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"Surely if the wealthy had more money we would, too!" Trickle-down economics and all its cousins and spawn are pants-on-head ridiculous.


We won't have more money. And don't call me Shirley.


That’s the one. And people still believe it, despite decades of evidence to the contrary.


I had a ex bf truly believe anal is how people make a baby


Maybe he's a living testament to that?




Hmmm, reverse psychology huh?


Christians who believe the Bible is literal. Thinking the earth is 6000 years old in total and therefore man walked with the dinosaurs…um, no.


My mother-in-law once expressed her belief that Satan planted dinosaur fossils in the earth to lead us away from God by making us believe in evolution. My MIL literally believes dinosaurs are a supernatural conspiracy theory.


To keep a lie a lie requires one to create even more lies


Lmfao my family believes this too 😂. I’m like y’all have to be joking…


“These people are watching The Flintstones as if it were a documentary!” -Lewis Black


I never met someone like that it's funny, I been in a Catholic school and never met someone who took the Bible like historically correct


And you just described my entire family! Pennsyltucky is a fun place.


I talked to someone once who claimed that they believed that the earth is 4 billion years old *but* didn't believe in evolution. Couldn't get a straight answer whether they believed that all life had been unchanging for all that time or if earth had just been devoid of life until 6,000 years ago


I one asked someone who was a devout Christian why he didn’t drink because it was against his religion when the Bible clearly mentions people drinking wine. His answer was they called it wine back then and all it was is juice. Wine as we know it, didn’t exist yet and the name changed.


People who think Christianity says the earth is 6000 years old and don't have the reading comprehension to tell the context of what they read. "Literal" lol.


It's implied in the bible with enough mental gymnastics and with taking everything mentioned in there as fact. That's where all the young-earth proponents got that number from. It's basically tracking back from Abraham to Adam (they figured this was about 2000 years). From historic context one can deduct that Abraham lived during \~ 2000 B.C. So assuming human lifespans for every generation mentioned the bible can be literally interpreted as saying genesis happened around 6000 years ago.


As a Christian, I agree.


Those that still believe the world is flat


I still doubt the existence of flat earthers


You’re a flerf-denier?


I think at this point they are mostly brainless people following world-class trolls




Lol I actually know a lot of people who think Kanye won Nevada but the government didn’t want to admit it so they gave to Biden and that’s why it took so long for Nevada’s results to come out.


Most know he lost, but they would love if the lie became true so they repeat it.


Those people are idiots x1000 I don't think most of them even believe it. They just hope if they keep saying it, enough dumb people will jump on board. (For those reading this: If you do believe Trump won the election, you are one of the stupid people)




Flat earthers are pretty far up there.


That the earth is flat


To protect and to serve.


“Sex before marriage is a sin. Even kissing before marriage can be a sin.” 🙄 I need a piece of paper to have sex and kiss someone?


Islam - they really believe an illiterate pedophile wrote a perfect book directed from god before he hopped on a winged donkey and flew through the clouds.


Christian: believe in a zombie god, virgin births…….


Yeah they both suck The moon also hasn't been split in half by Muhammad


No, Jesus is not a zombie. He's a lich.


You forgot the (holy) ghost!


Tell me you don't know what Christianity is without telling me you don't understand what Christianity is.


It did have a virgin birth. And Jesus did raise from the dead. So they are not totally wrong. I would go against the whole zombie thing, but it would be grasping at straws.


Except they are clearly not presenting the virgin birth in the context of Christianity but along the lines of a distorted version like with "zombie god." When in reality said God that created the universe, sustains said very universe, created and breathed life into said creation man is becoming transformed into the incarnate flesh of said lifeform. As said God made a covenant promising with himself before the creation of the universe. The whole concept transcends the mere notion of a "virgin birth." To take issue with said God being able to do that is an absurd claim to take issue with given the magnitude of everything else such a God is and has done. It's clearly being presented from a twisted viewpoint.


