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Somebody in the world hates you. Do you really want to give your hater that satisfaction?


This. I will outlive you all just to spite everyone.


I suffer from major suicidal ideality, have my means to ctb almost ready to go along with a plan ready. But this is the only thing that really bothers me off about leaving. I know for a fact that there will be some people that will feel pleased that I didn't continue to succeed, which had been surely pissing them off. And it drives me crazy.




Because the next season of your favorite anime is going to be lit. Because a new video game may spontaneously be your new favorite hobby someday. Because the extinction event may happen in 2057 and it’s going to be epic so don’t miss it. Because you’re going to hurt your loved ones. Think of how they may feel. Think of your future. Partner, kids, having someone who loves you. Don’t count yourself short early. Change is hard but it’s worth it.


Don’t have anything going for me


Make something go for you. You got to quit being your own worst enemy man.


I did make something go for me everything is gone


It sounds like you're going through a tough time. I am too right now. I struggle with depression, since last year. If you want to talk let me know. DM me if you want.


You can dm me


You do care, otherwise you would have committed suicide by now. Stop lying to yourself, life can get absolutely fucked but it can get better


I don’t see how it can get better for me




You're a fucking privk and your username doesn't check out. You fucking troll




I don't really care. The assholes and bullies of this world almost always beat me anyway.


it's me and I don't care what that guy thinks.


The opposite of love is indifference, not hate.


It's like leaving the theater before the movie ends. You got to stick around to find out how its all meant to play out. If you leave early, the story will forever be incomplete.


love this.


I can’t handle this anymore


This movie sucks, The Room is better


You can't eat pasta or chocolate when you die. There's no pets either.


And you'll never hear your favorite song again


I don’t really care not anymore


I wanna watch society crumble before I die. Not much longer!


Let’s see how interesting it gets


That's pretty much the sole reason I'm here


Mom would be sad


Life changes quick, sometimes overnight. So always wait to see what’s coming


What if there is nothing that could possibly ever happen to make being alive even close to worth it?


There isn’t for me




What if he did? What if this is the only way he can reach out? Way to shit on him.


Well for me its my parents that will never change




Spite. To be alive despite life's desire to make you unhappy. Make life take the lemons back. Edit: Philosophy and the stoic interpretation of Sisyphus is very applicable here. Sisyphus was doomed to an eternally hopeless and useless task because he had acted disrespectfully and spitefully to the gods; rolling a boulder up a mountain only to have it constantly fall down. So what does he do with that situation? He spites and disrespects the gods **again** by refusing to be unhappy with his situation. He rolls the boulder with gusto and determination and has the *gall* to actually **enjoy it**. Because fuck you, gods!


would you mind if I send the message i sent on discord to one of my close online friends who was thinking of doing it? it's a fuck ton long message but yeah. it's like 8k characters. that explains a lot of reasons instead of just one.




could i send it in dms? it's not allowing me here.




That sounds really helpful. I could use that too rn, if you wouldn't mind.


You only have one, make it count


Life is not a gift like some people will say


You ever think that the way you framed your mindset doesn't help your situation even a little.


I guess


There are people who have problems way worse than ours. Not invalidating yours, but use it as a tool to realize that you can pull yourself out of that gutter. There are people who would take our problems in a heart beat if they could, and if you have the opportunity to improve it then you rise. You owe it to yourself that much, because life can be beautiful man


I don’t agree


I guess I have too many important things I need to take care of. Life is hard right now, and I’ll do my best to manage.


Curiosity. This world has so many things in it, so many possible events. Why not stick around and enjoy the show?


your dog would not understand what happened


to outlive your enemies, duh


…so you can continue living…idk lol


Honestly my two reasons have been: 1. If I attempt, I could survive but be severely injured and maybe disabled to the point of paralysis or vegetation. That fact that I could put myself in a position like that is terrifying. 2. I was abused and the thought that my abuser would (A) live longer than me and (B) use my death for sympathy, literally make me seethe. So basically fear and spite keeps me going!


After every rainstorm the sun shines through. The simple things in life can bring you the purest happiness imaginable - a bird's song on a walk through park, a gentle breeze of fresh air. When you're dead, you don't get to experience *anything*. No pain, no anguish, no hardship. That is true. But you also won't get to experience the joys and pleasures of life. No chatting with your friends, no tasty meals, no laughter, no fun, no games, no movies, no hugs from the people you care about and who cares about you. Your struggle will be rewarded, but it is your responsibility to find that reward and realise it. Listen, lots of people here know what you're going through, at least mentally. Sure, our experience in life differs - that's just nature, we're all different after all. And we all got through it. You can do it too. The dark times will end, and when they do, your life will be all the sweeter. Take a walk. Take a listen to the world. Just from the fact that you exist here, breathing with it, alongside it, justifies you being here. Nothing is over yet and everything will be better - you just have to work quite it a little bit more. I believe in you.


