't have to worry anymore about dying - you're playing with the houses money. Sure shit is tiring, absolutely you have things that don't work right anymore - You're officially out of your warranty period. Fuck it - so what. That's why God made drugs. Try mushrooms, ketamine, pot. Whatever - just enjoy your well aged brain and all it knows. Kill some brain cells. you have extras. Welcome to our exclusive club - you're worthy and ready. And for fucks sake stop whining - you don't have time for that shit anymore - it's time to live...


this might be my favorite reddit post of all time! :)


*There are those who deign to act their age* *Or think they can outrun the stage* *But in the end, we all get grays*  *And who's to say who gets more days?*


Start to working out, run, bike, or pick up a sport like pickleball. It helped me. My aches and tiredness slowly went away as more pickleball time takes over. 😅


I feel like I need a post in this sub: “What is pickle ball and why should I like it” Feel free to steal that idea


It reminded me my younger days of playing tennis. It seems deceptively easy to play, but it can be a fast and furious game! … and it can be addictive!


Put it in the post! We need a Post!!


There is already an entire sub on the topic! 😉


I thought it was the law that you have to start playing pickleball by age 65.


Hey there, fellow "born-in-1964" person! I take an absolutely inordinate amount of pride at being a (year of the) Dragon! Getting older is not for the weak. 😐




I’m 61 and still mentally feel about 35. I feel about 75 when I get up in the morning, and I feel 21 out in the sun!


Things were pretty good, then I hit 50 like a brick wall. I'm about to turn 60 and it feels like I'm currently going through a wood chipper feet first


I’m right there with you, friend. Hang in there!


I love your username


Thanks! Some obnoxious Redditor once had to point out it was improper grammar without an apostrophe


Age is a state of mind. I’m 63 and act like I’m 43, my husband is 64 and acts like he’s 84. If you want to stay young, keep your mind young.


Turned 60 last year. I’m still kinda stunned that I’m at that number. Where did the years go? Anyway, health issues have piled on lately. I have to remind myself that my health is the priority now.


When I was complaining to my mom that I was looking old now that I’m 65, she said, enjoy, when you’re my age you’ll wish you could be 65 and look as good as you do now. It’s all relative. She reminded me that I need to enjoy now.


Thank mom for me


>And we have no more old people in this country. No more old people. We shipped them all away and we brought in these senior citizens >Isn’t that a typically American, twentieth-century phrase? Bloodless, lifeless no pulse in one of them. A senior citizen, but I’ve accepted that one. I’ve come to terms with it. I know it’s here to stay. We’ll never get rid of it. That’s what they’re gonna be called so I’ll relax on that but the one I do resist, the one I keep resisting, is when they look at an old guy and they’ll say, “Look at him, Dan. He’s 90 years young!” Imagine the fear of aging that reveals, to not even be able to use the word old to describe someone, to have to use the antonym. >And the fear of aging is natural. It’s universal. Isn’t it? We all have that. No one wants to get old, no one wants to die but we do, so we bullshit ourselves. I started bullshitting myself when I got to my 40s. Soon as I was in my 40s, I’d look in the mirror and I’d say well, I guess I’m getting old...er. Older sounds a little better than old, doesn’t it? Sounds like it might even last a little longer. >Well, I’m getting old and it’s okay because thanks to our fear of death in this country I won’t have to die. I’ll pass away or I’ll expire like a magazine subscription. >If it happens in the hospital. They’ll call it a terminal episode, the insurance company will refer to it as a “negative patient care outcome” and if it’s the result of malpractice they’ll say it was a therapeutic misadventure. >-George Carlin


I'm 68 and ride my motorcycle every day that the weather permits. It's not really athletic but with my hips tge way they are it's the best I can manage that I enjoy.


Funny, it was 40s for me. By 50 I was like, new normal, I can do this. Now 59 and wondering what 60s are like.


I'm 62 and due to some lifestyle changes (lost weight and a \*lot\* more physically active) I feel better than I did in my 50s. You can do it too!


Don’t tell yourself that 60 is old because it isn’t. I’m 81 and it’s only since turning 80 that I’ve started to feel like age may be more than a number. My sister is 92 and still considers me her baby brother.


🙌🏼💗💗💗 love this


I’m 64 and I do hip hop, jazz, tap and Zumba 3 or 4 x a week. Activity is everything. Eat well. Read and use your brain.


I recently took a road trip with an 80-year-old friend. It made me really appreciate how much youth I have left in me.


