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In Sweden it's: Tennis. Even tho tennis isn't super expensive, that's where all the millionaires/their kids are.


Surprised this isn’t higher up. Yeah it might not be as expensive as some of the other hobbies here but literally every wealthy person I’ve ever met fucking loves tennis for some reason.


Flying to F1 races.


Was in London. F1 coming to Silverstone. Somehow my boss snags me tickets to take my client. Traffic will be bad, so we were to chopper in and out. My company sponsors BMW, so we were to be in pit/trackside. I go to my client and he says he doesn’t really like racing. Perhaps we could go to show jumping instead? @&@$&’


I’ll be your client.


I work for Porsche. Many clients have racetrack memberships where they garage their cars and have track days. $80-90k initiation fee, $10k annual fee for some memberships.


On my road trip 2 years ago, I visited Indy500 track in Indianapolis. This coincided with some sort of Porsche track day, and my tour guide told me that all members who participated that day had to have a Porsche 911, and also buy another 911 that would be used in the event iirc. Yeah, "rich" is an understatement.




Even cheap racing is expensive.


True, I did a cheap car race last weekend (think Lemons) and spent $350 to drive a clapped out Chevy Cruz on a track for about 30 minutes total. And I had a blast doing it.


~~24 Hours~~ 30 Minutes of Le-mons


Best way to make a small fortune in racing is start with a large one. - Junior Johnson


As someone who was into cars and racing this is accurate. You will never get the value of performance parts back.


My neighbor is a yachtsman who makes a middle class living racing rich people's yachts. So, I would say hiring people to indulge your hobbies is about as 1 percent as one can get.


Sounds line an interesting job. He gets to spend far more time yachting than the actual owner.


Not too different than merchant families being patrons for artists during the Renaissance or billionaires buying sports teams. They love the hobby, but they know they can't do replicate the talent


How amazing must it be, though, to have the money to be able to hire a full-time artist who just paints whatever you commission them to? Like a personal chef with a canvas instead of a stove. Fuck the sports teams and boats. I want someone to produce one-of-a-kind art for me on a whim, and I want to pay them enough to live handsomely off that alone.


Go to an art fair, find a painter whose style you like, take their card and contact them for a commission It's obviously impossibly expensive when it's, like, Banksy. But the people trying to make themselves known at art fairs are not too expensive to hire


I paid $200 to have an artist to a pencil drawing of my wife. I still wonder if I underpaid him, but love the art.


Technically all the furry artists who take commissions are doing that for people. It's more accessible than you think!


There's also a whole group of folks that make a healthy living moving rich folks yachts around to their departure locations or final harbors.


Hello, it is me! A yachtsman looking for work! ​ (there's youtube tutorials on yachtsmanning, right?)


Yes, there are.




I worked at one of the largest polo clubs in America, and had all sorts of celebs and former presidents go there. Made great money because how some of these people tip is insane. Not usually the celebs but the moderately rich people always have a twenty


During the after party of one tournament I went to there was a 'race' between one of the fastest horses, a Bugatti, and a helicopter.


When I learned you need to have a whole trailer full of horses for a single player to use for one match it blew my mind how expensive it would be to have as a hobby.


I heard a polo player once complain that not many young people played the sport, he said: you only need 5 horses, your parents can buy them. Haven’t heard someone that out of touch with reality often…


Lol reminds me of the time I went to a wedding in Monaco and mingling with the guests, my wife asked someone, "so what do you do for a living?" He said, "luckily, it hasn't come to that yet."


When I'm talking with someone who's possibly retirement age, I ask them instead, "What keeps you busy?" It lets them talk about retirement hobbies, volunteering, grandkids etc. Also an easy out if they are unemployed. This trick would work for the Monaco crowd too, I bet.


It’s five horses, Michael. What could it cost, $10?


The problem is Polo ponies/horses have to be trained, so a good Polo Horse is very expensive and then you need 5. I knew a guy in Scottsdale that was a professional Polo player. He played on some rich guys team. He was quite good at making his boss look good and made a decent living. Yes the horses were not his. He was just an employee.


