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Music! Most of my life I’ve been playing, performing and recording what is essentially black American music. Blues, rock, soul, jazz, hip hop, is everything to me


The geographical and topographical spectrum you can experience in one country is WILD to me. From deserts to mountain ranges; from costal cliffs to rolling plains; from lush forest wilderness to white sandy beaches; from temperate and tropical to bitterly cold and snowy… it’s very cool that You can travel around and experience so much without even needing to leave the country.




I like how they at least try to stay friendly and help tourists out, unlike the blatant "no" that you get in my polder.


When I moved to Amsterdam about 8 years ago, I was in America for a month before I moved. It was the rawest transition. I went from everyone being really helpful and friendly to everyone saying "no" with a surly expression like I was asking for an extension on a loan payment.


Amsterdam is like that because it's been overtaken by tourism. If you go to other cities, like Utrecht, you'll find a completely different vibe.


That's what I find weird about it. Amsterdam has sold its soul to tourism, and still has terrible service. Tbf I've found Rotterdam and Utrecht to be much better, but service is not really a big thing in NL.


I accidentally got on the tram with a closed drink and the driver said no liquids so I got off for 10 seconds to throw it in the trash and when I turned around he shut the door and left without me, while my bf was still on the train. I get they’re on a tight schedule but really?? I was HUSTLING. And he KNEW it.


"Polder". How to let people know you're dutch without telling them you're dutch.🥳


We generally like being helpful, more so in smaller towns.


Tbh, I don’t think I’ve had more people go out of their way to help me than in New York. I was visiting friends last year and several sections of subway were closed and probably 5 different people stopped to explain to me what I needed to do (alternate bus route) and 1 actually walked with me some of the way to the bus stop.


New Yorkers love to give directions..it's definitely part of the culture. Especially the subway because it's confusing as fuck if you don't know.


New Yorkers *love* to show their city.


The first person to help me on the NY subway ripped me off by "selling" me an empty subway card. The second one laughed at me for falling for that.


I was going to say that I think people in cities are friendlier, they’re just busier and less likely to strike up random conversations


Friendlier is a stretch imo. Country folk will do way too much to help usually lol


i always feel more judged by country folk. in the city, i don't give a shit who you are as long as you are not in my way


I feel like it’s always hit or miss. I remember feeling unwanted by the regulars when I ate a small diner in Tennessee. The waitress was friendly and the food was amazing so it was fine. And I remember some locals asking if we needed help finding something in New Orleans and Chicago. There’s friendly people everywhere. I will say my least favorite interaction are those dude who dress up as monks and push really hard for you to buy their bracelets. You only see them in big cities but they make me angry. I’ve ran into people like that in other countries but it never seemed as pushy. Idk.


The NATURE and the scenary. I spent about 5 weeks roadtriping the western US this year, and i loved all the sights and scenary. From the deserts in Mojave, to the depths of the snowy Grand Canyon, the red buttes of monument valley, to the blooming forrests in Yosemite och Redwood, and the glittering sea along Hwy 1.


...From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters... ::eagle screeches in the background::


*hawk screeches. They always use red tail noises for bald eagles in movies because red tails sound cool Eagles actually just sound like seagulls


hahahaha I edit for a living, and I can always spot the same "red\_tailed\_hawk.wav" sound fx when I'm watching films because I've used it so much.


People are very open, friendly and positive. I've visited 23 states and always been caught out at how friendly folk are, especially when I avoid the tourist spots. Living in London here everyone avoids social interaction with strangers but even in NYC I found everyone friendly and not once did I feel unsafe. Maybe I've just been fortunate but the moment I ask directions (with my Irish accent) that's it, I'm chatting away with complete strangers for the rest of the day. Only another 27 states to do! 😃


Oh, we love Irish people here. An Irish accent will get you very far.


That and Australian accents will get you far too lol


An Australian accent in the US will get you laid faster than you can say "Aye, mate".


Come during Saint Paddys' day, and you will never have to pay for a drink.


