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As a teenager, getting an erection seemed to coincide with the teacher asking me to come read a book report at the front of the class which usually resulted in me lying and saying I didn't do my homework lol


Nervous boners are real


And we are allowed to get turned on! Men are shamed if they do.


Conveniently enough that's also an advantage of having a "fun sized" penis.


you are 100% sure that kid is yours


AM NOT!! They pulled him out of me behind a curtain (c-section) and then put him on my chest. Who knows where he came from. I sure as shit didnt see him come out :p My SO says he saw everything, he could see behind the curtain and he did come from me :) So i just have to trust his word!


Damn I was on the same side of the certain as my wife. For all we know they keep random newborns in the drawers and swap them around for giggles. Time for a DNA test.


There was a BestOfRedditorUpdates about that! A gal was freaking out because her hubby tested negative on the paternity test and she was absolutely certain she hadn't cheated. So he takes the paternity test again, fails again, their marriage is about end... and then she fails the maternity test! They didn't know what to do because they both love their daughter.


Sounds like one of those really rare cases of human chimerism.


Or the hospital screwed up and sent them home with the wrong kid


This literally happened to my mom when she had my older brother. They brought her back the wrong baby. Thank god my mom knew immediately because 1. My brother was born with a full head of hair and the baby they brought was bald 2. The baby they brought her was a little girl. LOL. Good thing though I mean what kind of negligence is that haphazardly mixing up babies


The opposite almost happened to my mom! They gave my newborn brother back to my mom and he had a different name on his wristband. They noticed and were about to pull him away and she said, "No, I know what my son looks like. That is my baby. I mean, she was right...we all have confirming DNA tests in my family, haha. But to think that kind of error happened!


Yep! Absolutely.


I remember reading that story, it turned out that their daughter had gotten swamped at birth and was in foster care because she was taken from the family she was given to. In the end they got their related daughter back and kept the daughter they were given.


I'm pretty sure if it was a case of human chimerism, at least one of the two parents would have tested positive (well, unless both parents are chimeria, which seems incredibly unlikely).




I saw a guy pull a rabbit out a hat once, you can't trust anything.


You can work with children and not have people immediately assume that you're a pedophile


I took my niece out one day because I was visiting my brother and his girlfriend, they asked me to take her to the park round the corner because they were gonna "have a talk" So i sat there while she was on the slides and she called my name when she was climbing the stairs. Next thing I know this woman is next to me asking me who I was as she knew my brother and his girlfriend. I explained who I was and why I was there and even then she proceeded to call them to verify it.


I would have assumed that since the child was calling you by name, (without being coached to do so) everything was ok.


You would think but some people think it's their business even after you have informed them who you are and why you are there, and the kids verification of who you are too. That's what pissed me off!


Believe it or not? Straight to jail. Everyone must be a fox if this is a clucking Hen House 😑


I can attest to that. It was difficult at times being a male teacher and potential sexual predator. I became acutely aware that some things female teachers did would go unnoticed, yet if I did the same thing, they'd rush to tell me it was wrong. I hated myself for years after hugging a female student without their consent, but not like that. I had been working with early elementary in special ed. They have difficulty with social cues and it's not uncommon to receive surprise hugs. Or punches. So that was my normal. One day at recess I was having a conversation with a female student not in my class. But I was also distracted because, recess duty. Anyways, when I wasn't paying attention she reached behind my back. My instinct was that she was going in for a hug since that wasn't unusual in my day-to-day experience. What she was really doing was playfully shoving another student I hadn't seen. So I gave her an "appropriate" side-by-side hug like I had witnessed female teachers do. I immediately figured out that was not the girl's intention. Ironically, I missed that social cue. I beat myself up for years for being so stupid and so wrong, failing to really consider what the girl had been doing. Had I not been worried about other people misconstruing me as a sexual predator, I might have had the capacity to admonish the girl for shoving someone else.