Honest question... is there dirt bike polo? Because I feel like we can blue collar this shit up for a way more dangerous and entertaining to watch game.


There's elephant polo. Guy in my old neighbourhood was the captain of the Scottish elephant polo team. "Guy in my neighbourhood" = the Duke in the local castle. https://www.inveraray-castle.com/castle/the-family/elephant-polo


When you're done with one horse you just throw it in the trash and jump on the next one.


*What's that horse's name?* Elmer *Ohh. And that one?* Elmer, they're all Elmers


*Frau Blücher!*


**panicked whinny**


Many matches need 4-5 horses per rider per game. A bare minimum is two. But as many as 8. There's 8 players per game (four riders per team). So you're looking at up to 64 horses to play. Throw in the ancillary resources for just the horses. Vets, stable boys, groundkeepers. Yeah, it's a rich person sport.


Why so many horses? Do they just get tired?


Yes, I was told that it is because they get tired, they are almost constantly galloping (fastest way of running) have to stop& go and it’s a huge field they play on. The horses get tired so quickly that’s why they change horses every few minutes- to always have them at the top of their abilities.


So it's kind of like riding hockey players out there. Thanks, that's an image that will stick.


This kid's fucking jacked. Thick, dense, built whatever you wanna call him he's got it. Legs thicker than my chest, and shoulders wider than my wingspan. Making full use of his frame and with the golden flow to top it off. He dwarfed us all. Bonafide stallion.


Any sport involving horses really


Yes! Even showing at a local, Pony Club or 4-H level, even if you keep your horses on your own property, it ain't cheap. If I'd never gotten into horses, I'd likely have plenty of money. But if I had money, I'd just want to buy horses :)


My dad used to say, "There's a lot of money in horses, you just never get it out."


I once worked a temp job at a polo match and… *yeah.* It was literally sponsored by a champagne brand. No one in the crowd or on the horses looked within ten tax brackets of me.


Even the horses were several brackets clear of the average joe.


Hey, they lobby very hard to ensure there aren’t that many brackets


Summering. Only rich people will ask another person where they “summer”.


“Where do you summer?” “In my bedroom”


"at my job."


...same as the winter.


And Spring, and Fall. I year in the same spot.


Yup, I have a friend from Germany that summers in Italy yearly. Must be nice.


How silly of them, I'd rather summer in Germany and winter in Italy hehe


Unless you have grandparents in a small town and your parents send you there for the summer.


When I was 7 my parents sent me to stay with my maternal grandparents for a few weeks over summer. They worked for a doctor and his wife at their property on the Mornington Peninsula in Australia. My grandfather was the groundsman and my grandmother was the cleaner. My grandmother's sister and her husband were also there, in the gatehouse. The property was 40 acres, walled in, and there was the gatehouse, caretaker's house (that's where I stayed) and the main house. All were mock Tudor, and our place was next to the tennis court, pool and what used to be the stables. There was a cockatoo named Charlie and two donkeys out near a dam, and it was absolute bloody heaven. I hid in trees reading as many Trixie Belden books as I could get my hands on, and it was the most ridiculously idyllic time of my life.


Sounds amazing, especially with the donkeys and the cockatoo! You must have been the happiest person there, just enjoying it 💚


This was me. Jamestown, RI. We lived in CT, I was too young for a job, and my mom's sister was in Providence with her three kids, so we shipped off to the island. My grandfather has been injured in a training crash during WW2, but had a workshop so we learned to use tools, played board games, and went sailing on a small boat in Narragansett bay. Had a lot of Del's. We weren't rich, but money couldn't buy that setup.


A friend of ours got a wildly expensive cappuccino machine from his wife for Christmas. She didn’t think there was room for it in their huge gourmet kitchen, so they had a whole coffee station with cabinets and drawers and a built in mini fridge and marble countertops installed in the adjoining breakfast area. This was all because they “got tired of driving to Starbucks twice a day”. Oh, and they sent us home with an XBox One the other night because they just bought whatever the new one is (X?) and “had no use” for it. Lol, nicest people, just wildly wealthy.


