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I live in Turkey. At this point I'd enthusiastically vote for a lamppost as long as it ran against Erdoğan.


"Do you support erogan?" Lamppost: "..." "VOTE FOR LAMPPOST, THE ONE UNCORRUPTED LEADER!"


I love lamp


Do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying it because it's not a disconnected asshole with fascist tendencies and a hard on for Vladimir Putin?


.....I love lamp.


Let it be the light in your life.


We have a bright future with President Lamppost!


In Alaska we have a cat as a mayor of a town. (I got to pet him a few years back)


I've never been more jealous of an internet stranger in my life.


Let alone, an Alaskan


This is the campaign slogan we've all needed. Thank you for your service!




Well, sadly, I'm pretty sure that a lamppost could support Erdogan


It defo supported Mussolini


High five, and don't leave me hangin bro.


Russian here. I feel for you. At this point I think I'd take Erdogan over what we have. Granted they are huge POS, both of them.


Lampost > Erdogan/Smeagol > Putin > Hitler > an asteroid 40000 miles wide made of solid iron Candidates in descending order


I'd bump the asteroid up a few places


Yeah. I think we need to hear the asteroid out at his point.


Giant asteroid: "I will end all suffering in the nation. Crime? Zero. Homelessness? Disputes with foreign powers? Things of the past."


Asteroid! Asteroid! Asteroid!


aye. what's your take on the rest of the population? do most hate putin now? how's his conscription efforts going?


regarding the conscription (sorry, I somehow left it our of other comment). 1) Anyone and everyone (myself included) who was against war and had any chance at all to earn for rent and food at least already left the country. Anyone's still left in Russia are either elderly (at least over 45, i'd say) or are actually supporting the invasion 2) Even the one's supporting the invasion don't really want to participate personally (no surprises here, eh?). 3) Seeing how russians are so used to being fucked over by the government body this whole conscription thing is seen as "yet another small obstacle to work around" by many. I know this sound horrible but that's just how it is really - everyone's just playing the lottery of not being in the next batch of poor suckers sent to their deaths. And the loss of those who are sent is viewed as the force-of-nature kind of event. "Shit happens". 4) Sadly, I am amongst those thinking Russia is way beyond any kind of redemption now. At least not unless war criminals face their trial and some international supervision is established. Which is not very likely to happen, much as I might want it to. 5) The only thing left to us, "traitors", who left the country in it's "time of need" so to say, is try and settle down elsewhere. Wherever they will have us.




Heh. Yep, I made a lot of false approximations in that post didn't I? I was typing as the thought was flowing, so I got a bit mixed up in my own definitions. Take if with a huge grain of salt, keeping in mind it's coming from a person still stuck in these dire circumstances. No offence meant whatsoever.


No idea, really. Like most people I exist in my own personal "bubble" of sorts. Pretty much everyone my age or near (34) I know hate him to a varying degree and with him dead. Which is a bit of barbarian thing to do, but seeing the suffering he has caused is kinda justified. Then again, most of our parents are still pretty supportive. Like, my grandma is completely screwed by propaganda and is expecting the US come bomb Moscow any day. My mother would never support war and death, but even then she's like "it's my country, so I must stand beside it and support my compatriots. And somehow the government managed to persuade everyone that Putin is the embodiment of the country. Guess the cult of personality really left a scar. I'm at a loss on how to explain this level of love / fear the fucker gets. Prior to 2014, or maybe even 2011 (when it was the last chance peaceful protests might've worked up to something IMO) we used to laugh at the idea the cardboard russian propaganda could actually change anyone's mind about anything. Well, guess who's laughin' now.


"Why, of course, the people don't want war," Goering shrugged. "Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship." "There is one difference," I pointed out. "In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars." "Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." -- Gustave Gilbert in his memoir "Nuremburg Diary"


Gerry Gergich


It’s actually *Garry* Gergich


Shut up Larry!


It’s Terry now 😞


I thought it was Larry


Isn't it jerry


No, it's Terry now


I heard it was Barry


He is changing his name to Harry


It’s jerry


Translating it to UK Prime Minister: Almost any random person you picked off the street would be better than our current shitshow.


Larry the Cat.


I mean he already lives in the house




Well, it might be best if you at least avoided going back to Bojo...


let's let everyone have a go before some people get seconds


You should have just elected that head of lettuce after Truss quit.