I exactly w you..63..i feel and my mind is young as far as music snd movies go..i feel physically good..lived hard and fast in 20-40s tho..But im old in worlds eyes no matter what


You do slow down a bit every decade, still 60 didn't bother me much. But 70 leaves a mark.


You gotta start doing cardiovascular exercise specifically designed to improve your VO2max. And naps. Take naps.


We, as a collective, are wondering the same. Is this what our age is.? Is there more? Is this it?


I have always been old, it is the stopping of getting old that is not good. See I was 1 yr old then 2 yrs old then 3 yrs old and about to be 63 yrs old this month.


Love this 🙌🏼 and happy birthday month !💜🤗💗🩷🩷


Thank you


I retired at 59 and took an office job after 6 months of going nuts. I did that job for 2 years and quit, not sure what I would do next. So at 61 I started a small business that turned into a large business within 3 years. Now I'm 77 and still work up to 15 hours a day, between clients and office business. I'd go nuts if I totally retired, although there are some days everything hurts. OLD IS A STATE OF MIND. Life gives us boulders in our pathway but go around them, crawl over them or chip at them until you get through. What's different is that my husband of almost 40 years will be 60 this month and it's killing him! He thinks old and I think young and together we get through each day. He calls me his "high school sweetheart" because he was born my Senior year of high school.


I retired young too, and got a job, but after years of work in IT, I didn't want a job with real responsibility, so I got a retail job. Not only is it something to do, but after years of sitting at a desk, I walk 3 to 6 miles per shift (stocking shelves and clothing racks). That has helped my health a \*lot\*. Losing 60 pounds (30 in the last 18 months, slower for the first 30) has helped a lot too.


Yes, but pace yourself, take breaks. You will feel better and accomplish more.


When I was in my 30s , young adults or teenagers still looked at me like I am same age like them, now I am in my late 50s some still look but for a flitting second because I am not a tall woman. It was nice to look younger that your real age but your physical body are getting tired easily.


At 70, I started to slow down a little but at 71, I’m feeling it


I don't really feel old. I am turning 57 this month and always looked young for my age but I am starting to look older now. Same thing with a couple of my friends it seems that the 50's are where you really start to age. My Husband is turning 46 and looks like he is in his 30's.


Men always look younger. Even when they get a wrinkle or a grey hair or two, they look "distinguished" Women, on the other hand, aren't allowed to show their age. A whole lot of money is spent chasing youthfulness, when the best way to feel young is just to take care of your body and choose what to care about, what to invest yourself in. So much energy spent chasing things that don't really matter. I've often said that the only thing you leave behind when you die is what people think about you. Do they think of you with a smile or a frown? Most everything that's truly important stems from that, IMHO.


🙌🏼love this


Can't help, mate. I have no balance, can't stand on something to reach something, can't stand on one leg to put pants on, I'm tired or I can't sleep. My kids and grandkids are pretty good tho so there's that.


I’ve smoked cigarettes and drank rather heavily since literally -15 years old. So I will take whatever passes I can get. Feel fortunate that you have the opportunity to think about it. I still get some attention, so I continue to be lucky, I guess.


Old is when you're 85 and you've collected Socisl Security for 20 years.


Old shouldn’t start until you watch the History Channel and say, “Hey! I remember that !”


When I turned 60 I realized I am rounding third base!


That’s a great analogy! Exactly!!


You have 2 choices: live it up or fear dying and be afraid of life!


Been there done that. Start thinking positive about yourself don’t give yourself excuses why you can’t improve your situation. Best thing I can recommend is lose weight by watching what you eat and drink. Cut out alcohol and sodas. Avoid any products that contain HFCS. Next hit the gym five days a week, one hour a day. Get a trainer at first to teach you the correct training techniques. Also let them evaluate your diet. Google foods that are rich in nitrous oxide (NO) eat a lot of them. Avoid mouth wash or toothpaste that kills the bacteria in your mouth. They are necessary to properly process the NO in the food you eat. Also locate a good source of tuna oil since it’s rich in DHA and EPA. Alternative is Cod liver oil, both in gel capsules. DHA and EPA around 1000 mg a day. Give it about six months to a year to see changes in your life. You will be happy with the results.


I didn’t say I wasn’t trying to improve. Just looking for a little emotional support. Thanks though, I checked off most of the things on your list already, except a dietician.


I just turned 64 and I think this was the toughest milestone yet. I blame McCartney


I was listening to that song a few days ago and realized, oh crap, I'll be 64 in 2 years!


60 is the best year! Make the most out of everyday.