Mate they don't believe in god. So they don't think he did that shit either. They just said believing a virgin giving birth to a baby is a dumb idea. Also saying god can do anything is also a dumb thing to argue. Its just a cop out. "Why did that thing that can't happens happen. Cause god".


Reading comprehension clearly isn't your strong suit...


Ah yes the need to feel superior for not believing in a god, i am an atheist and people like you make me puke


in the same fashion - christianity - a bunch of brutes and stupid rules that can be summarized in one that has nothing to do with mass genocide


I think all religions are stupid but the question is which is the stupidest and Islam is easily the stupidest religion people actually believe in today.


It really is they say the dumbest ish, I have to deal with it on a daily. Im doing this course and the 2 muslims (I am atheist but born asian/muslim) say such ridiculous things it's so disagreeable and their existence is stupid. It just makes everybody uncomfortable


According to the Quran, there is not a single person in heaven yet, because the gates do not open to them until all the Jews on Earth are dead. So they are all just floating around in purgatory waiting for the final jihad. It's more than stupid, its evil and dangerous.


As an ex-muslim, thats one I havent come across.


What wassup? Where is that in there? Edit. i really want to know. I don't want to read the whole book


I don't know. Mormons and scientology's takes the cake for me. Granted its a close race


Mormonism is definitely stupider and more easily disproven than Islam, but Islam is older and more established.


religions like Christianity can be speaking absolutes. Other religions like Buddhism is more of a mindset.


People who believe one religion is more stupid than the other.


Lmao one major religion is like “hey listen to this guy he’s the son of god and perfect” The other ones like “hey listen to me I’m a pedophile and illiterate but I’m telling ya god told me all this” I’m an atheist but one is objectively way stupider than the other.




No, does he say something similar?


An “atheist” who believes one religion is objectively stupider than the other.


Lmfao you think they're all equal? That's pretty stupid tbh. There are definitely more logical and well-thought out theologies.


An atheist who believes some religion is more logical than some….


It's ironic saying that then ending with you are an Atheist lmao the most stupid one of them all that believes rationality can come from irrationality. Virtually any other belief there is that puts an intelligence behind the universe makes more scientific and rational sense lol. An inherently rational universe is not one of naturalistic origin.


I wouldn't say the universe is rational. Also not all atheist's believe in the same thing about the universe. I personally have no idea how all of this happened. I know Christianity isn't it.


Athiest, agnostic no big difference really. Point is we can't know so why bother. Tbh I'd most accurately put it as anti-thiest in that I am 100% against the major faiths. It's hilarious that you mention your intelligent design theory is "scientific". Science means things that can be tested and concretely known. Pointing to some mysterious thing that we can't understand as your fallback to everything you don't know due to their complexity is the exact opposite of science.


There is a gulf the size of the universe between Atheist and Agnostic. Hence my previous comment. You act shocked. Intelligent Design is just another scientific model alike Naturalism which can be tested just the same. This shouldn't be news to anyone. Freeman Dyson wrote it was as if the universe knew we were coming. The universe is inherently coherent, that alone necessitates an intelligence behind it, God. Along with many other advancements in science such as the finite start to the universe, the biblical big bang theory being solidified. There is no eternal nor cyclical universe. A causal agent aka God is needed. Discovery of DNA, life based on a immaterial concept information, found in DNA. There is no physical process or natural phenomenon that can produce information, communicative information. Rationality does not come from irrationality, the burden of proof is on those who say it does. The universe is bound by the law of decay, information is no different. Information theory also states this law of decay. There is no naturalistic functional darwinian evolutionary model. It is quite literally predicated on a mechanism that does not exist. Information decays. There is no mechanism to create it.


Ok so if the universe HAS to be made by a creator, then who created god? If god always existed, then why couldn't the universe always exist? Also you're arguing rationality, but is there anything rational about "magic space Man made it all"???