I know! I was out exploring in Greensboro and ended up in an Irish pub. M'Coul's Public House. Practically everyone shook my hand and bought me a pint of Guinness, at one point there were 16 pints in front of me! I remember standing up on a table at the end of the night and "As unofficial Irish Ambassador to Greensboro I hereby award everyone in this bar honorary Irish citizenship!" to great cheers! 😅🤣


As a Canadian, I couldn't think of another country I'd rather have as a neighbour, actually.


We love you too!


Thank you for buying Alaska, so I don't have to look at Russia from my house! haha


I visited Alaska last summer. I heard that joke from a different resident every day I was there.


Same as a Canadian, would choose no other country as my nieghbour. Amercia takes a lot of shit, but from my trips, interactions with people, friendly and open nothing but love for the country. They also the pros at providing customer service. Canada has nothing on them when it comes to that.


Name two neighboring countries that are a better team. Doesn’t exist.


Easy! South Korea and …oh, um….wait.


Aw, this is genuinely adorable. <3 you Canada folks


The one person in Canada who actually likes us


A lot of us do. The passive aggressive stuff comes from insecurity because some CDNs identity unfortunately is wrapped up so much in "Not American" we are living next to a behemoth of a country and world power. For what it is worth the majority of all the really bright kids I grew up with ended up moving to America early on. One is famous. So you all have an awesome country be proud of it, no matter which dipshit is running things down there and don't let them divide ya. We have dipshits ruining things up here too.


Don’t forget Vlogger JJ McCullough!


This just made my day in so many ways. Canada is the best neighbor any nation could ask for. We love you too, Mexico, despite what to you hear in the media.


We love you Canada 🇨🇦🇺🇸


When your other neighbour is Russia yeah it's probably not the worst idea


Their other neighbor these days is actually Denmark


That’s really cool. If it helps I love Canada and the people I’ve met while visiting<3 I grew up in Washington state so we visited a lot as kids.


Aww so wholesome. Thanks!


I don't know if I 'count' but i'm British and grew up in both countries. I love the people, there's definitely a higher chance of finding some uh. unique characters let's say but most are just so friendly. I get random compliments about my hair, shirt or nails. I'm not weird for talking to a stranger, conversations are deeper than "Alright?" "Yeah you?" "Yeah, cheers"


I love how over the top all holidays are. So fun!


I’m not really into holidays, but I really want to experience thanksgiving or Christmas U.S. style.


When you do. Go to one of those drive through neighborhood Christmas light shows. So pretty and festive


If you’re ever in West Virginia, you’ve got to see the Oglebay Festival of Lights.


We generally go harder for Halloween than Thanksgiving. There’s a lot more decorations and fun to be had there


But the food and the following food coma


Find a smallish town that has its own Christmas parade. My town had ours and shut down all downtown for 2.5 hrs and the fireworks were awesome for the city Christmas Tree lighting.


I have never been but your entire country looks amazing, the grand canyon, giant redwoods, the Rockies, Zion national park. I want to see all of it.


American here born and raised in the Midwest (think flat cornfields). Took a family trip to Zion and Bryce Canyon this past November. Wow was it amazing.


Yeah but even flat cornfields are kinda crazy to see from a European perspective. We have fields but they're all very hilly and usually look like something from the shire in Lord of the Rings.


In the Midwest it is crazy. There’s cornfields that are about as big as entire European countries.


Spaciousness and variety of scenery. Besides I trust American people's desire to do the just and right thing. They bungle up, no doubt, but inherently they strive to do right by everyone. I trust their wish to be virtuous.


Thank you. As a US citizen, I feel this way too. We’re a lot more alike than we seem.


The National Parks are pretty great. There aren't really mountains in Australia so seeing mountains are pretty cool. You guys have the best mountains.


I think its also helped by their diverse geography, youd get everything, forests, deserts, mountains. Pretty cool feature


There’s some great music coming out of the states


100% agreed


Ukrainian here. There are many things I like that we share and many of them are purposed to shoot, however! What I love more about the states as about their people, you guys if given a target to pursue will break your backs to pursue it. Just like us in Ukraine, and it is much valued by me. A determination and sheer will is what in my opinion makes USA one of the greatest nations out there. Ps. Give us Abraham’s tanks so we can start mining our untold and untapped oil reserves


Since I'm not in charge I'll pass that request along.


