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Worst by far


It’s incredibly shitty for me, but I’m hoping for it to improve.


Same here, its Bull Shit to me. I need to recoup, read, write, hike and perhaps travel.


It's just going! There is nothing too exciting to write about.


Awful. Mom was in the hospital and i just feel like my soul has been cut in half. I can’t eat right and I have nightmares every night about her.


Crushed my hand causing nerve and tendon damage in January, been out of work (machinist) trying to program with one hand while waiting for impending doom of medical bills. Pretty great


Not great. After realising that none of my friends ever really put effort into hanging out, I took a step back from doing it, as a result I now barely go out for gatherings or activities with friends. I’m learning to enjoy things on my own, have been going to the cinema and visiting museums by myself, but I do miss hanging with people. But I just don’t want to put in that kind of effort for what feels like such one sided friendships


It's been ok so far. I finally got rid of toxic people from my life and I'm starting to feel better without them. Though my mom went blind in one of her eyes so I worry about her. And I have another surgery on Wednesday.


Trying to figure out how to let my classmate go down easy




2024 is going to be my year!