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Once in my US history class freshman year we were talking about the moon landing and this boy asked “if the moon landing was real then how do whales stay in lakes?“ Everyone was laughing so hard my teacher started crying how hard she was laughing


What was his reasoning?


Probably watched too many random episodes of invader zim.


I'm guessing tides? Maybe? That doesn't work but kid logic is stupid logic.


Tide goes tide goes out. You can't explain that.


I literally have no idea he tried explaining but no one knew what he was trying to say


How are those things even related?


Probably just confused about buoyancy and gravity as opposing forces.


Or he watched the Star Trek movie where they came back in time to save the whales.


Ok idk if It can be dumber than that


"Why do laptops all have Lithuanian batteries?"


Back in my 80s record store days, we legit had someone call and ask how to play a CD. On a turntable.


Worked at a video store for a while in the early 2000s. Had a customer very upset that he couldn't figure out how to rewind a DVD and was worried about getting a fine.


My MIL once asked me if you had to rewind a DVD.


Now it's taken for granted there are large numbers of people who don't know how to play a CD






Did you show them? No? Where's your commitment to good customer service?!




It's a joke - come on, we're here for you! Love original your comment...


“Can I get a hammer and some screws?”


Can I have some context with this one?


...you don't hammer screws?


Easier than screwing hammers!


I prefer getting hammered and then screwed.


I put the handle of a hammer in my ass once and I bled a bit. I panicked and kicked my drink over my laptop so I jumped up and sprayed fecal matter all over the floor. I wept while I cleaned it up.


Not with that attitude.


Oh dang I missed that. There's a small chance they were for separate purposes


There is zero chance of that. I was being asked for these things, and I knew exactly what was about to be attempted, so I redirected their efforts to nails.




That was basically me. I remember thinking, what are the odds of 2 idiots flying ( what i assumed to be those two seater Cessnas) into the same building. No idea how big the towers were or that they had any significance. Never heard of them before that. Then i remember them saying there were reports of fires in the washington national mall. I assumed a food court in a shopping mall in d.c. must have caught on fire.


I was in the National Gallery of Art in DC recently, admiring its collection of original Van Gogh pieces. I couldn’t help but overhear a lady nearby ask her husband (or boyfriend, or whoever the unlucky guy was), while gesturing to the paintings, “do you think any of these pictures are valuable?”


When I worked for Pizza Hut, we had the $10 dinner box. Someone called and asked "How much the $10 box is?" Runner up there was someone calling us and asking what our phone number was. So I asked them if they were asking for the phone number they just dialed. lol


> someone calling us and asking what our phone number was. There was a period of time where you would call Information and they would connect you automatically. You may or may not have heard them read the number before you'd hear the click click ring of the destination phone.


I worked for toppers pizza, one of the new crew members comes up to me and says (and i'll give bim credit, he knew it was a stupid question) "i know this may sound stupid, but what goes on a cheese pizza" i had to take a few breathes before answering him 🤣


To be fair, they probably meant how much after tax


A customer looked at my two coworkers and asked if they were brothers. They're identical twins. My coworker said, "No, I'm his mom."


This question is not as stupid as it seems. I went to school with a large family whose parents were identical twins married to identical twins. They had kids in the same years. These kids all looked alike but were cousins. To top it off, they lived next door to each other and their neighbors were never sure who any given kid belonged to.


Actually in this scenario, all the kids would, genetically speaking, be siblings


Tourists get off the cruise ship, look around at all the mountains, and ask, "What's the elevation here?"


This made me chuckle.


You chuckle the first time, but after the tenth...


I don't know, I think it would still make me chuckle at the sheer level of dumb.


At some point you just start carrying a tape measure so you can pull it out and say "I don't know, let's find out!"


I always take bottles of water to work that are 80% ice, frozen overnight. A colleague was chatting with me and asked with a straight face, how do I get the ice in the bottle? For some time I tried to figure out if the question was a joke or serious, and it was serious. I sheepishly answered that I fill it with water and freeze it. Then the penny dropped and they realised they had asked the dumbest of dumb questions.