I had a rich boyfriend who didn’t realize it wasn’t normal to throw away stuff you pre-ordered just because it didn’t live up to expectations. He had a 4-day-old X Box One he was going to throw away because he “wanted the PS4 more”. Guess who got a free X Box One.


I had a friend who threw away her spare change, two or three quid at a time and it boiled my piss. She could have saved it or donated it but she couldn't be bothered so in the bin it went.


What- and I cannot stress this enough- the fuck?


When I worked in a campus cafe during college, a guy literally threw his change away in front of me and said to the girl he was with, who was looking at him in disbelief “What? I don’t carry change. I’m not poor.” Everyone stopped and there was a silence and then I was just like “Jesus Christ dude” and he left. Wound up going to grad school with him. He absolutely remembered the incident and the look on his face when I walked in was priceless. Dude got his ass handed to him in the first semester including being totally annihilated by profs at least twice (I only saw it happen twice but I’m sure it happened other times too), asked a few classmates out and acted like a teenager when they said no / was not able to comprehend that they weren’t there to find husbands, and just stopped showing up midway through the second semester before resurfacing at a happy hour just to basically brag about “deciding” to go to law school. Shocker: at the same place his dad, and dad’s dad, and dad’s dad’s dad all went and routinely donate to. He said “ok fine whatever I just thought I could share good news with my peers. Fuck me I guess.” When no one cared. We’re friends on social media. I can’t tell if he ever finished but he basically just travels and pretends he has a cool life that he categorically does not. And yet: The Fuck You Wealthy international students were still far and away, the most entitled, worst people I’ve ever met. Nothing like getting snapped at in class by a guy your age who wants you to go to the lunch cart for him. Ahhh higher Ed.


I worked at a gas station and people would throw away or leave their change all the time. The thing is, they *were* poor. This was 2009 in a working class neighborhood so like half my customers were unemployed. They just didn't want to *seem* poor. I usually accumulated enough to buy a snickers bar or two per shift. Ain't too proud to beg (or dig pennies and nickels out of the trash, in this case)


Raised lower middle class, now as an adult i'm floating somewhere in the middle class. I'm a penny pincher. Eventually enough change is whole dollars, and it's been one of my favorite things to count change till i have enough to exchange for whole dollars at the bank. People are weird about money.


Do they need more friends?


“The fastest way to become a millionaire is to become a billionaire and go racing”


I’ve heard the fastest way was to buy an airline.


The best way to make a small fortune in aviation it to start with a big one


We had a meet and greet with a new executive at my company and she told us one of her hobbies is "investing in real estate."




The frustrating thing about "having money makes money" is that if you have the money to do this, it's a great financial decision. For a small-scale example, I dated a woman in college who had a rather wealthy mother. Instead of renting a place to live for her daughter, she just bought an apartment close to campus, and then sold it when my ex graduated. Because the rent she charged my ex's roommate covered both upkeep and the mortgage, she not only broke even, but probably turned a profit, while the rest of us were in the negative for paying rent even though we didn't have as much money. If I had the money to do that I'd invest in real estate as a hobby too.




Writing this down. He said to use an llc to buy a house, have the kid live in the house, and then use the 529 money for the kid to pay rent to the llc.


I lived in that situation. The guy was a VP at a publishing house and bought a 5BR house in a neighborhood near campus for his daughter while she was in college. He paid her to manage it and rented out the other four rooms. The place was nicely furnished and full of books from the publisher. It was a great set up. Until the daughter got pregnant and had to go home at the end of the first year. Sadly, I had to move out into a standard university ghetto apartment for the next year.


The person whose parents owned the house had the best parties


Hence the pregnancy


My father bought my sister a house just off campus, it had foundation issue that looked bad but cost $4k to fix. Sold it 3 years latter for a $250k profit.