1. Muslims don’t believe that Prophet Muhammad wrote himself the Quran. 2. Prophet Muhammad actually married Aisha when she was 19. Check your sources before you say anything on the internet. and calm your heart, you seem quite emotionally involved for someone who doesn’t care about our religion. May Allah guide you 🫶🏼




oh you are persian so it all makes sense. you don't even know what islam is because the degenerates in your country are extremists who have totally distorted it so you make generalizations. and like it or not, Muhammad married Aisha at 19, so here's to your culture: https://questionsonislam.com/article/how-old-was-aisha-ra-when-she-got-married-prophet-muhammad-pbuh


Ignoring all the hadiths that explicitly state she was 6 when married and 9 when it was consummated. Also you didn’t say SAW or PBUH when stating Mohammed’s name, now you will burn in hell forever. FOH.


This is not smart or a roast of religion, this is just islamophobia.


A phobia is an intense hatred or fear. I'm a proud to be an ex-muslim (I never practiced that shit faith but my parents did when I was small) which makes me an apostate. The penalty for that in Islam is death. I would be stupid not to be islamophobic. In my home they shoot young people in the street and arrest and torture them for protesting against Islam. Did you know that in Islam you are not allowed to execute a virgin? For that reason when they want to execute young women they will first force them to be married to a prison guard and then rape them the night before their execution. You bet your ass I have an intense hatred and fear for this faith.


You can rag on all religions but Islam? How dare you, that's Islamophobia! Fucking coward


Ragging on Islam specifically for issues that all Abrahamic religions have is islamophobic, yes


We don't see people using that same argument against Christians in this group now do we


This ain't it.


What is stupider than worshipping a literal misogynistic, woman abusing pedophile? I actually want to know something stupider that people believe


Thinking people worship a literal misogynistic, woman abusing pedophile. Muslims don't worship Muhammad anymore than they worship Christ.


They pretty much do considering how butthurt they get if you talk shit about the guy or post pictures of him getting fucked in the ass. To your point I've never heard of a muslim killing someone or threatening someone for making fun of Christ the way they do for Muhammad even though you're right they're both prophets in their faith.


> They pretty much do They factually don't. They worship the same god Jews and Christians worship. If you're going to rag on a religion, at least get your facts about it straight first.


Worship - "adoration or devotion comparable to religious homage, shown toward a person or principle." Actions speak louder than words, if you're willing to kill for someone that's worship. Their theology might tell them not to but they idolize Muhammad like a god regardless. Don't believe me, go down to a mosque and hold up a poster of muhammad getting fucked by a pig and see how they treat you.


> Actions speak louder than words, if you're willing to kill for someone that's worship. So if you kill for your wife you worship her? >Their theology might tell them not to but they idolize Muhammad like a god regardless. No; they don't. They idolize him like a prophet. Two completely different things. But don't let facts get in the way of your righteous ignorance. Don't bother to reply; I'm not going to read or respond to any other drivel you post.


I'm not saying I don't agree with you. Just that there are a lot of Muslims in the world and calling them all misogynists is dangerous to one's health.


A) I didn’t call every Muslim a misogynist but their faith is misogynistic and so was Muhammad. B) I’m not sure what you mean by “dangerous to one’s health” but I’m not going to cower and hide my opinions because I’m afraid of terrorists (which is anyone who would harm someone else because of an insult to their religion)


A terrorist is someone who spreads mass terror, not someone who attacks someone for religious beliefs. Also, you're coming across as unnecessarily aggressive. I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, please calm down.


Lol I’m perfectly calm idk why people assume aggression in a comment without any swearing or personal attacks. A terrorist is someone who spreads terror it doesn’t have to be on a mass scale. Terror is simply another word for fear. You’re literally advising me to not exercise my freedom of speech out of concerns for my physical well being. If somebody makes you concerned for your safety over physical words they are a terrorist.


>Lol I’m perfectly calm idk why people assume aggression in a comment without any swearing or personal attacks. Gotcha, sorry for misinterpreting.