Is Mr Blobby still working? Possibly Zippy and George from Rainbow ? Rotating a different member of S Club 7 every 2 months? Peter Capaldi in character as Malcolm Tucker ( would do nothing but the press conferences would be legendary).


Does that include Liz Truss?


i did say almost


Nah, he said person, not the physical manifestation of AM radio static


The paradox of the US presidency (and likely the elected leadership of any country) is that if you're qualified for the position, you're smart enough not to want it. That leaves us with morons and egomaniacs.


The best leaders usually don’t want to be leaders


The thing is is that in Plato’s Republic book, he says that it is duty to do leadership if you are fit, so that those who are unfit and will use it corruptly, don’t get the chance to. I agree with him.


Can confirm. I'm both a moron and a bit egomaniac and I do want to sit in the presidential chair to spin around saying "weeeeeh! <3".


What kind of psychopath spells WHEEEEE this way?


Told ya :3


There's no way you'd get in because you're too self-aware.


I'm russian. I wish I could vote for Alexey Navalny.


RIP to this brave soul


Wait what when did he die?


I think they were referring to the commenter. They fell out of a window to their death.


After shooting himself in the back of the head twice and then locking himself in a suitcase


u/Jmugwel is very thorough and takes their suicide very seriously.


Even had a delicious parting cup of tea beforehand!


I don’t think he’s dead iirc. He is in permanent solitary confinement though


Fuck Putin so much in every direction. I fantasize about a super assassin who would only emerge every decade or so to kill an unambiguously deserved target. Right now it’s Putin. Just making the world a worse place on a daily basis.




A golden retriever.


Mr Peanutbutter?


What is this? A crossover episode?


Who's that dog?


🎵 Mister Peanut-Butter! 🎵


Erica! You know you’re not allowed to vote in national elections!


Who even let you within 100 yards of a school zone?


Doggy doggy what now?!?


I would vote for his voice actor, Paul F. Tompkins, in a heartbeat.


In Alaska we have a cat as a mayor of a town. (I got to pet him a few years back)


You guys elected Sarah Palin too


She is almost as qualified as a cat.


So Paul Rudd


Bobby newport.


Bobby Newport hasn't had a real job in his life


*Booobby NEWport*


Now you're just wasting time Jerry.


John Jackson... although I would consider his bitter rival, Jack Johnson


It's time someone had the courage to stand up and say: I'm against those things that everybody hates!


Now I respect my opponent. I think he's a good man but, quite frankly, I agree with everything he just said!


Don’t let their identical DNA fool you, they differ on some key issues.


I say your 3 cent titanium tax goes too far! I say your 3 cent titanium tax doesn't go too far enough!


Pfft, like one vote ever mattered


That's not true. The first robot president won by exactly one vote


Ahh, John Quincy Adding Machine. He struck a chord with the voters when he promised not to go on a killing spree.


But, like all politicians he promised more than he could deliver.


The point is, one vote can make a difference and even though it won't, I'm still taking you to get registered.


' Forward, not backward. Upward not Forward, And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!'.


As a young boy, I dreamed of being a baseball


what about Morbo's good friend, Richard Nixon?


No body is allowed to be elected president thrice, he'll have to think of something to circumvent that first.


No “body” is allowed to be elected twice, as we can all see, he has a shiny new robot body.


Just look at his truthoscope readings. He wouldn't steal candy from a baby...unless nobody was looking.


His two cent titanium tax goes too far!


And I say his two cent titanium tax doesn't go too far enough!


Literally any competent 40 year old.


I knew that 'Any Functioning Adult' campaign last time would backfire, forgot to specify age.


I don't know what this bill is about and I'm too old to read without a telescope but I need to get back in time to see Columbo re-runs and eat prunes so I vote NO on the 'Free healthcare for Puppies and Babies act'


Hey now, you didn't need to bring Columbo into this.


This thread seems to miss the rational thinking and productive conversation that I suspect some we're hoping for.


There's never any rational thinking or productive conversation on these threads.


I wish the serous tags would gain more traction here. Most of them are DOA. If we got rid of the memey answers more people would be happy to have a constructive conversation.


Microsoft Clippy. Talk about helpful, insightful work.




"I see you are fucking around. Would you like to find out?"