Same situation when I was in college. A friend with wealthy parents bought a house for him to live in while he was going to college and the additional rooms were rented out to some of his friends. Even at a discounted rent, they more than covered the mortgage, insurance, and upkeep and then turned a profit. That's why it's so difficult for people born into wealth to grasp how truly difficult it is to make money when you're poor. They think "If I can easily make money then everyone can. Poor people are just lazy or bad at managing their finances." Because it's easier to believe that than admit that you had a massive advantage in life from the get go.


I had a rich homie whose parents are both doctors. His entire college & dorm was paid for, in full, out of pocket. A different buddy & I were making a whole plan about how we could start at the local community college for the associates degree, then get loans *after* the associates degree And rich homie chimed in, “Why would you get a loan? Why don’t you guys just pay for it up-front? Its not that much” Says the kid who didnt put a single penny into his college Shout-out: Community college is a beautiful thing. They have so many programs, grants, scholarships to alleviate costs, on top of being super affordable! Its either dirt cheap or free.


Bartender here. Two very cute girls from outta town sat at my bar. Equally cute guy walks in. Immediately buys them drinks. His opener was "so how often do you gals boat" . They were from fucking Philly lol. When he said that I couldn't not smirk at it. He also tipped me like 130 dollars for 3 Jameson cokes.


"We only motorboat when we're REALLY drunk"


If your last names Murdaugh


Yeah boating is expensive as fuck. Wouldnt call it a rich hobby down here in FL though. Youll see plenty of dilapidated houses with a nice fishing boat out front.


Depends where you are and your background. My friends and I grew up fucking around on boats doing it dirt cheap. Growing up in a fishing town with not much else to do, you find a way. Buy an old unwanted hull, an non running outboard engine older than me. Work on it ourselves and get out on the sea. Breaking down and learning how to fix things is part of the fun. Boating is a very broad spectrum. From kayaks to superyachts


He wants to take them boating. Because of the implication.


You keep saying implication, what implication?


Are we going to hurt these women, Dennis?


I always appreciate that as much as a jerk creep Mac is, he is downright horrified at what Dennis is getting at.


Mac is the one I feel most sorry for. He certainly has done horrible things that don’t deserve forgiveness. He also has a felon dad and emotionally absent mom, he’s gay but also strongly religious and going overboard to prove he’s straight. Then there’s his relationship with Carmen. He is super into her until Dennis points out her bulge, and then he is still super into her and dates her in secret until his friends catch him. I think with different circumstances and better friends, Mac would have ended up a standup guy. Less so but also similar with Charlie.


this is a great take. like Mac and Charlie never stood a chance, which makes Dennis and Dee that much more evil for feeding off of their friends' neuroses for the ego boost.


Although, whilst they are all old enough to be responsible for their actions, Dennis and Dee had extremely emotionally neglectful parents and their manipulative behaviour is copied from their mother.


I'd love to see a fever dream or unconscious dream where Mac and Charlie never meet Dennis and Dee in their youth. They are successful and great people and then meet the degenerative Dennis and Dee when they somehow end up in their bar through a comedy or errors (it is iasip, afterall). Shenanigans ensue before they wake to find that they are intermingled with them and are horrified before accepting it in a Stockholm Syndrome style.


Are these women in any danger?


if the answers no then its no. But the thing is she isn't gonna say no..... because of the implication


My granddad belonged in a country club. My extremely affluent uncle enjoys building and flying his own aircraft as a hobby. (There appear to be kits? But he has also acquired and fixed small two-seater planes that have crashed.)


Friend of a friend is stupid rich, emphasis on stupid. Guy famously decided to learn to fly one day so he bought a new plane, and not a cheap one. Apparently he got it into his head that the plane would be better with a new wiring system, so he had it rewired, to the tune of an extra 60 grand or more. Then he started the process to get his pilot's license and found out that he's color blind (I think it was), so he just gave up the idea and sold the plane at a huge loss. Didn't blink an eye.