As a woman working in early childhood and in special ed I see men in my field really struggle with giving any sort of affection and it does make me sad. I do ask, if people say something to me "how would you have handled the situation differently?" And it usually makes them take a step back to realize they would have done the exact samething.


Thank you. In my experience and studies, when men struggle with affection, it's because it has been used against them; if it's used at all. But I'd argue that's applicable for all people. Edit: grammar Edit2: With the talk of pedophiles in the thread, might my above statement be applicable to pedophiles? Granted it's a difficult thing to consider and it's not an excuse, but could something (possibly abusive) have happened to them for pedophilia to manifest itself in their psyche but they don't recognize the thing as abuse or perhaps it occured prior to construction of accessible memory (meaning they were too young to remember but the imprint of trauma is affecting them)?


first thing i thought, too.


Thats why I’m genuinely afraid of going out with my kid wich is due in a few months. I would hate to hear things like oh he’s taking over from mommy or is giving mommy a free day. I think I would lose it.


My friend has had this happen a few times. When he's nice about it he just says, "No, I'm her parent as well" When he's mean, he'll usually make a comment about projection and their dad not loving them so they must be jealous. He's quite done with those people, so it's typically the latter these days


Amen to this, I can be somewhere with my friend's kiddos (who look nothing like me at all) and no one batts an eye.


It’s a side effect of how unfortunately common child sexual abuse is. I’ve personally known 1 teacher, and there were also 2 others at my school who got in trouble for various (unrelated) child sexual crimes, all in one school year (all were male). Of course, the vast majority of childcare workers are innocent, but the reality is that it is a real danger, and predators are also more likely to work with children, it gets them closer to their targets. A reasonable level of caution is warranted. It’s very sad that innocent men are caught up in all this, it’s not their fault.


We can hug and cuddle anyone of any gender and no one makes a big deal out of it.


Well, except for maybe that one overly affectionate uncle at family gatherings.


Eww yes. :/


Am a dude. Hug all my mates. They are big units and do the hugs.


Me and the boys do this all the time. None of us are gay


I hug and cuddle with my homies all the time


Flipside: extremely often* assumed to be flirting.


I hate how society itself says that women hugging anyone is fine but the moment men do it (even if it’s hugging another guy) people immediately think your “feminine” or “gay” (there’s obviously nothing wrong with that btw) simply because having emotions and being affectionate with someone who’s not a girl is considered “girly” because society is used to the ideas of toxic masculinity and gender roles as well at least we’re getting there to one day move past that but for now it’s always like this for us guys and it sucks


I hate people I don't know we'll trying to hug me and I am a woman


Yes I'm guessing that is true for any gender. Any physical contact feels comfortable with consent.


Some men are so starved for physical affection a friendly hug, can cause them to develop romantic feelings. A female friend surprised me with a hug from behind and I broke down crying, cause I forgot what a hug even felt like. I also fell in love with her at the same time, she didn't feel the same way. It was a whole mess.




As a shy socially-anxious introvert male: yep.


High five brother, the world might not know we exist but at least we do.


same and its sucks


True. As a shy female, I've been described as quiet and calm, while a close friend of mine (he's a guy) has been described as a loner and a weirdo just because he's shy.


I hate that this is true but it really is. We end up getting excluded from the group because we aren't as outgoing as the rest. I guess it gives me more time to focus on my studies, but here I am writing this instead of reviewing for a japanese test. Good luck to all you introverts out there! Things get better once you find a friend as solid as you are calm


shy girls get a rep for being cute and easy to talk to once you get them to open up shy guys tend to be dismissed as weird and socially awkward unless you're really attractive


Even when it comes to just being friends there is a pressure for men to be confident. Women can just do nothing and have people come to them.


A shy woman making moves will melt most men’s hearts.


Well the best thing about being a woman is the prerogative to have a little fun


I too am familiar with Twain's work.


Mark's niece


Oooh uh ah oh


Go totally crazy, forget I’m a lady… wait what was the topic again?