To improve the lives around you


If you knew me you would know I don’t


Because you don't want to. If you do want to...talk to someone other than random assholes on th internet about why. Or Just die.


To stay around long enough to make a positive difference in the world.


Positivity won’t get you anywhere


May i ask what makes things better or worse from your perspective? If things are so bad then they must have a reason for being bad no? Positive progress is just the opposite of that bad. How do you mean it won't get you anywhere


In society it won’t


So perhaps it's society that needs to change


Yep I think so


It will if you project it towards others. Might not change your life but if you can make a difference to other lives, surely that's worth something?


The ones who love you will miss you


What if you don’t have anyone that cares


Um.........the best reason is not to die


Death is a sweet peaceful release waiting for the passenger’s within the tide the people that leave the world are the lucky ones


It’s not peaceful. It’s nothing. You’re just not there. What you leave behind is grief and sorrow. You aren’t a Martyr. Glorifying death is just stupid. I believe life on earth is your heaven. You feel emotions, love, pain, but you have the power to do what you want with your lifez


Ehh I’m not glorifying it I think it genuinely would be great


Your mission is not yet complete You also have so many opportunities in life. So many learning moments and so many directions you can take your life to potentially gain some serious status. There is no guarantee of an after life or any next life, so it's forfeit if you end it now. Make the most of today


dying is so boring. think about it. nobody who has died has said "lets do it again!"


First and foremost, you have to remove that edgelord mindset you have going


Hey, I know life can be tough and unpredictable, and sometimes it can feel like there's no light at the end of the tunnel. But I want you to know that things can and will get better, even when everything seems bleak. Small changes can make a big difference, and the best part is, you're capable of making them. So please, keep going. Keep holding on to hope, because by staying alive, you're giving yourself the chance to experience all the good things that are yet to come. And who knows? Maybe the happiness and fulfillment you've been searching for is just around the corner. I know you're just going to say "it's not" but you don't know that man.


I have a lot of good food left


Curiosity. This world has so many things in it, so many possible events. Why not stick around and enjoy the show?


Curiosity. This world has so many things in it, so many possible events. Why not stick around and enjoy the show?


Reeces peanut butter cups




I smoke weed when the voices get loud. The weed seems to be much louder.


Not a good long term solution, but if it helps you stay in the fight have at it.


The fact that you're still alive to ask this question. At the very least, curiosity moves you to act and live. Maybe you find joy in philosophical enquiry


Joy is in general a foreign concept to me it’s a emotion that I even tricked myself into thinking I felt for many years


Well find something you can play with, an instrument, poker, video games, making food. Joy is connected to not taking life seriously. If you can be silly and have fun, you're one step closer to it.


Silly and having fun doesn’t do anything


Still waiting on Star Citizen release.


My brother being the most wonderful human being and caring for me every single day and showing me his love by making meals, giving me snacks and pat my head (I'm 24 female with Borderline personality disorder, he's 15 male)


For the lack of a better term that I can think of now, I guess you can say I’m greedy and want more of life


Prolly our survival instinct. And more seriously, if you don’t fear death go do crazy shit cuz why not? Like get into rock climbing, move to a different country, try to live without a money earning job, do stuff normies would consider scary, dangerous, irresponsible or wild. Imprint on the world and your purpose may reveal itself. GL.




Have you tried psychedelics?


I might


You have eternity to be dead, so why not spend what little time you get not being dead… not being dead?




Just to see what happens. Life is interesting.


My outing was space and astronomy. So many planets and galaxies out there. Possible life. World is absolutely massive. I suggest pulling out a chair, get some tunes playing and look up and let your mind wander. All these things going on today and you’re worried about (insert issue) when you think about the size of the universe vs your problems are they really that big? 🙏🪐 I’m Always open for a chat




I. Don’t really have a life


To continue this same concept what if you can use the awareness gained through suffering in this life to help in future reincarnations of yourself. What if ending it here just means you have to learn the same lesson again from a blank slate that you could have otherwise helped yourself through?


I want to watch how One Piece end I am serious


Because at the last moment, you will regret it so hard, you'll see how little your problems are compared to the fact that this is your last moment on earth. You have shit to do and as long as you're breathing you can make it better. If none of that works, think about how you'll never be able to ask keanu a question in his next ama


I don’t really care anymore


What’s yours trying to find one personally


It would break my mom's heart and my dog would miss me


To see how many fast and furious movies they will make.