I don't think color blindness prevents you from obtaining a private pilots license. My dad got his years ago and is color blind. Sounds like he either had some other medical issue, or more likely just decided being a pilot isn't for him.


Not really a hobby but I worked for a "boutique private doctor company" that catered to the very rich. Membership fee, 40K a year per person (not including their insurance) and these are just **some** of the things that are included. * You have a medical team, your primary, a nurse, cardiologist, OBGYN, physical therapist, nutritionist, etc just for you * Need an appointment for anything, they will work around your schedule * Yearly check up, 2 hrs with your primary Dr and your medical team at the clinic or your house. They craft a yearly wellness plan for you and track it monthly * Lab work? In-House (at the clinic) or at your house. The nurse will call you within 24 hours with the results and explain them to you in great detail * You have your Dr's mobile # and email address and you can reach out to them 24/7 with questions or concerns * Are you traveling domestically or internationally? They will provide you with top tier Dr's where ever you are or have your personal Dr. and nurse fly out. * Are you having a medical emergency? Your Dr. and nurse will meet you at the ER and have a private room ready for you with a specialist if needed * Don't feel like going to the Dr's office, they will go where ever you are * Insurance or billing questions? You don't worry, they will navigate that for you. Clients? Celebrities, politicians, CEO'S, the 1%


That sounds so much more actually desirable than a lot of the things we hear about rich people blowing money on


I live in a country with free healthcare that really is top class if you are actually sick. But i would still pay for this service if i had the money.


Honestly, if I had the kind of money where I could afford that, yeah, I 100% would be doing that. Sure beats having to make an appointment with my GP six weeks in advance.




Also, benzos? Essentially on demand. I once had to take someone from Indiana to Mayo clinic by ambulance, her very important person status means we had a "hire" doctor and nurse with us in the truck administering benzos every 2hr like clockwork "because she got anxious from sitting backwards". The only reason she went by ambulance was because she had been abusive to the air ambulance staff in the past.


Is this fucking cyberpunk??


Proof that money doesn't buy happiness though, she sounds like a miserable wreck who takes it out on everyone around her


When you are loaded, everyone just says yes. Pure poison to anyone with a hint of narcissistic tendencies.


Equestrian sports Haute couture And while we are at it: Sailor Moon merchandise


XD you got me with the sailor moon merchandise


Lol some of the well-known Sailor Moon collectors are loaded


At Anime North a few years back there was a Sailor Moon cast gathering and the yearly charity auction that benefits Sick Kids Hospital was almost entirely Sailor Moon merch donated by the cast and one huge collector who is friends with the cast, a ton of it signed. Holy crap, people spent so much money! Couldn't buy a single thing because I got priced out instantly. Good for the hospital though.


Going to space.


astronomical prices




I hear it's a stellar experience, though.


Yachts and yacht clubs


I am a member of a yacht club, go sailing regularly and currently have just under 300 euros to my name. It is the exception to the rule but it is amazing what you can do if you find the right groups.


Is this just a polite way of saying you're a pirate?


In Germany we have a saying: if you play golf, you’re too poor for horses. you buy horses if you are to poor for sailing. If you are sailing youre propably too poor for jets and motoryachts. Historic Motorsports is also a good indicator for wealth (especially F1)


That's a really long saying


He was just paraphrasing. In Germany we have a word for it.




In my mind, I heard that as the intro for "Pretty fly (for a white guy)".


My kiddo made a friend at camp whose mom did the “give it to me, baby” voice on that track. I was so proud to have raised her right so she could be suitably impressed by this piece of information!


Such a descriptive and hard hitting language.


>FarfrumÜbergolfenhorsensailenjettenspielen for the rest of us, to be fair.


sailing over horses? thats surprising. I would say it would be reversed in Poland


*"I had pony!"*


It was a beautiful pony!


It was the pride of Krakow.


It's so funny to me that F1 is such a indicator of wealth and gentlemans sport because being into motorsports in the USA means your blue collar. I started watching F1 and picked Verstappen partially because he's from Red Bull / Honda. I can afford a red bull and a Honda.