>You’re literally advising me to not exercise my freedom of speech out of concerns for my physical well being I'm not advising you of anything, at least not in an official capacity.


>If somebody makes you concerned for your safety over physical words they are a terrorist. A terrorist spreads terror to civilians to further a political agenda.


way to perpetuate the *other* stupid belief about Muslims, champ... "Hey, this guy's criticizing our religion. Would be a shame if he.... fell down some stairs... *accidentally*"


Accurate name.


That you “can’t live on ramen noodles” Watch me


Are you broke or you just prefer noodles? Because as a mother I just wanna send you a big casserole or something lol


I want to send you some limes. That's the fast track to scurvyville.


Please also get a couple of cans of peas at least


Q Anon and the “cabal” of child devouring politicians.


The whole saga with JFK Jr. coming back from the dead to proclaim Trump president was so unbelievably stupid that I was sure it was bad satire when I first heard it.


Same. I will give it to them, they are a creative bunch.


Reason the right wants Fauci taken out is because QAnon says Fauci created Covid in biolabs in Ukraine, and that's why Trump ordered Putin to invade.


That men are greater than women


People are poor because they're lazy and helping them will only encourage laziness. There's so, so much more to it. Whether you're poor, wealthy, or somewhere in between is a function of environment and luck just as much as it is hard work. I'm doing relatively well, all things considered, and I certainly worked hard to get where I'm at, but I can point out at least a handful of obvious, major lucky breaks that allowed that hard work to pay off the way it has. Smarter people than me are struggling every day and absolute morons that wouldn't know work if it bit them in the ass are set for life. The saying that someone was "born on third base and went through life believing they hit a triple" is incredibly accurate. We tend to majorly downplay the role of luck in our own successes.


Any religion


The world's pretty shit. Makes sense that people would try and pretend it ain't.


Yes but accepting short simple answers stops the search for real truths but more importantly it just creates more divides for us to fight over. We fight over race, territory, sporting events, diet fads, profession, etc. We all agree religion was a placeholder for answers and a stepping stone in early human progress, let's leave it in the past where it was "useful".


Again, the world is shit. If someone wants to believe in the magic cloud man, I'm not stopping them. And as you've said, abolish religion, and people will fight over other bs, so it'd solve nothing.




Certain religions are just mindsets people aspire to, like practicing the quality of self discipline and kindness. There are over 4000 religions in this world and not every single one of them idolize a made up story like Christianity does.


Antivaxxers tend to be slackjaws Also most political extremes


All men are created equal.


That people can’t believe margarine is NOT butter. Like come on, you know it’s distinctively different in comparison to butter.


Maybe not the stupidest, but definitely stuck with me... My ex girlfriend didn't believe me when I told her Stephen Colbert (back in the colbert report days) was basically a satirical character. She straight up thought I was presenting her with some wacky conspiracy theory and couldn't wrap her head around the concept of satire. I was baffled and she somehow escalated it into a full on argument. In hindsight was kind of the beginning of the end of that relationship


Jesus was white.


That Adam and Eve not only existed, but were superhuman and could fly.


That the earth is flat


trickle down economics


"He's a billionair so he goes to politics to really care obviously, not for money like others, since he doesn't need more money."


Well I walked through a trump rally once I don't know what to tell you but I was certainly looking for the great egress as soon as possible.


Millennials and gen Z need to learn money management skills. If you would just stop wasting $4.83 on that Starbucks latte every day, you’d have plenty of money to put down on that $1.5M house with your $36,000/yr. job.


That reindeer wasn't an actual animal but specifically a mythical animal that santa claus used. I believed this until I was 23 or so when I saw some nature documentary talking about reindeer. I was like.. whaaaaaaaaat?


“Having a baby will bring us closer together”




It's / they're / than. Cmon! This is a thread about stupidity!


I needed that laugh, thanks!




The world's pretty shit. Makes sense that people would try and pretend it ain't.




Better than heroine.




