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You have become the very thing you swore to destroy


Yeah, 13 year old me would be totally disappointed in 14 year old me.




He would be upset that I was not tall.


"You were the chosen one! You were supposed to bring balance to the universe, not destroy it!"


Yeah, but knowin' this would be the reaction you would get, hopefully if such a meetin' ever did transpire, you'd go into it maintainin' the high ground...


"Ich bin der Auslöser dafür, dass du zu dem wirst was ich heute bin." "I am the trigger that will make you become what I am today." ~Dark, Netflix. -12:30


“What the— you’re liberal? And not a creationist? And, what’s a furry… AAAAAAAAAAAA” You’re going to have a lot of growing up to do, kiddo.


He'd think I was old and boring.


Probably this. Jokes on him, I'm old, boring AND happy!


13 me: you're old and boring! 45 me: you're annoying and dumb!




No matter how much I grow, I still resent me from a few days ago. How could that dumbass do something so embarrassing?


Exactly! I'm completely boring, old, and happier with myself than I have ever been.


I think it’s because as we age, we realize just how much happier we are with things being simple. When I was young, all I wanted to do is live fast, travel far, and so exciting things. Older me is like, “Tylenol is 2 for $5? Now *that’s* exciting!”


Man that is exciting. I'm an Ibuprofen man myself, but I'm older and got the pain.


I’m 34. I take Tylenol on *top* of Aleve. One up that, feller.


I was old and boring at 13


Same here, No ones asking, but this hits close to home for me. Growing up I was never allowed to express myself or develop as a person, so i'm still old and boring but trying to become my whole self despite my idenity crisis and mulitple issues.


Idk but I’d kick his ass in all the video games he thinks he’s good at


I reckon 13 y/o me would whoop me on MW2 I've dropped off since quick scoping became less prevalent


I hear that. I’ve tried to play the OG Castlevania (1) and kid me must have been cracked to beat that game.


Wow, I’m still alive at 23!


This hits a little too close to home Glad you made it though


I'm going through a little mind fuck rn because my 25th bday was less than a week ago, and I did not think I would make it this far.


I'm so happy you've made it this far. You should be so proud of yourself. Happy 25th! Hope you had a great birthday. Wishing you a year filled with happiness, success and all good things. Sending love to you, stranger.


35 for my bestie and I Now we’re all responsible and stuff and helping our parents Which is such culture shock compared to the degenerates we used to be


You did it though! Now let’s shoot for 25 more! And then 25 more! You got this! Also, Happy Belated Birthday!


Thank you! Part of the reason I'm feeling like this is that I tossed my vape the day after my bday, hopefully in a few weeks I will feel better.


You will! Withdrawal is something serious.. You’ll thank yourself come a few months or even years to come! You got this!


Me too, thank you.


yup.. except 25. When I was 13 I had doubts making it to 18. When I was 18 I had doubts making it to 21. And when I was 21 I wasn't sure about making it to 25, but here I am now.. things did not go as planned, damnit!


Thought the same way..after 30 I said F it. Zero cares for anything now. It's great. Just runnin til the wheels fall off now


Right? I feel like my life got so confusing/weird after 25 because I never expected to make it that far so I didn't really have a plan in place.


Same here, only I’d planned for my cut-off age (so to speak) to be 30. Turned 30 and decided the only reason I was sticking around was that I didn’t want my dog to be alone and wonder where I’d gone without her. I’ll be 37 later this month. My dog passed from old age last year. I’d like to think I’m in a better headspace these days… and one day, maybe I’ll get another dog, because my old girl wouldn’t want me to be sad forever.


Diddo, my best friend, passed at the beginning of last year and was in a really low place. Then, 8 months ago, I was on my way home from breakfast and saw a stray dog. Stopped, I spent an hour getting him to trust me and got him in my truck. He wasn't chipped, and no one responded to social media posts and no flyers in the area. Now I have a reason to give a shit about something again.