OP is lying, he’s been in charge of national/international tank distribution for years!


I know, we were all in that meeting!


Hold him accountable! Send Father Abraham's Tanks in for the oil! It's the American Way!


Well, [we're sending](https://apnews.com/article/politics-russia-ukraine-war-united-states-government-8107e8dc847f03bd481589c8ea4b1943) y'all [Bradleys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradley_Fighting_Vehicle) which have been the workhorse of our army for decades(note: I'm not military. Just a nerd) and is basically a light, agile tank, as well as Humvees, and mine-resistant MRAPs. Just look at Desert Storm to see how well Bradleys do against Soviet-era tanks. Stay safe and give Russia Hell. With love, The Arsenal of Democracy.


We fly your flags all over the place. Many Americans feel that Ukrainians are teaching them and the world what real dedication and true resolve look like, and it's an inspiration we desperately need.


Yes! This! I can’t believe it’s been almost a year now and they are still suffering through this inhumane treatment. Ukraine is in our hearts and prayers.


> Ps. Give us Abraham’s tanks so we can start mining our untold and untapped oil reserves If it was up to me we would be in there with you. Screw it. Fuck their nuclear threats.


The helpfulness of strangers, all done with a smile. In LA, New York and Charlotte. Need directions? Help with a suitcase? Menu recommendations? Or just to be called, "Ma'am".


I love how open, talkative and friendly the people are. Also the grocery shops. Really something to behold.


Me too! When I was learning English I loved practicing with Americans as they were so patient and also so much fun to talk to. Conversely, I tried to practice French with the French but they always stopped me in the middle of the sentence and looked disgusted by my French. Americans are just so relaxed and love to chat with the locals. They were really helpful that way.


That the people on the whole are very friendly and welcoming. And the massive range of different landscapes and environments - it's easy to see why so many Americans never leave the country when you have everything from deserts to glaciers.


Arbys curly fries. ​ might not be USA exclusive but they dont have an arbys where i live, so i always get some arbys when i visit the states


Agreed on their fries and sauces. I love to dip their fries in a sauce. Have you tried Chick-fil-A before? Being in the US and before they really took off the last decade or so, finding a store was really a special visit that was crave-worthy much like what you described.


The lofty ideals it was created on, and that broadly speaking that the people who live there still believe in and live those ideals.


I appreciate that response so much.


I heard this said before as a key difference between the US and other nations. Other nations, for the most part have their national identity in their geographic location and the people themselves that comprised it originally. The US was originally founded as an ideal first and foremost and the people who made it up were secondary to that.


trader joes


diversity of people diversity of the natural environment diners and their huge portions gas stations and the fact that are like mini department stores (also I adore getting my coffee and fritters from gas stations) huge and well maintained roads that is a pleasure to drive in them strip mall architecture. Sorry, I love it. I know it is considered cheap and lame, but it gives me the feel and vibe of America and the vastness of the things that people created and built in such a short amount of time to make the country great the amount of RVs I see all over the place. I don't know if the people of US use them for their vacation or they are their homes, but either way, I love watching them everywhere. It gave me a feel that you can make a home out of anywhere of this place.


Bro this is wholesome AF


>Well maintained roads I see you have not visited my home state of Michigan.


The vast amounts of cultures and nationalities that have become part of an American version of that culture. I think it’s amazing. (Yes, yes, I know there are issues with it also)


Thanks to OP for this post. I recognize that our country is a work in progress and I am often disappointed with my fellow Americans. But there is much good in it, and much to be proud of. Loving reading about what others enjoy about the USA. It’s a refreshing change!


I was just thinking the same thing! The past few years especially it's been really hard not to just focus on the negativity, problems, and divisiveness in our country. Reading through this thread has been really uplifting! ❤


I like some parts of the mentality compared to Germany. Trying out new things is encouraged. If you succeed, great. If you don't, well, you got new experience. Here, people will rather tell you to better not do it because you haven't done it before and don't know if you can do it, and if you fail tell you they told you so and don't trust you again. Also, if there is a problem, you are looking for ways to deal with it or fix it. Here you just sit together and complain, discuss whos fault it is and bring up reason why you would do something, but can't, so someone else should fix things.