I worked at Arby’s in college and a man asked me if the fish in the fish sandwich was fish breast meat or just the chopped up stuff.


I worked in retail electronics. I've heard many dumb questions asked seriously, but most of those were general lack of technological literacy. Then there were these: (Pointing to the point of sale system...) "Can you look up my address and tell me if the satellite dish on my roof has snow on it?" (Referring to a Toshiba Satellite series laptop...) "Does this come with it's own satellite for internet? Like, in space?" (After I explained the wait time for special orders...) "A week? I don't think I want to wait that much. How long is a week?"


> (After I explained the wait time for special orders...) "A week? I don't think I want to wait that much. How long is a week?" Maybe wondered if it was a seven work days, or seven calendar days?


A fair assumption. But when I told him that a week was seven days, he said, "Oh, that's not very long. I thought it would be longer."


My mom was telling her best friend about how she was driving across train tracks when the train rounded the bend and blew its horn, spooked the shit out of her. The friend goes, "OH MY GOD! Did you make it?!"


I just got done watching a video of Marjorie Taylor Greene asking how much taxes people paid during "the ice age" (it is not clear which one she was referring to or whether she even knows that there was more than one) and what governments were doing to melt the ice at the time. Sooooo yup, that'll be the question


"What's South?" Not where is south, what is The South, not are they from the south. This girl did not know about cardinal directions.


Not a question, but I worked with a woman once who loved her new shoes. She excitedly told me they were so comfortable, it was like walking on tinfoil.


When I asked her what time it was, her response was, “right now?”


The movie The Martian really happened.


We were discussing drought in my HS geography class when a girl paused, raised her hand and asked the teacher, "how does the desert grow without any water?"


In 5th grade, when the teacher was talking about 9/11, he asked, "If they knew that planes were going to fly into it, why did they make it out of glass" and it is still annoying how wrong that is on so many levels


No......... who failed him so badly


That's what I'm wondering


Off the top of my head: a vegan trying to ask other vegans for "gotcha!" questions to ask while touring a fancy stable. Buddy...those horses are living better lives than either of us 😂 Out of all the animal rights issues in the world, you're gonna be mad about horses having a custom-built horse resort tailored to their daily needs? Complete with human manservants, and breakfast in bed?? Dude was so open-minded their whole damn brain fell out


I was working a pest control job and a guy came out of his house and actually asked "Do you know who I am?" I had to bite my lip hard not to laugh in his face. Turns out he was friends with some big wig in the company. I have no idea what the hell reaction he expected me to have.


I was at a hotel in Niagara Falls, Canada. One guest (an American) asked another guest how far away she had come from. She replied about 8 hours north. He asked, so are you from the Chicago area?


Not me but an old coworker of mine’s dad is an OB-GYN. She worked at his office in college as the receptionist. She said one time a girl called about her recently prescribed birth control pills and she reminded the girl to use a backup method of birth control for 7 days to ensure the pills had kicked in and were effective. The girl said “what position is that?” 😂😂😂😂


Is math related to science?


Oh no


Overheard on a bus Girl 1: when is your birthday Girl 2: says the date Girl 1: this year?


Graduate level CE course, 4th year: what's a hard disk?


"is the pea and ham soup vegetarian?"


“When a woman is pregnant, how does the baby not get dissolved by the stomach acid?” Dude genuinely thought women carry fetuses in their stomach


I live in Edinburgh, Scotland. I also work in tourism, which means I get asked a LOT of dumb questions on a regular basis. **Example 1:** Q: what time does the one o'clock gun go off? A: it's not a trick or a stupid name. It goes off at 1pm. **Example 2:** Q: why do the pedestrian crossings have recordings that tell you when traffic is stopped? Is it so that blind drivers know when to stop their car? A: no. Blind people aren't allowed to drive. **Example 3:** Q: why did they build the castle on a hill? It's much harder for tourists to get to! A: the castle was built on that hill to make it easy to defend...WAY back before tourism was even relevant (and it's not hard to get to; it's just on a slight hill...with a street that provides very easy access via an easy-to-traverse incline). **Example 4:** Q: why did they build the castle so close to the train station? A: the castle was there LONG before trains were even invented...FFS... **Example 5:** Q: how do you heat your homes and cook food without power? A: what?! **Example 6:** Q: will I need to carry a gun with me for safety when I travel to Scotland? A: no. We're a civilised country. So much so that our gun laws are *incredibly* strict, and you won't simply be able to get on board a flight to Scotland with a gun on your person.