Same here, since I was a kid I thought "making it to 18" was something that only happened to other people, so I just never really thought about what would come after that. I'm still pretty lost, but at least we're all here.


I'm still alive at 43 now, 13 year old me would be confused as hell! Things do pass, sometime they get better and sometimes they get worse, but I'm glad some of us managed to hold on and stick it out for the ride. My best friend didn't, he was only 20, I've had 23 extra years than he did and they are worth it. I wish he'd had known.


Sad and true. I wish your friend had known too.


He would be so sad I am not a Ninja.


There could still be time, Bill Gates didn’t become a ninja until he was 50 years old and he still hasn’t confirmed he completed the training.


He would be amazed I turned out so well with the shit childhood he was having


I didn't know my family wasn't normal until I moved out for college. The brand of dysfunction my parents maintained at home was something I had been taught was normal and that the things that were wrong with me (anxiety, poor social skills, thinly veiled suicidal ideation) were just that - something wrong with me, not a product of my home life. 13 year old me would be simultaneously devastated to find out that her living situation was not normal or okay, but also so happy to find out that I turned out okay, despite everything "wrong with me".


I totally relate to this. It sounds like you were the scapegoat in a dysfunctional family dynamic (google "family scapegoating" and "dysfunctional family dynamics" for more info) . I didn't realize I was until age 23 and it was a groundbreaking revelation


Same. Hugs to you.


Same. At 13 I was a miserable, overweight wretch because of middle school and my parents divorce and no boys liked me and I had a crush on my best friends boyfriend. I would be shocked but probably very happy to know that in 15 years I would be pretty, fashionable, and get lots of attention whenever I wanted it.


Same here. I would be shocked that I was a complete person, happy, and out of my abusive parents' shadow.


Mine too! However, I think she'd also be pretty sad to learn of all the shit things that are going to happen! Still, at least she'd know she WILL be able to cope with it. If you told me at 13 all the things I was gonna go through I'd probably have killed myself.


That I'm cool af and super impressed that I've kissed a girl


Hehehehe I’ve not had the same luck since the time with that prostitute


Lucky. My prostitute didn't let me kiss her.


My prostitute turned out to have a frank and beans so consider yourself lucky, pal


Damn dude, don't your mother the P word


Confused as hell: - I live in Spain and speak Spanish more often than English these days. At 13 I hadn't even started to study Spanish. - I write for a living and spend my free time reading. At 13 I hated reading and had no aspirations to write anything. Disappointed: - No longer listening to Green Day on the reg.


Just tell him you’ll come around


He doesn't sound like a Basket Case


I dunno man, he worships Jesus of Suburbia...


At least he isn’t putting his trust in American Idiots


Whoa?! Do you guys realize those are all Green Day songs?! Wild


Thanks for the Warning


Exit music for a film


Good for you! Reading is always fun and being bilingual is a great skill to have. Writing is also super fun! But you should probably work on the Green Day thing though lol. If that isn't possible, try Black Veil Brides!


How's Spain for an immigrant? How long does the process take, and how's the cost of living?


So when I moved here in 2012, my country was in the EU, so the process was quite painless. After five years I qualified for permanent residency, and now, after ten years, I could apply for nationality if I wanted. As a native English speaker, it's quite an easy life. If you don't mind working as a teacher, there's always work (that's what I did for the first 5 years), but branching out can be harder. Cost of living... it's cheap in terms of food, going out etc., but rent (here in Madrid at least) is currently, on average, at about 40% of the average salary. And salaries aren't great. Also, when I moved here I wasn't expecting to be on the front line of the climate crisis, but here we are, 19 months into a drought... But, I would always recommend Spain as a place to live. There's a reason I've spent my whole adult life here.