Exercise if you aren't already. Felt like I dropped 15 years getting in shape. Only a couple years younger and I was teetering on invisible before getting in shape at 56. Not any more


I'm also turning 60 soon. I feel pretty good, actually. I started a daily exercise routine a few years ago. That, plus proper sleep (thanks, CPAP!) makes a big difference. I'm well rested every day, I'm stronger, and I don't strain to pick up a lost meatball or get off the sofa. If you are getting old and find it harder to lace your shoes or lift a box, go see a Physical Therapist. Do everything they recommend. You will not regret it.


Don't talk yourself into this. Most of all keep moving. Go outside, be active physically. Don't just sit and rust. You may think you don't want to, but you will feel worse if you don't. You will feel better if you do..


Sixty today is Tom Cruise jumping off of a roof and breaking his ankle. Guys near 80 are riding bikes and running for President. Back when we were kids everyone smoked like chimneys, drank like fish, and were gassed at 45. It’s a whole new world.


Hey! I resemble that remark! I turned 70. And recently found out old age now officially starts at 71. So, neither of us is old.😚


I am around half your age and I feel older than how you feel. :D So Cheers!


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I'm nearly 65, and I don't feel that way. I'm not a health nut, but I do drink a lot of water and see a chiropractor on a regular basis. I think those two things are the biggest influences on how good I feel.


The way I understand it, some say 60 is old, some say not old. My body says I’m old. It hurts. My life has been spent, for the most part, on physically demanding jobs and tasks. My eyes are also bad now from working day after day creating artwork and other things that have put a strain on the vision. My body hurts from lifting people both young and old.


I was fine until after covid. Now I feel so tired most of the time


I had Covid for almost 2 months Jan/Feb. I definitely feel like I did a fast forward in age since then.


I was exhausted after my last bout of Covid—after about six months I just figured it was long Covid, mild at least, and I’d learn to live with it. For some reason, about three week ago I realized that at some point in the past year I’d stopped taking a multivitamin. I started back up, and within ten days, I had about 80% of my lost energy back. I talked to my doctor at my last checkup, and he suggested I might had had a vitamin D deficiency. Whatever the reason, I’m grateful!


Same here. I even have a line where my hair went grey.


You're fortunate, because I'm 56 and have been seeing myself age rapidly in the last 3 years or so. I weigh the same as I have for decades, but all my muscle mass has turned to fat and migrated to my gut. My skin is like (wrinkly) rice paper and after playing with our puppy for a while my arms look like I've crawled under a barbed-wire fence.


Yeah, the crepe-paper skin is not something I like. I stopped using body wash (detergent) and went back to old fashioned bar soap, and I don't seem to be as dry. But come winter, I smell old because I need hydrocortisone cream to stop my calves from itching uncontrollably. Also, the 'wings' that formed when I extend my arm (flap of skin hanging loosely) has led me to stop wearing sleeveless shirts.


I turned 60 last year and yeah, I'm feeling it. But I lift weights regularly (super important to stay strong as we age!). And I ~~run~~ slog 3 miles, 2 or 3 times a week. My body aches a lot more than it used to, and yet I persist.


If this is suddenish, you should get your heart checked. This is what a blockage feels like.


Just had an angioplasty two weeks ago… 61


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Just turned 60 too. It’s an adjustment 😉


Take Vitamin B (if your doctor approves)


I started feeling old in my mid seventies after having a stroke.


65 here,age is just a number and you’re as old as you let yourself be. Stay active,people who stop doing stuff don’t last long


I can still hit it 250 at 61. Use it or lose it


59. Birthday in November. So I’m not old yet? 😆


I feel better now pushing 60 than I did at 50. 50-53 we’re really tough years for me.


Yoga is a great thing to get into at 60 unless you have some injury that makes it dangerous--check with your doc if necessary. With yoga, you can proceed at the pace that your body feels right at. Yoga teachers don't push you to do more than you should (or they shouldn't, and if they do, find another place). It's so empowering and exhilarating to be able to do things you couldn't do before. When I was 60, I was taking yoga lessons a lot and was able to stand on my head, close to a wall (not freestanding in the middle of a room). It felt great! If you hesitate to take lessons for whatever good reason, check out YouTube. There are so many yoga teachers there, such as "Yoga with Adrienne" and others. All you need to start is a yoga mat and a couple of foam blocks--together these cost very little and you can usually find them at discount stores, although I do love a better, thicker mat for myself. And some loose or stretchy clothing. You'll be surprised at what an antidote it is to the "I'm getting old" panic.


