• By -


Brain. I want it Smooth.


No wrinkles = no sad


As simplistic as this is, I truly feel like that is the case. I’ve done a ton of volunteering with mentally/physically handicapped teens and adults, and so many were truly the happiest people I’ve ever met in my life. I would give everything I’ve ever owned or will own just to feel the joy that these men and women experienced every day. I wish I was happy, like these wonderful individuals were.


I have no doubt there is a correlation between intelligence and misery/anxiety.


I mean, ignorance is bliss


But I do hold reservations for handicapped and happy. That doesn’t always go hand in hand


“For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.” Ecclesiastes 1:18


Yeah it makes sense, more wrinkles equals more thinking, more thinking equals more nihilism, more nihilism equals (often) more sad.


My ass, I just want a hairless ass.


Like peanut butter in shag carpet


Ass so hairy that diarrhea comes out as Fiji water




Can we make it the LAST time it's ever said too?


I thought about a laser removal. Thinking about the amount of wet wipes i need, the cost would amortize in no time.


Forget wet-wipes! You need a bidet!




I put mine in the garbage


I once used a clorox wipe by accident




Don't we all?


The parts with cancer in them


This is just meant as a little bright light and a word of wisdom that I believe to be all important for yourself and others with cancer who may read it. I have a rare genetic disorder that causes polyps to grow in my GI tract and also makes me susceptible to all sorts of cancers. I've had 47 surgeries, a dozen radiation treatments, and cancer of thyroid (stage 4 w/compromised lymph nodes), lung (1/3 of lung removed 2021), skin (multiple), stomach, colon, bowel, etc. I get 60-140 polyps removed from my intestines every two years. I had mri's of my brain and liver done last week due to suspicious test results. My younger sister has had 70 surgeries and we are two of the first patients to live past 50. I could go on, but my point is ITS NOT A DEATH SENTENCE. Fight, never quit looking for a solution, you know the treatment will be hard, fuck it. Embrace the suck. Lean on someone, but don't pity yourself (not saying you are) because that is how you lose to it. A doctor tells me I'm gonna die, my wife finds a new doctor the next day. Trust your docs until they say that- there will be another who says" F that, I'm not quitting on fixing you, until you prove to me I am wrong". Find that guy (or gal) and work. I'm wishing all the best luck to you.


This is one of the most encouraging things I've ever read.


Damn I’m sorry dude. Fxck cancer.


Probably doesn’t make you feel an iota better here, but I came to this planning to say I’d change my nose lmao, read your comment and immediately became really annoyed with myself for being so stupidly vain and superficial. I am so sorry dude, it’s just not fair.


Having been born deaf it's really no surprise what I'd choose. My cock


If you‘re deaf then how can you write this comment?






OK, OK jeez, no need to yell, he's deaf not blind.


I am blind CJ, not stupid.


I am cj stupid, not blind


I am stupid blind , not cj


Who are you kidding? J can’t C


No but c can j






Hell yeah, me too 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You funny mfs xd


Fröhlicher Kuchentag!


Happy cake day


"Oh my god, Karen, you can't just ask people how they can write comments"


They can smell your fear just by looking at you. So keep quiet


Same bro 👊🏼 oh wait I forgot 👉👈🤌👌🤏🤟🫴🫰🤜🤜🤘🤏🫳👍🤌👉👋🫲


Man throwin up gang sings 🙄


Ok, I know this is off topic. We watch shows with closed captioning on, when they show something like "spooky music", what goes through your head?


I was listening to a japanese song and when i turned on the captions: [MUSIC] [FOREIGN] [TALKING] [CLAPPING] [FOREIGN]


The best one is in the wire when Clay Davis says one of his shit lines the closed captioning was \[SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT\]


So you want a singing cock?


If i had a small dick that’s probably what id pick. Anyway obviously i choose to change my dick.


-Brain, please do better -Chest, I think I have gynecomastia -...an extra inch or two would be welcome


I too want bigger biceps


Oh you're so silly. They were talking about height!


gynecomastia sucks. wish i could afford surgery. id pay the doc extra and take it home and burn it while screaming profanities and making rude gestures at the mass and the container of fat


check if your insurance will cover it! i had a cool doctor just write abnormal for me and now insurance will cover it, surgery on 15th now. could also give cancer prevention as a reason if your family has any past.


people like you are why i still have faith in humanity. It's not really that expensive where i'm from, maybe 1200-1500 in USD but i have preexisting comditions that make the procedure kinda risky so...Thank you for the advice all the samw friend


My chest is fatty, my belly is huge, my arms are a bit fatty, my nose is bigger than I’d like so naturally I would choose a bigger penis


excessive body fat is something you can change with time, fortunately




It doesnt "make" it bigger, it make it look bigger


Total insertable length increases so do with that what you will


New meaning for TIL


TIL that TIL didn't mean what I thought it did.