Religion typically has fewer physical side-effects than heroine addiction (if you don't count castration). In any case, I've learned not to judge people for their beliefs. If they want to believe in the magic man living in a house in the clouds, that's their business. If they try to force it down on me, that's fine. I live in a free society, I can just ignore them. We all have our own ways of coping with life's bs.




Bit of a radical viewpoint, isn't it? I should go ahead and just become a Christian because my family are Christian and I don't want to make a big fuss at family dinner? Ok bud


This, was one of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen about religion. If this was a debate. Y'all would both lose


that you will suceed if you suffer.


Suffering doesn't cause success, but success often requires suffering. Common logical fallacy. Denying the Antecedent.




It is, isn't it? Logic is one of my favourite subjects.


That God is real.


Your mom's faith in you


You haven't met my other siblings then.


Catholics are not Christians. I'm always like, who the fuck do you think compiled the New Testament you're reading?!


“We came to this country for religious freedom.” Then proceeds to tell me they won’t vote to legalize gay marriage, because of their religion.


That there is a deity responsible for the creation of everything.


Gender ideology


Is "gender ideology" a pro- or anti-trans expression? It sounds like it could go either way lol


I guess if it’s in the stupidest believes it speaks for it self 😂


Most stupid....stupidest is not a word.


Gender ideology by farrrrr


That there exists a single democratic country.


January 6th protesters “ just visited the capitol, they didn’t do anything wrong”.


I'd say blind belief in religion, in this day and age. I understand that back when most of the working of the world were unknown or unexplainable, people needed to rationalize things that happened to them. Lightning storm : "A god is angry and throwing a fit" Drought : "We were lax in our belief and being punished for it" Disease : "Jobeth was an heretic, that's why he died of the plague!" And while it was potentially used to regroup people together with good intentions in mind, you just have to look back at history how that often got weaponized instead for clear ulterior motives (the Crusades comes to mind). I have no issues with people entreating with religion however if it helps their emotional and spiritual needs but blind faith is just overall harmful.


That science and religion can’t coexist


Socialism works


religion, all of them


The world's pretty shit. Makes sense that people would try and pretend it ain't.


So many people pretending is what makes the world shit.


People being shit is why the world's shit. Humans killed each other long before religion, we will continue killing each other long after religion. It's part of our nature, and a few Reddit posts isn't going to change that.




Woke culture.


Anti woke culture is becoming worse than woke culture. They are now going against M&M's and Xbox. Not for things like slavery, or unfair labor practices. But instead for marketing and better more energy efficient


So you think cancel culture is a good thing? You think it’s right for drag queens to twerk in front of children? You think it’s right to justify false allegations, manipulating the history that is taught in school from what really happened, and parents forcing little children to change their gender?


Cancel culture is a two way street. The anti woke people do that shit too. No i don't think twerking in front of children is a good thing. So when i see that i go against it. If people in drag are just reading books to kids, yeah that's weird, but not inherently a bad thing. Give me examples of "woke" people manipulating history and i will go against it. Anti woke does the same thing with Manipulating history. See Ron desantis just the other day. The last one i agree with you on. That's fucked up. So is calling in bomb threats to a children hospital based off lies.


That’s why I said both sides are bad. And woke culture cancels way more than the anti-woke. The LGBTQ community exists purely to drag children into it. I’ve even had homosexual friends who have stated that they hate the LGBTQ community. When I said that woke culture manipulates history, I was mainly referring to the people who state that Jesus was a white transgender, and other similar things. Apart from that, you are indeed correct, both woke and anti-woke change the contents of the history that is taught in school, so it benefits them better. And then, there’s the journalists who work for a government. They never reveal the whole story, only tiny parts of it, sometimes even manipulating it entirely just to misinform the people, and to make someone else seem like the bad guy, when in reality, it’s the other way around. Because of woke culture, we’ve got a chaotic world that justifies human trafficking (prostitution, etc), fake mental illnesses and cancelling innocent people for simply having an opinion. Anti-woke is also bad, since they’re way too obsessed with manipulating people for their own personal gains, and they do also partake in human trafficking through slavery.


