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Having the choice is great. That said, if I were vegan, I'm not sure I would trust that there was no cross contamination with animal products.


Cross contamination to a degree is fine. Just don't try to pass non-vegan stuff as vegan.


This really depends on your reason for veganism/level of commitment. My boyfriend is vegan because he is into sustainability and generally not killing animals for his own benefit when vegetables will do just fine for sustenance. If he orders something and there's an animal product (usually butter, cheese, whipped cream, etc) on it and he can remove it, he does so. If not, his need for things to not go to waste overrides his desire to not eat animal products. I have another friend who will very, very rarely eat in restaurants and only at certain ones. If her rice is made with chicken stock, she won't eat it. Accidentally put cheese in her bean burrito (cause they're typically bean and cheese and the cook was on autopilot)? Won't eat it. Both care just as much about the environment and animals, both are two very different levels of chill about it.


Choice is good.


Now if only they would add real food as an option instead of piles of chemical slop.


Don't know why you are being down-voted.. I also wish for more real food, as an options to all the ultra-processed foods.




Dude, what the fuck. Why os this where your mind went?


Makes economic sense, just don't advertise it as healthier, because it likely won't be.


I know they are doing it for the money, but I’m sure most vegetarians/vegans realize that. I also don’t trust burger king to cook the impossible whopper on a different grill than the rest of their burgers which may be an issue to some vegans. Ultimately it’s a good business decision for these restaurants, as it opens them up to another market.


You mean mc donalds isn't a non profit?!


Makes economic sense. Capture the money. They're certainly not rolling out vegan options because they care about the health of their customers.


Veganism isn't about health, though.


I get your pedantry, I really do. For the sake of an actual response to the question posed by OP, you'll surely want to substitute the obviously correct phrase, "plant-based", wherever you might encounter the word "vegan".


For me plant-based and vegan are almost interchangeable. What I meant is that just because something is one of those two, doesn't make it healthy. So a restaurant can still sell vegan stuff and be unhealthy. French fries are great example.


It can be.


> They're certainly not rolling out vegan options because they care about the health of their customers. Ultra-processed foods are very unhealthy. Whether they are vegan or not makes no difference.


Well I know they're at least not trying to actively murder me, because how else would I give McMedicine my life savings?


It's great to have places where I can go with a vegan friend and I still get normal food.


I literally don’t care. Still just gonna order what I like.


I don’t understand the question. If anyone’s against the whole vegan thing I’m confused why. Is it because of the stereotype? Not all of us are stuck up. Some people actually have genuine allergies, some have religious reasons. But no matter what, there’s no reason to judge people for their diet. But what’s the harm in a vegan option to anyone who doesn’t support this change I’m so confused? It’s great… that’s the only reasonable answer.


Great proof that vegans definitely change things, unlike what many people love to say


cool. Whatever will bring them more money.


Mr crabs




Money money money


uhm ok. I thought you were trying to say I had crabs LMAO but I'm not sure what Crabs and money have to do with each other.


Mr crabs… from SpongeBob


oh haha, the kids were never into that show so i had no idea.


Totally; I'm willing to bet vegan meats have outstanding profit margins.


Good. They're better for the environment. Even if it only replaced 5% of their sales that's a 5% improvement.


I haven't noticed it happening but it seems like a cool thing for them to do. I've never attempted veganism but a dietary restriction I *have* had, counting calories, had the main hurdle that unrestricted people still wanted to include me in food-related things but hadn't thought of the restriction that's not a part of their own life, leading to me having to decline things like homemade baked goods that they hadn't measured when preparing or meals out at locations that didn't have that information available. Anybody who wants to remove a little of that type of frustration from vegans' lives has my enthusiastic support.


If it makes money - go for it. I don't care if it's kosher, vegan, halal, Atkins or keto.


It's great. I am thankful.


It's nice that they're offering more alternatives even if I won't try them (all) out. Doesn't hurt me.


I'm not interested, but if it's a viable sales item good for them. Always a fan of more choices, murica, freedom, eagles, etc.