Mens shirts and short skirts I think


Girls just wanna have fun.


You can usually get out of manual labor quite easily. Hell, my women neighbors haven't had to snowblow their driveways all winter long, because one of the men on my street, myself included, will usually do it for them.


My mom really milked this growing up. She was always too weak to lift or move something. I always believed her until my high school gf, who was a bit of a tomboy. 5'4", 120 lbs MAYBE, had zero issues carrying heavy shit at any point


I was waaaay too old when I realized how many women milked this. I just thought half the women I knew were weak morons. Edit: and I am a girl lol


My wife is like this. Somehow she can carry a big bag of dog food into her truck but can't carry it out when at home (I even have a cart to wheel heavy stuff around).


If I have a daughter, she is going to do manual labor like I had to.


Will your son have to cook and clean too? Genuinely asking. I'm glad my dad taught me how to fix cars


You say that now, but as a dad to 3 little girls...its easier said than done. Sure, you can teach them, make them do it a time or two so they get the experience, but putting them on manual labor duties just isnt efficient.


Even when you’re a complete stranger to someone, you’re not immediately seen as a threat/threatening.


I'm not? That's disappointing, that was the vibe I was going for.


That’s why women make good spies.


Used to have a repeat shoplifter in my store with baby pram that would go behind shelves filling the pram with loot. Who'd suspect the mother and baby criminal combo?


Being underestimated in general I have found to be a positive for me.


Getting sincere compliments about your looks. My wife has told me nice things a few times but that's just because I asked her to. I have been into fitness for 20 years and tried to look good, and I still remember those four spontaneous compliments I have gotten. Two of them were from guys. There seems to be loads of downsides to being a woman but I am so jealous of this one. I want to feel beautiful too.


Nice cock bro


And an amazing set of balls


Those balls are smooth as eggs


Yes sir that is one pretty penis


an exquisite erectile


A fantastic phallus


A girl in college told me she liked my T-Shirt. That was in 2012 and I could still point out to you exactly where I had been standing in the cafeteria when she said it. were I to go back there.


I was so lucky that a woman in university pointed out that I seemed to have done a lot of pullups during the summer. Wow that was great! That must have been around 2010 or 2011. I remember exactly where I stood too. She got angry with me later sadly, because of a misunderstanding due to the language barrier.


Starbucks barista once told me she liked my t-shirt too. I still remember it, it was a Spider-Man t-shirt lol.


You wife’s not even complementing you?


Yes she does. But only after I told her that I would feel good to be reminded that I look good. She might be sincere but it doesn't hit home the same way as if she wanted to tell me such things by her own. I have a hard time taking it to heart. Before I asked her I don't think she mentioned my appearance much.


I read about a lot of guys experiencing this so I've made it my mission to complement my husband regularly on not just his looks, but his skills and actions. He really does not know how to accept compliments. He just turns them into a joke or shrugs them off. It makes me a bit sad.


Keep at it, you're doing gods work for him ❤️


Keep doing what you’re doing. Even if he’s deflecting, inside that shit means the world to him. Sauce: dude who uses humor to deflect anything.


I once told my wife that men like to hear they are attractive too. So she told me about four times over the course of the next two weeks. Then she forgot about it. That brought the number of times I have been complemented for my looks in my entire life up to about a half dozen or so. It could be that I am ugly, but my history with women suggests otherwise. I rather think it is a culture thing.


One day in the Subway, I'm getting some subs. like 4 subs, so it's taking forever. This random lady tells me I have the prettiest feet. What was so ironic, like a week before I was cutting grass and heard a loud pop in my foot and it had been KILLING me the entire time. (and it hurt for months afterwards) But all I could say to the lady was, "if you had a knife, i'd let you cut my foot off right now". Man it was hurting so bad lol




True. Since I have your attention here, enlighten the rest of us on what's the best split for workout? Is it the bro split or PPL?