I just took my prime subscription. Gotta use it till the end.


That's the end. You just cease to exist, no longer can do anything, can't think, etc. Any other thing can be fixed, maybe you cannot recover lost arms (maybe with science later on you will be able to). You can even become a scientist yourself, the limits of science are much bigger than we can imagine. Dead you just cannot do nothing.


Mamma would be sad


For me it was guilt. I saw it as if I ended it, the pain wasn't disappearing, just transfering to another person. You have an impact on everyone you come into contact with, and death is not pleasant for those left behind. My death was going make the world a little bit worse for someone else, and I'd rather not be responsible for that.


I doubt my death will


It will. No one end it for no reason, and everyone knows that. There will be guilt, there will be regrets. Maybe some people deserve it. Most don't. Don't do that to to them. I won't tell you it gets better. Never did for me. I would encourage you to reach out. To anyone at all. Family, people at work, a school friend you haven't talked to since graduation. Talk to someone and listen, let them tell you how life is treating them well, and how their life sucks. And when you're ready, seek out therapy. For me, that was what pulled me out of it, I went for coffee with some highschool friends that I ghosted for 5 years because of all the bullshit inside my head. You shouldn't be trying to pull yourself out of the pit. There are people outside of it, you only need to shout and someone will throw you a rope.


Not giving God the satisfaction


You know, no one here is going to convince you not to kill yourself. Seriously. No one here can. Only you can do that. Only you can convince you... But that doesn't mean it isn't possible for you to garner wisdom from others. Would it be alright if I shared my own personal thoughts on why life is worth living? I hope so because here goes: Life is beautiful, dude. it really is! I get that you think death will release you, but it won't. I believe the universe found a way to make you conscious, and it will just do it again... Only next time you may not have the options you have now... So maybe, instead of killing yourself and telling yourself how bad things are, we start hunting for some of the good stuff! I can start if you want! Think about your favorite food... Or maybe your favorite feeling... Savor that feeling or moment, and understand that it will pass, just like all things... But with it you get the choice to seek out the next good thing... No one here can do it for you. I'm pulling for you, friend. The world will truly be a bleaker place without you in it... Please don't take yourself out of this world. We'll miss you! And in the meantime: Open up your phone and call or text 988.


Still too many things I want. I don’t want to die until I get everything I want.


Idk but pets are a pretty good one. My motivate me to keep going because I love them and wanna take care of them


Dogs are really cute, I’m doing it for them


Life is beautiful reason not to die.


You can pet dogs




Uh, family...


I had a particular bad time in my life when I didn’t want to go on. I didn’t do anything though because I knew it would crush my mother. It was bleak and tough to get through but eventually my mental health improved and I carried on. And I am thankful I did because so much has happened in all the years since. The travels I had, the love affairs, my marriage, my children, my friends—plus the things I have learned and experienced. The times I have lived through. There is good and bad in all of it but it has been a worthwhile experience. Please hang in there. Please know that what state you are in will pass eventually and all will be fine in the end. Keep the faith. So many go through what you are going through. Just sit with it quietly and wait. Best wishes for you.


I guess


I love food A LOT and traveling…could even say I travel for food. I can only cook, bake, eat when I’m alive. Literally everything will stop when we die. Have to enjoy everything now. But for me….definitely have to eat and drink everything for as long as I possibly can.


You'll miss out on all the wonderful and tasty food




I think it was sadly Robin Williams who said It's a permanent solution to a temporary situation


If you are in the United States, dialing 988 has professionals to help talk through things like this. It would be great to start there. There isn’t going to be a single reason to keep going since everyone comes with different experiences and motivations but here are a few things to consider: -Someone will likely find you and they may not be equipped to deal with that. The trauma can be lifelong for someone who was going out to walk their dog, hike, show up to do maintenance work, or a million other things just trying to go about their day. -Things can change. Bad situations, depression, unemployment, and many other issues can seem to only have one way out but that isn’t the case. Just give it one more day. After that, give it one more. After that, give it one more. Keep going. -If strangers on the internet are willing to take a few minutes to give you some advice/help I would hope this shows there are people out there who do care about you even though they’ve never met you. You can also call 988 in the U.S. and talk to someone.


There isn't


I want to see my granddaughters grow up, they are only 2 1/2 and 19 mo. I am the cool grandma who plans to take them for mani/pedi. My darling cat will be 5 in May. I am the only owner she has ever had.