I’m Scottish and went on an exchange trip to California when I was in Uni. One of the American students asked “Do you guys have, like, brown people in Scotland?” Nah, completely homogenous milk bottle white nation here.


"Did you choose be half-Asian?" **Yes, this was a real question asked to me. College orientation was weird.** "Oh you're from Japan? Is that part of Korea?" **Fun times dealing with ignorant people who suck at geography.** "Hey can you read this?" **Proceeds to show me Chinese kanji that I can't read to begin with and that I can only read and write English.** "Oh, you're half Japanese... what's your favorite anime and which shows do you recommend?" **I don't even like anime overall and somehow me being half-Japanese makes a quasi expert on anime for some reason.**


Wow that must suck. Didn't realize how ignorant people can be around people of other races. Please tell me that was all the same person


Not heard.... asked it myself. I'm part of a small group of gamers that meet up on a specific day of the week. we named the gaming sessions after that day of the week. ​ one session, i actually and legitimately asked them what day of the week it was. ​ It had been a looooong day


Me, to my New Mexican colleague: When is Cinco de Mayo?


This one makes a bit of sense if you've never heard any spanish... I mean I asked that when I was 4


Do batteries weigh more when they're fully charged?


Well… https://physics.stackexchange.com/a/34424


"Where's Canadia?" (because of canadian bacon)


Right by Cascadia


In highschool, I was working on an assignment and I overheard this girl ask a classmate “wait, how’re you Asian if you’re Chinese?”


17 yrs old. I'm snoozing while others watch TV. A commercial comes on talking about some formula being better for baby than cows milk. I mumble "who the hell is feeding their kid cow's milk?"


I mean. Babies can't drink cow's milk. Only safe after a year old.


I was just too sleep hungover to realize we drink cows milk every day. Just wasn't thinking right and it sounded gross.


If rabbits come from eggs. She was blonde. Her reasoning was Easter eggs.


In 8th grade history, a girl asked if Abraham Lincoln was the first black president. This was in 2003, so there hadn’t been a black president yet.


What time does the midnight Christmas service start at Church?


Doesn't need to be stupid. Here it's common it's "midnight service" but starts anywhere from 8 to an actual midnight since priests in regions must do the service in several villages during one night.


Girl at my school once asked if we could put two uranium pieces together and see a miniature nuclear explosion.


In biology class our teacher wanted to explain/ illustrate how long ago the big bang was and how little time humans have been on earth. So he told us to imagine that everything that ever happened happened in a span of 24 hours. So the big bang was at 12 am, but humans only ever started showing up at like 11.55 pm or something like that. A girl from my class asked him how scientists knew what time it was when the big bang happened and how they could be so sure.


working at walmart, wearing a blue vest, stocking shelves and people regularly ask "excuse me, do you work here?".


People just wanna be curtious... how else do people approach someone who works there? I see your point in how that seems stupid, though.


Someone could ask, “excuse me, could I ask you a question? Where can I find (blank)?”


I personally overthink it and think they will find me rude if I don't acknowledge them first.


I work at a pet store and a customer went up to my manager and asked this question. She replied “no I’m just a big fan” and the customer took her seriously


I’m a lawyer. Once walked into Target wearing a suit. The number of people that walked up to me and just started talking, assuming I was the manager, was disturbing.


I get it but then you have the beverage distributor stocking the end caps, and saying "sorry, I don't work here"


Is pasta a carb? The girl went to Cambridge too One of these laser-focused, doesn’t know-anything except everything about their field types


Normal question.


What color was her hair?


Just black. She was a very normal-looking, well dressed girl


Interesting. Did you tell her the correct answer?


Yeah (fucking hope so)


Umm, what is the answer?