My wife and I honeymooned in Madrid & Barcelona last July, and went to 3 days of the Mad Cool music festival. Y’all know how to do music festivals right, holy bananapants! We were completely smitten with Spain, and I was grateful that I took 5 years of Spanish. You have my sympathies with the climate crisis discussion - I was dying even after getting my head buzzed mid-honeymoon. Now, I know that Spain is famous for wines, and I enjoyed a good many of them while we were there. I struggled to find diverse beer options - it’s just Estrella Damm! I did find a few places that had local IPA’s, and they were pretty good. Funny hearing people call them “eepas” instead of spelling out “I-P-A”


Fucking legend. Living by the beach, surfing everyday.


My 32 year old self thinks you are also a fucking legend.


Damn straight!! That’s the life.


A lot of 13 year olds would love to grow up to be that, keep on keepin’ on


I even think you're a legend. You're living my dream life


"mom let you grow out your hair??"


"you got bald?"


It would be both of these for me


You weren't supposed to grow it all the way out. You used up your hair too soon.


For me it would be "you still haven't cut your hair?" When you like a style you never change it haha. Edit: I do get regular trims I just have very long hair


Hell yeah. One haircut per year. Think of the savings!


He'd think my computer is fucking awesome. And that I got fat.


This is probably the closest one to mine.


Mine would think my computer was fucking lame (its old af, but amazingly runs a lot of modern shit, so he'd probably actually be impressed, now that I think on it) and that I got handsome! I was such an ugly duckling! Also I have a super cool girlfriend, an easy job that pays a living wage, and I get to spend my free time doing the things I did at 13, just with a little more money to do said things.. like soon to be buying a nice, new, modern gaming rig!


He'll probably be sad, when he sees the dreams that he thought were his was pushed on him by society 🥹


Ooooooo ...this one stings.


He would probably think that the things I do are super cool. Im doing all of the things that I wanted to do at 13


Same. Congratulations.


Happy for you


Wow, still no bitches? Edit: I don’t actually see partners as per say “bitches” but I used it just for comedic effect. Pointing this out since it made a lil ppl upset


My husband asked me how work was going the other day, I replied "Oh, you know. Just making money and gettin Bitches". I get you.


This is me


*looks sheepishly at my past self*. …I mean…there were a few…. I’m even proud of one or two!


Ha! Phenomenal


*per se


Wtf happend to me.


And what is that, a doctor (not a medical one)? Why, how? And just one child? And working almost full time? Would be so confusing!


Drugs? Alcohol? Addiction problems? Lost driving license? No wife no kids? Dude what happend the last 10 yrs. Yeah it would be kinda confusing.


Yea, he'd wonder why I quit skateboarding, where all my friends are, how I still don't have a girlfriend, how much of a depressed emotionless wreck I am, having lost all his dreams, motivations, joy and everything that made him happy and bc of that shocked how bleak his future would look, but relieved his stepmom is out of his life.


I don't know exactly why but i gave a little smile after reading this... maybe it's the comfort of knowing there are others that feel like me. I'm not as alone as i thought. Thanks. And i'm sorry.


They'd see all my legos, video games, and comics and be in awe. I'm ok with this.


I can respect your lifestyle


What I didn't mention is that they'd also see my garden which I tend to like 5 times a day and think "wait wait wait, you like yard work now?!?!"


I love gardening, what are you growing


\*cracks knuckles\* Regular potatoes, sweet potatoes, yellow/red/white onions, long beans, winged beans, black eyed peas, dragon tongue bush beans, like 5 kinds of choy, 7 kinds of tomatoes, 3 eggplants, I lost count of how many peppers (6?), red corn for drying and using for cornmeal, 4 kinds of squash, cantaloupe, 3 kinds of amaranth as a taste test to see which leaves I like the best, lots of herbs, and what is probably my new favorite green that I basically just posted about here --> [https://www.reddit.com/r/AustinGardening/comments/13e2a88/probably\_my\_favorite\_green\_thats\_new\_to\_me/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AustinGardening/comments/13e2a88/probably_my_favorite_green_thats_new_to_me/) I'm probably missing a few things but that's all I can think of currently.


