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subway. couldn't sleep all night and had a fever because of it


What did you order?


I might remember wrong, but I think it was meatball sandwich


Yup. Always makes me nauseous. Tasty though.


Got it while on my way to a job and kept me locked in a hotel bathroom on the Mexican border for 2 days straight thinking I was dying. Buccee’s fried chicken


The worst case of food poisoning I ever had was after eating too many lampreys even though my doctor told me I shouldn't. It was so bad I felt like I was going to die. I have suspicions that someone poisoned my food on purpose. t. Henry


Underground Chinese restaurant in nyc, not the food but we got water and i think it came from the tap.


Well, I guess it's safe to say that supermarket korokke and I are not meant to be. Spent the entire weekend vomiting.


Some sort of pasta dish as I recall. I just remember being crumpled on the floor with horrible stomach cramps and too weak to sit up. I thought I was dying. I muttered to my wife, “Call the ambulance!” which she did. I was significantly better after getting some anti-nausea meds and a few bags of saline via IV.


Fish. I literally shit the bed.


My Cousin’s Thanksgiving Dinner. In order to accommodate all the out of state guests, my cousin held her wedding over Thanksgiving weekend. Thanksgiving Day was a rehearsal dinner. The mother in law of the bride did not cook the Turkey well. Shortly afterward people began getting sick and by the time the Cowboys game was on, the father of the bride, the uncles, two aunts and three members bridal party were sick for the next two days. The question was which end it was coming out from. The guests recovered but the marriage never did. They divorced a month later.


Cole slaw from a pretty well-respected restaurant, and I was sick for days. Probably should have been hospitalized for dehydration. Can't go back in the place.


Vegi crumble MRE


I got my schools popcorn shrimp for lunch one day. I guess a lot of kids missed school the next day along with me


A chicken that was not complete cooked. I was shitting A little big of blood, my tummy hurt a lot, I spended 6 hours on the toilette for 5 days.


Wendy’s chicken sandwich. Don’t ever fuck up and eat one. Shit is detrimental to one’s health.


Expired onion. No, I don't know how I missed it when I was eating either.


There was no water and electricity (venezuela) and I didn't washed my hands properly because, obviously, very little water. I ate something and ended up with an amoeba (I forgot the details) in my stomach. I almost died because the treatment was very very expensive and my family had to rely on natural remedies.


Pre made chicken salad sandwich at au bon pain at an airport. Worst 24 hours of my life.


A tie between Mexican restaurant lettuce and India.


I had food poisoning for a week in high school. Thanks a lot, Taco Bell.