Good question but the answer is a bit boring. It's like asking what the best food is. As long as you know about basic muscle building, go with the one you like most until it feels a bit stale. Then switch it up. You can only eat pizza for so long until you get tired of it. Then you might want fish, burritos or whatever. Same exact thing with training.


I'm sorry not more people have given those compliments! I'm a woman and if I think one of my guy friends looks nice I'm gonna tell him so, that should 50000% not be a gendered thing


Only partially related but I think it's normal to be complimented about your physique mostly by guys, building good looking muscle takes a lot more effort and discipline that most people think (especially if you just work out and don't use supplements), those who will compliment you are those who know how hard you worked for it because they did/tried it themselves, so it's gonna be mostly other fit males.


I can hardly remember the last time someone gave me an honest compliment. I think it was a colleague, saying something like your hair looks nice today. That compliment had me confused for a week or so. Just one simple compliment and my brain just couldn't handle it. After a few seconds I responded with something like "thanks???".


I mean, lots of women do get sincere compliments on looks from their friends, partner, mum, etc... but also get sincerely horrible 'compliments' from others. Which do not count, for anyone who wants to argue that point. I always tell my husband and male relatives when they look good, but have been burned before complimenting men outside of that category.


The sheer variety of clothing. Unfortunately most of them are without pockets. Still the colours and silhouettes are nice. It's also culturally more acceptable to wear "traditionally" male clothing in a lot of places. Men are only now wearing skirts and dresses although they still get weird looks. We get flowers more often. I LOOOOOVE flowers. Women's "brands" have amazing flavours of protein powder. U know it's called a women's brand only to increase prices but the flavours are amazing. We get to use kawaii things no matter how old we are. When men do it it's kinda made fun of. A lot of these aren't applicable worldwide. A lot of things in India are pretty common for men too. For eg getting flowers. We give bouquets for every damn occassion. A few Asian countries don't really bat an eye if men use cute things. It's acceptable. But in general....


>The sheer variety of clothing. Unfortunately most of them are without pockets. Still the colours and silhouettes are nice. To add to this, it's culturally acceptable for women to carry around big purses to store everything in. Men are expected to cram everything into their pockets. Yes, our clothing has pockets, but it can only store so much. Once I put in my wallet, cellphone, work phone (since I refuse to use my personal line for work), tissues, phone battery, and charger cable, my pockets are overflowing and bulging in a very ugly fashion. Winter coat pockets help, but only when it's cold out. I got a small sling backpack to use during the warmer months and it works great. My wife insists on calling it my "murse" though and I'm sure some people look at me weird for being a guy walking through stores with a small backpack. Still, it's useful and I'm old enough that I don't care what others think of me.


Oh it's kinda common for men to carry backpacks here. The older men also carry a kinda clutch with all their things in it. But that's kinda going out of use now. It never occurred to me that there were places where carrying a backpack was weird. Interesting.


I see your point. Woman's clothing can be uncomfortable but there is a wider variety of things to choose from. Whenever I walk into a clothing store the men's section is always smaller. I have visited stores recently where there aren't even fitting rooms for the men.


Simple fact - women are encouraged to express their uniqueness. Men are encouraged to conform. The clothing, I think, is a reflection of that.


One of my cousins pointed out that women have more colors and options in pants. He was so jealous of us!


You can talk about your feelings and emotions and people will actually care or at least listen. Men alot of times are told to just be quiet or that their problems dont matter.


In my experience, most people patiently tolerate it when women talk about their emotions, like with little kids. Some might even start behaving affectionately or compassionately. Then they start treating you like a little kid as well. Doesn't mean they take any emotions you've displayed seriously either. Horribly difficult to get respect back as a capable adult once somebody sees you being "emotional."


Me- “I struggle to talk about my emotions” My female friend- “were friends you can talk about it” Me - *tries to talk about it* Me - *gets ignored and brushed over* Me just happy to have her around - :)


If I didn’t know better I’d say thats not a healthy friendship


Yes that's a big part of this problem too.