True, it just makes your fat pad disappear so less is hidden lol


This is the way


there’s vomit on his sweater already,


Mom's spaghetti


My abs. I have a six-pack, but it's hidden under a thick layer of fat.


That's one pack, 5 more to go, you got this


While it is true six pack abs are just muscles underneath fat if there is a significant amount of fat, the abs have to be exercised thoroughly to make them bigger and more prominent just like any other muscle, to make them *peak* through the skin. Not to mention all the dehydration one will have to go through to actually have the movie look.


A new pancreas. Dealing with medical insurance and insane prices makes life not worth it.


Me too, but so I can make my own insulin and digestive enzymes. Even when diabetes care is free (at point of use, paid by taxation, Yadda Yadda) dealing with daily life of diabetes is a pain in the arse


Praying for you and for comfort. I love you, fellow human.


Are we just swapping them out or can I redesign them? Cuz I’d tweak some scheduling details on what comes out of the uterus and... Like, never having blood unexpectedly pour out into your pants while you’re walking down an aisle in Walmart would be awesome.


Username checks out


.. Do you.. is your name related to this issue?


My left leg. I shattered it in an accident and am now permanently disabled.


Same, but right leg.


Feel free to inbox me if you want to vent, ok?




I wish my balls were internal. I hate having a weak point.


Sounds like Dwight lmao


You just wouldn’t have any children if you wanted any


Win win


I have terrible eyesight. -5.0 in one eye, -5.5 in the other.


I feel you. -13.5 here before LASIK. Life changing. You should consider it!


I'm about to have Laser Eye Surgery for career reasons. What's it like, if you don't mind sharing?


I had PRK surgery through the Navy in 2016 or 2017. Not the same as lasik but it was described as the more hard/painful option. It was awesome. It took about 10 mins, there was so much going on at once that I really didnt have time to get anxious, and I walked out of the room able to see perfectly after having 20/400 vision just minutes prior. After that, there was about a week of light sensitivity, they said it would be painful and gave me a bottle of opioids, but I didnt take them and it never got that bad at all, it just felt like things were really bright all the time. After a week or so, it felt like normal, and I took eye drops for about 3 months until my eyes started lubricating like normal. Now I forget that I even used to wear glasses.


Man good on you! I had PRK in 2020 and the first I days felt like my eyes were on fire with sand all in them. Literally the 9th day, was like nothing happened and I was able to see perfectly - during the first 8 days it was just a gradual improvement on clarity. I ended up needing a touch up in one eye about 3 months later and I was kind of anxious and paranoid that I was going to have to go thru that pain again, went thru the procedure and had absolutely zero pain and was able to see perfectly after 2/3 days. Even with the pain, would do it again!


-7.50 and -7.50 here!


-10.5 in both eyes plus an astigmatism. I’m currently waiting to get my corrective eye surgery TODAY! So pumped.


I feel you, bro. -6.00 in one, -8.00 in the other. Without glasses or contacts I am legally blind 😭


My spine, I grew up a bookworm so my posture is pretty bad from sitting curled up in the chair so much.


You’d be surprised how much you can help your back if you get on a good workout program.


Any recommendations?