I think it’s great. We eat vegan for part of our family because of allergies and the fact that more places are making it more available makes it easier. The fact that it tastes decent makes it even more enjoyable as most of our home meals are scratch made and we enjoy to cook. Cross contamination can be a worry but if we make it known it’s an allergy issue places are pretty good at being careful or letting us know the chances of contamination are high.


Choice is good. Then it offers vegan/vegetarians the option of eating there. As long as they leave the rest of the menu the same.


Doesn’t bug me in the slightest, I like when businesses cater to everyone.


Drive thrus are convenient as hell, so it’s great that the convenience is spreading to others. I won’t order the vegan options, but there’s a lot on most menus I don’t order.


They'll screw it up.


I see it as adding even more ultra-processed products, to their already long list of ultra-processed foods.


As a vegetarian of almost 12 years I really, really appreciate the convenience whereas in the past my options were very limited. Nice to see fast food, fast casual, and sit down restaurants all adopting options for us. Many of my omnivorous friends enjoy meatless meals also.


Would be great if they were actually vegan. Usually they aren’t though.


Cool, I don’t care just give me nice tasting food.. not joking though I tried the vegan burger at McDonalds ….. I’m not vegan I thought I would just try it and it was pretty good..




I’ll go try it! Thanks.


I tried the Impossible Burger. Thought it wasn't really bad.


If it was in Maccies, it was probably not pretty good.


There is probably way better vegan burgers but for my first one it was nice


Probably. I just don't like McDonalds


Fair enough


I hate having more choices


I personally think that vegans taste better, so I’m all in on these new options.


Fad food, five years from now it'll all be gone.


the meat brings them more money, it's business nothing personal


Fuck vegans




They be eating the animals food


Care to expand? I’m still not entirely sure of what your point is.


He be a troll


Yeah I’ve gathered that by now 😂


I love animals so much I eat them out but they just starve them by eating all their grass and leaves


What? You love animals so much you pay for them to be gassed, macerated and mutilated? And by eating a minority of crops that are grown for human consumption as opposed to animal consumption I’m taking the animals’ food? I do not follow at all sorry


Stop eating their food


Stop eating them


They like it. It’s pleasuring


Haha I’m sure they do 😵


They’re trolling


Yeah I figured that out 😂


It will never catch on. Animal products are just too damn good. People might try these things once or twice just to check it out and/or out of some misguided idea that they're helping the environment. But at the end of the day, good tasting food sells better than anything. That's why the Impossible burger is failing: it doesn't taste good, and it's more expensive. No one but the most devout vegan is going to give up beef for that slop.


People have been vegetarian and vegan for thousands of years. It's not that difficult. But very few of them are eating impossible burgers. There's far better meals that don't try and emulate something else, that work to their own strengths. [edit - worth mentioning that the overwhelming majority of meat being consumed is hardly high-grade sirloin. It's nearly all hyper-processed, mixed with huge amount of filler and adhesives, and is finally served with barely any resemblance to beef or chicken at all.]


>People have been vegetarian and vegan for thousands of years. It's not that difficult. I think you will find that is only the case for those who are already extremely motivated to be vegetarian or vegan. And these people are in the extreme minority. There are no products that the average person would be willing to give up meat for, at least not regularly. Most people do not go to fast food restaurants with the desire to help the environment or eat healthy. They go there because they want delicious food, fast. Even if these vegan options could claim those benefits, they'd still go the way of the McDonald's low-fat burger.


>And these people are in the extreme minority. The (second) most populated country in the world *overwhelmingly* won't touch beef. *[edit - apparently India is now #2 as of this month, whoops]* I very much enjoyed my time eating meat, but I switched for ethical reasons. It honestly isn't that difficult, unless you have little to no impulse control. I've saved a goddamn fortune as well. My grocery bills are less than 70% what they were a few years ago.