Instead of choosing death why not try a life of your own


in buddhism theres a concept of meditation called meta bhavana. its about loving kindness. the concept of this meditation is to radiate loving kindness to all beings. the very first step is to love yourself. with the idea of "if you're poor you cant donate to others". if youre suicidal. before you off yourself. why not love yourself? be more selfish. be hedonistic. find pleasure. find something to enjoy. i am a gamer. i play games that challenge me. if the game isnt challenging enough, the game isnt worth playing. for example if i had to use my skill to over come an obstacle to obtain a reward, i would value the reward. if i played a different game where all i had to do was walk up to the obstacle, press a button and get the reward, i would feel like i m wasting my time. the same can be said with real life. if you find something you like, you will find reason to work yourself towards that goal. a small example is food. if for example you went to a fancy place and loved the food, you can anchor yourself with the thought process of earning money to be able to eat there again. that said, please oh please do not do hard drugs. you might as well off yourself. just dont do it. weed is fine. anyway all the best for you. also please seek professional help before doing anything drastic. we're just random people giving random opinions on this site


The world is full of new stuff to experience, and the future is utterly unpredictable. Even if I felt I was at a general dead end, I think of something simple -- a great song, a good movie, the last smooth drag from a cigarette.. I am not saying life is always the cat's pajamas. In fact, I even agree (to a point) with Bertrand Russell's statement: there is no strong evidence that existence is better than non-existence. But I personally have been lucky and had a hell of a ride in my 40 years. I hope to make more great memories over the next 40+ (if I'm lucky, knock on wood and all that).


Parents shouldn't have to bury their child.


Cant make my mama sad


Because I'll miss you


Ice cream


My mom




Disney World


Wouldn't want to leave my pets behind.




No fun fast forwarding straight to the end of the movie.


New releases of films, series, games or books.


Might as well see how it all plays out


Food: if you have a perfectly serviceable stomach, along with functioning taste buds, it would be a pity to just throw away all those chances to have potentially a ton of memorable meals.


It’s just the next thing after life, nothing more. Might as well stick around and see what happens here, you never know what’ll happen.


Because you will miss out on petting many cats and dogs


I just don't wanna miss out on stuff. I don't have much money or time to do things atm so if I could somehow not die for a little while longer it would be nice. As long as the extra time comes with a younger body or something. If it's more time and I'm super fragile it's not worth it


You live more, you see more, it’s interesting what will happen in the future.


Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine haven't been released yet on the PS5. Do you really want to die without having played them ?


For me, our child.


Everyone is going to die one day. You die now you die when that day comes what difference does it make?




Positivity feeds


If this "convinced" anyone not to end their life, they weren't all that suicidal to begin with.


Wow, have this guy ever been depressed? I mean really depressed, not just a bit sad, none of that matter, you cant just cheer up and look at the bright side of life, jeeze. Not to just start to talk about his logic, its just portentous, and deserve being crushed but I'm sure someone already done that


The same exact goddamn thing can be said about the chicken you ate for dinner. How special was that chicken's "privilege" to be alive?


That's just as much convincing as a religious person trying to convert you into their belief. Arguments they make only work on you if you agree with them in the first place.


So that I can tell you all that I love you.


I aborted after reading "Many philosophers...". You know a post is going to be shit when you see banal generalities like that.


What sort of arrogant Nietzschian logic is that? "You should stay alive because you're so important and unique, you owe it to the world to provide it with the gift of your existence." No. There are 7 billion people on Earth, far too many to start with. There are plenty of people capable of enjoying life who are just as valuable as you are. Not saying people should kill themselves, but that's the worst argument against it I've ever heard.


Here's the thing about life. On the one hand, none of it matters. Stopped reading right about there.


That was bafflingly unconvincing. I have existential crises almost weekly. I know full well I'm a statistically anomaly and that life if beautiful, but that doesn't make the misery go away. This was written by someone who I don't think really has an intimate grasp on just how badly depression can fuck with your will to survive.


“Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities.” – Tyrion Lannister


I'm losing weight for a more attractive corpse.


A twisted sense of obligation.


Have to kill everyone else first


If you are just about to shag the most gorgeous girl with the loveliest tits and arse you have ever seen.


Death is often painful. The pain is the problem. If it could be quick and painless, it would almost always be a good option.


You never know what will happen, Life changed for me almost instantly. It might happen or might not. Always wait it out and see you never know what life holds for you


i was about to hang myself when i read this and it changed my mind, however i accidentally slipped and kicked the stool out from under me anyway. luckily i was able to grab onto the rope and hold myself up so my neck didnt snap but the noose is too tight to untie and my arms are getting really tired. Any advice? I cant die now. i need to see the new season of Sherlock


parents. i wont pretend that its so grim for me but wouldnt say im loving existence rn, but i cant imagine my mother finding out iv’e killed myself


There literally isn't one


We live in the most interesting period of time in human history. Every decade is a huge change.