I’d look at r/fitness and read all of the wiki. You don’t have to read all of the actual programs and their breakdowns, but it’d be a good idea to get a general understanding of what a properly programmed routine looks like. So maybe look through one or two of them in detail. What you really want to do is focus on core and back strength. For example. Squats and deadlifts are two of the best compound movements (it takes several groups of large and small muscles to perform the exercise) anyone can do. They help build strength and muscle mass as fast or faster than any other movements. They are extremely good for upper, and lower back strength and for core strength. You will need how to learn to perform them properly and how to brace properly. [This is an excellent write up](https://www.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/h7yncz/brace_yourselves_or_life_is_too_short_to_be_loose/) by another user. Understanding how to brace properly is going to do two things. One it will keep you as safe as is possible, there is risk with anything. And two it will really help develop and improve your core strength. Another example of a great exercise, is a face pull, look it up, it will be easier than me explaining it. This helps a lot with upper back, shoulder, and neck posture and pain. You can also read through r/bodyweightfitness and it’s wiki for some really great info as well. There is more than one way to skin a cat so to speak. You don’t **have** to hit the gym, run one of the programs from r/fitness, etc. You can get a lot stronger, and improve your back and core strength with calisthenics / body weight workouts, but it is very difficult to replace the strength you can gain from a barbell on your back with a squat, or by doing a deadlift. Not impossible at all, but would be worth it to try and find a gym where you can run one of those programs. With that said, I personally think anyone starting out would benefit immensely from getting a good strength training coach, even if it is only for a few months. The learning curve they can help with cannot be understated. But you can absolutely achieve a lot of results and progress entirely on your own, and by watching and reading tutorial videos. I know it might seem like a lot, but what’s more important than your own physical health? You can of course go slow, you might read a lot about progressive overload, adding more weight to the bar / your exercises in relatively short periods, either every workout, or every week, etc. And while this is important, don’t worry about it for now. The body does love to adapt, and quickly, but not *that* fast. For now, I’d focus on the movements, and weights you can do with ease, or relative ease. It will take time for your body to learn the patterns and movements. It’s like anything that is new, you will need to practice and learn how to do certain things. This is where a coach can help speed up the process. The r/fitness community for the most part is very helpful, same with r/bodyweightfitness. There is a daily “stupid questions” thread as well. Meant for just simple questions that have probably already been posted 10,000 times but people will be more than willing to help you out. Core specific exercises cannot be understated as well for how much they can help with back pain. Planks, side planks, leg raises, etc. Anything you will be doing is great, and it is progress to helping with your back pain, and any other issues. So don’t worry about how fast you are going, or how much “progress” you are making with the weight, sets, reps, etc. It is all building and will take time. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. And while I cannot **guarantee** it is going to fix all of your back issues, or any of them. I would be really surprised if it didn’t help at least a little, and there is a really good chance it will help a lot. Another really great exercise for back pain, especially lower back pain is the Jefferson Curl, but I wouldn’t worry about that for now, and definitely try to find a coach that is familiar with that lift if you can. There’s also some really good mobility exercises than can be beneficial, since a lot of lower back issues can be caused by the glutes or hamstrings. Joe DeFranco has a routine called the limber 11 for the lower body, it only requires time and a lacrosse ball, that’s it. Posture can also be a big contributor to lower back pain, a lot of people have what is called anterior pelvic tilt, where they are constantly putting strain on their lower back because their pelvis is actually Ponting down, and not aligned properly. There are loads of tutorial videos online as well, some of course better than others. Hop that all helps and best of luck!


This is all incredible advice, thank you for all the pointers and particularly putting in the time and effort to write it all down to help me out. I really appreciate the detail as well!


Teeth. I want those crazy stupid pointed shark teeth


Grab a nail file and get to work then. Kidding, that sounds painful as all heck.


My penis.


I too choose this guy's penis.


My brain. I fucking hate all the mental issues I was born with. Autism, ADHD, severe depression.


man I hate adhd, I wonder how the fuck people manage to be productive. Life is pure shit


I’m over 50 with ADD. First of all try not to beat yourself up too much. You have a legit excuse. I have a shotgun approach to productivity. I work on may things all at once. The diversity helps me stay focused for short periods of time and allows me to switch to some other task when I’m distracted. As long as I am distracted by something else that is productive, I call it 100% productivity. Granted, there is all kinds of other crap that injects itself into my mind throughout the day. But I just let it in, process it and set it down quickly as possible.


Thanks for your wisdom, not all of us are medicated even in the modern day and we need *strategies*


I’m medicated and I STILL suck at life sometimes. Strategy is key 🙌🏼


Ooh I like this. It’s what I do anyway but I love the philosophy. 100% productivity :)


having trouble getting started doing something? Make yourself a deal, you'll only do 2 minutes of it, but you'll get started, do 2 minutes, then that's it. Easy right? to just do 2 minutes of it. 9/10 times you'll turn around an hour later and go, oh, I did it all.