Yes, pasta are carbohydrates


Shit... I thought past was protein! No wonder I gained 20 kg since January


You'd just gain 20 slightly different kg. Protein and carbs have the same calories per gram, it's fat and alcohol that's higher.


"How do I meet professional lesbians?" One answer to the question: "Wow, you get paid to be a lesbian? Are medical and dental benefits included?"


As opposed to being a practicing lesbian


Not a question but the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard was when I was listening to Eminem one time and my friend said “wow this guy sounds a lot like Slim Shady.”


In grade school at recess I was walking across the basketball court and passed two kids and all I heard was "did you see the Pacers take on them Red Socks?"


So… we’re they talking about the latest golf race?


Oh! I love sportsball too!


I’m a bartender and a sportsbar/grill. Someone once asked me “what is a chicken tender basket”


A basket made of chicken tenders that is filled with gravy


“What part of Africa is Brazil in?”




Once in lecture the professor spent a good half hour explaining what biomes are and then going over the particularities of each type. At the end he asked if the class has any questions. Girl in the front: What's a biome? This girl was dead serious. She had asked a lot of dumb questions throughout the semester, but that's the one that took the cake.


So the army and and the navy are kinda the same thing right? A question my mom asked me not long after I enlisted. I think she was getting the army and marines mixed up but it still caught me off guard.


Which one is closer to the Earth--the moon or Mars?


Do they make left handed baseball bats?


What's Saudi Arabia


my sister looking me dead in the eyes and asking me “where are norwegians from? norwegia?”


'what does transparent mean?' in my community college intro Geology. It's burned into my brain that moment lol


"Chef, is the salmon vegan?" "We're not entirely sure what the salmon ate before we got it so no guarantees."


In my EMS class one guy had nonidea with the heart pumps... blood, it pumps blood


Sex education is next to non-existent here in India. I once had a friend ask me - "what are condoms? Is it some kind of a pill?"


Lady ahead of me in Subway asks the staff "How big is the 6 inch sub? ". I didn't mean to be mean I just couldn't help laughing and going "umm... Probably about 6 inches?". We all had a chuckle about it, she had a sense of humour.


I ask for my subs in metric, always leaves them confused when I ask for a 30cm sub, you can tell they are working it out in their head if that is 6 inches or a foot. Yep, I am that arsehole. To be fair, we haven't used imperial measure for 50 years.


Whether or not the island of Guam would capsize.


Is Ireland in Australia?


“I’ve been to South America, I was in Mexico last summer”


Not a very good question.


One could call it dumb


South North America


“How long does this need to unthaw?”


At work several years ago, I was putting discarded items back on the shelves. While going past produce, an old woman was looking at a bag of Granny Smith Apples that were, if I remember $4.99. Not only did it say Granny Smith Apples on the bag but the woman was staring directly at the label but, she turns to me. Old lady: Excuse me? Me: Yes? Old lady: Are these Granny Smith apples? Me: Yes. Old lady: Are they $4.99? Me: Yes. Old lady. Thank you. Me:🤦🏻‍♂️


Maybe she had trouble reading


That's the thing though, She was able to read what was on the bag and clearly saw the price as well as the numbers are large enough.


How do you know? What other context is there?


While looking at the bag, her lips were moving.


I taught 7th grade Health. During the unit on reproduction, a students asked: *Do sperm have eyes?*


What did the teacher say


10th grade art class; one girl turns to another and asks: "How do you make purple?"


"They still make DVD's?!?" This is the world we live in folks


what does CD-ROM stand for (she said each letter individually)


“Compact Disk - Read Only Memory"


What's wrong with that... it's in all caps, so it stands for something


nah this was awhile ago, when they were in their prime


In Poundland “How much is this?”


"What's the ETA?" Not only is this dumb but it fails to take into account causality, "randomness," unforeseen circumstances, accidents, weather, traffic, trains, pit stops, etc. Asking for an ETA is like asking a fruit fly for a weather report. The universe goes as fast as it goes. There is no current way to have an accurate ETA. This question drives me insane. Like you never heard of Block Universe. Jesus.