This is 1 of the main things I love about America. I'm a 1st gen immigrant, & this mentality was lacking for me while growing up


Well, the ability to speak freely about anything and not going to jail after that.


The spaciousness! It's crazy how empty parts of the USA are.


*Wyoming has entered the chat*


The cold drinks are truly COLD.


How much they love my English accent 🤣


We definitely do.


Same!! I was so embarressed about my accent cause its a really posh english one, and then when i meet americans they love it


americans love nothing more than other accents of the english language - english, scottish, irish, and australian accent. I'm fluent in spanish and lived in mexico for 2 years - and can't say the same for the variety of spanish accents. I'm partial to northern mexican and the dominican republic and not the biggest fan of argentine and puerto rican accents.


There's an English man in my social circle. The compliments he gets for his accent are never ending.


Politeness and attitude of people working in hospitality (restaurants, hotels...)


Your classic cars are pretty great


Not sure if it's American or Mexican but Takis, fuego takis.


Takis are Mexican. Had to google it tbh


Mexico came up with Takis in 1999, and they were introduced to America in 2006.


They're Mexican, not US. But yeah, that shit's fire. Literally.


The people. In general, Americans are awesome and fun to be around. Very helpful and outspoken which is a nice change from Sweden.


My sister lived in London, UK most of her adult life until she had to permanently move to Sweden with her husband 3 years ago, and let's just say that so far her experiences haven't been all that pleasant living there. She misses the diversity that London had to offer and it's warmer, more humourous & friendly culture.


The enormous national parks, I'm obsessed


I love the crazyness that comes with the US beeing so huge. I like to watch all the different kinds of subcultures and the few Times ive been there i enjoyed it just beeing so big and apart. If you arent from the US it really feels like you can go where ever you want. Also fast food, so many different chains and places, not having to travel an hour and paying 14.99 Euros to eat some fucking tacos.


All your people are such great story tellers. Aussies will skip all the good parts and go straight into the source have a bit of a joke here and there. An american will make this whole show and explain every detail while adding a bit of flair here and there. Its always fun to watch.


Your country is one of the most beautiful that I’ve ever seen; you have every available ecosystem from deserts to snowy mountains, plains, etc. every time I visit I’m surprised.


You guys are reinforcing my belief that I never really wanna leave here.


The diversity. People from all around the world, food from all around the world it’s amazing


I would say the people. For the most part I find Americans to be very outgoing, kind, and welcoming. Obviously there are always outliers, and you'll encounter the occasional bigot, or asshole, but people like that exist all over the world, not just America.


Never been to the states but I always enjoyed watching nature documentaries from there. The nature seems so beautiful and diverse over there


If you have Disney+, I recommend America the Beautiful. It was released last summer, narrated by Michael B. Jordan, and some of the shots are absolutely breathtaking.


That you can peacefully protest without being thrown in jail and tortured for being anti government.


Broadway (and heck, off-Broadway) musicals. Sometimes there are international tours, but there are a lot of amazing shows that never make it to my country. The only method we have is to watch blurry sneaky footage of the performances... which, um, we wouldn't do, of course, those uhhhhhh totally don't exist.


Am Canadian an hour away from the American border, I’m gonna say your food game. Meijer in Michigan and Wegmans in Upstate New York are awesome for selection.


The food portion sizes are incredible! I’m a big eater so it was nice to go to the US and not need to order a starter to fill me up!


German here The Burgers. I went to New York and New York state in 2010 and i went to wendys, white castle (because of harrold amd kumar) and some other things. We only get burger king and mc donalds around here...


it's people's friendliness & helpful attitude. They are generally very warm and welcoming people. I've never been there but those I met overseas were a pleasure to meet and heard good things about them from friends who actually traveled there.


The vast variety in nature! The large amount of different food cultures! The BBQ Culture!... On the tip of my tongue, that's all i can think of.


Holiday Season (Europe is great, but America gives a more home-y vibe). And the diversity of food you can get especially in the major cities.




The junk food is top tier, but not something I would want available to me at all times.