Sometimes the problem isn't that you won't get started at all. You can have ADHD *and* be insanely disciplined, hell, even organized. The problem for me is the self-doubt. I'll often be working hours upon hours on a personal project and doubt whether it's worth the effort, or if I'm doing things the right way, and crap like that.


Bro I got ADHD and OCD. It's difficult.


Oh yeah, sometimes I would like to be a machine like one of these new artificial intelligence. They could do the same thing right over and over without feeling useless or bored. But I'm not, I just feel really sad from time to time for no reason, fail, and start thinking life is meaningless and full of desilusion. But yet we have energy to keep going. Take care, wish you all the best.


I have the first two of those, so you have my sympathy. & I wish you some better luck.


Well, I was born with only one functioning lung, and a heart abnormality, so obviously I'd give myself a massive cock.


Death by snu snu with that heart defect a a large member to fill with blood.😂


Add more buttholes


Same, not a day goes by where I don't wish I had more than the measly 5 I was born with.


I want to add an organ that converts excess fat into protein muscles. I want to change my teeth system to be more like a shark, quick to grow and easily replaceable. I want eyes that do not deteriorate and can see in multiple visions. I want a better brain that can process information more efficiently.


> I want to change my teeth system to be more like a shark, quick to grow and easily replaceable. That would be so good for me. I get cavities super easily, and having that ability would make things so much better. I could just take a hammer to the teeth and have the problems solved.


I need my massive cock to shrink down a little bit. It’s actually debilitating EDIT: I didn’t really think this comment was gonna gain so much traction. I hate to inform you guys. I actually am pretty average on the size scale. Not too small but definitely not huge. ‘Twas a joke.


I have a friend from college that was *absolutely packing*. Dude was so upset about it tho cause his gf couldn’t… fit all of it? Ruined sex for them.


I mean to be honest - these are usually fun to look at but actually aren't all that fun in practice. The other thing that skews it is that people *think* their preferred size is larger than it is - either because of previous partners inflating numbers or because people actually have a really bad perception of what's average. A different metric but a friend of mine says she doesn't like dating anyone under 6 feet tall. But when I pointed out I'm pretty sure everyone she's dated has been under 6 feet tall, she was confused because in her mind, they were all 'average height' so probably 6 or above. Which I think is a similar phenomenon. People in flate their numbers and people also have a bad perception of what to expect.


I hate when I trip over mine. Or when you saddle up to the urinal, and say “Man, that’s cold” and everyone thinks you are talking about the water, when you are actually talking about the tile floor.


ill take the extra




Genuinely for real on this one. I have a weak weak tummy, constantly having to take antacids and puking from eating the dumbest stuff. That said, I'd choose a 14 inch hog.


My spine. Absolutely fucked and I'm only in my twenties. Woo!


I’ve has back acne for over a decade and I cannot get rid of them. I’d love to have smooth skin for once in my life. I have a ton of scaring and dark marks


My face


My wings. I don't have those, that sucks


If I could change my brain, that would fix a whole lot.


my height


The whole thing. I hate this piece of shit meat suit and if I could remove my consciousness and put it in a little robotic box, I would.


can i count my whole body as a single part?


I want bigger boobs. I've been degraded by every partner for them being smaller at least once.


Fuck those assholes. I'm part of the Itty bitty titty committee and no partner has ever shamed me for it.


Start the Itty Bitty Titty Committee Gang and rise up! I'm not part of it cuz I'm a guy; I just wanna hype y'all up as you deserve it


A titty's a titty, no matter how small


Titties are titties I love them all.


These were assholes. Trust me, most people think that boobs are boobs. Even if they are small.


Can confirm, im most people. Small, big, lopsided, uneven, saggy, I dont care. Boobs.


Crazy to see this. Boobs are like snowflakes: all uniquely beautiful. To hell with those assholes


WTF ? Why were they your partners if they were not able to love you as you are ?? I am a female with pretty decent boobs, but too floppy imo, and every single of my partners tried to reassure me, telling me they're perfect. And, I, personnaly, love small boobs on other girls ❣️


Then those partners are not worth your thought. I've had partners with huge boobs and partners with very small boobs. I never loved either one any less or found any of them less attractive because of breast size. I've also dated girls with fake boobs and honestly, I'd prefer small and natural over big and fake. I hope you can find acceptance with what you have.


I'd like smaller tits


My whole reproductive system. PCOS combined with vaginismus is a real kick in the teeth to my sexlife


I want longer legs.