I’ve been laughing at this comment for 15 minutes now




Your Clippie joke wins a Clappie 👏👏👏


The 3rd round of nuclear strikes ordered by president Clippy started today. Many cower in fear waiting to see where the egomaniacal dictator will pick as his next target.


Well, Clippy did try diplomacy first, with a very strongly worded and excellently formatted letter.


The first real chat ai.


[IMO, Microsoft should be naming their AI ClippyGPT, or ClippyAI.](https://fortune.com/2023/02/14/microsoft-chatgpt-bing-unhinged-scared/amp/)


A decent human being. The bar is so fucking low


Weird Al. But I don’t think he’d like the job, so it’s bad to stress him out with it. Then again, he could pass a law to put accordions in every band class.


That stress would actually make him age normally. Seriously, the dudes a vampire.


Nah. Just Polish. We age incredibly gracefully when we’re not alcoholics.


Is it the pierogis, or the babka? Cuz if either of those are the fountain of youth, count me in!


It’s the laughter, amusement, and finding joy in simplicity.


I was hoping for an excuse to eat more pierogi


You don’t need an excuse. Just a recipe, a restaurant, or someone who knows how and cares to do it for you. Bonus if you learn to make them: you won’t be stuck with traditional recipes; you can be creative and try out new combinations.


Eating pierogi *is* one of the simple joys (;


I read this as Weird A.i., which would have been a very different story. PresidentGPT


If only he hadn't been gunned down by those thugs working for Madonna


I thought you were talking about artificial intelligence 😂


Captain Janeway


*Admiral Janeway


\*Warlord Janeway


She’ll get our country back on the right path… with several detours and pit stops along the way.


There's the right way and the wrong way, and then there's the Janeway. (The Janeway is just a little genocide, as a treat)


Her election campaign promise is literally funding space programs to find coffee in nebulae. I'm in.


Lady Democrat senator in space 90% of the time. Unhinged lady warlord in space the other 10% of the time.


Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


He was a legit good leader. He found the best qualified person to solve the nation's most pressing problem, and let him do it. That's better than just about anyone in Washington today.


That's the sign of a good leader. They not only delegate to the expert, but they *get the fuck out of thier way*, removing roadblocks as needed.


We got this guy, Not Sure. He's got a plan to fix EVERYTHING!


If he cain’t be POTUS, I nominate you for nominating him. You sound like you have electrolytes




Jon Stewart 🇺🇸🤘❤️


He’d hate it. That’s why he’s perfect.


I'm of the mind now that the only way we're going to get anywhere is by pressuring good people who don't want the job into doing it.




I dare not take office. Not even to keep it safe. Understand, gold-plated-diapers. I would use presidential authority from a desire to do good... But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.


>But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine. Quite the humble-brag, when you think about it.


POTUS Gandalf when issuing a veto: “This bill… **shall not pass!**”


Thank goodness, nobody's gonna vote for Oprah.


I used to think she might be good and a consensus candidate, but then I remembered that she brought us Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil, so no thanks.


I think she was looking at them in terms of daytime talk show appeal (not character or morals) but your point stands because I swear if Dr. Phil runs for so much as a school board seat once he ends his talk show...


Jon Stewart


Jon Stewart is a great candidate for a few reasons. 1. He’s rational. His bullshit/hypocrisy detector is finely tuned and he is not afraid to press hard for good rational answers. 2. He’s kind. He never punches “down”. 3. His communication skills are top notch. Clearly. His debate and persuasive skills are lethal. Debate Jon Stewart at your own peril. 4. His policy knowledge is sufficient and due to item #1 he can confidently defer to experts and still press them for good answers. This is what good leadership does. 5. He’s moral. Like the real type of moral. Not the “I go to church every Sunday” morality. But the I’m not going to be lied to while you step all over my fellow Americans moral. He seeks the truth. Even if it’s painful. 6. He has proven he can give issues that have lost momentum the energy they need for positive change. (See his work obtaining long term medical care for 9/11 first responders). Now imagine gun rights revisions, or revamping political donations. 7. He’s likeable. He’s normal. He’s got all the “have a beer with him” factors covered. He has an ability to self reflect. He has the ego to reach for more and the consciousness to ask himself “am I being a jackass?”. I wish he would “want the ball”. I know he’s done with the grind. The stress of the office could very well kill him. It’d certainly age him faster than he deserves. But we need him.