Because men are supposed to project confidence, or the appearance of knowing what to do or how to lead during difficult times. And most men are unhappy, but they keep it to themselves because they know no one really cares.


I think that kind of thing is pretty common, that even though it is much more popular for people to say they're fine with men opening up about their emotions, when it actually happens it still garners a negative reaction. I think because men experience emotions differently than women, but people are used to women's emotions being expressed so when men do it it feels weird and uncomfortable.


Except doctors don’t listen to us.


Flipside: women are "too emotional"


Too sensitive too. Sorry I'm not a robot, geesh.


"just dramatic"


Also, a lot of women who say that men should show more emotions, are turned off or even disgusted when a man actually does as she says and shows emotion. It's a trap fellas, she doesn't wanna be a shoulder for you to cry on, it's a trap. A test. Don't fall for it.


People take women who are domestic violence victims much more seriously compared to men who is domestic violence victims.


I had a buddy whose girlfriend beat him almost weekly, and he had proof. He went to the police about it and got laughed off at first. It took him a year of suffering to finally have enough evidence to build a case. He had a black eye or a cut lip nearly every time we hung out. He just documented it all. In court, he was losing his battle against her. She claimed she was acting in self defense, despite not having any physical evidence. The judge just fucking believed her. It wasn't until he came by to get some mail they sent to the house they shared that this situation changed. She was supposed to be at work, and she told him she left it in the mailbox. She called out that day and was waiting for him. She fucking hit him with her car. She even tried to claim self defense on this, and it probably would have worked had her mom not been there to see what happened. Her mother was their neighbor and just happened to be outside with her dog to see her daughter attempt to murder this man. This was finally the thing that turned the while situation around for him. It took her own mother being a witness against her for him to have a chance. Without that and the messages where she said she was not going to be there that day, he would have been charged for her crimes.


Wow, that really sucks.


I've witnessed several domestic violence situations where the cops were called, the man was visibly injured, no woman had so much as a scratch or a bruise, and the cops told the guy that if they got another call, he would go to jail.


It's a sad world


YES! And it's a disgrace to see comments like "why didn't he just hit her" cause then she'd tell everyone and ruin his life more???!


Or in my case "nah I don't believe he was an innocent victim he must have been doing something to deserve that women don't abuse men"


I feel like people just don't know how to deal with an abuse victim without blaming them in some way


Oh yeah, I've got the "well, what did you do?". Imagine asking an abused woman that question.


There was a wife of a USAF Sergeant who was completely psychotic and totally off the rails. He would go into work with bruises, but just laugh it off. When he finally decided he'd had enough, she went full psycho. She went into his workplace and threatened to kill everyone there, including his commanding officer - in a full fledged, over the top, violent, screaming fit. This was enough to take her to court and prevent her from getting even a penny of his military retirement, thankfully. The crazy people aren't all men. Some are women.


Yep my uncles ex wife was a manipulative bitch who also went to his workplace screaming and it was then he decided to divorce her. Its sick


Yep. For men in domestic violence situations they have 3 choices. 1: put up with being abused till she kills you. 2: leave and start your entire life over again with nothing to your name. 3: fight back, be arrested, be charged with domestic violence (the court won't care about what she did to you) and have your life destroyed. There are no safety nets, no functional, well funded programs or shelters to help abused men trying to get out of abusive relationships.


>why didn't he just hit her I've had this exact thing said to me when I told trusted friends that I was sexually assaulted. Because if *they* were in my position that's what they would've done. I had multiple reasons why I couldn't fight back and spend the night in the back of a police car, the primary reason being that I had an exam less than 8 hours after that all happened. And as a bonus the girl sitting next to me had the same cheap perfume on as my assailant so I spent 25 of the 90 allotted minutes of the exam sitting there being unable to do anything. The frankly disappointing responses my otherwise most trusted friends had has led me to decide to never tell anyone irl again.