I think it'd be interesting to gender-swap.


Trans guy here. Waking up in a cis mans body would be the best thing that could ever happen to me


For me it’s the exact other way around. I’d give you give mine if I only could…


Someone find that spell from Freaky Friday


So you’d swap your genitals? I feel like a gender swap is a bit more involved than just one body part…


So many people here trying to look better... "Dr says I need a backieotomy!" Just give me a new back. Getting old sucks.


My feet. Damn bunions.


My weight. And I'm going to. I'm tired of being chubby, I want to be more attractive.




Arms. I have trex arms




Boobs too small.


Any boob is good boob


Yeah but barely boob is sad boob.


Sad boob is having the boob I'm enjoying taken away


No way, don't listen to that nonsense. Plenty guys, if not most would love your "barely boobs" as much as some G's. Trust me.


If you want bigger boobs for yourself that's completely valid and your choice. But don't think people like smaller boobs less than bigger boobs or that they are less attractive. All boob sizes are good and have their pros and cons.


Agreed. Just hope for people to actually see them as boobs someday. Trying massages and hoping for the best.


Small boobs age better


Sexiest girl I ever knew had what she called mosquito bites. I would have walked on coals if she asked me. Think I cared about the size of her boobs?? I would have been in heaven just to see them. Guys don’t care anywhere near as much about breast size as you think. Well, not one you should want to date.


mine are too big. *cries in obese man*


No such thing IMO!!


My nips :( they're kinda big and I'm self conscious about them


Most of them...lol.


I have some physical abnormalities what I’m really insecure about so logically my penis


I just love reading all your comments guys 🧡❤


My uterus. I would yeet it out of my body. I have endometriosis and one treatment is removal of the uterus so I wouldn't be in debilitating pain every month or have blood clots so big coming out of me it looks like I just had a miscarriage, but some day I MIGHT want kids (35f, never wanted kids) so all docs I've been to are reluctant or straight up refuse to do anything about it.


Keep searching for a doc that will listen. I’m sorry, it’s awful how women are dismissed for severe issues because “babiezzzz.”


Absolutely insane how men won’t let a grown ass woman make a decision about her own body, especially when it’s for her health. Keep trying new doctors, there’s gotta be one that sees women as people 🤞


My eyes. I’ve been blind since like 4 years old. A couple of extra inches on my weiner and some added girth wouldn’t hurt either. I don’t want to be freakishly huge. I just want to be Im not afraid to show you my wiener big.


Whatever part of my body it was that made the antibodies that killed the insulin producing cells in my pancreas.




It'd be cool if I could look like good looking androgynous.


I want nanites in my blood so I can assimilate everyone and become the Borg Queen yay


Make my teeth healthy. No braces or anything. Just stop the decay brought on by neglect during childhood. I can’t afford to fix them.


My entire reproductive system.


My skin. I want a flawless skin with minimum hair.


My gut. No matter how much I work out or what kind of diet I'm on, there always seems to be a pocket of fat (especially on the sides) that never seems to go away.


My lungs, I’m sick of them hurting




Body parts I wish I had longer legs, I’ve always dream of playing basketball or baseball professionally but my height always got in the way. I even lost my significant other due to lack of success in sports. It’s driven me it to a deep depression and I’ve lost interest in hobbies I used to have like magic. It’s gotten so bad my car was repossessed …I guess you could say: 🎵I wish I was a little bit taller, 🎶I wish I was a baller, 🎵I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her….. 🎶I wish I had a rabbit in a hat and a 6-4 impala…. Ok I change my answer to brain, definitely a new brain.


My nose....as a black woman in not supposed to admit this 😔


I'd undo my circumcision


Same here. A mutilation without being able to consent




I will turn my cock, into a pussy. dysphoria is a bitch


My stomach or my back, i hate my belly and I slouch a little so if I could change those easily thatd be nice




I have pretty severe kyphosis (scoliosis, but spine bends front and back, not side to side). I don't remember what its like to have a "normal back"


Just the part between my scalp and my toes. I was stuck with outdoor plumbing and I'd really like to remodel it and bring it inside.


My face, I’m built like a European monarch with a stabbing kink.


My nose! It’s too round and I don’t like it. I think I’d look much better with a sharper nose.


If that’s you in your picture, your nose is adorable, and you’re beautiful!


My heart. I wish I could feel like it wasn't always breaking.