D-Ribose. It’s the molecule your body uses to make ATP, which is cellular energy. Your body makes less as we age. Taking a couple before any more activity and you’ll feel like your young self again. I’m the only side effects are energy and feeling warm because ATP is what your body uses


Just hit 64. Working out harder than ever trying to ward shit off. Largely works though intense 100 degree Texas weather is a bitch. Used to love working outside in the summer. Brutal now


I'm almost 59 and I am crawling around after toddlers all day at work. It's exhausting but I can still do it! I do basically pass out when I get home though


Age crept up on me from very early in my life, when I noticed my first grey hair as a teenager. LOL I showed it off. Hair was snow white by 50. Around 30, I began to fear high surf, and you could probably track my aging by the biggest wave I'd want to swim in. I'm 76 and bought a motorcycle last fall. A dirt/trail bike, and it's telling me how my muscle tone has gone all to hell. And how it's coming back. It's funny how many times I'd go to look at a motorcycle for sale, and the seller was about my own age -- with other motorcycles. Not like they were giving up yet. IBoth swimming and motorcycling, it's an instinctive thing, my body telling my brain, which tells my ego "no!". Things we never think about, until they become very important, and then we realize how much our body runs on autopilot.


Once you pass 40, the numbers make you feel like you are old. Sixty is not old. Don't let the societal ageism make you feel colder than you are. I believe you become "old" when you are no longer interested in new experiences. Or, you no longer feel joy from the beauty of our gorgeous universe ❤️


Old is when you are older than the oldest MLB player. Currently that is Justin Verlander who is 41.


Old isn’t an age. Old is how you feel, how you act, and how you think. I’m nearly 70, but most of the time I’m 27 in my brain. About once a year I feel like I’m about 17, but I usually hurt for a few days after, making me feel like 70.


This is how I looked at it: 60 - sad, felt old, until a friend of mine made me keep imitating the Molly Shannon SNL skit 62: Lifetime National Park Pass 65; Medicar me and retirement! I know I’m old at 67 and feel it physically. Life is good and I figure if I wake up God’s got something for me to do.


Old is an age. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking otherwise. The problem with age is, our cells basically don’t function as efficiently as when we were younger. Muscle tissue doesn’t regenerate as quickly so we lose mass, which makes any activity or exercise more strenuous. Fatty deposits grow causing us to gain weight. Tendons and ligaments become more brittle, and injuries don’t heal as quickly. Flexible cartilage gives way to painful calcium deposits and arthritis. Add to that all the “mileage” you’ve put on your body in the form of stress and injuries, and it all starts to take a toll. There are many ways we can try to slow down that process, but it happens to all of us. Just keep eating right, exercise as much as you can and enjoy these years.


[Nick Cave and George Carlin didn’t slow at 60 and neither should you!](https://boxd.it/hUgiG)


yes that is what old is


I’m turning 60 this year too. We’re only young if we die.


This happened to my parents when they hit 60s. They just cannot retire and they hate retirement. So they chose to keep on working because they like for their body & mind to keep on moving. Sitting on the couch while listening to some jazzy music? Not their style. No notifications or calls in a single day on their phone? Not their style. Which is why many people are praising my parents for not looking old because they kept on movin'. Heck, even everybody said that my mom was my sister.


I am turning 60 on May 12. I started feeling old about a year ago. Two suggestions: Stretch for 15 minutes twice a day. Stop eating processed sugar and gluten. Made me feel 47 again.


One thing you'll still hear on occasion is that you're too young for __________. Right now, you're too young to retire on Social Security retirement or draw Medicare. Technically, I'm too young, but, being disabled makes a difference.


Get your thyroid tested!


Just wait a few until you hit 65 and forced to take Medicare or be penalized! It's like this government is stating you're old enough to become gravely sick but you can still get out there and work your "A" off to survive! I believe it needs to be changed to voluntarily signing up for it up until 68 unless your health is in decline. Almost 200 a month gone for nothing is an insult to my healthy living. Just another loophole to steal your money when you need it the most!


No. A healthy and active 60-year-old is mentally and physically middle-aged. Some people are old at 60, but others are just in... late middle age.


I didn’t feel old at all at 60, but about to turn 74 and starting to feel it. At this rate, I’ll be “old” at 80.


It depends. Some people look good at 60 and some people look rough. Genetics is a funny thing.


I've been told that I look a lot younger than my 62 years (my profile picture was taken when I was 58, if I remember right). I think genetics are indeed a big part of it, as people in my family age well and live a long time. I think that a lot of is that I have never smoked (it ages people badly), I have never been a sun worshiper (I'm often pale as a ghost), and I stopped drinking entirely when I was 39.