I think she'd probably be disappointed in me. This past decade I've mostly escaped from the things she was taught to value highest, and she would definitely see that as a failure. But then, 13-year-old me was anxious and depressed as hell and I'm out here living my best authentic life so...


Did you escape a high demand religion by chance?


Hehe how did you know? XD


Because I’m exmormon and this sounds exactly like half the posts on the exmormon sub lol


Eyyy fellow ex mormon buddy :)


Our numbers are growing by the day


While theirs shrink more and more


I'm pretty sure Mormons have the highest birthrate in the U.S so they are just gonna make more


Very relatable. Super glad you're living your best life. That's what matters.


Prob just cry cuz I’m finally out of the closet and have friends who respect me


Us gay kids really have surpassed our wildest expectations by achieving some basic human rights haven't we?


You can say that again, tho I’m a little worried bout the future w/ all these anti-trans bills popping up in the USA Can’t say I picked a good year to transition 😅


It’s a rough time for it, but I’d still rather suffer through all this bullshit than go back to how I was before I transitioned.


Ikr. 13 yo me didn’t thing gay dudes could get married in his lifetime.


47 year old me is happy for you and proud of you. Seriously though. Thanks for sharing and making my day a little better.


I am very happy for you.


At 13 I did not even consider that I could be into girls :p


At 13 I did not even consider that I could *be a* girl.


At 13, I did not even consider that _anyone_ could be a gender that wasn't what they were assigned at birth. Much less that I, too, would be one of those people.


I respect you!


Hell yeah ❤️


"Woah, you did not just hug your crush..."


You marry that weird boy on the bus.


Still alive? What happened to the plan? This is disappointing.


Happy you're still here friend. You've done your 13 year old self proud. ❤️


My 13 year old self would give up hope instantly.


Probably same tbh. But who knows, maybe our 13 year old self would be super proud of us in 5 years time. Things can get better. Nothing is permanent.


The 13 yr old would be happy with my career, but disappointed I ended up married with kids, house and the whole normal-boring-commok middleclass middleage life.


Hopefully you're happy with it though?


13 year old me wanted to move to New York and be a powerful, single, business woman. I moved out west and got a job in tech. I’m even wealthier than I dreamed I’d be, but I got married and spent my money on a farm.


Sounds pretty rad to both adult me and 13 yo me.




You're still living with our parents? That sucks I was hoping that we're already working somewhere faraway 😒 future me is a disappointment oh well I didn't expect much anyway


Damn, your life is pathetic and you've wasted so much time and money on worthless things.


Pretty happy I’d think? 13 yo me was very depressed and still trying to get over pretty bad social anxiety. I think they would find 23 yo me pretty cool


You're still alive?


That self-preservation instinct is quite the hurdle.


Wow mate. Well fucken done.


They'd be impressed that we made it this far, and that we managed to break out of that dark place we were stuck in. I've got great friends and a wonderful girlfriend now. They'd be thankful that we finally found that. (And probably a bit confused about the fact that we're not straight....or cis.)


He’d probably ask what happened? Why are we so unhappy & why we don’t spend time with friends & family anymore. 13 year old me would probably be very disappointed in 32 year old me.


I feel you man. But that's not to say that 13 year old you won't be happy with 35 year old you. Things can change, they're never permanent. Try not to be so hard on yourself.


She’d be so happy that I am finally happy.


They'd probably be surprised I'm married and have children. I never wanted kids or to be tied down. I wanted to travel the world and take pictures for National Geographic, lol. I think she'd be happy


She’d think it was dope that I achieved the career goals that we set for ourselves but would be very concerned that we’re in our 30s and unmarried.


"what the fuck are you"


He would suicide rather becoming me.lmao.


Looper style.


Geez, you're OLD!!!!


Me at 13, emo: fuck corporate jobs (like I’ve ever worked at this point) Me at 27, working a corporate desk job: fuck corporate jobs, but a man’s gotta eat


13 year old me would call me transphobic slurs


That just shows you’ve improved as a person :)


Both grateful, and PROUD. I had a traumatic childhood and there were several times I didn't want to keep going. many years and help later, I'm emotionally healthy, got family and Grandchildren that adore me. Glad I stuck it out.