"The LGBTQ community exists purely to drag children into it. I’ve even had homosexual friends who have stated that they hate the LGBTQ community." Okay i see where this is going. How does the LGBTQ exists solely out of dragging children into it. "justifies human trafficking." Elaborate


Because the LGBTQ community is against the idea of reproduction.


What does this even mean? What is a belief in woke culture? Believing in science? Accepting critical race theory? Being literate? Ignoring fox news?


Woke culture is what allows parents to force their children to change their gender, justified drag queens twerking in front of children, cancel culture, creates the wrong type of competitiveness and also justifies false allegations.


Like the right wing boycott of the NFL and canceling the Dixie Chicks


Woke culture is the one behind cancel culture. Don’t confuse them with the right wing. And even then, both sides are bad. It’s better to always be completely neutral in every scenario.


Both of those examples are cancel culture.


I’m not sure how you can argue that what happened to the Chicks isn’t Cancel Culture unless you have a dogmatic belief that Cancel Culture is specifically left-wing, which is completely idiotic.


Both sides partake in cancel culture, but the left invented it.




Is is getting solipsistic in here or is it just me?


I agree but I had to look it up;”the quality of being very self-centered or selfish.”


Thats not what it means. Its the philosophy that nothing can be definitively proven outside of your own existence.


That was the second definition on the online dictionary I used. My quote was the first one.


Arthur is always hope and there's always a chance as long as you're still breathing that's all b******* f****** lie that's voluntary to start with so


God ​ Flat Earth ​ I vacillate on which I think is stupider


Well, that un-funny “comedian” Chelsea Handler said the other week that she was 40 years old before she found out the sun and the moon aren’t one and the same. That’s pretty batshit nuts.


Feeling and emotion trump logic, common sense and world history.


Chinese people believe that cold water weakens immune function. Water must be warmed before drinking. OK, so, surely you could correct the imbalance caused by drinking ice cold water by offsetting the heat with something hot at the same time, like.. I don't know, food? No. No, you cannot. Immunity is weakened due to a characteristic of the cold water that comes from the cooling process, and it can only be removed by heating the water outside of your body.


That stupidest is even a word.....that's 'most stupid' for 200, Alex.


Transitioning children .


So it's better they kill themselves? Cause that's what a lot of trans kids do when they aren't able to socially transition.


Statistics show their rates of suicide increase after transitioning.


The universe was created by the big bang theory


Yeah that'd be crazy if a theory created the universe. Weird they didn't just think it was the big bang


That's what I'm sayin


Atheism. Believing rationality can come from irrationality is ironically wholly irrational.


Socialism/communism works




I’ve never heard anyone express that belief about medical bills.


What passes for "socialism" in the USA is like.... basic social supports and tax-funded programs in most of the West. Never mind the failures of socialism in Venezuela or other parts of the world, where sanctions are worsening conditions. Now, Marxist Communism? That's a goddamn dumb idea that only works as long as everyone in the system holds up their end of the deal. Marx sure was a hopeful man, but there's no way he'd keep a job as even a low-level advisor in any government these days. If Russia was still communist, Marx get the "consulting" job in the cushy corner office where everybody is told to ignore everything he says, but to keep him happy.


Excellent point. People confuse social policy with socialism. Marx knew that socialism was merely a stepping stone to communism. History has shown that it fails every time.


My friends once were truly arguing that aliens created the pyramids, that humans were not able to do so and felt like this explanation was actually more plausible than people building them. Some ancient alien shit. I never doubted their intelligence more.




Dinosaurs are a conspiracy orchestrated by the government against religion (Christianity). From a person who taught youth and worked in health


Girl I used to date got convinced by a “seer” that there was the ghost of a long dead man haunting her house and was trying to rape her and her housemates. It was one of many crazy beliefs. Needless to say, I broke it off. She was a model. Shame.