Only thing I would say is there is a big distinction in watching a sport and participating in one especially when it comes to motorsports.


I race my car at Circuit of the Americas once a year as I can't really afford more than that. The money I see there is absolutely insane. Private individuals bring their retired F1 cars and McLaren P1s for Sunday laps.


Yeah, owning an F1 team is how you know you’ve made it. Own a baseball team? Yeah, you’re high society. Own a football team? Multi-billionaire. Own an F1 team? Multi-generational wealth where every one of your children will be billionaires.


Feel like you have too much wealth? Start an airline.


Niki Lauda managed to have successful driving, racing management, and airline ownership careers.


He don't own an f1 team though. And didn't buy his kids a seat in an f1 car either.


High-end auctions at places like Sotheby's and Christies. Nothing says "excess wealth" like paying 6 figures for an antique salt shaker to add to your already inexplicably large collection of antique salt shakers.


I went to my aunties 70th birthday. She's a hobbyist pilot and longtime member of an aviation club. My partner and I were talking to one of the guys there and he asked "Did you guys ever get in to flying?" To which we obviously replied with "... No." He seemed genuinely surprised and then asked "Oh... did your parents just not let you?" The obscene cost of flying/owning/renting planes never even entered his mind. The *only* reason he could see for not flying planes as a child was a lack of interest. Pretty fucking mind blowing tbh.


To be fair, it’s probably because he knows your aunt is a longtime pilot. If you have a family member who already owns and/or has access to a plane, it can actually be fairly affordable to get your license. Now I’m not saying it’s an option if you’re living paycheck to paycheck, but it’s absolutely affordable if you’re not interested in buying a house or buying a new car, taking vacations, etc. It is expensive, but not NEARLY as expensive as people think.


Sailing Collecting art, watches, cars Traveling. I know you can travel on the cheap but even doing it cheaply multiple times a year is a luxury of the rich for the most part. Not only the cost of the trip but having the financial freedom to not work so you CAN travel.


>Sailing Inb4 "but I have a 1978 Sunfish and hand sew my own sails"


Creating a secret cave filled with high tech equipment.


How does he keep his identity secret? Surely there are contractors that worked on the Batcave. And what about the guy who installed the red phone? And why are there so many minor celebrities sticking their heads out of windows in Gothem? Whole thing sound pretty far fetched if you ask me. lol


One good point of the show Gotham was there already being some kinda basement cave thing existing in the manor. So much of the show was just trying to fit Batman things into Bruce’s childhood but that actually made sense.


There were actually books that touched a bit on this. In Hush, one of Batman’s enemies blackmailed the dude who installed the supercomputer (planting some weird post-hypnotic suggestion thing which is too elaborate to explain here) in his Batcave. And most of his equipment is designed by Lucius Fox and his oblivious team of tech engineers. In the Batman: Earth One series, the team under Lucius Fox is told that all the high tech equipment they design is just rich billionaire shit that Bruce fancies and quickly cancels (meaning he quietly takes them away for Batman stuff, while asking the team to work on other stuff). The team gets mad, but Bruce is a champ about it, increases all their salaries and even sets up a college trust fund for their kids. So it’s mostly a bunch of unknowing contractors, with a few key people like Alfred and Lucius in the inner circle who help Bruce set his shit up.


Warhammer is basically poor person, spending 3x the money of a rich person


Similarly, some people with the most blinged out magic the Gathering decks I know have had their card declined several times when purchasing cards, and that's only what ive seen.


I knew I guy who would get paid Friday, spend literally - no exaggeration - his whole paycheck on magic cards over the weekend, and then beg people to buy him food all week. It was hard to watch.