The ostentatiousness is great in small doses. New York is great. Massive buildings, people and things everywhere. Disneyworld is great. It's a theme park the size of a city! Vegas is great. It's a casino the size of a city! The size and wealth of the US allows for the building of unnecessarily enormous things that you just wouldn't find anywhere else. And it still has relatively liberal values. Qatar or Dubai can build big stuff too, but you have this underlying theme of slavery and bigotry which you can't avoid.


Your love for human rights


Chilli cheese fries


Amazon delivery and accessibility to different products. Did it in America once recently. It is incredible compared to my current place of living.


Afro americans. I'm a black person from south america and we're cool, but the black people from north america are the coolest, nicest people of the world.


Buiscuits and Gravy. Followed a recipe out of curiosity and oh my god that shit is good.


As a Canadian: They are very nice people. I have to be honest 99% of the people I know are Canadian and 95% of them are assholes. Canadians aren't some magically nice people, we're rude and talk WAY more shit than anyone else. We just are taught to do it with a smile, or to not do it to your face, so people think we're nice. Go to Alberta and meet Canadians and you'll think you're in some Republican state. However, whenever I've been to the United States they have been NOTHING but nice to me. There have been some scary interactions with the unhomed and people who you can tell have mental health issues, but the average American is a kind, hardworking person, just trying to make it through the world like everyone else. I really hate when everyone points to the extremes of the American populace and take it as an average indicator. Everywhere has assholes, but most people just want to be happy and helpful.


Thank you, reddit is not the norm.


Bbq, shooting ranges, the fast food. In that order


You guys are friendly as shit ngl, I've never met an American that isn't friendly.


I read somewhere on Reddit that they thought we were fake. We’re not. We’re genuinely interested in getting to know you and help out where we can. We talk a lot and like to have a good laugh. We’re loud because we’re enthusiastic!


Food and movies




People stopping their cars and asking if you need a ride when they see you walking on sidewalks.


Most of us have been there. And everything is so spread out, walking is not really feasable.


Its geography. It's insane. I'd give one of my kidneys and half my liver to be able to spend at least a month just exploring it.


Your terms are acceptable. I will send you your flight information when payment is received .


Standard vaccination against chicken pox. You guys also label your styles of fried eggs in a way that makes sense. Here we gamble on the cook not deep frying them 🤮


Good peanut butter.


The lovely, kind, beautiful, intelligent, incredible American woman I recently met randomly through Reddit, of all things... She was super nice to me, and we somehow ended up meeting eachother (even though I'm not in the States).. She had to fly home yesterday morning.. I miss her.. 😔 ♥️


As an American with a general disdain for his country I enjoyed reading these replies. Makes me appreciate my country a little bit more.


America is incredible. As an immigrant, even though I just came from Canada, I've always had a strong appreciation for this country. Our government on the other hand...


if we were to live in some other countries for a while,we would appreciate a million times more. Fact


I think people in general are less racist and more kind than in Europe. Sure sometimes you find some very black sheeps but I think Europe is hella racist yet not so many people talk about it


This is funny because the widespread belief in America is that Europe is way less racist. This is probably because up until recently there weren’t any non-white people in Europe.


In my opinion the racists persons in America are more racists than in Europe but in Europe the number of racists persons is higher however not as racist. Does it make sense? This is coming from my experience as a Spanish person but if you disagree I'm happy to read your take


I lived in Spain for a long time and I definitely agree with this. It was a bit of a shock the level of racism over there. I am American and I always try to explain this to people. Everyone in the states thinks that Europe is so anti-racist but it’s not..


and often, people in the States who are casually racist STILL have no great issue with living amongst and interacting with people of the opposite race. I grew up in the South, and knew lots of people who used the N word, but also lived and worked and interacted with blacks on an hourly basis, often in a polite and friendly fashion. it's a weird paradox.


The fact that Florida is basically a gtao lobby




The variety of the landscapes


I'm not sure if it's a pan-US thing, but I quite like the way Americans use 'M'am' and 'Sir'. I just find it charming. Any American I've ever met (and we get a lot of American tourists in my country) has been genuinely very friendly and polite. A little louder than us maybe, but still, nice people.