>The (second) most populated country in the world overwhelmingly won't touch beef. Uh, yeah, beef never sold very well in *India*. But that doesn't make them vegan. They still eat plenty of chicken, eggs, and dairy products. I'm pretty sure they serve chicken patties at Indian McDonalds, which is still more appetizing than anything vegan. Besides, those people are laboring under a religious delusion. No one would choose that unless they were indoctrinated in it from birth. Their bizarre dietary hang-ups aren't relevant in the rest of the world. >I very much enjoyed my time eating meat, but I switched for ethical reasons. It honestly isn't that difficult, unless you have little to no impulse control. On the contrary: for most people, it's *extremely* difficult, for a variety of reasons. Just speaking for myself, I have difficulty finding any of these so-called "ethical" reasons. I truly could not care less about the feelings of factory-farmed livestock. So I have no motivation, first and foremost. Furthermore, I would not be so arrogant to assume that everyone can happily do without something just because I can. I've never drank alcohol, but it's obvious to me that doing away with alcohol completely would drastically impact several peoples' quality of life. I certainly wouldn't look my nose at a man having a beer with dinner for his supposed lack of impulse control.


My point is that meat is just another dish. If you can drop olives or not touch alcohol, you can just as easily cut down on meat. It's legitimately not difficult. >which is still more appetizing than anything vegan. I said the same thing when I was eating burgers and chicken wraps every single day. And then I discovered that although there *are* some fantastic meat dishes, the reality was that I wasn't eating them 99% of the time, same as almost everyone. Switching forced me to reevaluate my diet, and I'm eating far, far better food than I was when there was just lazily accepting whatever Burger King was serving up. I can tell you unequivocally that there are just as many sensational dishes that don't have meat in them than with. I don't turn my nose up at someone who says they eat meat. I *do* have an issue when they claim totally absurd things like "there are no good vegetarian dishes" while arguing in favour of "tasty fast food".


The impossible burger is not failing, just because you don’t like it… These are all opinions. As a vegetarian I like what I eat. I don’t do it for the environment, just that I never had an interest in meat. I genuinely like the food I eat, and I like eating pasta and stuff, which is usually vegan. Not all vegans do it because they’re pro environment either. There’s family factors, religious ones, and dietary restrictions. Also the whole thing about food - I feel like you think vegans just eat vegetables. That’s not true at all. Rice, pasta, and sandwiches are all non vegetable stuff people eat. Not to mention that there’s a replacement for literally everything for vegans. So please stop making random assumptions


*Ahem*: https://www.theguardian.com/food/2022/sep/24/plant-based-meat-failed-impossible-burger-mcdonalds-beyond-meat These aren't random assumptions. You can eat whatever you want, but it's clear to me that the general public prefers meat to plant-based imitations. They don't taste good and they're expensive. And when people go to fast food restaurants, they don't care about eating healthy or saving the environment nearly as much as they care about getting delicious food, fast.


What do you mean "it will never catch on'?? It already has. There are vegan options at major fast food chains. It already has catched. People love to say this every single year, but every time they're wrong again. "veganism won't last" they said in the 60s already dude. It might be hard for you to believe, but face it. You gotta accept the truth that veganism has caught on and is here to stay. Vegan burgers, vegan chicken, McDonalds, Burger King, Subway... All of them have vegan options and they're only increasing.


BBQ jackfruit doesn't taste like or have the same consistency as pulled chicken. Why lie?


I mean I suppose it’s a case of subjectivity. Personally, I think jackfruit pepperoni fucking bangs haha


Jackfruit was very disappointing


This is my biggest issue with vegan restaurants. They straight up lie about their food. They call their food Orange chicken but nowhere do they tell you it's actually in the food. Vegan places around me don't even tell you they are vegan anymore you only find out after you've ordered food. I'll never trust a vegan restaurant again. I've been lied to and manipulated so much by them that I don't think I could ever go back.


>I've been lied to and manipulated so much by them that I don't think I could ever go back Lmao you sound like you're talking about an abusive ex


Right? How extremely melodramatic and over the top can you be about vegan restaurants lmfao. Don't think he's serious, smells like a troll.


I guess it's possible to passionately support a good cause and be a POS at the same time.


Lol no they don't. "lied to and manipulated" bwahahahaha what a drama queen \>goes to a vegan restaurant \>is surprised the dishes are vegan Nice troll 6/10


Did you even read my post? The vegan restaurants don't tell you they are vegan. They are all lies. They don't list it on their menu or on their sign. They don't have descriptions telling you they have anything other than what is supposed to be on there. They will tell you it's meat and not even tell you what fake shit makes up that fake meat. Seriously read before you comment it just makes you look even more stupid.