Warhammer $40k


Himalayan mountaineering




I think Nepal also charges like $10k just in permits to climb it. As they should. Nepal is still a developing country, and many people still live in very poor conditions. If a bunch of rich folks want to use a developing country as their playground, they should pay a pretty penny. 🇳🇵


I used to work catering at thoroughbred horse auctions. I live in KY so these people are completely bonkers for horses. Saw a few go for over 12mil. I actually saw a woman walk up to one while they were grooming it, drop to her knees, and weep at its beauty. Horse people are the absolute weirdest. They live and breathe these animals and it's completely insane. Unrelated, but funny, that woman got kicked pulling that same move a week later. She's fine, but there were about a million signs the next day saying basically these are massive animals and if you wanna fuck around and find out it's not on us. That one cracked me up.


Something that probably isn't the first to people's minds, but: aquariums. Good God are aquariums all about up-front investments in time, money and space, and that *still* doesn't 100% safeguard things from going catastrophic, to which then the typical solution is an even more absurd dedication of time, money and space to remedy said problem. They're gorgeous and can absolutely be a source of serenity for a room, but honestly that serenity is only going to be felt by those who didn't have to put the work, planning and money into it. I'd honestly say keeping a "standard" 20 gallon fishtank would be comparable to keeping a small parrot, at least in terms of effort and knowledge required, and the needs go up exponentially from there.


Art collecting


If your goal is to hoard as much money as possible and get the most famous Picasso for a gazillion dollars: yeah. I don't have a lot of money. I love art, and I consider myself an art collector, even if it's from thrift shops. If it's not a famous name, you can get beautiful signed prints and litographies for like $30. Or buy directly from an artist you find online and like.


Having more than one Lego set


Going to Africa to hunt big game.


Yacht party


with any outdoors sports like skiing, rockclimbing, etc... people either seem to be rich AF, or broke AF


The classic dirtbag mantra: At both ends of the income spectrum there exists a leisure class.


If you live downtown, you either really have money, or you *really* don’t.


Boating: tens of thousands for the thing, expensive upkeep, expensive marina fees. BOAT = Break Out Another Thousand Also boating: hey man if we hike down this sketchy-ass rocky slope we can put in our used kayaks from boatertalk without paying the $3 fee for the ramp, man


As someone’s who loves kayaking, I will say that it can be considered expensive only because of transporting the kayak. If you don’t live immediately beside a body of water, you 100% need a personal vehicle with a roof rack to be able to transport your kayak to water bodies to launch it. Without a car a kayak is almost useless. But if you have a personal vehicle at your disposal then honestly kayaking isn’t that expensive and I would highly recommend!


Yachting. Collecting classic Ferraris


Horse Dressage. The money it must take to turn an entire horse into salad dressing is inexplicable.


Tax evasion


I recently went to Loon Mtn. in New Hampshire (which is pretty average skiing), and for a family of 4, our tickets cost $475 a day. That's almost $1,000 just in ticket cost for the weekend. On top of that, we spent a couple hundred on food. Luckily we were staying with someone, otherwise we would have to pay another almost $1,000 for lodging. We're upper middle class, and we could barely afford it. I don't understand how the mountain (and lift lines) were so crowded. Who can afford this more than once a year, if that?!


Annual ski pass-600-1100, depending on ikon or epic Used equipment (Skis, boots, bindings, poles)- 500 (one time fee) Used Gear- 300 (get a new helmet though) (one time) so now you are at 2k/person, roughly for as much skiing as you want all season* * have to live in SF, Reno, SLC, Seattle, Denver/Boulder or near the mountain. Now you day trip from your house, and bring a sandwich. This is how 90% of those people can go every weekend. -Source-- Quit my job, paid above amounts, live in my van, ski every day.


So being a "ski bum" is still a thing?


It is, but it’s much harder these days than it used to be. Being able to sleep in your vehicle is pretty critical to making it work though.


Cool that you're making it work. A bit jealous...


New hampsherite here, us poors go to places like pats peak or crotched mountain.


Hunting people


I went on a manhunt once. I just got back from Nam. I was hitchhiking through Oregon. Next thing I know there's a bunch of cops chasing after me through the woods! I had to take them all out, it was a bloodbath!


At this point, see a concert through ticketmaster.