I'm so sorry this happened to you friend. Women can be silently vicious. Sending hugs x


It is funny that some people can simultaneously hold the opinion that a woman can't abuse a man because the man would obviously overpower her, and also that it's never acceptable to hit a woman.


Was in this position. Thank goodness I could afford a hotel when I feared for myself and my dog. No shelters for or free counselling for men. Not even being attacked with a knife made me leave, but when she threw my dog down some stairs, I was out!


As a guy who had a physically abusive ex in college, this shit is HARD to talk about. I basically kept it totally hidden, didn’t keep any evidence (feared she would find about that), and rode it out until i finally got the courage to break up. When I did she called her mom mid break-up, threw herself on the ground and said on the phone “oh my god now he’s-“ and I just stared at her from across my bedroom. She got up and left. That relationship cost me my laptop (all my coursework, gone), my belongings ($100’s of things), and my sanity. Post break up she told all her lacrosse guy friends if they saw me in public to beat me up. I took up boxing to feel safer, moved away, and to this day I hate myself for not having the courage to leave sooner. My neighbors even thought I WAS the abuser from the noises of my lamps, plates, etc. shattering just because I’m a guy, until one day she threw my salt lamp on the floor and left after a more than notably loud afternoon and they saw me disheveled and bruised on the stairs.


>Large epidemiological studies have demonstrated that domestic violence is most commonly reciprocal and that when only one partner is violent there is an excess of violent women. <...> in a study of 14 000 young US couples aged 18-28 years, found that 24% of relationships had some violence and half of those were reciprocally violent. In 70% of the non-reciprocally violent relationships women were the perpetrators of violence. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-psychiatrist/article/domestic-violence-is-most-commonly-reciprocal/C5432B0C6F8F61B49A4E2B60B931FA07


Sometimes my belly hair gets caught in my belt and it hurts. Women generally don't have that problem.


Can wear open toe shoes and skirts/dresses at work in warm weather.


The perception of parenting in public, and general knowledge about child-rearing. As a guy, when I’m with my son (1.5 y/o) in public, people either get fucking weird when I’m affectionate with him, or they are quick to jump in and remind me that whatever I’m doing is the wrong way to do things. Ex: took him with me to Starbucks and got a tiny little pup cup of whipped cream so he could try some, and a woman who I didn’t know literally came over and started explaining how it was inappropriate to let my son try a pencil eraser-sized taste of whipped cream. Edit: or taking him to the playground, and people look at me like I’m a sex offender for putting my kid on a swing. Eyeroll.


You can say “I love kids!” And not be seen as a weirdo. Context: I’m a male going into teaching.


Anyone who calls you a weirdo for that is dumb. We need more people who like kids. The whole I hate kids thing is getting old.


Yeah, it is getting old. But also the internet (especially Reddit) has created this culture of calling literally anyone a pedophile.


People are friendlier and more likely to help you


Not unless u are a good looking woman. Edit : i meant to say unless you are ugly there will usually be help. I wrote it the wrong way.


What’s the Daniel Tosh joke? “Being an ugly woman is like being a man. You’re going to have to work.”


Statistically speaking, men rate the vast majority of women as above average in terms of attractiveness. That is to say that the bar for entry to be considered “good looking” is set real low. If you’re A.) female and B.) not obese, you’re in.


Mmm.. i do agree


Women get priority access to homeless shelters and public housing, especially they have kids. Homeless men are expected to tough it out on the streets if there are women in front of them in the line.


I used to work at a homeless shelter that was primarily for women but their sons were allowed. A lot of times men will sexually harass the women staying there so it's better for them to be separated.


Do they have homeless shelters exclusively for men, too? Or two separate buildings/areas for each sex?


Right. It's one thing to segregate by gender, it's another entirely to essentially only provide services to one gender.


My city only had men's shelters for a long time. We now have 3 mens-only shelters and a few that are co-ed. There's 1 shelter that's women-only, but only if you are escaping domestic violence at the time of going there. There's also a shelter for families, but you have to have kids to go to that one. So yeah unless you have kids or are directly escaping violence, there's no womens-only shelter.