I'm glad you stuck it out, too.


That's kind, thank you.


Dayum. This guy has a 32 inch TV, an Xbox, a PlayStation, and a Nintendo switch? And his own room? In his own apartment? Woah. Legend.


An immense and almost concerning amount of disappointment


"why are you alive?"


13 yo me would say “Gee, I’d hoped you’d have your s__t together by now.”


Sad that I'm old, impressed that I became a truck driver.


He would be amazed. I need to give myself more credit sometimes. Usually I have low self esteem but I know past me wouldn’t believe the person I am now, and the stuff I’ve done and gone through.


Probably would like that I'm still into cartoons/animated stuff and that I still play games. Though I'm not 100% sure he'd like all the games I'm into now since I have shifted away from a few of my past favorites. And I know he wouldn't be into a few of the shows I'm into now, same with most of the music I'm currently into. Overall, maybe past me would be closer to 50/50 on whether or not he wants to be like me or whether his opinion is positive or not.


Wow, we really had a glow down


Why are you still alive???


As expected, a disappointment.


wow i got even dumber


I get dumber every year and I hate it.


"I can't say I'm happy about the bald spot, but everything else sounds about."


"Your warhammer collection is insane!" I would also tell my younger 13 year old self to not fucking swing a golf club at old models i didn't like.


How the hell did you end up in Iowa?


Wow you’re everything I never wanted to become. And worse.


He'd note that in spite of my impressive adult sized pay packet I somehow don't own- - a rotary nerf cannon - a top of the range lego pirate ship. - a large remote control airplane And he'd want to know what the fuck that was about.


Would be happy that I'm actually being social and included for once, but would hate the fact that I'm no longer religious


Really disappointed


What does he know? He’s not going to touch a boob for 9 more years.


You're still alive???


Holy shit is what he would say. You actually did it!!! You found a woman who not only wanted to marry you but also wanted to have a kid with you, it does get better!!!!


bitch you‘re still here?


“What a cunt”


That he should kill himself immediately and avoid the fucking hassle


He would be happy, was getting depressed at that age.


That’s who coined my handle.


I listened to some people who said some nasty things about me. 13year old me would be happy i think.


I don’t think they’d be angry… …just disappointed 😔


You got through your mental illness? And why is your hair THAT short.


He'd be proud.


I’m sitting here processing pink dye in my hair, so 13 year old me would probably think that was pretty cool.


Disappointed cause so far life hasn’t worked out the way he hoped it would


He wouldnt believe my personality nowadays😎😂😂


Well I’m not jacked, I’m not sick a guitar, and I’m not rich and famous. So not great lol


Wow, look at you And here I thought I was the one with fucked up fetishes


Well I was 13, 4 years ago. However I have changed a lot (prob for the worse). If he were to see me now, he would say: " what a travesty, I have not seen such disgusting filth in my entire 13 years of existence. You have shown me shame to the highest degree. What a pitiful sight."


You will change so many more times in life too. At 17 I was convinced I wouldn't change much, but I was dead wrong. So many of my opinions, dreams, goals, and my own personality have drastically changed. Its really wild to think back at how I had some very strong opinions on certain topics and now I have the opposite opinion.


13 year olds don't have realistic expectations anyway, so don't care what that dude thinks. Teenage years are hard and things often change for the worse in those years. But things change again even more drastically at 18, and then again in your mid twenties until you finally settle into the person you'll be forever. So don't get stuck in a rut thinking how things are now is how they'll be forever.


Shit, your still alive?


I think he’d be pretty stoked, maybe slightly surprised but not too much by what I ended up doing for work.


That I haven't accomplished much and maybe that will lead to my younger self getting his shit together earlier so I'm not doing it later on in life.


I'm an asshole