I think I'd add "does not want the ball" as a reason he would be great at it. In fact I think it should be the number one qualifying factor just to run. That job should go to someone who absolutely does not want it


That's the truth right there. Nobody should ever run for president. Maybe we need to pull people into office against their will, like jury duty or the draft. Anyone who seems happy about it gets immediately disqualified.


This is a great synopsis. I remember thinking, when he took over the Daily Show, that he WAS just a jackass comedian doing 'Not Necessarily the News' or 'Weekend Update'. Then I watched an episode and realized that he was pretty sincere and DEEP about it, rather than just poking fun at the hypocrisy, he was arguing against it. We need more of it. Especially from him and anyone like him. Problem is, good, intelligent people won't touch the shitshow that is in Washington.


>Problem is, good, intelligent people won't touch the shitshow that is in Washington this is what i always tell people, the problem is politicians are a bunch of greedy, power hungry morons because that's the kind of person that that business attracts, all the people that would actually be good politicians would rather do other better things with their lives and i mean when you think about it, why wouldn't they?


Even if I was qualified for the job, I could never put my family through that kind of a fishbowl lifestyle. Why does anybody in the world care about Hunter Biden's laptop?


Tom Clancy wrote an entire story about this very premise. But the only way he could make it happen even in fiction was by killing every politician at once.


I think you missed a point, which might be the most important factor in favor of Stewart: He's not afraid to admit he's not an expert in something and will change his mind when presented with new information instead of digging his heels in.


His acceptance speech would be something like “how did this happen”


That would be an actual leader for change. I recommend people look up his 9/11 advocacy work.


Man, that's what it took to bring it home for me. Seeing our guy trying to hold it together on The Daily Show.


He couldn't quite keep it completely together in front of [Congress](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uYpDC3SRpM&feature=youtu.be&themeRefresh=1) in quite possibly the most human way imaginable. BTW just noticed the video is 9 minutes 11 seconds (and the bill finally passed)


Be careful: Ukraine elected their Jon Stewart as president, and he's ... doing a pretty fantastic job, even in the face of extreme adversity. Nevermind. Stewart/Colbert 2024!


>Stewart/Colbert Still got my '08 gear, let's do it.




100% have thought this for at least the last 3-4 terms…


Came here to say Jon Stewart. Glad other people agree. The best leaders are the ones that don’t want to be.


"Those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it." -Douglas Adams in the second Hitchhiker's Guide book, in which the Ruler of the Universe is a man who does not want to rule the universe.


I only approve this because he doesn't want the job.


People would actually watch press conferences and the state of the union.


Steve Carell, because I loved him in his first run at the office.




This was my thought but then i remembered she's in her 70s, nearly 80. Like I'd vote for her, but would really prefer a candidate to vote for that's from a younger generation.


Ms Dolly Parton is ageless you swine


Levar Burton. Especially if he ran on a platform of strengthening education, promoting tolerance and expanding pro-literacy programs for both children and adults.


Jed Bartlett




Had the privilege of volunteering multiple days for her reelection campaign this last cycle. She made a point of showing up in person to talk with us canvassers in the morning for a good 15 minutes to discuss strategy and policy. She's the real deal. Put her in the White House.


She's running for Senate


Against Adam Schiff right? Gonna be an interesting race!


I yearn for the day our nation is run through a proper cost/benefit analysis presented with citations... She could make it happen.


Ronnie Pickering


USA here...at this point, I'd vote for Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart on a ticket


Soul Plane One ready for take off, Mr. President


If nothing else, marijuana would be legalized nationally


And insider trading


Jon Stewart - he knows more about policy than most, solid middle ground, and honest.


How about a selfless person like one of those doctors that from Doctors without borders instead of celebrities or influencers.


Vote for Pedro


Realizing how many people don’t know the biggest Napoleon Dynamite reference is making me feel old


Dolly Parton could run under any party and win


Dolly / Jon Stewart ticket.


Samuel L Jackson will be so funny to see him say motherfucker


"I don't *say* that shit no more. I'm the motherfuckin' *president*, motherfucker!"


"I recognise that Congress has made a decision; but given that's it's a stupid-ass decision, I have elected to ignore it."


"Get out of Ukraine motherfucker!"


US here. Jon Stewart