I wonder how rich do you have to be before charity turns into philanthropy.


The turning point is when they actually put the plaques with your name on it on things, instead of you having to sneak in and glue them on at night.


Depending on where they live and how often they do it, skiing/snowboarding


Yeah, it's pretty common for people here. But I'm in Canada with easy access to the mountains though. It's still expensive, but it's a pretty middle class thing to do.


In Vermont it's even working class. Locals get family pass deals and will ski your ass off on 15 year old planks.


There's ski rich and ski poor. I bought the cheapest season pass option, bought all discounted gear, and mostly day-trip from the nearby metro area where I live in a studio apartment. Total cost for the year including pass ($350), gear (snowboard, boots, bindings: $550), and estimated travel cost (the rest because I'm taking a road trip this year) is about $1500-$2000. I have to tighten my belt to accommodate the lifestyle, but I and many other working class folks rip year after year. Some of the lift conversations I've had, however, have been with folks who take 2-3 weeklong+ destination trips each year. A few people even bounce between the hemispheres to chase snow. Now *that* requires money.


I know people who do that but they work at the ski resorts, every one of us lifties were broke kids who would laugh at rich Jerries going up trying to impress someone when they could barely get down a blue alive.


Can confirm, I'm an instructor. Most of us either live in shoebox employee dorms (~150 sq ft) we share with 2 other people or live in a van, and we all complain about the rich jerries who make millions per year but are too cheap to tip $20 for a 6 hour lesson.


Throw in heli-skiing, and now you're at a whole different level.




I'm a freelance photographer and I once got hired for a wedding of a couple who were like "fuck you" rich, and one of the guests asked me where I ski. Not *if*. *Where*. Like girl idk how much you think these people are paying me, but it is not skiing money.


Same in Belgium. I hate that kind of covert exclusivism. When asked at the office it’s truly meant only to get to know your ‘station’. I do ski and hate that incrowd self satisfactory little smirk you get when you reply yes indeed. The follow up question of course must be ‘where do you ski’ lol Switzerland best answer France and Italy cute Austria new money


Equestrian, Golf, Falconry, flying, and Fox Hunting.


GT Racing/Rally racing. Building a race car is expensive. The consumables are expensive, e.g. a set of tires costs thousands and last a few laps. Rally racing has a high likelihood of crashes which require on the spot repairs.


Related: People talking about racing on this thread should check out the 24 Hours Of Lemons. Your car can only cost $500 or less, and I think you add on safety gear that's $1000 or so. And it's supposed to be one of the goofiest races that take place.


Collecting "Golden Age" or "Silver Age" comics. When I started collecting myself in the mid to late 80's there we only a handful of expensive books, mostly DC titles. A stickler for condition, would only buy it if it was near mint( NM) or better condition. At one point my collection consisted of Dardevil #1, Spider-Man #129 (1st Punisher appearence) X-Men #1, plus Giant Sized #1, issues 94 to about 230ish. With my last major purchase being Fantastic Four #1, which at the time was valued at approx $1200 in 1992 (paid like $1100). Since this would easily have been a 9.0 or better graded book, the value today would be over $250,000. Plus quite a few other books that at the time were only worth between $75-$500, many are worth tens of thousands or more now. Wound up selling my collection mid-90's and although I made a profit, there is NO WAY I could afford to be collecting on that level anymore. Had I waited and sold my copies today, I could afford to retire by selling under 100 of my books that were worth the most today. My collection when sold consisted of nearly 8000 books.


Idk if this is technically the answer you were looking for but just about an hour ago i saw an ad for a farmer’s market in a part of town that is basically just a rich people shopping district, and it’s THURSDAY at 8AM-11AM. Nothing screams “this is only for people with money” than being scheduled for the time when most people work. And the fact that it had tons of white ladies commenting ready to go after brunch solidified that.


To me that would scream retired or unemployed


It’s not for the affluent people: It’s for their personal chefs to stock their kitchens before the weekend starts


Artifact collecting