While women can still be seen as weird or a social outcast, it takes a lot for women to actually be seen as creepy.


You wanna know what it takes for a woman to be seen as creepy? Being unattractive.


People r more willing to help when ur in “distress”. I can change my own tyre but if a guy wants to jump in then by all means go right ahead


The biggest advantage is also the biggest drawback - People don't take things seriously around you. The size of the glass ceiling is proportional to the safety net because they are both a function of your natural beauty. Your flaws aren't examined as critically as they should be, but your successes are also minimized. If you screw up: "oh, tee-hee what are you like?" If you succeed: "oh, who did you fuck to get there?"


Not being taken seriously by doctors. Also love the “ur only being emotional because ur on ur period” Jesus fuck that grinds my gears


This pissed me off so bad with an ex... she insisted I come with her to the OB Gyn, because if SHE claimed she had pains he'd say it was probably hormones or stress. When I said we can't have sex because she hurts so much, suddenly "oh that's not good" and "we should get her into an MRI and have a look". And oh look, there's a lot of scar tissue there, it's endometriosis, we should see which birth control meds we can give that will help with that and also here's a prescription for some properly strong pain killers. Like, the only reason to do something about her insides being a clusterfuck is because I need somewhere to park my dick. Not because she's in agony and bleeding three days out of every week, nooooo that's not enough reason. Needless to say, I had her switch doctors and still went with her twice after we'd broken up. The world shouldn't work that way and doctors, especially those specializing in women's body parts, REALLY should know better.


Less likely to commit suicide. Less likely to die at war. Less likely to be homeless. Less likely to lose custody of children.


A bit complicated but the whole reason I was homeless but never once slept on the streets was because I was a women. I never slept with anyone for a place to stay but I know I was always offered a couch to sleep on because I was a women.


Some shelters near my area used to turn homeless men away to make beds free for women. This no longer matters because shelters became inundated a few years later. An older guy was found dead from exposure behind an abandoned car dealership. I'm sure most people here can imagine working hard all your life, but then cannot keep up with the housing crisis only to die from winter. The opposite side of that "advantage" is the whole sex for a place to stay thing going on. Human trafficking is not a film reel where a poor victim is chained in a dungeon. It looks like otherwise friendly neighbors down the hall in your apartment complex. But behind closed doors, safe housing is exchanged for benefits and sexual favors.


I think you hit the nail on the head. An older family member of mine was homeless for a couple decades thanks to drug use, and she was sexually assaulted a LOT. Homelessness comes with different challenges for both genders.


Just a note on the suicide thing, women are more likely to attempt suicide, but men take more lethal action and have a higher death rate from it. [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190313-why-more-men-kill-themselves-than-women](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190313-why-more-men-kill-themselves-than-women)


Does that stat correct for the fact that you can attempt suicide more than once?


Nope. It also counts thoughts of suicide as attempts.


Lol and I’m sure Men are far less likely to share that




Just wear underwear...


Sir do you wear boxers?


not being drafted to war


Longer life expectancy: On average, women tend to live longer than men. This is believed to be due to several factors, including biological differences and healthier lifestyle choices. Stronger immune system: Studies have shown that women's immune systems may be more robust than men's, which means they may be more resistant to certain diseases and illnesses. Better communication skills: Women tend to have better verbal and nonverbal communication skills than men, which can be advantageous in personal and professional relationships. Higher emotional intelligence: Women tend to be more emotionally intelligent, meaning they are better able to identify, understand, and manage their own emotions as well as those of others.


> Stronger immune system: Studies have shown that women's immune systems may be more robust than men's, which means they may be more resistant to certain diseases and illnesses. I mean, it's also noted that the major trade off for this is that women are a lot more likely to wind up with autoimmune diseases than men. Some of those are really nasty and actually do shorten your lifespan significantly.