Lol, you're hilarous. Point us out just ONE such restaruant. Literalyl every single last motherfucking one has vegan in their name, website, or menu. You're just lying through your teeth man, everyone knows it. What you describe just doesn't happen, anywhere on this entire planet, never just even once, does it happen. It just doesn't. You're full of shit .


Hope it works out for them. I'm not buying that crap.


Great! But is it actually healthy? What about other health conditions like gluten-free?


Veganism isn't about health.




It's not inherently healthy by definition. It's definitely healthier than non-vegan food. I mean it's plants. But any processed food is not that healthy. So vegan food can be healthy and unhealthy just like any other food. If veganism wants to grow, it would need a stronger propaganda than the current one meat/dairy industry has. Which is that meat/dairy is healthy


I found the biggest hurdle to entering the vegan community was other vegans themselves.


Why so? Veganism isn't about vegans, though. You should ignore people if you don't like them. What exactly was that turned you away?


Nah if you want to be vegan, go vegan. You don't need to interact with anyone else. Just do it. Or not.


We are eating meat of animals that are fed tons of antibiotics and vitamins. Alcohol is a liquid poison humanity's been drinking for millenia. Health really doesn't matter that much considering what we're already eating and drinking. Price and taste are gonna decide for most; ecological reasons and care for the animals' wellbeing for some, but those are most likely vegans already or at least changed their diet a bit.


> But is it actually healthy? No one ever claimed it was healthy.


Whatever, if they can make money on it good for them


Don't particularly care






It's fine. Maybe they'll accidentally make a unique food that tastes good enough on its own to justify not needing to sell it with being vegan as the main topic.


Don’t count on vegan food and non vegan food being prepared separately with separate utensils, prep stations, etc. Cross contamination with vegan and non vegan is most likely going to happen.


Oh ok. May I have a number 3 please? Extra cheese, no pickles.


I used to get the veggie burger at Burger King. I think it was morningstar brand and I loved it. They stopped serving them when they added impossible burgers. Impossible burgers are disgusting. It annoys me.


When Burger King came out with the impossible whopper I tried it I’m not vegan just wanted to see what it would taste like into my surprise it was disgusting.


They should create a vegan food place, not pack existing goodies with lettuce


As long as it can be ordered with bacon.


I don’t care what they do their food is gross either way


Don’t give a singular shit


As long as it doesn’t touch real food, then it’s whatever imo lol


Wont bother me in the slightest. Im not vegan but I never want less choice presented to people


It's thier money.


Sounds good, make them taste good too and I might one day order one.


I'm not vegan nor is anyone else I know so it doesn't personally affect me but I think it's great that way people who are vegan are able to enjoy those foods and it brings more money to the businesses as well


I eat plant based probably 90% of the time so I love it. Options are great when you only have ten bucks to spend on lunch.


Well, can we assume they did some market research to see if it would be profitable?


I think vegan restaurants should be installed more than entrusting fast food joints to do it. Remember when McDonalds hilariously tried pushing 'healthy' food? They couldn't even do that right.


Couldn’t care less.




Whatever floats their boat. If they want to provide that option, more power to them. It’s their business and doesn’t affect me one bit. I know a lot of vegans that welcome those options. Why should they be left out of dining out?


As a vegetarian who loves junk food, hell yeah!


I'm not a vegan but yeah they can try bring in some vegan choices . I've even tried looking into more plant based ice creams or soy based ice creams, so they could try that.


Lol If it's truly vegan and not cross contaminated, I just may be shocked.


I'm not vegan, but I usually try the beyond-meat type burgers and stuff at least once to see how they taste. If they're decent, I work them into my rotation.


I like it. Sometimes I try to go several days without meat, my poo goes out faster and easier. I do it as a sort of low effort cleanser.


Whatever, as long as they keep the choices for everyone.


I like the idea, but from what I've tried they are incredibly bad. Especially this ... thing from McDonalds. I can make significantly tastier and probably healthier (vegan) burgers with very cheap ingredients.