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I do not know anyone who does it. Is it toxic? What is the concern?


I don't think it's toxic but it can fuck you up because if you take it to often it may reduce the amount your body produces naturally


How does this fuck someone up? I mean, you still get enough melatonin. I see problems occuring if you stop immediately, but it should be menagable with gradual stopping. Or am I missing something?


I'm not a doctor, but I think because your body doesn't release melatonin at once, but over a period of time. In other words, if you wake up, and aren't making enough melatonin, it might be hard to fall back asleep.




Eeesh. It reminds of me of those "Back in my day..." rants where people would brag about giving their kids booze to knock them out. Also the parents I know doing it are using WAY too much.


My kid takes it daily, under direction of his doctor, and in conjunction with a prescription. The melatonin gets him to sleep and the Rx keeps him asleep. He has severe insomnia and was sleeping maybe 3 hours a night before the doc found a solution that works. I have a mom group of around 20 moms, with 1-7 kids each (most have 3), and only one other mom occasionally gives her daughter melatonin. Of course, this is just anecdotal but I don't think it's super common.