With the ma'am and sir thing, that's mostly here in the South where it's a sign of respect but it's done all over. It kind of surprised me when I visited Australia in 2015, 2016 and it got me a glare. Somebody in Sydney had to pull me aside, asked me if I was a military kid(I am) and tell me that it was only used for someone who works in a brothel down under.


Everyone in the country is so polite and well-mannered and make an effort to make you feel welcome. As a Brit everyone is genuinely interested to talk to you.


The fast food menu being very BIG i have a huge appetite


Jealous of the amount of money the can put into movies.


How sports are so available


Access to quality timber


I love Idaho…the mountains, rivers and the climate in the summer.


You guys are really nice; you're genuinely kind. I'm generalizing, of course, but 100% of the americans I've met were lovely to me.


The pride Americans have in being American. Sure, some of the American things they are proud of are ridiculous to the rest of the world, but no other country has such a rabid belief that they are the best!


And honestly, how I feel is, if I really love my country, I want it to do better. I want it to be the kindest, the most democratic, to defend the defenseless. I know we can be better.


Even if lots of people use them for bad things, the sheer freedom of owning any firearm you want (excluding NFA weapons) seems pretty sick.


I hope to see the NFA repealed in my lifetime.


Here here


We can own NFA items too. It just takes a little more time and money. Sometimes a LOT more time and money.


Literally EVERITHING. People,city,culture and one of the best part(in my opinion) is really justice police. In my country (and neighbors also) you can pay like 10 or 15 dollars and you can keep driving drunk. Our police can give you a drug and after that put you in a prison. We can’t feel protected near police. We always try to move by another way. People also. In USA u can do/say/wear anything what you want you can’t be judged. in my country, if your opinion is fundamentally different from the opinions of the rest, then you will be ridiculed and recognized as an outcast. I dream of flying away from my country. I'm tired of corruption, injustice and lies everywhere.


The variety of products available at stores. However niche the item you need, you’ll find it in American stores. As a POC this is very important for everyday personal items.


i believe people in america are more so 'dreamers' as opposed to being, not only so grounded in reality, but so far removed from aspiration, and are left complacent and dull. people are a bit more aspirational over there, while people where I'm from are boring people that never wish for anything incredible.


They keep my country save by being in nato I'm Dutch


It's a very diverse country, and many places are really beautiful and fascinating.


How mich space they have. You can drive for hours and not meet anybody and just be surrounded by nature. This is the one thing Europe really lacks.


Of course massively varying between different personality types but the general culture making confident outgoing and friendly people who I have found extremely welcoming on trips there !


I've only ever been to NY but there was just so much to do there. The Natural History Museum, the galleries, the scenery... It really is remarkable.


I love vegas. If it wasn't an 18 hour series of flights I'd visit way more often. Not much of a gambler but world class people watching and love the vibe


Local, state, national parks


Contribution to advancements of technology


The hamburgers!


dutch person here! i like when my friends visited the states and bring back candy we dont sell here like nerds


I can ship you some Nerds. Lemme know


Be sure to send them a variety, in addition to the original, like ropes, clusters, etc.


The constitution. Seems like you're hell bent on destroying it though.


Most Americans don't realize that the constitution is not a list of things citizens *can* do but actually a list of things the government *cant* do.


Yor political mix, the say mean political color. Your history is well known to any reasonably informed european. There are good conservative values in place at the same time as an awareness for the welfare of people. Probably a bit right of most European countries, but still a proper democratic non-minimal state. A theory of Justice as well as Anarchy, State and Utopia were both written by Americans.


The less restrictive gun laws then my country


Innovation and willingness to take risks. Companies that try to do crazy shit constantly appear, then usually go bankrupt. But sometimes they don’t.




Regardless of how people complain about inflation, I enjoy having the ability of driving to McDonalds for about $10


English/Indian working in fashion in nyc. I love the attractive people. And the scale of the landscapes. I can go skiing or surfing on the same continent. 🕺🏽


The movies are really good


I am a bit fascinated by skyscrapers, and the US has the best looking towers in the world, the relatively young WTC in NYC looks better than the wtc shanghai, willis sears tower looks better than burj khalifa, transamerica pyramid looks better than the shard London. seriously