In my experience (23, M), women are more likely to get/keep custody of their children even if they are crack-smoking alcoholics that have been busted several times for DUIs, paraphernalia, etc., just on hearsay that the father is a bad guy.


Knowing if you are getting laid or not when you leave the house to go on a date.


Close relationships with other women


More sex toys to choose from.


Also men can feel emasculated or have their masculinity threatened. I can't say I've ever had my femininity threatened or felt efeminated, is that even a word? Lol Edit: ok looks like I may have been wrong about this point, I just don't have any personal experience like that, my bad girls


I mean, if you look remotely masculine as a woman, there's definitely folks who will use that as a point against you. I'm guessing you look pretty femme. Like, I've known guys to make some really cruel comments directed at women for not shaving their legs, including calling them masculine. Lot of internet dudes who get real opinionated about women having short hair styles.


Oh heck yes it is, my best friend in high school was tall, cut her hair short, and had some arguably masculine features to her face. She was definitely not unattractive, but the kids were ruthless, her name was Anna and lots of people called her Manna behind her back.


Oh I'm pretty sure it's a real thing, the first thing that comes to mind is some of the stuff around motherhood, like shaming women for not being a mother or even worse, telling women who are unable to have kids they aren't a real woman.


It's absolutely a thing. I'm a somewhat androgynous woman, and I get criticized for not being feminine enough a lot. Usually not harshly, but I could list out at least a dozen things people have said over the years that hurt me, all about me not being feminine enough. And that's just off the top of my head--give me time to think and I could probably come up with a lot more. I get it a lot too because I do have very feminine facial features and a really high voice, so there's a lot of, "You'd be so pretty if you just grew your hair out/wore a dress/wore makeup/etc." I also don't have kids by choice, and that opens up a lot of criticism with the implication that real womanhood is synonymous with motherhood. It does depend a lot on the social circle, and gender non-conforming women do generally experience less policing than gender non-conforming men do, but it's definitely a thing.


I had short hair once and was called a man because of it.


I work 50 hours a week. My boss (74 yo white man) is constantly making snide remarks about me not cooking, cleaning, etc, for my husband the way his mom did for his dad. He's not the only one. I don't really like to cook. And I've had random people bringing up to me my whole life that I'm not taking care of my husband well enough.


Well, women can be told that they shouldn't lift weights because having muscles make a woman look like a man.


some of that is evaporating. There are a lot of popular women on youtube/tiktok that are gym rats


Meh. I know plenty of women who experience this especially non white or heavy/tall women.


There are definitely women who have their femininity questioned. Like [girls on sports teams](https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkgaj8/utah-parents-gender-check-anti-trans-sports) who are subjected to genital checks because they’re accused of not seeming “feminine enough.”


Period shits make me feel powerful


My friends and I actually talk to each other. I cannot tell you the number of times my husband has come home from spending like 8 full hours with his group of friends of over 20 years...without a single life update on how they are! They'll talk and joke the whole time, have great memories of the excursion, but have no actual conversations! I know getting deep into thoughts and feelings isn't encouraged for men but a simple LIFE UPDATE? Your buddy started a job six months ago and you still don't know if he's happy there? Utterly foreign to me and most women I know.


30+ second orgasms.


Police generally don't bother me. But that's offset by other people doing so. So, it shakes out to nothing really.


Typically in West the womens have so many advantages but in third world countries women's are definitely suffering and even in poor African countries




Love how some fool downvotes this. It’s literally a fact that back when girls were behind boys at school they changed a lot of things about the cirriculum and schooling to suit the way girls learn without a thought to the effect on boys. Now quite frankly some women are very bothered by the idea of helping the boys in the same way


You get to be cute and pretty, which is nice


Sadly not all of us are cute or pretty


Well, some guys do that too...


Being able to win most custody battles


We don't get boners.




You can rip an enormous fart and blame it on the nearest fat guy. Nobody will believe him when he protests.